11 S8i I FIGUREHEADS ...- a Are No Longer in vogue Among Shipbuilders. Leas Decoration Outside nnil More In. nlde Than Formerly Old Cnn en Driven Out of IJnM ne lij- the Chimin-. The nay; o; the fancy figurehead ' on ships are almost forgotten in this j age of plain bowed five and six roas . ters. There was a time when a ship j without n fancy bowuicce was the c.v.r-j.v-u, u.. ." .v...-. . - , cne. The appearnree in a Maine jar- iior of c-ae of these old fpecimexs of i -the artistic era in Maine shipbuilding j -would le hailed with ertbB-:aFm by the veteran sJaipir.asters and by the , ..i.t yourger p-rratwu Vl i be regaraed wiih wonder. It woUid, ; at aii e-.er.ts, be a curioahy to the oc j casiona! waterfront visitors. In the shiploft of Edward S. Griflen. 1 No. 465 Fore street, .-ays the Portland j Hie.) Kxprets. may be freen imple- j mMi. inn" inc idle and rns-tinir. 1 .. . ----- -- s- , of the sbip carvers trane. les, i said Mr. Ciriffen, as he voHlnoiiir-d 5 the lost industry, "the ship carv- : erV occupation is gone. In the old days the ship sailing into port with- 1 out a hgureneaa at tne now was iiKe ; an unpolished shoe. It was all the fad and entered into the plans for a vessel about as much as the hull or rigging. It gave a finished appear ance to tire crnft which we don't see in these days and -wus not an expen sive eddition, either. "I believe I am the only one of the old carvers now in the business. 1 started over 40 years asro. The only worn ta tne snip carving nne ot late ; is coenned to repairing, nnncipally m rnhin war!- 1 "emeinber the elder Nahum Lhtlefield and Edward Chap- , man wett- in the busiues-s nearly 50 vear.- aeo on Central wharf. Mr. LittlfStld was succeeded oy his so: Nlicm. former; v chief essrineer tne nrc department, wno conttuuea ... . , , , 1 the busintss under the firm name of , Nnhitm Uttiefield &- Brother, but I when the demand for this work dis- , appeared they retired. Theodore Johnson was also in the business, on Union streerr but he, too, gave it up j .,-1..,.. -v,. :n ,1,., . !.;,. 1 trade, set in. I "The designs for bow and stern j , . p .. .1 n j t adornments were varieU. JJusts ana ; full length ugures were considerably 1 in fom!inl. n!rKniiiIi th rlrncnn u-n's ! a popmar oownieee. inose mat cia- u'l have a figure on the bow usuallv bad what we called a billet head with carved trail boards. In such a case 1 there was usually on the s,teru some laucy carved molding intertwined i with small figures. There were quite n iiiiiiiifr nf hi?strf nml full !ittrfh I 1 . ' , , 10 1 figures and spreadeaglcs both on bow and stern. The recliuin'' fiirure of a id stern. The recliuinir fiirure of a Notice i hereby eiver thut the foilnwins tr T, . .,. . "i," ,i, .i named settler has Sled notice of ht intention oman was also in much demand. t,)U to j,, fina! pZijld in aUj,port of ni. ar tiis'ajiee. if a t,h;p was. muned for claim, and tnat aaUl proof -.vill te made Le- woman Ta wom.m k prvoauie tha. a Uut or full length figure of a woman ' would be used as a fsirurehead. f "In some cases the bust or full length figure of a man would be if the vessel had been named for so well known citizen. I remember old ship William G. Davis had a bust of him in the stern moulding. I be lieve the ship Philena, owned by .1. S. Winslow. had a full lenirth fWure of r ,r:.i. ti. tji.";! i,o. , , iiitu., 1 111; iiijcijil ,. un 11 1 Handsome ship, nut was lost many 1 vears a?o. The ship Alice Cooper. ' T ... 1 .. -f 1 ouiit at Jvnightviiit: by ex-.!ayor Uan dall's father, had one of the handsom- est figures of any of the vessels com ing into the harbor. It was the full length figure of a woman. In my time I did considerable work for ves sel, built by J. S. Winston and Russell Lewis The business began to decline when the profits in vesseis commenced , to disappear The carving of figure- ' beads grew to w- looked upon us un- 1 necessary, although thi, expense of huch an adornment usually ran from $100 to S31K). The first decline began with the demand for lighter und less expensive moulding, until iinallv the -i, 1 . ' uu UI -umui urum.ru out nourei . as a substitute common rojie came into use. coil of rone with n knot 11 10 not. . con ox ropt im a Knot in the center was at first used, but now not even this is seen on one.bnlf L "ri t . . the vessels. Hie eye for the artistic in ship building seems to have been Hi,.,i,!i .i 1 . a 1 , blinded In these later days by purely financial motives. "V,,,,v vuwuu r.f i. ..wo w. vc (iiirn-iii iiiiie 1 hne head and trail boards, on the I l,n. nn,i ,.,,, i,,. tu. .. 11 1 , i tjou, and some bue the. scroll head, Some have a funev quarter board on ' the side for the vessel name. Fancy v.w,a..b w w,w luiuiui aou wimur 1 of the cabin, with u trussed knee on the forward of the cabin, are some what In use now. Hut all the inside and outside cabin decoration can never take the place, from an artistic view, of the handsome figurehead of the old days. The old business Is gone," haid -Mr. Uriffen, "and I do not expect to live to see its revival." Mr. Griffen explained that the fig ureheads formerly In use wer usual ly made of hurd pine and were carved by hand. Clarke A Fa'.k have on sale a foil line of paint and artist's brushee. -QK- OKIHKNUOKrrCU Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to tun-err, Ti. t Ooomi VI and 22, Vog t Block NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION. L-vsn Ornct at The Dall:.. Or-, September K, l'XO. I 'n:ii is hrrihr clvmi tlint the follmvirs tiasinl setiler Unt fued notice of t.er lutei.lton tn mntr ttnnl nrvmf In untort ol b.T clnlm. ami ,haS ull. lfooj wiiiin-mi-de i-eio-e the ibrtstir , nud Ket-elver stt The Ihil!i, Oregon, a WciJnc. any. '.kju'dci si, th Janet I. Mewnrt. of Hi Dalle, Or , , II. E. No. for the K, SK1., SE qr VI." y. bee , Ti 1 N. K .- E, and rv ,r N V t sec Ml, Tp i IN, n irfE, Vt M. th minse the fojlnwlnp vdttiesws o prove i her coatlnurois rcsldmec upon and etilUvutii.n OfSHid JBU1.15 ... ! J. I Nel-oit. E. K. shcr;- Juan Ileoinp. i IHitiicl ?.cwart, nil u! The 1 'slle. ej.la J.w r. l.t-'UAS, i.rgiMcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. lam Ofhce at Tin: Dalle. On.. fejitetaber, 10. WO. I Notice I henby alien thus ibe follouiif- named jet.rer na nieo notice oi m iuiensi:i ,,.,.v - - !.. ril Hi.iintmrt of his claim miiJ tha. 5Ciil pzo0( ttJll madebeioic the tesiter . and teclvera: The 1 miles. Ortsruu.ua Saturday, OeioberM. -W-J , . ' n II. ?Iatne; , of Toe :aiftr. tirestn. n.l.. ."Q. acai, 10 the !, K II hf XE or and v hf si. qr, sec 1-', 'if 1 k. r sr. He names the foHovrlns wltnttwe to provo t hN eontltiuou resideuce upon mitl cultivation . - h-U v w . c.Cla:t.n!;oiThelinllej, Orcsoti. fepis JAY V. Ll'CAS, Ittglstcr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . , .. .... . USD umcE it i i:e iulik , ui; September is, ut. -Notice hereby clvea tlial the loiiowuit;- tomate Snal prof hi uport of her claim, nml tcr.t raid rooi vm ce maae oe.ore tae icici'ter ; j mid rr ceivcr at The Dullea, Oregon, un WeJucs- jay, October si, ii, viz: Eliza. K. Vlc!:er, widow of Samuel J. Vieiets. c'.e-caed. of Mo ster, Ortcon, II. E. No. 5S). f-ir the V, sWfc r.!id s'- N sec l.V Tp 2 N. K 12 E. Jl. She narae the inlli'wSii? wltnet.e to pmve her r oatjimou realdsnec tijoa aud cultivation of inld land, viz : (ieorse Henne. nf The Dalles. O'tgnn: Jmes M.hsr. I.ee Evan. Erie (irunland, lluier. Or. spl5 JAY V. U."C.s.i:w;;stcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. La; OrriCE atTiif. Diatf, Or., j sentcmber 1U. IMH i Notice I' heiefov given that the following- e .tai flted ui tic oi hiVlntentJou to .niate final pruof in support of his claim, and th,t slt! Vr00i wl" malIe shl' Hat'-e-ttr day, October 20, lxo, viz: A r-liou S. I'M of The Da'.Ien. Oregon. H, E. N 15!, for the f He names the Xnllowins witnesses to prove uiiraunauu irau.-..w of sid lunrt, viz: 1 nm .lnw, c. H. ilatner. Charles Gossen cad W. C. Clart.all of Tire built. Oregon eP15 JAY P. LCCAii, Kecister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I asi, OrncE ii The Hailhs. Or..i Aur. Iti. P.OO. I Sa'.lee It hcrchv Kivcn that the fullowins .m toiilw hm 'f1lv nntlee of Ills tiilentinn , tomalw tlnal proof in eupportnf hu claim, and the; said proof wl!l I maoe before the regis rt-r na(J rttiter of the I?. h. land offlce at The ' Dalles, Or, on Saturday, Eep:. lfcw, viz: Heury C. Oortllim. nfTlie Dalles, Or., H. E. No. -1BH. for the -' ;E!i sec. 6. Tp I N, He names the following; wittses to prove JJ Sd1fiS?e??.,ld1M npoa "na culs,vn,luB eSm Jo'.Van, Albert Jmdan. John Pashek D1 James, Thomas, oil of The DaHe.Oifon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ea:d OrrtcE at Tise Dausc, ientiK. im. 1 Notice i hereby eiver thut the foJwiiis- Oregon, on haturday, Nuicmbur 10, l':O0, viz: t'alvin .7. Dunahin, f MoaiPr, Or., 11. E. No, 3121, for the iE qr, Ktc 31, T -i N, It 12 E, W. M. ,Mer0r - JAY 1'. I.L'CAS, Ee .istcr S2 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Ea:jd Orncc at Tue Dah-es. or.rfio:- AUKUSt 2ii, lyJ " v0um. u hcrebv civen that the fallowing' nuraed settler has filed notice of his intention 10 ; mn'.-f finnl iitoiiI In sniiTMirt of his CHlm. nnd make flnul proof in support of his clilrn, nnd T?ss& tual saio priKii win rw juaae ueioru v. 1 and I'.eeeiveT at The Dalles, Orison day, October 0, 19M, viz- 1. If ll,1llf..a ..r llntlnr. fir.. ;n.E. No. 5.s0fortheNEV-: NV'.-.::wu NE'i. i h-c 9, aud ci4 BEtf, Seel, Tp.'jN., it. 12 E., i Ve name., tne followi,1K Vltne to prove Uls M;. 1)olly Mos!er. Lea Evan,, John jjller, nil of Mtnier, Oregon. x ,AY K Sfer. CONTEST NOTICE. V. S. Lam OrntE, The Dalles, Ob.J September 15, l'XO. i A sufficient contest arJidavlt having been liled in tbU 'cilice by Jweph If. Bherar, contestant. ,,iint Inst bomestcid entry No. iJi, made June j, lfcfjo fAr (i hi NV itr f.w?s. anrl K hf NE nr sec t Tu iiK ,b r' WIIIUu Ulll conteitw. m ; which It in nllectd that nald Wlldara Gill has i I wholly abandoned said tract nnd chanced hl re,We'nw therefrom for more than six months ! gincu making said entry, and next prior to date j 'f contest: and that be did not abandon the' :twct to euter the inlliiary or naval service o! ; 1 the L'nited States. said uartles are h-rcbr notl-1 , iit to appear, reiond and oner evidence touch-" line said allegation at 10 o'clock n. in. on October ; ? t,isju, before the rcsUtcr nnd rtccher at the'; L'nited Mtts land otlice inlhe ballen, Oregon. , Tbesaldcouteatiiut haytnc, lu a iimkt all oavlt, IlleU August 11. 1J), seliortu lacu witicu 'how that alter due UUlEtnce Kmoual seivite of this, notice can not be made, it Is hereby ordered and directed that sues notice be given by due and proper publication, JAY 1'. htCAs, Ileglster. imiieTSTDiTnoicvnTidi i Notice is hereby given that the undew'gned J I I ...ii iinlv Htiiiintcd liv flie countt court of the state of Oregon, for Vi a-ico county, adinlnls ' trutor of the tstute of Elizabeth A. Southern, deceased. All persons having claims against tne estate of said deceased arc hereby nutlded ' topreteut the same, with the prir vouchers therefor, to me at my olllcc lu llid, Oregon,, within six months from the date hereof. Dated beptember 2 1, 1'XO. C. It. fiOUTHKUN. I sc.'.ij Administrator, 1 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have filed with tfcoC'lerL of the county court of the titateot Oregon for Wasco countv.thejr final act ouut as executors of the last will mid testa ment of Henry llarnura, deceased, and that Monday, the ilh day of November, IMio, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in,, bat been llxed by tho Couuty Court for said county as tbe time, aud tho county court room in Dalles City an the place for hearing of objection! to said final uc couut and the settlement of theaame. J. iV, rctENLlI, F. I. MAVH, sep!5 Executors, lit- nKita mn innovrinr ivi:neset to Tirove ci rr r..-- i.i An 11, ran ' used cornuouidence upon, mid cuitivatlon of . n. Portland Ore.' i I sBlll 1CIH1 YiZ. I-' -.- - J - - -. - I me i Mini,,,,.! iivK. 1: v. Dnvlu. The Dulles. Or., onn. f-p.itf.lf Wnisli.. and veriQU" ro:nts I the Jnmes M. llrowii m d i. arl J. E. Carltcn, of 3Io-' i' n.onnn n,,,l V.'aaliinulnn. flB w ! i , ......,T,..,..nittrii'i.iiiairiiuf; I BL CSIIIttl . CHOCOLATE BON SONS. j-ip-r-is-cr TOT1AV x xs,r-jo.a. xjjjz.j. DIRECT from the FACTORY j AT EASTERN PRICES. j q q gae1ey uu' w ' J The Druggist. ! -r d. A. JUJiUKJ-ilii. pipe Jailorip j A coaitietc line of Full and Winter ! Suitinss, Pfintincs nnil Overcoating, now j on display, iuo uiUurcut varieties to re lect 'rom. , Suits, $20 ar?d up. Call and esamine goods before coinc j elsewhere becond Btreet, opp. Muys I Crowe's, : j rri 1 i t' 3 JLc L-J&Ll . r., 1 s if j . Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Srothors' Wagon. a J i H rp-irfi m Tpffpt-enn PhrilP IAD V , g JBllLiiU. NiWlj 103 i FBENGH & CO., BANKERS. TEANsACTA ENEltAI, BANKING BVklSEZ ' Letters of Credit isnned available in the ' ! Eastern States. I Sight Eichance and Collectiona inIe at all points on fur- j orablo tertne. Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors M" H. L. Jones has opened ice cream and oyster panora in Oarey Bal j Iaf d'a old 6tand' Khe tarries ! A full line Of CandieS, 1 I N lltS and ClffarS. The place has been thoroaghly ren ovated, and a ehateof the public patron age is solicited. C. F. Stephens ...Dealer In... Dpy Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. i ItooU, Shoes. Ifati, Cups. Notions. Agt. 1 1 ti- ik-...-.i-.u uk..-. 111! ,1 . I iJUU)ilU.1 OliUV. Telenhone No. f8. The Dalles, Or, 2 131 feecond St., Mica Ugbteaa the load chortena 'Axle Crease the road. helps the team. Saves wear and expeukc. 001a everywhere. UUft pr TAMO AM OH. CO. 3 :gi GENEEAL Ilioleill II ...AND... I huiSODUUdi is 5 Teleraphi' I I CS' a? 3H s 5 n ! i it TaHE celebrated .. .COM AUGUST BUCKLER, Prop. Of tl-f product of thi? wtii-kiiotin brewery the Vriiled sttitcB Health Rv ports for June S, iri,f, thy : "A tuc-re EUpetitir bjf never filtered the iaJratury of the I'liite J Males llen'.tli reports. It is absolutely devoid i-f the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is) coT.poeod "I the best of malt and choicest of h-ps. Itf- tonic (inftlitiya i;re -if the high est and it can be ueed with tht- preutest i.onelit umi salif fnutton by old and young. lu use can coiitcientiously be prescribed by the physician with the certaintv that a better, jmrer or more wholesome beverage could not possiiily be fuund." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Grandali DEALER IN" Fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS Funeral Supplies' x$ EMBALMERS tC. The Dalles, Or. G. J. STUBMNG, WHOLKSALE Wines, Liquors Cigars l Family Orders will receive prompt attention, i r rf Vorl Ann t ft A f Utllt.... M. rt l3 I i PVinrifi O.rKA. tup rs n 1 r-- p n r-.m. . 'i - ' inc. LMLLE.O, WriCVjiVJH. S Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. Mrs. Annie Luckey, Hair-Dressing and Shampooing Facia) Treatments and the MORMON TREATMENT, Itoom 59, tl lrd floor, Umatilla House. Hour from 0 to 12 a. m. and I to 5 p. in. Faint your home with paints that are fully guaranteed to laef. Clarke & Fulk have them. The Chronicle, The Dalles, Or. Job Printers BREW Eli Y.... & Bar get I Robes, BuriaSh AND I'.KTAIt, House Painting... Tho umlerBlwifcd Ims taken poeeufislon of K. A. 8plvoy palut shop, next door to the Vojft opera houee, and has pur chased tho tools and laddere. He lias Kood nieohanlcj working for Iilm.and will fuaranteo all work to give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. Mubacrlbe for The Oluouicle. timb BOtr.nvir, Kr.ou 1)a:.les. Afcr.:ri li'OM rst r!ilt lj.k'', Petivcr. Vt Mnll ; MorUi, Omaha, ICnn 12 2" p. m. t-as oltv, St. 1. min Cl-lotigo and Knit. Mill I Atlantic ,ri'U iMks, Denver. K ii,., i Kxpnsn I Worth. Oiiinliu, Knn m ! I2:8fui. in.: nisi Oily, Hi. . ! Vl'i Hunt-1 ('hlCHgo mid V.nH. liiRton. i-pokaui) Walla Wnlbi. 8W)l;alie, Mull .MlnnciipnltB. S-t. 1'nui, mid i i)u lu t h, MlhvnutiM', hxprcrx t:lilr.r.R( nilrt I'.hm, vi .-I'OiHll'Mltd HlUltlM; lull; lilboult )ciintn in ii VK Ji, m ! Wiilit)lKtiin u:id KujI oni Oregon, SMkjt,e Mill ur.d tjj.rai 3 3-1 ft. ic ii p. ni. KllOM I'OCTUtl.'.i j Ortull HtOMMhtiM i 1 for San i'mii'-ic" Every i'ivi, D::,s. tp.o. M'. tn. ' ii,a KK.Hunda ,Ooliimbli Itv. Hp am.-; - kvJ, ro AST0P.U mi i V, anitirday lu p. m. I a. m. , WiMaxsTtr. tttven. J.ajp a I Ki-.feoniS-'Orioti Caty. Nend-rj, i.teuaJit sa:t'in & Way l.MaJ n. j 7 a.m. Wiu Ai-nn anh Va naip.m. rnc'Ihur.1 nitr. Hivtl-s. M.ia.,ttc(l i mid -Kt. ' 'irecoii City, 3 audi'ri uiid Way-l Mud.:'. .iM.-.Kr I ivi.l l:tlr' Itljiarln ti U'K.'tv IJIAVK l.IWMOS daily " 'Ou.ra (IhIiv j 11 in. i ZT I'ur.ui. ltnriK t ir. ii Iit-pimer m riiti.:s on t'clnixliia -nitl!-ri , u sliiraU take No. 2. kuVlEg The !'; !i a'. ' lu p. n, uiai..i ulrt wiiiin atloi-H at IP .iuitr jniiFiluu ' sod hii-n licrinilng mf !!:!' r " moctiira at ilci'pMrr iuni'Umi ui! 'i t".- w.:a iu, l.nr .! fig 1 1 The Drttto n' , . it t - full jtrticuldtk .-Kent The Dttlltn. m 1 .v X. (c.i ' IIT, 1.11(1, til Iriiii y Yellowstone Park Line. 0 THE PINING CAU KOl'lh I II" ! TUKTUXU 10 T1IE EA-T THE ON1.V DtftEtrr 1.INU To i ill. YM.L0W hi ON K i'AUK nuvi:. onicn'Cepoi.riniianii akbivi!. No. 2. I'ast mail for 7u-- : n. M. Seattle, Ol.' inj.ia, 1 ' -' HiiiIioi ifid Kiul!i ! I ' iKUiits, bp ifcaiii'. it' .laud, It. C. Tiiil ' i Moscow, Eewisloii, 1. 'if 11:11 A. it., fnlotluinp mining en . "1.MI.JI. I try, Uulu'ii, Mlm,' up ;ils, Bt. 1'atll, Ois.nua. ' irauiiiis (lty, ! 'Ctiicui'o nnd all pints No I. east and southi lift. Timet frouud Krpress lli.'.O M. lor Thfomii and M-ntlie ;i A, si, ; mid lnturmcdli.te ikjuiis I'utlnmn llrst cliis!! and tourlrt slo'iuw to M!niiHi)Kitis, at. I'uulaud Missouri rlri'n without change. ,, . Vostlbuled trains. Union depot couiiccUoji in all principal cities. llagKage chicked to destination of ticket t, Kor haiidhoniely lllustictidcrlpttvemst tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., vtn oa write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant fienerui l'asieinter Agent. 2V5 Moirl son hticut, corner Third, I'urtland, Omfon. SOUTH and EAST via Souiw Pacific Co. Shasta Route TraliiuJeiiveTho Dalles for I'ort'.anJ awl f stations at l:2o u. 111. aud S p. in. heave l'ortlaud " Albany Arrive Ashland " hucriiuieiito " Ban riuuclsco , 8 :: J;?lP .ia.M)am 10:WI'B .IJ-aaia J!!S!S . 7.U'l"a ;13ttm 6 'nm -15.S WW a in M'fg . 7. 15 u 18 Arrive Ogdou " Denver " Kansas City... " Chicago Arrive Im Angeles ... ' El I'aso " Kurt Worth " City of Mexico . " Houston " New Orleans .. " WnsliliiKtou " New York.,,.,, .. ifWpm C:00 p in ,. ti:!i)tl in ,. U..V111 in . 1 .00 11 III .. ciaiii m .. C IJnm .12: Up 7;Wr c-.oopw t);30l DiJJara 1 :00 a ' 6:211" f C3B I'ulliiiua and Tourist cars on hot ! t Clialrcnra .Siwriimttiito to Ogdeu u S 0f. and tourist oars to Chicago, Bt l"iils, M leans mid Wiishtiigtoii, ConntctliiK at Han Kxiiyclfcco .w'ifj chfi'I, sU'aiiishlp llnca for Uniiolulu, Jl I'hlllppiius, Coiitnil nnd ticiutli Aiuertcu. Bee agent at The Dulles station, or uiW C. H. MARKHAM, Gcuoral I'asscnger Agent, I'orf.atid.Of It. K. HMITII, Osteopath. Itooms 10 and II, Chapman Block, TheWjJjf' Oregon, liLPART rjr.