I , I I 1 11 The Dalles Daily Chronicle, TZl WEDNESDAY OCT. 1000 it conceals from mc the tnakitic diamonds from For IMlclrnt WILLIAM M'KINLEY, Hf Ohio. For Vlc-rrelclrnt THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of New York. touxg MAS ABSALOM IS RIGHT. ALL system tb; . , secret of charcoal? I j "Why rt.s it not T who, entering a , j lawyer's ullice as a suitable person to 'sweep it out, left it as an appointed j 'justice of the supremo court: j i 1 have bad a dozen years to rove j : 1 to the proprietor of this newspaper . j that be can afford to pay me 1 000 a vcar? He is just a languishing, good man, "Is the young tran Absalom safe ?" j to give it to me; 1 have only to show is the text of a recent sermon of ; Mm that my services are worth it. Candidate Bryan, wherein be popu- - What prevents me from making the hstically and socialistically bewails Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothine, Boot rik! Shoes, at much less than wholesale prices." Will sell iu bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out "before 30 days. AH poods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fittins Corsets and Bntterick Patterns. Yonr prices will be mine. Call early nml secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. the fate of the) American youth, as doomed by the trusts and combines and gold standard and mone power and other and sundry octopi and troglodytes to perpetual poTerty and -wage slavery. We have met with no better answer to Bryau's dem agogical rant although it was writ ten before Bryan's sermon than the following wholesome words of Am brose Bearce, in the San Francisco proof? And what prevents you, most excellent of all possible cob blers, from beating me out of the field by writing like an angel with a reed ? The number of actual and possible sources of profit and methods of distinction is infinite. Not all the trusts in the world combined in one trust of trusts could appreciably re duce it could condemn to perma nent failure one man with the talent State flotmal Sehool, MONMOUTH, - OREGON. Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. The studeuts of the Xoruial School arc prepared to tafce the I'Ute Certlfieare immediately oa I graduation. Graduates readily se;ure cood positions. Exppnteof year from f l?1 to I ISO. strone Academic and Professional Courses. Sew Scc1h1 Icparture In Mtauul TrulnliiK Well equipi-ed Traiainc Department. for catalogue containing full announcements address I'. U CAM P11EIX, ITwitien't. or W A. ASS, Sjsrctarr of Farul'y. Examiner; about the last place, by j and the will to succeed the way, one would expect to find anything wholesome. Mr. Bearce saj-s : This is not a country of equal fortunes; outside a socialist's dream do such country exists nor can exist. But as nearly as is possible this is a country of equal opportunities for those who begin life with nothing but nature's endowments and of such is the kingdom of success. In nine instances in ten successful Americans that is Ainerk-aus who have succeeded in any worth- ambi tion or legitimate field of endeavor have started with nothing but the skin they stood in. It may almost foe said, indeed, that to begin witk nothing is a main condition of suc cess in America. To a young man there is no such hopeless impediment as wealth or the expectation of weahh. Here a man and there a man will rise, so abun dantly endowed by nature as to over come tne handicap of "artificial advantages,' but that is not the rule; usually the chap "born with a cold t spoon iQ his mouth," puts in his time sucking that spoon and without other emploj-ment. Counting possession of the spoon success, why should he bestir himself to achieve what he already has? The real curled darling of oppor tunitj' is the youth born with noth ing in his mouth but bis teeth he who knows or is likely to know what it is to feel his belly sticking to his back. If be have brains a-plentj' be will get on for he must be up and doing the penalt of indulgence a famine. If he have not, he may up and do the uttermost satisfaction of his mind and heart, but the end of that roan is failure, with possibly socialism, that last resort of conscious incompetence. It fatigues, this talk of the narrow ing opportunities of today, the "closed avenues to success," and the rest of it. Doubtless it serves its purpose of making mischief for the tyrant trusts and the wicked rich generally, but in a six months' bound volume of it there is not enough of truth to float a religion. Men of brains never had a better chance than now to accomplish all that it is desirable that they should accomplish; and men of no brains never did have much of a chance, nor under any possible conditions can have in this country or any other. They are nature's failures, God's botchwork. Let us be sorry for them, treating them justly and generously; but the socialism that would level us all down to their plane of achievement and reward h a pro posal of which they arc themselves the proponents. Opportunity, indeed! Who is" bo'ding me from composing a great opera that would make me rich and famous? j What oppressive laws forbid me to work my passage up the Yukon as leckund on a steamboat and dis- At Ashland last Saturday night Governor Geer made the remarkable and gratifying statement that the number of convicts in the stcte penitentiar has decreased near ly one-balf during the last four years. In fact the number has become so small, the governor says, that there is hardly men enough to run the in stitution. Four years ago Bryanites talked much of the relation between poverty and crime. They are not saying much along this line this year at least not in Oregon. A Difficult Problem. It is among the most difficult prob lems of natural science for one to become expert in several lineE. J. E. Adcos & Co., by their combination, have over come this difficulty in a practical man ner. J. E. Adcox is nn espert watch maker and is pood on jewelry, optical work and engraving, while Theo. H. Liebe is an expert optician and is cood nn watnh nirint. iVwplrv work and Ot ' r r - regon . eneravme. Their price is as low as con sistent with pond workmanship. They are prepared to do all work in their several lines, on short notice. Work sent by mail or express will rerpive prompt attention. Sign, "Big Red Watch." F Distress after eating !e erased from the stomach cot teiinnmp ita work irainwliat',ly. Until it pets to work you feel d & tressed tho food lays in your stom ach like a weight. To start digestion to make the stomach do ite work yon must assist it if your stomach is weak or slow to work. Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 taken after meals supplies the stom ach with necjsary acids and juices which digest the food quickly in a projsr manner. To gut the best results use Baldwin's Health Tablets So 25 with the Dyspepia Tablets. The Dyspepsia Tablets cost 10c and can be hid as Clarke & Falk, The Dalies, Ortgon. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTART And CAFE. J. B. Crossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street. ft Complete Cipe of Drus at $ i .oo per month. Strictly flri't e'ase local nn.l long distance ti'lcphotm seivicu within. your homo. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will be kept a secret. No cost for installing. You pet the standard llunuing Lonp Oistnnt Instrument. Continuous day and night service. We will accept your contract for ten years nml allow yon to cancel same on giving us thirty days writ ten notice PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. ! I 1 11 Hi H yafTTriTTMM Str. Regulator r- J DOWN. 5, l.v. Italic at 7 A. M. t Tuesday 2, Thurxiny . . k Saturday. 5- Arr. Portland at 4:3) P. si. REGULATOR LINE, j DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY Steamers ol the Kcgulalnr Line will run an k.t the lot-'j nw.nR wnidiilv, the Company referring; the right to chutgo'jj srhi ule witaout notice. 3 .. j C1-. Lv. l'ortlaml at 7 a. M. Monday . vtcdneMiny Friday Arr DnlU'k at 5 r. X. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. MOWN l.v. Italic lit 7 A. . Monday Wt-dncfdMy ' Friday... Arr. l'ortland at 1 :50 r. m. cr. i l. Portland ,3 ut 7 (O a x. i ThiirMly ,5 Mitsrdjijr 3 Arr Dulles "J ut.if. U., FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, t , Travel by the Steamers of the ItcRtilator Line. The f!nintiy will endeavor to glrciti jwt-,! roil! the liot service iiObUble For further Information uddrcim J 5, 1'ortland OHlce, Oat Strwt Docfc. W. C. A L. LA WAY, Con. Agt. r ..cjifls. mM- M. Z. DONNELL, TH DRUCCIST. Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on drausht the celebrated COLOMBIA BEE It, ncknow:--edped the best beer iu The Dalle, at the usual j-rlce. Come In, try it and be convinced. AIo the Kinest brands of Wiuea, Li-juor and Clears. Sandtuiehes . of all Kinds always on hand. Just What You mant. 4. New Eboes f jr fall and winter just re ceived at the New Yorfc Cash Store. Nasal CATARRH In all iu etaea there thouiil be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm cleanset, s oothea and htala the dUv-aied rncrabrzee. It cores catarrh and drive away a co.d iu the bead quietly. Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils, tpreadi orer the membrane and 1 absorbed. Eeliof ii Im mediate and a cure follow!. It is not drying doe not produce tneezlng. Large Size, 0 centi at Drug gists or br mall; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall, DLT OCiOTUEKS, M Warren Street, Ziew York. Jill' I To Deliiicjuent Taijiayer. Toe County Court baring nntborized the immediate collection of delinquent taxee, I am compelled to comply witli ite request, and will tbereore proceed at once to advertise. If you are delinquent you will eave coet and expenses by im mediate payment. All personal prop erty nnpaid will be attached at tbe cost and expense of the owner without fur ther notice. Koiiekt Kei.lv, Sheriff of Wasco Co., Or. The Dalles Sept. 17, 1900. 17-29d-w F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & Lanolin, 'Phone 157 CO YEARS' EXPERIENCE A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. for Sola. Fine seed wheat for sale; red Rueaian, Price, 75 cents per bushel. W. W. RAW80.V, eepl9-lm Tbe Dalles, Or. Tbe New York Cash Store ii the sole gent for the Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.'s line of footwear. trade marks Design Copyright Ac. An rone ifnrtlnsr a sketch and description ma' qiilcklr ascertain our opinion free whether ai Invention Is rotoblr rmtentable. Communlo. tlonsstrlctlrconadentlal. Handbook on I'au-nu sent free. Olrtcjt asnncr for securlntr patents. I'atciita token tbruuub llunn ft Co. rtcolTK tpicial notict, without ctiame, In tbo Sckntific Hmerkam A handsomely lllostrated weekly. Tersest dr tnlatlon of any scientmc Journal. Terms. S3 a renr: four months, tl. bold brail newsdealers. HUW&Co. New York Mraneb OBIce, ca V HU UT asbtweton. I. C D.eUNWS. ONEFORAOOI. nil I A Fll I X wh day to SirnSww f,Ksos Pimples, Prnsat Van UkmUcqs and b,7I(k. & X mJ3 ii i i - - r . New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety ae we are showing never be fore traced a eingle stork. P.eal imita tion creton effects at ordinary pricee. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designe, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third etreet. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Wasco Warehouse Compani Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ell kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kind Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- FlOUr '"'8 'ionr lE manufactured expreesly fur family U1 uee : everv sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sen our goodB lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think w call and get cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! Do you know that John Pashek. the tailor, is agent for two of W the larsett merchant tailoring houtea iu America? Q Do you know that he will fell you a suit, made to your order, ns M cheap us the hand-u.u-dou, ready-tnade, vou buy in the stores, and b"i MWfcw t uv ui iiw tint: , Do you know that lie hiB already on hand for tbo cowing full and winter trade the handsomest and fiu'eet lino of samples ever shown in The DaiUt? ft JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent. Tne CoiumDia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF JtANOFACTDKEP.8 OY Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JR1F.D BEEF. ETC. J. B. BCBSMCK, rresiaeut. a. m. Btiti., Casblei First Hatiooal Bank. THE DALLES ... OREQON A General Banking Business transacted uepoaiu received, subject to Stent Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dar of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange told oa new i ore, nan iranciaco anc Port land. DIREOTOMB. D. P. TaoMraoH. Jmo. B. Bcuruk. Ed. M. WiLUAwa, Gao. 1. Libbi. a. M. Utilh. J. E. FALT & CO., Commereial Sample Rooms. Purest Liquors for Family Use 9 9 Delivered to any part of the City. f 173 Second Street. Phonps: 51 Local, 85S Long Distance PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.