m COMING AND GOING. P P 1pbqp nml k M KeUav took tie Kelav took tl e HOOD train for Slianiko. t . i. t t..i,,...t ' Mrs. I). A. Nance, of Portland, who ( lias beeu on h short visit with her brother, Win. E. Svlve'ter. left for lar borne on the afternoon train. -Mrs.! V.,u. who k portrait and Jndscnp, ; rninttT, expects to return her in alKUt tfirei weeks with a stock of pictures and , . t . I otner worK 01 an. . A 3Hulstci Gnoil Work. T had a severe attack of bilious ca'.'c, cot n bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Choleraml Diarrl.ivt Reuiedv, took two dos.'S and wus entirely cured,' say Rev. A. A. Power, of Emporia, K-u. "My neitbtnr across the street tv.ts ?:ck for FEUrLl . ... ,. , . 4 n,.r l,.ti.,a nt that salu tiruoi win neiniiuctwiort over a week, had Uo or thrre bo.tleS 0, nt The Dulles, Oregon medicine Iroai the doctor. He used them three or four days without relief, then called in another doctor who treat ea tdai for some days and cave him no relief, so discharged him. I went over to see him the nest morning. He said his bowels were in a terrible Ss, that they had been runni.ic off so lone that it was almost Moody flnz. 1 asked hhu if he had tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarthiei Remedy and bd ea;d, 'No.' I went home and brought htm ray bottle and gave htm one do:e; told him to take another dose in Stteen or twenty minutes if he did not find relief, bnt he took no more and was en tirely cured." For sale at Blakel-y's drug store. HUMBERT'S PECULIARITIES. Hlilirt Care for I1U Army find liked Con ventliiiiall ties What He lSiijoyed. "Did the Italians like Humbert pret ty wellV" wa. asked of a well-l;nown Aroericanized Italian the other day after the receipt of the news of the assassination of the kinarof Italy. "I see by the newspaper dispatches that he was extremely beloved," re sponded the Italian. "Well, ivhat are the facts in the case; was he really popular?" "Not at all. He took little interest in anrthintr or anybody. He cared so Ut ile for his bijrarnty that to my personal "Imoiviedp-e be ivas never n?ide the bar racks of his own KintrV sruards." "What did he care for? He must Lave beer, interested in .ometbinr." "Ati he cared for was to iro .'hooting or get out to .some country-house, where he coud yawn without covering his mouth with his hand." The IiHh nufl Cheese. In his slow and cofitiy -journey across Europe, on his. way to Paris, the .hnh of Persia tasked Grujere cheese. He ribbie! it at fir.-t. tl-ubtful. Then he y. and fount1 . ff.tly with it. i It tor bread, anc1. . he ha' encacei' trherk'i f wmt i n I'ir.ai.j i.? t iiO-s;.;u i,r a )ir"i.ce'i . (i. t: t- 1,.-: i-t r r n ;:keri to ac- CASTORS A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature. of Tho lareit and tnott complete line of fall and winter millicery ever displayed in the city at tbe Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. The pricee will sell .the goods. eSi! "Why pay $ 1.75 per gallon for inferior ipaitits when you can buy James E. Patton'e Enn proof paints for $1.50 per pallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & i'alk, agents ml This (Saturday? morning, on the way between Dafur and The Dalles, a' valise. Fitider will oblige by leaving it at The Chuo.vicle office. t29-lw For 8le. Fine teed wheat for sale; red Russian. Price, 75 cents per bushel. W. V. Kawso.v, tcplO lm The Dalles, Or. Itml lat fur Hair. Twenty-three lots, located from Sev t-nth street to Twelfth, for sale at from $-50 up. Inquire at tbe Columbia flotol. a9-tf Clarhe & Talk's davortnK extracts are the best. Ask your erncer for them. Jlarke & Fnlk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes I of Eastman films and sup- I eived by Clarke & Talk. I A fall line lilies just recoil Mica Hghien3 tbe load- 'Axle eborteni Crease the road. kelps the team. Saves wear end expense, ooia every ueic it a pa jiy 17 CO. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OmCS AT TlIK IULLK.S. OB., September r., uiu i named settler has tiled hi.llie of tier Intention to mute titist prmittn muiHirt ot her clnlni, unit thsl srtld px) wltl bcw(c .f,,,,, tl,e nrcbtcr ntid Receivers! The Pallet, Oregon, on Weducs dr.vtobcr2t,lWi),vfx: " r mhi, nfTi.e untie, or , H S? v. ii uE. w m. rhe iwn? the fiillowins: wittices o prove hnr fwiti l,,iinl, Tli1,nin lin.ll, Htifl rtlltlvntfntl cif land, tlx "r..M i. ,h V ; ' tl. D. Selon. E. F. Sharr. John DtMitel ?eart. all : The I mllof. Fleming, i .-eptS JAY 1'. Ll'CAS. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lass Office at The Dalle?. Or-, ' feptetnber, 10, 1W0. 1 Notice l hereby given thiit the fnllmvh g nnnied settler hns filed notiec oi hi Intention ,.. ...uVn H.tl ni.".? In t,,,tr, rfi I til lnti m,fl h,. .,lil ,nu-if tvlll Si. imifrn thtfiiri. til. Tn.WliP ' on snittraiiy October 20, paw, viz. Clmrlis 11. Matin-, ol The Dalle-.. Orcsnn. It. E. No. fOsfl, (or the s hf NE qr and W hi aK Qr, see 12, Tp 1 s, K It L, W ol. . He nsnic the following wltneea o prove his cnntliiUPU rejldenee upon and cultivstion oi ?hiu ioc. vu. A. 5, Fox. P. c. Fasten. Charles Gbsiaa and W. C. Clatfe, ati of The Palls, Oregon. seplo JAY V. LUCAS, llspisttr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Xotiee Is hetc""y Fivcn that the undcrs'sncd has ten duly appointed by the county rourt of thetatc of Oreirou. for Masco county, adminis trator of the estnte of Kllishcth A. Southern, deceased. Alt persons hiiviiif: clnlms against tue estate of nid deceased are hereby notf lied to present the same, with the proper vouchers therefor, to me at my ottice iu lltvd, Oresou, within sis months from the date hereof. Puted September tM, 19C0. C. If. SOfTHEUN. setC'J Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. Lino Office at Va.sxocvei:, "VASH.t Alls. 30, 1.-4W. i Kotinc is hereby piven that the followlnp- nannd settler ha hied aotfe of his tntccunn thst suid proof will be mads before W. 11. Presby. L'nilert states lommi-sioner for llistricl of Wnshlrpton, dMiis office in Goldor.dale, V, ush luvrton, on OctJber 1. 1!0, viz: John Watsnn, V. O. address Centervillc, Wash., who msde hom-stead niipllcation No. 'J.ZU, for the Si fcEH See 12. Tp 3 -N, K U K, V. it. Who tiatnes the following witnesses to prove bis routinuous residence upau and cultivation of said land, viz.: Charles Straube, William Wittinsor., Jamc C. Ilalv and Patrick Haggerty, alt of Ccuteriille V. O., Vashlugtou. cls l V. R. Dl'XBAR, Resistor. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Iixd Orricn at The 1'aj.i.ks, Or.. i sentembcr 12. ISOj. i gtice is hcrebv civen that the followintj uamed ecHler ha. filed notice of her Intention to make C:isl proof in support of hei claim, and that snid proof will be made. be ore the ie::lster and rtceiier at The Dulles, Oregon, on Wednes day, October 2t, 1S00, viz: Kliziw IC. Vlcker. widow ef Siimuel J. Vitkers. deceaed. of Jlo- sler, Orepwn, H. K. No. 5530. fur the N5- SW'H ana : Wa roc 15. Tp 2 N, R 12 E, W. Jf. &ne names tae inuoivin? witnusje- u jirove her ontinuous residitice upon and cultivation of said land, viz. : Georce Renoe. of The Dalles, Oregon; Jrues M let. Lee Evans, Eric Grunland, Musier, Or. splo JAY 1. J.VLAS. Kesister. NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. ljisv Oftice at The Dalle, Or., I I C September iu, 1MJJ i 5 Notice is he-tby clven that th- followins r.nmed settler has tiled notice u bl iotontlon to make final proof in suptort of his claim, and that said proof will b? made before the Uecistcr and Receiver at The Dalles Oregon, on ialur- uuy, ueiouerJ, iwu, vjz: ; Arflinuft P. For, of The Dulles, Oregon, II. E. So. 3151, for the , ? hf -Sff qr and W hf W qr, See 12, Tp 1 S, E 1J E, w. M. He names the fnllotring witnessed to prove hU i-oiitlnunas residence upon uud cuDivatun of ciJd land, viz: . r Miittit.v. n. H. JIntner. f harlps r.nsson and W. C. Clarfc, ul! of The Dulles, Oregon. kpI3 JAY P. LUCA?, Itesiater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LxMiOrncE at The Dalle. Or.,( AnR, 18,1300. S Notlee l hfreby civen that the foIlov,in; named icttler has lilei notice of bis intention to make final proof in suport of his claim, and that said proof will be roude before the rcgWter and receiver of the V. . land office ut The Dalle, Or , on Saturday, Sept. 23, 1SC0, vi:: lienry C. Ourdliin, of The Dallea, Or., H. E. No -iriu, for the NJJ cEU ec. 6. Tp 1 N, IM3E.W. M. He names the followine wltneurfk to prove hit contiuuouk residence upon and cultivation of said land, U: Ernest Jordan, Albert Jordan, John Pakbek and James Thomas, all of The Dalles, Oregon. aug22 i JAY 1'. LUCAb, Itegieter. NOTICE fOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalleh, Ov.r.., I Eept2ti, im l !otlce la hereby riven that the following named cettler has tiled notice of his intention tlon to make titml proof in tunport of hU cUlm, and that said, proof will be made be fore the reploter and receiver at The Dallei, Oregon, on haturduy, November 10, l'.), viz: Calrln .1. Dunakln, of Hosier, Or., H. E. No, 5121, for the bE or, Eec 31, T 2 N, It 12 E, W. M. He uamen tne following witneae to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land viz: Michael Doyle, It. E. Doyle, The Dalles, Or., James M. Drown acd Carl J. E. Carbon, of Mo kier, Or. JAY I'. LUCAS, t2U Ke :itcr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud OrncE at The Dalles, Okeook,) August 25, 1'JU). I Notice Is hereby Riven that the following named tattler has tiled notice of his Intention to make Dual proof In tupport of tils clnim, and that kald proof will be made before the KeKister and Iteceiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur day, October a, J900, vlr : Itohnrt . Phillip, of Mudnr, Or., II E No. 65SO for the NE!4 J.V,NvV! NE', sec. y.unu t',, tCH, tee i, ip,:,, it. i- c V. M. lie names tne foitov.'iuK wltnes&e to prove tils continuous lesldeuce upon and cultivation of "jam'ta fUuli. Dolly Hosier, Ua Evans, John He names tne follov.'iuft wltnese to prove his Jlller, all of Mo-iier, Oregon. JAY I LUCAS, liCKlatcr. nug25-l NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice b hereby given that Ihe undcr-lgned , have flled with the clerk ol tuo county court of the State of Oreeon for Wakxo countr.tuelr tlnol aciouut o executori of tbe lout will nnd tenia meut of Henry llnruum, deeeotcd, una that Monday, tbe 4tb day of November, 1900, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., nan been fixed by the County Court for ald county as tbe time, and the county court room In Dalle City as the place for bearing of objection to ld final ac count and the settlement of the nine. J. W. FKENC'U, y. V. MAY8, ep!5 Executors. Tbe New York Cash Store ii tbe sole gent for tbe Hamilton Brown Sboe Co.'t line of footwear. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. t, FRESH TODAY. 1DIRECT from the FACTORY ' ! AT EASTERN PRICES j Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. J. A. EBERLE, pipe Jailorii A comt lite line of Fall and Winter ' uitints, Puntinys and Overcoating, now 1 on display. 100 different varieties to re- j in . ir..,n Suits, $20 aijd up. ; Call and examine goods before coinc j elsewhere., tticonu street, oit. iMays , & Crone's. ! , g j s, , 5 5, fc Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothors' Wagon. g. TUM Bllft JUfflffl. PllOllD 159 4 j C10vfTTT D , JJ JCwJCjiV UJH OO J,, BANKERS. TRANSACT A. ESEBALBASKINU BCelNEi Letters of Crudit issued avr.tlable in the i Eastern Spates, ; ct..i., t?. i . ' .r,.i i... oiKiil. jiituuco ana itrictiuuui-, , iraasiers eoia on new i orK, uuicaao, ; St. Louts, San rriucisco, Portland Ore con, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and VVaBhmuton. Collections made at all points on fav orable terra. j Ice Cream and j Oyster Parlors Mrs II. L. Jones has opened ice cream and oyster parlors in Carey Bal lard's old stand. She carries A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. The place has been thoroughly ren ovated, and a share of tbe public patron age is solicited. C. F- Stephens ...Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoot!, Shoes. Hate, ('no. Notions. Aft. for W. L. Douglas tiboe, Telephone No. Mi. 121 Second bU, The Dalles, Or, CONTEST NOTICE. U. 8. Laud Okch.t.Tjik DAt.LKk.Oa., ucpiumoer ir, I'JW. t i A sufliolent context alhdnvit havlni; In filed in llilKTomce uy jofcpti it. mierar, conie-iuini, nKatnkt homekteid entry No. 7152, nuide June 3, 1W9. for S hf MV .r Bee at, and E hf NE qr Fee a s i I ! by vnilbm 0111 ("mt riZfi 3,? V-iii'iSi Vhntl d i wn r m'hn I which it is aliened that fculd Wllliiim OKI has wholly ubandoiKd tald tract aua chuuged his residence therefrom for mote than six mouth since tnaklug said entry, and next prior to datv of contest; und that lie did not nbaudou the trsct to cuter the military or naval service of tho United Htatcs, said parties ate hereby noti fied to appear, respond and offer evidence touch ing said allecallou ut 10 o'clock a.m. on October 27, I'jou, before tbe retUter and receiver at tbe United Xtatea land office In The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, In a proper affi davit, flled August ll. 1W0, set forth facts which sbow that after due diligence personal set vice of this notice can not be mad, it Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given br due and proper publication. rpl JAY V. LUCAS, Krgliter. 1 " ZZZ i 3 I L. Lane5 ) t i. -f j GENERAL , t iieoisisilii 1 i, ...AND... ,t nuiDuuipi i f 1 !' ! M ! t i 1 M f 'i r i 1 rit Ufc.Lfc.bttr I t.IJ .. .GOItUjUBlA BREWERY.... AUGUST BUCHLEB, Prop. Of the product of tlit tli-Kno;t n brewery the United States Heaith Reports for June "S. 1900, says: ,-'.V. more eupeiiur brew never entered t.e lat-rBtory of the United Sta'cp Il-aith reports. It is abs-olntely devoid of the fciitbtept trace of adulteration, but on tl.u other hand ie coxposnd of the bekt of malt and cli.ic.j?t of Pops. It- tonic qualities are of the hiirh ett and it can be ued with the uroatcrft benefit and t-ntiEfaetion by old und youtic. Its use can conscientiously lis prescribed by tho pliyeiciant uitli the cereainty that a better, purer or tuore uholesonte bevernee coulil not possibly be found." East Second Street, - LMWMMM Cf andail DEALER I.V i nil l?nHc nf illil J.lliUb U ' 5. n . I I I UNDBETAZERS EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies -J C. J. STUBMHG, I 5' I at k WHOLEHALE Wines, Liquors Cigars r i Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Nest door, to A. Chnna OQt V I Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. Mrs. Annie Luckey,! Hair-Dressing and Shampooing Fftclal Treatments and the MORMON TREATMENT. Room 60, third floor, Umatilla House. Hours from 9 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 5 p. m. Paint your boute with paint that are felly guaranteed to last. Gierke dc Falk bare tbea. !3H I, In !3S' $ tdr! The Chronicle, The Dulles, Or. 3-' dob Printers P iS it i & 'I ! 3 'IS "Ui-jiLiiU'xiwii THE DALLES, OREGON. & Barget Robes, Buria Ete. AND 1! ETA 1 1, M. Williams & Co. t mm mm. m. m inc. UALLLb, OREGON. At House Painting... The undersigned lifts taken possession of R. A. Bplvey paltit shop, next door to the Vot opera house, ami hau pur chased the tools and ladders. Ho lias Kood mechanics working for him, and will guaranteo all work to give satisfac tion, S. K. KELLY. (Subscribe for Tbe Obronicle. 0.R.&H. I tiKr a r.T l FOR I TIM K SCIIKl.tlLr. Kf.OM IJAI.LKS. F0K l'Mt MkII lJ.'JA p. HI, Salt Lakr, Denver, Ft. Fan Mill iurin, umnnn, Ki:n nik City, ht. Umis, Chicago and Uast. ' -lU t" I Atlnntlc j lWpll'SK ' 1J:."i( m. in. I Via limit- Inston. Salt l.tUa, Denier, Ft 4 i. 11'.. Ml, fin, ..i... !' 1-w0.a. ......... vMiui.ii, nun kiis City, St. Umi, Chicni;o mid Last. ! Etmkiinc I Mali nnd i r.pre.s Walla Walla. StKiltanc. h,,v.k. MlaneuiKills. st, pMm i) ninth. sillmit,,! .L".1 Chlraco nnd Knst, via Eiil, hrokanenlidlluiitlin;- ns" ton; also nl (mints in p. m llHUIIllllttOUUild Kun- 3;M.v em Oregon. h p. tn. From Pouthj;:i Ocean ritea)niili, r. For San Franclnco Kvcry Five Day&. 4 p.n. I S ti. m. I I ; Ki.suii'Uy'Coltinihin ttv. Rteameti. Kihi!. (To Astoria and SVay riamiony iinaitig. Up. in. . f, U. tn. I Wll.LAlttTTK ItlVEB. llJOtkB i:r.MuuttiyiOresnn City, NcwItr, Ex.!utiSi J Sa!em it Wny 1jiu.1 ' TR. tn, pVlMAHVTTE Y.IM a.ffl)pm Tuen.'lh'ir.; l: Uk.a M(m.,Wol' and sat. Oregon City, l.uvt iu, and Frt ; mill W.iy-I Mi'litiys. I fcKAKK lttvtu. l.v l:iu4rii itlpurla to iAiwlkton. rtuHy I M.:... i: in. I LitrisTos dally ' l'nr.ie.1 ueklrtiir; to ko to lleptmer o: ' i!:t- on ttolumlila Soiilli'Tf via JIIkj. UuoH , take An 2. Icnvlne he Dalles Bt 12 10 n. n. i mi.kliTi; iiirit't ixinucnlloiii at lleppncrjundlon . iMiu mints i.c'.uniiiu: r.inniisuirwieiiiiiiiTtiTO at ilepptier .'uiirtiou an : g lth .No. l.at- niiiiR ut Th Dalles, i , m For full jiartlrnl agent The ItaUi-z. oi A X. Co. if r.T. iiuid, Or Yellowstone Park Line. THE DlMNli CAIt UOt'lK FKOM l'OKTLA.ND 10 TI1U EAST. THE ONLY DIItr.OT LINK TO THE YELLOW. K10NK PA UK LEWtt. jrjnion Depot, nnii anil I sis Auuri. No. 2; , TiiFt imill for TiiC'Mtt. .So. J-'euttlu, Olymplu, omv Harbor and South l'.e'id Ipiniits, HpiiLuni'. II"- 'Iitnd, 11. V., l'uil.'.int, I.Moscow, Lc Uton. U'lf A. JI., fnlulllliiip III lit i Hi; e ii.'i 5i50 P.M. irj , jiuieint, iiiiih-iui" III", Bt. Pitlll, Oliinliu, : KmihiiM t'lly, t-t liu:i, .Chlcnito and all ikiiiUi No 4. i eukt and Miutheimt. , 1'UBUt hound Exprif;. lliO P.M. for Tucomii mid beuttle 7;WA.JI. 1 und iutcrmcdlute )ioiul I'lillman lirst clims and tourlrt sleeiwr to illnneiipolls, tit. Puul and Missouri river i""" without chuiiRe. ,, ,. Vustlhuled Irnlim. Uulon depot connection Hi all principal eltlef. Hiikkurv checked to dcstflintloii ol t cleO, . i . ,.. i ....i t..L...ititivr mailer. nil iiiiiiimiiiuriy iimBnntiiW'i'r,"r ' : tickets, skepinir cor rcservutloim, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, AsHlslnnt tienerol I'osheitser Awnt. llorri son Bttect, comer Third, Portland, Orcson. SOUTH and EAST via Soumern Pacific Co. Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland snd wI stations ut i:ii u. tn. uud !) p. m. U'avo Pnrtlniid 8:fu w " Albany 12.30 am Arrlvo Ashland 12.3.1 am " KiicrnniDiito fuliOpin " Ban KruliclbCo 7.1'ip'" 7:C0pn 0:Wpn lt:30P b:15o . .. 6:1 a in :JJ5 7. nam V.,U1 Arrive Ogdou " Dunvur " Kaiibini t.'lty. . .. " Chicago Arrive Uis AliRelus 1 W P m " lilPaw) l,:U)im " Kort Worth 0;:ii)iim " City of Mexico. .... U.Mam " Iloustm CW.im " Now Orleans ii'2" " " WashliiKtou 0. 12 a m " Now York lJ.Wpm 7,00O C;0OpW : 4:00.11 ctJipS 0.4.I V0 I'lillman and Tourist curs on "t,hKf rjioi (ilinlr I'nra UiiiTnmmitn to UkTdell HI'" ' nr. uud tourist uurs to Chicago, tit Loiili t leuns und Washington. .. ,.., iih acvcrsl uoiiiiectini; ut huh rrum-i;;u cb 3l steamship linos for Honolulu, Jap '' rhllijiplues, Central und houtn ai. Bee aeeut at Tho Dulles stutloii, or ddr C. H. MARKHAM, General JAsscuer Agent, rott'.snd. Or Jjlt. K, K. HMITU, Osteopath. Rooms 10 aud 11, Chapmen Ulock, T"",' m t ' in i liiiii Full Oregon.