The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 02, 1900, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.1
! -.1 .1 ...... l. n.nA.
qreen cartb anil he will be slow to
vote for n uhanee.
For Ptealdmt
ur Ohio.
For Vlce-rrraldrnt
or Hew Tork.
cities i
Philadelphia, !
There were but 53,000,000 people
ia America when this centur.v opened.
Piance had five times as many
people; Germany, and even Austria,,
bad four time America's population;'
Italy bad three times as many, and
so had Great Britain. Even Spain
bad double our numDer of people,
and little Portugal was our rival in
numbers. '
We have more people now than
any European nation except Russia,
which alone leads us. We have as
mam- people as live in all Great
Britain and France combined. We
have one-half more people than Ger
many. We have, practically, 7o,
000,000 people in the United States, ;
and 10,000,000 more in our new
There were-onlv five larse
in America in 1S00.
with CC,000, was the largest, the seat!
of government and the center of
wealth and culture, sew York was
next with 00,000. Baltimore was
third with 26,500; Boston fourth wiib
25,000, and Charleston, South Caro
lina, fifth with 19,000 people.
Chicago was unheard of in 1800,
The century was three years old be
fore the government even built a
fort where Chicago now stands, and
it was not until thirty years later
that a city was thought of and in
corporated, There was no western city. The
mighty, modern cities of St. Paul,
Minneapolis, Omaha, Denver and
Kansas City were unheard of. There
was a small trading post at St. Louis.
That was all. The Pacific coast had
two or three missions under Spanish
control. All the rest of the west
was given over to Indians and wild
In what are Illinois, Michigan,
Indiana, end Wisconsin now, there
lived 0000 people in 1800, spread
over that whole territory. The ''Far
West" was then Kentucky, Ohio and
Western 2sew York, Beyond the
Allegbenies was practically a wilder
ness. Now 53,000,000 people live
within the area that belonged to our
nation in 1800.
The United States is larger now
than all Europe in point of area. It
has 3,600,000 square miles one
fourteentb of the land surface of the
entire globe. In IdOO we had just
825,000 square miles.
We are the richest nation on the
globe. Tocltty our wealth is esti
mated at over 100,000,000,000; in
1800 it was 2,000,000,000. A man
worth 300,000 was then considered
abnormally rich; today we have
several hundred men who are worth
13,000,000 or more.
Uncle Sam spends each year on
his government $550,000,000, not
including the extra outlay occasioned j
by our tete war and the accession of
territory. In 1800 he spent 12.
00,000. In four years be now
epends more than the entire wealth
of the nation in 1800. George B.
Waldron in Oregon Teachers' Month
after eating
It erased troa the ttomach cot
togicnuiir Its work Immediately.
Until it pets to wort you feet d -tressed
the food lays in your stom
ach likp ft weight.
To start digestion to make the
stomach do Ita work you must assist
it It your stomach is weak or slow
No. 21
taken after meal supplies the stom
ach with necessary acids and juices
which digest the rood quicilr in a
proper maanar. To get the best
results use Baldwin's Health Tablets
No 25 with the Dyspepsia Tablets.
The Dypepaia Taulsts cost Ufa and
can be had at
fetifing from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at ranch ess than wholesale
prices. Will sell in bulk or in lots, or nny way to snit purchasers.
Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days.
AH poods will be sacrificed exce pt Thompson's Glove-fittinc Corsets
and Uuttetick Patterns. Your prices will -he mine. Call early uud secure
Corner Second and Court ts.
State formal Sehool,
! Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900.
! The student of the Normal School ate preparei to tute the State Certificate tnimedUtclv on
pra dilation.
Graduateireadlly sejurscood pactions. Expanse of year from tt3 t3 SI.",
f Stronc Academic nnd Professional Courses. New Social Ncpurtnre lu Manual Training
' Weil equipped Training Depurtmeai.
' For catalogue containing lull announcements address
i ' P. (.CAMPBELL. President, or V.' A. W AX.S, Ssrretary cj Facul'y.
$i.oo per month.
Strictly llrft nlnss loral an.l long .
distance telephone servico within
your home.
Lines do not cross-tall;. Your con
versation will be kept a eecrct.
No cost lor installing.
You trot the standard Running
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and nicht service.
Wu will accept your contract for
ten years and allow you to cancel
same on giving us thirty days writ
ten notice.
A Difficult Problem.
It is ntnone tne most difficult prob- ;
; lems of notural science for one to become
(expert in several lines. J. E. Adccs & ,
i Co., by their combination, hnvo over-'
j rnmt ihu riitnnnlty in n practical lliau- .
Donrurcc tw rcriiT hdttatv ner- J.E. Adcox is an expert watch-;
PROGRESS IN GREAT BRITAIN. ! ,,, ,i ,a no,i m, ,-,. irv. ontieal
Clarke & Falk, The Dalles, Onpon.
A Fm of the Lnndon ThorouchfiHwi
Will Soon He Electric
ally Lighted.
United States Consul Halstead. of
Birmingham, has made a report to the
state department in regard to the use
of electric Hsrhts in British cities, in
which he says:
"A few of the main thoroughfare of
London will soon be electrically light
ed, some pole.1- having recently been put
into jiosition. Piccadilly had a few as
long ago as the fall of 1S0G. and no
doubt the success of that experiment is
regarded as warranting extension on
careful lines.
"Birmingham is still a gas-lighted
city, and there seems to be no treet
electric-lightintr movement, though on
January 1 last the corporation took i
under its municipal wing; the "mall j
electrie-Iiffhting cvmpany. New main !
are now being put in. and the que-t;on 1
of electric street lighting must come 1
up within a year or two. as must nii-o j
the question of cost toeens-umers. Cork i
if. one of the smallest towns uith elec- 1
trie service, and gets, its eleetrieitj as '
cheaply as any city. The charge in '
Cork it- nine cents per unit for the elec- i
tricity used in the first two hours every j
day. and two cents riurinir the succeed- j
insr hours. For motor purposes the '
charge is tight cents during The rlrst j
tno hours and two cents thereafter. In
Birmingham ther is a uniform rate of '
14 cents per unit to the general run of
consumer.- that is, to the great num
ber using 100 or less units per month.
For any quantity in excess of 100 units
nine eents is the charge. There is also
a special provision of eight cents per
unit up to 100 units per month for elec
trical energy used for motors or all-day
loads, and any quantity in excess of 100
units is four cents. A unit means here
the burning of 17 ordinary incandes
cent lights one hour.
The gas department of the city of
Birmingham uio favors large consum
ers, and the re-Mil: is a large use of gas
engines in factories. The price of gas
per thousand cubic feet per quarter in
one building are: Under 25,000, CI
cents; L'S.CKrd to 50.0CC, 37 cents; 50,000
to 250,000, 53 cents; 250,000 and upward,
49 cents."
work and engraving, while Theo. H.
Liebe is an expert optician and is good,!
on watch repairing, jewelry work and i ,
eneraving. Their price is as low as con- t
sistent with good workmanship. They
are prepared to do all work in their
several lines, on short notice. Work
sent by mntl or express will receive'
prompt attention. Sinn. "Big Red ,
Watch." !
J. B. Orossen & Co., Props.
87 Second Street.
I'uiiulutlon of Europe.
A scientific statistical work just
published fixes the population of Eu
rope at 351,000,000. an increase of 70,
000,000 since 1S70, or an annual in
crease of about 3,000,000. X. Y. Journal.
For Sale.
The two boildines owned by Mrs. E.
Julian, on Court street, between Second
and Thir.1, now occupied as a lodging
hocce and dressmaking shop. The
buildings will be sold, farnlebed or un
furnished, cheap f jr cash. Apply to
Mrs. E. Julian. s3-lmd
From a nation of borrowers we
liave become a lending nation, and
interest rates are cheaper today in
tbe United States than anywhere else
on earth. In place of selling bonds
in time of peace we are paying bonds
in time of war, all of which proves
that the claim of national prosperity
is based on substantial facts.
Labor is busy, is better paid and
lias to -work shorter hours than in
any other country on earth. Under
tbe republican administration of tbe
government, be is today better fed,
belter boused, better clplbed, better
Are you ready to boy your fall shoes?
We are sole agents for the celebrated
Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.'s line of foot
wear. If yon want the beet shoe for the
least money, call and see us. No trou
ble to show goods at the Jew York Cash
New shoes for fall and winter just re
ceived at the New York Cash Store.
..Gnus, mu-
and Farmers
Keeps on draught the celebrated
COLUMBIA BEEP., ncknow-;-edced
tie best br lu The Hailed,
at the usual price. Come In, trj
it and be convinced. Also the
Finest brands of Wines, U-juor
end Cisart.
of ell Kindi alrray i on band.
1 !
tcautore ot tlie Kcpulntor Line will run n it the lot-
ow n; sclndule, the Commuy reticrvliift tbo right to change 'j
c;e ule ul.)out notice.
Str. Regulator
l.v Duller
at 7 a. I.
h' TutTday .
2. TliurNlny ..
H aaturday.
C' Arr. 1'tirtlBtid
p, sM:Xr. St.
Lv. I'ortland
at A. x.
. Wednvicay
Arr. Dalles
at 5 e. x.
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. Dalles City.
I.v. Dalles
et T A. h.
Wi lines Jay
Arr. I'ortlutid
at 1 :M v. m.
L I'ortlnnd.J
at T IX) a h. i
Tuediiy J
TlmrKrtay ,9
Hiturtlny 3
Air HnlIS
ut j r. .
Travel by the Steamer of the I'cciilaiar Line. 1 he Comiatiy '
ron the btfct ietvice Ksible. for further itifii
will endeavor to glv itn al-
rmattuti auarent
C Portland Office, Oat Street Docfc.
W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Atrt.
fw..i.v....r. vi, .y vi....,.
Just What
You uaant.
F- s.
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
nor Second & Lailn, 'Ptone 167
la all lu lUgea Umm
hooid be cleanliscM.
Elj Cream Bala
cleanttf ,ioolhei tod heal
tbe dUeaaed membrane.
1 1 cure catarrh aoddrirea
war cold la tlia Lead
Cram Balsa U placed lato Ito BMtfil, iptMiU
over the SMabrtae wl U abaorbtd. Belief ii im-
taedlaU and a core t otlom. It if Dot drying-doe
not produce (neezlng. Lar( Bum, SO cent at Drs(
gUU .ir by mall ; Trial 8Ue, 10 cesta by stall.
SLY UUOTiUUtS, M Wanes Street, Xew Tork.
Anynne sending' a iketrh and dMcrlrrtlnn ma"
qnlcxlr ascertain oar opinion free wiiather a',
luremlnn la probably iKitonUtble. Communlc
tlonatrictlyco:itldciithl. Handbook on I'atcnU
xmt (roe. Oliteat acenry foracurlnr jntnu.
I'at'it.t taken tbrouith Mann A; Co. ruwlrv
ticial notice, without chante, in tbe
scientific nmxxm.
A handsomely illastrated weekly.
Ijirccjit cir
lernn, 13 a
tnLitloit ut nnr .cientlUc lournal.
venr; four months. tL fijidbyall newsdealer.
offlca. a V DU Wasbinntoti. U.C
TUasofe Pimples. Pmeat
liSSS'f mS "" Pli loll KiS,
c. tteldbr dnwau. M. MSAsWO CO. ma. fa
Van lieadaehe aod liyspp&.
If f M
11 WJDr-
Kew ideos in Wall Papr here. Sucb
ide variety as vre are allowing never be
fore graced a single etook. I'.ual imita
tion creton effecte at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper priceE.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, vours
for a email price, at our store on Third
street. Also a full line of house paints.
D. VAUSE, Third St.
Tfie Columma PackinpCo..
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
National Batik.
A General Banking Business trauisacted
Deposits received, subject to Bight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptl
remittad on dar of .collection.
Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold oa
New York, nan Franckreo and port
land. DIRKOTOMe.
D. P. Taoatmtoir. Jmo. 8. Bchbmck.
Ed. M. Wiixuata, Gao. A, Liava.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kindf
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, TmitSo
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOIl FlOUr T,e 0Gr 18 manufactured exprepely for .'amiij
A use : every sack is itnaranteed to give satlatartipn.
Wa seli our poods lower than any house in the trade, nnd if you don't think to
call and get cur prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats
I J. E. FALT & CO., I
Proprietors Commerejal pfe Jooms
5 Purest Liquors for Family Use?
Delivered to any part of tho City. y
k Phones: Gl Local, , , ,, ,
y 85b Long Distance. 173 Second Street, y
SAY! Lend Me Your Ear!
Do you know that John Tathek. the tailor, is agent for two of
the largest merchant tailoring houses in America?
Do you know that he will sell you a suit, made to your order, n A
vu-,. c me iianu.iue.oown, reHUy-inaue, you buy in the stores, un
guaruntee a fit or no Eale? W
Do you know that ho has alreadr on hand for the coining Ml Y
and winter trade the handsomest and fiu'est line of samples ever ehowu y
in 1 he Dalles? J
JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent. J
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Caket. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.