The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 02, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 351
CaSTOria I
AYcgctable Pr cparaiiortfbT As
similating ihcFoodandRcgula
lint; ihc Sloinadis amlBowcls of
Promotes Digcslion.Cheerfur
ness nd Rest.Conlains neilltcr
Opnmi.Morpliiae norIiiicraL
JkuprntUKl -
lurf, JV nd. -O'nrifirJ
Aporffcl Remedy for Constipa
tion SourSloutach.Diarrhoca
Worms .Convulsions .Fcucrish
ncss nnd Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
vi. w -vrvntr
tx c" copy or wrapper.
5liffi uf Cairo; tlm Oiiuntitt Tlirnlcr,
btri'i'tk ut All tlui, .MoxICHii thru
trr, Animal Minim, lint! it liutru Other
AlutiM'mrutn ti I'lram mid Ciilitli Me
VUi t or .
Tim world's greatest fair was liehl in
CbicBco. The splendors if the Colum
Man exposition linger llko a dream in
the uiinde of those who saw thetn and
were dazzled by their grandeur and
matchless beauty. The Midway Plal
esncewse the greatest feature attraction.
" ae unique, its was diverting, in
structive and far-famed. The Dalles ie
about to tee a reproduction of the mem
orab'eehow with all the feature that
iweotly made such a hit at Portland.
The Jarbour Midway is teven big
ehowe In one and each it an attraction
within iteelf. Probably the first in in
tereot will be the
Ntreeti of Cairo.
Here will be seen 25 real Egyptian
People, men and and women, who came
'"' the Nile and have felt the scorch
ing desert sands ; people who have faced
'he fierce haruiattau winds and were
toothed to repose by the gentle siroccos
'hat blew from Lydian shores. They
have sealed the pyramids and marveled
t the sphinx of Gezeh. These weird
People will Klye un exposition of the
manners and cuetome of their country
men. 'Jhey will imitate an Egyptian
wedding procession tliat, in tome re
acts, will outrival the splendor of
Lalla Rookh, leaving Delhi for the. vale
Cashmere. The Egyptians ate wot d
r'ul athletes. Their sword combale
fiffcititeneely interesting. Tlielr wrest.
HnK bouts are exciting in the extreme,
"he I'udon women will illustrate the
theme of Egyptian home life.. They
"'H tell fortunes by tho etais and by
other methods known only to their mys
"cart. Rajah, o real Egyptian 'noble
i with this Midway and appears
"tlly in his inimitable specialties. In
'he streets of Cairo is the noteworthy
Oriental Theater. j
This is the sanctuary of La Jieila Fa
wns, the mte Egypt of the West. She j
li the central figure of a coterie of tiourls
wbosbdurk skin and darker eyes are Us
"tlg they twinkle like stars newly
"ucg from the band of the Maker. Her j
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
Irou-'O is composed of tho most celebrat
ol muscle dancers from the land of tho
I Pharaohs. The danse du venture, or
' Couche Uhouche, attained gteat popu
! iari'y at the World's Fair, and today it
j is still lacked wondering', as it ie the
national oi th strange peoples
! portraying it it. T lie so called stomach
dunce is not puoutting, ricouchettimr,
gyrating; it i? what it if, and in tint be
seen to be thoroughly underet'-od. La
Bflle Falima wears proudly the gold
medal won at the Woild'8 Fair, PariP,
for the most graceful and artistic danc
ing. She has won eo many trophies of p.
similar nature that she is "hung round
with ribbons and stuck o'er with med
HtrrtU nt all Nntluua.
These will be intensely interesting
Prominent aiuom: the attractions will be
the family of Japaneee performers
Little Irene, the 3 year-old Jap, has no
equal upon this habitable globe as a con
tortionist. Her work is not alone clever,
but marvelous. Mr. and Mrs. Chamber
lain, the champion eharpehootere, give
exhibitions o( their skill in hadling a
gun that eeems miraculous. They have
challenged Johnny Graham and Annie
Oikley, of Iiuilulo Hill's Wild West
Show, and offered to shoot a match with
ttiem for any puree they might name.
Next of importance to the Streets of All
Nations is the
Mrxlcau Tluatr.
Four of the chief actors are princes
and piinct-EEes from the Latin countries
of South American, where monarchy
was one time all Important. The other
members of this company are Mexicans
who brims with them the airs of mysti
cism that surrounds all tiiobu who hail
fiom the land of the Montezuaiae. They
will give a continuous performance of
the hither class. Only the highest-
priced vaudivllle arthtu compose this
celebrated company. There is no music
moro entrancing than the lilt of Mexi
can fonir. when) the plillomela Biid tho
lute hold eway. Those who delight iu
tho mandolin and the "bulbul" will go
into cxtacies when they hear the trou-
badors of Mexico.
Anluial Sliow.
In thh zoological congrets will lo
found animals from every clime. The
boxiDK kangaroos, "Jeffries" and "l-ltK-
simiuons," are a whole host In them-
khIvcs. They itive a splendid exposition
of the manly art of self-defence. The
i.Hrfnrmlnir moukeys are perfectly irre
sistible. Nellie" aod "Nero," the
Bears the
Signature jxf
trained lions, have no equal on the saw
dust arena. They are tho finest speci
mens of the family of L?o that cnu tie
found in America. Mons. llascubeck,
their famoU3 Uainer, enters their den
a net1 feeds them daily. lie puts them
through their paces, prctend9 to shoot
them and eives a thrilling exhibition of
nerve and daring at each performance.
Two camels will act as beasts of burden
by carrying all those who would experi
ence the sensation those enjoy who sail
in the "chips of the desert." Three
dodkeys and a whole menagerie of
animals, wild and tame, will compoee
the other myriad of attractions.
Oormau Village.
A troupe of famous Tyrolese eingers
will entertain those who sit in the Ger
man village and dream of tho Rhine.
Their program will be of the uaudeville
character. It will include many of the
most celebrated warblers of the con
tinent. Several of the artists are can
tutrices of international teputation.
.Mighty MliHvuy.
Or.e of the most startling and sensa
tional features of this congress of rare
attractions is the daring trapeze net bv
Mon;. and Madam Cobcr, ho have no
equals in the aerial world. This great
act occur3 under the broad canopy of
heaven only. The "Jap's Slide for Life"
also is astonisbing. The miraculous
bicyclers never fail to elicit talvos of ap
plause. limvu Men Vull
Victims to itomach, liver and kidney
troubles as well as women, and all feel
the results in lo3S of appetite, poisons in
the blood, backache, nervousness, head
ache and tir.-d, listless, run-down feel
ing. Hut there's no need to feel like
that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville,
Ind. He says: "Electric Hitters are
just the tiling for n man when he is all
run down, and don't care whether he
lives or dies. It did more to give mo
new strength and good appetito than
anything I could take. I can now eat
anythiug and have a new lease on life."
Only 50 cents, at Hlakeley's drug store.
Every bottle guaranteed. 3
Jlurilfr at 1'rukhur.
North Yakima, Wash., Oct. 1. W.
W. Scott, of Kiona, this county was shot
and killed about 1 o'clock this morning
at Protiser by an unknown man, sup
posed to be th robber who held up a
traveler on a freight train a few hours
earlier. Another man was ehot and
perhaps jataiiy wounded. Scott's
murderer escaped. Scott, armed with a
shotgun, and accompanied by the man
who claimed to have been held, went to
a box car on a Eiding at Prosser. The
men insido wore ordered to come out,
which they did. Scott'a companion
identified the two men as tho robbers.
As he pointed them out, four Bhots were
fired by one of them, and Scott fell dead,
shot iu the head and iieart.
The man wounded was not concerned
in the melee, but stood some distance
away. He was a tramp. Scott was a
merchant at Kiona, where he had been
Etation agent and postmaster. There is
no clew to tho Identity of tho murderer.
Mllllun (ltveu Away.
Jt is certainly gratifying to tho public
to know of one concern in the land who
are not afraid to be generous to the
needy and suffering, Tho proprietors
of Dr. King's New Diecovery for con
sumption, cougiis and colds, have given
away over ten million trial bottles of thiH
great medicine; and iiave the satisfac
tion of knowing it has absolutely cured
thousands ofj hopeless cases. Asthma,
bronchitis, hoaraenees and all diseases
of tho throat, chest and lun;M are eurely
cured by it. Call on Hlakoley, the
Druggist, and get a free trial bottle.
Regular size COc. and $1, Every battle j
guaranteed, or price refunded. 3
Jtcil Hut From tho Guii
Was tho ball that hit G. H. Steadman
ot Newark, Mich., In the Civil War. It
caused horrible ulcers that no treat
ment helped for twenty years. Then
Huckleu'd Arnica Salve cured him. It
cures cuta, bruises, burns boils, felons,
corns, skin eruptions. Beet pile cure on
earth. Twenty-five cents a box. .Cure
guaranteed. Bold by Dlakeley, the
druggist. 3
To whom It may concern: My wife,
Lillie Hentiingsen, having left my bed
and board, I will not be responsible for
any debts incurred by her.
Mosler, Or., Sept. 27, 1000.
Inland OS the Conitt of Honduras
.Where No One WnrU.1, Ilecnuau
Therein Xi .t'ci'd uf It.
iTuutan, the largest of the fivo
"Hay islands," a little chain or key
lying- some '30 miles on" the coast of
Spanish Honduras, southeast of Port
Cortez, and only four days' travel
from Xcw Orleans is some 10 miles
lonfr and It miles wide.
It has n population of about 3,000
people, mostly Cnrib Indians, and I
Doubt, says a writer in the Xew Or
leans Times-Democrat, whether there
is in nil the world n more beautiful
and prolific spot. The people are lazy
simply because they don't have to
work. Cocoanuts form their mainstay,
nml there is nothing easier to grow.
To start a grove, one merely burns
oiT a piece of laud, and plants the
nuts in rows 'M feet apart. In from
four to ihe years' time the trees are
a dozen ,Vet high, and are beginning
to bear, and after that the planter is
fixed for life. He may bid adieu to
The nuts are never picked, but as
they mature they drop oft', and this
shower of fruit goes on steadily month
after month all the year around, now
long a tree will bear nobody can say,
but there are some on the island that
are known to be over half a century
old, and are still dropping their har
vest of nuts.
When the native needs something at
the store, nil lie has to uo is to gath
er 'together some nuts and trade them
for what he wishes. He hulls them
by striking them on a stake driven
in the ground, and a man can easily
hull 3.CCO a day in that manner.
Other fruits grow ju.-t us easily as
the cocoanuts and the only reason
why that especially is grown is be
cause it furnishes an easy crop, for
which there is always a ready market.
There are plenty of bananas, oranges,
mangoes, plums and pineapples, and
they are all delicious. They grow
wild, without the slightest cultivation,
and all one has to do is to pick them.
Vegetables are equally prolific, and
the native yams easily average -0 or
50 pounds in weight. A piece of ear.e
stuck in tho ground takes root and
renews itself perennially for years.
Kotes and llowers of almost every im
aginable vureity run wild from one
end of Kuatan to the other.
A stranger who comes fo the islands
is invariably amazed at the prodigali
ty of nature and the apathy of the
natives that is, before the lazy feel
ing gets into his blood.
The thermometer has never been
known to fail below 00 degrees or to
rise above SO degrees. Being part of
Spanish Honduras the island is, of
course, under the government of that
republic, but it is too far away ever
to be disturbed by the storms of revo
lution, and at present things are pe
culiarly serene.
The Honduranian government is
represented by an administrator, a
commandnnte and u governor. There
is never nny friction, and their sim
ple duties are confined chiefly to the
collection of customs.
There is no military establishment,
and the only jail on the island is a
small one-room hut, in which a plain
drunk occasionally sleeps oil' too much
native brandy. Theft and other
crimes are unknown, and doors are
never locked.
Drying preparations simply dovel
op dry catarrh ; thoy dry up the eocrotious,
which adlicro to tho mcmbrauo and decom
pose, causing a far moro serious troublo than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
iug inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffa
and uso that which cleanses, eoothcB and
hcata. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
easily and pleasantly. A trial olzo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho
GOo. bizo. Ely Hrothors, CO Warren Ht., N.Y.
Tho Halm cures without pain, does not
irritate or canso Bneezing. It Bpreada itself
over on irritatod and angry Burfaco, roliov
inr' immediately tho painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Halm you aro orinod
against Nanul Catarrh and Hay Fover.
The Campbell & Wilson millinery
parlor is the plucu to buy up-to-date
head wear at right prices, All the new
things in street hats'. Patterns and
trimmed hats can be found there, also it
fine lino of children's cohool hats and
baby bonnets. tf
Four or five boys, going to school
during winter, to board. $12 a month
with room and plain washing. Across
street from High school. Apply at
Giibonicxk office. ilawlui
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated Jame E. Patton
strictly pore liquid paints
October 9 to
M liita
This will bo tho greatest event in the history of the City of Wheat,
Wool and Fruit and an Open Hiver to the Sea. The products of -this pro
lific region will be on exhibition, and farmers, ilockmasters and all others
will witness an exhibit that will be both interesting and instructive.
Excellententertalnments day and night. Fivo 'days of sight-seeing
and pleasuru.'&Thure will be ample accommodations (or nil guests. Come
and The Dalles will entertain you.
Producors from all sections requested to mako exhibits. No cliurge
for space in the lair building). No entrance fee.
Reduced Rates on all Railroads and Steamboat Lines.
Advertise in the Chronicle
Catarrh Cannot Ito Curvd.
with local applications, as thoy cannot
reach tho seat of tho disease. Catarrh
Is u blood or constitutional diseaso, and
in order to euro it you must tuko inter
nal remedies, Hall's Catarrh Cure in
takou Internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's
Catarrh Cure is not n quack medicine,
it was was prescribed by ouu of the best
physicians In this country for years, and
in u regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, Combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces, The perfect
combination ol the two ingredients is
wlmt iirniliieey Hiieli wonderful resultH In
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F, J. Chunky & Co,, Props., Toledo O,
Bold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
If over sham cheapness is to be
avoided, it is when choosing a School
Suit for e healthy boy. A boy's back
and legs are a poor place to put shod
dy and scamp eewing. We had the
active, sturdy boys in mind when we
planned the
f .H.U.0($.5p$eiar
$3.00 Suits.
They look smart and epiek-and-span;
yet they "wear like Iron."
The fabrics are absolutely All-Wool,
and every seam is doublo-sewed with
eilk and linen thread. The knee
pants have double thickness'of clotti
on scat and kness, and elastic waist
band. Made of blue, black and fancy
oheviots. Sizes 0 to 15 veare.
13 inclusive.
WurlOiiii Nluht uiid liny
Tho busiest and mightiest little tiling
that over was mado is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Every pill la a BUgar-coated
globule of health, that changes weakness
into strength, llBllcstmess into energy,
brain-fag into mental power. They'ro
wonderful in building up tho health.
Only 25 cents per bux. Sojil by Dlakeley,
the druggist. 3
"My baby was terribly sick with the
diurrlmn," Hays J. H. Doak, William,
Oregon. "Wu were unable to euro him
with tho doctor's assistance, and us a
last resort wu tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Dlairhau Remedy. I am
happy to say it gave immediate relief
and a complete cure." For sale at
Dlakoley's drug store.
Duy a meal ticket at the Umatilla
House restaurant ; 16.50 for 5. sl-tf
rat Fair
' i