f-t; j NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Um Ornci at Tut Du. r . ' scpejctrr 1--, isce. NeJ U rty pur ttt.t th . ;!. w.lc- asa! tlr . filed il? J Kt tt.s.tUon stake anal pwC la o;-i.c: at lr ela'tr.. asd t tkat ski ;.rtv will t dV bcrct the l.r?' r aw. Kwwlver it 1 be Dalies. Orera, c W ntn day. Octoier lvt. l rto ! 4stet F. Mwsrt, of Trie llallrt. r . K. E. No, .S$. f.x- th E F-. s J KsTp 1 N. !l t!.u:K qrNW ,r ice " J ... ' l, iv ; .. J. CtC , mo- tb f .Jk.irta- -ritae-if .- p;w Jier emnsixrtiao. rtsiArne sn and ca'.:. r Rmn aoJ 0.1. Hw UKral-.i-jjJJ t r r,, In .VaihsalUts. '"'"l.WlK-CV..-. RESULT OF ENG LISH ELECTIONS S-ttrephe Vicwrj For Ceusen-ativci Bfcv- ciee Miaisterbitsls NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. !x Omc: aT Tee Iasx. "k . Lokmw, ?3i. 2t. One hcadred aad ! e.i.nnnit!iaiitii: Tnlirn4i ! Xaee l Ry JtSveo that th Jr!!.w:r c- - - , , . - Ssjb -ttler ki Site OMlft ui kf iuttr:. at tMSSMK today. In all 66 eaadidates were re-; Os . H v :.: turned. The mMi'trrtali-t -?rete V:s-! Sf of th s-t.-fh.p of Ibe aon?e , to mr.tr Goal rt -ept-ri ci hi elato.. td , , . . - ttat said wf wia be taude betoc the rwri-ter -rvprrTT T "er .r.-i.t- CHOCOLATE BON BONS. ODAY. DIRECT from the FACTORY , SE : UKiVki ;i qr. ic Ipl:.K!l i j EASTERN PRICES. 38. libera!! 5. and natioaaHfli cciint UiaWSf, rarauvs, eirc.t, . He 3an :iM. fniioTrjar visae toprwc - - - i wr lnj - ilrborT, war rr-trterteI at Eocfaesifr. ; .v Ftex.P. -;."rca. ClurJes Owos and w. ! f"ip O O BlfllvfilSV 3:1 the oTrssien: rXJe rslorntd to-? . T'Ge T3rHgTiSt. J. A. EBERLE. vitboct e?pc;"c:ioa wers Jcs-pt tis-, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ( berUSs, iha fecrsUrr o: the lst ior! 1a5ei bert- 5Te ttit the cudci ne4 tb eaaVti (Weil Bi.-uocbs.a; fctecr?e bwofiplr pvlj!r S?"1'"-,01 S . noanvsn, the prua.3en:arT ecre-. r: ir of :be relate of suel .j-sm,. tary c Ue (Dt: ; Chrle, ! r.1; ! I , T. Kitcbey. the prMnt of the bord SAJu'Wc'SSS: MPS 3101100 ofUarfCrOvdos.; Sir Jeba H. Crorab t nithiB si- months frrn: U Ul Jhgr-oi. f " V IWJIIVIIWK fGret Yratb,;iei5ie Collins t:n-i p,3lbr 1C"t H. HOCTHER.V ' dr ?eretry far the bouse depart ciect , (Bor -.ri.fra of Birmi : N0TICE FOB PUBLICATION-. , irier Jofpb Pfire.l nisn,!, .e .3tsca. . r.Uee i kSir riri s: tlx io!kr;;- os di:;'-sv. 100 dtfTt;reat vriet:e to se secrcitrv &! tbe war effife South 3:.-- was Kti h filed notice d Us intetioB eet fr0::); , , ....,., -r- ti toe nai yrortf iu npp.irt or hf. ct-lir. and , ia.nsEn .; Cok?ieI sir Cbarlei r-. ri. ; ut aj piw: ;;; be inadt beJt-:c .k. Prv-by. . Viae.-. tb, ioad,r of tf. Ur.!led , 2fr SJo SUltS, $20 3rd Up. 1 y sader 5ec:eiry of ?lie for the home drjartoiat Tfce Se libe.-ai rra-d naoppoifcd in- j cJcd- ViI!Lu& Coert Gctly, speafeer of j tfat- boT- of commosr 'Oaririk-;, sad! NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Sv HeBTT Bu1lT Fowler, faraaer'y r -! Omen xt The !xixf. Oe. d-r Kcrevr of r-te for the borne de-1 Soll. It rSSSam i pz-namil d rtjcretarv of the Rati for -Jr b wKh ri br intecUon h. ;5S 6 S A ? i 1 t A 1 f T ? i ! 5: 5: The Dalles, Or. The Chronicle, k Job Printens 4 ,53 55 3- .-3 3r is a: XTTTrrn ttttttt t i ; r i riTiiiitTTTyrrtrTTTTjfyTTTTrTTiiiTiti-:iTTTirrtTTTtrt txirTtrj1 rerKT rot T1K CHSDv.i.t From lu. Faft .salt tjtk-, Denver Kl Mall , Uoitb, OmiU. kv lIm- m City, tii, j Chicago anj E Attn 'tOi 1: t & Atlantic 5lt Uko, Denver. Fr . :!.rej 1 Worth. Ora-lta, Kn 11.,'irta. in.' a City, st i,aig 'U Hant-i Chicago and Ka.t. tnrtnn. ' FiiVne IWella Walla, Prnlti ii it ! iJ e I a t h. l lln.atwl ?? t Ei.rw I'hlcaco r nd Kt, r-. rJ22 Ej.rw ; p. a J p. Q. s jw in. f-t.ttlie-rt Hunt.,,-. "PKU ton. bImsI jit: tln W.shlDKton utid K!- s-w. era OrvRon. Faoic Ho.TLiy Oot-aa Stmh)f. For Pan Frtirti Evtry Five Dais. MS. , I !. a 1 10 .i.Momi ana jr j SAiUfiiy ' l-iti.ltigv , Hv.tn. ; j i--a. . WnxixcTTr. F.ivns. ! K,tnd:y.On-ej CJtr. ?. !-rS. Etiuri naloa i Way La:, . ' Wtu ji x tut a V x- 1 j) n. a. : cd Way I jud;tii.s aairrt. a Et5fcer Heto .Oas-.erb-rr ; UIi Lr"' . k C ries 3rfsbT smart-W ortl-r, iotatr- md. anrfi-Bdcc So. EC Jcr tiie iE!4 . KI1E.W. SI. Uc K u-winr wtCDCMH so prove Ca'.I r.nd fxttiJoe CJods before coins esnere, ieeond ttrert, o;-p. Alfty A Crowe's. i.v Ritara 0-1 y 3 "!-.' tiircr. Kljwirin In lH tutor. UirtTOa Jelly vCOtn Haliana dTt0 of She! : 1 ctrntl-socs :eidei.M c;on ent.tvaliw .-T-rr-rT-rraxirri . . .. -. i ck aatd nni . vu: .. ........ Sir nC ard Afbert aiOOQ ! Char)- :lrt. VCSixni Wnijrn.. Jsai . iirr sud Patrit-i aarcettT. alt tx ( (-trr;: L W. E. I1"N"BaE, Eejistcr. ( w ' in i ji. - 1 ? . 1 . , . . i i... . . . ... - - . . . . . iJBc-s z ui.etiii;. 1 un ic pram ee aaaoe ne-ore tae inoaier , 4 As interett.cj featore o: tbe e;ioar 4-j0elobe.2i. isci).Tii. lritza K. Tloters, i the JB'jtfa: trbiatisa br tbr Ta-nua-isn astentWr !. Tlx.- ., ( tiHK Srnc. (if Tie Iaus, Orcpin; Jras propo-mr )jiai Ac;tr!iE3 c-bierara E-asa, Eric Oruoiaa-'. l!uiiT. Or. ooBvii-Iatis- Mr. Cbafflbrrlaia oa the ! JAY f. lAVA:. Bsfter. Brit'sh sacc?:c ia South Africa and. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. b-. a tte e rtor ; of Great Britain wiM j.., 0rrlcr iT Thi. 0r , ! em.'.ttitiT mst:t oa tbt- :rc:ts Off .-eDUacUr: It. 1 Victory bemz f-flf-ctoaijr fecsrec. L. Lane, GENE UAL BlaoRsmitli THE CELEBRATED TftT- 5 r.e Otlnnc lu c. r . llepcro t ii.li- -V 1 J. tearum: '1 hp Dn t u . n r.trs Clrtrt cnuccrll I'iTI'iiitJnrJiln nine at Tlie IIlc 1 ' !: AKD. nit? nrr.iumi ui mr vutwuie: iu. 1 -lza Ik. 1 iccf ri, t w-w 4 8 irn to ia the efe ttuu, ,n tbe vi HilTQPQnnPr Aj-TiSjsd. A di;&:cL froaa hobsrt, and .-c 15. Tp K. E 1. E. W. sC a fill! llfllllitlLis r , ;,- Ite iiane tiut loltowlnr ;a,e- to;.mie . UViWmVl -a,n:, fctaoaaee- tbe udoption 1 s , he. .0ao(rt:i rs.jaaMte oijo aad cu:viujn , Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. I'M ee! Jb2iTs-:B. Ffione 159 i 0 0 0 ...GOIillpBIA BREWEU V.... j AUG-UST BUCHLEH. Pron. F.l! fii! full jiarOcule' The lUllba. 4 .V. U.1 "fCT al Of li.e jr'nJoetof r! v -k:.o n i.rt-wery the l";teJ States Ilea, in 0 W (W ' ' MT5 i I;- w.i 'cr Jnne :, I'Hj. -ay?. "A iri-re eeii-ir brew cifvir entere4 lj I f lli.'! S-i ! ! e :t't'jry of tbt U:tci .-ta'ea Kra'.tli reports. If i ab'o.ntely devc.d , U iIf I ill 'rie r!i-t.tet tracr Df adu.'.ra'ioc, tiJtoa tl.r other f.aod is ro-r pOBC'i of A 1 i I II til If ' Sill U. trt of mr.it aad rr.sc-ft of hop?. Its ton;e qaa'.it;? are of tbe hijb g A 1 UA LAl.UA AL A U.U rrt sad it can bt; u-ed with tht jreite'S l&edt and -a! if faction by old end vc'ns. It: Ure can coatcitritioctiv le trecribed bv the nbvsician? witti 5 tbe csrsaintv that a letter, parr or more nh-.tesme beverage could not Piribiy be foend." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGOI 0 4 ss.'k 'WWX w v- Yellowstone Park Line. Sotk if he-dT riven teat :h? fu!if.-r:? twsmA M-sUer haa il ispuc -j his iuiesUos " make final v10 ic opiort A hi eium. and OrTiu" )renaration5 shrarr derel- hl prmf i l made tvi j- tbe terirtcr rr-.r- "rn-r-r'v- Ar drr -n fido-- ! na& Beeeivrr at TSie l.aU, Oregon, on ti!r--fhict cdaere to tbs tu-i zza decors- ' A r-lioo Fox !3e,e6g2fr3oreseriostk nf T H. E. e'o. sm. for ?h- tJaC5-IO.pC--ra. ATOld-JiC-V-: f h.' NW -,r .ad Vt hl.W qr. i U.T? i . K il - rrT A K.VEEALSASKI.VG BCalSEs rg iji.il, fsrj, Emoies osd snuifB i- yi M. ! THE UIMSU C Alt liOVIl ir . jI K)ETmi TO TUK 1 W ' THE UNLY DIRECT 4,it YELL BTO.SE I'.VI.K FBENCH & CO, BANKERS. tad tjs. iist hich cleaases, sootaes caa He nai.- ibe foUoviuf b1u v prove Letter, of Credit issued &vs:i&b!e ia thfc hszh. Ey's Cresai Eahn is such a resaedr l?,l,je,1ua: npon mt ,CDl !vti JC Eastern State 5. tad -iQ cere cfite.rr or cold in tbs bed c. 'iim'uey, C. H. Vainer. C brle Gcw SuLt Exch.a?e and Te';eirrtpbi ezsu? artd plea-itir. A trial Eke -will be and W. c. vuark.-il of Tbe 1mu. Oreson. Trafer sold on Netr York. Chica.io. is-ilfrd for 10 ctats. All crccmsts t&U tbe 50s. ize. FJyBrotbers. GCVtrrea St.. N.T. Tbe Bilra cures wiriot pale, does not jmtte or ctase cattrr. It rcas itself eplS JAY P. LCCA-. Uesiater. NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. OTer aa imtited az.d iagry surface, reber-j ' Auc. is, !.' ' ' a rib, terras. rag traaediatcK tbe palate, mrp.rr'-intifrr-. Notice ii htrvbr riven tiat te b-lio-riaj ' With Eiv'B Creara Baira toe a-2 anaed ciec sr obj tuei uouet; r ate tsitrauon . zon, Seattle VTasb,. cod varioas poists . in Oregon aad Wtshinrtoa. Oouectioas raaae at aii poiatf on fs.7- Grandall & Barget DEALLI: IN - - RobeS, fill kinds of ,,, . .,, pMr:a . Funeral Supplies elibalmers Etc. The Dalles. Or. B.lKBWt.F.uI. i'.i AE:a , that s-id pr.i; irlU t- -sade before tae reenter PP I 1 P H 111 H T I (1 end receiver of the r. land oihee at The J--v 1 1 CXIAVJ. The tardea and mon complete line of : D-lles, Or ,oa atcrdav,5epS.im viz ! fall and winter tai.haerv ever displaved ! ury ccordion.-fTheu or., Ovcfpr PrlnrC: . . . ' . ., . .V... H. E. :.o 491 1, icy the N.1 ;E"4' sec. 6. Tp 1 K, W 5UV1 i. C4.1 IKJ I J in the city at tbe Campbell & WiJscu ; h is e. w. it. fjoroS. AlUrt Jnrdc. John Pahei j "tKtu and oyrter parlor in Carey Bal-; ses Toci-, all of The Dalles. Uroa. ! lard e old Etand. tbe carries . 1 ! ! A full line of Candies, 'Nuts rriillnprv narlnr Thf- t,t!m will fell I Vt the fu'lowitif vitrjeves to prove . mtmnery panort. me pr.cre wiu sen feu w.tlanoc--ea Bpa c!,vaiioa tmei TVby pay $1.75 rer gallon for inferior i aad Jane jjaiiits when yoa can bev James E. i JAY P. Ll'CAi, Iie?iiter. j Pattoa's ettc prof paiste for $1.50 per j gallon, pcraateed for 5 years. Clark & i Fa!k, ueat. rul j NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. L.ot. and Cigars. Tnis (Saturday' taorcia?, oo tbe way betw-ea Dsfor and Tne Dalles, a vtlise. Finder trill oblige by leaving it at Tuz Cheo.vici-e office. .29-1 w for Sale. Fine seed wbeat for etle; red Rossian. Price, 75 een'.f per btbe!. W. W. Eiwiox, eepl9-li Tbe DHe, Or. Lx5i OrncE xs The Di.es, Oe, 1 SVptZF: lVi. t J -otice Ij hereby rivea that the loilowiaj ! ner! settler ha ied aotice of fcli tateatloa tion to -t.te Seal proof in roptort of hi? Tb Dur(, ha i- .horonhlr rn- chi. ana icai prwji e caie e-, - . fore the ;t&,ur end receiver at The DUn, ovated, and a bsre of tbe anbiic patron Oresoa, oa "satnrdoy, Koveatei 10, l.j, viz j age is .olic'Ued. Calrlu J. DuoaklD, of Morier, Or.. H K. So, 512. for the rE jr. Sec , " SI. T 2 S. E 1 E. W. J!. He nasae tae following Kltoees improve bin . coatlaaoa midee upon, aad csltiTatloa utia line viz m . mi f illeaa-! Doric. P E. Doyle. Tbe Dalles. Or., Q C SteOJieQS Jeae M. Erosro end I'arl J. . Carlaoa, of Mo-. I v w w,& a-X Al-l 1 atat for alr. Tweaty-tbree iot. b csed from Per entb street to TaeJfth, for sale at from $50 cp. Iaqtsire at tbe Hof-1. Ser, Or. JAY P. LVCAS, ite jter 1 ..Dealer In. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Aucuit 3"., litO. j Col 0 Hi b; a i carat. Mttler ha ltl notice of hit intention to ' "l .f zna&e s.ca pxuuj iu su':i 1B ciii. nuu Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, j 4 " C. J. STUBMjNG, WHOLESALE ASD EETAIL Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Nert door to A, M. Williams & Co. ; Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. 3' 3" No. 2. Ft BJall for T' , .No. rcnltk'. Ulynpl'i HarUx u d p. nit:, i.r-.d ointit, .-pvkan' !'. laud, IS I' , J"u a" !l:li A. M. fatolIuiniiTnlnirer , 5,Vr.A try, Hikiin. Ill - y ll, tit. Paul, Or .i a, Kaimat City. i ' ChlcaRO and all !i No. t. cat r.nd Kiuthcast aX 11:S0 P. M. for Taeoms and - atie T;C0A.3f-' and lutermediate j vj.la Pullman f!rt-rlaM und t fift ilfl XlniifaKU, tit. Paul and Mint .ri rlrcrpcun without change. J VetUbultrt trains. Fulon deiiot connectiw 111 Mil (If ftf lt OlflH. , HireRt chtckul to dentinal i of ticket. I fur h-iirlttr.ot- ( 1 1 n . rl..t (i. MTll.tlVt Ol.B. 1 I tlofcit. rlcvpiiic car reservatl " vtc.,wll I A. D. CHARLTON, 1 Annlktaiit Ocneral PM-UKcr Acnt. "3 Mri ; bou ettet, corner Third, 1'jrt.mia, uw- SOUTH and EAST via i-r M ". iifiefi Shasta Route Traini leave The Dalle for Fartlani ttA ') I fctctlons ut -1 .ii a. ru. and S p. m Soumern PaciriGK Leave Portland " Albany . Arrive Ashland . ... " HacrameuU) " bun Franeiaco .1. 30bw It-Wl 12 .ittin JI pin : that .aid nroof will he made before the Kesi.ter v,.. ,i, a . j i, mI I arid P.etiver at The Ixlle, 0:ton, oo a-tar-. eiv sbCS ijr (M and ariiiter JQSt re- dav. October C l'. viz . ceive. at tbe .New tort U-sb store. UooU, BhMa. IIcti. ( Notiont. for W. 1 Donc.ax Shoe. Act. Kubrrt -t, I'hlllipa, of Holier, Or., j Tele;boae Ko. fftp Tl.llp? fir l n E. Ko KW) for the NE' KWVi, .W4 NE.JJ eond eL, I11D Jil., Ui. tj hc S, and p, iE', seel, Tp. K- 12 E., f &,.,.,.--. . ,, , . . j) W. t. f - . ---- .... . J Ciark & FAik nvoriag exiracts are me usi. Ast yonr xrccer jor taem. Ut frfwinr wltnee. to yrove bl .. . , ,, coalluuoQi ieidice opoa end calthetion of !' Clarke a Fa.k bare on tale e fall line ..id land, viz. i ,a ..,..,. l.,nV. i Jense tewU. Psllr Mwler, Ia Ev.aa, John ol pai ot anrt true, e brnstiet. u tU of oregoa. .... J- ' JAY 1' LUCAS. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. Mica Axle Crease kelps tbe team. Sav wear rad cxpeaie. boia evcrywijere. aot2-t Ktci.ter. lightess tlM load bcrrtcss the road. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. CONTEST NOTICE. U. E. Ljtp OrriccTuE Dalle. Oa.,. fcejitemUrr lb, 1'JX). j A taaiclent coateat arhdavit hailu Un filed In tblt'cfiiee by Jjeiih H. eherar, conleshtnt, asalntt hoiructeid eutry No. 7 UC made June 3. Notice it hereby riven that the undenlgned lJ4iV-hty?f'.i'.'ltei bave tied with tli Clerk ot the countr court of Tf 5 R l V br V',l?lrt0iM1ffi",?.,. the state of Oregon for Waco cmintr.tbelr n.l "I'l,!-' .v!f.5 '..m Stf 12 l.Drli mnt u piwnim of the lt will end in t. wholly abandoned (aid tract and changed hla ??ni,".."n"J.icei."e?-u7lt? rldfiee therefrom for more than l momhi. Monday, the 4tb day of Novembrr. JiW, at the SfJ?1." W,SirWi 'm i KinV.V. hour of 10 o'clock a. ia.. ha Uo 3ied by the ? wntest: and .teWjWwil tuM-itt for uld Vrmntv -i Ihe t'rne 'and tract to enter the military or naval Mrrrice ol . fff .,2J.,r, L??i?V.vL Ak?: the United fctatf , aald partle. aie hereby notl-1 1 pUee for bJ-sriwr of objecUona to' ald Coal no- ,fied "''Pt'' l and ofTer evidence toueb. Facial count ax.a tne aettieneni . . 5r,;teroT;Theeiut-r".n3 TSSw iK S'' v V, . v.v"' United tle Und office iu Tbe Dallea. Orecoo. Umatilla Honte. Extcuton. I rr . oo. aepl-'. Tb New York Cash Store it tbe sole gent for the Hemllton Brown 6boe Co.' lise of footwecr. The aald contestant bavlnc. In a troer affi davit, Bled August U, 19U. et forth faeu wblcb abow that alter due dlliftuoe personal tetvice of thl botlc can sot be made, il la beteby ordered and dlrwrud that aueb notice be given br doe and proper publication. aepU JAY J. LUCAS, Bgrter. Mrs. Annie Luckey, House Hair-Dressing j Painting... and Shampooing! Theund.,n.dba8u.n po.M..ion jof Ii, A. Splvey paint shop, next door to , tue ift oj-era house, and Las pUr. t chased the tools and lrttr- II.. i... T'Jl'LmenU and the MORMON, good mechanic. .Hn. i..... ivi tlliu, BIIU will soaranteo all work to give eatltfac tion. S. K. KELLY. Room 69, tblrd floor, nour i mm w to i a ui. and 1 to 5 p. m. Paint your boose with paints that are folly guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk bare them. tiaUcrlbe for The Chronicle, Arrive Ogdou " Denver " Koiimh city " Cblcai!0 Airive Im Angelc. . ' K1IW ...... " Fort Worth.. " city of Mexico. " Houston ' New Orkatu . " Wfjililuxlou " New York 5 rm y;it a in T . ii w i am 1 iOpm C w C mam j .um 1 r a in ; m c i. urn up 10 niitl ll:llll ,i i; ti W3f .. .. iih trail 1 Pullmnn and Touri-t car on "'rMi Chair tan. Kucramento to 0k1' U ft K,w,"l uiiu lourui rjim to L tilt'uK'J, o - luilii iiud Wiuthlnvion. ..,. -lib kteanuhlp lluea for Honolulu, J"lfi i uiiippiuci, ovuirni aim oouw See aeent at The Dallea ulatlon, or C. H. MARKHAM, oeuerai raaaenger Att"i J)K. It. K. HMITU, Osteopath. Kuimi in .nil if. nhat.man DlbCki ?. '0reon. "