EASTERN OREGON'S DRESS GOODS. Hero are n few offerings of tlio Benson's latest nnd most at tractive materials for Fall Wear: Wnck Camel's Hair ut $1, $1,25 and $1.50 Itliick Pebble Seme ut $1.25 and $1.50 Venetian Suitings, CO in. wide, (I different colorings $1.50 Hep. Cot If, Zibelinee, Whipcords, Ottomans, Armnres Hnd Baratheas, in hII eoitd colors, from $1 to $1.50 per yard A fine ejection of English Pierolas at . . .$2.50, $15 Htid $3.50 yd Blanket and Comfort Department. Fine I.uninated Comforts $2.50, $3 nnd $.3.50 Heal Djw n $7.50, $8 50 and $10 each . Blankets in B0 different qualities.. We ask everyone to make themselves at home in our store. The Dalles Daily Citfonfcle. JIO.VDAY - - - - OCT. l.TflOO 9 ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Anrl rnui Kollnr'c. - . WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. J. li. CVisfen has sold the Clarendon relaurant to Hong, n chinaman, who look poesesMon yesterday. Wilton 1 reeman is very ill with Ijphoid fever, at the residence of his mother, 'Mrs. I'itman, on Ninth street. T. Poland will open a butcher's shop in the building now being erected by Mr.Sklbbeu little east of the Skibbe hotel. The building will be ready for cccupation in u couple of weeks. The carnival committeejjwill give o n30)ber of tiri-.HH fnr IIih huut (lrwnBi.fi Indians in native costume, each prize fto the buck nnd squaw that show "Pin the handsomest Indian toggery. In a Cottage (irove newspaper recently 'tie following notice appeared : "Hold-w-Close-At Jersey City, July 22d, by I!v Charles J. Allen, Charles E. Holder Millie W. Close, botli of Poughkeep lie." A physician recommended that one of tte Must-burg citizens should take nil I'hor in whiskey for rheumatism. The citizen forgot aj about the sulphur, but I'luiiidealiT savs lie Is doing as well Ji could be expectd under the circum lances. V. If. Davis, the well-known Wapiti cattleman, arrived in town last "eniiig with a load of wheat, the first 'fver hauled hero, nnd probably iiie at If ho believes he can get more IUn 50 cents a bushel out of hia wheat 'ceding it to hogs. Ireland of tho Moro Observer id tow ii today. Ho says Sherman wnnty win l0 iurgejy represented at "coming carnival und very naturally "inks that a little judicious "advertising 10 the Moro paper by the Dalles mer jiwnta would, at this purticlar time, fKlwod returns. Tlc voting for queen of the carnival ' I close tomorrow night promptly at 0 - ju j p, in, wr, Btepnens win , Ieet a" the voting boxes nnd the vol 'K'fom that hour will take place at Stephens' store. From 1 to 7 p. in. ' e Vuli'ii will he counted every hour the result placed on a bulletin connf ! J'rom 7 t0 0 votes will be "Wed every half hour. fi'ti'i 18 re',orU!d ne ol Bolivar's Ions newly married ladies kneads r'a with her gloves on," An exchange W thes the abovo and dds: "The ociJetit may be somewhat, peculiar, but are others. The editor of this needs bread with hit shoes on, he .M' It with his pnnts ou, nnd unless 14 Mimiuent renders o( this ra of Department. Wo aro showing an exquisite lino of Fur Jackets, Capes, Collar ettes and Scarfs, from $1.50 to $40 each. freedom pay up before long, he will need bread without a darned thing on." Mesers. W. H. Butts and Ferd Dietzel, the committee uppointed to provide sleeping accomodations for the strangers that will visit the fair, whom the hotels nnd lodging houses may not be able to accomodate, request that all parlies iiioiiik; luuiuct uiui nicy wuuiu imuiuj rent for this purpose shall report the ! ...... .i 1,1 in... same nt the headquarters of the com mittee in the GateB building, corner of Union and Third ttreeu. Many who heard .Mrs. Klein sing at the concert recently given at the Bald win, and others who failed to enjoy the treat, will learn with pleasure that an other opportunity will be given them next Friday everting at the Methodist church, when site will give a concert, as sisted by seme of the best local talent of the city. To accommodate all tho price of admission has been reduced to 35 cents, the proceeds to be sham! with theorgan fund of the church ...I. ... ft. li uiiniua lilt ... v . w... M W IV Vl'ill!....,a .Ir.,.-.. frni., Arlington yesterday to spend Sunday with ills f.unily. lie reports that wheat has arrived at Ulalockem such quanti ties that the railroad'company lias no tified the farmers ifiat no more can bo received ut that station till tome of that ulready on hand has been moved away, and that tiie indication are tiiat a simi lar condition will soon prevail at Arling ton. Mr. wlliams thinks the farmers of Glllinm county will not have all their wheat hauled to the railroad till the winter is over. A largo quantity of it n still unthreehed. r"-J A freight train run into tho rear end of a work train in the neighborhood of Viento yesterday noon nnd smashed the car next to Ittio caboose, on which was a number of Japanese employes of tiie railroad com puny, killing two of them on tho Bpot. Coroner Butts went down and held an inquest on the remains. The verdict of the jury recites tiie bare facts mentioned nbqvo and attributes the deaths to "accidental collision." Three other Japs were injured, but not seiloueiy. Their Injuries were attended to by Dr. Logan, of this city, and Dr. Watts, of Jlood River. A. D. Martin, father of Mrs. R. II. Guthrie of this city, died suddenly at Gines Valley Saturday night, September 29th, of appoplexy, uged 04 years. Tho deceased, who made his homo with one of his children in California, came here a short time ago on a visit to his two daughters, Mrs. Guthrie und Miss Catherine Martin, und hud accompanied his son-in-law, Mr. Guthrie, on a short trip to tho hitter's ranch in Shermun county. The remains were brought bore on the afternoon train for interment nnd the funeral will tuko place from Mr. Guthrie's residenca on tho BlufI' tomor row afternoon nt 3 o'clock. The residence of Frank Sampson, on Union street, was quarantined this morning for scarlet fever, the two girls, Mlses Florence and Frankie, having de-fl voloped unmistakable syinp.tojns.QjJiaj: disease, A son of George Sawtelle is - i . i I l. recovering from scanet lever aim me GREATEST All we ask is an opportunity to prove that our news paper talk is not simply the use of spaco and big words. Just a little of your time- You'll find it time well spent, and we can convince you of the good points of our clothing. While you are hero we want to show you a few of our specials: No. 1. Overcoat at $10.00 A handsome dark blue and black garment, very stylishly made up. good serge lining, medium length, box cut. We call this special because as values go ordinarily this coat would ho cheap at $12.50. No. 2. Largo line of men's overcoats, from $5.50 to 20.00 No. 3. Men's all-wool wove suits 8.50 No. 4. Men's cheviot, oxford, kersey suits $10.00 and 12.50 No 5. Men's dark fancy worsted suits, single and d.-b. vest $15 and 16.50 No. 6. Men's fine tailor-made fancy tweed, cheviot and serge suits, from $20.00 to 25.00 Our Boys' Department 2 and economical prices that it is hardly worth while to mention it. The fall and winter stock is no at its bept. We show nov elties and staples in great profusion. No trouble to show goods. 03313 WINDOWS. house, has been quarantined for some time. The residence of Lewis John ston, near tiie end of the flume, is also quarantined for the same cause. The JohtistDn family has three cases. The health officers are keeping a strict look out for new cases and will maintain such a rigid quarantine that, it is hoped tiie i disease will not become epidemic. The truth is, moat of the childien now ill had the disease for some time before any one suspected what was the matter with, them. A young man of 23 years or so, who was beating his way on an eaet-bound freight train last night, was struck by something, as ho claims, and thrown from tho brake-beam to the ground and came perilously near losing his life. He saved himself by grabbing an iron rod and holding on for some six miles, till the train stopped and he was rescued by the train men. Tiie accident occurred this side of Arlington, and the man was brought here this mortHtig and placed in Sklbbe's hotal where his injuries were attended to by Dr. Geieendorffer. He gives his name as George B. Phillips, and says his father is u wealthy resident of Helena, Montana, Tiie fattier was iuforme.d of his son's injuries by tele gram and an answer has probably been received by this timo. The young fel low is quite severely bruised about the hips and groin and in one kuee. An Ohio sheriff was taking a crazy man to the Columbus asylum tiie other Idrty on tho train. At the next station J. .i i itv ....nii.n. l....ni!.. on. ihe eherills knew each other ami tot talking, placiug the two crazy iiipii in tho 6eat before them. They also, of course, got into conversation; one ask ing his neighbor where lie was going. "I am 'going to the asylum at Colum bus," said Crazy No. 1. "What is your trouble?" asked Crazy No. 2. "Bushiest) reverses and heavy financial losses several years ago upset my mind and I have been gradually worse. Now lot me ask where you are going." "Why, I urn going to Columbus to enter an asylum too." "Indeed, what's is the matter with you?" "imperialism sent mo crazy." "Imperialism I Thunder! You are no', crazy at all ; you are only a damn fool." The several carnival committees are working like beavers along their several lines of labor. Floats for the grand parade occupied their attention for a time this morning. Three ure ulready arranged for, one for the queen, another for tho maids of honor and the third by Mr. Hugh Glenn. The executive com mittee makes a special request that the fraternal orders of the city shall tnko purt in the parade, either marching in regalia or in any wuy they rnuy deem fit. Ail parties, in town or country, owning private vehicles are requested to join in tiie parade and a like request is made of horsemen, A number of prizes 'will be given for the best decorated vehicle. And in this connection intend ing participants In the parade are In formed that Mr. Stringer, who can be found at the committees' headquarters, is a professional designer and decorator DEPflRTJIEflT Boys' Shoes... There is no economy in buying cheap shoes for boys. Here is the stuff that stands their racket-: Seal Grain, heavy soles, riveted seams; sizes 1U- to 2 $2.25 Same, sizes 21 to hh 2.50 Buffalo Calf, heavy soles, riveted seams: sizes 12 to 2 .$2.00 Same, sizes 2h to 5h 2 50 Kangaroo Grain, heavy soles, seamless; sizes Hi to 2 $1.75 Same, sizes 2h to oh 2.00 Pease & Mays. All goods marked in plain figures. and will submit designs for decorations to all who may apply, freo of charge. SCHOOL FUNDS. Apportionment or State ami County FumlM fur 1000. The state school fund is apportioned but once a year. It iB received by the county treasurer in August as formerly, but is not apportioned by the county superintendent until the next regular quarter, which is the first Monday in October. The total number of school children between the ages of 4 und 20 in Waeco county is 440S. The state funds reached the maximum tills vear, being $1.50 per capita, or a total of $6870.48 for this county. Tho total amount of county school funds on hand Oct. 1st was $1802.00. Of thie the distribution amounted to 40 cents ner capita, ileaving a surplus of , $98.80. The school year b?gins on tho first Monday in March, andi.school funds are apportioned under the law whicli went into effect Muy 22, 1899, on the first Monday in January, April, July and October. Each child has ulready re ceived in tills school year for April $1. ISO; July 00 cents; October $1. 90 ; making a total of $.3.80, This does uot take into account the special school tux voted in twenty-throe school districts out of sixty-three reporting in this county. In tiie apportionment of school funds in January next each school districts re ceives first $50 regardless of the number of children enumerated, provided there are funds sufficient. Wo have the in formation on authority of the superin tendent that each district will receive its $50 or moro at tiiat time. Any amount ot the common eeliool funds on hand over $50 ou the first Monday in March shall bo reapportioned by tiie county superintendent. Following is the. amount eent eaeli district clerk today : 018T. t'l.KBK. AMOUKT. 1 T C Benson, Cascade Locks $ 284 20 2 M II NickolHon, Hood Hivor 28(1 Id 3 L Henry, Hood Kiver 689 90 4 1 D Hlnrlchs, Hood Kiver.. 240 90 5 0 I) Henrich, Hood Itiver. . 158 70 li-Wm II Edlck, Mt Hood ... 04 08 7- -J H Feak, Hood Kiver 150 92 8- W T MeClure, Mosier 411 12 9- A Y Marsh, Tho Dalles,. 41 10 10 J W Johnston, do . . 70 44 11 Jus Cameron, do .. 5188 12 0 L Schmidt, do . . 2871 40 13 W II Sharp, do .. 50 90 14 M M Cushing, do . . 52 92 15. August Deckert, do .. 31 30 10 Win Brookhouse, do . . 29 40 17 M I) Farrington, do . . 78 40 18 I.H-jii L Davis, do ..43 12 19 No report 20 J B Havely, Boyd 105 81 21 U H Southern, Boyd 137 20 22 0 B Connelly, Tho Dalles. . 8(1 24 23 T F Gray, do .. 54 88 24 M D Adams, do . . 72 52 25 0 L Walter, do . . 52 02 2tt-Wm Means, do .. 37 24 27 J W Nolln, Dufur 82 32 28 -W J Hanlinan, Kndersby.. 01 08 L'U Geo w Johnston, Dufur.. 30-tiIeurv Hudson, Dufur... 204 00 00 10 31- H W Powell, Boyd 25 48 32- W H Odell, Boyd 45 08 3d li ll llaynes, Waueene 34 Orrln V Moore, Naueene . . 35- W L Hondrlckv, Kingsley.. 78 40 45 08 25 48 STORE. 30 James LeDuc, Dufur 60 04 37 G W Jordan, Kingsley 39 20 38 Henry Bolton, Kingslev 148 96 39 F M Warner, Nansene". .... 80 30 40 F E McCorkle, Tvgh Valley 76 44 41 V C Young, Mosier 45 08 42 E N Chandler, Wamic 174 44 43 Jos A Knox, Hood River. . . 33 32 44 J M Ledford, Smock 50 90 45 J I West, Wapinitiu 47 04 40 O L Paquet, do 107 80 47 N W Flinn, do 50 84 43 T H Chastain, .Ir, Victor. . . 100 72 49 F S Fleming, Bake Oven. . . SO 30 50 Frank Irvine. -Antelope. ... 235 20 51 K F McDonald, Antelope.. 37 24 52 G L Carroll, Mosier S4 23 03 Uhas liosson, The Dalles. . . 51 FJ Reese, Antelope 55 H W Cooke. Ridge way 04 OS 29 40 25 48 94 08 03 00 37 21 7 84 ou Jl t Bird, Viento. S57 J C Wiriafield, Endersby.. I r.K n r ir.....i;ai Tim rijiioa ;59 J G Bolter, Cross Keys . . . ou No report 01 J I Miller, Hood River .... 147 00 02 No report 03 .1 E Kennedy, Wamic 78 40 04 H Stoneman, The Dalles. . . 45 08 JM03 A C Martin, Victor 94 08 I'KOI'I.K COM 1 NO AND GOING. Dr. Henry Coffin of Portland Is visit ing the family of E. C. Pease. Mr. H. Filers, of Filers' piano house, Portland, psased through town today on his way home. John Hnllingsliead, wife nnd family, of Mitchell, were guests at tho Umntillu House last night. John Perry was up from Whlto Sal mon today purchasing household goods, lie returned on this afternoon's boat. Donald MacLeod, a prominent in surance and financial broker from Port land, is registered nt the Euiopean House. Mr?. M, Jameson, mother of the late M. S. Jameson, passed through tiie city on the delayed No. 1 passenger yester day, on her wuy from New York to Portland, where she will nrraugu for tho funeral of her son. Mrs. Isabella Grev returned to her home, with Mr, and Mrs. S. L. Brooks in ths city, yesterday after four months' absence, during whicli she visited Can ada, tho Paris exposition, and Iter native home in Scotland. It is needless to say that she great'y enjoyed tho trip to the eVenes of her early childhood, She stood tho long journey very well and returns in fairly good health. IH1UN. This morning, October 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. F, K, Alible, of this city, a son, Sunday, September 30th, nit,, at the residence of li, S. Huntington, this city, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, of Priiio ville, n son. Vulea for itiiuuu of tin) l.'urnl vul , At 2 o'clock this afternoon the yote for queen of tho carnival stood its fol lows : Cora Joles , 390 Annie Haslaui 284 Lizzie Bonn 245 CASTOR I A For Iufants aud Children, Tie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the srf ' yT3T gitfuature of JZ&ffi&&&44 A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. To Delinquent Tnxiinycrn. The County Court hnving authorized tho immediate collection of delinquent taxes, I nrn compelled to comply witli Its request, and will therefore proceed nt once to advertise. If you aro delinquent you will pave cist nnd expenses by im mediate payment. All personal prop erty unpaid will be attached at tho cost and expense of the owner without fur ther notice. Kohiiiit Kki.i.y, Sheriff of Wasco Co., Or. The Dalles Sept. 17, 1000. 17-29d-w You will not have boils if vou take Clarke & Fnlk's sure cure for boils. Clark & Falk's drug stock is new, fresh and complete. Clark & Falk are never closoJ Sundiy Djn't forget this. The only Btorc fr this city whero the aenuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold, A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen piecesof so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARES Other wares look has the name Stransky - Steel Ware on each piece, Do not.be deceived First prize at 16 International Exhi bitions. Highest award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago. Pre ferred by tho best cookingauthorities, certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Remember, this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. u It does not rust nor absorb pjrease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is not affected by acids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, stew, roast nnd bake w i t h o u t imparting flavor of previously oookod food and vMI last for years. Wo cau tion thj pub ho against imitntiocj .. . vaur- A MliiUloi'ri Guild Work. "1 had a severe attack of bilious colic, got ti bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Clioler and Diarrhm Remedy, took two dosiS and w,h entirely cured," says Rev. A. A. Power, of Emporia, Kan. "My neighbor across tho street was sick for over a week, had two or tim e bottles of medicine from the doctor. Ho used them three or four days without relief, then culled in another doctor who treat ed him for some daya and gave him no relief, so discharged him. I went over to see him tho next morning, ho said lila bowels were in a terrible lis, that they had been runni.ig oil' so long that it was almost bloody lias. I asked him if lie hud tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dianhnn Remedy and lid said, 'No,' I went home ami brought him my bottlo und gave him one doso; told him to take another doso in llfteeu or twenty minutes if ho did not find relief, hut he took no more and was en tirely cured," For sulo at Blukeliy'd di tig store. Through the months of Juno and July our biiby was teething and took , run ning oil' of tho bowels mid slcknets of the stomach," says O. P, M. ilolliday, of Doming, lud, "His howeis wculd move from live to eight times u day. I huil u bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhun Remedy in tliu house and gave him four drops in a tea spoonful of water and h got better at once, Sold ut Blakeley's drugstore. inni'i Kiiu it in, Just wet the affected part l(o)y with Mysterious Pain Cure, u Scotch lemedy, aud the pain Is gone, Sold by Clarke & Falk, Floral Jotion will euro wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falki"'-. plays & Giowe tan