f ijr hiis been at tbe arerace rate of abont The Dalles Daily Chronicle. .MONDAY OCT. 1. iPOO I For rldt WILLIAM M'KINLEY, Of Ohio. For Vtc-rrldrnt THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of w York. The Salt Lake Tribune, that ably supported Bryan four years ago, says tbe colonel is crazy ar.d as sore a the world ought to stop talking. I! tbere is anything in signs be is failing mentally, and be seems to bj is tbat condition which, sbould tbe fatigue of the campaign culminate in defeat, be might break down utterly. His friends ought to make him withdraw from tbe stump, for s .rely be is im pressing no one by what he is saying these days. He has given up deliver ing oS-band speeches: be reads all his speeches, tbat is, tbe set speeches to audiences we do not mean tbe minute talk from coach platforms and has to bear that hardest strain that comes to an orator see bis hearers withdraw one by one while he is talking. He seems to us to be much in the condition that Henrv Distress after eating Is c-asd fro the stomach not icfmrr la work Unrswdiitciy. TtL it ysts to trcrfc you feel d tr3!l she food lavs fas yocr stcra- To start &5ailen to sake the ;totsxch do its worr j-o: mtut ustst it if j-or ttotsacls is trtai or slaw ta work. Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 taie- after nel nspjriies the Btora ach with necfsary acids aod juices which it the food quicilr a proper tnasr To Bet th best reusltj tls Baldwin's Health Tablets JTo. 25 with the Dv5?r:a Taiilets The Drp-?ia TaSials cost COc and car b hai al Clarke & talk. The Dane?, Oregon. Retiring from Business. ; Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Brv Good?, Clothing. Boots and Shoes, a tna.h 'ess than wholesale prices." Will sell in bu.k or in lots, or any war U sait purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. Alt good will be sacrificed except Thaip'on's G've-Sttinc Corsets and Bntterick Patterns. Your prices wili he mice. Ca'.i early and secure ; bargains. J. P. McINERNY, , Corner Second and Court St: State JSlormal School, j MONMOUTH, - OREGON. j Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. The stadena of the XnrLl SchoU ate prcjuro: io tate thv USe Lt'rriSca'e imrseUlateJr on crantiou. GradnateireaJUr feonre cn-jd position. Eir?ii" .. : year froze t!20 Si 1130. stroDq AeadenJe and Prole?sio:ist foarjes. New special l parutre in Maanal Trilatus Weil eqntfirj Trainln? IVpartmens . For catalogue ccntalninc inll acnounrecent addtsfs p. I . CAMPBELL, ITesident. or W A. W AXN, Se.-retarr oi F&eul'y. $1.00 per month, Strictly first class IockI onl long distance telephone service within your hotne. Lines do not cro?s-Ulk. Your con versation will bo kept a secret. No cost for installing. You V't the ftnndard Hunnlng Loap Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night service. We will aceept your contract for ten yea-" and allow yon to cancel same on giving ua thirty days writ ten notice, PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COB. SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. An oil identical with that of bitter sJmonde is- extracted Jrotn coal tar. George was three years ago, or at j that it can be ustd to covf r nrubrellas. lessl approaching tbat condition. He j Astronomer tell that in our Tjersiited in makinf? sneeches and ' solar system there are at least 17.000,- died less than a week prior to elec tion. And we &U remember tbe fate of Horace Greelev. Tbe republican national committee gave ont for publication tbe other day tbe names of nearly three hun dred prominent democrats, many of whom supported Bryan in 159C and I some of them Palmer, bat who in tend to cast their ballots for McKia ley and Booserelt nest November. The list comprises men who have been prominent in democratic- poli tics for years, and their desertion of tbe party will mean vastly more than the mere loss of individual votes. Most of them have a strong following which will be influenced by the action of those to whom they have been accustomed to look for guidance in political matters. The list is really a remarkable one, show ing as it does the tendency of men who were willing to swallow Bryan and his heresies once to repudiate him now tint he has added to them disloyalty to the flag. "What Wyoming people think of militarism was expressed by their action at the commencement of tbe war with Spain. The state was al loted a quota of 300 volunteers, but sent over a thousand into the service. One of these volunteers who, when the war broke out was a leading democratic politician of the state, who went to the Philippines as a private and through merit won a commission, recentlv wrote home as follows: lI would like to be home J 307 60 that I could vote against Bryan. ' I hope he will be defeated so badly that tbe bugaboo word imperialism will never be beard again." ImO comets iI all size. ; Sheep thrive bet in a pasture where moles are numerous. The mole holts serve to drain the land. Uses of borax are extending year by year. The meat purchasers of the country are the ianre-t consumers, ' absorbing' 6,000,000 pounds and orer , annually. j It appears that the lifetime of the mosquito is three months. Mosqui toes have been kept alive in captivity ' for SO days. It is .said that the ordi nary minnow, which feeds upon the larvae of mosquitoes, is hirhly efficient , as a means for keeping down their numbers. 1 A nojifrezint: liquid is often needed , a1- for breaks of certain kinds for ar- 1 tillery and other uses. Glycerin and alcohol beins: somewhat expensive, a, 2i per cent, solution of ehioride of ' calcium is recommended, the cost of this beinsr rlicht, while it remains un- t changed at 2w decrees Fahrenheit be low zero, and does not attack metals. The method of mnkintr sheet lead for tea packt'ntr in Formosa is most interest hip. The lead is brought from Australia In pisrs, and after bein;r melted is poured between two lanre : tiles, the required decree of thick- 1 ness for the sheet bein obtained by ; pressure of the feet. The sheet is ' afterwards trimmed to suitable sizes j and shapes for soldering and is used ' for packing. j The protection of beaches along' the New England coas-t is be in? successfully accomplished by the j "irroyne" system." These "groynes" j consist of a stries of posts plant- ed firmly in the sand, with close planks extendi nr from jiost :o post j The "fjroyne" is constructed at risrht ; ant'les to the beach, and is position prevents the waves acting on it in juriously. Sand is intercepted by the ' plunking, rapidly forminsj a new beach J and preventing erosion. A Difficult Problem. It is among the most ditScnlt prob lems of nstnral science for one to beccm expert in several lines. J. E. Ad cor A Co., by their combination, hf.ve over come this difficulty in a practical man ner. J. E. Adcos is an expert watch-' maker and is cood on jewelry, optical 1 work and enpravinc, while Theo. H. Liehe is an expert optician and is pood , on watch repairing, jewelry work and 1 eneravinp. Their price is as low ai con-: sistent with co-d workmanship. They t are prepared to do all work in their ! ; several lines, on short notice. Work sent by mail or express will rereive atteation. tign, "Eig Red , 1 prompt Watch.' OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTART And CAFE. J. B. Crossen & Co., Props. 67 Second Street. ..GflflS. FMM Complete of Drus at M.Z. DONNELL, THt DRUCCIST. m G2E REGULATOR LINE. ! DALLES, PORTLAND i ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY l steamers ot tt? llcROlat'T Uric will run ns ?r the fol- w.: S wheul, ttif Cinrtiy reervtnK the rlcht lv cfcacge'J o u.e uitiwut aotlce. Sir. Reg:u!ator 5 I.". I'll ' at 7 x V. J J' Tueftay i J, TburjdaT . n.N.US . i- Art. Purltand ri It VcrtUnd a' T A M. Monday Kridny Art Dellra at S r. x. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. Lv. I)llc nt 7 a. m. Mtiiulay Wlnes4ly Friflny... . Arr. I'ortlauU at 1 :S0 r. x. ir L I'ort'ei.d ,J Kt 7 W x X. i Tutsulay 'j !-ttmiy i A" UhIIcs'J Bufcehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on drsncht the celebrated COLl'ilBlA iSEEK. dctnow; ed?ed tbe tt tr in The Dallta, et the usual price. Come In. try It sad h conTlaccd. Also the Hneait brands of Wines, U-;nor end Ciziin. Sanduiiches of all Kinds alvrsys an hand. Uust What ! Yoa mant. Mrs. Phillips is prepared to fnrnisb I cat flowers nd ail ktnde of floral de- eigne on tliort notice. Phone number elOlm Senator Hoar zcade a statement in Washington last week, in which he said: "The anti-imperialism of Mr. Bryan and many of his democratic supporters is but a mask for the free coinage of silver, for attack on the supreme court, for an income tax, for populism and socialism, and for free trade. These things, and not opposition to imperialism, are really what they have at heart and what they mean to accomplish, if trusted with power. Many of Mr. Bryan's most zealous supporters are among tbe most zealous advocates of exer cising dominion over the Philippine islands." The total money in circulation ca September 1st in the United States wm estimated by the director of the int to have been 2,09G,C83,042, an increase (in round aonbers) of 34,000,000 since June 1st, 145,. 000,000 since September 1, 1899, and 590,000,000 since September 1, 189C. For four years tbe increase t l Nasal CATARRH In eU iu vaz there ihouid Us ckazuxeia, Ely's Cream Balm c!eau,iooihe4 and halt the ducaied membrane. It cnrei catarrh and drives avay a cold in the ctad quickly. Cream 15 aim is placed Into the nomrl'J, rareadi orer the membrane end 1 alMOtbed. T.t'dtiji ln 1 mnV.Kt and a enre fonors. It la not dryios-doe , . I I T C-' a r. . 4. . Ti gUu jt ly mall ; Trial Etz, 10 cenw by mall. M.V iAiOTUEKS, 50 Warrec iee:, Sew York. F.s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & Lanolin. Time 157 j30 7 rfi t FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, J I f Travel sv the rtpnm'ni ot the Ueca'.ntor Uric The Companr will endeavor to g'-.c lit jint- ,3 j zovi the lt Mfrvlee loulh.c For lorther lufurantlon addrrai k f, Portland Office, Out 5 tree: Doct. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Afrt. ,! 1 LjlIj ,.i;.;l:t'..w:.' ;...;-....;Tt.?T;i;tiii..',t Wasco Ware house Co npaot Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi ?n kin ; Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TmtSo Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOIl FlOUr lls ',0Dr 16 manufacturwl expretely for family . avm.x n6e. everr pacjr jB guarBntwd to give eattefaction. Wf eei. onr coode lower thau anj house in the trade, and ii yon don't ttiiukw can ana gei enr jiricee anu t couvmced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats I J. E. FALT & CO., I or1"'. Commercial Sample Rooms. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tor Hale. Tbe tuo bnildinzi pwned by Mrs. E. Julian, on Court etreet, between StconU and Third, now occupied as a lodging bonis nd dreesmakin? fchojj. Tbe bnildioga will be sold, famished or on famished, cheap for ciah. Apply to Mrs. E. JnlUn. tS-lmd Are you ready to boy your fall ehoes? We are so'.e agents fur tbe celebrated Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.'e line of foot wear. If yon want tbe beet shoe for tbe least money, ctll and see m. No trou ble to abow goods at tbe 2iew York Cash Store. Hoslliaj young man can make 100 per month and expense. Permanent poti tion. Experiencd nnneceseary. Write quick for particalare. Clark & Co., Fourth and Locust , Streets, Philadel phia, Pa, f8-tf T RAOC MAnltl JE8IGNS COrVRICHT8 &C. Anrone iendlnc a tketcb and dtteriptlon ro' qnlcklf ia certain our opinion fnc wr.ettier a IntftntHin probablr ixuentablc Communl- iUjn4iiertctlrcfinttdeniul. llandbftOkon I'alcnu mnt treo. OI'lt aeney f or Mrorinrpatenu. Vaun.lt UUnn tlirouth Munn A Co. rccolrfc tfxelal ncKUt, without ennrge. In ttie Sckitific fliitericait. A handiomelf llloitrted wwklr. IirnMt dr. rulallc.n nt nnr 'Cleoililn loamal. Ternn. tl a year: four montbi, II. fcolUbjall nciridaaleri. MyrWftCoNiwM HfMl OnVw. erCL, WuutOKtutt. U.l' New idea6 in Wall Paper here. Such wide varietv ae we are thou inc nn-cr v. fore graced a eingle etork. Keal imita I tion creton effecte at ordinary pricee. (Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, voors j for a small price, at our store on third letrect. Also a foil line of house paints. -u. w. VAUbJU, Third St. THe eolDiuDia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAXCFACTCUKK8 OK JPine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JP.IF.D BEEF, ETC. 9 Purest Liquors for Family Use ? JJelivercd to any j)art of the City. Phones: 51 Local, , , l y 8ob Lon Di-iante. 173 Second Street, y I I ; SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! , i Do you know that John Pashek. the tailor, is agent for' two Q f the lari-eat merchant tailoring homes in America? H Do VOU kuriw (lint 1ip u-lll .,..!. . i ...... r,t.r nu ft cheap ae the nand-ite-down, ready-tnude, you buy in the stores, and X guarantee a fit or no tale? W Do you know that he has alrcadv on hand for the coming fl anu winter trade the handsomest and finest line of samples oyer ehown in Ihe DalK'S? W JOHTT "P A KTTTT V Xr, 1 j. m.ji a PILLS :a 61 it DiSaaan ONE PORA DOCg. Roi Plmplan. Pnfmt l. ore He4rtcbeod ljapMij 5f.m1li ' t"l taob da tU. tUd b, ingiuu. OK. 4USAUK0 CO. f<aT fe,or fall bat lor J.B. BCHBKCK, fruldent. ii. il. UtAUt. CaabUt First Hational Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A. General Banking Business transacted Deposit receiyed, abject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. 8Irht and Telegraphic Exchange sold oa New York. Baa Franoiaeo and port land. DIKKOTOKS. D. F. TaoMraoM. Jo. 8. Bcummcc En. M. Will iamb, Gao. A. Liana. H. M. Bball. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH. Pioneer Grooer. ssm