3C t)t Utiles (ttycttuitlt. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY. OCTOBER 1, 1900. NO. 350 MINERS' PAY IS fv ' lb . iiiiiiiiiiiiiw w II. iiiiii.iT ilMliilli'.V', Ili.uilui CASTOR AYcgclable PrcparationTor As similating tlicFoodanuBcgula lint tlicStouinclis and Bowels of Promotes DigcslioRChccrful m;ss andRcst-Contalns neither Oimmi.Morpliiuc nor Mineral. Kot Narcotic. 'trt JrOtajirSMWrLtHTCHKR fSintjJctu Srcd " Jtx.Smnn Hr.tkitlr SJu -sttu'wSrrft JlvvrmiM -III CitriMjiuilrSaiit llitipfmf-' Cltvitird .Uignr H'mlrtyivrrt natw. perfect Hemcdy forConslipo hon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-m-ss inul Loss of Sleep. I'm: Simile Signnturc of 2CEW YORK. , zi r CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature otiF i Jp' ln rv d Use exact copy or wrapper. For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CCNTAUH COMPANY) NCW VOHK CtTV. SOME FILIPINO CAMPAIGN LETTERS Show Rebels Arc Fighting" for Hryan's lilcctiurts; More Captured Correspondence. Wamiinoto.v, Sept. 29. Moro trea sonable Filipino coneapondence hna been captured which hIiows thut the present outbrcake are for the purpose of influencing tho elections in tho Unit td btiituH. F. Sundieo, writing to an other iiitui, shows thut he ia urging nil of Hits leaders not uccopt anything in the way of pence proposals by the Phi lippino ConimlHBlon, but to uland firm. Ho Hays : "If the election of Mr. MetCinley be accomplished and the revolution in China l)U wiped out, and tlui war in the Truuavnul tuke on new complications, tliun J will be the drat to accept the peace thut I believe to bo necessary, though it be at the cost of acknowledg ing the sovereignty of the United States, since cotiHider that our forces are now impotent to defend our Rncred and le Ultimate rights." Sundlco in the man so often quoted ly I'clligrow in behalf of the nntl-expan-eionihta, A letter from tho gencrul Philippino j'intu at Hong Kong, to bo distributed among the leading insurgents in tho Philippines, eoutalna much more of the Baiuo bort, nnd aleo much in the way of iniHropreaentatiou of tho purposes of HiIh government, and urgea nil Filipinos to submit to no armiatice unless It con tains u promtflo of independence, General Fuueton hna written n letter saying ho has captured documents con taining Inatructlons trnnamltted by Acnirinlctu to his subordinates to keep ! tho ecrup until election, hoping that Uioy may bring about the defeat of Mo Klnley, and Baying that their only Iiohi l Independence Ilea In the election of JJryun. A Uorrlbli Avvlilt'iit. HakkkOitv, Sept. 20. Walter Nice 'nl with a horrible accident yesterday evening on Wolf Creek, in which he loBt "Is leg above the knee. lie was tending tolf-feodiog threshing machine on the 'rm of Hon, Georgo Chandler. The ' mnchim in some inni uer became clogg,- I ed un 1 No undertook to clear it by I puBhin.: the straw utlde with his right foot. The innchino wae thrown in gear, jnnd his foot was drawn into the feeder, Before it c uld be flopped his leg from thekne) di wn hub hoiribly mangled an I tho foot was entirely gone, being ground to atoms. A messenger was immediately dis- pntcbeded to this city, about 18 miles distant. Dr. 0. M. DodEon hastened to the scene of the uecidenl and found the patient in a weakemd condition from loBi of blto 1. Tho leg vim ampu tated above the knee, the eurgeon be ing uesisted by the threshing crew. Million-llv. ii Awity. It is certiiinly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in tho land who are not afraid to he generous to the needy nnd tufforing, Tho proprietors of Dr. Kind's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colde, have given away over ten million trial bottleB of this grout medicine ; and have tho satisfac tion of knowing it has absolutely cured thousuiuls ofj hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitif, hoarseness and all diseases of tho throut, chest and lungs tiro surely cured by it. Call on Ulakeley, the Druggist, and get a free trial buttle. Regular size 00c. and $1, Every battle guaranteed, or price refunded. 8 MIIIh UIopu fur Luck of Orrtori. Chicago, Sept. 29. Regarding the report that several mills of the Illinois Steel Company would bo closed for a month or more. President IS. J. Hulling- ton, oi thut company, gave out the fol lowing etutement : "Wo have Bhut down our Joliet plant for lack of orders. Wo shall be com pelled to shut other mills within tho next ten days for tho shido reason, al though wo hope to keep most of our mills in operation. "Ad tho presidential election npproah- eB many of our best customers are poat poning for tho reason, as they state, thev wist, to wait uuttl thoy aio certuin of the remit of the election before plac ing any large orders." Work Ink M(IH xiut lift The busiest and mightiest little thing that over was made is Dr. King's Now Life Pills. Uvery pill la a sugar-coated globule of health, thut changes woakueae Into strength, liatloasnesa into energy, bruln-laK into menial power, nicy to ... .,,i,...f., i in iintldinir iii) the health. Only 26 cerHs per box. fcold by Blakeley, the druggist. 3 RAISED 10 PER CENT Philadelphia & Reading Companies Arc First to Posts Notices Other Com panics Will Follow Suit. Philadelphia, Sept. 30. An offer of an increase of 10 per cent in miners' wages was today made by the Philudcl phia & Reading Coal and Iron Company, and this move, it is stated, will be fol lowed on Tuesday by eimilnr notices at every colliery in t he anthracite region It is expected by the onotators that this increrso in wages will bo satis factory to the men, and they believe that ninny strikers will take advantage of the offer and return to work. Mining operations will in this event be uiven an impetus, and the operators expect there will then be n gradual resumption until the colleries will again have their full complement of employes. Tho Phila delphia & Reading company operates 39 colleiies, and of these, 27 have been shut down owing to insufficient working fjtce. Whether the miners will accept the prfjflor of the company nnd return in suflicient numbers to operate the mines caniiot he foretold tonicht. Reports re ceived from several points in tlift Schuyl kill region, where the Reading collieries are located, rather indicate that the uuneworkers will follow the instructions of their organization officials and remain away. President' Mitchell of tho minework ers' union, received no notice of the in tention of tho operators to offer the in crease in wages, and the intimation is thus given that the miners' organization will receive no recognition from the op erators. liruvH SI i n rail Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in Iosb of uppelite, poisons in he blood, backache, nervousness, head ache and tired, liElless, run-down feel ing. Rut there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He mays: "Kleclric Hitters aro just the thing for a man when he is nil run down, and don't c.iro whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anvthing I could take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on life." Only 50 cents, at Blukeley'a drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. 3 ttluuie Wolcolt. Victoii, Colo., Sept. 29. The Teller county democratic convention and the democratic club ot Victor adopted the following resolutions unanimously : "Whereas, Governor Roosvelt and parly were not received in Victor with the tolerance and courtesy due to the governor of a sister Btate ; therefore be it "Resolved, That we, the democrats of Victor, in convention assembled, con demn the spirit of intolerance and dis courtesy exhibited on that occasion, and disavow all responsibility for the dis turbance of the speakers iu a public hall and for the subsequent violence indulg ed in by members of tho republican marching club; and bo it further "Resolved, That we also deplore the folly that induced the republicans of Colorado to prvoke dieorder by bringing Governor Roosvelt to this city under the auspices of the cordially detested traitor and renegade, Senator Edward O. nol cott." ltrtl Hut From tlm Gun Was the ball that hit G. U. Steudmnn oi Newark, Mich., in the Civil WHr. It caused horrible ulcers thut no treat ment helped for twenty years. Then Iiucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. It cures tuts, bruises, burns boils, felons, corns, ekin eruptions. Beet pile cure on earth. Twenty-five cents n box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by lilakeley, the drugglBt. 3 The Campbell & Wilson millinery parlor is the place to buy up-to-date head wear at right prices. All tho new things in street hats. Patterns and trimmed hate can be found there, also a flue lino of children's school hata and baby bonnets. tf Ruy a meat ticket at the Umatilla House restaurant ; $5.60 for $5, sl-tf AUTUMN DRESS GOODS. An interesting show of new slufls awaits you. Our Dress Goods section is ar rayed in splendid new apparel. Everywhere in tho vicinity the eye meets new beauty in fabrics fashioned for the fall season. Counters and shelves are laden as never before with all that diligent search could find anywhere in the way of the most desirable styles. There aro abundant indications this season for a broader use of black goods than ever before. That the manufacturers have done their part magnifi cently is shown by the large number of new fabrics that are shown in black. There are few women who will not include at least one handsome black dress or skirt in their wardrobe for the new season. The beauties of black stuffs are not easy to tell about; but they are seen at their true value under the strong light in and about our dress goods section. High Finished Weaves. Imported Novelty Weaves. Annures !fl.25 to $2 Black silk and woo, figured French SiIk linish, solel if 1.50 and English Cn-,.ifs, 44-inch Cravenette, rain-proof $2 goods $1 vrl., up to $4 75 yd Satin Berber $2 Black silk and wool C,Mired French Ottoman $1 to $1.25 Paroles, -14 inch. . .iy2 o0 to $4.50 yd Granite $1 Black eilk corded Fruieh Vogorne, Silk-warp Henriettas. . .$1.25 to $2.50 44-in, (i vard patterns 27.50 Poplin $1 Silk and wool Lnnsdown $1.50 French Fiannol; 50-inch black Gloria n rrencn nannois. Grays and Mixtures. (The pop"lar mftterial for W!U3t! r. ,i i . Plain colors 75o vd Camels hair serge .50cts Dot8 gumll fl?BrCB 8tri s . , igr All-wool cheviots cts to 1.50 WU,J ,k emm.oidre(1 ,ots . . x 25 Covert cloths... .o cts to fl.So i Pernlan and Dresden effects for xZS:: yb Vin&llU dreeei" elc- nd l Ho?tkS!"B::::::::::$no1ia5 nation French Flannels. Fancy mixtures 25 cts to 75 cts 34 inches wide, new colorings. .20c yd Rough Surface Black Goods All-wool Cheviots, in manv kinds.. 50 cts to $2 Cheviot Zibaline $1.25 to $1.50 Pebble Cheviot $2 Pebble Serges, sponged $1.23 English storm Serges 50c to $1.25 Whip cords $1.50 Cheviot Granite. 50 inches $1 50-inch black Zi'boline $1.50 Camel's Hair Serge $1.75 Black English Curl $1.25 Plaid Back Skirtings. Some ten different patterns, assorted gravs and tans, with fancv plaid b,ie'k $1 85 to $2.95 Broadcloths. All colors and black. . . . $1.25 to $2.50 Venetians $1.50 Our Trimming Department is quite complete. "We have yet to await a small invoice of exclusive novelties not procurable earlier in tho season; then every detail will be complete. We show Applique Trimmings all colors at 20c to $1.50 per yd. Our Lining Section offers all the most desirable kinds. Scintilla Linings are the latest; could not look more like silk without being silk; serviceable too, but not ex-pensive. A sample color book free, if you call for it. McCail Patterns 10c and 15c. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. McCall Patterns 10c and 15c. Catarrh Cannot lie Cured. with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh !b a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and nets directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two ingredients ia what produces euch wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo O, Sold by drruggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills nro the best. 12 "My baby was terribly sick with the diurrlnea," tays J. H. Douk, Williams, Oregon. "Wo were unuble to cure him with the doctor's assistance, and as a last resort we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhaia Remedy. 1 am happy to say it gave immediate relief and a complete cure." For sale at Ulakeley's drug store. Notice. To whom it may concern: My wife, Lillie Heuningseu, having left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for any debts incurred by her. Moster, Or., Sept. 27, 1900. e27 2tw Pktkk Hknninghkn. WautuU. Four or five hove, going to school during wipter, to board. $12 a month with room and plain washing. Across street from High school. Apply at Chboniclk office, lIawIiii Clarke & Fulk have received a carload of the celebrated Jame E. Pattou strictly pure liquid paints MEET US ON THE MIDWAY.. . -AT Til IS nut tmm Street Fair October 9 to 13 inclusive. This will bo tho greatest event in the history of tho City of Wheat, Wool nnd Fruit and an Open Hiver to the Sea. Tho products of tiiis pro lific region will be on exhibition, nnd fanners, UockmaHtors nnd nil others will witness an exhibit that will be both interesting anil instructive. SPECIAL SOCIAL ATTRACTIONS! BAND CONCERTS EVERY DAY! A NOVEL STREET PARADE! Excelleiitentertninmonts day and night. Five "days of slght-FOoIng nnd pleusiire.There will bo iiniplu accommodiitloiia for nil guests. Come und The Dalles will entertain you. Producers from ull sections requested to uutko exhibits, No charge for space in the luir building. No entrance fee, Reduced Rates on all Railroads and Steamboat Lines. COME TO THE DALLES. Advertise in the Chronicle