Want mi Eduenthm. Cn!- ujo, Sept. '23 President Harper, of ill" Untrersilv of Cnieasro, lm re ceived a letter from commissioner of education i" NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I..IND Orrtrs at The I'ille Oi: . t- cptcmber 1 . l9Cf Xn:im in lirrcl T cl that the iii!lcnits t : Hnmlnuph named elilertA tiled notl' ,u her ti.t"H'.lo: 1 orto , thnt .id proof will bo nude bemre tne KectsP IojrNEys , . Him nnxiiec or- iretiv-.. un'w. . ni'.mi 1.IC , hacinp i.mi it n wuuiu i'c j v , dnj. fustotyer at, p.), vtr for it it am far of poor yocnp men ntid t .9 women u attend ti nuirarni) '"w nui;"- yy;".- 7 .? - , u ir. t., i si. he nama ibr following ;tnve prove expense, in" toner was reierreu io.,iuit,,n fcecreUry Godspeed, of the Imam on hr cnuttnuou reldcnc nwu mid cnlHvattoi trustee, and the matter will be brwffht olwiu.. f brfore the board at the next meeting. Daniel tewart. u The i 'Hp- , . , . . . 1 !-cpl JAY r. l.t t A.-, Rgiter. The letter :rom OomuiisslQiier How- j K baoirh states that there are in Parte ( NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Rio new a nnniter of rouas men and; ja2t, ofmck at The Iulls Or.. women from 14 to 20 years oi who; "Zvovu - are anxious to obtain an education in numt settler hu filed notiee ci hl Intention .... mi . . in aww nam ii;nm in appnn oi ni? cmim. aim in ttr United i-tules. Tbev are .oo pi Or , itaswiiij proof will be made bciwe te reciter , The Uuited t an" receiver a: rue nan, uierju. na taturaay, r Xvllion i. kjuh. i. CHOCOLATE BON SONS. to py their espt-nse?. btetes ct-vernment uiti eive wieni inuis- , t.lmrlr. II. Matiu-y, oortiUinn to New Yuk if irovi;pn caniofTti rmllc-. nresnn, H. E No. JCso. for the? , ;. hf Kqr anil W hi sKqr. see 1-', Tpl?. h 11 be male for their other expensei while w. jf. unnnlrin,. n tnrji'tnn ! IIe nmc the foUowtn; uitne-sea to prove su-qnlrms sn ertoca.toru his continuous re.leiieeuiu auU euUivattuii n-.i. .. .1.. .o.-o f II...,. ni. ir.ll.u. . ' K - . . . ... ----- - I . pox. v. :. hrtcan. ctiarie ooisou ana con. oo tIip Minrhn a. Clsrk. aU of The Daltes, Orccon. H rin of Baron vou Ketteler as tried ny r conrt-tnartift! yesterday. No new evi I ADMINISTIIATOH'S NOTICE, dene? was presented, and the court d - NoUce Jy hc.cSv clvcn t,mt w BndcM cnCj , cided tbftt It would fce unicstiried in I ha w-n duly appointed bv the count; court of j I theMtcof orcgou. for Uitco county, HCiminN prononncmp sentence upon the prisoner, j trator of the istate of Elizateth A. Southern.) who, w.tl heltl ill ttie Hope ll.it. ne c,,!ltc of aiu decemed mc hereby notified . tcrlher information will be obtained. to prwent the me. witn tne prmjr vnucner; . T, . ... i therefor, to me at my nace hi lid. Oregon. ine hu:;wb uiu uciujuu icfMiuu: . witnin stx mot.tns irom me uaie nereoi. are still awaiting developments, and the j September 21. i-o. ?ol.TnE1,s receipt of farther tnstrnctions. Li Hung I e-2s Adminhtrutor. Obanfis especled to arrive within a! NoI'IGE" FOR PUBLICATION. 1 week. Business is imrovinc and the! Lisn Office at VA.scorvr.it. Wa.-h.i ' A eonijlfie line of Fail and Winter neonl are cinin- eonfidenre". but no' . lL'""...'. SoUIde?, l-ntinRfc and Oveieoatiiip, now ; r ----- - - . u ranii.nvra. im "' inn d sn ar. JL'O ditlereut varieties 10 Fe ' 7 tiltUMtiUH I t DIRECT from the FACTORY ! AT EASTERN PRICES. 1 : " i Geo. C. Blakeley, j The Druggist. J. A. EBERLE, Ipipe Jailori 1 nnnif it vjttler hn filed notice of hi? 1 to mate final proof In support of hi clitlir. una ieck ironi. if win be made belore t . a. fieiDy. ; progress is tin? made toward the re tarn ot tli'i luzmve coveuiment, tne 1 tht id i.roo oMnt -ii mnnt, rtM.iriiil hr ,rr nn I t'ulteii Sutes CnmnilMinnar for Iiistrfct ;i( event ro ranch aesirea ny eery one. va,hlreton. .it hi? office in Goldeudale, Wanh Genera5 Fnkusbima has returned here ! ington. on oct.ibcr 1. iw.'O, viz of.or cnr,f1in.. molvn !avi nt Tnfcn. ! ,)ohn '.Vat.on, 2 j I. O. nddrets renterviile. Wa-h.. '.vho mdc , IZuujisror Held by the l-'ni jir.. New Yobk, Sept. 2S. Tao Itussir.n orJers tj leave Pekin have ben sus pended for the S00O troops there, the Herald r irrespondent a: Pekin cables nn'ier date of September ISth. Tiie other legations and troops are uncertain about rcoiaintng, yet they are inviting the Chinese courts to return lor petce aeeotia'ions. Suits, $20 ar;d up. C.tM and examine coods before coins . f e horn-s tend anpUcatUm No. fttJU, for the SKk elseliere. secunn streei, opp. .uuje 3cc J2, Tp3 .N, K 11 E. W. 31. j & Crowe's. Who names the follons ifilne-scs to prove . his conliuunu? ridilicc upon aud culiivation , of alil laud, viz. : ' rrJCTrrcrxrA-j-x-t-rirrxT jcrA-rxxjctaTi rxrr Charles Strauhe, William Wilsinsot., Jame iJJ S r. Daiy and Panic!: Eas-serty, all of CeatcrTflle P. 3 f. o., nasntnston. sS:-i W. K. bLNBAR, Register, i il 1 f i i 1 Tho Doltco, Dr. The Chi-oniele, dob Printers. nc.r.ir.T Fin: unk t"ciii:t)i i.e iron 1'nst lyalt Lot.-, Pet'. -Mull . Worth, Dtnnhu . li.J' p. in.J fas City. Ft. ! uiih'iiko mid i.n,t. Atlantic Salt l.ni;B, Ih'tn Kxptins I orih, oiunIiu, k V; W)a. m. ens City, St I . Vtu Hunt.! Chli'apii and t'.a-1 lnstoii. i 1 1 s ri u 'r.n, .Ml .L.H S-inikaiif (WuI!h Witlln. 5i;,..ka:ii' Jlall Mllitirupolli!. ,t raui, mid I I'ultltli, Mlinnukrc, Expteni i l-'hlrafii mid I 11 r, m;i I f-pofcaiieakd llr.ntnn; toil; alo nl poit.ts m t.X' p. m I WimhltiKtoii una Kul ern uiegon. I b p. tu. S p. m From 1'okti.akh Ocean Meam,lrj For Ban I'miicIm 11 Every Kive tiihs 1 JUIl lnl i. i i..,.',...,... .,1.. .. .... .. 'P.B I.A.auiiuutiiiunimn lv. nirnnitTB. RX.SCnf. Siunrdiiy 10 p. ra. AcTontA and landings. Way 6 a. til. ! WlLLAJtrTTE UfEK. t '30 D Q Kx.biinilHj iOrciron City. .evw,."it, Et.sunilit ! hn'.cin ,fc Way Laud a. j: at ... ..i u.r i . . ut,i.jiii-a.u aiJl4ill-4LuftitJllluiM, vii-i.uc Irtn JTTTTJTTtllllTTT-tttTritlTTTZITTITTriirtrllWxiTlTtlTtlTlirilirilllllTUTIIll tnt 1 1 1 7 a m, Itiin,'! hur. mid .-L :.v liiparla dully 3 x u m Wtu AMr-iTr V i 3,ro n u H11.L UlVhhl lloii.,ca Dti-cmi City, l,yx. auUKri. mid Way-l indins'. fciuxf Kivr.u. Kl.rlii to Uitkton. Uxn dull; 0 00. a NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. , ... THE CELEBRATED i 'olifi.mhor i- IM'O. i . rf Notice ! hereby siven that the following- t Jj named -ettier h filed notice of he: intention r CENE11AL I toinuke tinai prrwif iu upmrt of hn claim, and . ih: i widow nf Samuel J. Yirkors. dtL"ea."si. of Mo- ' V sler, Orson. II. E. No. for the N'j sff', 2, and S sec 15. Tp 2 .V, It Z K. w. jf. ; " .'he narae the following wltnese to prove . " her .outlnunuresideuee up3u mid cultivation jj of said laud, viz.: . Georje lleuoe. of The Imlles. Urepnii ; Jnmv 1 Mtler. LeeEvai, Eric Grur.land. Hosier. Or. S' Bplo JAY I. I.l'LAa. Kei'tcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1 7 ti T..: r: I 1 toinute Uii.ii n 'ur"" ln l """ I that said proof will tie made tt ore the icRiter Caan-' rfqnet3 iiis return and licit of i and receiver at The Dallca, Oregon, un Wcdtie .. , . r, dy. OEtober2i, ISCO.viz: and French invite the emperor ana eru press dowuer to return. Tne Ameri cans and British invite the emperor only. The empress downier demand guarantees fjr herself and her hr;stii miuis:rs before releasinc the emperor. lino y ...GQMJpIl BREWERY.... .AND.. lift! lint From the Gen "VYr.s the ball that nit G. B. Steadinan oi Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible ulcers that no treat ment helped for twenty veers. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured bun. It cures cu's, bruises, burn boiis, febns, corns, st.iu eruptions, lisl pile cur- on farth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure s hf sv jr and w hi iv r, sec Tp 1 a, K n lorsesnoer Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. M anfi Jeffern. Plione 159 AUGUST BUCHLEK. Prop. f)f the pr"('1,r' ' w ii-k:K. :i brevtery the United States Health Report- f it Jttne '2. PmO. suy. ''A iiu-ri.- enpet n,r brew never eiiteicd t! e ;.it'rat'ry of the Unstt'd State HeiiiCi rt-purts. It is abulutely devoid uf '.lie riiiititepl trace of iidaaonitioti, but mi tho other hand is eo'r.poped of tii- best of malt and rhoicst '( hops. Its tonic ,imiities are of the hiirh efct and it can be u--fcd vith tne prcatet benc-fit and rat i"fauttou by old und y unu. Its use can onscienlionsly be prescribed by the phytiiciiinh m itb the cersuinty that n better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not p-.jssibly be found." i i ."?T- I'ar.i'r di'M.'ius to Ri t lleppt.er or j.i'itiu on Olumliiu Southen, . a IIiksk, ih'wll lulc No 2, Iravir.f 'Ihe Il.il,,- at It) p. n. tnkkinir il'.m't omiediluii" iieppner jotiction Hid Hlu Itetumlni; ;iih,!ii:u.,. 'tmimti'tim at Ileppiier iuucUon tin' " tK- i'U No, 1. ar mini: at Tlie Dalleio1 i m nr full purticulm- c S, Ci.i ngetit Tne iJalJca. c . . V'llT, lunJ.ur i N it 71 Lxt Ornce atThf. Daixe?, Or., i .-'epttsnber 11'. l'.DJ k , C ? Xotice is be-ebv Riven that the following- .... .. -5 named settler has riled notice of bl intention to - TiT"TiT' Y i r-r-ij-.Tjrju.vj- mate final proof iniupjiortol liis cUim. and - that fid proof will 1 mie before the llesrlntcr and Receiver nt The Uali.-. Oregon, on suliir- , t-t TTITSJ f . W XT 1 , : J day, October SO, 1000, viz XljXLlXX UH OU V V.j A ri lloui P. I'm, I of The Dalle, Oresnn. II. E. No. MM. for the East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. cuaranteed. druwist. .Sold by Blakelny, thf 3 E, W. M. BANKERS. TllAKHACTA ENEKALBASKINvl RfclSEo Tha largf-tt and most complete line of fall and winter miihnery ever displayed t nnd W. C. ularfc, all of The Daflcs, Oregon. in tlie citv at the Cain obeli A Wilson I Ee''li tnilltnery parlors. The prices wi.i sell the pods. ' sStf lie names the following witnesses to prove , r . . , r -i.,: !nj ..;ii.. .i hi ronttnuofih residence upon end cultivation Liters of Credit issued nvailabie in the of -aid land, viz: I. C. Maine; . C. II. Matney, Charles Gcscn J.W P. LL'CAc, Keiristcr. Eastern States. Siyht Exchange r.nd Telecraph)'. ' Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, Why pay 1.70 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's sun pnof paints for $1.50 per paliou, guaranteed lor 5 years. Clark & Falfc, ngente. ml I'ur Sale. Fine seed wheat for ai;; red Rnssiau. Price, 75 cents per bushel. W. W. R.K80X, ser-10 ltn The Dalles, Or. CONTEST NOTICE. V. c. Lam Cffiie, Thf. Palle.". Ob.,( .-ciiternlivr IS. lfiW. A Mitucient content iitlida-vit havln t been filed i j con, Seattle Waeh,. and various points in Oregon and Washington. ! Collections inaue at a!) points on fa7- , ' orAhln term". j in thif olllee by Jnsenh II Sherar. coiiUMtunt. asainst homeate d entry No. TIVJ. mule Junes, t t -i tj. iorshf NW (jr ?., and EhfNEu-rec C C I Vfdi'Y 3 IT C Tp 3 k R I! L, b William Gill coniesiee. m 1UC Vl CalJl CXLIKA wbicn it is olleitd Hint i-ald Wil lam Gill ha , WT"" wholly abandoned said tract and chanced hi t -i , ??r -r.T-51. XrTZ residence therefrom for mote than lx month. hrCTPr' KOV fT2 UhCmsC-ti&.m"V sinca mafcinc iwid entry, and n xt prior to dat . Vy V ZD LC 1 i Cli IU1 J..... p 1 w 'f ffiJWiirS JJ i V? nl coiilw:: and that he did not iibanilou the, j jJrixrJS ji'CZs. tract to eutr the niilitnrt or naval service of , -o " "jSu Grandall & Barget DEALER.- I.S R0beS, fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes Funeral Supplies r embalmers Etc. Tho Dalles. Or. "" the I'nitcd Stat- s, said parties arc h-reby not! Mrs H. L. Jones ha opened ice log nid allesMioti at 10 o'clock a in. on October i ?- " oj ster parlors in Carey Ral- Ti, l.. o, belore the resinter ana receiver at thu I utru a oiu siauu. ne carries ceived at the New York Cah Store. I I'nlted f'tite land ulucuin The Dalles, Oregon, j The said eoi:lti!t having, in a proper Hi- ; ; uavit, niu aui;ui it. jaiAr, ki :oriu in:u which i iihow that after due dilicence irnoual n:vice ; of this i.otiet: cau tint be inado, it I. hereby lui .SL-, in n Tirorr uni . . , , , . . . . "New shoS fjr fill and winUr jllit re- i ilavit, tiltd AUBiist 11. HX, wt forth laU which ; A 111 inp ry f nn( i(.c i iinow mat aiirr oue uiimeuce jMirHouni iviue . '--- -w -. f UlarKfc & rais d tlivnririK ertrac the best. Ask your crvcer for tbeui ordered and diected that such notice be glvor. V 1 1 j c on IS lire 1 hy due and proper publication. ' t-lvO clll , seplS JAY 1 Ll-CAi, RefUter. I d Cigars. Clarke & Fa'.k have un sale i of r&int and artiefe brushei. full line BUSINESS LOCALS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. l.ANPOrncE at The luti.g. Or., AU2. le. 190. t Notice ! hreby aiven that thf (otlo'.rltis named cetiier nott nivi nouee oi tint lnieution to make fiunl proof in aiipjortiii hi claim that Mid uroof will Le made beforo tne reu and receiver of tb- l". ri. land oifloe at . The place has been thoroughly ren ovated, and a nhateof the oublic patron age is solicited. 4, III 'UU!!, I I Something New. 100 new hoiections of Instru mental C Thie .Music, uradiii.' from '-First A," ea-iest, to "Msth C," most difllctilt. We are tnakini; a special salo of 50 rer cent, olf JiOja. markeu price. Call while yon can W-rrZz' make your teiectionb. 3 r A1 ill i aoiny Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAR ROl'TL fl M I'uT.TLASU TO TJIt E AnT THE ONLY DIRECT LINK T'UHK VELtOW HI ONE PARK i Union Depot, Finbaud . Sii No. 2. , Kant mall for Tin .a, .-cattle, Olymi'U , Harbor and Koutti I nil pointfc, Kp,il.iiiii' 11 -land, II. (.'., I'u.' .,' . Moicow, f! Ikloti. h 11:15 A. -M. fuloIIiiniprulnliiKi' try, Helena, Mlisu- i Un, fcl. Paul, Om . a, i Kniiriis Clly, st 1. Ohlt'iirro and an l it cnt mid aotitheHKt rucct tiouitd l.xprcsi. M.,lor Tacouia and -Sent'-n ,and iiitcrmeiltate )'. No. 1. lliSf) P. .SO. XV.il So 3. 7.00A. 51. Pullman llrKt clasa and p,tir t cUrir I MlniicapullB, at. Paul and Mlm rHi.n without I'.hantiC, , Yestllmle.1 trains. Euton (h i-t connwiloui in nil principal rtticn. , , , ItiiKUane oiieckol to desttiniHi ' " McketL Kor haudkomuly illiianiitiitdi - i "i"'!1'; tlckuts, Aleepiii); car rewrvali m '' !'ionl" write A. D. CHARLTON, AaeUtnnt (ifticral Pasni'inter At'1 ' :'J'"nl win Httei'.t, ouruer Tblid, Port .u1. ores"' 8 anon -w- -w- House liatiei, or , on saiuruay, eept. j'.ju, vn: j - . Henry IJ. Oorillon, ofT lift Ilalle., Or., L r 1 -t 4"t f- - 11. E. No r! I, fur lhe Nit 6 K'i eec. 6. Tp 1 N, JL Ctl 1 1 L 1 II Cl . . . U 13 E. W. J!. O JACOBSEN BOOK & MUSIC GO. SOUTH and EAST via 'nil! Shasta Route fio Go, Jirj'ill? preparations siniply devel- Dallen, Or , on Saturday, Sept. 29, nwo, vli: ojtury cntarrn; incy ary up me Eccretious, i "which adhere to the membrane and decom- ' , , , ...r,..,..,.i.i.i,,. l: 13 h. N.JI. iuK,rauwsilliu Uluiacoivu.ui.uuiu.uuu , ..... ,v, f.,ll,,-i .-t,,Lt. t ,.r,,rr. the ordnarj-form of caturrb. Avoid all dry. his coiitiiinoii' residence upon and cnltlvnilou j The undersigned has taken po6eseion ing inhalants, fumes, motes and snuflH of aid land, viz. t , TJ , ,. . ... . , nnd use that wnich clecnuc-fi, soothes and ljnt Jordan, Altjut Jwdan. John Pashck of R. A. fepivey paint ehop, next door to heals. Ea Cream Balm is ouch a remedy tTtoM'tv Ulcllt'lS ! tlie VoK l'"a .onw, nni! has pur- anil -will cure catarrh or cold in the head - chaned the tools and ladders. He has easily anl plcaiautly. A trial cizo will bo NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. L.otHi mechanics workine for him. and ...... ..... . tii ..... u ill .i.h.,.;.....u . i . a i ----- r- . fi.. i.i., .!,'. r".. l-. -! l.x.w Orncs at The Dame!-. Oi:eoojj,i i uju nu.c, ... j xv.vj.iiu- uiu.i;ui:i...1,l, . AUKUllt 'Jit. HM1. will t'tiarantee all work to uivn eatisfac- 'ITio Eaha cures without pain, dots not j,-0lIr.e bcr(;br B,vcn ,hnt th0 ,,',iiuw.g- tio"' irritate or canse Bni .infj. It fcpreudi ithelf t.amtd wittier has filed notice of hi intention to over an irritated a..d ing immediat With Ely against Nasal Catarrh and Hay I'ever ritatod t ..() ..:.''ryBnrface, reliev- rnne Dim! proof In supiirt of l;U oilni, nnd . iptlv th l,- -.ful inflftinrn'itirm thnt "Blfl VToat wiU uft lr"i(J; e'"r" the ReKUU-r ' lately in p ... iui tnnawmation. Hu0 1!M.,.lv,.r at Dalhu, OngotLon natur-1 fa t ream Jiaitn yon aro annod day, October Cltw. viz: ;' S. K. KELLY. C. F. Stephens ...Dealer In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Kobrrt K. l'lillllp, of .Holler, Or., ! !I E. No. CVJ) for the NE!.i SWU. NWU NEk. ! htc 9, and fcU hEii, hfcc 1, Tp. N P.. 12 E W. il. i He names toe following wUnesiica to prove hit rid tuimaiioti ot ,ea Eviih, John "TZZZZK "c names toe followlnst wltne r J coiitlnuout leitidence uixm art tl aild land, viz jC Ii James Iv.l. Holly Moicr, I.i Iloota, Shoe. Ilatii, a. Notluni. for Vi. U Douglaa iihbc. Agt. Telephone No. M. 131 hveoiid St., Tic Dalles, Or. illier, all of iliwier, Oregon. fitlg20-l JAY P EEC AS, Refrhler. Mrs. Annie Luckey, Hair-Dressing1 and Shampooing NOTICE QF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the undernlxncd liave flh-d with tt.e Clerk of the county court uf the hbiteof OriKfin for Wa.ico countv,thelr final 1 , ci ount a cxecutor of the last win ami teita. . inent of Henry Itanium, decuated, und that I Muuday. the 4th riayol November, 1400, at the I hour of loo'clock R. in., baa been fixed by Ihn ' County Court for aald county aa lhe time, and ; the county court room In Dalle City aa th.- i.Infc for tic-iiririi.' ol oblectlnna to xild final ac count and the acttlement of the aime. J. W. FRENCH, r. V. llAYrl, aepU Extcutora. C. J. STUBWNG 4 S' ATAIAIAIAIAW .1 YUI it MI.C AV'l ItKTML Wines, Liquors -Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Phone 234, Next door to A. M. Williams & Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. Facial Troatmonla nnd tho MORMON TREATMENT. Room B9, tl ird floor, Umatilla House. Hours from 9 to VI n. in. and 1 to 5 p. in. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have theaa. TriilliK leave The Ilallei f r V r Htatloua at -l.i a. in, und il p. in ,iiuiil U-ave Portland ' Albany Arrive Auhlituil " hiierameiito " ban I'raiicinuo Anlve Offdnu " Denver " KimnisCity. " Chlcaijo Arrive Urn Anifi'lea " El IMho " 1'ort Worth.. .. " City of Mexico . " Hoiinton " New Orleatih ., " WiiKhiiiKtoil " New York s . 1.' ,'p i p Til a m ".("I" ii W,jup It 9) am I ;;V) H 111 h 15W i , i in J 's,m -i. in i 'tv. . 71 ' "")"B1 . 1 V m I. mi p in . t; .i) a in . u j., a i' . . I (XI II in , ii .'.' a la . C.I'Ju m .12 lap m 7,00in fi'Wl'M r, a n U:B cocnin fi'S'il"3 C iJorn o.ljuia Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. Pullman and TourUt cam on both , Chair cam Haciauiuiito to Oifleu I'l'1' '' . nud tourlhti'aratoClili'ami, bt Iaiuii kuiih and SVahhliiKtou. ' ConueotliiK at Han Krnuclico wljti Kteamaldp lTuca for llonoliilu, Jap ul" I'hlllpplnea, Central and South Ami"1' j Heo ayeut ot The Dalle tdatlon of ll,lllt'M C. H. MARKHAM, General PaahiiiKer Aci'iib rurt.d or JjU. It. K. 8M1TII, Osteoputli. Rooina lOmtO 11, Chapman Ulock, The Ji'f' Oregon.