Roelof 3 To the woll-dressecl mnsrulino world, Roolofs Hals nood no ivcw.iiiicndat.ioii. They liavo for many years represented tho liigh-(i-l.tndard, croaliii"-l,ho stylos and . furnishing tho models for all Ihf imitations in tho hat trado. Wo carry the full lino of the othor standard noods. Wo have Tlin II EST at prices ranging down lo $1.25 for men, and 50c and $1 no for youths; with, of course, tho usual exhaustive stock of boys' mid children's novelties in hats and caps. A Shirt Windocu. A window full of shirts today. A hundred patterns of N1W FALL SJIIRTS, including THE MONARCH. Here's a shirt worth while studying. The variety of patterns is the largest and tnptioul and the quality the host lo be had anywhere. Every shirt in the lat a fitter. Just Two Shoes. Children's Kangaroo Calf, but ton and lace. Children's Kid, button and lace. Heavy Soios plump stock. Sizes 6 to 8 $1.15 Sizes 8 1-2 to 11, - $1.35 Sizes 11 1-2 to 2, - $1.65 Excellent School Shoes. Your money's worth in every pair. Pease & Mays' Shoe Department. auiLlrrSOat Fall - Dress Goods.. PLAID BACK GOODS for rainy-day skirls in all the latest cloths. NEW PEBBLE SERGES in navy and black. VENETIAN CLOTHS for tailor suits. Suit and Skirt Department. In our Suit and Skirt Depart ment the stock is now complete, and we have some startling bargains to offer. Have you seen our RAINY DAY SUITS and SKIRTS? Tho correct thing for Fall wear. Give the department a call. All Goods Marked In Plain Klsuroa. PEASE Sl MAYS The Dulles Daily Chronicle. SjATI KPU SF.PT. !!!, 1000 ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA ' the go'den teste for the quarter, recita-; On accomodation, to privide lodgings for j . tbns and Hinging. All tho friends of ( euch visitois as the lifctels &nd lodging llif pcli jo! aro urged to he piesont. ! houses may not be a5e to accomodate, j O'll- farmers nrn liwritYiim. infcrPOlP!) heru UjelZ'l anil Wl li. HUttB. Ulitlie . in i ne ij.wits Harvest t.'amiv.-u. .ianv i"rt:"i tu cr' ruu cui (Milium-jr. OUR CHURCHES Services will be held in the Christian church tomorrow morning by the p-tstor, Hi superintenu holy bonds of matrimony and have the; knot tied ne part nl the carnival cere mony, ami ut tho expense of the com niittee, A. K. L-.iko and Simeon P.olton.J fruit, hivu,nnd nil modern conveniences. I l'hls property positively muet go at any reasonable oiler. Foi fuither particulars see Hudson iv lirownhiil. i V, A. Johnston will oiler a SyraciiFC j BoH Chilied No. (01, M inch plow for couio t.irm of exhibit , of cereals to be j determined uoou uy the carnival coin- mitiee. A largo number of similar ptiz-s 'fno nfter thirty. five years con- ill bo oll'eied by The Dalles merchants, j timi0ua services, i-aye 1). O. Iielauil in which will be published as soon as the , the Obsei ver. Every morning of these coinmlltei! has time to arrange and j QW, venr3 wtj, ono exception, at a little WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. A Iir;in and Stevenson club has been orpin d ut Kinsley w ith fifty mem bers. Prufpff . Sandvig's second d.uieo of the season wi'l be given at tlio Baldwin Saturday n jjiit. s2( Sfl The eirc jit c jurt of tlie state of Ore gon for X'.erinati county convene-! at. the coiTt liote-o in Aloro Monduy, Oct. 1st. The Bla-tiir will turn over to the Htinty treaFiner next Monday about (15,000, the amount of taxes collected 'luring the month of .September. Inst- .m night, on Third or Fourth street, between Lincoln ami Washing Ion, a fancy pink net scarf. Finder I'least leave at this ofliee and receive a reward. The ex 'c it'tve committee -if tho street Mr Rthl i.arvost carnival have oatab-lnht-d tin- cunival headquarters in the Oaten lire!; building, corner of Third and t'n,,,,. I'r. J.ul: Pally, tho original np"d pro 'lnivrnf tljj h county, toik a lino pample '( I.Ih fr.i.tit-r farm 1900 crop to The iWiea r,f ixMbltion in the Harvest Cirnlvi' O' server. H'V l!r i have E0(l all their interest In their ,w mill, logging onmp, iteam tt! Srtde- li, nnd dwelling at Cascade I.ookp, tr, tho S'on-y A Kaioplor hum tor(V.,, i i.,! Cawv, Wis. Tinnon-Av evening at the Methodist dmrrh Mrr, Ktt Lnrk-Klein will sing "'0 br-.iuillul sacreil selection "Como nto M-," Mr. Win. Itlmieh! aceom- i .i.-uso lo which ho finally sure.nme.l 1'invin ,f.r ut, Uu, vni-iillmi. i .i i i.i u..i,i0,. IMm int,,,-. Manv!q'f'. of them desire to attend, as it was im-, preparation of tin royal robes, which possible for them to ho theie when Port- will be as rich as noney can buy and be land was ir. They were then too busy, j the exclusive pryVertv of therjueon afier but most of them will be free to take'a : t-lics carnival is oVer, Mrs. J. S. Sebenek, lay-oil" by the date of the Dalles fair, uad Mrs. W. II. Eidy, Mrs. J. S. Fish and they're t'oinj; to do it. Obsei ver. Mre- J- Seuert. On amateur photoi;- Wo have just received instructions to j 'V' Mrs" V ' Lord' Mrfi" ,U'" " Wn' jell one of the tinest LuiMmi: fcit,B in ; son, Miss Jenuiu JIanien :lnd Mr. Arthur the citv, also modem eottage, on Alvord i heaiel f ,31H" a' ' m,,tB' fnn aeenue. This is indeed a harin; an i iney ork.M. II. &. .ileon, Mrs G. t-leKant 7-roo.n house, od lot and barn, j I5" Cns" aud Mre" A!l t' nl!m,l,r ,.n,Hvnlp, I Ul1 weuuill-, Id securu mm couple whej are willing to enter into the P.. F. Lwio. father of Mrs. J. F. Moore jf this citv, died suddenly vesterdav fternoon, Sept. 2S, at the residence of , Elder Pan! Kruger, Mr. Lswis was born in I fl.iIiMrv liantist .-Iniri-li lioi?. v ?v jlCrie countv, New York, Fob. :!rd, 1821. j Clifton, pastor. Regular set vices at 11 in nen m years old lie crossed uiu plains ; a. , nnd 5 n. ... in ti10 'f,n,a (.,-hool t no i !.: .1 building on Court street. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Zion Lutheran churoh, Siventh and ho California and located at Piacerville where he enj?.igedin mining and packing and tnhiequently went into tho mer- . . t ... . , , . Lnioii stre -ts Services at 11 a. m. and Ljwiston winch was named after him.!,m . ., . r, . , . c r, i- p. m; Lutheran League meetim He wus married at Sacramento, Can-,,. .... , ... , , , . , ' , :(:m. Cateohi3tical class will meet on foiniu, in ISoO. In lh0 he moved to- . ... , , . .-,,. , . , , 1 next N eduesday evenini; at i o'clock in what is now Lake countv, Oregon, where , ,, , , ,,, ,, . . . , .. .. ' . 'the church. Hev. W. Brenner nastor. he buried his wife eight years Liter.' From the death of his wife Mr. h-r.vis Methodist Episcopal church-Comer f has made his home with his daughter, lMmi ",!" ""inSton, Kev. U. I-. Mrs. Moore. Ho leaves four sisters, all "aw K Vior. .Morinny worfliiip utli; I W. II. Vanbibber, as nice old man as j ever lived, has quit 'ptddlin milk" in classify them. A number of prists will alro be riven foi unique features in the parade. .Indite .Mays went acrofs the river this morniiiK. und in company with Mr. Ivorick, of North Dalles, examined the yrade lending to the ton of the Klickitat mountain with the vie.v of seeing what is necessary to bo done to put it in yood condition for the team" haullnj; wheat to this market. Mr. Maa has collected several hundred dollnrn from Dalles biiiiness men. which will bo expended on tho grade under thu supervision ofRNV Mi.P'Jiiek. Toh Malt-olm K. Jameson, formerly deputy United .States marshal at this place ami n -jreat favoiite among Tl.e Dallea young puople of rine years age, died in J'ort land yeatetdiiy forenoi-n, ng'd about !10 years. Mr. Jameson was in tho Philip- plnes'ith the Oiegou volunteers, wheioi he obtained nn honoiablo recoid as a ptd-lier. While tliero the teeda of the after mi-lnight Van covered tho three miles between The Dalles nnd his ranch and delivered to his customers tlie two milkiugj of the previous twenty -four hoiirn. He has grown lich and prosper. sous and mi.-bt years ago nave retired from business on an amplo eompoleney had not old habits kept him in the har ness. He has sold tons of milk that he never got any pay fgr; but never sued a customer. Once ho was leaving the lacle.iI fluid at an out of-the-way place to a nijor widow with two invalid sons. Noticing tho dillleulty which the grand 1 man had to deliver that quart, a cash custodier close by remarked to Van one bitter c-jld morning : " A hy do you living in Minnesota, ono brother living I Sunday school at 10 a. in. ; class meet on tho Pacific coast, and two daughters. ""8 t 12:15; Epworth League at 0:30; The immediate cause of death was e.eunig service ui :.iu. turning memo, pnplexy. Mr. Lewis was a man of ! "j'iko l'10- hxhe I'rleat." Evening strict honor and integiity and of kindly - llle'ne'. ian "ttnioii.- Mrs. JMia will bo I k-iviein win sing a hoio at tno and Ho irfinnmtiq itunntctifl. sadly missed by tho immediate members i ove"mC service. , of his family and bv tho little ones of I C-mregatiotial church corner Fifth the neighborhood with whom ho was a general favorite. Itli; S;tiuahi. A man from Twin O.Ua-3 farm called at the Glacier office Tuesday, e'eeing W. P. Watson's big squash, lie was remind ed of thu big Equashes grown in Nebras ka. Ho said he woi ked for a man who had five acres in corn and tquashes. Tlie squashes w eio so bit; they couldn't get them into a common wagcu bed ar.d to put on tho hav rack to haul them in from the field. The man took oti' enough iqu,ihes to fatten sixty head of beef cattle that winter, besides foi ty bushels of corn to thu acre. A man from Plankton who heard tho big fquash story doit'.' You'll never get a cent." "That'sS H,, ,v rancher in Montana was glowing where you're mistaken, my friend, said Vun cheerfully, "Ood Almighty has paid that bill years in advance." J. li. Drown, of this iity, who was died yesterday urfoie Justice Brown hill on complaint of J. W. M-joio on the I ehaii'e of usuik' objcuno lauuiiauo in the were planted in bin system. His Inter-!.. m i..m,,.i r..,.. ,uif,. ., .In-it.Ti 1111.. . . ..(... i i. .. !... ..f 1.!. .....II....M . "iimen.a prnmiiieni jvingh-ineui. awaiisiuu commf "'" ' : l(lu complaining witness, was acquitted y for:n r, was in town last, night, from Now Voik, who was telegraphed I f tw ofl)a)( lh(J uvjJenC(Ji i n,o opln r. Wl.iti. ii hfi just received a patent j for a short time before his death. , o( UlL jnHue. frtilliiu to prove the A four-horse team belonging to John j charge. Mrs. Moore swore positively Proctor.of Klirkitat CJiinty. while on ! that Drown, lira loud, angry voice, called tho wav to the ferry this morning got I her vile mime, in presence of Frank and h carnival executive cjinmitlee will - wirci at a locomotive near tho Baldwin Mabel Spencer, who stood at a distance k that all llllolnnull nil f.i nl inliv llK I oss' b e, shall be ouspnuded between 'he lion o j) ,m,i jo o'clock on the opening day of the fair that everybody "ay Imvo a chance to attend and wlfnesa ho isrnnil parade. Arrangements for holding our fourth niiial horticulturol exhibit at Hood '"ver are going along Biiioothiy, nnd "rythlng pointe to it being the most ucteearui ,.x;,l)lt of t10 )r0liuctg 0f Hood Hlver, White Balmon und nenr-by ""He ever held, says the Glacier. Wioro win be some special exorcises ",0 M. K, ffundtty soliool tomorrow "'ornlng m lOoVlock. PrteentaHon of wari,6 to tlioae who linve coinniltled saloon and, turning quickly around, 1 of about 150 feet j uuir enough, as Mrp, lipped the wagon so aa lo throw the ' Mooro admitted, for thoui to hear all driver from his seat and made a wild that was said. Tlie defense put Frank dash hack to the neighborhood of Pease Spencer on tho stand, who testified that & Mays' Implement warehouse, whore I he nnd 1Mb sister herd Mi. Brown and they wore stopped by Adolph Shouder. 1 Mrs. Moore salute each other us they On Second street they collided with tlie; mot at the time mentioned in tho com hrewery wagon, which, however, was , plaint ; but Mr. Drown used none of the not Injured. The horses, when caught, i language Mra. Moore accused hlin of had not boon even rcratched, but the , using, und if he had he (Mr. Spencer) coupling apparatus of the wnguu was j would have heard it. Three of Mr. smashed in several places and had to be Brown's neighbors were called and bore taken to Frank Gunning's hospital for strong testimony to Mr. Brown's good repairs. .... The executive committee of thoslieet fair twid harvest camlvul Imvo uppolnted the following additional committees ; reputation In the neighborhood ol his home, where he has resided for two years us n peaceable and law-abiding citizen. and Court snouts. Dev. Poling, pastor. Morning woiship at 11; Sunday school at 12:15 ; Young People's Society li :Ii0 p. m.; evening service at 7 :"(). Moining subject, "Tho Church for tho Times." Evening subject, "Music Its Place in tho Church." Music for tho morning service will be furnished by a double qu-irlet choir, and in thu evening tho choir will ha composed of male voices. ii:ni'i.i: Mi.Mi.viJ ami r.oiNd, County Superintendent Cilbeit went lo Hood Diver this afternoon to spend Sunday with his family. Dev. I) V. and Mrs, Poling icturi-ed lut ninhr, fioiii a visit to S ilem and other joints in tho Willamette valley. Miss Lena Morrinun has gono to Philomath, where Klin htm accented a position as teacher in the public tclu.o's oi that placi-. a big tquash for the state fair. A care-h-i-s hired ui-iu, in hueiug about the tquash, uceidentally cut It off the vine.! N. D. Brook", a (ioldendalo attorney, The rancher w.w L-reallv eriuved at his 1,1 rlVt!" 'nun (.irants On (lie morn- Iohs, but tho hired man s.Ud he could raise it by hand. Fortunately the stem was still on the squash, nnd procuring a pan of milk, the stem waa inserted and the milk soi n disappeared, Tho tquash wna fed in this way until lipe. It was taken to the state fair and took tho tho premium for being the largest of its kind. On opening it a nice roll of Jeisc-y butter was found in tho center. Hood Diver Glacier. ing train. Mr. BrookH has arranued to stump tho stateof Washington for the Bryan ticket. To I)elliiitirn t Tnxiu jf r. The County Court having authorized the immediate collection of delinr-nent tuxes, I am compelled to comply with its icquust, and will therefore proceed at once to advertise. If you are delinquent you w ill save cost an-1 e:pr:nes by im mediate payment. All personal prop erty unpaid will ho attached at the cost and expense of the owner without fur th'jr notice. Douekt Ki;i,i.y, Sherifi'of Wasco Co., Or. 'I lie Dalles Sept. 17, 1000. 17 201-w You will not have boils ii von tako Ciarko & Falk's sure cure for bolls. Clark A Falk's drug stock is new, fresh and complete. Clark A Falk are never close 1 Sued iv Don't, foruct this. Tho only store if. this city wliero tin Genuine Imported Stransky-Stcel Ware is 8old. A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen piecesof so called cheap enam cled ware. BEWARES Other wares look has tho name Stransky Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at 16 International Exhi bitions. Highest award at Worlds Columbian Exlnbi tion, Chicago Pre ferred by tho best cookingauthorities, certified to by the most famous chem istfl for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST, Vu(8 fur Oiii'nii ci r IIiii I'uinlviil , Austin, Mr Banks, W A Bowler, Michael . ; Bertwell, C E At. 2 o'clock this afternoon thu yoto Oiaik, WC for queen of the carnival stood as foi- j lloiuer. Dave lows : Cora Joles Annie llashun L' Bonn , 283 .'-'16 . l!(5 CASTOR I A For Infants ami Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought r'poTwu' 1 fin imvu-i i. ! vil v(MilNti i,4tIti)rH I I I'oilowing in the list of letteia remain- ing in tlie poslofllce at The Dalleo nn j called for September 2S, 1000. Persons vailing for tho saiiio will yive date on : which they were advertised: I liKNTl.KMlIN, Aimstioinr, Claiie Dennett, Shirley Deacham, Arthur Orossoi, .1 W Heudeisholt, Oraiit Kulght, ICInior Meal or, Andy MeKellar, Frank Pi all, J s! Dobetls, (leorge W I.AIIIKS. Drown, Dachol Duniiell, Mazalti llarkmun, Mrs J D McCullv, (iertie Martin, Mrs Jennie I'r.ill, Mia O A ('.') Sheifdan, Mrs LewK K S McCartney, rrau, vj a ij l.o.t. Bears tho ftiguuturo of This (S.vturday iiiorning, on the way Dufur and The Dalles, a valUe. ill oblige by leaving it at Tim I Cuitoxu-i.i: ollice, b20-1w Keuiember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us, It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside, is notaflcctcd byacitls in fiuitd or vegetables, will boil, stew, roast and bake w i t li o u t imparting flavor of pioviounly c o o 1: e d food und wlli last r for yenrs. Wo cut tion tlu public iigainst iuiitutic-j A .MlnUtol'K i,i(iil Wnrlc, "1 had a severe attack of bilious colic, got a boltlo of Chanibei Iain's Colic, Clioler and Diarrhau llotnedy, took two doses and was entirely cured," day Dev. A. A. I'jwer, of Hmporla, Kan . "My nelghlior acro-13 the street was sick for over a week, had two or three bottles of medicine from I he doctor. Ho used them three or four days without relief, then called in another doctor who tieat ed him for come days and g.ive him no relief, so discharged him. I wiut over to see him the nest morning, lie said his bowels wen In a temhlo fix, that they had been ruuui.ig oil' so long that it was almost Ihis. 1 atkol LI in if he had tried Chamberlaiu'ti Colic, Cholera and Diarrli.t-i Demudy and hd said, 'No.' I went home and brought him my bottle and give him one dose; told him to tako another dose in fifteen or twenty minutes if lie did not find relief, hut he took no mote and was en tirely cured." For Bale at D'akol-iy'd drug store. Through the mouths of Juno and July our baby was teething an I Icok a run ning oil' of tho bowels and sickuera of the stomach," says O, P, M, Holllday, of Deinlnt', lud. "His bowels uculd move from live to eight tlmoH a day, I had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami Diurihiot Demedy in the hoiito and gave him four drops in u tea spoonful (-f water ami he got bettor at once. Sold at Dlakeley'a drugstore, Muii't Kuti ii in, .lust wet the nU'eeled part fnoly with Mysterious Pain Cure, n Scotch lomedy, and thu pain Is gone, h'ohi by Clarke & Falk. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunbii'ii, Manufactured bv Clarke & Falk.