who is soiu cthinrr of an Irish-Amcri- This flalloc flail- Mtrnninlp ' wl lu" """J "'""" rati himself, anticipated, that Michael! -EVT "t lPflO :lv,'-- lac professional Irish agitator, j SATURDAY - SI Ior rtclilpnt WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or oiiio. Fur Vict rrrl1cit THEODORE ROOSEVELT or .Ntw York. ' should have left Pretoria four months . , ago. "thoroughly disillusioned, broken ' SLAVEIiY JS THE ZULUS. Along with the Philippines, the "United Stales acquire'! the Sulu archipelago. Sloven exists there, though in its uiildcit form. While the blave is the property of his master, he is treated rather as a feudal re tainer than as a slave in our sense of the word. Commenting on this the Spokesman-Review sensibly says: The world can not be reformed in a jiffy, and in negotiating a treaty j with the sultan of the sulu islands, ; jand siek at lieait" and disgusted. with the P.oer character and methods. 1 '"1 ciime out here at my own ex-1 pense." whines Pavttt. "It has cost ; me 800 pounds. I was full of en-; ; thusiasru for these people. They ; Jknew me, they knew my feelings,1 : but thev have never trusted me.' t Retiring from Business, j Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost, i Pry Goods, Clothinsr, Bvt r.nd She?, a nn.c'.i iw tt.nn w helrsale prices. Will sell in bulk or :n Ut? o; ar.v way t su.t pMn.-.a.vrs. ' j Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. j Ait goods nill 1 nprificol exivpt T:i-tip":'t Ot! p-fittt5i drspts j and Bntterick Patterns. Your prices will be u!:.e. t'.il. e.r!j and secure , ' bargains. J. P. McINERNY, j Cvnwv Sivoinl av. Cowl St?. i Dispatches from Manila state that ithc Piiuipnine commission is con sidering plans for expending 2,000, 000 in the construction of good roads 1 in the island of Luzon. And the ' New York Mail excitedly ct ie? : i "Imperialism '. Imperialism ! Shall the j The stu'tent of the Nnruat 5cii..i v ti-csa-e.i to t.uc tic :n vv.-Har iiuracdtteir -n ; sacred right of the Tagal to wend , '""oaieircadiir secmre KlMd ,.witiv,. Esp...f yirfrm-it!30. his wav aloilJX a COW. path throuch 1 Strons Acmlemte mnl l'rofssslnnttl C'o'irscs. NV.v jsiici4l IKtmstOTC in Uauat Training - Well equipped Truiuinir llepnttmoii: . " the brier-patch be ruthlessly destroyed : For catalogue containing lull nnuouurcmcnU iwidre-s hv tlio mlo.f-iporl intniflr.- slmll I 1 CAMPBELL, ITestdent. or W A. V ASS, SiK-raturf uf Facul'y. State flomal School, MONMOUTH, - OREGON. Fall Term Opens September IS. 1900. $1.00 per month. . trleiiy first r!nss hienl an-l lonu diMnieo mteplrynu set vice- within your home. Lines do not crosi-talk. Your con versation will he "kept a secret. So coH lor installitiir. You ct tin Mandiud II Milling Lode Distant Instrument. Continnons dtv and- night eervlce. Wo will accept your contract for ton years and allow you to can eel snnioon Hiving na thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELIPHOKE GOS. 1 - he be compelled to increase the value nan ueen mane towaru tue auunuuu , . . , .. . . of the custom by the adoption of;modern pub,ic bihwa- article 10, providing that "any slave , a r rr . i- i i rr building i-i. limcuit i roDiem. . Isow, i then, all together, gentlemen, in your 1 ! hoarsest chest-notes, tlom by paying to the master the ; usual market value," which is about 20. This has excited a protest from a few of the more active and noisy anti-expansionists, who have set up a shout that "'slavery exists under the American Hag," and it was atrocious to enter into treaty vitfa the sultan of Sulu. But, as a matter of fact and history, here again we have done precisely what Jefferson did nearly a century ago with the territorial possessions of .' It is anions: tt.e most (litlicDlt prob lems of mutual science for one to become I rnert 5n ppvi'rnl linis. .1. K. Ai1i-.it At Imperialism" "iCo., bv their combination, hurt, ovui-. 1 ! come this difficulty in b practical man- i Tho awful re.-uiti nf tmnnrinli-m ' ner. J. E. Adcox'is nn expert watch- j , , , maker anil is Lood on jewtdrv. optical I have begun to appear, says lhe,wor-; a enj-ravinc, wbile Theo. II. Astorian. Republican officials are ! L,e,,-' 15 nn expert optician and is jrooti ,. T.. , on watch repainnir, jewelrv work and i going to allow Torto Kicans who , ensravinc. Their "price is as low r.s con arc residtnn in Baltimore to vote, ; eistent with pond workmanship. They , , , , , , , ' are prepared to do ail work in their and there will be no chance before ; geVeral lines, on short notice. Work election for the liberal-minded de-lasnt b" -'aiI or express will receive prompt attention. Sign, "Big Ked . mocracy to pass a constitutional : Watch." ' amendment denying them the privi-1 lege because their grandmothers! didn't Lave it. t Tne Xew York Cash Store is the sole the United Stares. Jefferson, m 1 SOL Coa 5ine o faorwear. sent out the Lewis and Clark expedi-j tion to negotiate treaties with the powerful Indian tribes west of the Missouri river. Among all these tribes slavery and polygamy were practiced, and the evils hare not entirely been abolished to this day. In Bancroft's 'vNutive liaces," we are told, in the chapter dealing with the Puget soucd Indians, that "Slaves are held by all tne tribes, and are treated very mich like their dogs, being looked upon as property, and not within the category of hu- rncnity. For a master to kill half a dozen slaves is no wrong or cruelty; it only tends to illustrate the owner's J noble disposition in so freely sacriGc- j ing his property. Slaves are ob-j tained by war and kidnaping, and . are sold in large numbers to northern tribes." J In providing for redemption and looking to the ultimate abolition of j slavery in the Snlus, we have gone j further than Jefferson thought of going. If the islands are retained, the barbaric practice will be abol ished. If left to their own devices, it will he indefinitely maintained. Perhaps the chief motive of this jeremiad about slavery and the Am'erican Hag is political rather tLau moral. Perhaps these moralists want office rather than the freeio" of the Sulu slaves. iLASS of Baldwin's Celery Soda cures a liwidacie at mice. It i a pleas ant, sparkling, wfiiirvi'scent drink that actsinuiit!!:itt:ly. Itck-aiu and jmr.flKW tho stomach. Kent!)' quiets tha uerviM and relieve all-pain. It cures biolc and urvous headaches, anil mn- tcl fatij-uu. 10c, 2Sc, 50c, 1.00 Clsrfce & rail:, The Difis. Oregon. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON HESTADAHHT And CAFE. J. B. Crossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street Complete of Dm 0s at M. 2. DON NELL, TH DRUGCI5T. REGULATOR LINE. ;! DALLES, PORTLAND k ASI0H1A iNAV. COMPANY 'i ti;i.ipcr. o! the t'.rculutor Une will run us fcr the fol 'J w.jic vliuh.lc. tlio Company rwurvlns the rigtit to elms, tc l ulu utiHnit untleu. Sf. Regulator , W i ' l-r. 1 1 t'nrtl.iliil it T a. . Mdinlny . Wwlmnny . Friday Arr DiiHbe at 5 I', il. Ship yonr Freight via Regulator 3-ine Str. Dallos City. i l.v. PllllC nt 7 a. y. 1 Monday . 1 Wulnwdtty Krlduy .. . Arr. J'ortluml at 1 .30 I. M.. . I'nrt'mid A it 7 It) A II. I ue.il.iy " 'I !inr1a ,5 sntrlny j! A' llnll- -i I'lillor A. M. TiiBdy ntl t.. f.r i iiuinifl, . . . patuidiiy. Alt. I'rtlnil ut t: r. a. t' FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PI .TilASTTRR 3 ! Tnivul bj the Steamers r.l the lii'f-uUtor .inc. Thn Comiumy will PtulOHVnr l she Itn )t- 5 4 rims the bct kurvlcD p.rtMbic. t urtli-r liil.irmution aildri"i ; IWtlmid omce. Oai mreot Ii-wt W. C. ALUAVAY, Con. Agt. ,5 'IS , . . . A i Brj'ceherr- and Farmers U .. Exchange. . FevT9 on draucht the cuk'brattJ cuM'MblA UL'Ki:, nctnmv; icl the bit beer In The Dulles, at the usual price. Como in. try It and be rucvluced. Alo tho Mnpstbrandi ol WJnss, U-juor and Ciffitrt. Sanduiiches of all Kinds eiwayt on hand. Just What Voa mant. - Mrs. PhiUiris is rirenared to fnrnish cut (towers and aii kinds of florul da- aisne on short i.utice. Phote number 397. flO-Itn A f'i'.l iir.t- of EuStman ii!tue an sop plies just received ly CUrke & i.'.k. t mw?.'i ff) Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot r 11 kin i Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds S Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, S? 1?? Headquarters for "Byers1 Best" Pendle- tOn FlOU 1 "P '''"ur Xf inanitfttcturmJ ttsjiresHly for fani!!y U6e : every pack U cnuranteetl to pive entiefactior.. i sv: oar pootis lower than any house iu the trade, and if you don't tinnkPO call aijj kli rur prices and ho eonvineed. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats ! CATARRH .... . . i In all its stages tiicro insn-American sympathy for the j -hotai u eieau:.aef Iioeis has teuciveil just such reward 'Ely's Cream Balm as every intelligent person, acquaint l$Tl. ed with the Iioer character, antici- ! itcnredlaiarrhtndd.-.ea . . ,, . ' tway a co.d ju tie lie.il pated. Ihe Boers, whatever excel j oaicicy. lencies of character thry may have.' Crcanl ljB-l u P'3Ccd Int0 ttc no:-!b, aprtads , J i over the mcaihrane and ia alworbcd. Itt.itt it ira- are religious higots. They have no j mdatoariacureo!iowi. it u not drying-dots use for a Catholic and most of the U-i--aceir.. ij.-cefiae,69ent8tDruS. Slit4 jr by raai.; Trial Size, I cecii by mail. Irish-American ympathizea were ! ii.v others, wrri &.reot, :.cw Vo.-t. Catholics. It was not because these j men loved the Boer that manv of ; '"r iiulr- them volunteered to light for him, to hoildin,n owned hy Mrs. E . , , , , ' Jnlian, on Court street, between Second , but because they hated their heredi.janil Thlrdi now 0CCDpI.d nfl n i0,i, tary foe, England. Jf the Jtoers had , house and dresnieklns shop. The been at war with France, or Germany, ' buildings will be eold, furnished or un-1 or Austria, or Jtaiv. it is nrccious ! f"rrjsht1' clR'a-J -Jr caaU- -PP'y to 1 " ' i vr.. r s Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. L Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, j jjjjjjg pn PnP Spnniiii 9, 1 onrrhlin IDbnnn IWi 3 i'ui uuuuuu a liuuujiu, iiiuuu lor PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF New ideas iu Wall I'auer hera. Sisnh wide variety as we are showing never bs , fore raeed a single stork. Kenl itnitu-' i tion cretun wlTects ut ordinary pricee. i ! Good papers nt chp paper prices. Elegant desitjue, tantoful colorinpp, jouk for a small price, at our H'.ore on Third street. Also a fnll line of houee paintn. .D. W. VAUSE, Third St.' J. E. FALT & CO.,$ ofroprletors Commercial Sample ftooms. ' f Purest Liquors for Family Use y J)ulivoivd to any pari of tho City. Phones: 51 L',Cal, , "4 so; i.-jmjs nutance. 173Second Street. J to 50 YEARS' EKPERIENCE MAKCl AtTL'KtKa Of 4 .S3? : w little sympathy the Irish or the Irish American would hare wasted on them. For tho Boer has no more use for an Irish Catholic than the than the devil has for holy water. And nobody is particularly surprised to Gnd the Irish-Americans clamor ing for pay for their unrequited services in tbe Boer war and threat' ening to raise a rumpus if tbey don't get it. And it is perfectly in line with what tbe writer of these Jines, Mrs. E. Jnlian. tS-lmd TRACE MARKS JESICNG Copyrights &c. AnrcmsomlliiK r. clrli and ricicrtMton ma' toilrklr aicortolii our oplinfiti Iroo wintthur a liireiitlon m iirohahljr r itxii'nhlc. "uniinunlf liontatrictlrcoiiSdoiitml. Il.indtxvjlcon I'utvuu jont rc. Ol'l'.i DL';it r ur jccuruic i.alcms. l'atii.ui taken throuvh ilur.u k Co. rciT ( Fine Lard and Sausages j g Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF, ETC. - j . iff .KM, .H. i Are youreadytobiiyyourff.il shoes? i We ar eo! agents for tho celebrated ! Hamilton Brown Shoe Co. 'a line of foot- j wear. If you want the nest shoe for the j least rnon-y, cull and ee us. No trou-1 ble to show t'oodii at the Jew York Cash Ktore. Hustling young man can make (GO per month and expenses. Permanent posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars. Clark & Co., Fourth and Locust Streets, Pliiladel pbia, Pa, sg.tf Scientific Jfmtricati A handjomeljr llloitralnl weoklf. T.irvett elf filiation of nnr ficutltlc tnnrnal. 'I'ornu, f:i a rrrtri four morithj. f L hold brail nennlmlftH. MUHN&Co.3S'B-- New York Uraocti ornco. C3 V ft. Wr.iliiattgii. U. C ONE FOR A DOSE. Q A He. Itvld U dm,. OH. OC SANKO CO. PhlTi! P J.H. bCHISCI, I'rLKlfleiu. 11. M. ilKAl.1., First National Bank. THE DALLES - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold o New York, San Francisco and --ort-land. OIRBOTOKa. D. P. TnoMFBox, Jmo. S. Sohinck, u. M. Williams, Gxo. A, Lixbx, U. M. Bxall. SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! 1)j you know tlmt John Pushek. the tailor, Is agent for tw - f the J.irusl merchant tailorinjj houtes in AmuneaV r. 1)0 f,u.,no1w bo will bell you a euil, tnndii to vour Older, u rhe p1uth ba(Hl.,..u(lon, rcady-iimdu, you buy In tho fctor.. u- 1 guarnnteu a fit or no tale? n,i y." ki"T ","lt !'e h,,s "I'Pady on hand for -the eoniliii: fn. hi The 'llk? bandeomest and liiu-Bt lino of samples ever shown JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer.