The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 28, 1900, Image 4

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    A 3Iltillri' Oixirt U'mk.
"I had a sevire attack of billed co':c,
pot u bottle of Cliamherlaii.'s Coiic,
ClioltT und D.nrrt h:1NoimIv, fotk two
do9 ant! w-is entirely cored,'' ways Bcv.
A. A. P.,ver, of F.mpt.rM, Kan. "My
neighbor hctojs the street was sick for
over a week, Imd two or thrfe hottle.3 of
medicine from t!ie doctor. Ha uswl
them tr.ree or .our days without relief,,
tiien enlled in another doctor who treat
ed hint for some days and cave him no
relief, so discharged him. I went over
to see !iim the next utorninjr. He said
hi? bowels were 111 a terrible lis, that
they had heen riinni.ip ofTso lone that
it was almost bloody fins. 1 nked him
if b !md tried Chamberlain's Coiic,
Cholera and Diarrluei Remedy and lid
etiid, 'Xo.' I went home and hrnuzht
him my bottle aad gave him one dose;
told him to take nnother doe in fstteen
or twenty minutes if he did uo: find
relief, but be took no more and was en
tirely cured." For side at Blakel-y's
-itruj: store.
i'Eort.E ciMtivn ami going.
Hiiih Jackson, of Wapinittu. !?. in the
Mr. G. F. Pu.'dr, ol Olis, Gilim
county, culled at this office today.
John Lfilund Henderson, the Hood
Itiver attorney, was in town today.
Mr. Sip. Younc, of Astoria, is visiting
whh the family of Mr. C. J. Stubim.
.1. W. Hopkitis, a Prineviile attorney,
was in town today on bis way home from
Chris Detbman. a prosperous fruit
Iran of the Hood River valley, uas in
town today.
Miis Harriet Steven1, who acted a?!
maid of honor at the Leiiddemann-j
French wedding, reiJriieil to her home 1
I ; PjrtUnd on this uiomineV boat. !
Sturvntlun In Sneeevifullj- I'neil nt n
Core lur Miuij intense l? u
I'hllmlelphlii I'll vMclnn.
A Philadelphia pin sictan of note. Dr.
Edward II. IJewej, claims to cure all
sorts of dieases by starving his pa
tients. The brain. say this- practi
tioner, never lose vveisrht in either
eickiHws or starvation. lrsuaily the
mind remains, ciear when ?he body has
wasted away. The heat! is- th- power
house of the body. The stomach is
run by brain power. When the stom
ach does too much work it makes too
great a demand upon the brain.
"For more than 2f years," writes
th'iF doctor. "I have permitted my hick
to do whhout food so lousr as there
was no desire for it. Not a mouthiul
was enforced in any case, not one
mouthful denied on the first hint of
"In this J hate had all the medical
textbooks and. the entire medical pro
fession a& authority unquestioned
against me. That foo.d is needed to
sustain the strenjrth of the sick has
never ben a matter of question with
the nn-dical profession.
"Many of my sick have gone for more
1han a month without food. One very
sick, in bed for more than a month
with acute rheumatism, wa able. to
watk about the room on the forty-sixth
day before the first food was taken.
Another patient, a woman of 57, went
until the forty-third dav before she
"broke her fast, and without anv omis-i
sion of her ordinary di:tie?. A dip- j
v-u .,l.,,1; L.ur: 3fc tne result;
...... nun, nitci nr rara, mere mis
been no return of the trouble."
Physicians arc pretty generally
agreed that Americans eat too much
especially too much meat. The no
breakfast habit may not be so very
Billy after ad.
Duly Two Metliodlit rapi'" I'rofltnlile.
It came out in t-iie reports of the re
rent .MethotliFt eoitfereree that only
nvo of the l. ui!'.-. ',:. j ,1-rnals of th
church, pi:i.'..-;h' '.i :.V ivi; bt'c'ioa
tj' I'l.-i-uiii. i ui...i ri.e ixii.aun l.tuife
of ji- (,'hr.. :an . Ai-cate. hat' beon
i ;irC nf a jitoftt. The net U r on
th otuern lt-,flfiO in four yearhai?
I- rn- out of the proliu of IL
pub ii-'iiin buMnegfe known n the Hook
Itfrt llot Kriim the tltin
V.'ae the ball that bit G. B. fileadman
ot Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It
caused horrible ulcere that no treat
ment helped for twenty Then
Bucklun'a Arnica Salve cured him. It
cures elite, bruiea, burni boils, lelone,
corns, eruptions, liest pilo cure on
artli. Twoiity-five centn a box. Cure
cuarantecd. Sold by I!lnkev, tbw
drtrjrglet. " .;
Taint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to lait. Clflrlse i Fulk
have them.
Drying1 preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh: thoy dry up tho secretions.
vuicu adhero to tho mcmbrniio and dscom
Iose, cnaiing a fur moro serious trouble tliau
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, funics, smokes and unuffii
nnd uso tlmt which cleanses, fcoothca end
LeaLi. Ely's Cream llalm is such a remedy
and vrill euro catarrh or cold in tho head
easily and pleasantly. A trial oizo vill be
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho
COc. size. Elylirothers, CO "Warren fit., N.Y.
The JJalra cureu without pain, does not
irrilato or oucezing. It Bpreads itself
over an irritated mid angry fiurfeco, reliev
ing immediately tho painful iniammation.
AVith Ely's Cream llalm you oro aruiod
ugaiust Kssal Catarrh and Bay Forcr.
Invention of n German Ilent tin
crjcr Turned I)treetl lulu .lln
tlon lij- Illectrlclt-.
From Germany conies the desirrn of n
remaikable motor that turns hrttt en
orgy directly into morion through the!
t ar.t-;u r Tt...
marhlue ir:i.-i 1 5 rnio-elerttic uio-? u' ' Pole agents for the celebrated
tor. am! wmk&on the familiar principle t Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.'s line of loot
of th elr-ctric motor snntrwha! mac- j wear. If yon want the best bhoe for the
ifiec to meet the ucvnffer exrnries of ' t.ngt monev, call and see us. 'o tron
the cae. In artier. It I es-. ntiaUy an J bk t0 8i,0;vVjods at the ISew York Cash
electric motor, but one driving its dec-; qjorc
trical energy from heat applied to it . " '
through thermo-electric couples. A ! Hustling voting mnu can make $G0 per
thern.veleetritj couple i- composed of j tnonih and expenses. Permanent posi-
two difalmi'nr metI. such a? iror. and j tiotl Experience nnmcessarv. Write
copper Any complete circuit made of ,cJt for parcalllta. C!ai"k & Co.,
two metals must cecfsonlv have two ' , , , . ... , m n ..i .i
. . , . ..." i I-ourth and Locust Mreets, Philadel-
jmiiTiiuii.' oi tne wo in u.
it r,r i, . t,.i
more than the other an electric current
will flow in the circuit, its amount and
direction depending on the nature of
the two metal., the difference in tem
perature between the two junctions
and the resistance it encounters in
imth. On the motor machine the
couples are mace of iron and nickel.
firmly brazed top-ether. -They are ar -
ranged like the whicinof the orr i -
nary electric motor, with one set of
junctions brought coitvrnirntty tr. the
surface, where "ras-jet piny upon thorn.
i nevotner set are cooiec oy a rapid e.r-1
culaUon of .air about them, engendered '
by the rotation of the machine. While j
the motor i--- of no practical value. i is J
an exceedingly interesting1 c xemplifl- j
cation of the cse with which entrgy f
may be muit-formei! and retransiformed
throuirb the various fornib of heat, elec
tricity and motion.
lni wuuiUK'is r'rtiliLKIi'l.lUJN.
He -Wmn't
eeried nut Once,
AVoi Too Iluv to llother
"When I went abroad this sprinp," j
said the young man who was beinir !
dined becaiir-e he hnd just come home !
from the exposition, says the New York
aun. -I na so t.l that n:y mother said
I could not so without our doctor.
"On the way across, somthow, all
my i.";ne.5 'ot blown overboard and I
felt a If 1 had left myself in New York
and wa a new man I'd hse to :yet ac
quainted with. Hut nil the time there
was the doctor jn our party. He was
having- a good time and taking bis own
medicine.-; every once in cwhiie he
would take a pill from one waistcoat
pocket and take it. then after a meal
he would draw a pawder from another
pocket and wos-h that down.
"The day we reached Amsterdam,
"however, like n (lash I found my old
self I had It.ft in New York. I felt ill
and couldn't breathe,
doctor in haste.
I went to the
"'riru..,,' T .r t i i .
Uoctor. I said. 'I feel queorly; I
can't get a :ong breath, all I can do.
" 'Then take two short ones,' said he.
and I laughed and got better right
there. j
phjsician prescnofd for me from dock
to dock, over and back."
Snle of the "Tlildli-r" "Mtnnx Mncli to .'
London Trade 3Inur
Mnilo Hlch.
The peacock's feather has become a
conspicuous feature
ip. our national
rejoicings, rays tne l.omlon .Mail.
NIUUUIII.1IUU Ulls iiiuufiii iiijuui i
a revival of trade in the commodity!
I c- iry p..-...n.;f... 1.- T .
wnivn lias lined .Mmcmir I.ane with
srladness and provethn windfall to thou
sands of London's poor.
I'or purposes of jubilation the "eye"
feather of the peacock has been re
chriistened "tiddler" and sold in mil
lions to h joyous public. Before the
war the trade in peacock's feathers
was in a comatose condition. Huge
stock were on hand, and the promise
of n clearance seemed distantly re
mete. Then some brilliant opportunist saw
in. the feather the very article for
which an exuberant public might be
tought to yearn. Tn the early day of
our sneeerfse in South Africa the ""tid
ier," ifl the hands of the boisterous
youth, instantly jumped into popular
ity, and while it added to the barm
lei snyuty of a nation, its ready sale
enriched all who had foreseen, the
Tin- Thoituniul.H nnil .IIIIIIiuin.
Bishop Ilrindlc, In his licturc nt
Shcllleld on his cvperleiices in war
faro, told some Interesting stories,
nmong them that of a young soldier
on the weary march to the Atbara.
"I eny. Bill," he remarked to tin old
comrade, "just fancy how pinny thou
sands there ure who don't know where
wv nru!"
To whtuh the more seasoned warrior
replied: "Ahl .Tii.m fniicy how many
millions there nrc what don't care a
damnl "London Chronicle.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
uml sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Fulk.
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated Jump E. Putton
strictly pure liquid painte
Buy a meal ticket "at the Umatilla
House restaurant; fo.50'for ffi. Bltf
For "ml'i
The two buildings owned by Mrs. K.
Julian, on Court street, beteen Second
nnd Ttirrd, now occupied ns u Icidpinc
honse and tlressmaUins; shop. The
. huildmpa will he pold, furnished or un-
( furnished, cheap for cash. Apply to
- 1 Mrs. E. Julian,
r;i-; mu
full shoes?
. ,
Are 3011 ready to lioy your
t ,
I nhia. Pa, sb-ti
Th2 largest and most complete line of
fall and winter miihnory ever displayed i
in the city at the Campbell & Wilson
! f.illliiuir" tturlnru Tli . nrlnnQ U'tll tipll
', Pn0ils-
- Why pay f 1.75 per gallon far inferior
' paints wiien you can buy James E.
patton' - sun proof paints for $ 1.50 per
. 2rt)Imii p,larttntef.d for 5 veara. Clark it
(.t;( tments. ml
L.iNoOrricE at The Or.,
AUK. li I'-'C
; Xollce h hfreby civen that tlio t'ullowlii
iiameil ottler hiu tilc-1 notice of Ills Intention
tomtikf tinnl vrixif in supjort of Ills claim, mid
that said proof will be made tiefon; the rcpi-ter
and receiver of the t P. land nftlce a: The
! Daltea, Or , on Saturday, &;pt. 23, 1SC0, viz:
Henry C. Giinltnn, nf Tho Knllo, Or.,
; II. E. No J011, for tlie .VU SE!4 bee. C. T I X,
i R 13 E. W. Jt.
j He names the following wltceies to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
, oi snui lami. viz-
Krucit Jordan, Albeit Jordan. John Pahe i
nnd James Tlioiuas. nit of Tho Hallos.. Oreson
I nlliSti-l JAY V. LUCAS, itcslittr.
Land Omen at The on. j . i
.-cptember IS, ltt). i ' " '
Notice li henby eivea that the following-.
named scttUr ha filed notice of her Intention i
to make tinal proof in hupport of liei claim, and
that said nrnof will be made be.'oie the rcKi.ter i
and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, un Weduev
f dBJ OctoLcr2l, lvOO, viz.
Ellzn IC. Vlcl.-or, i
widow of ?umuet J. Vickera. deceased, of 3Io- I
ier, Oregon, H. E. 'o. .VR. for the N 5WM !
and . W.'.t Sec V. Tp U .V, It 12 E, W. 3f. ;
ne name.- ine souowinc v,iroee to prove
her nntinuous residence upon and culiivatiun
of raid land, viz. :
Geonre ltenov, of The Iwlles. O retro i: Jmcs
Jlilcr, I.eo Evans, Eric (ruti!nnd, Mosier, Or.
fpl5 JAY 1'. UXAa. Knjlater.
Umij Officb at The Dai.lbs. Or.,
heptcuitie; la, l'.Ol t
Notice is hereby driven that the followinc- '
named settler has Hied notice o his intention to '
jmake final proof In upiortnf his claim, and
thut sid proof will d made before the Kesistcr ,
ami Ueeulvcr at The Dalle-, Oregon, en Satur
day, October a), 1300, viz:
Arellon. I'nx, i
of The Dalles, Oreeou, It. 11. No. .11.11. for tho '
s hf X W nr una hf S1V or. aec 12. Tn 1 s. li II i
J E. N'. 11. I
i lie names Hie folloivlm; witnesses to prove ;
i nu nnunuoufc rcaiacncu upon una cultivation ,
; of said land, viz: j
' ilfttney. V. II. Miitnoy, Chnrlea Oocu f
I nnd V: e' Viatk',1,! It'Tt-T!;0?01." .
! JHlII l!,0!: j
I Auipist ', vm. i
j Notice Is hereby civen that the follow :us-
! named settler has riled notice of hli intention to
j make final proof in nupport of bis claim, and
that said proof will be mane before the Hesi.'.ter
i and Receiver at Tlie Dalltt, Oregon, on eatur-
aay, uctnucr ti, i'.mj, viz:
Itobcrt K. riillllpa, nf .M osier, Or.,
II. V. No. 51-0 for tbe NE'4 NVJ(,XV NK'
htcO, and a',i SEH, sic 1, Tp. 'J N, II. 12 E
lie nnmes the followinir wltnpsos to nrnvi. IiIh
i continuous-jwWencu upon and culiitntion of
i lump Ti"I. TmlH ?.lnr 1 tn TnKn
Jiuer, an oi lo-.tcr, ortjron.
Land Orncr. .it The Iui.lks, On., (
heptember 1-'., 19C0. j
Notire i hereby civen tliut tliu following
named tettler lia Died nolice of her intention
to rnako final proof in Hinport of her claim, and
inai .un pnxji win t,e nmuu iieiore mu ltetrintoi
and r.u.-eiver at The lullc.. Oregon, on Wi'dncx
i way, ueioii'r -i. j.tji;, iy..
j ,Innet J-". stewnrt, ofllm lliillu. Or.,
; II. i:. :.'o. S(l, for tho LV.; SK fcK or m: or fcee
js, Tp I :., it la i:, mid kV r)t y. tr uj. Tp t
h i.i v., w ii. ii.)
ahe names the iniiuwlntf ivltnesiies to prove
her iviutliitioni residence upon and cultivation
of fiiiil laud, U
I), I). .S'ehon, K. K. Sharr, John I'lcmlng,
Imnivl Rtc.vart, all id The Kwllcn.
fepl.i JAV I'. LUCAS, Itvghitur,
Lanii Office ,w Tun Dallks. On
buptember, ID, 1!A0. t
Notice Is hereby civen that thu follmvirft
namit utller hu.s filed notPr oi hi Intention
to innkc final urtMil In tupiort of hl claim, and
that taid nroof will lie inftdi; l;elore the reulstur
i and recvlvcr nt 'I he Dalle, Otefron, ou fialutday,
t.'liailrtt II. ."Hutney,
of Tho Dalle-i, Oregon, II. K. No. M0, for thcS
lif MI rir and W hf bh or, dec 12, 1 1 b', K 11
E, W. JI.
He tmme the followln;; vcitucifu-i to prove
Ms lontbiiiotik residence ujou and cultivation
of mlrt land, vie.:
A.tJ, Fox, 1', :. Fritran, Clinrle (loiion and V,
C. Clark, ail of The Dalles, Oregon.
tep JAY V, LUCAS, hgItiT.
Law Officb nt Tiif., Op.k,,)
Auguatai, itiuc. I
Notice I henhy tilvcn that tho following
uarrieil cottier hat llu-d nolice of his Intention to
make final proof In nuiiport of hla claim, and
that mid woof will ho rnudc before the fleglmur
and HccclVir at 1 he Dalies, Oregon, ou Widnc
day, October 10, 10CO, viz. ;
GftorKi) W. tf iiliiotliiii, of Thti Ilollfx, Or.,
II. K. No. Slttl, for tho HWJi HYM and NLtf
NW Kie ix. Tp I N, K 1 1 K, V. JI.
Ho unmet thu following vltiieu'.it to prove hl.i
coniluurmii resldcnca upon, and cultivation of
mild land, vU-
F. P. Taylor, Wmflttarp, .1. W, Johmton and
It, V.. Teaguc, all of Tho ImIIc, Oregon,
5-I JAY 1'. LUCAS, lleglster.
Room SO and 40, over U, 9. Land Oaice
fz.xiTX xriiriitiiTTriirriiTiiiirrtfiTriTMxiitTTtxtJxnjiiiitjrifiuoi?i 11X1 -TT I
i Hh UhLhoRAThD
.. .GOkUpiBlA BREWERY....
Of the pr duct of tbi? well-knoui brewery the United States Health
Reports for June "3. 1900. toys: '"A more superior brou never entered
the iabrrttory of the United .States Health reports. It 18 absolutely devoid
nf the FlicliteGt trnce. of adulteration, but on tlm other band it) coir.poBed of
the best of malt nnd choicest of hops. Us tonic qualities urn of the high
est and i can be used with thfcreuteHi benefit niul eniiHfaetion bv old and
yonnz. Its ue cun conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with
the eersaintv that better, purer or more n holesonie beverage could not
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
Gf andall
All kinds of
funeral Supplies
Tho Dalles, Or.
The ttntlcrfiigued has taken imaseesion
of It. A. Spivey paint shop, nest door to
the Vogt. opera house, ami has pur -
i.iuio(:u me iowis nuu iiuHicrs. lio lias
Kood mechanica working for him, and
will guarantee all work to give satisfac
tion. S. K. KELLY.
Lino Office at Va.stocviiu, Wakk. i
Aug. 1C, PAX). )
r.olico is herchr civen tlmt tho fallm-jine.
Iianiti! hcttler lirn filed notice of his intur.tton
to make final proof In Mpirt of hi olaiti', nnd
that Mild proof will bo made Ixifore W. JI. I'lcsby.
riiilwl blitee (oinmiit.Ioiier for liimricl nil
V.HkhlCKton. at hlbolllceln noIdoiidHle, Wiwh-
ln;:tou, on OeUbur 1, 1!a.0, vl
Illllll H'Bthllll,
1'. O. addrets Ontervlllc, Wimli., who niBde
honrtliad iiiiplicatlon No. U33J, for tho BU hKia '.i, Tp :i N, it II K. W. ji. ' 3
Who tiainea tho following wltneitet to provo
nis contintiotis residence ilium und cul(lvatlin
ot mk1 Inuili viz.:
utiara-h htrauiic, wuihim wllkiiihoi,, Jnmc
C. Daly and I'tilrluk IlnjjKcrty, all of Ceuti-tvllle
W. It. UI' MIA It, ilegiator.
Notlco i hereby given tiiat tin- underidgiied 1 1
imvu nmi iin mu i.ierK in tne county court of
tho htatcol Ou-gnn for Wasco coutitv.tlivlr final ;
lie. iinni n e.eeuior oi tno last will anil teta
inent of Henry Ilarnurn, dtccauil, ami that
hoiiiihv. trio iin nay oi Mivcinuar, law, at tho
hour of Ui o'clock a. in,, ha: been fixed by tho
County L'ntirt for tald county r. the time, and
the county court room in Dulles City an th.
place for hearing of obectloni to Mid Until ac
count and the tuttlemeut of (he name.
j. v. i r.r.Nt ii,
K. P. ilAYH.
JJ It. II. K.
HM I Til,
Rooms io and U, Chapman block, Tho Halle,
Oregon. Hvici
Notice i hereby given that the iiudcminiiitl
has Ix-cu duly appointed by the county court of
trator of tho tatalu pt IMIzalxtth A.boutheru,
deccaned, All croiin having claims agalimt
trie citato of mild deceawal arc In-ruby notitleil
Pi prwent thu name, with the proper vouchers
therefor, to tno nt my oltlcv In llid, Oregon,
within aix iiidiithK from the data hereof,
Datul Muptcmtwr 21, l'.o.
uq;'M AdmluUtratur,
Job Printers.
Mt 1
& Bar get
Burial Shoes
The Weekly
. XwiCe-a-"Veelil
for $2.00 a year.
All subscribers to the WeeUly Chron
icle who pay one years' r-tibecriptlon in
ad vane, v. H be entitled to tho above
liberal oll'i-r
"ULm 0,ar'
The Dalles, Oregon.
; ii
) r
? J l .
C. F. Stephens
..Doalor In.
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Gents' Furnishings.
Hoots, Hhoei. Hnt, ( npt Notloim.
for W. L. Doiigliw Hhoc,
Hi. ift y
Ai;t. ji J
sV Mmmrw iff lo:i w
Krease 1
hcljw the team. Savon wear nnd R
Lexi;ii5c. Sold everywhere, m
TlltK i(!IIRDL'I.K,
Know Dalles
Salt l.nkr, llptivcr, Ft
Worth, Onmhii, Kan
fas City, St. Utuu
Clllcjigo and East.
, Mull
t:Mp B
Salt fjilo, Denver, Kt
Worth, Oinnhn, Kuti
hiis City, Kt. Uiiiin,
ClilciiKu niul Eiist.
12;.W n, m.
Via Hunt
Si 11 n
Ex pica."
Walla Walla, H)Mikalic,
MtnticupnUi. St, I'mu,
Huluth, MtluuiiLec,
Chicago niul Est, vm
.Srnltaiienkd tltimlin;
ton; ul-malt pcilntxlti
Wnsliliiiiton uiid East
cm OrcKou.
0 :. p. in
3 ..Ha. a
p. m.
Kno I'oirtLAKit
Omm Sti'mns!iiit
Kor Hun 1-rauuiKce-
Every rivcIJind.
r. m.
t i. m.
Columbia Itv, Steanierx, Ex.atinf
To Aktohia and Way
in p. in.
Landings. i Wiu.amkttb Iltrra. I Mn m
Er.hundnj (Oreon City, Newlmrc, Ex.und
I tialcin & Vny Iiud'n. '
i a. m.
WlU AltrTTE ANll Vam
3;S)ti. m.
and Fri.
Tuch.l hur.
and .int.
mu. Ktvr.its.
Orccon City, Dayton,
and M'ny-UuidliiBs.
Snaki: Kiveii.
Klpariu to l.tnvUton,
I.KW I5T0.1
0, 10 a. ra
l.v ltlmrl
:tS a. nr.
dS I'arlten clearing to mi An lleppaer or
jHimtx on Ctiluntliltt Southern via ltlrrirt, shnuM
takr. 2, luavbor 'I be Dntlca at li in ji. n.
niukimr direct rotiiifetlons nt lleppner junction
anil liiKKi Ki'turiilm; miKcliiRtllnrtciitiiiecUoa
at lleppner .'miction mid IUkes ith No.
ruins; ui The I(k1Ici. la M p. in.
s. ro.i
Yellowstone Park Line.
TO THK v.n:
I.r.vvK. AltltlVK.
NO. ti.
, rant mail for Tiieoma,
eenttle, Olymiiln, t,niy
llntUir und hKtith liend
'poliitK, taMikane, Ko-i'
liiiul, it. (;., I'liliman.
' .MiHifou-, IjUV IHtOll. 11(1 f
11:1,' A. ii. faloHump lalnlngi'oun
' try, Helena, WlnneaiHi
HI. i'mu, Omaha,
) Knnaaa City, MU iiuiK.
jt'lili'iigo and all polulx
NO. I. jtMVt 1111(1 KllllthcilKt.
I l'ucct Sound Kxireis
11 ;) I'. M.lfor Tacoiiia and beatllv
! and iuteruH'diatu points
A M.
1'tilluian first-cliins and -toumt Mlwia-r t
.MlniK-iipills, nt. I'aiilnnd Mliixouri rtvui iHilntt
without ehaiiKe.
V!ttlhulfd trains. L'ulou dujiot eotuieetloin
in all principal cllley.
Uiiggage olieeked to dcxtluatloii of tickets.
Kor imndiioinely llliuittatedduseriitlt mutter,
tlefcelK, ulueping car rujervations, etc., cal on or'
Afitliitnnt (ieuenil I'asnengcr Agent, Morrl
bun Btieut.coruer Ttiitd, Portland, Oregnn.
SOUTH and EAST via
!SiD F3G11G 00.
Shasta Route
TrnliK Jeiive The Dulles for Portland anil war
utatious at l;- a. m. and !." p. in.
U-ave Portland
" Albany..
, 8::a m
l'.'.Mli III
7 (0 m
U HI ia
11. Warn
l;.la in
h l., a ia
Arrive Ahhlantl UtSin m
" K:icrain-iito , GilnJpin
" ban l'rimnlico 7:15 p in
AtllVOOgdnil (i; IS a in
" Dvuvor u;W) a in
Kiiiimu liny ; . ., 7;-.'j u m
" Cltlcaso V; 15 a in
11 nam
U no ii ia
7 :.. a nt
ll.aOll 111
Arrive Los Annulea ...
" Kl l'ao
" Kort Worth..,..
City of Mexico,
" Hotiiton
New Orleans...
" W iiHliltii'tnti. . .
" Now York
. . 1 :m p m
. . C:oo p in
.. i;;3iia in
. . 'J:.'),")!! in
,,. l:(0a in
., i;:--'')ii in
.. fii li a in
, 18: lit p la
7 CO a m
CM i m
f.;, a m
ii. 'ii a ta
ItUtia m
f.:ii I"
ll'U a ia
IIP 13 p m
rulliimn and Tourist cars ou both trains,
(-hair cars baerainunto to Ogdcti and Kl 1'ai.o,
anil tourist ems to Chicago, at Louis. Now Or-!i-misain!
Coiniectliig (,t Sun KtnnoUco with severs)
Hteauiblilp lines for Houoliilii, Japan, t'liliWi
Philippines, Central and Kouth Atucrlcu.
bee ngvut at The Dalles station, or whitens
Uouentl Pussciiiter Agent, 1'iirllund, Or
lt, K, K. rKltUllbON,
Pliysiciau aud Surgeon,
Oltlcc, Vogt Block (oyer I'oitonioc),
20aplmo aw THE pXhlXi, 0HE00N.
9 I
i Vnr full partietilarv f-iii' n o, V.
IIKUUl lllll nunc ''
Jl V . t: I.I ItUil I1T,
j u ji In v.- .iitUiid.Or
vMll li ill 1 dfa J