The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 28, 1900, Image 3

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To the woll-drossod masculine world, Roelofs Hats need no
rcroiuniomlalion. They have for many years represented tho high
er standard, creating the styles and furnishing the models for all
the imitations in tho hal -trade.
AVo carry tho full lino of tho other standard goods. Wo have
Till5: BEST at prices ranging down to $1.25 for men, and 50c and
1.00 for youths; with, of course, the usual exhaustive slock of hoys'
and children's, novelties in hats and caps.
A Shirt Windoai.
A window full of shirts today. A hundred patterns of NEW
FA LI, SHIRTS, including THE MONARCH. Here's a shirt
worth whilo studying. The variety of patterns is the largest and
tastiest and tho quality the host to be had anywhere. Every shirt
m the lat a fitter.
Children's Kangaroo Calf, but
ton and lace.
Children's Kid, button and lace.
Heavy Soles pump stock.
Sizes 6 to 8 $1.15
Sizes 8 1-2 to 11, - $1.35
Sizes 11 1-2 to 2, - $1.65
Excellent School Shoes. Your
money's worth in every pair.
Pease & Mays'
Shoe Department.
Dress Goods..
rainy-day skirts in all tho latest
navj' and black.
tailor suits.
Suit and Skirt
In our Suit and Skirt Depart
ment the stock is now complete, and
we have some startling bargains to .
Have you seen our RAINY
correct thing for Fall wear.
Give the department a call.
All GoodsTVlarked
In Plain Figures.
Dalles Daily Chfoniela.
SKIT. '-'8, 1900
At Andrew Keller's.
Tau ladies bf tho Lutheran church
will servo lunch during the carnival.
New rIiobs for f.i)l unit winter jiint re
ceived at tho New York Caeh Storo.
l'rod'iHor Satidvig'g second daneo of
Hie season will bo given lit tho Baldwin
Saturday night. sSfl-lii)
hut-White bird doj; yellow spots
mi head. Howard for return to II. W.
I.imllot!i, room 7, Mra. Brittain'a.
Irunk Taylor has bought the Koo
residunmi in Laughlin'8 bluff addition
nnil moved hit) family into it from tho
old Sharp ranch on Threu Mlio.
Tim complaint of Joeoph A. Cary
a?idiit his wife, Minnio M.Cary, asking
for a divorce, wub filed In tlio otlico of
the county elurk yesterday by Ned II.
Gates, attorney for tho plulntitf.
Tome! ow tho ladloa of tlio Good
Intent Society will have on oalo at Mrs.
Jones' cHtl'i', next door to J. P. Meln
emv's store, pies, cakos and all kinds of
Ptry. Call and buy , something for
Jock Sollorn, who ban been employed
as a blacksmith t tho 0. 11. & N. Co.'e
shops in Tho Dalles for 20 years, lacking
elf weeks, left ycistorduy for San
Francisco where he and Mrs. Sellers will
mike their futuro .home.
I'. H. Gilbreth, of Columbia precinct,
lw bought the Whealdon residence on
tho bin ft' and will move his family Into
it eomo timo next week. The change of
residence is made in order to give the
children the benefit of Tho DalleB
Tlio Telegram says Paul Mohr, of the
Central Navigation Company, mado an
-h'"iiniH 10 meet mo representatives
of the creditors of the road this morning
' 10 o'clock, in tho Chamber of Com
""ico building, and make them a prop
ortion for settlement. -
Arthur Clark, In behalf of the Hepp.
nor football team, has challenged Tho
Willi's for n game of football, to bo play
ed 'luring thu coming carnival. The
avongo weight of the Heppnur team Is
16) I omuls. The Dalles toys wll surely
never lot n little town like Heppner give
thorn Hin i.hwr - -
M' A. M, Htrlngor, who has been enw
fioyi tl by the generol committee of tho
"ireet f h 1 1- Hg general superintendent,
ins taken such a liking to Tho Dalles
that ho has finrmlmlml In mnku hin homo
"ere and has purchased the lease of
wo .Miaslou gardens and orchard from
Mr. Stadluman. wliHrn hu und u Mr.
Klnnerly will erect a distillery in the
immediate future for the manufacture of
fruit brandy.
L. Corgrove, who was arrested here
Wednesday night on tho charge of hav
ing stolon a finger ring from the jewelry
storaof Adcox & Co., pleaded guilty to
thu charge yesterday afternoon in tho
recorder's eonrt and whs fined $25 or
twelve and u half dnys in the county
jtil. In default of payment of the fine
ho was remanded to the custody of the
Mr. A
4Srnst Lueddemann.
M. Stringer, who has boon
employed by tlio Carnival committee ub
general superintendent, had the mis
fortune yesterday to lose a parcel con
taining pictures of arches and other
designs for street fairs and a roll of un
mounted photographs of no value to
anybody but himself. Tho findor will
confer a favor by leaving tho parcel at
tho Umatilla House.
Fifty Warm Spring braves' have been
engaged to take part in Alio coining
c.univul. Among them will he a num
bur who toured Europe it( Buffalo DHI'b
Wild West Show and raieived flattering
encomiums from tho crowned heads of
that country. They will have an Indian
village inside tin; enhmire, where they
will appear decorated in war colors and
give Indian war (lances. It is believed
that not less thai 150 Indians will join
in tho grand parade.
Straubo Brothers, of Waterman,
Wheeler county, brought to town yester
day afternoon IS head of partly broken
horses which they are otVering for sale
at the Kaltmarsbo stockyards. Tho
horses had only boon at the yards a few
minutes when a span of mares was sold
to a Hood ltivor man for $175. Tho
Hood Kiynr man had been in town two
or ttireo days and tried to effect a pur
chase of almost every wheat hauler ho
met, without success. Strauble Brothers
sold another mare this morning for $7.",
They expect to sell tho balunco of tho
lot hero without any particular trouble.
The general committee of Tlio Dalles
Carnival and Street Fair have engaged
tho services of A. M. Stringer as artist,
decorator, designer and general euperin-.
tundent. Mr. Stringer has been engaged'
in similar work for tho past 85 yearB.
Ho hold'n similar position at thu late
Pendleton fair and comes here with iu
flattering testimonial from thoPendlotonV
board of directors. Ho was on tho staff
of the chief artist at tho World's tair
and held a similar position at the Paris
exposition, ills employment hero is a
guarautos that Tho Dalles fair will be
something that Tho Dalles people will
not be ashamed of when It is nil over.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Highly Kvtecmefl Young Couple
The XlnllCH Uultrd lu Wedlock.
The long and intimate relation of Mr.
and Mrs. D. M. French to the business
and social history of 'The Dalle9 is,
adequate reason for the kindly interest
manifested by this community in th
betrothal and marriage of their daughter,
Mies Elizabeth Eleanor French to Mr,
Bears the
Signature of
' Tho New York Cash Store is the sole
agent for the Hamilton Brown Shoe
Co.'e line of footwear.
Added to the high esteem in which
Mr. end Mrs. French are held, is the
fact that Mies French was born and ti3s
grown to a charming young woman in
this city, und has won for herself a warm
place in tho affections of all who know
her, and Mr. Lueddemnuti, during his
two or three years' reeideuca hete, has
established a reputation as a young man
of integrity and good character, and
made many warm friends.
lu response to invitations a large
number of tho friends of the bride and
groom gathered, on Wednesday evening,
Sept. 20th, at the M. E. church to
witness tho ceremony which united their
lives in wedlock.
- Tho church had been transformed into
Pa beautiful .bower by a profusion of ever
greens, delicate vines, potted plants and
fl white and pink cut flowers J over each
aisle was erected an aich of Ivy, the
arch over tho light aide having at the
top the lettois L F worked in flowers,
while that oyer the left aisle hud but the
kono letter, L.
At halt past eight o'clock tho wedding
party entered tho auditorium of tho
church to thu strains of Lohengrin's
wedding march rendered by Mr. William
Birgfeld, who presided at the organ ; the
party was led by the ushers, Messrs N.
J, Sinnott, Gua Bonn, Forr6t Fisher
and Fred W. Wilson. Following the
ushers came Messrs Frank Fiench (a
cousin of the bride) and Mr. A. L. Guile,
tho groomsmen; Miss Ileujah Patterson
and Miss Pearl Williams, the brides
maids; little Jessie Hosteller and Edna
Pease, flower girls; Miss Harriet Stevens,
of Portland, tho maid of honor; and
finally Miss French leaning upon the
arm of her father. As the party passed
up the right aisle and approached the
altar it was met by the groom, ac
companied by his brother, Mr. Max
Lueddomaun, of Antelope, who came
uroiu a room at the side of the ultur.
mo ceremony used ny uev. u, .
Hawk, thu pastor, was tho usual service
of the church, slightly modified, and was
both beautiful and very impressive.
As the party retired through the left
aisle Mr. Birgfeld rendered Mendels
sohn's wedding march.
The bride was vory beautiful, attired
in silk organdie over white satin, veil
and orange blossoms, and carrying a
cluster of white rosos. Miss Stevens Was
likewise robed iu white, while Miss
Patterson and Miss Williams wore pink
And carried pink roses, The costumes
were very elegant and becoming.
Immediately after the ceremony tho
wedding party returned to the residence
of the bride's parents where they re
ceived tho congratulations of the relatives
and intimate friends of the family. The
home of Mr. and Mrs'Frenelfwas beauti
fully decorated with smilax, asparagus
and other vines with rut flow ere; the
hall and front parlor in pink and green ;
the back parlor in yellow and green ;
the Bilting-room in red; the dining-room
was tastefully decorated in pink and
white with festoons and lovers knots of
silk ribbon. During the reception a very
delightful wedding lunch wae serveiL
The uuests present at the reception,
besides tho wedding party, were: Mr
and Mrs J W French, Mrs Nellio F
Bolton, Xonearl and Curmel Bolton, Mr
and Mrs Edward French, Mr and Mrs
Smith French, Dr Gertrudo French, of
Portland, Mrs D E Gilman and Mrs J V
Oilman, of Wheeler county, Mr and Mrs
Frank Meredith, Mrs J W Meredith,
Miss Jeannette Meredith, Miss Mary
Adams, Miss Paulina Adams, Mr and
Mrs Fied Legg, of Salem, Mr Wm
Carter, of Newburg, Mr and Mrs Walter
Moser and Miss Evelyn Steele, of Port
land, Mr and Mrs Win Hinkle and Mr
aud Mrs Fred Lueddemann ond Mr and
Mrfl fSnndvviil nf Antulnn,. Pima Arlama
of Tygh Valley, Mr Frank Hurlburt, oil
Shaniko, Mr and Mrs B F Laughliu,!
Loyd Laughliu, Miss Irene Adams, Mr
and Mrs S L Brooks. Mr and Mrs J B
Condon, Mrs Emma Thompson, J W
COndon, Clifton Condon, Mr und Mrs E
C Pease, Mr.and Mrs J C Hosteller, Mr
Edward Hostetler, Mr Starr, Mr and
Mrs Hal French, Hev and Mrs Warner,
Mr and Mrs, W lyjrd, Mr and Mrs F L
Houghton, Mr and Mrs 11 S Wilson,
iMrs E M Wilson, Mrs A M Williams
and Mrs Gudo, Mr and Mrs E M Smith,
Miss Carrio St. John and Hev and Mrs
UFIlawk. -
As the brido retired to exchange her
wedding drees for her traveling costnme
the bride's bouquet was cast fiom tlio
stairway and caught by Mies Evelyn
The wedding gifts were niimeious and
elegant, evidencing tiio hearty good will
of tlio maoy donors to the bride und
groom. The following is u list of the
Cut glass celery dish, Mr and Mrs
Ketchtun; picture, Mr Ellery; spoons,
Mr aud Mrs Stanfhn; embroidered sofa
pillow, Mrs II S Wilson; vase, the
Misses Giido; game carver, Aliss Evelyn
Steele; handkerchief, Mrs W G Simp
son ; vase, tho Sommervllles; spoon, tho
Misses finch; salad sot, Mrs Hinkle;
neut-guss water norno, jhish aieredlth;
ImIsIi knlfit. Mr Clina Ailums' aiumr
spoon, Miss Pauline Adams; picture,
Mr and Mis J M Patterson; evening
shawl, Miss Patterson; butter plate,
Clifton Condon; silhouette, F Sommer
vlllo; chocolate pot, Mr and Mrs J O
Hostetler; silver dish, Mr Ed Hostetler;
Cambridge book, Mr uud Mrs S L
Brooks; sardiuo fork, Mrs Chitwood ;
bouillon spoons, Frank French ; tea
spoons, Mr und Mrs Smith French ; cut
glass piece, Dr Gertrudo French; pearl
handled knives and forks and cut-glass
dish, Mr Smith French; pillow cover,
Dr French; salt und pepper shakers,
Lewis Peeplee; candelabrum, Mrs F L
Houghton ; cut-glass salad dish, Mr and
Mrs Pease; carving set, Max Luedde
mann ; knives and forks, Mrs Goodwin;
cut-glass punch bowl, the ushers; olive
dish Mr and Mrs Streeter; clock, Mr
and Mrs Clias Pease; cut-glass rose
bowl, Mr C Lord and Hurlburt, Arling
ton; vase, Mr and Mrs Truman Butler;
picture, Miss Carrie Butler; olive dish,
MrsEOLytle; Bpoons, Mr and Mrs J
M Sampson ; fish set, Mr and Mrs Lued
demann; bag, Bessie Barker; cream
spoon, Miss Etta Lord, Ohio ; rose bowl,
Mr and Mrs Hal French; pearl-handle
table set, Mr and Mrs J W French;
aspiiragne fork, Mr and Mts Ed French ;
ice cream knife, Vivian French ; pickle
dish, Mr and Mrs B S Huntington ; cut
glass almond dish, Miss Carrio St John ;
antique brass, Miss Williams; doilies,
Miss Ida Adams ; gravy spoon, Mr and
Mrs Moser; fruit knives, Mesdames
Eshehnan and Myers ; pearl necklace
with diamond pendant, the bride's
parents; doilies, Mis Lueddemann;
teaspoon?, Mr and Mrs Prinz; vase,
Mr and Mrs J B Condon; placque, Miss
Vin.i Abrauis ; silver creamer, Mr and
Mrs Sidney Young; cut-glass piece,
Mrs Eula Srtei'iland; black pearl set
diamond f crall ting, from tlio groom;
salad set, Mrs E F Agnow ; cut-glass ico
cream dith, Mr and Mrs W Lord; cut
glass berrV dish, .Mr and Mrs E O Mc
Coy ; toiuato lifter, Mr and Mrs DE
Gilman, Mr and Mrs J W Gilman;
celery dish, Mrs H W Gudo and Albert
Gude; pie knife, Mrs Tlios Anderson
and Miss Finley ; silver sugar shell, Mies
MeClieky; vases, Mr and Mrs F A Legg
and Miss M E Adams; teaspoons, Mr
ind Mrs B F Laughliu; cut-ghif-s water
bottle, Mr and Mrs Frank Meredith ;
napkins, Mrs T Davidson; gravy and
table Bpoon, Mrs 0 Lueddomnun ; cream
spoon, Miss Irene Adams; gravy spoon,
Mrs N J French Bolton.
Telegrams of congratulations were re
ceived by tho brido and groom from
many ubcont friends, and the reading of
theso at the reception added pleasure to
the occasion. Among those thus re
membering the happy couple were the
parents of the groom and Mr. and Mis.
W. J. Bruckby, of Tuscombiu, Ala., Mr.
Balf Johnson,
F. P. Mays and M
and Mr. and Mrs.
A pleasant incident of the occasion
was the presentation by tho bride to
each of the maids ot a beautiful pearl
stick pin, and by thu groom to each of
the groomsmen and ushers of a similar
scarf pin.
The brido and groom left on tho early
trajn Thursday morning lor Portland,
whence thoy go via tho Canadian Pacific
to Washington, New York and other
eastern cities, returning through the
South, where, in Alabama, they will
visit Mr. Liieddeiinuiii'd parents. Thoy
will be absent six weeks or two months,
Don't Kim it lu,
Just wet tho affected part freoly with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke &
Fulk. ;
Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line
of paiot aud artist's brushes.
To Dollnqupnt Taxuayert.
The County Court having authorized
tho Immediate collection of delinquent
taxes, I Hin compelled to comply with
Its request, and will therefore proceed at
once to advertise. If you are delinquent;
you w ill save cost and expenses by im
mediate payment. All personal prop
erty unpaid will bo attached at the cost
and expenso of the owner without fur
ther notice. ItoiiKRT Kkm.y,
Sheriff of Wasco Co., Or.
The Dalles S-pt. 17, 1000. 17.2)d-w
Yon will not have .bolls if you take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
Clark A Falk's drug stick is new,
fresh aud complete.
Clark & Falk are never eloso I Sunday
Don't force t this.
ras 4 Giowe
Astoria; Mr. and Mrs.
, O. Lyon of Portland,
A. C, Geiger of Hepp-
1 tf.r.W,i
Tho only store ft
this city where the
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold,
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
a dozen pieces of so
called cheap enam
eled ware.
Other wares look
ine has the name
Stransky Steel
Ware on each piece
Do not be deceived
First prize nt 16
International Exhi
bitions. Hifrhest
award at Worlds
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago. Pre
ferred by the best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember thi3
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb urease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside; is
not affected by acids
in fruits or
will boil.
stow, roast
and biike
im parting
flavor o
conk u il
food and
will fast
for years.
Wo cau
tion tin
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist:
pipe "ailorir
A eonubtu line of Fall and Winter
Sjiiitinus, P.intiiiL'S and Oveicoatlng, now
on display. 100 different varieties to po
led from.
Suits, $20 ar?d up.
Call and examine goods before going
elsewhere, . Second street, opp, Mays
& Crowe's.