Thp tiatlpc; flailv chtfoniele !nrynn's ir,,h,cncc wilh oisbtccn nnl!" me uaues uaiiy unromue. rnpiltllicana, acc0miii3ue(i whatever FRIDAY For 1'iealtlent WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or Ohio. For VIce-l'realclent THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of Mew York, JPUZZLES iiV CITIZENSHIP SOLVED. Here is something renl funn If it has any moral it probably is that an ounce of con'mon sense is worth cr KFPT "8 1900 canS wns nindc in the political re lattonsmp of vUcsc people. Ami now tho Porto Rican and the Filipino stand in the same relation to Amer ican citizenship as the New Mexican, Alaskan or native of Arizona. Tri dents of these territories are admitted i to citizenship in the states, when they comply with the residence re quirements of the stites, without forswearing allegiance to anybody or anything. Nor does "Mr. Hanna" crjet booths in these territories, any more than he will in our new pos- right to ARE QNfG f 1,0 sessions, to cve them 'the library has its habitation in the brain express their choice for president," of n justice of the snpreme court. j 'or no resident of any American A Porto Ilican who is studying ' territory has such right or ever had law at Washington applied the other "Ince our Qrat territorial acquisition day at Ibc clerk's olliee of the su- j more than six years ago. premc court of the District of Co lumbia for "first papers." That is, he expressed his desire to make a declaration of intent to become an American citizen. His attorney in sisted that the proceeding was un necessary and meaningless. Under, tho treaty of Paris Porto Eico was ceded to the United States and made a territory of this government, and the attorney contended that Castro was a citizen cf the United States by virtue of that treaty and transfer of sovereignty. The clerk could not , unravel the knot and the question was submitted to Judge Bradley, j His honor was rather perplexed for 1 s while, but be concluded that the I 8alest way out of the dilemma was for the applicant to take oath and forswear allegiance to Porto Rico. This was singular enuough. Is, then, Porto Rico a nation, a sovereign power to which- allegiance is due? No, she is a territory of the United States. Does not a man who ic nounces allegiance to Porto Rico also renounce allegiance to the United States? This difficulty was urged upon Judge Bradley, and he finally cut the Gordian .knot by instructing Castro to forswear allegiance Spain. The second solution was by no means an improvement on the first. Retiring from Business. Closing ont my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Drv Goods, Clothing;, Boots ntul Shoes, at much less than wholesale prices." Will null in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30days. All goode will be sacrifice! except Thompson's Glove-fitting Cnreets nnd UuttericU Patterns. Your prices will bo mine. Call early and secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. State formal School, MONMOUTH, - OREGON. Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. The students of the Xnrual School are prerurcJ to take the Mate I'ortltlcn'c lmnieilUtely nn graduation. Graduntej readily secure cood posltliins. Kxpsnse or year from ?1J ti $lo0. Strong Acnilecilc mid Professional Courses. New Special Ikixirture In Manual Training Well equipped Training Department. For catalogue containing lull annouueetneuu address V. U CAMIM1KLL, President, or W A. WANS, S.'irctarr "I F.tcul'y. $1.00 per month. Strictly first ulnns local and Inns illfllnin'o tulephuno tervicu within your home. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con vi-reation will he kept n secret. No cost fur Installing. You net tho Htnudard Hunning Long Dltitiint Instrument. Continuous day and tiffilit service We will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel enin'e on KivliiK us thirty days writ ton notice. PACIFIC 8TATES TELEPHONE COB. !A Difficult Problem, ip5 It is among tlio most difficult prob- j ! , lenis of natural ecience for one to become ll 1ASS f Baldwin's Celery Soda cures .1 headache at once. It ia n pleas ant, sparkling, effervescent drink that acts immediately. It cleans and puritlles tho stomach, gently quiet tho nerves .and relieved all pain. It cures sick and nervous ht adaches, seasickncs and m-n-tal fatigue. 10c, 25c, OOc, SI. 00 Clarke & Falk, The Dalles, Ortgon. expert in several lines. J. E. Aticos & , Co., by their combination, hav over-j come this difficulty in a practical mini- tier. J. Adcox is nn expert wntch- maker and is pood on jewelry, optical! I work nnd engraving, while Theo. H. I Liohe is an expert optician nnd is good j I on watch repairing, jewelry work and j engraving, lhetr price is ns low n& con-; sistent with good norkmanRhip. They j nre prepared to do all work in their . several lines, on short notice. Work , sent by mail or exureea will receive1 prompt attention, faien, "Big Red Watch." Working Night ami Hay The busiest and mightiest little thing t.. . ,..,!., :3 n- t': v.... Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness ! I into strength, listlessness into energv, to brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25 cents per bos. Hold by Blakeley, the druggist. 3 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTART And CAFE. J. B. Crbssen & Oo., Props. 87 Second Street. Mrs. Phillip? is prepared to furnish Allegiance to Spain was wiped out 'cut flowers and ail kinds of floral de lay the ratification of the peace j signs on short notice. Phone number treaty, and Castro was no more n'307, elO-ltu plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Masai In all its stages there ihoulJ be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm a justice Of Hie Jean,snntUcmlheals 1 fjt5sC0l?l ! It cared catarrh and drives way a cold in the head quickly. Cream Halm Is placed Into tho nostrili, spreads orer tho membrano and is absorbed. Itellef is im mediate and a euro follows. It is not drying does cot'prodaee sneezing. Largo Size, 50 cents at Drug, gilt' or by mall ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. EUY IXWTIIEUS, &3 Warren Street, New York. L. Lane. IJEKEUAL Biacksmnn subject of.Spain at the lime of bis , 1 a . a 1 1 a ! application ;uan lie was a suojeci oi the sultau,or of the czar. Judge Iiradle3-,s suggestion was harmless, but devoid ot all meaning. In-Baltimore, whore the registra tion officials had not the advantage of the advice of supreme court, but had in lieu there of a supply of simple, common souse, the question was solved in a jiffey. Pive Porto Ricans applied there last Monday for registration, The regis tration oflicer promptly entered their names and wrote opposite each: "Naturalized by Annexation." All that was demanded of the Porto Kicans was proof that they had com piled with the residence clause of the election laws of the state of Maryland. Our liryanite contemporaries see all manner of frightful things in this simple, common-sense decision. And the one at home here seems, as usual, worse scared than any of them and asks in wild astonishment and terror: "Has the simple proclamation of the president, unauthorized by con gre3s, admitted to citizenship 9,000,-1 000 of people, whom the imperialist j nlfllm nrn Itnnlliniia innnnnliln r P Anlf I ' 1 I arfc-rtTi rwiyt ijflfi,t.viirt,' government? Have all those de generate beings, 0,000 miles a way, been made legal voters in the United States and granted the rights and privileges of the most favored citi zens? If . so, Mr. Hanna bad better begin erecting election booths over in the Philippines and prepare to give tho Tagalos the right to express their choice for president next No vember." No, bless your dear, simple soul, no. Toe proclamation of the presi dent baa admitted nobody to citizen abip. The treaty of annexation, that was ratified largely through Mr. ..GJiAS. WMl- 0. Complete D'r;e. of at M. Z. DONNELL, THii DRUGGIST. Butehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draucht the celebrated U01.UMUIA IlKKIt, ncknnw; edged the best blur in Tho Dalles, at tho iiMial priee. Come in, try It and be convinced. Al-o the Finest brands ol Wines, l.i-jnor and (Jifturs. Saoduuehes of all Kinds always on hand. 4. Just What You uuaot. HorsesDOB r Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, nor Second & LaoeiD, Tioue 15 Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Jeffcrou, Phone 159 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Qlt- UKISKNIIOKI'FKlt Physiciau and Surgeon, Special attention given to nursery. Tel. Kooms 21 and 22. Voxt Blcck FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. niANSAOT A ENHKALBANKINU UUH1NH8 Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Siulit Ekehanae and TeleirraDlm Tranafera eoid on New York, Chicago, 6t. Louis. San Frnoiico. Portland Ore- f;on, Seattle Wash., and various points n Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. trade marks Designs COPVrtlGHTQ &c. Anyono lendlns a (ketch and riojcrinUon tan' itilculr njcorlnln our oninttiii freo Trhethcr u , invention In prohnblj- patentable. Comniunlcfr tloiLutrlcllrrontldentUI. Itaiidbookon I'atrnu tent !rc-o. Oldest Ruenny forecurinfMatcntii. IMtoi.ts taUcn tnrouvli Jluim & Co. revelve tytcirn noiiff, wnnout. cimritc, in lui) Scientific fltttcricati. A handtomclr lllnitrsted treelilr. Traeat eir filiation of nnr clentiuo Imirnal. 'l'crniK. (3 a renr; four months,! I. Bold bjrall newlcaler. MUNN & Co.36,Bd-''' New York Branch Oftlco, (33 I' BU Wuhlodon. D.C u 1 aia ONE FOR A DOM. KmoT. PluDlw. PrTMt ISCSJIIl. TDM III hMH. "111. " ' ems w nun B?nSry uiiltktii. To coo lti,or fall hat lot ... i New ideae in Wall I'apor horo. Such wido variety an we arc showing never be fore Braced a eintflo Block. Heal imita tion croton efFecta ut ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap "paper prices. Elegant designs, taeteftil coloring, vonrn for a small price, at our store on Third street. Aleo a full lino of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. me Columbia PacKiDi Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAN U FACTO UK RH OK Pine Lard and Sausages Gurersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIED BEEF, ETC. , H. HCUSNCS, l'reldunt. it. M. XlKAI.L, Cashier First National Back. THE DALLES ... OREOON A General Banking Business transacted venoms received, subject to Hiifht Draft or Oheck. Collections made and proceeds promptl remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange told oa New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIRBOTOMa. D. . Thompson. Jmo. 8. Sohmmok, Ed. M. Williams, Gio. A. Liaaa, a, m. It BALL. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASIOKIA NAY. COMPANY Htcnmers ol tlio UeKUlatur Unc will rtm lis Kr Ihofol- nw.iiR schtdtilij, the Cdinp.iiij- rescrvltiB thu tIk tit to chisje', kchetlulc without notice. Str. nofjulator DOWN. , I.v. Dalle ut 7 A. M. Tnoilny . Thmvliiy i-atunlity , : Atr. rorthitul , nt 1:3) r. M. I.v Uf, I'nrtl.inil tit 7 a. M. Mmuhiy WiilneMtiiy . Frlihiy Arr. DulleB I at 6 r. . Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dallas City. j I DOWN I.V. IImIU'h lit 7 A. H. .Monittiy Wiilne.idiiy FrlilHy Arr. l'orllmid nt 4 :;io i: m. cr. l. . rortland,: Tuenlay Tliutnly fiHWnlir Air. hallo ot jr..(! FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, , Travel by the HU-nmern tf the Uvculntor Unc. The Company will etiilt'avor to give Hi wt-J I'ortlnnd Olllce, Oak Htreet Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Agt. Wasco Warehouse Com pan) Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind? HDQrimiOTiQtici -Pr-n T3-wo C5Vi -wcn nnd all kind of MILL FEED Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOn OUl' ''llH '''ollr lfl inanufiictured exprueHly for fam!!j " ush : uvurv Hiu;k in (jiiarnntticd to jrive Butiefactfon. W, soil our poods lowur ttinn uny lioiiuu in tiui trudii, and if yon don't ttimkeo call und yot onr nnces and ho convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. J. E. FALT & CO., uuiiiiiici'uicii odiiiLiit; iuuuis. of. 9 Purest Liauorsfor Familv Use? J)olivpro(l to any pari of tlio City. 1 I'Iioiich: 51 Lical, , . y 858 honK Distance. 173 Second Street, y SAY ! Lend Me Your Ear! Do you know that .lolin I'linhuk, tlio tailor, is ngent (or twoof ine laryuat iiii-rdiiint tallortuir huuees in America? Do yon know t!mt he will poll yon a suit, inado to your order, nn clieaji aa tho iianil.n.o.down, roady-inadt), you buy in tho Htoros, ami guuriuituu u lit or no sale? Do you know that lie haa alroady on linnd for tho coinintr foil ana wlijtor trado tho handeoinuHl and Uncut line of eainpluH over hIiowii in ihu Dalles? W .THWIVr T3AOTTT7lTr nr V . rr, -i a PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer. w IH tstfj B0SAMK0 Cd.PkUt K