The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 28, 1900, Image 1

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    VOL. XII
NO. 348
L "mi HiMiriniiViTJ tiitrTiotTiitt
AM','claWc Prcparationfor As
similating thcFood andnegula
ling HicSlouiuclvs and Bowels of
Promotes DigcalionChoerPur
nessnndncst.Contains nclllicr
Opium.Morpltine nor Mineral.
,l!x Sennit '
Hotktll Sntu -jtiurSprtt
hmtrtymm rltnvr.
Apcrfecl Hcmcily I'orConslipn
lion, Suur Stonuich.Diarrliocn
(mil Loss of Sleep.
facsimile Signnlurc or
new' york:.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Signature flXf
fv In
rJ- Use
For Over
Thirty Years
UKLTIM 1 II II I V. I urn ?i cmirv K
Trt... tlltlllV 1 till Will 1 HIHI I k"
Formal Reply is Withheld .'ending
an lilFuri to Effect u Compromise
With the Kaiser.
London, Sopt. 27. Tim ntatomuut
uiiunuiwj iimi vt'iuuiiv
my iiuiiillWl ll 111 UH5filUlJi
ii nr if mi ..i,. ,u i n .1 i ..
--- ..... iiwiii iiiv uunii uu iU in mu
4HIU ItTIMU (Id t ill in ni k. I . ..r.
uxnv iiotti.... n.......i i . . t.
".nun uiiuumiuui, rui ill jit. J 11
Dm li va i t ti . . . . .
i'.ih-u, u umy uu ruiivruiuu Hint
HUOjIo.. I . i .1 .. li ...
"uiuimBHuur uuru unit
'j muu ui i uu tmrrcmiur 01 mo
l nn.n r . i .
.ii inn murages na ii preei'iit in 10 I!.. . . ...
vHUHiKiuiiB was 1101 u-iisnm-,
'"oinc ao, Lord Salisbury otiijiloyiid
-"'HMH III LII1IMM llfllll III Mill Illlllt
'Pi .
,"iuli this wuh intended a n n-fuaal
V III! .
, - "i,mii:u iii t'un nun: uirrui iih
nun-, ii wim not iifi-Hii lal iih
.uiiiihii iiinimsuatior, on wio
nuiu n.iiiMiinry iiiu nut,
lOIIII.llly" nnawill Hut until mil H
Alter r ... . ...
l.ll 111 ml. nvniinen rtltl
! tnat thu ni p.. li., ci.r.i.1.)
'"iu mo oiititHlhre), iiimiiHweitu!,
"""p. mi Hour v oxm-utiHi niuHPAut)
-'HI U 1 II Mtlrll.r,..Il II... ll.I.Irl,
ITli .., It ....
ni ruKin. T ill LirltiHii foro L'li
lino HH ll'll U'llill Hint. I... Il,n. ii.
l' " Uoiila r t in Hliiteninnt
1 lift tn (t... t ...
ha li I rtBli0ulio rrw, eayliiK tlmt
ent'i i8,1' ,,,,flwlir l8 "not j'ut Uet-ii
hs it wnH (!8l,0liHy "t forth lu
ulepaiuh iiiiiiounoliiL' Salle.
rol"y tho Gdrninii umtmsenilor.
ii it ... . .
7" mmud t hut t hu iinnivfir in if it
.ii ior Guvornt duyu.
' is "" ii8o to bellove tlmt. tlio
--u ini!BRnKn from Pekln will Imvo
,'"" nit; mi Lon KullHhiiiv'H lifter.
" n nii.. ,,.lil. TT..I....I
lailta I.. . .
ruittallli' to ConsHiit In tlm nnlv
i-'hioii ol.nny wuiRlit cuntuinml in
""Oriliany uqIi. Ihonuli lh fnrmnl
"""uncoinont of
11 V tin
e ,ii vu" 0(rat U,H lnBl moment ty
""OK from the position etie ima taken ;
no inid piiliiiiilliiii; to ii comiironiieo. If
I Btu:li U the caHiMiiiul tliu Gorman am
j bnseiulor in London litis already hinted
l to llit) ABHodated i'rees tl'ttt it mitrht
oino nlionP, it ia only natural that Her
lin and other capHala In accord with
Gi-rmany, will use every effort to con
ceal the fact that Germany waa coerced
j into n conijiroiiiiHe arrangement by tho
action of U rent uritimi iinu mo unitcu
HtatcH. '
Gutint von Ilatzfeldt-Wildenhurfc' waa
not the only recipiontof Lord Salisbury'e
vlowa on Tueeduy, for dur'uiK the usual
foreign olfico reception eevoral foreiu
reprepentatives aouiuhd tho premier on
Great Urltain'a attitude toward tho Ger
man proposal, and they wero nil -eatis-fied
Lord L:alial)ur.v'n decision wi8
UijaliiHt Ciiirinimy.
Uicy Sm'lt i'ruiiiloni.
Moxti-.i:ai,, Sept. li". 'J'lirtii Molluin
ilelt'ijiitefl from Soulhei n Huusiu have ar
rived here from Ottawa, accompftiiied
I iv Frank Pcdk-y, the superintendent of
iinniiurution for tho Dominion irovern-
nioiil. The purpose of the visit iu to
make nrranijoineiite with the Canadian
Pauiliu ruilwav for tlie tranoportation
next winter of 7000 of their compatriots
who lntoud to leave tho emu's doniin-
ions in Houtluirn Ituisiu to Bettlu in tho
Canadian northwest. As soon uu Balls.
factory arrangements have been corn
ploted, the immigrants will begin to ar-
Tho Molkans arc epoken of as a high
ly desirable class of noltlurp, iuiluitriou,
and friiual, with n knowledge of farming
and rudiinentary handicrafts. They
liold peculiar rolij?loua tenets. They aro
Christaliis and their views are obnox
ious to tho ruling authorities in Ituesia.
Their ideas of social and family Ufa aro
similar to that much persecuted section
of llusaian Jews. They do not object to
military service, but they havo lung suf
fered under Russian oppression, and are
looking forward to a period when they
can eHtabliah themselves under fieo In
stitutions, VotcK fur Jiuu-u ii r tllH i-'lll'lllVIll,
At 2'O'olock this afternoon the yoto
for qiictiii o( tho carnival stood as fol
lows :
Cora Jolos 20-)
LlKzio Uonn 1!'5.
ValefOrt Hobo
Anulo llashun
Grace Scott
JyiuiBO Mlohelbnuh.
Olara Nickelsen '
Georgia BauipBou -1
Boxer Leaders in Control of the Chi
nese Government, and Heretofore
Pro-Foreign Viceroys Make Haste
to Get in Line with the Govern
Nkw Youk, Sept 27. A dispatch to
the Herald from Shanghai says: The
situation in China ia now more serious
than ever before for those who are in
terestcd in preserving the integrity of
the empire. Thef Chinese government
is in the power of Boxer leaders who
are not likely to submit to the
Empress Dowajjor any proposition un
favorable to them. The friendly vice
roys of the south are still loyal to
the throne and any foreign aggression
in Southern China will precipitate an
armed uprising!
Already the governor of Nganhwei
province has addressed a memorial to
the Empersa Dowager, declaring that
his signature to the viceroy's agreement
with tho foreign consuls in Shanghai
was foiged.
There is danger that the friendly
viceroys will be replaced. Sheng, the
friendly Taotai of Shanghai, has been
ordered north, and that practically
means his death.
Russia is holding all the forts and
strategical points from Taku to Pekin.
Russia's possession of the Railway shows
by the permanent arrangement which
her officers are making that Bhe intends'
to swallow the north of China. No one
hero believes that Russia will ever move
out except under overwhelming pres
sure from the other powers.
Germany's assurance that she does
not desire territory in China, if the lat
tcr hu able to pay an indeinuity, is mis
leading. .Her demand for tho punish
tnont of the leaders ofj tho Boxers as n
condition precedent to peace negotia
tions means continued war and perhaps
the complete disruption of tho Chinese
Friendly feeling between Russia and
Janan is increabini;. i ranee is band in
glovo with Russia.
Vice-Admiral Seymour's, attempt- to
undertake the lieolatedj British occupa
tion of Shanghai and to patrol tho Yang'
tso Kiang has weakened the British po
Bition, while losing a definite agreement
for non-partition of the empiro with
The United States is consistent but
Lu Li Chuan Liu, who, it. is unolhe-
ially annouueed, is to bo the now vice
roy of Canton, is anti-foreign.
Unless the allies protest tho friendly
viceroys are likely to havo no friends
left in China.
The only method for dealing with the
situation not involving tho divlsiou of
Chinese territory is through tho friendly
viceroys, gradually removing tho throne
from the power of tho Boxer leadere.
Americana on the spot believe that
tho settlement of tho present question
will decide the fato of an onornious and
increasing American and Chinese trade.
lirnvii Men Full
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles as well as wonion, and all feel
the results in loss of appetite, poisons in
Uie blood, backache, nervoiifiiess, head
ache a.ud tirrd, listless, run-down feel
ing. But there's no need to feel like
that. Listen to J. V. Gardner, Idavlllo,
Ind. Ho says: "Electric Bitters are
just the thing for a man when ho ia all
run down, and don't caro whether ho
lives or dies. It did moio to give me
now strength and good appetite than
anything I could take. I can now eat
anything and havo a new lease on life."
Only 60 cento, at Blakeley'a drug store.
Every bottle uuarantood. 3
"My baby was terribly sick with tho
diarrhoea," saya J. H. Doak, Williams,
Oregon. "Wo wero unable to euro hliu
with (ho doctor's asslst.uicc, aud as a
last resort wo tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Dlarrlmia Remedy. I am
happy to say it gavo immediate relief
and u complete cure." For ealo at
Blakeley's drug store.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Catarrh Cannot lie Cured.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach tho scat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Curo is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall'e
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for yeers, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of tho two ingredients is
what produces euch wonderful results In
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo 0.
Sold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Million (Slveu Aivay.
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern in the land who
aro not afraid to be generous to the
needy and suffering, The proprietors
of Dr. King's New Diecovery for con
sumption, coughs and colds, have given
away over ten million trial bottles of this
great medicine; and have the satisfac
tion of knowing it haa absolutely cured
thousands of; hopeless cases. Asthma,
bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases
of the throat, chest and lungs are surely
cured by it. Call on Blakeley, the
Druggist, and get a free trial botlle.
Regular 6ize 60c. and $1. Every battle
guaranteed, or price refunded. 3
Through the months of June and July
our baby was teething and tepk a run
ning off of the bowels and sickness of
the stomach," says 0. P. M. Holliday
of Deming, Ind. "His bowels would
move from five to eight times n day. I
had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhuii. Remedy in the
house and gave him four drops in a tea
spoonful of water aud ho got better at
ouce. Sold at Blakeley's drugstore.
Slilllnery Oiieulni;.
Miss Haven, successor to Mrs. C. L
Phillips, announces her fall millinery
opening of French pattern and house-
trimmed hats on Wednesday, Thursday
Friday and Saturday, Sept. 20, 27, 2S,
when the most authentic 6tylc3 in new
and novel millinery will be displayed.
A new shipment of ready-to-wear
street hats just arrived.
To whom it may coucern : My wife,
Lillio Henningsen, having left my bed
and hoard, I will not be responsible for
anv debts incurred by her.
Mosier, Or., Sept. 27, 1900.
s27-2tw . Petkii Hknningsen.
Four or five hoys, going to school
during winter, to board. $12 a month
with room and plain washing. 'Across
street from High school. Apply at
UnnoNiciiE otlice. dAwim
Jii'iil JiHttilo fur Suit-.
Twcnty-throa lots, located from Sev
enlh street to Twelfth, for salo at from
$50 up. Inquire at tho Columbia
Hotel. a'JD-tf
Ice Cream and
Oyster Parlors
Mre H. L. Jones hos opened ice
cream and oyster narlora in Carey Bal
lard's old stand. She carries
A full line of Candies,
Nuts and Gears.
The nlaco has been thoroughly ren
ovated, and a share of the public patron
age ia solicited.
Mrs. Annie Luckey,
and Shampooing
Facial Treatments and the MORMON
TREATMENT. Room 60, third floor,
Umatilla House. Hours Iioin v to 12 a.
in. and 1 to 5 p, ui.
We will toll you about our
jNeca pall
Dress Goods.
Entire Stock now ready. ,
Acents for McCall Patterns;
Not on the Midway, but at the
Gateway of the Great INLAND
arrest Carmyal sueet Fair
October 9 to 13 inclusive.
This will he the greatest event in the history of tho City of Wheat,
Wool and Fruit and an Open River to the Sea. The products of this pro
lific region will he on exhibition, and farmers, fiockmasters and nil others
will witness an exhibit that will bo both interesting and instructive.
Escellent"entertainmenta day and night. Fis-o 'days of sight-feeing
and pleasure. Si'I'here will be ample accommodations for all guests. 'Como
and The Dalles will entertain yon.
. Producers from all sections requested to make exhibits. No chargo
for space in the lair building!. No entianca fee.
Reduced Rates on all Railroads and Steamboat Lines.
s Omars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to A. M. Williams & Co.
Phone 234,
" 1 -a
Something New.
150 new selections of Instrumental
OUsslo Music, gradiiik' from "First A,"
easiest, to "Sixth O;" most dilllenlt.
We are making a special sale of
50 per cent, off
marked price. Call while you can
mako your si-lections.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.