The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 27, 1900, Image 4

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A Mlnllui' Ho ml Wot It.
"1 had a severe attack of liili.1113 eo'lc,
pot u bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Clioler and Diarri ter Uctuedy, tnok two
doses nnd was entirely cured," says Hev.
A. A. Power, of Emporia, Ktui. "My
neighbor across the street was ick for
over a week, had two or thrre bottles of
medicine from the doctor. He used
them three or ionr days without relief,
then called in another doctor who treat
ed him for fonie days and gave him no
relief, eo discharged him. 1 went over
to see him the next morning. He said
his bowels wen- In a terrible fix, that
they had been riittiiinp oft" so long that
it was almost bkotly litis. 1 asked him
if he bud tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and DiarrhaJ.i Remedy and lid
eaid, 'No.' I went home and brought
him my bottle and gave him one dose ;
told .him to lake another do?o in fifteen
or twenty minutes if he did not find
relief, lint he took no more and was en
tirely cured." Fur sale nt ll!ukel'!ys
thus store.
In Need of u l.iirfrer Ami-.
"N'kw Yoiik, Sept. 'JC. A special to tiie
AVorld from Washington says: Oidere
have been issued at the war department
to the chiefs of the different bureaus to
prepi'r statements showing the cost of
recruiting and maintaining n volunteer :
force as egainat the coat of uiaintenance
of the same number of regulars, and
based in the item of istra expense at
tached to the leeruiting and maintain
ing of the volunteer force.'. The depart
ment will make a stroiic fljht to have
their piojict for an increase in the regu
lar army put through congress.
The lime is fast approaching vtl.en the
present volunteer (oris in the Philip
pines must be withdrawn. General
MacArthur hao frankly stated tiiat he
cannot spare any troops and is in need
of reinforcement? to maintain the neces
sary forced in the Philippines, and that
the volunteer army must be authorized
unless there is an increase in the regular
nriny, and It is the intention of tho war
department to point out that ihe'latter
phn is the only feasible one.
The plan now in contemp'ation is for
tho niiMin-lv ilifin nf rntoirnaa fnr onnlioli i
i i . , . . .i
a idittona uien lo raise the strength ot ,
., , , ..T
the reffulur army to lOO.OuO, with per-
manent recinitiug stations throughout
tho country, that the regiments may be!
kept uu to full strength by contrant re- J
cmitin'.r. This plan it will be claimed
wili rednco the expenses of tho army,
as well as raise its efficiency.
Caturrh Cannot lie Cured.
-with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is n blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal rcmediee. Hali's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous enrfaces. Hall'e
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular ptescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
tho beat blood puriDeiB, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of tho two ingredients ia
what produces such wondetful results in
curing Catarrh, fiend for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney Co., Props., Toledo 0.
Sold by drrugKista, pi ice 7'ic.
-Iluiro Family Pills are the host. 12
.llllllons lii veil .vv.ay.
It is certainly gratifying to tho public
to know of one concern in the land who
are not afraid to he generous to the
needy and eutTerin;.', Tho proprietors
of Dr. Kin4s Nov.- Disovery for con
sumption, coughs and eolde, have giv-n
away over ten niilliou trial bottles of this
great medicine; and have the satisfac
tion of knowing 't ha-j absolutely cured
thousands of, hopeless cases. Asthma,
bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases
of the throat, chest and lungi are surely
-cured by it. Call on Blakelcy, the
Druggist, and get a freo trial uot'le.
Regular size 50c. and $1. livery battlo
i;uarantted, or price refunded. ,'!
Through the months of June and July
our baby was teething and took a run
ninii oil' ol the bowels and sickness of
tho stomach," saya O. P. M. Holliday,
of Doming, Ind- "His boweie would i
move from five to eiyht limes a day. I
had a bottle of Chninbnrlaiii's Colic,
. ..... .. ...
CJholera anil IJmrrl.a-t Keineily in the
house nnd yave him four drops in a tea-1
spoonful of water and he (jot better at j
once. Sold at Blakelcy's drugstore.
Itecl lint I'roin the Gun
Wan the ball that hit O. Ii. Steailman
ot Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It
caused horrible ulcere that no treat
ment helped for twenty yeare. Then
Bucklenta Arnica Salve cured him, It
cures cute, bruisee, burns boile, felons,
-come, skin eruptions. Beet pile cure on
earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure
guaranteed. Bold by Blakeloy, the
druggist. 3
Olarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celobrated Jatne E. Patton
rlctly pare liquid paints
Clarke & Falk have on aale a foil line
oftpaint and artist's braibee.
. 3loue In l'lillniUOplitn Which
Cittcltf tin- IV,-, I unit
Hutu Tin-in.
A tiny mouse that seems to hiive Its
own way in all it oar? -. to do ha- taken
up iniarters in-n hulk i indmv on ('hei-i-uut
treet, Philadelphia. The window
contains a tine display of tvaelii"r
baijfc and drf&giuf'' eas-. and under
ordinary clreuuiMtutice:. the prwuce
of fhc little itvtntder would not b.
tolerated a minute. Itut this is net
an ordinary mouse. lntent! of cre
nt'ttjr haute and damage by ptuiwiiiy
holes in the valuable baas ami grips
this particular ii:ou.-e d-oes-i ii!iKihI
f-erviee to the firm lv it.- tiuic
in ealehiiifr the files that are unwise
ei-oufrh to came within reach. Kvery
eveniti-r after the store ha been v'.t -c i
and the clerk.- have potie home en-mi
gathers on the pavement out-iiic and
watches the little fellow eaptip-. t ho
unwary dies. It Is a wonderful per
formance, and so qtik'l; of movement
and keen of eye I the mouse that a
lly rarely escapes that it spiinr for.
The ninu-e's mode if simple a; d ef
fectual. I-'rom a prnuchintr attitude
it waits until a fly comes elo-e enough,
then it straightens upon its hind lejr-s.
tlie two front paws, like tiny hands,
are thru.-! upward, am! the unwary tly
is clutv-hed nnd down. After
that the mou--e tats the 11 and then
rets midy to catch another.
They Are Snli! tn Have llein llu- IMrnt
lo Uniiiloy I'limituiKiiiii MurU
In WrllliiK.
The nrt of punctuation was developed
'gradually from wrv ancient times.
(ireek 'cribe before trie Christian era
used a wo-Ve-shnp-'d sijrr, fV) in iii.-trl;
a new p.irairrnph. Later a pam- in tho
sense was indicator! by a blank space.
a point. and"h.ouw-timiS hy a elifrht t.b-
lique stroke or an apostrophe. In Latin
manuscripts the full point- appear
firt. and are variously placed on a
level with the top. middle or bottom of
the hotter.-. The imtntion of the mod
ern system of punctuation has. been at--tributed
to Aristophanes, n gram
marian of Alexandria. Jerome u-cd
uijrns. (eominata and cola) in his trail.
union oi tue t-crintures. win o in oar v
... ,. , ,, - , 1 ".
hnjfiuh and lnsh manusci-ipts-the eom-
,., lf) msf am? th1 (inai siiup is im.rke.l
i,y one and sometimes- two or more full
points. With the advent of printing,
punctuation was trreatly improveil and
systematically adopted about the clo.-e
of the fifteenth century, mainly owinpr
to the Venetian printer. Manutiu.. It
is said that all the stops we now use ap
pear in the "Arcadia," 1537, of Sir Sid
ney Smith,
Imltntliin l-entlier from Wood.
L. Schwarhuber, of Purliersdorf,
Austria, has ducotered n process for
the manufacture of a leatherliko sub
stance from wood veneer.-, applicable
for boot soles and. other purposes.
Starch powder orerus-hed potatoes are
boiled under pres.-ure in an alkali lye.
A gelatinous brown, irluo-liko-liijuid i.s
obtained, into which the veneer.- are
introduced ant' steam pressure ap
plied, the process- rendering' the veneers
soft and flexible.
Pole l)ef i-n it i'i! h- loo.
There are 4(10 miles of iceberg?, float
ing ice, plain of ice and all other sons'
of arctic obtfriicti'.i s to traveise be
tween the neatest discovery to the pule
and the pole it.-e!f. Perhaps bonie
means of overcoming these dil)icultic.l
may present themselves within the
next century as .veienee goes on in its
progressive wuty.
renoemulii-r for tin- Itnll wn
Some yenrw ago one of the biggest
railroad corporations, of this country
employ.': a eonHiJential peiieemaker,
with the idea of preventing suit, as
fa- ,ik po-.-ib!e, for personal !:, mages.
It has prnvei! a prodtabie inno;ition
a in' iiy being taken up by other rail
Huy n meal ticket at the Umatilla
House restaurant; $5.50 for sf.'i. Bl-tf
Paint your house with painta that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
havo them.
Drying lu'ojifirntions simply dovol
oj) dry catarrh ; thoy dry up tho eocrctions,
which adhcro to tho memhrano and decom
pose, caasingn, far inoro serious trotiblo than
tuo oniiuarytormof catarrii. Avoulaluiry
- m, inhalauta. fumes, smokea and KnuflH i
aud nso tluit which cleanses, soothes and i
(heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy '
I ntul will ftm .olnrrl, iw nl il it, Oin licml
"c,i"'".i " rYi." a :V T.
Iimilcl for 10 cents. All drugRists soil tho
DOo.sizo. Kly Brothers, fiGWarren rit.,N.Y.
. 1581,11 curos without pain, docs not
in uuiu ui tuusu uuuo.iu(r. Hjiruau.-i iieuii
over an irritated and angry eurfaco, roliov-
ilif, miliicuiuvcijr lliu JJUIIIIUI tullULUUJailuu.
With lily's Cream Jialm you aro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Day Fever.
Don't Hub it In,
Just wet the affected pari freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Bcolch remedy,
and the pain is gone. Kohl by Clarke &
Mrs. Phillips is prepared to furnish
cut flowers and all kinds of floral de
signs on short notice, Phono number
307. alO-lm
Floral lotion wili cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
For nr,
Tho two buildings owned by Mrs. IS
Julian, on Coutt street, between Second j
and Third, now occupied as a lodging'
housu and dreejmakinj: tihop. lliu
builditii; will ho sold, funibhtil or un
furnished, cheap for cash. Apply to
Mrs, K. Julian. si'.-'md
Are. you ready to buy your fall shoes?
We are pole agents for the celebrated
Hamilton Urowu Shoe Co.'s line of foot
wear. If you want thu best shoe for thu
least money, call 'and see us. No trou
ble to show goods at the ew York Cash
Hustling younv; man can make !60 per
month and expenses. Permanent posi
tion. Hxpeiienee untiteetsaiy. Wtitu
quick for particulars. Clatk & Co.,
Fourth and I.ucii3t Streets, Philadel
phia, Pa, eS-tf
Tho largest anil moat complete line of
fall and winter inilliniiry ever displayed
in the city at the Campbell & Wilson
millinery parlors. The prices will sell
thu goods. sStf
Why pay $l.7o per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James K.
Patton'a sun proof paints for $1.50 per
Italian, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
l'"n!k, agents. ml
Likd Orrici; at Tut'Dali.e.-, Or.,i
Au. 1-, l'.in. i
Notice Is hereby jriven that the fullnwhiR
nantvil tcttlcr lies lllcl notice of his Intention
toimilw Ihnil proof in nipportof his Claim, iunl
that ssid piooi will be made before the teslter
nnd ti-ceiver of the I". S. land olllco nt The
lMllts, Or , ou fcutuniny, Sept. 'J, ItKW, U:
llenr.v (;. (i(inlli)ii, ufTliit Dalle, )i'.,
II. K. No I'Jll, for the N1-Sl'.U ice. C, Tji 1 N.
1! 13 K. V. JI.
lie immes the followiiiR witnesses to prove
his eontiniiou' tcsldeucc iipou aud eultiwuiuu
of siilit Unil, vl:
Knieit Jontiui, Albeit .loiOaii, John 1'ashck
and James I'lioanii, nil of The Dalles, Oregon.
nUB-.-i JAY I'. l.UUAB, Uchkr.
La.nij Omci: at Tin: Dallks On. I
fccptember l',', hum. j
Notico is hereby jilvoa that the followin?
iiaineil settler has filed notice ot her Intention
to make final proof in Mipport of I in ojuiin, and
that said prool will be made be-fore the reidster
nnd receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednes
day, October 21,;
Kliza IC. Vlohors,
widow of Samuel J. Vlckers, defeased, of Mo
tier, OrrKim, II. II. No. jsyu. for the NU 3V)i
and SU, SW'M tec U Tp2 N, It 12 K, W. M.
She immes the followlni; n itnek?es to prove
her r oiitlntiotis residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz. :
tieoree Itcnov, of The Dalles, Oregon: James
Milcr. Lee Evans, l.tle (irnuland, Mosier, Or.
M15 JAY I'. LUCAS, lie-lister.
Land Oitick
at The Dalle:, Or., (
t-eptemoes iu, inn
Notice is iiereby clvcii that thu folloivlmt-
I iiiniKd tettlcr has llled notice ot his intention to
I make linal proof In support of his claim, and
I that .-iid proof will be. made before tho Heaistcr
I and ll'-cciver nt Tho Dalle-, Oregon, on fcatur-
nay, uoioueryj, rjw, viz.:
A rrllons l'ox,
of The Dalle.-. Oregon, II. E. No. Sl.'tl, for the
8 hfNW qr mid W hf riV qr, Sec l'J, Tp 1 S, It 11
He names tho followim; Hltnesses to prove
hid continuous resilience upon nnd cultivation
of said land, vi.:
I. (J. ilatney, ('. II. Mntney, Charles (iosscu
and V. U. Clark, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
seplo JAV 1'. LL'CAH, Hct;lter.
Land OrricE at Tub Imllks, Onr.oos,)
August -s, lwo. (
Notice Is hereby given Unit the following
named settler has llled notieu of his intention to
make limit proof in support of Ids claim, and
thattiild proof will be made before the Iteiiister
and Iteeeher at Thu Dalles, Oregon, on Satur
day, October 0, I'M), viz:
Itoliert K. 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h , or .Uoslrr, Or,,
II. V.. No. oJE'l for tile NKJf NU NUi-.' .Mi(
Secy, and Hj HKHi ec I, Tp. 2 N., it. l'J i:
He names tnu following witnes-es to prove Ills
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
s.-iiil laud, viz:
lames LowK, Dolly MoMcr, Lea Lvms, John
Jliler, all of ilosier, (Jiigiiii.
HiiRltM Iteglster.
Lani OmcE at Tub Dallkh. oi:., )
riepteiiiber l', loro.
Notice is hereby given thnt the following
u.niud tettlerhas filed notice of her intention
to make final proof In mpiiorl of ber claim, unil
that said proof will be made before tho IlegUter
and ltceeler nt 'I he Dalle-, Oregon, on Wednes
day, October '11, 1WW, :
Tune t F. Mtmv.'iit, of Tim I lull -s , or,f
II. i:. No. 52a l, for the !'.',. HKU Hi: qr NU qr fcec
i:, Ti 1 N, It l'J V., Mini bV qi NV qr KeciJJ, Tp 1
N, fl i.I K, i it.
She iiaint the follow lug wllnes.yslo prove
her eontluiioiik residence upon and ciilllvalion
of s dd land,
D. D. Nelson, L. V. Sharr, John Fleming,
Daniel htenart, alt o! 'J he I'ulles.
tep!5 J-AV I'. LUt;AS, Itcglster.
NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION, OrricE at Tin: Dallcs, On.,
Nolieo Is herthy l-Iicii tluit the followiiiK-
nanied tctiler hah I led notice ol Ills nienllou
eepicnmer, w, ivw.
li iiinnu linal liliJin III ctl'Mll il lli UIUUII, IIIH4
that iiiild proof will bo uiuilobeloro the reuUter
aud receiver at The Dalles, Oicgon, on fcatlitday,
uuiouer wt, iveo, viz.;
dliiirlrri II. .Ilntiio',
of Tho Dalles, Oregon, II. E. No. Way, for the S
Uf .'.ir w
ui sis qr, sec 1.', TJi l b, u ll
"iC. j'm'nics tbo following wltncum In prove
his continuous resldeuco ifpou aud cultivation
Of eullt Imill, vl. :
A. 8, t'o.v, l', o. I'ligan, Charles (iontou mid W
(', Clail;, all of The liallc-i, Oreuou.
fccpl.i JAV I'. I.UC.SS, luglster.
UiNu OrricK nt'l'im Dai.i.ks, Oun,,j
Augunttll, I'JOO. j
Notice is herchy nlven that tho followliiK
nainid fcettler lius llled notice of hlu inlentiou to
make linal proof In tupport of hlu chiiin, and
that Mid proof will bo made before thu Itexlster
nnd Itccelver at Thu Dalles, Oregon, on Wednes
day, Octobo- It), law, vln.t
Ohoiko XV. iloltnctuii, of Tlio Ilallvm, Or.,
11. E. No. film, for thu NWf NK'i and NJIU
NVV( Bee If. Ti 1 N, U 11 K, W. il.
lie names the following wltliutbc-H to prove hli
coutlnuouR rcjbldenco upon, mid cultivation ol
Mid Und, viz;
F. I. Taylor, Wo:. Sharp, J. W. Johniton mid
It. K, Teaguc, nil of The llalles, Oregon.
kM JAV I', I.UCA8, llegister.
Boomi 89 and 40, over V. S. Land 0c
'Si I
J" 1
31 1
'ui uaijujijuruiuui'iumiJjjiriJuwiaMiiiAiLtimimfau'-uuiuiuavuuiutujy'l.'- uujitm V?!K0
fiimtiitiitiTiritrtxiiirxriiriciriT iiIw,,y,niiM(ii tvrTiiifiiiuiiiitisr iriitf.r"o
ELTi -i.i-.i t-M-TtS, ViAWrV. t-'WVa Xl-Xy-X"- .-v3 i
Of the product of this well-knoMti brewery the United States Health
Ueports for Juno 2S, 1900, says: "A more supen'or brow never unterod
the labratory of the United States Health rnpotts. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, hut on the otlicr hand is composed of
tho best of malt nnd choicest of hops. Its tonic; qualities are of the high
est and it can he used with the greatest bunelit nnd.'-atiBfaction bj; old and
young. Its use can conscientiously bo prescribed by the physicians with
the cersaiuty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
East Second Sfcreufc. THE DAT.J..TCS. ORTCttrvNT.
Grandall & Burget
fill kinds Of undertakers fiQl'ial ShOBS
Fanecal Supplies embalmers Etc.
" The Dailoa, Or.
uri n iimnii ikik tm m uu wmpi m , , j , , ,M JW, i .
The undersigned lias taken post-ession j
of H. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to
the Voft opera honte, and has pur-1
chased tho tools and ladders. Ho has I
U'ood mechanics working for him, and
will iiimrnnteu all work to tjlvo eatisfac-
I.U.-D Okfici; at V.iNcouviui, W.i.iu. j
. AUK. 10, ISlKJ.
hotieo Is herchy Riven that the folloHlne'
naiiuiUeltlei has llled notice of his Intention
to make linal proof In support nt Ills claim, and
that ald pioo: will bo made before W. II. I'roby,
pulled Statwi fiimiiilskioner for lllntriel ol
iK-hlfKton, at his olliic in (Joldeudale, iish
JiiKtoii, on Oct -her 1, luyo, viz.
Illllll 'VVlltHOII,
'. O. uddrets Cenlerville, Wash., uhn niHdo I
hoini stead application No. V2S1, forllieh! HKl,
,nv Tp a .n, u 1 1 1:, w. m. ' " I
W wlt ,11u1hV tm followlni; witness to prove
,S eoutliiiioiia reildento upon and eiiltivatloii
of Mid lAmJ. vl.:
i;nariesi htraiihe
William .Imiw.
C. iJiily ; mid 1'iilrick llngKurty, all of l eiitenllle
I'. 0 UashlnstOu,
"13-1 W. It. DUNllAIt, liechter.
Notico in heiehy ijlven that the underblKned
havo llled with 1 1. o Clerk of thn cimiiiIv l-itll rl .if
the HIatoof Oiikoii for Wmk-o coiuitv.thelr linal :
uuiuuiii n u.eeiiiJm oi lliu last will nilil testa,
uient of Henry Ilaruilin, deeeaieil, nun that
Alondav, the Itli dayol November, I BOO, at thu
hour of 10 o'clock ii. in,, has been llxed by Ihu
County Court for said county ax thu time, mid
thu county court room In llalles City as the
place for henrlne; of objcclloim to bhIiI dual ao
couiit mid tho bettlciiieut of tho bame.
J. W. I'llKNUlI,
K. I". MAVH,
epl.1 I'lxtcutor.
Itoiiinn 10 mid II, Chapman Block, The Dalles,
Oregon. bCi
, Notice l here'iy given that the undcrslKiicd
has been duly appointed by tho county court ol
tho lUtc of Oregon, for Waico county, admlnU.
. - - ii, Huuiiiciii,
deceased. All peronn hnvlng claliim agaliut
(no eiitato of nald deceaacd are hereby uutlBud
to prcnnt Hi name, with the proper voucher
therefor, to mo at my ottlee lu Dnjd, Oregon,
within tlx montliu from tho date hereof.
Dated September 21, 1P0O.
ei'i6 AdmluUtrator,
tin ! tt ,
dob Printers
The Weekly
j .
tor $2.00 a year.
All subscribers lo the Weekly Chron
icle who pay one yeand subscription In
advanc, will be entitled to tho above
liberal oiler.
The Dallee, Oregon.
C. F. Stephens
.Uonlur In...
t)py Goods, Clothing, !
f 1 1 JutJwuui, i n n itiii n. iuawut-l
C J!? Or, ;
iriiM ' -1
fl! JKaptwaat gapaj load
Urease -1
helps tho team. Saves wear and
exicuic, Bold everywhere. M
b uaum av aw
n r &u
tutu scncnui.K.
I'ltOU llALI.I.H.
IJ:lij p. ta.
Halt l.nltr, Dunver, l't i
Worth. Oiimlia, Kim
Hah (Jtty, St. IjhUh
Ctitcaijii ami Unit.
, Mall
."nit iJika, Denver, l't
Wciilh, (iiiiiilm, Kim
V;U) ii, in,
"as City, St. Louis.
Ctlleii;;i mid llnst.
Via Hunt
Wiilhi Wulhi, HlHikiniu,1 HlHikm,,
MlmiiTioll. St. I'nui "'m?15
.ii, i ,, tin,.! ' ''"HI
...... .,, . II..IIIII.VV,
(thleiiBO mid Hint, via
Hpiiktuiuitkil IliiiilliiK
ton: Ml. so nil uiliilt lii
Wiishlnijtou nnd i.,it
em OtcKun,
3 ,wi u.m
p. in
H p. ra.
l-'iuiM I'
Ocean Htcanixhln
i'or Kan rr.inelM-o -livery
I'lvo D.n:,.
p. m.
S Ii. in.
CnluiiiDla Ky. Htciiners, Kx.dmrf.
To ArtoaiA ami Way ''s'0,,m'
10.I-. in.
ii n, in.
VtM.A):rri: Ktvini,,
Orufloti City. NcAVlivrir, Lx.Sunil.V
iiileai i; Way LiuilV '
7 , ra,
mid but,
Vl!.l.A:tl'TT!'. ani Vam
III).!, ItlVlCltS.
tlKKuii Oity, Dayti.i,
mitt ' 'iiy-liinlin;:s
') fc p. m.
unit FrI.
Bxab P.ivnu
Klpiirln to Ijjwiston.
i i IVISTi).!
'' i ii. m
,v niula
o i" a. in.
W !' itetlMtig to go to lleppner or
pmnts on (.'oltiiiibhi rMiiith"in via lligi;.. slionLl
t'lke ;o '., Uavliig 'I he Dalles at u w p. r.i,
iiiat'.iiig dlreiit einineetliniN nt lleppnei Junction
nail lilggs llotimilng miiKlngillri-eteiuiiiectloii
nt II, -ppiii r , 'miction nod lllggs v.itii Ni. Lar
tut'ig at 'J lie Dalles a 1 Itnsu p. m.
l-'nr full partlcilti"
agent The Iiitllei
oi t).
H' ttLlll ItT,
i "ttlaiiil, Or
Yellowstone Park Line
Till: DINING (!AIt ItOl'Ti: I'ltOM rOKTLNH
Tin-: oni.v Dim:cT uni: totui; vki.i.ow.
HlONi: l'AUK
Union Depot, riflhanJISis
Fast in it 1 1 for Tacouin,
. Seattle. Olyinnla. (irav'H
I llailnir mid Kiiuth lleud
. j ) 1 1 1 1.-, Kpol.'aui', U11-..1
laud, 11. (-'., l'lilliiiau,
, Miim'ow, linl.itou, It It f
11:15 A. M. fulul I II in iiiliiliiKcoiin
, try, llulenn, Alluueiiiio
Un, 'tit. i'mil, Omaha,
j Kiuimiis City, Ht. l.nul.1,
. fi I'. M,
No. I, leant and youthens
I i.uieiu.'o inn: mi poiiiiw
No. 3.
I'litret HiiiiiiiI r.ynrrK
ll;3i I'. M.
for Taeoiiui nnd Heattlo 7;ftiA JI.
,111111 liite.-rniiill.ite points
I'ullinnii llrnt-chifs anil tourltt Klei-ivrs to
Miiiiieapolls, Ht. I'nul and JIIsourl river points
without ehaiiKe,
Voitllniled trains. Union depot fiiiiii'itliia
In nil prliicinl cllle".
llailliaKeolii-cKi'd to ilcitllintlon of tleke'
For hainhomely lllUHtiate(lde(irlptlV' mutter,
tickets, dleepluit car resurvatlonn, etc., c II on or
Analslant Oeueriil l'liBienirer Aneut. 1" Morrl
on Hlieet, corner Third, l'ortlaud, Orecmi.
SOUTH and EAST via
Bliasta Boute
TialiiH h-aveTlie Dalleji for l'ortlaud and way
Ntatloin, at l:2.i it, in. nnd 2 p. lit.
Umvo I'otllaiid
" Albany
Arrlvo Ashland
" Hauiaini iito . . ,
" Kan Kranchco
. . 8:;n in
..r.',;Wa in
..Uilt'ln in
. , r;W p in
.. 7:1.1 pin
lu . p m
II - tun m
l, Hi a in
h.l. a m
An he Ondon
' Denver
" Kaunas (,'lty.
" Chiouiio
ft: I'm m
. '.CUD II 111
7 !'.'.' a in
7; lilt in
11 l a in
liana la
7 .',i n m
p. '() am
Arrive Iaia AiikcIcs ...
" 151 I'at
" Kort Worth
" City of Mexico .
" HoiHtou
" New Orleium...
' y.'uililiiKlou ...
" New York
, , 1 ivn p in
i'.;iki p in
.. ti:iii)n in
, , !l:Mu 111
... couniii
,. ii:'J'i n iu
,. il: ii u m
.I'Jll.'! p m
7:lfl a m
nam p m
ii;,')a in
in.'rta in
titKla in
ll-1! a m
WW I' m
I'lilluinn mid TourUt enrn ou both traliiH.
.iinirearH rtacrmncuto to Ugdeu mm r.i i ""i
and tourist caiM to chlcnuo, fit l-ouls, Nuw Or-
leiniH huh iv.iul.i " f
...... , , ,a,,,ii,i,
Coniiectlng nt Him Krmioluco with wvi-riil
nii'i,.'!",1,.,l' l"10'' 'r Honolulu, Jiipmi. tsitlu".
I'hlllppliies, Central and South America.
Sto ugont at Thu Dalles station, or add re as
(icucrul l'aenger Agent, I'ortland, Or
2)11. K. K. VKKGtlBUN,
Physician aud Surgeon,
Office, Vogt lllook (over 1'ostoOlce),
aOaplmo-dw tUt- PAhLBS, 0HEU0N.
ft i ..-ii l'i,
VMnvi.hmm T
mm mm Ii