The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 27, 1900, Image 3

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To llio woll-drcssod masculine world, Roolofs Hats neod no
ivcoinmondation. Thoy liavo for many years represented tho high
er standard, creating the styles and furnishing the models for all
the imitations in the hat trade.
Wo carry the full lino of the other standard goods. Wo have
THE BEST at prices ranging down to $1.25 for men, and 50c and
$1.00 for youths; with, of course, the usual exhaustive stock of boys'
and children's novelties in hats and caps.
Shirt Windooi.
I A window full of shirts today. A hundred patterns of NEW
FU, SMUTS, including THE MONARCH. Here's a shirt
, north while studying. Tho variety of patterns is tho largest and
lustiest and tho cjuality tho best to bo had anywhere. Every shirt
m tho lat a fitter.
Children's Kangaroo Calf, but
ton and lace.
Children's Kid, button and lace.
Heavy Soles plump stock.
Sizes 6 to 8 $1.15
Sizes 8 1-2 to 11, - $1.35
Sizes 11 1-2 to 2, - $1.65
Excellent School Shoes. Your
money's worth in every pair.
Pease & Mays' -
Shoe Department.
Dress Goods..
rainy-day skirts in all tho latest
navy and black.
tailor suits.
Suit and Skirt
In our Suit and Skirt Depart
ment the stock is now complete, and
we have some startling bargains to
Have you seen our RAINY
correct .thing for Fall wear.
Give the department a call.
All GoocIb MnrkocI
In Plain FlKurofi.
To IJellti'jnrnt Tnxiinyera.
Tho County Court bavin,; authorized
tho immediate collection ol delinquent
taxes, I mil C"tn oiled to cimply with
ita reqinet, and will there )ro proceed nt
once to advertise. If you are delinquent
you will nave cost unit expenses by im
mediate pnyment. All personal prop
erty unpaid will be attached nt tho cost
and expense of the owner without fur
ther notice. HonmiT Kkm.y,
Sheriff of W,UCo Co., Or.
The Dalles S.'pt. 17, 11100. 17-20d-w
You will not have boils if vou tnho
Clarke & Falk's euro euro for boila.
Clark & Falk's drug Keck Is new,
fresh and complete.
Clark & Falk are never 0I030 1 Sunday
TXm'r, foruet this.
Plays & Growe
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
SEPT. 27, 1900
At And raw Kft or'K.
D .
N 'W ahnea for fall mid winter just ro
cci veil nt tho Xow York Cash Store.
Professor Kandvig's second dunce of
the d-ason will bu given nt tho Baldwin
Saturday night. sL'll 21)
hialcru pnrtieH ure contemplating
enahii-hing a woolen mill at l.u Giaudo.
Th"v d') not uak for any bonus.
l.i-d White bird do; yellow Hpote
on head. Howard for return to II. W.
I.indlogo, room 7, MrR. lirittain'e.
Ilt'ube liooton brought to town today,
from the neighborhood of Trout Creek,
2 In-nd of fat beeves which lie sold to
Wood Bros.
Wo have a Whitman full oirolo steel
hiiv baler for sale, Has been used only
om season. Will sell cheap mid on
time. Inquire of Hudson & Brownhill.
An action for divorce was instituted
in tlie eircuit court today by Ida Speioon
gor against Iloury Speiconuor. Tho
euuplaint wiifl tiled by Ned Galea ns
an. riioy for the plaintiff.
We regret to learn that Mrs. C. F.
N'ephcii is quite ill at her residence in
till- eilv. She has been confined to tier
bed for about a week and was worse
miier than better this morning.
V-xt Saturday the Indies of tho Good
Intent Society will have on sale ut Mrs.
Juiicb' cnll'e, next door to .1. P. Meln
enr 'h store, pies, cukes and nil kinds of
piHtry. Call nud buy something for
I iner Graven, of Antelope, has re
odved the contract for carrying the
in I'ls between The Dalles and Shaniko,
mid service will begin on October 15th.
Graves recoivos $2,880 per year for
his serviced.
lohn Hilbort, grand organizer of tho
Ancient Order of Forrostore, is in tho
city in tho Interest of this beneficiary
society, which win established in Eng.
laud in 17-15 and is the oldest beneficiary
order in the world.
lap Foster, who was serving a ninety
days term for the laicony of 25 cents'
worth of wood from a neighboring wo
man up in the pines, was released yes
terday npon suspension of sentence,
"Iter set villi; tveiity-throo days.
Major A Denton will ofloi 100 foot of
Icdf-inoli Maltese Cross spray hose as a
toward for the best exhibit Is some line
horticulture, as may be determined
''v the carnival executive committee,
'J lio ictall price of this prise Is 17 :G0.
Hheepmen are complaining ol big
losses of sheep in the Wallowa moun
tains. W. II. Gruvefl has lost 2U0, G. .7.
Warner 110, Peter Boudan 500, and K.
C. Longfellow about 100. It is believed
wholesale stealing is being can icd on by
an organized gang of thieves.
It is said that the PorthtiTd creditors
of tho Paul F. Mohr transportation
enterprises lately held u meeting in
Portland and appointed a committee, of
which James Lotan is chairman, to con-,
eider the proposition for an extension of
time for paying the claims.
Tho Campbell & Wilson millinery
parlor is tho place to buy up-to-date
head wear at right prices. All tho new
things in utreet hats. Patterns and
trimmed hats can bo found there, also a
lino line of children's school lints and
baby bonnets. tf
The Jrieh-Americans, whoso hatred for
England induced them to enter the Boer
army, have apparently gut all the light
ing they want. They are now, it is nuid,
clamoring for their pay and threatening
to lick the Boor ollicials if they don't
get it.
Tho party who has been talking for
aomu time of erecting a distillery here
lias conl rncted with Mr. Stndelman for
the lease of his orchard and sutticiout
grounds on which to put up tlie neces
sary buildings. It is expected that the
necessary papers will be made out and
algtiod within the next couple of days.
.1. J. Brown, who lives on tho hlull' in
the neighborhood of Tenth street, was
arrested this morning on complaint of
J.W.Moore, charging I1I111 with using
obscene langnago In tho presence of
women. ISrowu was released on his
own recognizances to answer to the com
plaint before Justice Brownbill tomor
row afternoon.
We have a great bargain in farm
property 2'.j miles from Mosior. One
hundred and sixty acres of Hue land;
tijhty acres cleared and in cultivation;
(Old house, barn and out buildings;
tine orchard ; near to chinch and school.
One thousand dollars takes the farm if
bought within thirty days. Call on or
write to Hudson & Biownhill.
.1. O. Yisll, ol Cross Keys, one of our
iiiiinv (imminent sheenuien. vaa In
Shauiko on Tuesday. On tliat day Mr,
Yisll sold his 1000 clip of wool, 59,000
pounds, at tho Shaniko warehouse for
15,'sj cents 11 pound to a Boston firm.
This is tliu first mile of wool to be
eli'eetod in Shaniko. But it will not bo
the last, by tiny means. Shaniko Lead
er, Tho contract for the erection of tho
Inclosuro for tho carnival was let to
Hugh Glenn yesterday, his being tho
lowest bid. Tho contract calls for a
fence eight feet iu height, with the nec
essary doorwnys and a grand arch nt the
main ontrnnce, corner of Third and
Washington, Lumber waa placed on
the gruiind and a force of carpenters sot
to work this afternoon.
A postoflice inspector returned recent
ly from a tour of Inspection of postofllcea
in twenty-eight counties in Michigan.
All but two were In excellent condition.
In one ofiice tho postmoBtor could
neither read nor write, and his clerk
was deaf and dumb. Farmers when in
quiring for mail iiad to either get it
themselves or write their requests on
slips of paper eo the clerk could find out
what was wanted.
The Antelope Ilepubliean says: "A
crew of men, tieaded by the assistant
engineer of the Columbia Southern,
started Saturday morning from Shaniko
to Farewell Bend to survey a railroad
route from there to Sliuniko. Another
crew ltad previously started surveying
in tho Ilnystuck country. It appears
the O. S. is kind oi restless, in spito of
the assurances to the contrary." The !
noon. A post-mortem examination
showed that the injury to the intestines
was too severe for any human help. The
remains were prepared for shipment at
Crandall & Burget's undertaking rooms
and will be token to the deceased's old
home at Jefferson, Or., for interment.
Mr. Simieon was unmarried and about
40 years of tige. A half brother from
Jefferson will accompany tho remains
to that place.
A mm -jiving It is name as L. Cosgrove
was arrested her.e last evening by Night-
watchman Like, charged with stealing!
.1 linger ring from J. E. Adcox & Co.
Cosgrove had been in Adcox & Com-1
Ttie Colonel and the Fanner.
Shaniko Leader says it is not. the C. S. Pa-V'B 8tore a,1(1 purchased three cheap,
butTtic Dalles Southern that is doing second hand watches from Mr. Adcox.
.1... At the samo time Mr. Adcox's nartner.
the surveying
A very just and indignant complaint
reached this office this forenoon of a
span ol horses that were left hitched to
a farm wagon from early yesterday
morning till this morning, when the
marshal took them to a livery stable
nnd had them fed at the expense of
their owner, 11 rancher from the neigh
borhood of Chenoweth Creek. For full
twenty- four hours tho poor beasts stood
tied to 11 nost, without a bite of food or
a drop of water, while their owner was
probably holding high jinks in thof
saloons. There is a law for this brutal
ity and Homebody soould see that it is
enforced. ' " " "
Tho miirriaue of Mr. Ernst Luedde
mnnn and Miss Elizabeth Eleanor
Froncli took place last night in the M.
E. church iu the presence of a larye
number of invited guests and friends of
the bride and bridegroom. Tho bride
groom has been connected with French
A Co.'s bank for some veins, and is a
young man whose steady and industri
ous habits have earned him tho tes ect
ol all who knew him. The bride is the
amlablo and accomplished daughter of
Mi. and Mrs. J). M. French. Tho young
couple have the earnest wishes of a host
of friends for a long and happy life.,
MO 1 .1 ... 1 1 ...... ...!.. !.!.. ... ,
iney leu on mo onny irniii hub iiiuiii-s
imr on n two months' ueddimr trin
1-1 ! . . 1 . . 1 . . I .. . I 1
.wineu win ineiuue n visa 10 air. juen-t
leuiaim'a former ho,mo iu Alabama!
dso 11 tour through eastern cities. Ftt'i
Jttrticulnra of tho wedding and the nii-A
unrnnu iv 11 1 1 1 11 1 r ni-uuiin fu iclll tut r? I fail !
1 V I w 1 1 ti 1,1 V4 t )i II til u - iivii
omorrow. "-"
Pell Simison, a well-to-do stockman
e 11 n 1 ........... J f .. . 1
tirom iiiuiiiiiiii-ui, uiuiii iiuumv, uicu
,'vesterday in this city of inflammation of
the intestines, superinduced by tho kick
of a horse last Wednesday week, which
waa being unloaded from 11 boat nt the
I). P. oi A. N. Company's landing. Mr.
Siuiison had been in I'ortlaud dis
puting of a lot of horses and, was on his
way homo On arriving here on the boat
he waa leading from-it a race horse he
had brought with him when otroofn
span of horsos in front of him kicked
back at Mr. SImineon'a horse, but
missed Ida tiitwk and the blow landed on
Mr, Sitnlsou'a abdomen. He was able
to walk to Dr. Ferguson's office where
he had the best of medical cure and
attention, but without avail, nnd he
passed away suddenly yesterday after-
Mr. Liebe, was showing rings to a lady
and Cosgrove managed to steal one that
was left by itself for 11 moment on the
show case. The thief had hardly left the
store when the loss was discovered and
in 20 minutes Mr. Like had him behind
tho imrs. Cosgrove was easily traced to
a house of ill fame where ho was trying
to dispose of tho ring. He will be ar
raigned in tlie morning and will, it is
understood, plead guilty.
PKori.i: am ooing.
Mies Maude Gilbert came up from
Portland yesteiday, where she i attend
ing the Portland Business College.
Otto Yaisli, 11 prominent citizen of
Cross Keys, called at this olliee today.
He will be in the city for several days,
MUs Elizabeth Schooling, who lias
been ill for over two months, was tikeii
to the Good t?amarilan hospital iu Poit
land on the noon train.
Miss Evelyn Steele, who arrived yes
teiday from Portland to attend thel.ued
demanu.Frencli wedding, will remain a
few days, the guest of the Misses
Kemo lloiideao, ton of Iteini Rondeau,
of Kingsley, wns a passenger on tho
afternoon tiain for Philomath, where lie
goes to attend a second term at the col
lego of that place.
"Carl Peelz, the 'well-known Sherman
county rancher, was iu town today on
his way I ome fnnn St. Martin's Springe,
where ho received great relief from tin
attack of rheumatism.
Voti'S for Oiiftn of tint C'iiiiiIvkI ,
At 2 o'clock this afternoon the yote
for queen of the carnival stood as fol
lows :
Cora Jolea 171
Valofoa Liebe 150
Annie Ilaslani 142
Grace Scott 128
IJ.le linuii 8(1
Louito Michel bach 02 I
Clara Nickelton 47
Georgia Smtipenu S
For Iufauts and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho SjP yS7--JZ
ftiguftture of tLajC7cU44
Colonel My down -trodden friend
are you aw tire that the empire is ruining
Farmer Well, Co'onel, I told Maria
I'd go to town and buy her a set of Em
pire furniture for the bedroom today,
but I reckon 'twont quite ruin me.
But your liberty is in danger.
Farmer Xot'a long as I behavo my
self, and I always calculate to do that.
Colonel But my friend, the trusts,
with the money trust at their head, are
b'tgaring vou.
i Farmer ell, they'll be a long time
doing it. I'm in tho money trust my
self now.
Colonel But surely you are afraid of
the ravages of the Octopus?
Farmer I don't care a rap for no Oc
topus ns long as the pesky grneehoppera
keep out of the way.
Colonel But thorn's the mortgage.
Farmer Yep, lent money on one yes
terday. Colonel But surely you do not ap
prove the retention of the Philippines.
Farmer Colonel, when I get hold c f
a good thing, I keep hold of it. When
I get money enough to buy more land,
I buy it.
Colonel But, my dear sir, would you
put the man-made dollar above the God
made mini?
Farmer No, but I'd put the man dollar in the man-made hank.
And I must get there before the bank
shuts up. So you'll have to excueo me,
Colonel But, my misguided friend,
think of the Declaration
Farme: How did you know that Bill
Gibhings made one to my second daugh
ter, Elizy Ann, Inst niula? Yep, and
I've g)t to t:o and pric3 pinners and
things this afternoon. Good-bye. (Exit
"O, I like to n'e a live nnd I love to sc' n ten,
So, lie, hero we go for McKiuley In iijidu."
Millinery OprnloK.
Miss Haven, successor to Mrs. C. L.
Phillips, announces her fall millinery
opening of French pattern and house
trimmed huts on Wednesday, Thursday
Friday nnd Saturday, Sept. 20, 27, 28,
when tho most authentic styles in now
nnd novel millinery will ho displayed.
A now shipment, of ready-to-we-ar
street hate just arrived.
Tho only etore fi
this city whore tli
Oenuino Imported
Ware ia sold
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
a dozen pieces of so
called cheap enam
eled ware.
Other wares look
has the name
Stransky Steel
Ware 011 each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 1C
International Exhi
bitious. Highest
award at Worlds
Columbian Exhibi
tion, Chicago. Pre
ferred by tho best
certified to by the
most famous cheni
iste for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled waro is special
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us,
It does not rust
nor absorb grense,
does not discolor
nor catcli inside, is
not affected by acids
in fruits or
will boil,
stew, roast
nnd bake
w i t h o 11 1
flavor of
fooil nnd
will Inst
for j'cars.
Wo cau
tion tha
LojPEys a
1; ift')
The New York Cash Store la the sole
agent for tho Hamilton Brown Shoe
Co.'d line of footwear.
To whom it may concern: My wife,
Lillio Henulngsen, having left my bed
uud board, I will not lie responsible for
any debts Incurred by her.
Metier, Or., Sept. 27, 1000.
627 2tW Pin'KIt IlhNSlNUSKN.
Four or five hoys, going to school
dining winter, to board. $12 11 month
with room and plain washing. Across
school. Apply
street from High
Cnuoxici.u ofiice.
da wlm
Ileal Katnte for Nule.
Twenty-three lots, lucated from Stv
enth street to Twelfth, for ealo at from
1(50 up. Inquire at the Columbia
Hotel. a20-t(
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist.
pii?e Jailori!
A complete lino of Fall' and Winter
Suitinue, Pantings and Overcoming, now
on display. 100 different varieties to Pu
led from. ' ( '
Suits, $20 ai)d up.
Call and exumlne goodd befoio going
elsewhere. Second etreet, opp, Maya
& Crowe's,