The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY SKIT. Tor l'tcolilent WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or Ohio. l'or Vlcc-rrcstilpnt THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of N'ew York. is going to bo elected," ho said, "I would soil tin farm and loan the- jPqq money out on gilt-odgcd mortgages. - ; If IJryan is elected money is sure to be scarce and dear for the next four years and I would fully calculate on getting from 10 to 15 por cent in terest for evcrv dollar J had to loan. j That would beat farming nt deino cratic prises for wheat, all hollow." OXLY OXE 11EPLWUCAX SPEECH An Eastern Urvanitc paper the 1 oilier da wrote contemptuously of "the one speech which Theodore Eooscvclt is making every day in the west," and the Kcw York Sun replies by saying its esteemed con temporary pays to Roosevelt a compliment due to the entire repub lican stump army. There is only one republican speech this year, sajs the Sun. It varies according to the intellectual grasp or the rhetoric of the individ ual speaker, but in substance it is always the same, because never in any section of the union does it slur anj part of the republican platform. If our contemporary wants to find varieties of campaign talk it will find them with the democrats, whose speakers in one portion of the country are trying to conceal the party issue that is made most of somewhere else. In even' republican speech will be found a plea for these three things: Loyalty to the tlag. Preservation of the national credit. Inviolability of the courts. Taken together, the divided voices of the democracy are calling for: Treachery to the flag. Destruction of the national dredit. Degradation of the courts. If there are voters who while they can't stir within themselves any political partisanship still have a prejudice for straightforwardness and frankness, they will vote the repub lican ticket. It is suggested that the vote of Call Schurz for Bryan should be in dorsed on the back as "good only provided a republican congress acts tins fall so as to runder Bryan powerless for mischief." Slil)pliiK Soft (.'ruliH. Soft crabs art- lieinir .shipped from Maryland this scn.on in lots of f,000 each, the express, companies carrying them direct to the northern and east ern markets, where tlio demand for them is reater than ever and the prices obtained excellent. .X. Y. World. IIimv the JuotliM-n Sit. The seat on the right of tlio chief justice is always occupied by tho asso ciate justice who has been longest on the bench; that on the left by the next in order or seniority, and &o on alter nately front ripht to left. FACTS FOR WOOL-GROWFAIS. The sheep of the United Slates are worth twice us much money today as they were at the close of the year 18UG. Then their value was G7, 000,000; now it is over 122,000,000. "What is the reason for this remark able change? In 1802, under tho MclCinley pro tective tariff, the imports of wool amounted to but 148,000,000 pounds and the home production was 29-1,000,000 pounds, while the aver age price for washed Ohio lleece was 29 cents per pound. In the fiscal year 1897, the closing j'ear of the "Wilson tariff which ad mitted wool free of duty, imports were 350,000,000 pounds and the production only 259,000,000 pounds, while the average price in 189C was 18. cents. In 1899, under tho Dingloy tariff which thoroughly protected the wool growers of the United States, tho im ports fell to 70,000,000 pounds, the production increased to 272.000,000 pounds, and the pi ice increased to 28 cents per pound. It is not surprising, then, that the value of sheep on American farms fell from 1 10,000,000 in January, 1892, to 07,000,000 on January 1, 1897, and that it increased under the restoration of the protective tariff to 8122,000,000 on January 1, 1900. Thuoloto' I.Dilim C.rotinil, Twenty-seven years ago there wore twice as many medical as theological students in Merlin. This year there are four times as manv medical students. Retiring ivom Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods; Olothin, Hoots and Shoos, at much Iohf I tutu wholesale prices. Will sell in hulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All goods will bo sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-llttltip. Corsets and llutterick Patterns. Your pricea will he initio. Call early and secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sis. State Sktmal Sehool, MONMOUTH, - OREGON. Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. The aliments of tlieXnrtiml Sehool nro ptoii-ireJ to tnUe the rftntc Cottlllcit'e Immediately mi Kr.-uluiitlnn. liriuluiueircidlty sejuns irooil i3ltl-.. i:xiiie of year from JISJ In tl-'iO. Htroiig Aciulomlo mid l'mfostmrnl C.mrtej. Now Hpcelul i nurture In JIksiiihI Training Well eniilpijou Trjilnlus.l'epiirlnient. For catalogue containing full announcements mUlre,s 1'. I.. CA.Ml'llKl.I., rroliient. or W A. ANN", HusrsMry uf Kacul'y. 1ASS of Baldwin's Celery Soda cures n heailacho nt onco. It fs a pleas ant, sparkling, effervescent drink that acts immediately. It cleans and pttrinio'j tlio Mniuacb, gently miiots tho nerves and relieve- nil pain. It cures sick and nervous litadarhe8,seatickne.iM and men tal fatigue. IOc, 25c, 50c, SI.00 Clarke &. Falls, The D.illes. Ortjjon. A Difficult Problem. ! It is ninonc the moat ditlicnlt prnh-j loin of natural science for one to lit'coine expert in several lines. .1. Ii. Ailcox & , Co., by their combination, have over-( come tliif diflicnlt-y in a practical man-. ner. J.E. Adcox is itu expert watch-i maker and is pood on jewelry, optical; work and enuritviiic while Theo. II. , Liuhe is an expert optician nnd is pood I on watch repairing, jewelry work ami ' oncravinp. Their price is as low as con sistent with pond workmanship. They; are prepared to do all work in their ' several lines, on short notice. Work sent by until or express will receive prompt ntteution. Sipn. "Hip lied Watch." I OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON EESTAIJWT And CAFE, J. B. Crossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street. r ..ghas, mM- Complete of Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. IViirlilUK I'llit mill Way The busiest and mightiest liitle tiling that ever was made is Dr. Kind's New Lifo Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness j into strength, listlessness into onerpy, brain-fat: into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health, Only 25 tents per box. Sold by Blakeley, the drugpin Butchers and Farrneps ITARRH ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught tho celebrated COl.UMIIIA HKKll, nekiimv;. eilxert tlio beat beer in The Dulles, nt tho usual price. Come In, try Hand bo convinced. Also the Finest brands of Wines, I-l-puir und ClKaru. Sanduuiehes of all Kinds always on baud, Jusi: What You cuant. In oil Its stages there iliouid be clcauiinesa. Ely's Cream Halm clcinscs, oothc; sr.dbeaU tho diieved membrane. 1 1 cures catarrh and drives away a cold In the head quickly. Cream Halm Is placed Into tho nostrils, spreads over tho membrano and Is abtorbed. Itellcfla iin- ( mediate and a caro follows. It Is not drying does not produce icecJng. Ijrgo Size, CO cents at Druj;- ' gUU or by mall ; Trial Slz?, 10 cents b7 mall. ULY IXOTUmtS, SJ Warren frtreet, X w York, j a L. Lane, UKNKKAI. p. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, 'nor Second & Lansblin. 'Phone 157 mm) i n If llryan is coiulitian of n while nnd "Monoyeil men are back of Bryan, according to a Portlnndcr recently returned from the Knst. In New York $y00,00O,(J0O is in tho hanks on which only from l& to per j JS, cent can be secured, elected an unsettled affairs will ensue for interest will run up to C, 8 or even 10 per cent. Under the circum stances, tho Portlaudor argues, the moneyed people will back the den ocratic candidate." This is from the Telegram and there is probably some truth in it. At any rato it agrees with the statement a Wasco county farmer made to the editor of Tin: CiutoNicix no longer ago than this ; morning: "If I were certain Bryan ...AND... 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE New ideas in Wall Paper hare. Sueh wide variety aa wo nip showing never be fore graced u ainulo stock, ileal imita tion creton ell'eeta at ordinary pricea. Good papurs at eheap paper priceu. Elegant duaignB, tasteful colorings, vonrn for a small price, at our atoro on Third street. Also a full Hue of house paintn. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. m CDioiiMa h&m go Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers Wagon. t RACE MARKU DcaiaNS COPVniGHTS &c. 6 Third and Jeirc?!Qn. Phone 159 FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TllANSACT A KNKHAl.IIANKINO IllIblNKB Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight. Exchange and Tolcraphi' Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore- ?:on, Seattle Wash,, and various poiuta n Oregon and Washington, Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Anyono?tii1lii intietrh mill description nxc ouloldy iict'rl.-ilii our oplnlim fruo ietlicr ( Invc-Mlliiii H irobaljy pult-ntablo. Coinmunlos Hunt alrlctlyroiilldoiiliul. Iluinlliookou I'ileiitt jent frco. Ol'lctt niicncy forHt-cutlnif patent. I'.uei.u taken tlirouuli ilunn it Co. receive rj'rciui Tinder, muiuu&cn.'iruc, iinua cientific JVttaericati. A Imniliomcljr llltutrntfl wroklr. I.htucH cir inlalloii (if any ciiitlUn ioiiriml, Turmii. J.'l a yeur: lour inontlia, tl, lioM by all nawdalvri. MUNN&Co.3C'Bar. New York Ufsucli tlrtlto, 625 Y KU VBhlDlon, U.7 fin milium ONE FOR A DOtS. lUnare Pimple., Pr.tent PILLS PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTUKKH8 0K Fine Lard and Sansagea Curers of yf BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIV.D BEEF, ETC. , 8. HCIIBIICK, i'reildent. JlKAl.L, Uaalilui First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OFIEdON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight uruu or uiiecic. remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and port. :anu. DIRKOTOHB. D. F. Thompson. Jmo. 8. BcHixiir. Ed. M. Williams, Uo. A. Luaa. U, M. tSHALL. $1.00 per month. Strictly H rat chi?s local ami loin; tllHtiinw) tulephonn service within your home. J.ini'P do not cross-talk. Your con versation will lie kept a secret. No cost (or installing. Yon pit the ntandard Humilng Loin; Dietiint Inntruincnt. Contl tiuous day and nliiht nnrviee. We will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel Hrtin'o on RtviiiK uh thirty days writ ten notii'ii. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. L " - - - . ; . w v -- -'itj KEGXiLATOR LINE. I Str. RoBtilator DALLES, P0I11UN1) & ASIOIHA NAY. HtfiimorH of tlio Uci;uliitiir Llnowllt run mrtheM.' llWiIip .-flltUllR'. III!.- V.U!!lMll- IVSUrVIIln III" IlIll O CttHjl j M t.llli.' ..kiii'u. umu.;. h no mm l.V ll.lllCH H nt 7 . M. fc" TiifMliiy S Tlminlnv H Sut11r1l.1v . Arr. rnrllmnl '. nt v. m. nr. I.v l'nrtlaiiil III 7 A. M. Mniiilny . iM'uiivsiiiiy Ship your Freight via Str. Dalles City. IIOWN , I.V. lllllk'H ' 1117 A. h. 1 .Muniluy 1 Wi iIik-kiIiiv Arr W , Regulator Line. J ntr v. k. I ut i::'.o I-, st. 1 tlr. l. l'orlUri iit":W.(,y. TuciJi; Tharxlii .nr. ut! nt 5r. 1. POR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, p.. Travel liy the Htcamcrs nf the ltcituliitor Line. Tim Cnmpiiny will cmleiiviir to Klvclli K runs the licit M-rviri' iiHhlo. l'or liutliur luliirmiitliiii J. rnrtliiml Olllue, Oak Htrcut Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Ant. Wasco Warehouse Compaii! Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot i n kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kindi Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Tlitm Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOIL FlOUr 'J'hiH Monr iu manufactured exproHsly (or fsallj tifctt: every nacl: is nunrantoed to n'tve euttefactior. Wei sell our (roods lower than any Iioiiho iu tlio trade, and if you don't think!! can ana (jot our pncen ami liu convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whea.t, Barley and Oats. M Cub FME.I OCr UV0 n..i-.i I of M lurb Commercial Sample Rooms. 5 Purest Liquors for Family Use? Dolivorod Lo any part of Ihe Oily. V Phones; 51 Local, , . Hss ijiic nuiance. 173 Second Street, y I SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! J Uo you know that .John I'ashck. tho 'tailor, is ni;oiit for two oi $ the larue.U nierchant tailorlnc Iiohh-h iu America? t$j Uo you ltnow that he will nell you a suit, niado to your order, ns $ M (,li;np 'is the hiuid.n.o-dmvn, re.'idy.iiiadc, you buy in the hIoii h, ttml V Knarantee a lit or no tale? Y 11 .. 1 ,,)( '"" k,"-that he hua alrendv on hand .for tho cnmlnK f"" f W ,n,.I,.lvvi,!lu!,lr'.V1,, 11,0 I'l'iideoiueHt and IIudhI lino of samples oyer shown in llio Dalles 1 JOHN PASHEK, Morohant Tailor, Agent. ; ft PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and' am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Panoy Grocer es. GEORQE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer. tte- Hold br ilnggMt. m U0SANK6 CO. Phil