II H SALISBURY GIVES A SURPRISE His Kqily to Germany Identical With That of the United States. London, Sept. 23. Lord Salisbury lias replied to the German note in terms identical with those of the United States. Hkkmn, Sept. J5. The foretell office officials here inform the Associated Prees that Russia and Japan have formally answered the German imtp, particularly emphasizing their agreement to the proposition to have the ministers desip n ite the ytitlty. London, Sept. L'5. According to a dispute 1 received herefrom Berlin, the Ilnssian and Japanese" replies to Germa ny's proposal, received yesterday, as serted that Russia "assents in princi ple," while Japan's answer.! an "om phalic approval." Tien Tsin, Sept. 23, via Taku, S-pt. 24. Li Hunt; Chant; will proceed for 1'ekin in a few days. Ho remains un der close Russian cuard and nccess to him is difficult. In tho course of a con versation with a representative of the Associated Press, Earl Li said he did not believe that an early settlement of the difficulty was probably because of the number of nations to be treated with, and did not think the attack upon the Pei Tang forts complicated the situ ation. Dillons cilviu a way. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering, The proprietors of Dr. Kiniz'a New DUcDvery for con sumption, coughs and colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satisfac tion of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of , hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness anil all diseases of tho throat, chest and lories are surely cured by it. Call on Blakeley, the Druggist, and pet a free trial bottle. Regular size 50c. and sfl. Every battle guaranteed, or price refunded. 3 Ordered to Manila. "Washington, Sept. 2.". The United States uovcrrinent today took the first step toward the redumption of its prom ise made to tho Russian government, August 2Sth last, by a cablegram in etruoting General Chaffee to reduce the American forces in China to the propor tions of a legation guard. Nearly a month ago, the Russian government was told, through M. de Wollant, its charge here, that if the Russian forces and ministry were withdrawn from Pekin, "no shall give instructions to to the commander of tho American forces in China to withdraw our forces Jrom Peltin alter due conference with 'the other commanders as to the time and manner oi withdrawal." That time has now come, and today's action marks the beginning of the disap pearance of the American army from China, for, although some military force is to remain, it will not be of the char acter of an army but, under the condi tions laid down in the order to General Chuffeo, and especially under 1 1 official designation as a "legation guard," will be rather of a mturu of a civil guard. This email force will not bo included in any military operations which may be conducted by the allied armies, and eo will not fall hubj-ct to the direction of Fieid Marehni Count von Waldersee, the commander-in-chief. Through the months of June and July our baby was teething and tool: a run ning off of tho boivfls and sickness of th etumach," says 0. P. M. Hollidav, of Darning, Ind. "His boweis would move from five to eight times a day. I Into u bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlurrhtui Remedy in tho house, and gave him four drops in a tea apoonfnl of water and he got better at once. Sold at BiaUelny'e drugstore. Uiimni of linpeiiilliic Ootliieulu. Shanghai, Sept. 25. It is reported from Chinese Eunices that the Dowager Empress hau issued a secret edict com manding LI Hung Chang to raise an army and ricapture Pekin. London, Sept. 25. A news agency "ilia patch from (long Kong e.iys that 20,- 000 Triads have congregated in the - -ieu, flovvora.und all kinds of floral do- iu bborhood of CI.uiik CJitiln, audi , J . , . . . . , . j slgnd -on short notice. Phono number threaten to make .in utteck on Canton Itetl Hot rriuu' tlin Gun Wiih the ball Hint hit G. II. fiteadman ol Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It cam-ed liorrlblo ulcers that no treat nient lie'ped for twenty years. Then lliicklen.'n Arnica Halve cured him . It cures cute, brulsos, burns boils, felons, corns, hkin eruptions, Beat pile cure on arth. Twenty-fivo cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Hold by Dlakeloy, the -clriiifgist. ' 3 CLAIM BURIED TREASURE. ' Thrc New Yorkem 1Ir fur it Por l tune In Ohio (iroiitul UOnrta Su Tiir Futile, h Several years pasf at times on the territory about ten miles northenst of Upper Snntfu-ky. ()., on the Dunlap farm especially, there lias been an In tense if old excitement and much pros peetinc has hem done. Now comes the htory that three New Yorker have been diuginc at night under the direc tion of .Mr. Hall. Tradition says gold was buritd on the form y nrs a'o and investigation now proves that this is not unfounded. It is Mated by one who is on the inside that upwards of $3,000 has already been taken and the prospectors have much confidence In being able to locate the $.TJA.C'i reported buried. It is related that many years ago, when this was a wilderness infested with the red men, five men left New York state with S30.U0O, e.vpectinff to invest that amount in innd. On? night, when they were encamped near n spring on what is now the Dunlap farm, three were massacred by the savage", the others being captured. The captives immediately wrote -to their relatives de.-eribing as near as possible where their money w:is located. Many efforts have been made to find the spot, but until now the efforts proved futile. Orletilnlv hh Siildlen. No European nation has succeeded in holding or eontrollhi!: tropica; posses sions without the aid of native troops. Moreover, these can he maim jineil at n much smaller cost than whi o!ilier.s. not to spealc of tii.- great ,uenp of transportation. Two-thirds 'of the Dutch army in J.na i- composed of native troops; Sprn. txfere the insur rection, had over lS.uto natives doing military service in the Philippines; and England's success in converting- the Egyptian fellahs info good soldiers is another example of how apparently poor material can be utilized. Old Deeds nt Tu.-vnhle. The treasury department at Wash ington has ruled that deeds, gf convey ance, mortgages and assignments of mortgages executed and delivered prior to July 1, 1 us. and not presented for record until subsequent to that time are not taxnhL. Persons who record such paper.- now will not he obliged to affix stamps unless the pa pers were ex'cutt-d since June SO, 1S9S. There was a war tax from September 1. HC'J, until October 1, 1S72, and pa pers executed within that period must bs stamped when recorded. Drying1 preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; thoy dry np tho secretions, which adhere to tho membrane and decom pose., causing a far moro serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snulfa and me that which cleanses, soothes .and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists goII tho 50c. size. ElyUrothers, fiC Warren St., N.Y. Tho Balm cure3 without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fover. Fur Sale. The two buildinus owned by Mrs. E. Julian, on Court etroet, between Second and Third, now occupied as a lodging housj and dressmaking shop. The buildings will be Eold, furnished or un furnished, cheap for c.ish. Apply to Airs. E. Julian. ili-Imd Are you ready to buy your fall shoes? We aro sole agents for tho celebrated Hamilton Brown Shoo Co. 'a lino of foot wear, if you want tho beat shoo for the least money, call and see us. No trou ble to show goods at tho New York Cash Store. Hustling young man can make i60 per mouth and expenses. IVrmr nont posi tion. Experience uiintceteary. YVrilo quick for particulars. Clark & Co., Fourth aud Locust Streets, Philadel phia, Pa, e8-tf Tho largest and most complete line of fall and winter millinery ever displayed in tho city at tho Campbell & WiUon millinery parlors. The prices will sell the goods, tStf Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's tun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & b'alk, ogenle. , ml - - i lo n't Hub It In, Just wet the affected part freely with Mjsterioua Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold by Clnrko & 1-alk. Mrs. Phillips is prepared to furniali 307. elO-1 m Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Mnuufuctured by Clarke & Full:. Clark & Fdlk'e drug rUcck Is new, fresh and complete. J. f. MCOBE. JOHN OAVIW MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOUNKY8 AT LAW Itooins 33 and 10, over U. 9. Laud Ofllce NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I-ANI) OFFICE ATTI1K Dallb. Or.,f AUK, 1.-, 1WM. I Notice is hfrobv clvon flint the followlnc named j-ottler tun lltal notice of Ills intention , leumike Hunt proof In support of his elnlni, ami , that said proof will be mmto before the regl'tcr , nml receiver of tho IT. W. Inml olllcu lit Tliu Holies, Or , on Snturdny, sept, vj, li'JU, viz; Henry C. (Inrdlnn, of Tho llullrn, Or., II. i:. No -ism, tor the N!j SliJ S-'cc. G. Tp 1 N, n in k. v. m. He iiiimisi tho fallowing wltrees to prove his continuous icsldeuco upon nml culttviutou of Id land, vl.i: Krnest Jordan, Albeit Jordan, John l'nshel: anil James Thomas, nil of The Unites, Oregon. nuqZM JAY P. I.UCAS, ItcsUtcr. NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tun Dallks, Or.. I (September 18, 1. I Notlco la hereby Riven Hint the fullrmiiiK named fettkr has (lied notice of her intention tnrauku tlmil proof In support of bet claim, nnd that raid ptnor will benimloberoretlieicilster and receiver nt The Dulles, Oregon, on Wedncs diiy, October 2 1, lttM, vim Kllzn K. Vlnkni-f, widow of Samuel J. Vlekers, deceased, of Jin sicr, OrcRnn, It. K. No. 3530. for the N'jSWtj and NW'i See 15. Tp2 S, It 12 K, W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove hur lontinnous residence upon mid cultivation of i.ild laud, viz.: (iconse itcnoe, of Tho Dalles, Orcein; Junes M.lcr, Ijco'Kvuns, Krlo (iiuulauil, .Mosler, Or. !pl5 JAY 1'. J.UL'AS. liCHlster. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. I..vk: Okfick at The Dalles, Or., I Hcptembo: 10, lfOl i Notice is hettbv Riven that the follnwttiK named settler has Hied notice oi his. Intention to make Html proof in Mipport of his claim, nnd that idd proof will Ik1 made before the Heiristcr nnd Itcccivcr nt The Dnllo., Oregon, en Siitur day, Octob;r2Jl 1WW, vl.: Ari lloiiH S. Kux, of The Dnltei. OreRoii. If. K. No. Mil, for the S hf N W or jud W hf SV or, Sec 12, Tp 1 H, 11 11 K, W. M. He names the followinsr wltnet-ios to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of Mild land, viz; I. C. Matuey, ('. If. Jtntncy, Charles Gosscu aud V. C. (Jlnrl;,all of The Dalles, Oregon. fCplj JAY 1 1.UOAS, itwfstcr. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Land Ofkici: at The Dalles, Or.x'ioN,) AllRUt 'A', V.W. ! Notice is hereby civen Hint tho followlng numcd kcttler lias hied notice of his intcntion to make Una! proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the ItcKlatcr and Kecclver nt The Dalles, Orciron, on Satur day, October 0, 1900, viz: I'.iiliert K. l'lillllpK, of .Hosier, Or., n K. No. WaO for the NEW NWH, NWl NK..I Pec. 'J, anil bJj HKH, Sec 1, Tp. 2 N., it. 12 i: lie names the followiujr witnesses to prove his contltiuoii- tesldence upon and cultivation of Kiiiil hind, vl.-:: lames Lewis, Dolly Mosler, I.ca Kvuns, John Miler, nil of Jlosicr, Oregon. JAY V. LUCAS, nuR'jy-l ltcitr. EXECUTOirS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have been duly appointed by tho honorable county court, of tho state of Oregon, for Wasco county, executors of the esluto of Horatio Cor son, deceaicd. All persons lowing claims against said eitato are hereby notified to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned Charles K. Corson, nt Wau-o, Sherman county, Oregon, or nt tho olliro of our attorneys, Menu, fee a Wilson, at Tho Dalles, Oregon, within six months from the date of tills notice. Dated July 11, l'.W. CHAHI.KS K. COHSON, WILLIAM K. COitsON, Kxccutors of tho estate ol Horatio Corson, de ceased. JlyJl 11 NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Land Oitick at The Dalleh. On., ( September ls.iuco. t Notire is hereby given that the following named settler has Jlled notice of her Intention to make liiml proof In mnport of her claim, mid that said proof will be made before the Iteglster una ueecivernt rue Dalles, Oregon, on Wednes day, October 21, itco, vU: .faliHt I'. NtHWiirt, or The Dnllek, Or., If. K. No. SM, for the K', SK SB rtr NK ir fcec Sj, Tp 1 N, It 12 K, and KV or N W iir Sec SO, Tp 1 N, R i.l i:, -M. She names tho following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.- I). D. Nelson, K. F. Shar--. John Fleming, Daniel Htewart, nil : Tho I laltcs. K-pl5 JAY 1. LUCAS, Iteglster. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. IvANo Okfick at The Dali.ks, Okk., j July 23, I'xo. Notice la hereby given that tho following named settler has Mtd notice of Her Intention to commute und make llnal proof In support of her cl-dm, and that said proof wlll'be in ado be fore the ic glstcr nml receiver at Tho Dalle,, Oregon, on Thurtday, September 20, l'joo, viz; I.hIh A, Holm, iifThn Dillus, dr., II. K. No. filK), for (he NWJ4 KKK, V-Vi SWW, and SWJ,i. Sec. y, T, 1 H., It. 11 H . JI. She names tno following wltne-ses to prove Iter continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land xlx: I'eter Kugnn. G, Wctmore, Charles ilntncy, V. Fox, nil of The Dalles, Or. JAY 1'. LUCAS, M l(o isier NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tin: Dallkji, On., j beptember, 10, woo. ( Notlco Is hereby gien that the following named settler has filed notice ol his Intention to make tlnal proof in support of his claim, and that mill proof will b made before thu register mid receiver nt The Dalle, Oregon, on Saturday, October 3), IWlO.vW.: Charles II. .Yliitno , of The Dalles, Oregon, II. K. No. 50M, for tho S hf Ear mid W hf SK qr, cec 12, Tp 1 S, It 11 Ho names (ho following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon mid cultivation of said 1 uul, viz.: A. fi, Fox, I, c Fagan, Charles Oosaou and W, C, Clark, till of The Dalles, Oregon. kep!5 JAY 1'. LUCAS, ItCBister. NOTICE FOlt 1'UHLICATION. 1.A.S1) Oitick atTllK D.W.I.KS, Obb.,1 Auguhtyi, iwio. I Notice is hereby clvcu that the following named tcttlcr hat, tiled notlco of his Intention to I mane uiiai proof in tupport of lils riaun, mid that hald proof will bi made before thu lieglnter and Itieeiver at The Dallee, Oregon, no Weiiues day, Octobo-10, 1D00, viz.: OoorH Y. .toliiintiio, f Tim Ilnlli-N, Or,, ii. K. No.5ll, for the NW UKi mid KK NWjf hee IS. Tp 1 K, it It K, W. I. Ho names thu following wltnoii-cstii provo hla coutioiiotis rc-sldviice upon, nnd cultivation of tmld laud, viz: J'. I'. Tnylor, W'm. Bbnrn, J. W. Johnston nnd It. V., Teaguc, till of Tho Dulles, Oregon. tr) J JAY 1'. I.UCAH, lleglstor. EXEUUTOIVS NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that tho undersigned has been duly nppoliited by tho bonordilo ton it of tho ktnto of Oregun, for Wuco county, ex- cculor of Hit) cituto of Aumut Iiachmnn. do. censed. Alt Knoim having Chilian against mid c'ntnto tire hereby notified to prevent tho name, properly verified, to the undesigned George D, Heed, at Tho Dalles, Wacco county. Oregon, or at thu of! co of his iittorneyn. Mcnefeoit Wilton, ut Tho Dulleii, Oregon, wltliln fix rnouthn from the dale of tills notice. Duted thin Hth day of July, 1900. (JKOKUti D. REBP, Executor of the citato of Auauit Ilaohnian. deceased. ly:'l-l CC '2c 3H 1 ll at' k If. as iji as 1 ft f v :3iu a hz : ;3iM i; 1 'SE 2:i j iC ' I f 't h as' i ag r 'JC B H5U h IP jf.. nif.T.MItfn I1MI1HIIII11I .MMTMMIlrMH...M.MI.Mni.lllttM.MMimMtMI1lltllMIM..Mtll ly ij , -t SfCf f.litiiiHrthnHTnHiiTniiTmmniHPitmnnimiiiilHniuiminit Ilf"t" . IrJlVlBlA BREW ERY... AUG-UST BUCHLEK, Prop. Ui the proiluct of this well-known brewery tho United states Llimlth Reports for .Juno S. 1000, piiyn: "A more aupeiior brow nevor ontored the Itilirntory of the United StntoR Health mpurta. It ie uhfolutely dovoid of tho slightest trnco of nilulturntion, but on tho ntlmr hnnd is nmupohocl of tho bust of malt and clinical of hops. Ite tonic iirmlitivH arc of tho liiejli cat and it can bo used with tho cjrentcst honclit mid caliBfiiullon by old and younir. Its use can coiiKcicutiously bo prescribed by tho physicians itli thu ccrsainty that n bottur, purer or morn wholesome huvcriio,o could not possibly he found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Grandall - DEALERS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. funeral Supplies T- House Painting... The titidcreinniid haa taken poseoeflion of It. A. Spivey paint Hbop, next door to the Vojjt opera liouo, anil lma pur chased the tools nnd ladders. Ho hag Kood meoiiiwiioj working for him, nnd will uu urAii tee M work to uivo smis.'ae tion. S. K. KELLY. Noricic for pub'lca1;ion7 Lvnii Ofkiit. at Va.ncouvkii. W'ahiij ..,,, , Aug. Hi, lwiy. Notlco Is hereby given that tlio following nnmcd icltlerhas llled notlco of his Intention 0 make llnal proof In support of his nlnlm, and that said proof will bo mudebeforo W. It. I'rcsby. 1 lilted Ktatc-s Commissioner for District of WitshiaKtoii.at hlsoincein (InMemlale, Wu,ih. ington, on October 1, MOu, viz: ilolili Wiitson, 1'. O. iiddrcH Ceiitervlllc, Wush., who made hommtfad mm Ication No. o:L'r. for n.i. m.' ni'i aw pi, Tp II N, K 1 1 U, W. M. ' ' Who li.onea Hut follruvimr ivli,iiti.f.Q .r,... his continuous resilience upon mid cultivation of mild land, viz.: Charles fitraiibe, William Wilkinson, jnmn ''' wild 1'Hlrlck llnggeity, nil ol Centervlllo 1. O,, Washington. '"8-1 W. It. Dl'NliAI!, neislster. xNOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. i "'iPi0 ,Is .1.,'r.ey,Hlv!',l ,tl",,t "'0 uiulerslgiied hnvo llltil with the Clerk of tho county court of the htatonf Oregon for Win?eo eoiiiitv,thclr fluul iieiountiisextcutorHof tho last will und leita ment oi Henry Itanium, decean-d, nnd that Monday, tho lib day of November, l'joo, nt the hour of 10 o clock n. tn hns been llxeii by tho County court for calil county us thu time, ami tho county court mom In Dalles City an th.' place for hc-mlMK of objections to s.ild final ac count und thu H'ttlumeut of tho sumo. J. W. I'ltlCNCII, l' 1". MAYtl. eil5 nxecutorc JJU. It, J. NMI'l'll, Osteopath. Itooins 10 mid II, Chapman Woclc, Tho Dalles, f reiton. 8C,i AD.M INISTHATOIt'H NOT10E, Noilcols hoio'iy clven thut tho undcriilKiicd ha been duly nppolnted by thu county court of tho state, of OreKon, for iuco county, ndmliils. trntor of thu citato of UlUaucth A. Southern, cieceused. Alt irMiiia having claims uKalnut tnoobilcof raid ilecuaned nro hereby notltlul to pruient tho amo, with the proper voucher! tbtrefor, to me at my oitlco In Il ijd, Oregon, .1. ,. .j .(.ifi,.!,,, iiuiii uiu uuiu iiervoi. DatulUepteuihorlil, 1900. 0. II, BOUTHKBN. Wifi AdmtuUtrator. The Chronicle, Iho Dnllon, OP. I .IN 1 ;ai- r.i ! ."C i lite' ,dob Printers. i 0 1 :m K!3I THE CELEBRATED 0 0 0 & Barget Robes, Burial Shoes Ete. The Weekly Oregonian and Twice-a-Week Chronicle for $2.00 a year. All eiibeurlbcrfl to the Weekly Chron icle who pay one yearn ftibeaription In ad vane, will be entitled to tho ubovo liberul ofl'er. CHRONICLE PUB. CO., The Dullee, Oregon. f C. F. Stephens ...Dealer In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. ' llootn, Hhoes. lints, dips, Notions. Act. f' j for W. h. DiiiikIiih Mhoe. lAALII) eliortcuB jM Urease -1 helps the team. Saveo wear nod expense. Sold everywhere. M STANDARD OIL OO. 0.R.&H OKPAItT FOU TIKE fCIIKDIHR, 1'iwia liAi.i.r.B, Ai:ti Fioic l'HHt Mall Snlt I.ukr, Denver. H Worth. Omaha, Kan. 12:25 p. m, rns tuty, nt. Uui, l.lilmirri, xittl I..... 1 tp Atlantic KxtirciH 12:Wn. in, Vl.i Until iiiMton. Suit Liika. Denver, I't, t:.t uorin, (ininlia, Kan jiw City, HI i, UhleiiKii iilid l-:ait. i atJikaue Si Ml t nnd i:xprc.'9 U'nlln Wnlln U,w,L......I . . illnticmmlli.s v, V iu 1 nth, Mllwmikcv i.,.1 t'hlcnao nml Knst, via v,?2 ton; nlito all iolnt lm WiishtliKtimnlid Kutt-i a-ai, em Ori-Kou. 1 - L U:2." t. m S p. m. KllOM I'OI'.TLAMi Oeemi Kti-utii iliip I'or Hun I'laiteNco Kvery 1'ivo Da s. 'P.B. K j i. m. Kx.huudiy niulltittty 10 p. III. Columbia Itv. UUiuiicm.JKxsqS, I'll AKTlUIlt .,,,.1 H'....' ,UU'' I'liidliigs. r. n. in. i:.tiuudny Willamette lifi-i-,. . Orcsou City. I.mvl.erj, EijJuoSi ftiuem A ny Ijintl's. ". a. :u, T'lleMl hllr. WlLI A ?ttk mi V au 3:30 s. a. HILL IIIVIIKS. 1 mid Sid. Mon.,W OreKon City, liiivton, mtd Wny-Ifluthnp-. mid Ftl. Hh.vkk Itivsi:, l.v lllutlii ltlpi;rla lo I.owMon. dnliy !)::( n. in. J.M71 I.P.WITOS dally ' 9.00 a. a flf I'nr.KM delrini: to in, id llcpptcr or i noint.Hon Coluiiiblnt-otilhern via lllg,itio-oll hike No. 2, leilvlug 'I he Dalles nt 1-W ji. d, ' ini.king illiei'teonueellnus nt llc)ipiicr Junctlra 'and lllggt lli'tnrnlng l:iiiAlii-thr(i'tcotintlMi nt Heppner Jiini-tlnn nml Ukz Utli Ko. l.u- rblttg nt 'Jlie Dalles all' .ai i m I I'or full particular r ' ' itgesit The Dullea. or i. ' o & K fo.'i ' UMII'ltT, '"llliicii.Ot 1Mb n .fir S I aill Yellowstone Park Line. thi: dining oa h itot'Ti: rnoji roitUASD to Tin; i:aht thi: only Diitiitrr i.ini: totiii; ykllow- HI ON K I'AKK I.RAVK. Union Depot, Filth and 1 sis ami. No. 2, Knst mull for Tiii'oma, Henttle, Olympla. driys : Hiubor nnd .Smith lletul pgluta, Kpoknno. I!"" bind, it. (',, Pullman, Micow, l!lstnu, lltif 11:13 A, M. fnlolItimpiiilntUKOonn I try, Helena, Mtuueapo tlls, Ht. l'nlll, Omahit, K'atiMis City, Ht. I.ouK No. ;,W 1'. SI. (Jlilcnifi) lino mi puims east und roiitheait. No. I, lliSO 1'. M, No. 3. l'uiret Bound Kxpre.s , , ,, for Tiieonm and Henltlo 7;COA,51. mill Intermediate points l'tillmnn llrst-olass nnd tourl't nleeier t Mliiiienpiills, Ht. I'uulmui MIsMinrl tlverpoln" without cdiiuiKC. . Vuitlhilled trnliiH. Union depot cunnectwci in nil prlnclpiil cities , , . HiiRK'iKC "becked to dcstltmllon of tickets. Kor haiiilHomely Ulnnitatt.-cl ilcsorf pttvo ruaticr, tlckuts, NleepliiK-car renervatlous, etc., call ouor write A. D. CHARLTON, Akslstnnt (ionoriil I'lmseintcr Airent. Moul sou Htreet.coruer Third, l'nrtlaml, Orcuon. SOUTH and EAST vln tOlilG 00. Shasta Route Trains lenvo The Dalles for 1'orSlana nud WJf stntlous nt t;ii n. in. und I! p. m. henvi! Cortland " Albany Arrive ANhlnud " Hacrnmi.'iito .. " Hail Francisco . !l'"n .HIPS .fjjaiain 10;Wi'ia ,12::tlnm HiSJ" . ftiiHipm i;?" ,7.-fipm !'5aW AtrlvoOKdon , " Deliver " Kntis.isClty.. " Chleaqo ...... :ir""" '.V-iuSS . 7iitim 7 , 7. IS a I" 'J0""1 Arrive Um AukuIuh ... , . 1 t'.'O p m . (how p in ,. (liiUIII in ,,. ll;,Vni m ,,. 1:00 ma ., (li'.'Sa m ., liil'ill in ,1'Jsiapm 7;0OW ti;W I'"1 ii;;aaw y:5lHiu 1:00 si'' fliUlpw fl,3uiii r.i j-neo ........ " Tort Wortl " City of Sloxleo . " IluilHtOII " New Orlenus... " WnshliiKtou..., " New York, rnlliiinn nnd Tourist enrs .on hot'i "I'' Chulre.irs Haormiieiito to OKdeu ami i', 'm, mid tourist curn to ChlCiiKo, Ht houls, Ni"u' (cutis and WnNhtiiRtoii. .CoiineotluB nt Kim Kriinclsco with ?JH steamship llnea for Honolulu, Japan, llu" rhlllpplncs, Cuiitrnl nml Huuth Ameilcn. Beo iiBont at Thu Dulles iihithin, or ad(l C. H. NIARKHAM, Gcuurul I'asienger Aisont, Vortiiiol, 0t JH. K. K. VBItaiJHON, Physician and Surgo" Offlco, Vogt Ulook (over 1'ostolllce), Waplmo-dw THE PAhhKd, O'-tKOON. rTv SQUihera Pc