foelofs Hstts. To tho well -dressed masculine world, Roolofa Hats need no rccomiiioiHlatioi). They havo for many years represented tho high er slandard, creating llio styles and furnishing tho models for all the imitations in the hat trade. Wo carry the full lino of tho otW standard goods. We have Til 10 BEST at prices ranging down to $1.25 for men, and 50c and $1.00 for youths; with, of course, tho usual exhaustive stock of boys' and children's novelties in hats and caps. A Shirt Wind oca. A window, full of shirts todav. A hundred patterns of NEW FALL SHIRTS, including THE MONARCH. Here's a shirt worth while studying. Tho variety of patterns is the largest, and tastiest and the quality the best to' be had anywhere. Every shirt in the lat a fitter. Just Two Shoes. Children's Kangaroo Calf, but ton and lace. Children's Kid, button and lace. Heavy Soles plump stock. Sizes 6 to 8 . .$1.15 Sizes 8 1-2 to 11, - $1.35 Sizes 11 1-2 to 2, - $1.65 Excellent School Shoes. Your money's worth in every pair. Pease & Mays' Shoe Department. Fall Dress Goods.. PLAID BACK GOODS for rainy-day skirts in all tho latest cloths. NEW PEBBLE SERGES in navy and black. VENETIAN CLOTHS for tailor suits. Suit and Skirt Department. In our Suit ad Skirt Depart ment tho stock is now complete, and wo havo some startling bargains to offer. Have you seen our RAINY DAY SUITS and SKIRTS? The correct thing for Fall wear. Give tho department a call. All Gooclu Marked In Pltiln Fltfurus. PEASE &, MAYS The Dalles Daily Gimmick W KILN KS DAY SEPT. 20. 1903 ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Kollor's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. I vhv u Mvotit jouiik mother stuinl Where Mimv liml drifted n'ur the land, A h.iho win lyiiiR on her breast, It Imuilit form Apiliist hurself alio fondly jircsattl To keep It warm. In Inter yeam I jmsm'iI unco mora And caw her nt the cnttiiijo door; A boy whs lylni; on her knvu, Her look was irrlm. Mill, still'erlni; Joshua! how ohu WiiH wiirinlnir htm 1 (JIiIcuro Tlme.s-llernlil New hIiocb for full ond wintur just re coived ut tho New York CubIi Store. Profeeaor Sandvig'o eecoiul dance of tho season will be given nt the Baldwin Saturday night. B20-20 A marriage licenso was issued toduy to ICrnat Lueddoimuin mid Elizabeth Kleiinor French. A marriage licenan w.ib issued yester 'ly lo ClmrloB K. Hayley nnd Juliet Jonee, of Antolopo. Wheat thiR morning dropped a cent a bushel, mid stood for tho day in this m.irkct ut CO cents for No. 1 Club. A lodno of tho A. O. U. W. was organ izeil at Slmnlko luat weolc with thirty members. Eleven members of Antelope I-odne, No. . , and ubont thirty mem bers (if U'llftcn M.iro mill Hr.i.u V.,ll,... I'iIkob ablated. The animal re-port of Joy Lynch, Kint of tho Yakima Indian reservation t Fort Simeou, has been made public. Hu gives tho population of the reserve tlonua LilOO people, nnd the lands held tno trlho us 800,000 acres. - Horn, Tuesday, 25ih Instant, nt iSorth Ultima, Wnsh., to Mr. unci Mrs. M. B. Muiehie, formerly of thin city, u son. ura. Murchio u ill io roinomberodaa,, iiuiiHj oyiveaior, Aiotuer uuu child were doing well at laet accounts. The laat payment due the Nez Percea 'or tho coaaion of tho anrplus lands on Hie reservation is about to bo made, nnd will nmonnt to tho neat little Bum of 92,718, which vlll bo distributed among tho 1700 Indians on the resorvu t'on, which will give them $55 each. Attending the Spokane Industrial ex position this year, which opens next TuiMlay, October 2d, will be like going to a fashlonablo thoator.' Tho Bents nro to bo cuahlonod and heated by steam nd;ono of tho beat batidH of Europo comes nil tlio way from Italy to fnrnlah mitalc, Tho first frost of tho season nt this Plci occurred Inst nidH. It wna not 80yoro, although plaint visible on tho Bldewnika and roofs A houses half nn our after sunrise. According to the wosther bureau the average date on which the first "killing froat occurred in autumn durini; tho iriist twenty-eight years was November 2ith. Dow Palmer, who pua well-known m this city while operator for the Western Union Telegraph Co., died this morning, September 20tli, nl the home of hia mother in Salem, On;., of quick con sumption which he ia auid to huvo eon- trar.ted from a fellow-operator. Since the O. It. has taken con trol of tlio Ihvnco Knilwoy & Navigation Company's property, work line been in progress placing tlio roadbed in good condition. It ia understood that the company ia preparing to haul logs from Shoalwater bay to the Columbia. The Astoria News ptibliuliea a Btato ment made by u seiner to the edict that one of the traps near Cathlamet had thirteen tone of llsh on Die opening day of the season. It had been tiahmg for about n week before the season oponed. Another of the traps in that vicinity can ulit bo many fieii that the pot would not hold them, and all escaped. One of tho worst wind storms in the history of the country waa experienced in Eastern Waabiugton Saturday. In Spokane the wind blew forty-eight milcH an hour for a few miuuteB, a velo city equalled but twice iu eighteen yenrs. There wua a fall of fourteen de grees in the temperature in less than half an hour. Monday morning, when tho janitor of tho state houee at Salem, opened the doors of tho weat portico, he found three dozen dead English sparrows on the stairway. Thoy had dashed thomselvea to death agninat the walls and coitinga illuminated by the brilliant electric light, and were probably driven from their roost in the domo by the owla that haunt tho cupitol. A stranded whnlo nbout ifly feet in longtli was ono of tho yyhts for tho curlotiB at Seaaido on Saturday after noon, says the Aatorhiu. Tho whale ran too close in shoiVat low tide, or as tho tide was going out, and was left high and dry oiytlio sands. An Kb im mense carcass might become a hard proposition to dispose of if killed, it waB not disturbed and at' tlio next high tide it got off and escaped. Malcolm S. Jameaou, who was deputy Unitod Statoa marshal at this place about ton fyearB ago, nnd who went to Manila with tlio Oregon Volunteers and was promoted while there from sergoant to second lloutenant, is lyiug very ill at St. Vlncont's Hospital in Portland, nnd nt laat accounts tile case was considered almost hopeless, and his mother, who resides in Now York, has beon sent for. He Iiiib been ill for nearly three uiontlie. It Ib said that Ashland people didn't wnke up enough to know that there was an editorial association meeting iu that city laat week. Tiiia mado the Record man mad, and ho wrole hot BtulT under tho bond. "A Cold Reception. Ashland Gives tho Oregon. Press Association the Marble Heart nnd tho Klondike Ularo. A Discreditable Affair." Everywhere eUe the editors have beon treated with tho greatest of courtesy and considera tion, banqueted, niven rides, etc., to much bo that this jtiried them. Albany Democrat. Attorney General Blackburn has ren dered an opinion on county nseeaements to the effect that county clerks must re turn the summary of the assessment roll in accordance with the provitiotiB of the law of 1800, and cannot make other classifications than are designated by that act. The attorney-general, there fore, advised that summaricB of the as sessment "rolls be not tiled in tho office of the secretary of state, unless the clas sification given in the act of 1S!)9 arc followed. A pitiuble and unusual ease came be fore the city recorder laet nicht, wheu a young man cf 20 years or so asked lodg ing for the night in the city jail. The recoider asked the lad if he had bad lib eupper and understood him lo say that hie wants in this respect had been sup plied, but was surprised this morning to find the boy claiming that he had not eaten anything since Monday morning. He was promptly supplied with a good breakfast aud went hie way. Tho boy claimed that he could have obtained employment at Moaier but was too sick and weakly to stand tiie work. Two employes on the O. R. & N. im provements near Moaier came to town yesterday afternoon and proceeded to load themselves with forty rod lightening and as a natural result, after spending the night in the city skookum house, found themselves this morning in the presence of bis honor Judge Gates, charged with tho crime of drunkenness. Tlio judge, ae ie hie wont, slezed them up aa being able to pay a fine of if 2 each nnd so mulcted tbein, but he over estimated their resources for tho night's carousal had exhausted their exchequer aud they were returned to the pen to servo out their finca. 1'EOrLK CUfltlXC AND GOING, Uinkle, of Ante- gone to VotoH for (uoen of the Carnival . At 2 o'clock this afternoon the yote for queen of the carnival etood as fol lows : Annie Haslam 135 Cora .folea Ill Grace Scott 1)8 ValoEca Liebo 08 Lizzie Donn 70 Clara Nickelsen -12 Louise Mlcholbach 52 May Gushing 10 Georgia Sampson 8 Mtlllutiry Oiienliic. Mies Haven, successor to Mrs, C. L, Phillips, announces her fall millinery opening of French pattorn and houso trimmed tints on Wedueadny, Thursday Friday nnd Saturday, Sopt. 20, 27, 28, when tho moat nuthentle styles In new and novel millinery will be displayed. A new shipment of ready. to-weur street hats just arrived. The New York Cash Store is the sole agent for the Hamilton Brown Shoo Go.'b line of footwear. Cark & Falk are never cloaed Sunday JXm't forget this. Mr. and Mrs. Wm lope, are in town. Deputy Sheriff Sexton has Waninitia on official buainees. F. H. Button, of Hood River, was in town last night and left for home on the Regulator this morning. . Martin Z. Donnell and wifo left yester day for North Yakima, where they will visit the Washington state fair. v-- Mrs. J. G. Robertson and daughter, Miss Maudie, weie paseenpers on the Regulator this morning for Portland to spend a few days visiting friends. Max I.ueddemann, of the Antelope Herald, is in the city for the purpose of attending the wedding of his brother. Ernst, which takes place tonight at the M. E. church. Profeeaor Sandvig left on t ho noon train for Heppner, where he will orga nize a weekly dancing clasa next Friday night. He will be back here in time to conduct his Saturday night dance at the Baldwin. " This Escaped Editorial Censorship. TRICKS PLAYED WITH JEWELS How the Value- of Gem la Sometimes IucreHHcd hy Adroit Jeweler. The Walla Walla Statesman, since Colonel Parker left it, ia one of the most intense calamity howling institutions that The Chronicle wots of. Yet here is what it published last Tuesday in the form of an interview with a Walla Walla man who had just returned from Visiting a number of logging camps on the Sound: "I found them all in a nourishing con dition, both in the point of increase since last summer and iu genera permanency. I never saw the West Side in such a prosperous condition; industries of every sort are in full operation, and there is not an idle man to be seen. In fact, there is a great scarcity of laborers aud thousauda of men are right now needed in the immense logging camp3 of Paget Sound. Good wages are being paid for every kind of labor. When 1 was in the little town of Cosmopolia I had the pleasure of seeirfgoyer two hun dred men lino up, last Saturday even ing, in front of u large lumber and box factory to receive their week's wages. About six hundred men were paid oil that eveniui;. Tho same condition ex ists everywhere I visited." The editor of the Statesman ought to ccaeo calamity-howling or make u more vigoioua use of his blue pencil. v GOING EAST- If you intend to tako a trip East, nsk your ticket agent to routo you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date railroad iu every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls nnd every through train has free reclining chair care, Bleep ing aud dining care. Stop ovf r allowed on all tickets at Ni agaru Fulls. Ross O. Clink, Pacific Coast Pass, Apt,, Los Angeles, Calif. O. S. Ciiank, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tie Kind You Havi Always Bought Bears the Signature of There are tricks in all trades and tlie tricks of the jewelers are sbmetimesso adroit as to deceive the nioyt expert who are unfamiliar with them. Larg-e rubies, can now be made out of tm a 11 that would, when cut, take in even an ixpert lapidary if he trusted to his eye only. He must examine with a micros-cope to detect the vamped-up ttone. Some bubble,- in it are then visible, that is all. The double refraction, that t'epth of color which is a carets to the eye, and the liar(?ncs are there. The vnmped-np ruby is produced by melting- the small rubies into one. A clover device of jeweler.' who go in for cheap iKs.y or cheating--is to bet a ro.e dia mond on a foundation of paste. The gold settluy hides the joint. The first application on a Inrjre scale of this, trick took place not Inn nyo nt Brussels. A man entered n jeweler's shop, and, saying he had 'c;i! at rou lette and needed money, ut once of fered for sale his wife's necklace. The price lie atked was only half the'ap parent value. The jeweler examined it, found the wide refraction of the din mond which is. the winse of those bril liant fireworks, but still was mistrust ful. "As you are so hard up," he said, "1 can't do anything. My condition for a transaction is thin that you leave this necklace with me for two days." This was' agreed to. lie took the first ex press to Parisian.! showed tho necklace to some experts'. They took part of it to pieces and discovered the fraud. SPARROWS PURSUE A CAT. Iow ft Tabby Lost Her Life hy Iu dulKlutr Hur niaraudiuir IHviioultlou, The ivy which o.Mm'bK. the north wall of the United Coiiffregatioiial church in Newport, It furiii.shes a retreat for thousands nf sparrows, A cat had noticed the birds, and no doubt con ceived the unrt'.'is-onalih) idea that here she iniyht p(.-ibly tiwl a nest with a toothsome ye.ung- bird in it. So pussy climbed the ivy and reached a point whore, she had seen one of the birds disappear amid the thick leaves. Stretching out its paws where it sup posed a nest would be a loud chattering ensued and a m, rind of spairows dart ed out and attacked the cat with fury. It was indeed a vicious onslaught, They pecked and chattered and flut tered at a great rate ami the eat was bewildered. To free ItsoJf from the assault the cat spit and fought aud howled, but It was of no use, the birds kept at It until their enemy fell to the ground. This did not stnp'the com bat of the birds. Thf. kept pecking away until they were rtred. The cat did not move and occasionally a spar row would drop to the ground a safe distance from its enemy, as if to tee if it was dead. Some littL- time after ward a witness of this strange strug gle went to the spot and found that the cat was dead. Its eyes hud been lit irally dug out and Its head was a mass of bleedjug wouuds. Subacribe for The Chronicle, To Delinquent Taxpayer. The County Court having authorized the immediate collection of delinquent taxes, I am compelled to comply with Its rrqueet, and will therefore proceed nt onco to advertlee. If you are delinquent you w ill save cost nnd expenses by Im mediate nnyment. AM personal prop el ty unpaid Mill be attached at tho coat and expense of tho owner without fur ther notice. Rodkiit Kkm.y, Sheriff of Wneco Co., Or. The Dallt-P Sept. 17. 100U 17 29J-W Full Oiienliij;, Mra. Jnyno Invites the ladies lo call nnd see her display of fall and winter hats Tuesday and Wednesday after noons, Sopt 25th and 20th, at her new storo one block east of the pnstoflice. mays & Crowe The only store f this city where th Oenulne Imported Stransky-Stecl Ware is sold, A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen pieces of so called cheap enaru eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has the name Strnnsky Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at 1C International Exhi bitions. II ip; best award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago. Pre ferred by the best cookingauthorities, certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Remember thia celebrated enam eled waro is special ly imported for and sold in thi3 city ex clusively by us. It docs not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is not aflectcd by acids in fruits or veiieiauies, ...HI 1 . - : 1 stew, t boil, roast l.r. I.,, with ou t imparting flavor o previously ( n n It il food nnd Inst for years. will Wo cau. tion tlio public against imitation ncsisuiuQ. CHOCOLATE BON SONS. FRESH TODAY. DIRECT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. J. A. EBEELE, pipe Jail orip A completo line of Fall and Winter Suiting, l'antlnt'e and Overcoating, now on dirplay, 100 diliVrent varietur to ee K'ct from. Suits, $20 apd up. Call and examine goods beforo boIiik eleosrhere. Second etreet, opp, Maya & Crowe's,