The Dalles Daily Chronicle. "WEDNESDAY - - SEPT. 20, 19C0 For 1'rodUlent WILLIAM M'KINLEY, Of Ohio. For VlceI'roMleiit THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of New Yorlt, l'OIST OF ARGVMEXT MISSED. The Porto Rican election laws re qnlrc that voters shall have been Tesulcnts of the municipality for one year, that they must be taxpayers and tint they must read and write. Yet when similar exactions arc laid down in North Carolina, the repub licans get up on their hind legs and bowl. Albany Democrat. The Democrat misses the point or the republican argument. The re publicans are not "howling" at dem ocratic restriction of the ballot, per se, but at the hypocracy of Uryanism that "howls" about its restriction among the ignorant masses in our new possessions while democratic re striction, among a much more in telligent class of voters iu tLj South, is accepted without apology, much less condemnation. If It is right to restrict the ballot to the intelligent among the negroes of .North Carolina it cannot bo wrong to restrict it to the intelligent among the more ignorant colored population of Porto liico nnd the Philippines. If Uryan ites have tears to shed over the violation of the constitution and the doctrine of the consent of the gov erned, let them be shed impartially Jackson for the republic of an Alt geld, a Till mmi or a Bryan." LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN. From J. Knobel'a pasture, three miles eouth of town, two mares. 0:iu la a iliuk bay, branded II on left shoulder, left hind foot white, weight about 1150 pound?. Tho other is brown, big I) on left shoulder, weight about S00 pounds. A liberal reward will bo paid for their return to J. Kniibel,or formioli informa tion as will lead to their recovery. el You will not have bolls if von talto Clarko & Falk'ri sure euro for boils. (MrtG The populist candidate for gov ernor of Texas has withdrawn fiom the ticket and written a letter in which he roundly denounces the democratic party for its inconsis tency. At Bryan's statement that the republican party will destroy the republican form of government he is particularly scathing, saying the democrats are the only organized party that ever deliberately shot to death the American flag; that ever disfranchised citizens by millions! that enslaved its free born. It forced the war with Spain, and then obstructed the appropriations to pay for it; it voted to ratify the treaty with Spain and pay 20,000,000 for the Philippines, and has ever since been clamoring to turn them loose nnd shake the responsiDility. As a former democrat, tho Hon. Jerome C. Kearby has drawn a severe but truthful incictment against the Agum nldo sympathizers. "Abraham Lincoln and Bryan! Abraham Lincoln and Altgeld! To associate these names toghther as allies in a pronounce them together in the same breath is not only a fraud, it is a sacrilege." So said Carl Schurz, speaking at Peoria in 1896, and what was true then is truo now, having gained emphasis with the passing years. iLASS of Baldwin's Celery Soda cures a heartacho at onco. It ia a pleas ant, sparkling, effervescent drink that cotsimmedlately. Itcleaua andpuWIUes tho stomach, gently quiets the nerroj and relieves all pain. It euros sick ami nervous headaches, sea!cknes and mn tal fatigue. IOc, 2Qc. BOc. SI.OO Clarke & Falk, The Dalles. Ortpon. Working Night and Ituf The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is r. eutmr-co.Ued globule of health, that chanties weakness into strength, Iistlessiiess into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're woiderful in building ui the health O'dy 25 cents per bos. Sold by Blukeloy, the drugiiist. " 3 Nasal Jiff "The party which will not allow the constitution to follow the 11a" through the Carolinas, through Mis sissippi and Texas, has no occasion to distress itself about the constitu tion's journey 4,000 miles across the Bea." Republican Stato Platform, .Now lork. In rJl its stages there should be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm cleanse?, soothes and heals tho diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives away a coM in tho head rmlekiv. Cream Balm is placed Into tho nostrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Ite'.lcf la Im mediate and a euro follows. It Is not drying does not nrodaco tneezln". Larcre Size. 60 cents at Drug gist or by mall ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. XXjI iArJinciu, w warren inreci, jmcw none BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke & Fnlk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes 12a a meal ticket at the Umatilla ilouee restaurant; $5.50 for .". el-tf Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Clarke & Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated Jatne E. Pat ton strictly pure liquid paints Wanteil. Four or five boys, (joint: to school durii k winter, to board. $12 a month with room nnd plain washinir. Across street from High school. Apply uhko.niclk otneo. at d.vwltn Ileal Kstate for Hule. Twenty-threo lots, located from fiev r'lth street to Twelfth, for sale at from $50 up. Inquire at the Columbia tfo.el. aSO-tf v - v "n 4 "Thirty-eight years aero Mr. Mo. Kinloy on the field of Autietam was promoted from sergeant to lieuten mnt If - ll. T m, bujq mo ledger. "lie was fighting then as now because some body wanted to haul down tho flag." Already tho census mgn has found over 528,000 manufacturing eslab- hsbments, ss against 322,088 in 1800. ibis looks as though tho trusts were not crushing out individual enter prise at such a great rate, Bourko Cockran, of New York, Who now prates of "imperialism" and in trying to got tho silver Issue out of the New York campaign, has said : The Atrorican nation will' nover oop?ent to substitute the republic of Washington, of Jefferson and of r r r x - r I K I r L. Lane, OENKKAL ,2 3 3 BiacKsmiin J ...AND... Horsesnoer Wagon and Carriage Werk. Pish Brothers' Wagon. Tiiirfl and Jefferson. Flione 159 ftetitfing from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots nnd Shoes, nt much less than whoU-salo orlcee. Will sell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must "be closed out "before 30 days. and bargains. All poods will bo sacrificed except Thompson's niovc-llttinu Cortols lluttutick Patterns. Your price? will bo iniiiu. Call early and secure J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sta. State JSlotfmal School, MONMOUTH, - OREGON. Tall Term Opens September 18, 1900. 5tuilcnt of the Xntuul School are prepared to tnko tho State Cerllllcn'o Immediately " graduation. Graduate iroadlly sojuro jrooJ positions. Kxp-jnso of year from .?1A to tlDO. Strong Acndemlo nnd Professional Oourte5. Now Special Departure In Manual Trnluliut Well equipped Training Department. for catalogue containing full announcements address 1". U OAMPUKI.L, President, or V A. ANN, Ssjretn.-y of KncuUy. A Difficult Problem. I Jt la among tho mojt difficult prob-! lews of ntitural science for one to becomo ' expert iu several lines. J. E. Adeox & ( Co., by their combination, linvn "over-: couie till? tlilliouHy in a practical man- ner. J. E. Adcos ia an expert watch- j maker and ia good on jewelry, optical! work and engruviui:, wlillo Theo. H. j Liebe is nn expert optician and is goocl.' on watch repairing, jowelry work nnd , ensiravinir. Their price is as low as con- i sistent with irond workmaushin. Thev ' are prepared to do all work in their j several lines, on short notice. Work' sent by mail or express will receive j prompt attention. Sign. "Hig lied ; Watch." OPEN DAY APJD NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE. J. B. Orossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street r Butchers and Farmers . .Exchange. . Keps on draught tho celebrale4 COLUMBIA HKKli, aoknowl edged the best beer In Tbo Dalles, at tho usual price. Come In. try It and be convinced. Alto the Fintit brands of Wines, U-juor and Cigars. Sanduiiehes of all Kinds always on hand. 1 I ompiete of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Just What Voa mant. F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith. Wagon Shoo. Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. dor Second & LannUin. 'Phone 157 WJm SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks JrsinNB COPVRIQHTS &C. Anyono sanding n fikcloh and dascriptlon inv qulcltlr ascertain our opinion freo nhctlier a', JiiTontlon Is probably jutentablo. Coimnunlci FRENCH & CO.. BANKERS. TIUN8AOTA KNKKALBANKINQ DDU1NEB Letters of Credit issued available in the liantern Htates. Blifht Exchanm and TlaanKi xmnBiers boiu on ew iork, Uhlcago, St. Louis, San Francieco, Portland Ore son, beattle Wash., and various poinU In Oregon ant .Wajhington. Collectiont made at all points on fav orable terms. sent freo. OMest auencjr for socurlng patents. I'atei.u taken thruuiili lluim i tU receivu tptclalnotlce, w thout cliaw, In tbo Ahandsomelr llluilrated weHr culatlon of anr scleniiila louriial. '.eJ" four months, 1. Hold brail newsdeiicra. ! V HUH r Tersest elr Tonus, 3 a loaetBroidwNew York Jllli pun, "slDll IU Iraucli Orfloerfia V 8tH Wasbiagto" V. O DhGUWN'S ONE FOR a DOW. f A'dUrfnSa. Z1m1UP New ideas in Wall Paper hero. Such wide variety aa wo are showing never be fore Rraced a einghs Btonlt. Real imita lion creton eflecta at ordinary prices. Good papers nt cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, vouru for a small or ice. at nnr nin n 'ii.;..i street. Also a full line of house nnlnla D. W. VAUSE, Third St. tab GoiiimDia PacKing Go., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFAOTUitEUS OK Pine Lard and Sausages' Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIED BEEF. ETC. J.H. BCHBNCK. Prtsldtnt. II. ll, Rr.AI.L, Cushlwi Fifst National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted "l""'"1 wvuiveu, auoieci to Oigilt Draft nr HhanU Oolleotions made and proceeds promptl remlttAl on ha 1 ' Hlght and TelearaDhlo ExohaniM nM New York, Baa Francisco and Port, land. D. P. TflOUPiinH. Tua 'a a En. M. Wumb, GVo. X iSSr $i.oo per month. Hr riot ly llrct cIhih local nnd long distance (eleplionii ecivUo within your hoiuu. Line? do not crnf-lnllc. Your con vi'iHutioii will bo hept n Buuret. No cost for installing. You get tho standard- Ilunniug Long Distant IiiHtruinenl. C'ontiniioua iluy and nlitbt nnrvico. Wo will uccopt your contract for tun years nnd allow you to ciuieel nanio on giving lie thirty days writ ten notice. PA0TFIC STATES TELEPHONE 003. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, POHTUNI) & ASfOHIA NAY, COJIffl? Ktcamcrs of tho ItCKUliitnr l.lnc will run n ficrthofol rur up Mjhcitulc, thu CoinHiny ic.crvliiK tho right to chisje htiilu wltnnut nutlet1. Str. rtoirtilntor niiws I.v Dulles at 7 .1. M. ' Tnt'Nlny. . .. , Hiittirilny . .. . ' Arr. t'ortlitml , nt l:ao i: M. Ul'. I,v, I'nrll.iiiit a' 7 .. M. , Mtimlay ' .nvuiii'Minj' Ship your Freight Str. Dalles City. j via . . .Kllclliy 1 "O nmn 1 r. -vi T -5 v n Arr. Dal If h i ---v& uichua jjaiiu. at 6 I'. M. DOWK l.v. DallcN tit 7 a. n. .Mmiilay W.ilnifilai l'rlday... Arr. I'ortlMinl at I ;'M i; n. cr. l. Vr'ttlttii, nt 7.00 a a. i Thiittiij, Air Utlln at 5 r. .,! FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, . Travel by the HU-nmcrs of tho Itwilatnr l.lnc. Th Cnmimny will ondeavn.- In gm-lUptt-, runs me ikjii forvioo poisinio. rur liinncr ijiioruiaiiDn niiiire-u W. C. AtiLAWAY, Con. ARt. I'ortLuiil Olliec, 0'ik-Slrcet Dock. WasooWareiioiiseGompanf Headquarters for Seed Grain ofcii kindc. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi eii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, au kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, siSSSt Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOn FlOUr ThiaHuur is manufactured nxjiressly for familj ufio; every nnck ia guaranteed to trivo eatisfactios. We -ecll our j-oojIb lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so call and not our prices and bo convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. $ J. E. FALT & CO.,j of H . Commepeial Sample Rooms. 9 Purest Liquors for Family Use? JJolivorod to any jmrl of tho City. Phonos: 51 Local, 4 , . y sos imuk niatance. 173 Second Street, y m SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! Do you know that John Pashok, tho tailor, is acont for two of tlie Kirueit iiiorchant tallorlnc houscH in Aiuoricu? Do you know that lie will sell you a still, mntlo to your order, as cneap aa the, reiuly-inado, you buy In tho storeif, and Kuaranteo a fit or no eulo? Do you know that ho has already on hand for flio coining ffll in Thu iDdlkaV ni-,u,eoi,,l!!i- 4 ""eat lino of eamplea ever aliowa Ti4WiVr D A OTTTivr . m. a PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Gf-rooer es. GEORGE RUCN, Pioneer Grooer. H. Al. BKALl.