SnriolM Threat. Siikxandoaii, l'n., Sept. LN. There v.8 K'wit excitement herel.ft night and striker made n'it'rtions thnt u ny lead to trouble toilav, when attempts iho made to open the mines in the Schuyl kill reeiou. n t miner who fli'Mild worni'tii: wo.ild not Co to work this return to their homes ulive. Tlu aim of the Heading company otli ciul is to break the force of the strike in tlit- authraeitR coal region by geHim: n fnir supply to market. The trouble as it now standi lias cut oil' So per cent of thu product of nil the mines. The Head in company's allotment is -1 per cent, uuil this can be tilled with the collieries only on part time. With the aid of the military it is intended to push work at every mine if possible, but this can hard ly be nt'complielifd. At the bediming of the trouble the of fiei.iir .'tuned that because their men had feu gnevh.ires, iM't! '"n. in the mailer of unpee, t hey couui continue to operate their mines. The action of th" rioter heie and it change of sentiment iimonc some of the miner lit. ve proved to uim doubt on this point, but it is well known that many f tho miners in the Schuylkill reuion want to continue at work. A ninj-irity who do not belong to union may be kept from going to their' employment today by the dread of as sault. .Hlllltjii- tilvcn Away. Jt h certainly gratifying to tho public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to tht needy and eutFering, Tne-proprietors of Dr. Kin:'s New Discovery for con sumption, cough? and colds, have given awnyover ten million trial bottles of tills lireat medicine ; and have tho satisfac tion of knowim,' it has absolutely cured thousands ofj hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Blakeley, the Druggist, and yet a free trial UotUe. Ilegular cize 50c. nnd $1. Every battle Rtiari.n'.e-d, or price refiui led. 3 Feeling 1 - IS t r. Hazlltox, I'd., .Sept. 21. Battalion 1", Eighth raiment, arrived at McAdoo. the nearest point in Skuykill county to Hazk'lon, early this morning. Lieutenant-Colon '1 Hutchinson, in com mand, sdl be wa ordered lo make a demonstration lit marching his men throu,'h VcAdoo and the surrouud-ug towns. Edc i man carried twenty lounds of aainm lition. Troops wcra rcceiv 1 by iuhabiUuts with evidences of enmity. Many j'r.d them. One woman, after the tro)ps had .jassed, shouted to a group of men: "If you don't shoot eome of those fellows you are no good." Edwarl U. ilcGoilian, the Eurgees of the icwn, declared the action of General Gobtti in sending solderj there was an outniej as ; In town was neaceable. "I shall not he responsible for any overt act committed in tliis town while the troopH are jiere," ho saiti. The entira lit z eton region was ex tremely quiet this morning. Today was expecteit to witness eittier a big break ainon' tlie strikeis or the going out of a large additional number of workers, but neither happened. llr.tvit Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kidney trouble! as whII as women, and all feel the result in loss of appetite, poisons in tho blood, backache, nervousness, head ache an.i tired, listloss, run-down feel ins. But there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He says: "Electric Hitters are just the tiling for ti man when he is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me now strength and food appetite than nnything I could take. I can now eat itnythiiiu' and have a new lease on life." Onlv 50 cents, at Hlakeloy's drug store. Everv bottle euaranteed. 3 1'nr uli-. Tlie two building owned by Mrs. E. Julian, on Court-street, between Second anil Third, now occupied aa lodging hotiBi and dree-niakin eiiop. Tho building? will he eold, fnrnlahd or nn furnished, cheap for ciah. Apply to Mrs. E. Julian. t.i-lmd ".My baby was terribly eick wltli the," eayij J. H, Dank, Williams, Orejon. "We were unable to cure him with tho iloctor'd Assistance, Hnd aH a last reeort we tried Chatnberluin'6 Colic, Cholera and l)lairl;oi.i Hemedy. I am happy to sty it gave immediate relief uiid a complete euro." For tale nt IJhikeley's drni: store, Hofilint; yonns man can innhe ?C0 per month nnd rspentes. Pnriiuinent posi tion. Experience uiiik ceseary. Write (jnick for particular.-. ClHik & Co., Fourth and Locust StrccU, i'liiludvl phia, Pa, (8-tf Thu largest and most complete linn of all nnd winter millinery ever displayed in the city at the Campbell & Wileon jnlllluery pailord. The priceo will sell the goods. . c8tf Chirk Si Falk'a drug -fitcck Is new, fresh und complete. Drylnpr preparations Biniply dovel op dry catarrh; thoy dry up the secretions, which adhere to tho niembmno nnd deconi pose, causing a fur inoro serious trouble than t ho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid till dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snufi'a aud uso that which cleanses, soothes nnd heals. Elv's Cream Halm is such n remedy ami will euro catanu or coiuintno neiui easily and pleasantly. A trial Bizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho oOc.sizo. Ely Brothers, fit! "Warren St., N.Y. Tho Balm cures without pain, docs not irrltatcor cause- sneering. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you nro armed against Nasal Catarrh aud Hay Fever. DRINK ONLY VODKI. The Snlo tif tin- Liquor in liucnlu Are Cnnt roll-il by the Gov oriimt'iit. The Itus.sinn peasant classes drink only vodki, which is distilled from rye and i j-oltt at the tnerage price of SI. -in a trillion, whether In quantities of one or 10iOO trillion., says the New Vork l'res. The iroverntnent require that the pio'.f of vodki and branch shiiU be If) 'ieffreu and that cfspiritst b( wine from 90 degrees to 95 degrees. In iirminves where the sale of liquor i.. controlled by the goernmcnt. tem per.inee societies, suptinrted in part b the government, have been organ ized, with Itinee Oldenburg, a distin sruNhed -philanthropist of St. l'eters hiirv. os president. They have opened reading room, with libraries and res taurants, near public gartls and .-qu.-tres. where larare numbers of work ino people e insretrnti. nnd they sell che:ti aiu' good fcod with such teni ptranee drink.- as tea. milk nnd kvnss, made from cranberries and black breath One of these ocietie.- ha constructed two "tloTting reptauran.ts," one of which will Jfeed (100 jienple and the other 300. These boats are towed to points on the Xevn .u-het'f workingmen are en:p! 'et' or er-ngretra'r. An open theater he. been establi -.lied cn l'e trotsky inland, where a ood e!as of plays is gien at a liominnl price. Home of the pu'.die park are also supplied with apparatus to encourage open-air sports. Are yon ready to buy your fall shoes? We are sole a-jents for the celebrated Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.'sine of foot wear. If you want the best shoe for the least money, call ami 'ee us. No trou ble to show goods nt the Jiew York Cash Store. We offer for a limited period the twice-a-week Cintoxici.K, price $1.50, and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions under this offer must be paid in ad vance, tf Don't I'.uf) It III, Just v;et the affected part freely with IMyaterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and tho pain is gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. " Mrs. Phillips is prepared to furnish cut flowers and all kinds of floral de signs on short notice. Phone number 307. elOl in Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday 1im't foer this. loWNEVS CHOCOLATE BON BONS. FRESH TODAY. DIRECT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. J. Ix, SjBERXiE, pipe Jailorip A complete lino of Fall and Winter .Siiitintis, PiintinitH and Overcoating, now on display. 100 diU'ercnt varieties to i;e lect I rum. Suits, $20 ai?d up. Call iind exiiuilne gooih before going elsiiwhero. .Second street, tipp, MnyH & Crowe's. J. F. WCOJIB, JOHN OA VI. 'I MOORE & GAVIN, A'lTOHNKYH AT LAW Itooiau w and VI, over U. S. Land Olllco t9 ftCGISIEHtO. t NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LandOkmce at Tun Dai.i.ks, Or.,( AUK. It 111'. I Ntttlro U hereby Rten Unit tho fntltnvttiK nmncil tctller hn.i illot notice of his littontlon to miike tlnnl ytwt lit support of lits cliilm, iitul Unit sntil proiir will tie nirtile before tlie reKlner natt tioeiver of the U. S. lrtiul oflleo nt The Dalle-, Or , on Sntttttltiy, Sept. a, 1WW, U: llvttry tJ. Ilnriltiiti, orTlio Millie, Or., II. K. No f.ll t, for thu Nla' ssK1., ice. C, Tp t X, ttr.K. W. M. lie niiincs the followliiK wlti-eocs to prove hit continuous teslitcnce upon mul culllvitilon of nlil html, vl.:; , i:rnet .Innliin, Albeit .loiihtu. John t'ftrhek mul James Thomas, all of The Italic, Oregon. nUR-JI-l JAY V, M'CAb, IteKlstcr. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. I.AXD Ofi ici: at Tin: Dai.lks, ok, I fcepteinbcr la, I'.iW. .Votlce I- hereby nlveo that tho followliiK tiamcit setllfr has llhil notice of her Intention tn make llu.-il proof In support of hot claim, ami that said pi oof will bo mmle tic oie the icrilster and receiver at The Dalles, Ortgou,tm Wednes day, October:!!, U',:. Kll K. Vlcli(u, widow of P.iniuel J. Vli'licr. derc.i-cd, of Mo on, II. i:. No. for the SoW'-i AH fea-lo. Tp -2 N, It 12 II, W. M. tier, Oregon ami hi - NWl hhe iirtmes tlto folloulnn witnose-lo prove her . ontliiiions residence upon and cultivation of slid land, viz.; c;toro Ut-nee, of Tlie Dalles, Oicj-on; .In men Milcr, I.ecKvans, Crlc (intnlaiid, Mler, Or, ipl5 JAY V. I.Ut.AS. llcslster. NOTICE FOU PUHL1CATION. LAS'.! OlTICB AT TUB DAI.T.!!?, Of., ) Hsptentber lu, 1(0) i Notice Is herein- given Hint the folln'vltn; named ett!er but Mul notice ol his Intention to make filial proof in Mtpport of his claim, and thnt siid proof will be iniide before the HoiMcr ami Itecelver at The Dalle-, Oregon, on Satur day, October SO, low, xlc: Ai-limis S. Ko.x, of The Dalles, Orojzon. II. K. No. ."lol, for the S hf NV nr ami !if KW or, See Tp 1 S, 11 11 i:, W. M. He names the followhiK wltuessss to prove his tnutitiuotis residence upon and ciilllvattou of .-aid laud, viz: I. O. .Matnev, ('. II. Matney, Charles Go en and V. V. (Jlark,all of The Dalles, Oregon. seplS JAY T. I.fOAk-, ltCKi.iter. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. hAND OFFICK AT TllK DA1.LKS, OllKIIHN,) Attaint i", urn i Notice Is hereby Riven that the followiijK namcd settler ha illed notice of his intention to maie linal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo mmlu before the ItcKistn and Itecelver nt The Dalles, Oregon, on aattir day, October C, 1000, viz; liolivrt K. lMlllllp", nr .iiMr, dr., II E. No. o0 for the NKJi NW;, NV.4 Nil' ,, hce. y.and fc.1. StU, Seel, Tp. 'i N., K. 12 11., V. M. lie names tne following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon mid eulllvntion of said land, viz: lames Lew is. Daily Mosier, hen Kvans, John Mller, nil of Jiosier, Oregon. JAY V l.l'CAH, utts2'.i-l Itenister. EXEOUrOR'S NOTICE. Nollce Is hereby elven that the undersigned have been duly appointed by the honorable I comi;y court, ot tno stato oi urogon. tor vtasco county, executors of the e-tntJ of Horatio t or ton, deccistd. All perrons liaving claims a?;.inst f-t!d Citnte arc hereby nolitied to irotunt IIIL- frilili-. iiuit:tl viiiivii, n, uimi-i?i;:ivii , Charles 1'. t'ortou, lit V, Kteo, Plierman county, Oregon, or itt the olllco of our nttornevs, Meat- In.. I. H'llcnn ., T I I ,.. 1 I,! ...1,1,1.. .lv months from the date of this notice. Dated July II, 1WW. CIIAKI.KS i:. COItSON, WILLIAM K. I'OKsON, Kxcculors of the estate of Horatio Corson, de couitd. Jly21 11 NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. L.vr.n Offick at Tun Dallks, Ok., ) September l-i.l'.K"!! ) Notice is hereby given thnt the following named tctller ha-, illed notice of her intention to make liii'il nroot In Minnort of her claim, and that said proof will be made before tho iteglster aim ncceiver at ine uaiies, uregon, on cones day, October 21, 1W0, viz: .Jiinot I". Mti'unrt, I'f 'Ilii' DiillcR, Or., II. K. No. 52sl, for the . 8V.V, SK ir NI-. iT Sec , Tp 1 N, I! 12 i;, and nV qr .NW qr Sec 0, Tp 1 N, fti.l L, Vt M. flhe names tlie following wilnes-es lo prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation Of said land. -At. : I). D Nelson, i:. K. Sbar; . John l'lemlug, uantei ftiewatt, uu o. i no nanes. Kepis JAY 1. LUCAS, liegiiter. NOTICE FOH I'll HUCATION. Land Offick at Tiis Dali-im, Oins.,1 Julyifc, ivw. j 1 Notice is hercbv given that the following , niirned pettier Iiuh illed notice of her Intention ' to commute uinl mate linal proof in iiipport of iter ci urn, mm ran i-ain prooi win ue mime be fore ih'.- ugifter anil ueeiver at The D.illof, Oregon, on Tinnwlay, September a, 1WW, vU: , A , IIhImi, of Tlin Hallow, dr., i II. K. No. 0150, for tho NWK HEM, KJi S1VL', and sin, HtVK, See. .1 T. 1 .. ii. 11 K.. . SI. She mines tno follow lug ivltuu-sen tn prove Iior continuous residence upon, and cultivation of ham tarn! vu: ' I'eter Tagan. G. Wetmnre, Charles Matney, V. Vox, all of The Dalles, Or. JAY I'. LUCAS, I 1-1 Ite nter NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION. Lahp Offick at Tub Dai.i.i:s, On,, i September, hi, iwa. Nollco Is hereby given that the following nainiil settler has llhil notice ol hU Inienlioii to muko linal proof iu tup ort i f IiIk claim, and that nald proof will be made before the icgli-ler and receiver at The Dallei-, Oregon, on Saiurdae, OeiohurSJ, ItiOO, vl.: CliarlKM II, .Vtiituoy, of Tho DalltH, Oregon, II 13. No. ftts'J, for theS hi N'yir and W hf SK qr, See 1.', Tp 1 8, li 11 lie name!, Die following wIIiiu&m- to prove his cnutliiiioun leiiidence upon mul eultlatlou of tr.Ul luinJ, vU. : ,. H, Vox, V, i.. 1'agan, C'har'es (iot-eon mid V, C, Clark, all of Thu Dalles', Oregon, K-pl5 JAY I'. LUCAS, Kcgintc-r. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Lamp Chick at Tin: Dai.i.k.i, ou., AllgUtt Ul, 1!KH). j Notleo U heieby jelveii that the following liiimed iettlcr has filed uoticuof Ills Inli-nlioii to iiuil.f ilual proof iu mipport of lilh rlmm, and thatBiild proof will lo mado before tho ItegUier and Ilicelver ut The Dalles, Oregon, on Wcilnen 1 duy, Octobo W, liKJO, vU. : i fieo ri,-4i Y. .lolumloii, of Tim OullrH, Or,, II. K. No. 510.1, for thu NWJV NKK nnd Nl.i ! Ntt'd seo 18, Tp 1 N, II II J:. W. SI. 1 He uitmes Hie following wilnoi-cs lo prnvo his continuous risiideueu upon, and ciiltlvutiou of ! H:ll liind, la I I. Taylor, Win. S'nirp, J. W. Joliinttou ami I H. K. Teague, all of Tho Dalles, On von. i-ii-I JAY 1'. LUCAS, lteglsier. EXKJUTOH'fi iNOriCE. Notice Uheuhy given (hat Iho iiudeiklgncd Juts been duly ap oliiteo by thu houoiablo eon it of the ttatu of Oregon, for Waieo o.uiiity, ex ecutor of tho citato of Aiivuit liuchiiuui, de. ecu. id, All l emoiiK having claim iiKaintt tain cdiilo are hereby nolliled to pickcut lite eaiae, properly veillleil, lo Ihc uiidelfclaued fieorgo D. Heed, ut'Iho Dallev, Waccu county. Oregon, or at thuoIHcoof hU attorueti, Slenefee iVi Wlitou, ut Tho Dalles, Oregon, within tlx months fioni tliediituof thin notice. Duttfl this t ttli day of July, 100. OKOIidi: D. UKI'31), Kxecutorof the est a to of August JIucIiiiihii, deceufctd. jlj'JM I m s si m i: ? i! 1! 5 1 f i5E i f ,3i. ft 3i' :a ! 4 J , lit ft Uj-'WMjf t?nlIT!,MIT,'ltIrmM1', 'vfc'1iA il,ivc, vtvv"A.',a tr - tytt-vyvtvit 'o.ti. THE CELEBRATED rn j id i . J . A Of the product of thin Nvell-kno, u brewer) the United Slates Health Urportd for Juno US, 1U00, enya: "A more eupeiior hrew novor entered the lahratory of the United .Stateo Health reporla. It ih itholiitely dovnitl of the aliuliteet trneo of adulteration, lint on tho other hand is composed of tho liet of malt and choicest of hops. Itf tonic iiii.tlitieu urn of tho liih ett and it ctn be tued with the ("romest henoflt tiiui Hatisfaclion by old mid yomii.'. it- use can conscientiously be presoritii.'d by the pliynicIuiiH with the ceriaintv that a better, purer or more wholest-nfi; beveriiyo cnulil not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. J 0 Grandall & Barget DEALE1SS IN fyfo All kinds of undertakers Sufia! Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dal lets, Or. House Painting... The undersigned bas taheu posnesaion of U. A. .Splvuy paint Hhop, nest door to tho Vu'." iipera liottfe, and linn pur- el.ased ti,.. tool, and ladders. He has i;o:jd ineulittnio woikinj: for him, and ill uimrautce ;tll work to ivo iiatisfao tion. S. K. KELLY. NOITOE FOH I'UIILIOATION. LiND Ornci: at VA.vcouvnii, Wahii.i , Aug. Hi, l'Kio. Notice Ih heieby given tint Iho following mimed cettler has Illed Jiollee of hU liitenllou o make linal proof In mpixnt of Ills elalie, mul that mid ptoo! will lie iiiuilebefoie W. II, I'ro-by. I.nlted h tn ten CommlsnloMer for Disirlct oi Uifhington, at his olllco In lioMendule, Wash ington, on October 1, liwo, via: llllllll WlltHIIII, V. O. ndilr0s Ceiilervlllc. Vnli . Jiom'fctcid iipiilJcitlnn Ua, riu. or tho SU Hi'M Wlm liauiL'H tin follnwliii' u-lhiKmi h. .p.. lllion mill fiillK'i.lli... of hi Id laud, vl.: Ohitrle.s atraube, William Wilnlnsoi,, Jaino i O WuMdngton k l,"K,i:ny' "" ot L'"wvUhj - J'.'. II. Dl'NliAlt, lieaUlcr. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is liciebv nlvi-n Unit n III 1 1 It rlrirt. Inn liavo filed wilh tie Clerk of the county court of I thehtaloof Oiegou for Waco eoiiiitv.thelr tlnnl iicioiint iik executors of iho Ihsi win mul ii.i,.. I uieiit of Henry llarniim, iJeceate-l, aim thai ' Jfoill HV. Illll till lliiui.f M,i !., IIIJi ... .1... boiirof lOoeloei; ii. ui has been h.xod by Iho Uiiinty Court for mid eounty im tin time, aud thu eounty court room In Dalles City ax tlw plucoforheiuii.gof ohjicthms to ',lii Unal uu count and the K'ltlsmtnt of iboHnme. J. W. lilKNtil, 1'. I'. MAYK, wf'l" Kxeculoih. H. It. ;, .SMI i ll, Osteoimlh. rtooms laiupl 11, chapman lllccl., The Dalles, I Oregon. hvyll 'j ADMlKlS'l HA I OU'S NOTICE. Nnllco I. heiosy given that tho undcrh'gntil has Ueiidii y appointed by tho eounty court ol tho Hutu of Oifgon, for Wiueo eon uly, udminls Irator of Iho uinto of LIDibeth A, Southern, lleeeilKiI. All neikOHH hnvimr ebilms mml,,.. tnociitaleof mid decemiiil aiu heiebynolilled 1 lopieent IhuHime, with the pioper voimhers I luvivini, in ,uu iii, my unite (ll IHIJII, tirigOII, within tlx montlu from thu date heieof. Dand September '.'I, liKfl: 0. II. BOIU'HKHN. Cjo AdmliiUtralor, to to The Chioniele, Tho Oattcu, On. Job Piuntcns. ft: 13 T 0 $ rop. The Weekly Oregonian land J rT1txri PP-JS -A7Qlr d VV GQK Chronicle for $2.00 a year. All Mibeerllicra to the Weekly Oliron iclo who pay one yearn' fciibfcription In ad vane, will bu entitled to the above liberal oiler. CIIHONIOLE 1'U15. CO., Tlio Dalles, Orcein). C. p. Stephens ..Uoalor In... Dtry Goods, Clothing, A Gents' Pri a IJootn, Shoen. UiitH, Caps NotloiiH. for W. L. DoiiBla.i tlhoe. Act Ti'll'nlinim V41 V9 The Dalles, Or. ; It ) l:il Second ht., i - arYJ nit 13 yr k iia jij mm liVl helps ilir- team. Saves wear nnd expense, hoia every wliovc. UTAKOARO OIL CO. 7S to m liglitena t.,i Ti! m if 1 mta. 1 I hM 0R&N r" r ri 1 1 - in mi i nnr.uiT Klli TIK KdlCliUi.K, i-'ltOM DAI.I.r.H. inri Salt l.akt, Denver. Kt. i Mn it worth, Omaha. Kan. Kt Mtll 12-'i) p. III. MH city, St Uul,, i-o-"'' UIiIcukii and Knit, w v n Atlantic KxnrejiN Halt l.nko, Denver. I't. plw , Vm i. (lni,.l... i .... ''"0.1 I'J:.'oa. in, ;N, "ity, Ht. 'ii'n, Chlcajto mid Kiu.t. Via Iluiil IlliftOII. t'poknue Mull nnd llxpte-x WhIIh Wnlla, Hpokntc! $mA.. .MliiiieiOHiiu. si !, ,' afr."!?e 111 1 II I ll. Mtlu..,,L..." " Ohlraiio nnd l.n it, via hpnhaiieiikd Iliuilln,.. Inn; also nil point In Washington Ku,t etn Oregon. &n.i lfre.! .1:31 1. B '.i;'J.i p. in 8 p. m. KllOSt I'OKTLAKI), Ocean Htenmslilpj. For Kan rruiieivrci Kvery 11 vu Dai- n p. in. i i M Kx.hiimliiyjColunitilit liv, Htinniers, Kx.iw( IU Ill, it ii. m. i WiM.Aiturri'. Itivi: it. ;a)ti b. Ky..HituduyiOregou City. NcwU-nt, Ki.huajTi j fc'nlem Vny hand' ' ; a. m, Wiuambttk ANi Yam 3:33r.m. Iins.'l iiitr,; mi.1, ittvnus. Jion.Avoi mul ttl. ()ti:gon City, Dn'tm,, and i'rl I and Wny-I-iimlliiK fltiAirn liivint. liiparla to l.uv!toii. f.v l!lKirlaj '.EWISTOS daily O.COB.ia daliy a iu in JUy I'aritcs nol:iiii; tn gi. to iipppiirr or I LiiitK tin I'lilumblivBiiiillieru l.i lll'ti, Hirrall take ho. 'J, leiivlnt: 'Ihi'-Dnllii at 12 10 p. u. m,iK,i'i.'iilnsa ronncellotu nt Ileppncrjuiictloi mm Wmm. itetitrtilni; iiiiiKHigillreoteoimcctlon hi Ileppo'-r Jiuietlon anil lUtrr- wilh .No, l,r-ii.l-ii: at J hi' Diillosn' Ij'.jj i in For fun ptirtlculnrH ' J ng' i.t Tin- Dulles, or o. a X. ro,i ' itl.lli'P.T, "'irllainl.Or Yellowstone Park Line. tui: dinino cau noi'Ti: most I'onTLtxii TO Till: lIAhT. Tin: onlv niitKCT i.ini: to tui; vkllow HioNi: r.Uiic i.ntvK. No. 11:15 A. SI, No I. ii;sn l'. si, Union Deroi.riiihanii' sis amuw. I'nst tnnll for Tucom.i, No. Seattle, Olympia, t.ras Harbor mid Kouth llelid tioiiitK, ripiikanc. ho hind, 1), C,, rullmim, .Mosrow, IaihIsIOII, Mill fahilluinp mining mini try, Helena, SUnneapo lis, Ht. l'mil, Oimilia, Kiinnas City, Ht. 1-o'M. Chicago mid nil poiii' east 11ml i-outheiisl. lMI'.SI. No.J. I'ugct fioiind L.'ipn'n , for Tacoiiin ami r-eutllo 7 ;(M A a. nnd'; poinLs rullniiin llriit-ehiss nnd tnuil't shs.i'er!' t' MluneapollH, Ht. Paul nnd Sllssoii'i river lo.nti without change. ., Vimtlbiiled trains. Iliilnu depot coiuiwllosi lu nil irln!iitil eltleii. , . lliii;g.ig,-hcckcd toilcstlnatloii o' tickets, 1'or luiuiliioiiiely 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 c 1 1 1 1---c r 1 1 . u v t- j 1 1 H t r. tlckelH, iileeplug ear reservation-, etc , wlloaw wrllu A. D. CHARLTON, AwlNl.iut (ienornl TasM-ngcr Af-ut -) M""' ton tjtrcet.ciy iter Tlilid. J'otil n ! Orecou. SOUTH and EAST via lifli! Route Trains leave Thu IhillcH lor rortlaml 't "W btatloiiN nt 4i2i it. iu. mm p, m. U'avo I'ortlnuil a;:fl am " Albany fJ.youm Arrive AHhlmid ,;:Uii in " HiKir.uiiento C:t)pin " liau I'tancUco V.I'M"11 7:00 pw lOlOOpll H:.10aui I ;:(.' u ai ;15am AnlvoOgdon ...... " Deliver " Kiiiisiis City. " ClllUilgll r:l.'n in . U:Wl a m 7 v.'d it in V . I,'t a 11 I3au y:t)itni 7,i-iui y;tf)iint Arrive Los Angeles , " I'.l 1'm.o. . 1 :vo p in ii;(Ki p m , ii:.;ilu m . :i:.'"iil in l:W a m , i'i:i'ui m . li.l.'n in .liU'lpi" 7,(iniiia C:00pw r,;: uu D n n W l no n w Oil p in rt-l3 .i.)i vi l orl Worth. (illy of Mu.xlco , Ilouiitou New Orieann .. Washington.... New Yuri;.,,.,. l'nllum:i nnd Tourist ears on until !.'" Chair i nra Haeramentn to Ogden and , ' mid touilstciim loChleao, Ht Loiim, -wul leans und Washington, CouucotliiK nt Han Kriiurheo, Willi wvcijj HteaiiiHhlp lines for Honolulu, Jul""'- 1 ' liilllpplncH, central ninl Hoitlh Anietica. beo ngeut at The Dally stnthiu, or uJ"lrt C. II . MARKHAM, (leuenil 1'i.u.tiiBcr Agent, rort.nt or Jjlt. K. K. KKUOUHON. PJiyaiciun unci Surgeon, Olllce, Vogt lllock (over rinto.1Ue)i Wiiplino-ilw TllK PAI.I.K1, O'tKUON. i ' t . , , , r dllliiijiliLijlll 4 ; j i mm n