, rEori.ie costiNn ash auiu, huiiue rvu ruiiuiuAiiUA. Mr. nnd Mis. George Perlnger, of Pendleton, are vieltliii: iho Drc Fir Kiison. Mies Iluliy Groat left here Saturday to teach u term of school in one of the Typh IJidse districts. Ktnerson Wllltnms, the Kinesley iner chant, was in town today nnd left for home this afternoon. A. D. McDonald, a former prominent Sherman county farmer, now of Spo kane, was in town today. The Fossil Journal says Mrs. William Floyd and her daughter, Mrs. Stncoy Shown, of Seattle, are visiting Mrs. Win. G. Keys, daughter ot Mrs. Floyd, at Fossil." liOKN. This mominp, Sept. 24th, to Mr. nud Mrs. Franl: Potts of this city, a daughter. Sngiiclous Young Shepherd IliK "I have often ead in the Sheep Breed er of the wonderful feats performed hy do.:, ami venture to tell you of the most remarkable instance of sagacity on the part of a sis months old puppy of my own. As I was starting the sheep for home a few evenings since, I sent the dojjs down into the pulch for some sheep that lingered behind ttio Hock. Thinking they had brought them all. out, and making a new start for home, 3 was not a little surprised over the nb eancj of a pup, which I dually sought in the gulch, and to my surprise found him in a hole or washout, some six feet square and four feet deep, with about two feet of water in it. In this hole were fifteen lambs, with the pup in their midst. The lambs were struggling for dear Hie, but were unable to climb the steep nnd slippery sides of their prison and the puppy doing his best to get them out. But for that active nnd anxious fellow every lamb would have been drowned. When 1 had rescued the last lamb the young punpy sprang out of the muddy pool and looked up with a satisfied and triumphant air as much as to say, "Well, master, wo saved them!" The puppy tas whollv un trained, which make" the feat nil the more remarkable J. G. Ilnyt, Boyd Co., Nebraska, in Sheep Breeder. - COURTESY IS THE RULE. " n'ntlvea of China Think Tiint Ell ynette Ix the Source of All ! Virtue. Courtesy and rood feelings prevail more in China ninon; the common peo ple tlwui in any other nation in the world. The people- are naturally re served, earnest and good-natured. Drunkards are not seen on the crowd ed streets. The children are docile, thoughtful, painstaking: and per.ver-ing-. Commonly upenkntr, the nation, is enslaved to routine and ttac'ition. Passive refris! ar.ee is- more reiki" upon to overcome dlflicultiea than personal energy nnd darinir. No other nation has fewer warlike &jng or more en thusiastic encomiums of peace. The family group i. tolitlitied in China as it is nowhere e.fce in the world. Filial piety is the foundation of Chine&o -o-eiety. The ''rive jnnuut utile laws" are the relations of f3tlicr and children, of kiiiv and cubj.-cts. of man and wife, of dX'" nnd youth, of friend and friend. The woman of i i e n.ulcjn cecujiie a po sition of nbf ')!ue inferiority to man. After venerating hot- parents she must venerate her liu-ibinC "If f wed a bird." saye the proverb, "I mutt fly after him; if n doff. I must foijow him to the hunt; if n eiod of earth, I must sit by its side and watch over it." All of the symbolic acts of the be trothed remind her that ."ubmitc-iV n is for the wife the virtue of virtues. There is a proverb: J "The wife must he. a mere shadow, a temple echo." One in on? word of China's inner life. Said Cor.fuiiut-: "All virtues have their source in eti quette. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. PRESH TODAY. DIRECT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. JIt. It. K. HM1TII, Osteopatli. Uooms JO uud II, Chapman Block, Tho Daller, Jreton. Land Office .it Tnr. t)AttK. (in. fceptember l-.', t'.no. ( Nntlco 1 hereby Riven that the following named settler 1ms Med tiotlooof tier intention to make llnal nroof In support of her claim, and tlint ptilit iiroof will bo mmle tc'ote the rcttlMer nntt rt eclver nt 1 ho Dulles, Oregon, on Wednes day, October U, 1900, xlr. Klixn K. A'lclter. wlilow of Samuel J. VlcVeM. deceased, of Mo sler, Oregon. II. K. No. MM. for the NS3WJ. and Sl2 N fee 13. Tp 2 N, It 12 !:, W. M. She namei the following wltnessc to prove her lonllnuous residence upon nnd cultivation of said laud, viz.; George ltenoe, of The Dalles, Orrgon; James Milcr. 1-ec Evan, trie Otunland, .Mo.slcr, Or. splo JAY 1'. LUCAS?. Hegister. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. LvNDOFFJCB AT VAKCOl'VKH, W.tMt.j AUK. 1G, IDOU. ! Notice ts hcicby given that the following nauml settlor has rtlcd notice of his Intention to make llnal proof In support ot his clalir, nnd that said proof will be mitdulicforc W. II. 1'icsby. linltcd hmtes Commissioner for District ol Washirston, at hlsollire In (ioldcudale, Wash ington, on October 1, l'XO, viz. .In!; li Wrttscm, V. O. nddreis Centcrvlllc, Wash., who mule homi stead application No. for thcHU HEJi iecK, Tpa.N, nil K.W. M. Who names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz1.: Charles Htrmibe, William Wilkinson, Jamc c. Dalv and l'atiick liagRcrty, all of Ccntcrviltc V. O., Washington. nlS-i V. If. DUNBAU, ItCRlstcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxm Office at The Dalles, Or., J September 10, l'."0) i Notice Is bcrebv Riven that the following named fottler has tiled notice ot his intention to make llnal proo. in support of hl claim, nnd that siid proof will be made before the KegNtcr and lteceiver at The Dalle-, Oregon, on Satur day, October 33, 1'j'X), Viz: ArollmiH P. Pox, of The Dalles. Oregon, If. E. No. 5131, for the S hf SW or and W hf SV fir, S-ec 12, Tp 1 S, It 11 K, W. M. He names the following wltnesse? to prove his rontinuons reildence upon nnd cultivation of said hind, viz: I. ('. Matney, 0. II. Matncy, t'liailes Gossen and W. C. Clark, nl! of The Dalles, Oregon. sepl3 JAY I'. l.UCAb Minister. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. L.vj:d Orncc at The Dalles, OkK'10N, August 2.3, '.X). I Notice is hereby civen Ibat the followitig natned settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ami that a!d proof will be made before the Iicgisttr and lteceiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur day, October C, J WO, viz: ICohert K. l'lillllpt, of Hosier, Or., II E. No. 3550 for the NEh' NWJ.,, NWWf NE Sec. 9, and &)-.. SEH, sec J, Tp. 2 N., It. 12 V.., W. M. Ho names toe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of siid land, viz: lames Lewis, Dolly Jlosler, Iea Evans, John Miler, all cf Mosier, Oregon. JAY I'. LUCAS, nug29-l itcgiiter. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the underslened have been duly appointed by the honorable county court, of the state of Oregon, for Wateo countv, executors of the estata of Horatio Cor son, deceased. All persons having claims eijainst said estate are hereby nolilicd to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned Charles E. Corson, nt Wasco, Sherman county, Oregon, or at the otllee of our attorneys, Mene fee A Wilson, nt The Dalles, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Hated July 11, 1W0. RIIA11I.ES K. CORSON, WILLI A Jl K. CUUsON. Executors of the estate of UoMtlo Corson, de ceased. JlrJl li NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Office at The Uali.es, Or.,1 Aug, ib, I'JOO. I Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has flle-1 notice of his intention to make final nroof In support of his claim, and that stld proof will be made before the register and receiver of the t. H. laud ofllce at The Dalles, Or , on Saturday, Sept. 29. ltoo, viz: Henry C. Oiirdlnli, of Tlie Dalies, Or., II. E. No. 101I, for the N! SEK tee. C. Tp 1 N, II la E. W. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Ernest Jordan, Albert Jordan, John lashek and James Thomas, all of The Dalles, Oregon. nug-22-i JAY 1. LUCAS, ilcgister. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Lanu OfFicc at The Uaij.es, OnE.,l August 31, 1'jeo. i Notice is hereby given that the following named tettlcr has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his r.Inim, and that Mid iiroof will bo made before the Itcgisier nud lteceiver at The Ualles, Oregon, on Wednes day, Octobe- U', WOO, viz.: Oeiirco W. .lollinlnn, nt Tim DullfH, Or., II. E. No. 5103, for the NW' NE and NEM NWU Sec lb, Tp 1 N, UII E, W. 11. lie namef the folluwiug wltnotesto prove his continuous residence upon, nud cultivation of said land, viz: i . t. layior, m. S iarp, .1. v. jonimon nuu It. E. Teague, all of The Jialles, Oregon. fc.5-1 JAY I'. LUCAS, ileglster. N0110E FOK PUBLICATION. IjASI OFFICri AT TlIK DVLLEH. OU., ( September 1-, l'JCO. j Notice Is hereby xlveii thnt the followiui; named settler has filed uolico of her Intention lo make Dual proof in tupport of her claim, and that snld proof will be made before the KesUter and lteceiver nt Tho IJalles, Oregon, on Wednes day, October i;i, IKK), U: lannt 1". htowurt, or The Dalles, Or., If. E. No. KHI. for the E'.j Sl'M 8E r NE r Pec 'Jj, 'ip 1 N, II 12 E, uud SW -jr WW qr Kec CO, 1 p 1 N, K 11 E, II. hhe narnea the following witnesses to provo her coulluuous residence upon nnd cultivation of said laud, viz.: I). I). Nelson, E, K. Sharp. John Fleming, Daniel Stewart, all ol The Italics. K-pl5 JAY I'. LCOA8, Hegister. NOTIOH FOK PUBLICATION. bunt Onici: at Tiik Dam.es, Ohk.,1 July 2.1, lioo, I nl(fri lu lir.rli atvfn thtir tlif. fiillf.ivlTif. tlHlrli'il tll(. h lltpfl iintlrr, of lirr liitnMtlnti 1 to coL-iinute ami make final proof In Mipiort of her cl dm, mid that nald proof will bo made be foro the KKl.ter nnd receiver at Tho Dalle!, Oregon, on 'llmrt'lay, September 'JO, liXW, viz: I. ol A, Helm, of Tim l)nllu, Or., II. E. No. 6IW, for the UW'i HKK, Y.Yt 8W, und SWJi h'y Sec. : T. 1 is., It. 11 K W. II, Kite nuinei luoioiiiiniiiKwiiue-ses tojirnve iter continuous residence upon, und cultivation of tald laud U I'eivr liiKan, G. Wctmore, Clinrlci Jliituey, V. Fox, all of The lulle?. Or. JAY I'. LUCAS, 1-1 ito I Her notioh oF fi'n alIjktt" iIemen't. Notice Jn hereby given that the undersigned have Died with Uo Clerk of tbn county court of tliohtnloof Oregon for Wasco coutitv.tliclr final uctount us exeeutoK of tho last will and testu ineut of Henry Itanium, deccatcd, ana that Monday, the 4th day of November, Jt'OO, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m has been fixed by the County Court for said county ax the time, uud tho county court room In Dalles City us the placo for henrlDK of objection' to mid filial ac count and tho settlement of the same. J. W. FRENCH! V, 1 MAYH. neplS Executors. The Weekly Oregonian and Twice-a-Week Chronicle for $2.00 a year. All subscribers to the Weekly Chron icle who pay one years' subscription in ad V ere, will be entitled to tbn above liberal oiler. CHRONICLE PUB. CO., The Dalles, Oregon. House Painting... The undersigned has taken possession o( II. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to the Vogt opera house, and has pur chased the tools and ladders. Ho lias good mechanics working for him, and will guarantee all work to t'ivo satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. IIOQOD SHE f SALEM, OREGON. September 17 to 22, 1900. BIGGER AND. BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE. Grounds greatly improved, bnildiniie repaired nnd renovated, nil stock build inirs thoroughly disinfected; everything in firsi-clasc condition for the largest and best Live Stock Show and Agricult ural Exposition over held on the Coast. 520,000 19 premiums purses Good racing every afternoon. Music and fun at night. Auction sale of livestock will be made a lead ing feature. All livestock ami other exhibits hauled free over the Southern l'acDic railroad. Hedueed passenger rates on all railroads. For premium iiunnd other mformntfon ndilrcss W. II. WEUKl'Ni;, fresitk'nt. Ilillsboro, Or. M. 1). MJUOJI, Ktc, Portland, Or. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A ENEUAL HAN KINO MJfc'INEii Letters of Credit issued available in the Eaatern States. Sight Exchange and Telej?raphi, Transfers told on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore son, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terra1. CONTEST NOTICE. U. 8. lasin OFritE.TiiF. Dim.ks, Oa., ftcptember 1, IPoO. A Einncient contest ulhdavlt having leen flltd in this rlliee hy Joseph 11. fiherar, contestant, ncalnst homtste id entry No. 71W, madu June 3, IW. for b hf N W 'ir Hiv 2o, and E hf NE iir fceo ."J, Tp J SIM IE, by William (SHI eoutcatee, In which It Is alleged that said William (illl bus wholly nbandoued said truet mid chaut-ed hlx resldenoc therefrom for more than six mouths ilneo loaltluif said entry, uud mxt prior to dap; of contest; and that ho did not abandon the trict to enter the military or naval bcrvlcool tbo United Stat e, said parlies are hereby noti fied to aiinear. respond und oiler evfdenco touch ing said allegation nt 10 o'clock n. ni. on October a, itxu, oeiorc mo reuutvr nnu receiver ut tno United Mutt's luud ollice In The Dalles, Oregon, The said contestant having, In n tinnier alll davit, lllcil August 11. 1'XW, set forth fneb, wlilcJi show that utter due diligence poisoiial wivlco of this notice can not bo mxde, it Is hereby ordered nnd dlieeled Hint such notice bo given hy due and proiKir publicallon. sepl'J JAY I. LUCAS, Hegister. NOTICE FOIt I'U 15LICATION. Lano Offici; at Tun Dali.es, fin,, i September, 10, I'JOO. i Notlco is hereby gitcu that the following named settler bus fifed notice ol hU Intention to make dual vrool In support of his claim, uud Ihut said proof will bo mudo beloro tbo register und receiver nt The Dulles, Oiegoli, on Hatuiday, October l, 1W0, viz,: CIntrlrH II. aitttuey, of The Dalles, Oregon, II. K. No. toss, fr the & hf NE ur und W lif HE ijr, rite 1., Tp 1, It 11 15, W. M. He mimes the following witnesses to provo his continuous letideneo upon uud cultivation of said laud. Viz.: A. H, Kox, r, i). Kiigan, Churlen (Sosson and W, C. Clark, all of Tho Daliun, Ongon. tepl.5 JAY 1'. LUCAS, Register, J. r. NC0KK. joiin oavih MOOEE & GA.VIN, ATTOItNKYB AT LAW llcoint 89 and 10, over U. 9. Laud Ofllce ftM VCA li8htCM3 J M hcljis the team. Saves v,-ear mm t& cxpeubs. Sold everywhere. JV wuf4 jiAiir. uv itw r' ' 4 a .... ... MA ft as ! 91 III I3E .St "SI 1 ill 6 f S6 as 3t 511 ! -5 t!l 7 ;ntlLtl .JJItiJillltl lUJlllll.LUtlllllK TijrTiliiliii7tiTX!iliixzriFXXlllTTTlJf tifllxlJlJllTrjFiiriiininxiiiiiJ s IP Str. Iloiiulator Ship your Freight via r; riow Z. Lv Dalles nt " a. ji. r;- TueMluy 2 Thuisdav , Saturday. Arr. I'orll.iud p, at l.S) v. M. IT. Lv, I'ortl.ind a' 7 a. it. Moudin . "duesiiHj rrid'iy Arr. lMlles J-iDuxttiui xjiiio. Arr. I'm at. i r. si. ft FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, R'. Tr.t'A hp Ihn Ut....m...e nl I ... U.u.i.!..,n. I .,. i.j ...v n .itu'-i ... .... nvKii ...l.v. runs the best service possible. C, rortland OlIIcc, Oak-Htrcct Doc!.-. W. WW Proprietors Commercial SampIe oom5i 5 Purest Liquors for Family Use $ Dolivcrod to any l'honea: 51 Local, fcuS Lohk niatniice. Advertise in the Chronicle 1 1 OENISItAI. , Wagon and Carriage Work. : Pish Brothers' Wagon. Third autl JefTerii, Phone 159 fc-a---t-irtrti-1iKira"--g-iTfi BlacRsmitU ...AND... A Horsesnoer I- H :B as 1 S I fa The Chronicle, The Duilon, Or. I dob Printers. as, at 3CI Ids1 is lis ulU.U,HMLLLI!lULIlllLtUllLITU.iljllUiU! IUI I'tti REGULATOR LINE DALLES, l'OllTIAxM) k ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY - Kteamerri of the Itcgnlntor Lino will run ns per the fnl owing ehiilitle, the Company leserviug the right to cJiiiiw chuiille wltnout uotlee. Str. Dnllos City. ' DOWK Lv. lMlle.i 1 nt 7 a. n. .Miiudav I . . rortliind ,5 ut7;Ui. t. i Tiiwdny 'H .. . TliurMliiy ,5 . . Saturday H Air. llallcK "J nto r. u..!; Wiilnesd.iy I'rliinv . irtlaud at 1 :J0 i'. i. l'l.n, .....Ill .....I......... n ..I.... 1 1 ... i I iv , riii,Mi!i ,,,,4 vil'IV.I.Ui it, Kill. In I'lll" I'or further Information addresi j C. ALLAWAY, Con. Aft. How pleasing to the ear. How easy in action. How grand and beautiful in apjioiiranco avo tho now "InHloll,""tTnitutl Malcors" and "Kimball" J'ianos at Jacobsen Book & Music Co. iarl of tho City. f. 173 Second Street. C. F. Stephens ...Doalor In it Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Hoots, Hhoeu. Hutu, CiipH, Notions, Agt, Teleiiliono Ko. SS, ,n, 1 ... The Dallos, Or, , nwuilil ni,, J)lt. K. K. FKItUUMim, " Phyaiciun aiul Surgoon, Olllcc, Vogt Illock (over l'ostgfllcc), 20pluio dw THE DALLEB, OHEUON. I 0.R.&H ft' DKrAtlT ruk tihie scimim.n, KllOM 1ULI.K8. Vaiit Midi 12.23 p, m. ui i.u, jivnver. rnK City, Kt. Umii , it" ChlcaKo and East. ' m Atlnntlo Hxprens; Halt lJiks, Denver, ft.! pis. Worth. Oiimlia, km I W,,la una Cllv. Kt I nut. 12:Wu. in. Vlu Hunt lntim, Chicago' nnd East. 1 Bpnknno Sliill nnd Express Wnlln WiiIIh, Hwikanc! .Mlnneapollii. nt. i',,,,!,' "'ji""' Chlrnmi mid Kant, vlu f,Jy. Hrokflne.tkdlhmtiHK.i F,as ion; also nil iinu hi WnahlUKtnn nnd l.mt- 3.3,, orn OrcKou. uii.b U.25 p. m p. in. l'ROM l'OUTI.AHIl, Oceiin Hteamiihlp, I'nr hini l'riiimlfcii Kvcry rive Day 4 p. a. 8 p. m. Kx.bumlnyj Paitinlay 10 p. m. I Ciiltimnlis Uv. Hleniiiorn. KxnJ'. To Ahtoiiia and Way i-auillhKs. l 11. in. WiiXAHKTrn Uivimi r..HiniilnylOrtou City. ,NowiK;rir. vi ,;;?:. I Kalem & Way ljuur, ' in, tu.AttTTK ami Yam- 3:Mr,.n. lucn.lhur. iiiu. UiviutK. Jlnii.Wttl and hut. Oteirmi City, liaytmi, aadFrt nnd Wuy-I'.iinluig',, Hiiaki: UlVKK. Itlpr.rhi to IaiwI.iIoii. Lrm I.KWIST0J (Ull; 9.00 i.n l.v I!lp.i:a' dally .1. .1.111. in. i I'nrtiin iliaslrmi: to k' to llcppwr ot Ikiiiitx on triiliiinbln Hniitliori. -.in lllir,'.iho'iU tiikuNn. 2, KuvlliK Hie llntUi at 1J I0 p. n. uinklng direct ootiiieullnns nt llriipner jnnetlui Mini ltlgj.-.s lieturnlug iiiaWiiirillrTtciiniiKlloa nt lli'iipner utictlnii nud ll't-gs with Ko, riving nt The Itiilleoii' i-' y in. Si for full purtlniilntN ttfielltThe IMlleH. 01 . Yellowstone Park Line. the dini.su oak itofii: ntoji ronmsii TO THE EAHT THE ONLY DlItECT LINE To THE YKI.LOW HI ONE l'AUK j.RvK. j Union Djpoi, Fiftband ' St. ahivi. No. j Kant ninil for Tiie.inm, No. Keattlo. Ol.vni;ila. ( Iliitboriiinl boutli lleiul ; points, Hpoluine, It i laud, II. C, I'tilliiinn, 1 .Mo-cow, LewlHton, Hill U:l.' A, .M.ifulolliimpiiiliilegC'iiin iiMl'.Ji. , Ire. llolt'iiii. lliiiieain Mm, Ht. l'attl, OmatiA, Kmiisiii Cllv, Ht bulls, Chleiign mid all pi Hits eunt and Kiiiitheiiit. No 1I;S0 I. r. it. No. 3. I'liget Koiinil I xpr ;s for Tiienma uud fcenUle 7;ft) A. JI and lntcrmidlate pmut.s I'ullmiin llMt-clusi and tour t sleeper ti Mtnneapolln, Ht. t'ltul und ilLouu rlver-MH willinut nlimiBe. Voitihuled traiiiM. Union ilcpot coiiiiMtlow In all principal iltlc. , , . . Ilitgguge eliecked to.tlestlnatl iii of tlk,;t' Mir liaiuUomely IlliiitiiiteddiM'tiptlvera.wi'i tlcliu'.g, aleupiiig'enr reservation etc., Mil oa or write A. D. CHARLTON, .Ualiluiit (iciiuntl rnwuMmer Ait 'iit. i' Mill Htieet.eonier Third, I'ort1 nnl. fou- SOUTH and EAST via Trains leave The Da.len for I'ortirtiiJ ' WJ' ktalloiiu ut l:ii a. in. nml I! Pi Leave I'lirthtiid....... " Albany Arrive Ashland " Kuoramenlo . ,. " linn I'rancUco . K:Wam .p.' ) ii in 7:00 tm 10:ii- . fijuipm i!;5 . 7.t I m li!lil"a Arrive Ogdou " Denver " KlIllkllKCll)'. " Chicago :. i.i a in Arrive U Angeles ... " El Taw " Kort Worth " City of Mexico , " IlllUHtOll " New OrlviiliN .. " WllKlllllgtOII... " New York ., li'.'O p m lillK) pill . t; :;io a m ,. ii fui m ,, -ttMiitm , (S:tfiii m ., (VIJll in .I'.'.Wpni 7:00 w : l:00H 0:25 iiJ I'ullmnn nnd Tourist enrx on i., -....o, Clmlr eura Hucriuneiilo to Ogueii ''' A"w w nnd toiirlKteiirHtoClileagn, Ht Lniui Iiiitiu nt il lVtiMhlii(1nn. ., .villi never' t;o It in Itig ur, nan r runi:i . i-nini, htuuiihlilp Hue lor Honolulu, J UM' I'hlllppliies, Coutriil mill Boutli Amefi-"- Beu iigoiit t Tho imllc NtatKin, "r lll-u,M C. H. MARKHAM, (Icnurul I'ftHieiiKcr ABcnti J-lf UKIHKNIHtHKrKI Pliyaician auU sui'eu" Bpeolal attention give" 1 iuw7' A:ri riox ' 0 . x. rci : Mti'itt 'i in iiitiii-u in . .i a ' in. i' it. : , u . 'itilaml.Or, (H ; ilFilip.rn PA I H Ml Sfluifiern Pacific si. y V P Shasta Route