mays & 6 iowe Fall V Voa Vtay Have Heard .Such expressions as "The Coat seoms to be alright, only the collar doesn't seem to fit;" or 'I think the back wrinkles a little." There is where the average elothior "falls down;" he doesn't try to avoid tho wrinkles in his clothing; lie is neglectful of dcluils. When wo sell you a suit of clothes we want your friends to be ahle to say Just Two Shoes. "Who's Yout Clothief?" Koll Stylos in Gents' Suits and Overcoats, Top-coals and Ul We never have shown a greater collection, and from the im mense sales already we know that our prices a little lower than else where. iUany exclusive things here, too. You'll get a bettor idea of this stock if you look through. It costs nothing to look. stl'l': Children's Kangaroo Calf, but ton and lace. Children's Kid, button and lace. Heavy Soles plump stock. Sizes 6 to 8 $1.15 Sizes 8 1-2 to 11, - $1.35 Sizes 11 1-2-to 2, - $1.65 Excellent School Shoes, money's worth in every pair. Your Pease & Mays' Shoe Department. Dress Goods.. PLAID BACK GOODS for rainy-day skirts in all tho latest cloths. . NEW PEBBLE SERG-ES in navy and black. VENETIAN CLOTHS for tailor suits. Suit and Skirt Department. In our Suit and Skirt Depart ment the stock is now complete, and we have s'omo startling bargains to offer. Have you seen our RAINY DAY SUITS and SKIRTS? The correct thing for Fall wear. Give the department a call. All OootlB Mnrltoci In Plain r-"lnrc3B. PEASE &, MAYS The Dalles Daily GhMiiele, - - SUIT. 21, 11)00 31 ON' DAY ( ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. "A Circus Girl" At the Vogt tonight. At Lylo, Club wheat in Bulling nt 51 cents mill I'.lnngtimi nt f. l r-imta New alious fur fall and winter jiiHt re ceived nt tho New Yuri; OhhIi Store. A Kentucky editor, given to Imagery, clinrjctoriz jh tho deadhead subscriber as thu "veriforiu appendix of newspu perdoin," Slinnlko now has tele-graphic commu nication with tlie world nt largo, the wires being put in ut that plnco Monday inoriiiny. Koiuenibor tho Lark-Kloino concert nt tho B.ildwin tonight. Tlie curtain will linj promptly at 8;D0, nnd it ape-chilly desired that attendants shall be in tlieir feats nt that hour. Having been nue-stiuued oovernl tmieH retjurdiiit; heir candidncy for ejueon of thocunivnl. Miss Mvrtle Michell takes "lis iiieiinn of announcing that alio iu not n candidate for that honor. Tho marriage of Mr. M. Fitzgerald,, of Mitchell, and Miss Evelyn Maddron, of HiIh olty, will ho celebrated nt the Chris tian church at 8 o'clock tonight. The pastor, Elder 1'aul Krugor, will ollioiato. Loat Thu morning, a pocket hook containing n twonty-dollar hill. A lib eral reward will bu paiel for its return to Mntiott & Fish, Umatilla House, or the owner, 0. T. Andrews, Wasco, Sherman county. The Skamania Ploneoi Bays a contract lias been lot to Ret out telophono poles to connect Stevenson with Caeeadei J-ocks, nnd tho eoutnuilor and a fence of 'en bewail Hotting out tho polos last Monday. Mr. I. N. Hargoant left nt this oflico tills morning a lot of very handsome up I'lus of the King of Tompkins county variety that were grown on the Kd Wil son ranch on Eight Mile and n bunuh t Krapes that tipped tho boam ut 2,'.f pounds. If you contemplate building a houso d desire one of tho finest locations in the oily, We have It for Bale. Three lots, jOxlo each, which coat tho owner 1(500, "eold within tho next thirty dove wo ro authorized ito tnko $300, oaBb. This s great bargain. Hudson fc Brown hill, Metl'lioraon, ot IJay Creek, Crook county, returned here yesterday morn ng after delivering nt Fossil eighty-six hiiutUf yearling cattle, which he and S. G Couthit, of Cioia Keys, sold to Wy oming parties at tho rate of 20 and 22 u head. Mr. Mc Phernon, who is un ex purionead cattle man, thinks it more profitable to part with his yearlings at these prices than to run tho chances and expenses involved in keeping them ovor a I'ouple of winters. Thu last term of circuit court in Whiolor county cost tho taxpayers just $108 fiO, tliuro being n very light docket, says tho Fossil Journal. This expense was more than mot by a fine of .$200 im posed upon n saloon man named Dorr, who was convicted of selling li()Uor with out a couuty license. Wheat-hauling has commenced in good earnest, and from tho indications today it would appear tbut it has only commenced. Thoro wero strings of wagons this afternoon leading from the warehouses to half way up the brewery hill. Threshing is noarly over and from now em tlie Kant End will be the busiest part of town. Fruit growors will bo interested in learning that tho Oliver Chilled Plow Company will give a 10-inch Oliver Chilled vineyard plow to tho farnior or orchnrelist making the host exhibit of fruits ut the coming fair. It is expected that a number of other valuable prizes will be ofle'red for exhibits, which will be reported lator. Allen Fligg. eif Kudersby, and Mrs. Lisinio Farris, of this city, wero united iii inarringo at i! o'clock this morning by Hev. W. B. Clifton at tho residence of tho bride's mother, .Mrs. Davie, on Fourth street. Mr. nnd Mib. Fligg left -immediately after tho ceremony for Portland, where thoy expect to upend about a weok, nnd, on returning, will mnko their homo on tho Fllgg ranch, near Endorflby. Tun Chiionium: wishes Mr. and Mrs. Fligg many happy days. Ao a result of tho recent decision of the secretary of tlie interior granting tracts to Tho Dalles Miliary Wagon Road Company, as against Bottlers with in the overlap of tho Northern Pacific . mi II 1-1 II I . lnliroau, mo uauos uinii omco mis re ceived instructions from the commis sioner to cancel 39 homesU ds and ono eu-sh entry, approximately ovor 0000 ucri-n, in townships 1, 2 and 3 south, riuijre 10; townships !, 4 and 6 north, ninsro 17, and township 4 south, range 18. A force of carpenters commenced this morning on a 21x40, two-atory building for J. T. Patera on tlie lot east of tho millinery store) of Mrs. Poriano on Second Btrot. When completed tho lower atory will, in part, be occupied by Mr. Blon diti'd harbor shop. Another force of men will commence, In a day or two, the erection of n 10x40 building for F, W. L. Skibbe on tho lot Immediately east of tho Obarr .hotel which, when ilnlshud, will bo opened as a moat murj i.ot. Marahal Farrlor, of Arlington, who Friduy night shot and killed a negro by tho namo of Jones, whom he took to bo connected with tho robbery of Maya & Crowe'a store a fow hours before, nnd because tho negro refused to throw up his hands when ordered and made a motion towards his hip as though he was going to draw a pisto' on the mar shal, was arrested yesterday on a war rant issued on the nflielnvit of tho county coroner, Dr. A. IJ. Rudoy. Farrier's examination was set for 2 o'clock this afternoon. The secreteiry of the State Press Asso ciation shows that thoro nro in Oregon nineteen dailies, 173 weeklies, five semi weeklies, forty-four monthlies, two semi-monthlies, one quarterly ; a total of 244 publications. He classes these papers according to the fields they rep resent, ns follows: Republican 97; democratic 24; people's 14; independ ent 44 ; religiouB 27 ; poultry 2; mining 3; miscellaneous 14; stock und agricul tural 0; fraternal 9; youths' 2; drugs 2; college 5; lumber 1; medical 1; labor 2; commercial 1; prohibition 1. Total 244. Tho Umatilla House has secured tho services of Mr. George Stoll us chef, who comes to Tho Dalles very highly recom mended, having been connected with some of the l est kitchens in America. He has been with the Alisky Winter Garden in Portland eince it opened, and previous to this was chef at the Butler Hotel in Seattle. The Ilio Grande dining car and hotel service was under his charge. The Kuntcford, of Suit Lake, grew under his management of tho kitchen to have one of the best tables in the west. Among other hotels Mr. Stoll has been connected with may bo mentioned the Auditorium and Ice land hotels, of Chicago, which in iteelf epeaks for his ability ns a first-claps chef. Siunott & Fish are certainly to be congratulated on securing the pervices of Mr. Stoll, as he no doubt will make the dining room second to none. Ed Rondeau, a former resident of Tygh Ridge, now of Gcrvais, Marlon county, In company with his wife and two childron, took tho trnlu here this afternoon for homo, after working for obout five weeks with tho threshing crew of Loon Rondeau & Co., of Kings ley. Tho machine is n now 82-inch J. I. OrtBp, and in a run of thirty-eight days it thro-shed 75,000 bushels of grain. The largest day's run was 1400 sacks, which, at an averogo of 140 pounds to the sack, equaled 3200 bushels. In three hours, atthoclosoof the week's run of week before lust, 600 Backs of barley worn threshed, giving three sack sowers nil they could do for the time. Mr. Ron doau thinks tho average yield for all kinds of grain threshed by tlie Rondeau machine was e-aslly thirty-five bushels to tho acre. Somo wheat fields yielded us high as fifty bushels and the lowest yield of any was from n field of volunteer that wont twenty-five bushels to the noio. Mr. Rondeau, who had abundant experience in wheat-raiding on Tygh Ridge in tormer years, says tho average cost of raising this year's crop on the rldgo illl not exceed thirty cents a bushel, In many cases it will not ex coed twouty-five cents. So that a Tygh Rldger with from 5000 to 10,000 bushels, oven at tho low price of fifty cents a bushel, will huve n handsome profit for thia year's labor. SEVEN BIG SHOWS SECURED. The Entire Midway Attractions of tlie 1-ortlanil C'arnivul Will He Here. There is no longer a shadow of doubt that the coming fair and carnival will be the biggest thing of the kind ever reen in The Dalles. It will not only have tho biggest and best exhibit of the products of the county, but It will have a greater number of other attractions thau ever before niit in the city at one time. The executive committee has secured the presence of all the attrac tions that were recently gathered in the Midway at the Portland carnival; seven big shows that will require a whole rail road train to bring them here. Russell & Co., the big implement house of Port land, will have two traction engines and two separators on the ground, and abundance of uiitbreshed wheat to give threshing exhibitions nightly by electric lights generated by their own dynamo. The committee has contracted with the local Electric Light Co. for 15 arc lights of 2000 candle power each, which ought to make the grounds as light as day; while every booth and stall will be lighted up with its own incandescents. Architects are at work drawing plans for the structural woiks, and it is ex pected that the committee will be ready to entertain bids for their erection by tomorrow. The co-operation of farmers and horticulturists is earnestly solicited in order that the exhibits along their lines may bo equal to tho ccc.isiou and worthy of Wasco's magnificent capacity and lesources. Concent 1'rogram. Tlie following program will be ren dered at the concert this evening at the Baldwin opera house: l-Aitr i. 1'ltino Duel Huugnrluii Ithninoelle Jfofiiian MibH tiuuiie.uu unci Mr. win. JJIrgfeld. Waltz Song from Homco Mini Jiillt-t....,..eJo;ici( .Mr. Kllu J.iuk-Kleln. J Folk-Soni,' Voote Mrs. Klein. Ave Marin from Cnvalotin KustieiWii....Vaji'7)i Mrs. Klein. Violin oblliito by Mr. liliRfold, with Miss Schmidt nt the pltino.j l'AHT II. Duet Oh Tluit Wo Two Wow Mnylnir.AWiWHflfr Miss Myrtle MlehelliiuU Mihs IJuim. She) Promised to lie Mine G'cifi- Mrs, Klein. i.ulluby from Jocolyn (liulard Answer Hubyn Scotch Melody Co mln Thro' tho ltyo Mth, Klein, -Admission 50 cents. full OrituiliiK, Mrs. Jayne invites tho ladies to call ami see her dieplay of fall and winter hats Tuesday mid Weduesday ufler noons, Sept 25th and 20th, at her new store ono block east of tliepoatofilce. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, Tb8 Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature ot Clark A Falk's drug fresh and complete. suck is new, Votes for Oticcn or the Carnival. At 2 o'clock thia afternoon the yote for quoen of the carnival stood as fol lows : Annie Lang 147 Annie Haslam 57 Grace Scott .' 49 Cora Jole; -10 Lizzie Bonn 20 Myrtle Michel! 16 Mav Cushing 10 Melissa Hill 8 Georgia Sampson S Florence Ilampson 7 Minnie Gosser 0 Rose Michell 5 Mrs George Blakeley 2 Delia Michelb&ch 2 Louise Michelbach 2 Minnie Michell 1 Bertha Glenn 1 Bessie Eddon 1 Maude Clarke 1 HattieCram 1 Emily Crossen 1 Mary Mclnerny 1 Bessie Lane 1 Sarah Doherty 1 Edith Fisher 1 Clara Niekplsen 1 Maggie Lake 1 Grace Enes 1 Grace Lauer 1 Lizzie Lauer 1 Millinery Orieului;. Miss Haven, successor to Mrs. C. L. Phillips, announces her fall millinery opening of French pattern and house trimmed ha.ts on Wednesday, Thursday Friday and Saturday, Sept. 20, 27, 28, when the most authentic styles in new and novel millinery will be displayed. A new shipment of ready-to-wear 6lreet hats just arrived. I-'or Sale. Rubber-tire buggy, at Porter's stable; nearly new; good condition. sepOlw W0 i -ii.w 1 Tho only store ft thia city whero tin Genuine Imported Stransky-Stcel Ware la sold, A little higher in prico, but outln3ts a dozen pieces of so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other vnrc3 look has tho name Stransky - Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at 16 International Exhi bitions. Highest award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago. Pre ferred by tho best cookingauthorities, certified to by the moht famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. It does not ru&t nor absorb rjvease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is notaffectedbyacids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, stew, roast and bake without imparting flavor ot previously cooked food and will last for years. 0$0 We can tion tha public against, irnitatiortf A lUrcus (itrl. Thoso who havo stcn the funny farce "A Circus Girl" do not hesitate to de clare it a good show. Complications of the most laughable sort fill the tlireo acts, and the situations are lively and entertaining. Miss Maude Sutton in tlie title rolo is charming and as talont ed as pretty. Her entrance at tho close of tlie first act, dressed in her circus costume, invariably brings down tlm house. Introduced specialties are also given. The Macoy company will open in "A Circus Girl" tonight at the Vogt. Reserved seats 35 cents ; general admis sion 25 cents. To DelliHiuent T.ixpuyi'rd. Tho County Court having authorized tho immediate collection of dolinquout taxes, I am compelled to comply witli its request, ud will therefore proceed at once to advertise. If you nro delinquent you will save cost and expenses by im mediate payment. All personal prop erty unpaid will bo attached at tlie cost and expense of tho owner without fur ther notice. Roiickt Kki.i.y, Sheriff of Wasco Co., Or. The Dalles Sept. 17, 1000. 17-20d-w Cocoa Served Free! FREE DEMONSTRATIONS of BREAKFAST COCOA From the famous houso of Walter Baker & Co., Ltd., DORCMESTER, MASS. J (Established 1780.) Will be given at tlie stores cf Maier & Benton and Pease & Mays, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 84, 25 and 26, 1900, all day. A young lady, dressed to represent the trade mark of the compaii "La Belle Chocolatlero1' will servo the Cocoa free of charge, and give full Instructions as to tho proper method of preparing the same. A most cordial invitation Is extended to the public of The Dalles to call ut the above-mentioned stores and test the merits of this celebrated Cocoa. FREE TO ALL.