KHEDIYE OF EGYPT. Scptcmlior is, 1 I Notice Is hereby civcii that tlio fullowluR . . , t .1 named settler lm. tiled notice of her Intention Mode of Life and Characteristics tomakoimai pror.t msuppottof hci claim, ami , that satd proof will bo made l.e oft tin1 tivitster of AbbilS. i and riceler iitlho Dallo, Oicgon, on Wciliics- ', iln, October 21, 11-00, viz- I IilUn IC. Vlehir, ... , ... . ., 'wlilow cf Samuel .1. Vlckcr deceased, ol Mo- UN Tnite mill lluliltn Are .More Ur orccon, II. V.. No. SW. for the N!$ 3Vi4 Tliimo of an KiikIIiIi GNmiitry I nilil ?... MYJ4 Set' 1". Tp 2 N. It 12 K, W, M. ,. , She iiiimei the following nllncsse;. to prove i.i'iitlciunii Hum or an on- her lontlmious rcsMenco upon and cultivation viititl Sovorelmi. of Mid land, viz. : (linrse ltenoc, of The Oallcs, Orriroii! Joints " I Milcr. Kvai, Uric fiinulaiul, Mosler, Or. The life of his. highnessis very (lifTor- j M' JAY 1'. U'CAS. Register. mt frnm flint wliioli in tlio western ' world is. usually associated with an eastern sovereign. To begin with, the ' nlieilive has reeeived a splt-nuk! Ktiro- lionn education. Ho learnei! as a child tinder tutors specially .-elected nnil sunt to Cairo for his benefit and that of his brother. Prince .Mehentet. When l'J years of apv he entered the celebrated llnxius .-chool. at (ieneva, nud afterward continued his. scholastic career at the TheiTtiatiuni, at Vienna, from which he was called by the Mid den deaih of his. father, Khedive Tewfih, u ascend the throne of Kjjypt nt the age of 1 in ls92. At Vienna he was something of a favorite with the Austrian emperor, who also saw that the prince was- jjiven a military train ing in addition to his ordinary school work. Naturally highly intelligent. Ab bas proved him.-ctf both industrious and enpnble. He has tiie gift of tongues, and can talk in at least si. languages Knglisii, French, German. Italian, Turkish and Arabic, tile last lieing in common u.-e throughout Kgypt. livery otlieial day of his life lie will most probabiy.eonverse in at least four of the-e languages. His hiirhne.-'s, says the London Chronicle, has. a prodigious memory and great capacity for mastering de tail. He is a hard worker, and every moment of his time in parcelled out with exactness, lie usually ri.-es. at 15:30 in the morning, and then goes out riding, an exercise of which lie is pas sionately fond, till about eight, when lie has Kaon afterward he is busily engaged in state atVairs with , his secretaries and ministers, and this iillMiip the fore-noon till luncheon: but, that meal over, he is at work again with his stntT until hi.- puhlie reception hour conies around, when he meets all those who have the right to call upon him and a good number who haven't. In t.he evening thene are dinner, balls, receptions, the opra and the theater. All this gives one the impression, a per fectly correct one. that Abbas is no lan guid oriental, but a prince of high abil ity and remarkable energy. Nor is- he les-s interesting from the purely domestic point of view. As a sovereign he has to be- a great deal at the state palaces of Ahdin, at Cairo, and llas-el-Tin, at Alexandria, the for mer being the winter, the latter the .summer capital of Egypt, but he likes nothing better than to leave thc-e for his more private palace- of Koubbeh or Montaah, his seaside place, Koubbeh is some live mites frnm'Cnir.o, mid here his highness, lives-after much the same fashion as mitrlit a great English land owner of the most modern type. He keeps a splendid stud, and his" beautiful horses, English bred as well as Arabs, are his special pride. On the estate it sjelf he has brought into-use ihe'latest things in American agricultural ma chinery, and he take.- an active part in the superx iUoir of his numerous-farms and cotton plantationr- in the Nile val ley from which, indeed, he derives. 1 1 i,e larger part of his vast private wealth. Jlis olllcial income is .f KOAC0 a yinr, und an equal amount js paid to the other inenilierji of the Khedivial family, Upsides his pronounced taste for the life of a country gentleman, Abbas bus a taste, or rather a pa-sion, which is not. generally shared by country gen tlemen. He is a skilled musician, and is devoted to music, lie keep.-, a ptivate band of about .VI performers, who find in him a genrnu patron but a relent leis critic. Woe betide the man who makes a false note! His highness is a strict Mahometan, and as such es-ohews both wines and spirits. His abstinence got" even fur ther, for in a countty w here everybody smokes, lie will have nojhing to do witli the fragrant weed. Like hi- father lie is a monogamist, although his re ligion allows him four whes if lie wants them. He is known to be great ly attached to his consort, who was a Circassian lady of the khedivial liousehold before her marriage. They have secral daughters and one son, tin; heir apparent, who was born in February of year. Hy n special decree of the sultan, who is still suzer ain of Egypt, the khediviute de hcends directiy from father to son in the western manner. The domestic entourage of the khedive is presided over by the dowuger khedhah, or L'hcilivnh mere, as the princess is called. This Is in accordance with usual oriental custom, which accords precedence lo a man's mother over Ills wife. llurlty or ti Dreml of Denth. Kir J.yon I'layfalr, who represented the I'nlver.slty of EilinlnirKh for 17 year, wi,v.s Health, iiaturnll.y eame in vontaet with the most eminent filed leal men of KiikIiiiiiI, aud he p.tit this lueHtir)n to most of them: "Did you, in your extensive iraetlee, ever know at patient who wiih afraid to die?" With two exeeptlons, It xeems, they niiMvered "No," One of thexc exiau) tions was Kir Hiinjainin Hrodie, vho Mild la: had Keen one ease, The other was Kir Robert Chrlstison, who had heen one case, Mint of a fjirl of bad vhanieter, who hud a sudden accident NOTICE YOU PUBLICATION. Land OFFicn t Tin: Ialu:, OK. I NOTICE FOii PUnLIOATIO.W I.ind Offitk at Va.stouvku. Wash.) Kotlce liclcbv R,vcu , h t the " rol liv 1 n iiamcti seiner mis iucu nouee 01 in iiiieimoii to ninke lliial in oof la support of hl chirr, mid Hint said uroo: will bo madobefote W. II. I'icsbv. linltcil rtntt-s Coiniiilssioiier for District o! VYiulilcgton. at his ofiloo in (iolileinliile, Wash ington, on October l, Heo, viz. .lulin Will miii, 1'. O. nddrcis Centervlllc, Wash,, who made hoiiHStciul iippllcation No. 9.'li, for tries' HE joe ra, T .1 N, I! It K, W. M. WLo names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon mid culiivulioii of sal.1 hind, Charles Straulie, William WlUlnsni,, Jnmo C, Duly nnd Patrick llaguerty, all of Centcr ille l O., WnshliiRtoa. als-1 W. 11, DUNI1A1!, Kcslster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1as: Orncn at Tin: D.U.LE?, Or., I September 10, U0) I Notice 1 hereby given that the following liamiil settler has tiled notice ot his intention to in nke tlmil proof in support of his claim, and that sid proof will be made before the Itejistcr and Iteeeiver at The Dalle-, Oreon, on Satur day, Octobers), ltVM, U: Areltou S. Ko, of The Dalles, Oregon. II. K. No. 31.11, for the SlilNVT qr and W hf SV qr, sec 12, Tp 1 a, li 11 He name the following witnesses to prove his lontinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. I. f. .Matney, 0. II. Matncy, Charles tiossen and W. C. Clark, all of The Dalles, Oregon. sepll JAY I'. LUCAS, Ueglstcr. NOTICE FOI PUBLICATION. Lsi Officf. at The Dalles. Oiieoox,) August ii, I'.W. ! Notice Is bcriby given that the following named settler has tiled notlco of his intention to make iiiml,proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the ItcgUter and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur day, October C, 1900, viz: Itoliert K. l'lillllp., of .Moler, Or., II K. No. SWi for the NK.'., NWJ,;, NW14 NK'- sit0, and S!j sKtj, fcec I, Tp. J N., li. 12 K He names tne following wltnesse.5 to prove his continuous rcsideaee upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: lames Lewis, Dolly Mooter, I.en Kvans, John Jlllcr, all of Mosier, Oregon. JAY I.UCA3, aug-l . Itet'ister. EXECUTOIfS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have been duly appointed by the honorable county court, 01 tne siaio 01 uregon, lor waco 1 county, executors of the vstnts of Horatio Cor don, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate aro hereby notified to present ?f .; tu- -.. the same, properly Verlllcl, to the undersigned RllaiH? f0":. .Wl7S":.Si"V"L c",l.'"ty' Oregon, or at the otlice of our attorneys, Mene feo A Wilson, at The Dulles, Oregon, within six months from tlio date of this notice. Dated July 11, 1WW. uFiAi:i.Es u. cokbon, W1I.I.1ASI K. COItsU.N-, K.xeculor.s of the estate of Horatio Corson, de ceasej. JlyJl II NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dauks, Or., " Aug, lb, 1PO0. 1 i Kotice is hereby given that the loiloulng named settler has lllei notice or his Intention to make dual proof in support of bis claim, mid that said proof jilll bo made before the register and receiver of the I.'. A. land ollico at The Dalles, Or , on Saturday, Sept. L-J, WOO, viz. Henry C. Oorillon, of Tlio Dulles, Or,, IF. i:. No nil, for theNUSiai' iuc. C. Tp 1 N, it :l K. W. I. He names the following UUokk to jirovc . bi.s eontiunoiia lesidence iij'Oii aud eillthiulou of said land hU: Ernest Joruan, Albeit Jordan, John fiishek and James Thomas, all of The Dalles, Oregon. aug.-M JAV I', l.L'CAs, UegiEter, NOTICE FOR l'UHEICATION. Lanii Cfficf. at Tuk Dalle.", okk,, AUirustSI. 1UC0. Notice it herrby given that the following- j named settlernas iucu notice ol his uileutioa to make tinal proof iu support of his claim, and I that sidd croof will be made before the Register and lleeeiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednes- j nay, ueioou- iv, r.w( viz.; (;orB W. .lohiiDtiin, of The Dallfh, Or., II. K. No. Sift!, for the NV NKK and Hl'.'t KW'U Pec is, Tp 1 N, It 11 i:, W. .M. lie names the following ltnescs to prove his continuous residence ii)ou, and cultivation of told land, viz. K. I'. Taylor, Wrn. StiArp, J. W. Johnston und H, K. Teague, all of The Dalles, Oregon, s.1-1 JAY 1'. LUCAS, Iteglster. NO 1 ICE FOR l'UHLICATiON. I.ANI) Ol'HCK AT TlIK DlLLES, Oil., ) September lv, l'XO. i Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler lias filed notice of her Intention to make lluul proof in Mipport of her claim, and that said proof will be uiede before the Register aud Kccelver at '1 ho Dalles, Oregon, on Wedntk- uay, ucwuer ai, ivw, vi.: lannt 1'. MtntvHrt, of I tin Ilnllct, dr., II. K. No. 021. for the Ii'.. HVM SK jr NK qr fie Si, Tp 1 N, It l'J K, and fiW iir MV or Sec Wi, Tp 1 K, ii i.i i:, w i. She names the following witnesses to provu her continuous risidence upon aud ciillivatiou of said laud, lz.. D. D. Nelson, i:. K. fihar, John Fleming, Daniel htctvutt, all ol The Dalles. Kpt5 JAV 1'. l.UOAS. Iteglster. NOTICE FOR I'U JUDICATION. IjA.mi omen at Tjik Dali.ks, Oini,,i July l!w. Notice In hereby given that tho following namwl settler has tiled notice of her Intention to commute and niakollnal roof in support of her chlm, and tnat said proof will bo made be fore, the tegUter and reeUver at The Dalles, Oregon, on 'lhurtday, Ket teinber'JU, l'.W, vlss: I.oIh a. Helm, of The l)nllo, Or., II, V.. No, 0150, for tho Ntt'K HVM, Kj HWK, nnd hA SWJi, .See. 'J T. 1 H., 11. 11 K W. Jl. Rhu names too following witueses to prove, her eontlnuoin retldenco uni, and cultivation of said land vU? 1'eter Fagau. O. Wetmore, Charles Matney, Y. Fox, all of The" Dalle, or. JAV i'. J.l'C'AS, 1-1 Itu liter NOTICE OF FI N A L .SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have II lid with tlio Clerk of the county court of tho btAtuol Oregon for Wasco countv,thclr final uciount an executor of the last will aud testa ment of Henry liarnum, deceaied, uud that Monday, tho UU day of November, H0U, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. in., ban been llxcd by tlio County Court for said county as the time, and tho county court room la Dalles City us tho nlaco for hearing of oblcctlons to said filial ac count uud tiie settlement of tho same. J, " , I'HKMJIl, F. I'. MAVfl, sepl-l Kxccutom. The Weekly Oregonian and Twice-a-Week Chronicle for $2.00 a year. All subscribers to tlio Weekly Chron icle1 who pay cue years' subscription In advnnc, will be entitled to tin; above liberal offer. CIIllONICLE l'Uli. CO., The Dalle?, Oregon. House Painting... The undersigned has taken possession of II. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to the, Vogt opera house, and has pur chased tins tools and ladders. Ho lias good mechanics working for him, and will guaranteu all work to give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. Oregon STATE Fit SALEM, OREGON. September 17 to 22, 1900. BIGGER AND DETTER THAN EVER BEFORE. r.. ir. : . 1 rejiaired nnd renovated, all stork build- ititr? thoroughly disinfected; everythinp in hrsl-cluss: condition lor the largest and heat Jivu .Stock Snow and Ayrtutilt- ural Exposition ever held on the Coast. $20 000 ir? premiU(Ti5 purses (iood racing uverv afternoon. I Mu-ic anil fun at ntIit. Arcllon salo of liveitock 111 lx nisde a lead ing f-aturc. All livestock and other exhibits free over the .-outltern l'aelllo railroad rinlnrerl i.Hsspnffi.r ratvs on all railroads Km ' premium fl't ami other 'nformatl on address . ii. ii i-.ur.i .mi, eresiutui. iiuisuoro, wr il. 1). M-?l,i;M, see., l'ortlHiidMOr. 'Axle - IREASE hcljis tiie team. Saves var ana .pcuse. bold everywhere. STANDARD OIL CO. ; FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TllANSACT A KNKKAI. liA.NKINO lilJHl.NEh Icttere of Credit iseued nvaihiblo in the Eaetorn States, Sight Echanjo and Teleraphif, Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. I-onis, San Francieco, Portland Ore eon, Seattle. Wash,, and various pointo in Oregon and Waolunjiton. Collections mn-lti at till points on fav orable term". CONTEST NOTICE. r S. Land Omen, Tim Dali.ks, ().,( sepiemoer i-i, iw, ) A su indent contest allidnvit iiavlug lieeu lllnl in this cilice by Joseph II Sherar, conteitaut, against hormsioul entry No. 71W, made June 3, W). forhhf NW ijrf-if'Js, nnd Hhf NKiirteo 2), T 3 H K II li, by Wllliaiii (illl eontestee, In which It is aliened that said William (illl has wholly abanilouid said tract nud changed his resilience therefrom for moie than tlx months slnco making said entry, and next pi lor to dat of contest, and that he did not abandon the trect to enter the military or naval servlco ol tho l' nltcd Statts, said parties uro hereby notl lied to apjiear, respond and oiler evidence touch ing said allegation at 10 o'clock a. in. on October 'J7, IWW, before, tho rczUtvr and receiver at thu L'nltcd States laud ollico in T ho Dalles, Oregon, Tho said contestant having, In a jiroter nil), davit, filed August II. I'.XiO, set forth facts which show that after due diligence )eisonal seivleo of this notlco can not bu made. It is herein- ordered and diiected that such notlco be given hy duu and proper publication. seplO JAV I'. I.UCAS, JtCKistcr. NOTICE FOR l'UUUCATION. Ofucb at Tub Dalles, Ok., j September, 10, IW). ( Notice Is hereby glen that thu following named settler has fifed notice ol his intention to make llnal proof in tupixirt of his claim, and that salil proof will bo made beloro tho regUter and receiver at Thu Dalles, Oregon, on .Saturday, October:), 1WW, vU.t Charles II. Mutntty, . of Tim Dalles, Oregon, II, K. No. Hhu, for tho S hf NK qr mid W lif UK v, Sec Vi, Tp 1 H, it II 1J, W. M. Ho names thu following wltueises to prove Ills continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said laud, U.i A. H, Fox, 1', C. I'agau, Charles (iossou und W. O. Clark, all of The Dalles, Oregon, sepl-l JAV I', I.UCA8, Iteglster. j.r, MCOKE. JOIIUOAVIM MOOKE & GAVIN, ATIOKNUVS AT MW ItoouM 83 and 10, over U. S. Uud Ottlce t "r. Hi;1 i '3SI 21 f 31 '3E hi: : 'IB :e :fe f -r. f Jiif lift tLunt mt it tint intrntytrf nit fTA ri rrA--A1-icrA"r3Crjl ' 'A'VJk'-'A ' 'ATAA" -"A jj Steamers ' y- ov..rg sehidule, sei.u.ulo wlt.iout ? p I g Str. Rotiulntor Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. h i.iw J.I.v lullcx at a M. 'I...... ...... LI l. I'ortlind a 1 7 . m. Mouilaj . VY'.dlKsdHj Ftiilay Arr Daliea Ht A 1'. . j I MINlll) T)iuisda Saturday . Arr. Tortliiad at I-3J 1-. m. FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, b Travel by the .Steamers r,l the Itegulator I.lue p lOli ill.' UVl PUJ' (J l'ortland Otlice, Oak Htrect Doc rons the best semen possible W. t-i.-Kur-i.Y.iy.ur.nts.-r.i.-r'r. a) VIM , r IS j. Jr . m -II 1 SO E. FALT & CO., Proprietors Comrnepcjal Sampje Purest Liquors for Family Use Dolivorod to any part of tho City. 9 I'Iioiihb: Til I.ncal, 858 lin Dhtitnct'. Advertise in the Chronicle B' r ( ,i ( V X v I v L. Lane, (IKNUUAl. Wagon and Oarrlago Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Jefferson. Pbouc 159 j BiacKiiifi ...AND... Horsesnoer ,3: 1 I Il 3? The Chronicle, The Dalian, OK, dob Printers. nC 'at: a; 3:1 3S 3C, II I fV( 1111 1 mi tfitt mint iijiriiitur tiiiiir" TA'1 A-TA-ri." ATATA ! ATAli rjtlXIATA 'A- ATilTAT- REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, rOHTLAXI) k ASI0II1A iAV. COMPANY ol the Itigulatur Line will run as per the lol 01 '3 the Company reserving the right to clncige notice. Str. Dallos City. IKIWN l.v. Dalles at 7 A. M. londay Wednesday Friday Arr. l'orlland at I V) v. i. ur. l. . I'ortiauil nt 7 no A M. 'I lie-day . . Thiirida.v hiitunluv i Air. Dalles 'ri air. r. m. w 1 ! llv ( omtuuv Mill endeaMir ti give Its pat i-oi furtli r mlormatlou address C. ALLAWAY, Gun. A(it.;i.Ti.Tj.r.urrj3 How pleasing to the ear. How easy in action. How grand and beautiful in appitiininco are tho now ,'ldiHloll,'"rnito(l MakorH"und "Kimball" J'ianos at Jacobsen Book & Music Co. 9 173 Second Street. C. F. Stephens ..Donlor In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. HatK, flips, Notions. At. fur W. I,. Uoimlaa Hhoe. Tck'iihono No, us, The Dalles, Or, mi dccouu rit,, J)lt. K, K. FIJItOIIHON, riiysiciun und Surgeon, Otlice, Vojjt lllock (over I'oitofllct), Waplmo-dw TIIK DAM.K-J, O'.tKUON. 9 time friir.nvMt. I i'uoM , , Kast Mall ij.r p. ia U..II t ..I... 11 .. I (ihlcimo'audl,, ,1W' 'm Atlantic llXplCHK r.' a, iii! Via Hunt lllglon. 'Halt IjiIcs. Denver. l'i Worth. Oiniiha, Ua, : """n sas (!lty, Ht l.mi Chicago and, Hpokiinii Mall Mllll Kxptcns Wiilla Wnlla, Hpnkane. gmkl.. .MuneaiiollK. St. pim "'j?, 1, Mlhvaukce .n'i1 Olilrngo and r.n'.t, Vn' KpoWanonlnllluiitlng. ,Itc" ton; 11U0 all j .01 uts la' WiiHilngton and Last- era Otegou. J,t-n U:'Jj p. in 8 p. 111. l'HOM 1'nttTMNIl. Ocean Steamships. I'or han l'miielsni Kvery Five l)n. 8 p. 111. ! . Kx.MundaylColiinibla Rv. Kteaim-rs. Ex sW. , To AhTinu.A and Way "sl:l, Raiiuil.iy 1-uidlngs. Hip. in, j fl u. 111. WltXAUKTTr. UlVKK. hr.bundpy'()rejton Cltv, KowUrg, KxuaS, i Hiilem & Way ljuid'u. ' .11.111, ii.i.amktti: A.U. VAM .liSOtin 1 uei.'l hur.i him. IttVKiii. Mou ami rat. Oregon City, Davloti, andlrL 1 mid Way-I 'indlngs. a fifUKi: ltivr.ii. Klpiirln to lwlston. liV I ! 1 1 k-i r In d'lly ; .') ! II. 111. 1 l.Kwirto,i .lillr 0 (in. m 1'arlien ilitrnig to gi, to Ilcpimtr ct ! iHiuilft 011 CiHuinlilii t-'otithern via lllg?, iboull iakiiNo. J, leaving 'I he Dallis at U:40 , b, maUliig illrtut I'linnectlons at Ileppner junction Hlggs Itetiirnlng iiiaVliigiiirii teoiinKtloa at licppncr Jiuietlon and lllgg- v Itu .N'o, ,u. , nM'ig at The lmlksii' ' a t m j For lull iiartlciilarM i j agent The Uallex. or 0 i S. Co.! I I ' III.III'r.T, ' 'illind.Or 111! f 9. - c Yellowstone Park Line. tiik dining cut iton i: ritoM ror.TUXD to tiii; i. am' tuk oni.v Dinner i.ini: to tiii. yklww- KIONK I'AUK LKivi:. 1 Union Depot, Filth anil Sis .um. No: Kast mill! forTaconia No. leattlo, Olymiila, ora ' llaibor iiud'tioutli hi ml point, iipul.Mii.', Hol land, II. ('., I'tllli Moscow, Iajh islon, lint 11:15 A. il. falnllumpiniulurrcoii. try, Helena, Mliimn ilia, Ht. l'mil, Oman , I Kiinsai Oily, rit. Urni Chicago and all l(i' No I, least anil soullirimt ruirot Htm i nl l.xpn 11;U) 1'. Jl. for Taeotua and heaii' unit Intermediate poln' .Ml'. SI. No. 3. ,0)A..M. I'ullman llmt-olasi and loun ' sliviri t') .Vlnneapolls, Ht. I'aulund illsson river jolnti without I'hiiiiKe. ., Viutlbuliil trains. Union dopi coiiiiccUodi In nil principal cities IIiikkhkc nheeked tiiilestlnatlon ticket. l ot hatiilsoinely llluatintcdilc etlntlveiiulM'. tlcketa, sleepitiK car reervallou'' eP .cilloaW write A. D. CHARLTON, Asilstuut (ieui-nil l'lmsetiuer Awut J.iMoul Mill Hlieet.eoinerTliIrd, I'orthi'i , onsen. SOUTH and EAST via Trains leavo The Palles for l' ami fuf stations at I :i u. in. unit " p, m. U-nvo rortlaud " Albany Artlvo Anhlaiul " riaciauieiilo ... " Kan I'iaueisco . h:;aiai.i 7:JP .. KM I'" .. 7;l p m :1ji " Arilvo OkiIoii , " Denvur " Kansas (,'lty. " (Jhlcaipi . . . , B!,Sn,n H,)!a , UilHla lit 'J .'' K V.iriiilii U.'JU"1 Arrlvu Iam AiiKelea ... " Kl I'aso " Tort Worth " City of Mexico , " Houston " New Orleans ,. " WashlliKlotl ... " NewVork ... li'.'O i m . tiitrn p m ,,.r;M a III ,,, lU.Vill 111 ... 1:111 a iu . ,. fiiiia in ... fill.! a in , .l'JiMpin 7.00HB1 f,:W p l);;il)tn K Ma ;(lftlil r.ipw clluw I'ullnian nnd TnurUt.carN on both til Ohalreara Baeriiinento t OKden nnd I. aud tourist oiira to l,ilcuo, Ht Louis. Nt-""' icans aim vtiiuuuKioil. (.'onnectliiK t Hail fciuieco with wvj steamship iTncii for Honolulu, Japan, u 1'hlllpliliien, Central nud Houtli Ametlcu. Hco iiReiit at Thu Dalles tttnlloii, or wMrC C. H. MARKHAM, (ieucml I'msetiKcr Agent, lortl, Ot J)1' UKlHKNOOItrrKU riiyaician aud Suro BlKJClitl Httuiitioii given lo luntcry. Tel. INS Hoom VI ud W. Voit UW" . tiKr.MiT fill. ouiiiefo Facility. Shasta Route