The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 22, 1900, Image 3

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You w&y
ruich expressions as "The Coat seoms to bo alright, only
the collar doesn't seem to fit;" or '1 think the "back wrinkles
a little' Tlievo is whero Iho average clothier "falls down;" he
doesn't try to avoid the wrinkles in his clothing; ho is neglectful of
details. When we sell you a suit of clothes wo want your friends to
able to say
1 WO
"Who's Youf Clothief?
9 9
Foil Styles in Gents' Suits and Overcoats, Top-coals and Ul
Hleis. Wo never have shown a greater collection, and from the im
mense sales already we know that our prices a-litllo lower than else
where. Many exclusive things here, too. You'll get a better idea
of this slock if you look thorough. J I costs nothing to look.
Children's. Kangaroo Calf, but
ton and lace.
Children's Kid, button and lace.
Heavy Soles plump stock.
Sizes 6 to 8 $1.15
Sizes 8 1-2 to 11, - $1.35
Sizes 11 1-2 to 2, - $1.65
Excellent School Shoes. Your
money's worth in every pair.
Pease & Mays'
Shoe Department.
Dress Goods..
rainy-day skirls in all the latest
navy and black.
tailor suits.
Suit and Skirt
In our' Suit and Skirt Depart
ment the stock is now complete, and
we have some startling bargains to
Have you seen our RAINY
correct thing for Fall wear.
Give the department a call.
All Goods Marked
In Plain FlRiiroB.
mays & Ciowe
Tito only storo fi
this city where tht
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold,
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
n dozen piecesof so
called cheap onam
eled ware.
Other wares looli
ino has tho name
Stransky -Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 1C
International Exhi
bitions). Highest
award at Worlds
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by tho best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability ib is
cheapest becauso
. -I
The Dalies Daily Chronicle.
SATl'llDA Y -
SKI'T. 22, 1900
A A Mrl tAiir lfnllntvQ.
At Lyle, Club wheat is solline; at 51
Otits and liluustein at i4 cunts.
New shoes (or fal.l and w'mtur just re
ceived at tho New York Cash Store.
Don't forget Professor Sundvin'e open
inn dance tonight at tho ISuldwin, com
mcnciiie, at il o'clock.
Kliler SkiiBRa, of l'ortlnnd, will preach
at tlio Christian church on tho Lord's
day niorniiiu and evening.
There will bo a cull meeting of tho
Kpworth League this evening at 7 :!!().
All members aro particularly requested
to ho present.
lleecrved seats for "A Circus Girl", at
tho Vogt Monday night, are now on sale
at Clarke & FuIU'h drug store. Tho price
has been placed at H5 cents.
I'.irties from Crook county recuntly
bought -100 head of hogs In tho Wapini
tla country. Thoy wore bought for do
livery to tho purchasers Oct. 1st.
lilder Paul Krngor has taken charge
of Tho Dallas Christian church of this
citv and will enter unon his work at
once. Ills family will bo hero shortly.
Ktophon Caleinziu wuh arraigned in
tlio recorder's court this morning for
biting in a beastly state of intoxication
laat night and fined $5, which ho paid.
Thi! I'Yi.miiU'M rninmlttoo of TIlO
D.iIIoh uimilvul and street fair liavo do
culed that the vote for oueoti of tho
c.irnlvnl will close Tuesday, Out. 2nd, at
I' unlock sharp.
Lost Thn morning, a pocket book
ontiilniiu' ii twuiitv.dollar bill.' A lib
eral iinvnrd will be mild for its return to
,S;nuott A IM9I1, Umatilla House, or tho
ovnitr, Ci.T. Androwo, Wasco, bhormau
count V.
Tiimuuter Clmrlov. tho Tumwatur si
wash, who was arrested yesterday for
llrnnkiiiiiKiflA. ,u-im nrraiuiieil thiu morn
ing huforo his honor, Judge Gates, and
alter depositing iftl In the citv treasury
win (Uncharged.
Cnniirnnatunii Tiinunn ivlll BnOflk ill
WitHhiiH'toii tlirnn times dnrliiK tho
campaign. Governor ,(3eer will stump
sections of Idaho and Washington. 11
la not definitely settled whether or not
tlio Governor will take 111 Ohio.
Hudson & BrowiihUl aro receiving
iiiimlrles dallv from the east for farm
property, and any persons having farms
iur saiu would do well to place mum in
their bunds tnr onla. and thorebv uet ad-
vantage of tholr extciulvo advertising
irto at cast.
K. G, Hotter recently purchased 100
bead of cows with cIvcb and dry cows
in tlio southeastern part of this county
and in Harney, paying !f"( for t''o
frirmfir mill fur the latter. He
will take them to his farm on lower
Trout for breeding purposes.
O. V. Phelps, a former resident of'
j this city and father of Attorney &. W . j
j Phelps of Heppner, died of dropsy of!
1 the heart at iiorkiiley, Calif., yesleiday I
morning. The remains will arrive here
on tho noon train tomorrow and the j
funeral will take pluco at 15 o'clock p. in. I
from Crandall & Hurgett's undertaking
Krii-ndH of the deceased are iu-
vi Hid to bo present.
Tho Uev. W. E. Potwine. rector of tho
church of the Hedoemer at Pendleton,
will ofliciate at St. Paul's Lpiecopal
church tomorrow, Sunday, the -Mil.
Morninir nraver at 1 1 , followed by holy
- , - ...r
,...,.., mi nn ; fveniiii! nraver ai :.. 1
HUllllll Minwt. 1 -
Uaptismal service at tho Sunday school
hour, 10 a. in. An opportunity will no
given to contribute to tlio iiaivesion
fund at these services. Mrs. Klein will
eing the offertory.
Tho fibbing records liavo oil gone
broke, says the Glacier. Win. Stewart
in four hours' fishing at Tucker's bridge
Monday afternoon hooked twenty sal
.nnii trout, tho angregate weight of
which was icrty five pounds. This io
at an average of a fish every twelve
minutes, and it takos, ten miuutes to
land a salmon trout. Mr. btewan says
lie quit iu disgust when ho pulled out a
miliimn. or ho would have been llslitng
vet. Tho catch wbb made with a bare
1 .11
lly-hook, and is what you wouiu can
oennino sport.
Thoro is nothing so pleasant in the
,.vnnr eiice of a singer as visaing
scones of early succesaea, and Airs. Klla
Lark-Klein tells us thai sho looks lor
u-nrl to niiDeariiiir before a Dulles audi
ence with more pleasure than anywhere
,ii,rin lmr career. Sho has aiwaya con
ii.ii.rml her former experience in this
city as the slepping-stono to her subso-
n. o..,..muai.a li. is nnnosBioie IU
llllCII! nilV'VViW"' m. .
fnr,Ti.t. the cord al reception ami ouuuui
agenient extended her talonts hero some
years ago, and In coming duck iu hink
again sho says there is a sentiment felt
fn,. wittnli mere words seem iniuieiium.:
Slnco her appearance hero last she nas
been ovei half tho world, morning wim
otio long aories success j but she lias ai
.minimi with nride to tho incen
tlve given for hard work in study by her
friends hore, which itaH ueen so pruum--iu.
mid nleasure. Next Mon
day evonlng she will offer a program of
unusual fntorcst, since u win coui,
if our beat modern
composors, with a generous Interming
ling of popular selections 10 give jm.
11. And an interest is always
felt in tlio assistance of tho best local
talent, which will uo auueti 10 inu
Four or five boys, going to bcIiooI
during winter, to board. $12 a month
with room and plain washing. Across
street from Hlgb school. Apply t
C.U.0N10..K office. dAwl'n
llolibrry to Ui Ucutli r a Ke
Ci 11 ut ArlliiK"H Aftp All
Wbb rrobuhly Acmmiill.lccl
liy I. iical Talent.
Tho Btore of Mays & Crowe was robbed
last night of Colt's revolvers, razors and
pocket knives to the value, as near as
cui be oGtamnted, of about $123. The
thieves obtained entrance to tiio store
by unlatching the hook of the iron shut
ter of a back window and forcing the
window open. The unlatching was
eaf-ily accomplished by a small pine
stick that the robbers discarded and
which was found lying on the ground at
the base of the window. Tlio window
waB evidently forced by a stronger in
strument, as" the marks of its preseure is
visible 011 the window sill. A bullet
linlB wbb made in the plate glass at the
east front entrance of the store, for what
reason it is impossible to determine.
Thn robberv occurieu auer miumgm
and Marshal Driver, on being informed
of it, telephoned to the marshal at Arl
ington to bo on the 100K otu mr suspi
cious characters, with the result that on
the arrival of the next passenger train
from The Dalies the Arlington marshal
hailed a negro, who uropped on trie
trnln.mid ordered him to throw up his
hands. The negro made as if he was
reaching for a pistol and the uiarsnai
shot him dead. The dead man, it was
found, had no weapon and none of tlie
stolon goods were found on him,
A the store o Pease 1 .Mays nas ueen
robbed a number of times dining the
mis!, three or four years, it is not in the
least improbable that this last robbery,
and probably the others, was none u
local talent.
Couciirt I'riijcnsiii.
The following program will bo ren
dered at the concert Monday evening at
tlio Baldwin opera house:
1'AltT I.
l'litno Diiot-lIiuiKnrliiii nimpsmlte Uofituw
Miss Siimiisuu iiiul Mr. v 111, nirfiieiu.
Wiiltz Souk fiia tinmen ami Juliet Gotmvil
.Mr. IUI11 Liuk-Melu.
Irish I'olk-SoiiK-.- J'u0lc
Mrs. Klein,
Ave M m-lii from Cnvaloilu Itiisttcimn. . ..Viifciiyif
Mrs. Klein.
VloUu nbllKUto by Mr. illrptelil, with Mls
' Sehmlilt iittiiojiliiuo.
.I'AIIT 11,
l)itet-Oh Tlint Wo Two iVero Mnylii(r..V'Wyfc
Mlsn Myrtle MIeliell mid Mls-slloim.
She I'romtbcu to lie Mine (''ii??
Mrs. Klein.
Lullaby from Joeelyn (.Wind
Answer 7'u('f"
Keototi Meloily-Cninlii Thro" thu llyo
Mrs. Klein.
Admission 50 cents. '
To llellnuuunt Tnxiiaynrii.
Tho County Court having authorized
the immediate collection of delinquent
taxes, I am compelled to comply with
its reoueet. and will therefore proceed at
once to advertise If you are delinquent
you will eave cost and expenses by im
mediate payment. All personal prop
erty unpaid will be attached at tho cost
and expense of the owner without au
thor notice. Koiibrt,
Sheriff of Wasco Co., Or.
Tho Dalles Sent. 17. 1900. 17-20J-W
Mr. Frank Button was in town today
from Hood River.
Professor C. L. Gilbert was a passen
ger on this morning's train for Portland.
H. Herbring left on this morning's
train on a business trip to San Fran-
Mrs. T. Twohig left this morning on a
visit to her parent? at Pleasant Valley,
Wash. ' "
Ed Griflin, the Boyd merchant, of the
firm of Griflin 5c Jjutler, was in town
Newton Patterson, an old-time friend
of Tin: Cnnoxici.E. was in town today
from Enuersby.
Miss Emma Crossfield, who has been
visiting for a few days with Mrs.-K. O.
McCoy, left on this morning's train for
her home at Portland.
Attorney G. W. Phelps, of Heppner,
arrived he're today to attend the funeral
of his father, whose remains are ex
pected to arrive on tue noon train to
morrow from Berkeley, California.
Mrs. C. J. Reed, of Portland, who has
been visiting for a fetf days witrwMre.
train for Pendle
ton, in company wilm the Mieses Annie
and Bessie Lang Vnd Representative
M. A. Moody. Thy will attend tlieln
,i:,, ,inmu nniht. at the Pendleton
fair, and while 'm Pendleton will be the
puests of Mr. KJ Y. Judd.
Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. R.
Clifton, nastor. Regular services at 11
a. m. and 5 d. m. in tho frame school
building 011 Court street. Sunday school
at 10 a. m.
Methodist Episcopal church Corner
Fifth and Washington, Rev. U. F.
Hawk pastor. Morning worship at 11 ;
Sunday school at 10 a. in.: clas3 meet
inp at 12:10; Epworth League at 0:30
evening service at 7 :30. Morning theme,
"Fascinat'1112 Footsteps." In the even
irig, "Man's Relation to God and
Nature." Friends and strangers will bo
welcome at all the services.
Zion Lutheran church, Seventh and
Union streUs Services at 11 a. m. and
.1 :3U p. m : iAuneran caguu iuccuuk
1S:30. Catechistical class will meet on
next Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock in
the church. Rev. W. Brenner pastor.
Hie Mncoy Ccniiuiiy Cuming.
this afternoon the vote
the carnival stood as fol
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb pjrease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside; is
in fruits or
will boil,
stew, roast
and bake
ilavor of
food and
will last
for years.
We cau
tion tho
Votes for (Jueeu of the Carnival
At 2 o'clock
for queen of
lows :
A nn i n T .(l ri tr . 145
Annie Haslam ,
Grace Scott .,
Cora Joles -'
Lizzie Bonn 20
Mvrtlo Micheil 1
Melissa Hill
Minnie Gosser 'j
Florence Ilnmpson I
Rose Micheil
Mn .. llullllM. O
.Hill, uii-ii.i'h
Georgia Sampson 1
Mrs George JSIakoiey -
Delia Michelbach '
ijouiee Miehelhach -
, , 1
The Macov Comedy Company of thirty
neoDle. comnosed of ttie best talent that
has ever toured the Northwest, will com
mence a two days' engagement in this
p.kv. beginning Monday, Sept. 24th.
The plays they will produce during their
Btay in our city will bo the uproarousiy
farce comedy "A Circus Girl," and
"Quo Vadis." Numerous first-class
Bpecialtiet have been introduced, making
up an evening's entertainment that is
sure to please tho most critical. The
company also carries a superb orchestra,
which will furnish the inciueiitai music
between acts. Reserved feat tickets
have been reduced to . cents and aro
now on sale at Chuke & Fnlk's drug
A Curd.
VOOT 0pera House
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
Commencing Monday, Sept. 24.
The Macoy
Comedy Company.
Special Plays.
Special Scenery
Special Cars.
Thitty Clever Artists.
Band and Orchestra.
Minnie Micheil
Bertha G enn . ,
yieseio Eddon. .
Jlaude (Jlarke .
Emily Oroeeon M.Tiiornv
i'""; . .
Iies6ie Lai a
Sarah Doherty 1
Miss Annie Lang, while appreciating
tlio honor that has been done her by
the votes cist for her for queen of tho
carnival, begs mott respectfully to an
nounce that under no circumstances can
she ho induced to become a candidate
for that honor, nor would she under any
circumstances act as queen if elected.
Sulva'ion Aimy.
FIRST NIGHT The Farce Comedy,
entitled "A Circus Girl."
SECOND NIGHT Tho Up to-D.ite
Play, "Quo VadiB."
Popular Prices.
Seats on sale at Clarke Jk. Falk's.
llrjun'h Sollluiiu)-,
To be, or not to be, u piekldeut !
flmryearbBO 1 told my countrymen
Of dliest woe, were 1 defeated then,
That would enshroud our lmid. To Mich extent
JWere thoy alarmed 1 barely missed the goil.
Ah, mcl McKlnley won. Prosperity,
Instead of ruin, both on luud and sea,
inu innilo our nation great, llut by my soul,
As nomlneo of three great j arties-say !
I'm In tho raco iiRain to "suik or swim,
Kiirvlvuoruerlsh ' howsoever hlhn
My chances are-u mlhty KftmoJ'll pliiy.
Sodown Mi'Kliiley; can niunyniiiv iii-
Aly with anarchists nyo, unytnint,"
- W.ii.tkh Kick.
For Infants aud Cliildreu.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho y
Biiaadler and Mrs. Marshall, divi
sioual ofiicers, will conduct special meet
ings for the salvation of souls Saturday,
the 22J, and all day Sunday, tho 23d, at
the Salvation Army hall. All are welcome.
Ice Cream and
Oyster Pariors...
Mrs H. L. Jones has opened ice
cream and tiyeter parlors in Carey Bal
lard's old etand. She carries
A full line of Candies,
Nuts and Cigars.
The place haB been thoroughly ren
ovated, and a thareof the public patron
age is solicited.
Geo. G. Blakeley,
The Druggist.
jU. It. B. SMITH,
ir i-1 s " 4-1 1
Itooms 10 iiiul tl, Cuupinnn lllock, The Dalle,
Oregon. l'-1