The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 22, 1900, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
SATURDAY .... SKIH 2:2, 1900 j
l'or l'relilont
or Ohio.
lVir Vlce-rrel(lont
Of Now York,
The lirvan tnlk about ireeii and
coumuTcialism ami putting the dol
lar above the man might scorn np
propriate enough in the month of a
.Million (llvrtt Away.
It is certainly gratifying to tho public
to know of one concern in tho html who
are not afraid to be i:eiieioii9 to the
needy and eufTaring, The proprietors
I of Dr. King's New Discovery (or eon
j sumption, coughs and colds, havo'givon
! away over ten million trial bottles of this
! great medicine; and have tho satisfac
tion of knowini it lias absolutely cured
thousands of, hopeless cases. Asthma, I
Kfimliit ta li iv v Jit n ties ntwt itl illon.iona '
of the throat, cheat and lungs aro surely
I cured by it. Call on Blakeloy, tho
t Druggist, and get a free trial botMe.
Regular size oOc. and $1. Kvery battle
j guaranteed, or price refunded. 3 j
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stook Regardless of Cost.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots and Shoes, at much less than wholesale
prices. Will sell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers.
Entire stock must be closed out "before 30 days.
All goods will bo sacrificed except Thompson's (ilovi'-llttlng Corsets
and Huttericl: Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure
Corner Second and Court Sis.
Drvinsr preparations simply dovcl-
collec lirofessor sure oflns iob for P catnrrli ; thoy dry p tho eocretions,
LoiiLpt proieaaoi, sure 01 uis jou lor . wh;ch ftllhero to tho nieiubrano and decoin-
life and addressing nil audience of poso, causing a far moro serious trotiblotlmu
tuo onltnary form of catarrn. Avoutniuiry- ;
tug luiiainuis, IlIIUCS, SIIIUKUM nuu siiiuih i
and uso that which cleauses, soothes and
ingnn airof supei.ority to the woik. and wlu nr0 w cold in the head 'rpUp TJpfl1 piopp fnr VnilT, TJnvo
a-dav world. There arc "cntlenien ! easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo -will bo ' -u-c J-u-CXi ACA0 iUl X U Llx AJjy&. lmirrwnmns wbn find their I
chief pleasure and business in assuni-!
Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers.
Tf ho have no command of facts but j
take great delight in insisting upon1
their principles. Tho facts are liable '
to be more effective.
Here are 5ryan and the other
mailed Tor 10 cents. All druggists sell tho
rAS2SK KS Will Reopen on Sept. 5th, 1900.
irritato or causo sneezing. It spreads itself i - . . . - .. - .
over an irritated and angry r.urfaco, reliov- i ; : : -
ing immediately tho painful mtlammation.
inauon. a tv rr 1 . -n 11
With Ely's Cream U.ilm younro armed M. JLltTlCUlL 10010111.
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. 1
I 11 IO illlllJim lilt? I1IU3I, 1II1I1UU11 iiiult-
! liMtia n? mitiir-il citii.npt. fop nnn In hinrnn 1
the winds, going up and down in the ' Through the month? of June and July j expert in several lines. J. K. Adcox & ;
land and warn inn the farmer" the'our "a"y was teething and tool; a rtin u., uy ttieir combination, tiive over-i
I nome uup itimcuiiy in a practical man- ,
$i .00 per month.
Strictly Ilrst c!ufl local an. I loni;
dintaiici' telephone service within
your home.
Lines do not eioaf-tall;, Vour con
versation will bu lsept a seorut.
No cost for inalallliiK.
You tint the etiindard Illuming
Lo 111; Distant Instrument.
Continuous day und nllit uervicu,
Wo will accept your contract for
ten yours mid allow you to uancel
f-ame on Hiving ua thirty ilaya writ
ten notice.
tenants of the democratic cave of .
Klmrnr ll.o ,nl,o.,! f1. !,!, "InK 011 01 le 311(1 SlCKtieSS 01
the bulcher, the baker, the candle
stick maker not to put the dollar
above the man. Meanwhile, must
man think .
perhaps, says the
the stomach," say a 0. l 51. Hollidav,
of Doming, lud. "Ilia boweie would
move from live to eight times a dav. I
not a clear-headed man think some- C1,
house and gave him four drops m a tea
spoonful of water and he got better at
ouce. Sold at Hlakeley'a drugstore.
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, 1 0,1 wsl,.ch repairing, jowelry work
, i it i u i .i eiiiiravinir. Their price is as low as i
'.era and D.arrt.u-i Remedy m the j sistcilt gor(l workmanship. 'I
thing like this,
!Ncw York Sun :
"I do put the dollar 'above any
man who will make it harder for me
to earn one. Your Iriend Aguinaldo
may be a great and good man, but
I'd rather hurt him than hurt myself.
The country is well off and I'm well
off. I want them both to stay so.
I am a base commercialist myself. I
prefer good limes to bad and a panic
among the Tagalogs to a panic in
the United Sutes. As for imperial
ism, I tell you frankly that I don't
care a plugged penny for it. You
say it's paramount; I say it's no
account. You can't scare me with
it. Remember all the terrible things
you said were going to happen if
jou were not elected in 189C. It
was money in my pocket to have
you beaten then. It will be money
in my pocket to have you beaten
next November, and I'm going to
help do it."
We fear that Mr. Bryan will come
to think that this is a selfish sordid
country. It will not injure itself for
the sake of boosting him and Aguin
aldo. Altruria is the place for him.
"At what price will the ultimate
result be gained in case of Mr.
Bryan's election?" asked CarlSchurtz
in a speech made in 189G. "At the
price of the most violent and tie
atruclive crisis on record, such a
crisis as can only be brought on by
a sudden subversion of the standard
of values and of the whole business
credit. At the price of indefinite
business paralysis and distress. At
the drice of the ruthless spoliation of
the savings accumulated by the toil
ing masses. At the price of robbing
our war veterans of half the value of;
their pensions. At the pneo of great
ly increasing the number of unem
ployed by discouraging enterprise,
and of curtailing the value of wages
of those remaining at work. At the
price of the respect of the world for
our intelligence and practical sense.
And, worse, far worse, than all tins,
nt tho price of something that has
never been forfeited since this re
public was born at tho price of the
greatest good a nation can possess
and for the preservation of which it
should shed Us last drop of blood
at the price of our national honor.
Kor this nation, so rich and powerful,
would stand before tho world as a
wanton, reckless repudlator, as noth
ing better than a iraudulent bank
rupt. This will bo the cost of tho
experiment. Arc you willing to
pay this price?"
AVurklUB Night unci iay '
The busiest and mightiest little tiling
that ever was made is Dr. Kind's New
Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated
globule of health, that changes weakness
into strength, listlessness into energy,
brain-fag into mental power. They're
wonderful in building up the health.
Only 25 cents per bos. Sold by Blakeley.
the druggist; 3 j
Luxuries. j
Healthful drinks are not luxuries, they '
are necessities. A full line of cool and !
refreshing porter, ale, mineral water and ;
beers kept on ice. Take a bottle home i
for lunch. C. J. Stublinif. Phone 234. '
Fur theZconvenience of parties want-1
ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman
lee Lo. will carry a stock at their store,
corner Third and Washington streets.
Phone No. 107; long distance IS.",
"lling'em up." ISm-tf
ner. J. to. Aucos is nn expert watch-! I
maker and is good on jewelry, optical'
work and engraving, while Theo. 11. 1'
Liebe is an expert optician and is goodf'
ami ,
are prepared to do all work in their '
several lines, on short notice. Work
sent by mail or express will receive '
prompt attention. Sign, "Big lied I
Watch." 1 1
J. B. Orossen & Oo., Props.
87 Second Street.
In all lta stages there
should be cleanliness.
Ely's Cream Balm
clcan;es,eootbe9 and hcala
the diseased membrane.
It cure catarrh and drives
away a cold in the head
Cream Balm Is placed into the nostril;, tpreads
oyer tho .membrane and la absorbed. Iteliefla im
mediate and a cure follow;. It Is not drying doca
not prodaco sneezing. Largo Size, 50 cents at Drug
gists or by mall ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
ICY lAWTIIEKS, 50 Warrcu Street, New York.
Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushee.
Buy a meal ticket at the Umatilla
House restaurant ; $0.50 for $0. el-tf
Paint your bouse with paints that aro
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Clarke & Falk haye received a carload
of the celebrated Jnme E. Patton
strictly pure liquid painte
For Hale.
llubber-tire buggy, at Porter's stable;
nearly now; good condition. eepOlw
Wasco Warehouse Compan)
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kin
i Headquarters for Boiled Grain, ail kind?
'TTpQrlminrpvrc frT "Rrnn RlTi rTc nnti nil kinds
j Xd.UI.VU.V. UWJ. W M ' LO, MULUJl uo, of MILL FEED
jneaaqiiarters lor "iers 5est .Pendle
ton FlOUr lhm Hour 10 manufactured expressly for famllt
use; every pack 1b irunranteed to (,-ive satisfaction,
a sell our poods lower than any house in tho trade, and if you don't thmkjo
win uiiu kuu I'l iuus ami no eonvinucu.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats
and Fafmeps
Kecp' on draught the celebrated
edited the best beer in The Dalles,
at the utual price. Come In, try
It und be convinced. AUo the
Kfnest brands of Wines, I.lnuor
and CiKars.
ot nil Kinds ahrays on hand.
Just What
You uiant.
Iluitling young man can make f60 per
month and expeneee. Permanent posi
tion. Experience unnecessary. Write
quick for particulars. Clark & Co.,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel
phia. Pa,
Sale of Real Property.
Notice Is hereby Riven thnt tindi-r m:d by vir
tue of an otder dulv made und entered In the
County Court of Wnteo County, Oregon, on the
."Jlli day of Auirust, 190), the underMKiied, ad
ministrator with the will (innexed.of tho estate
of Jonathan Juckton, deceased, will, from nud
after the nt day of October, UOO, tell ut Mlvato
sale In the manner provided by law or the salo
of real iiroiK-rty by executors and administra
tors, all the rlfrht, title and interest of thotald
Jonathan Jackson In and to tho follow! ok du
wlbed real property, being In Watco County,
Oregon, to-wlt:
lUo NWJ4 of the 8K of dectlon fifteen (15):
tho of the HKj andthoSJJof tho 8WJ4 of
ncctlou twenty-two fiau JtheriKof the tVM
ot kcctlon fifteen (IS), thoKKof thoMJ'iand
the KVM of thoSKii of taction twenty-two (iti),
the KJ of tho NK and tho 8W of the SKit
and the 8KI of tho NWJi cf section twenty
seven .'7), all III towushlli four it) south. laava
fourteen (II) east, W. M,j (.aid sale to be for
cash or iMjn credit In the manner provided by
law for the kale of real uroiertv uuon eruillt l.v
AvAlllA.a unrf ..ImIiiI.i..,! ' -
w. a n1. MIIIIII l II Ivl B.
1!. K. HAI.TMA f(HK.
Administrator, with the will annexed, of the
u.miu ui vuuuuiaji jaexsou, aeccusou. seplll
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
nor Second & Lanolin, 'Phono 157
I have re-openod this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned
has been duly appointed by the honorable court
of tho state of Oregon, for Wasco county, ex
ecutor of the estate of Auiutt Iluchmmj, de
ceased. All persons having claims against said
estate are hereby notified to uresent tho name.
proiicriy verified, to the undersigned Ucorge U,
Heed, it Tho Dalies, Watcn county, Oregon, or
at tho office of his attorneys. Menefeo & Wilson,
nt Ihe Utiles, Oregon, within six months from
tho date of this notice.
UBiea mis Hin aay of July, low.
Kxeciltorof the estate of Aueimt Ilicliman.
Cectased. UrzM
Anrono sending nsltelrli and description ma
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether u'i
Invention is probably patentable C'omuiunlc.
t Ions strict jy confidential. Haudbookon I'ateutt
sent free. Oldest auency for securing patents.
1'ntei.U taken through ilium & Co. receive
nteMmtUt, without, chargo, In tho
Scientific American.
A handsomelf lllus tratnd weeklr.
(illation of any sclentldo lournal.
ruar; inurnionius, tl. C0IU
T.nrgest clr
'rerius, l.'l a
rear) four months, ft. Hold by all newsdealer.').
fin AIIU-lliA
mi a
icitn, Tu coi
Ours lisadscb and iiml
A iuoTiuai oJ the iMnlTu
. Biatv, ob. ejoMNKb co, i
JSaw ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wulo variety aa we uipeliowing never be
fore uracetl a aingle etonk. Jieul imita
tion cretun efleete at ordinary prices.
Upod papera at cheap paper prices.
Elegant desiBiia, tasteful colorinirg, yotirH
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Aleo a full line of house paints.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
Tne CoiuinDia Packing Co.,
Pino Lard and .Sausages
Curers of BRAND
K a A TT l T t -nrr -r-r .
isja. x ! juena ivie i our Hiar !
Do you know that .John I'nahek. the tailor, is agent for two of
jm, i.irnum merciiiiin. iniioriiii: iiouaes in America ij
tgt Do you know that he will toll you a suit, matin to your order, as &
cheap as the haud-ii.o-down, reiuly-inade, you buy in the stores, and Jf
V Ktiarantce a lit or no eale? ?
W Df) yotl know thnt he Iiiih ulri.mU- nn l,n,l In, ll.r, ,.n...!,i( fall V
tand winter tratlo tho handsomest anil finest line of samples over shown
in The Dalles?
JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent. J
.. .GOIiDlWBlfl BREWERY....
Of tho product of this well-knciH n hroworv the United States Hfallh
Uuports for June 28. 1000, says: "A mqre Hiipoiior brow never eiitcrtd
the lahratory of the United Htates Health reportH. It is tibwilutuly devoid
01 tlii) Hli htest trace of adulteration, but mi tho other hand is cons posed of
the best of ma I and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of tho liq
uet and it can bo used with the i;ritest benellt and satisfaction by old and
ioiiiir. its use can conscientiously he. prescribed bv the plivsicnuis will'
"'If"" "1)' tlll,,t ) 'Bttor, purer or morn wholesome beverago cmild not
possibly ho found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
il. M. ilKALX,,
FM national Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Depoeita received, subject to Sight
Draft or Chsmb'.
Collections wade and proceeds promptlj
remitted on dav of nnlla.ttnn r 1
Right and Telegraphic Exobanire sold nn
new York, Han Francisco and Port
land. DIRKrvrniM
p; Thommoj. Jjco. 8. BoaaNor,
Ed, M, Wiluamb, Go. A, Liana.
tt.xu. ukail.
All kinds of
Funeral Supplies
andall & Barget
The Dallos, Or.
Burial Shoes
State ftotmal School,
Fall Term Opens Seutember 18. 1900
KrailnatlmT. ,,,u ii'"'!nl Bcll0" proimrcd to take tl.o HUto Corllllcnto linnic
Hi."-" 1.' T'U!y fcO0Uro K00J I'MlMons. Kiponso of year from liao to tm ,ii
N-v Sat Kirturc In Wl--For
catalogue contalnliiL' fun
1'. b. CAMi'JlKI.I, I'rcsldcut. or W A. WA.NN, Se;tftury of CUI '