The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 22, 1900, Image 1

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    lh Sidles
NO. 344
Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought, mid which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his ncr-
Trjtjfas- soiml Hupcn lsion since its infancy.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but
Uvperimunts that trifle with and endanger the health of
lniitiils and Children Experience against Experiment.
Cnsforia is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
ixmtaiiiH neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xaruotic
wiliHtimce. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and nlluys Feverlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It ussimilates the Food, regulates tbe
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tlic Children's Panacea The Mother's .Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years. .
ficnimay Proposes That All Parties to
the Outrages Shall Suffer, and if
Other Powers Do Not Agree to It
Will Pursue That Policy Alone.
.iiui, jUpt. 1H. A dispatch to
tho Humid from Berlin says: Thu
I'olitiscliK Corresponded! declines tlmt
Germany line demanded tho extradition
oMIie empress dowugw of Cliiiii. Tin;
Taitculutt denies this. Tho truth Ib
liulf way between tlio two repoits.
iiermmiy desires tlio accord of ull thu
iwuira in regard to thoau responsible
lor tlio outrages, and ,will thun demand
tlieir delivery, ovon if the empreH.3
dawagur Hliould bo among thorn. If tho
accord () nu u,0 powers cannot ho
Rained, Germany will insist upon hor
Idea tiiuiio or with thoso unwera tlmt do
W,siiiMao.v, Sop. 21. A cabinet
Meeting was liold today, Sforuiuriue Long
"J Hitchcock and Attorney. General
"'Ibks being present. At its conuliiBion
io following otllcinl announcement was
"llio government has ranched n do.
termination rolativo to tho OIiuiobo hi u
a,io. It will bo inndu public as eoon
88 it can hu mado to tho powers inter
ests." '
11 la dulliiitoly known that tlireo notes
J'avo Iiuimi prepared, 0110 in roply to tho
Jjeraian proposition, ono bearing upon
' last Russian proposal, and ono rela
te to tho coinniuniuatlon from tho
, ,I,,fc6t' Kovornniont delivered by Min
''lef Wii.nHkiiig that tho government
l0iu .MinlHtor Conger with power to
eat with Prince Ching In ponoo "ego
jatimiB. Thoso eovoral commuuioa-
onp. which Bot forth thu poaltion of
"o Uuituti sutuB, will not bo mado
I'uulic bofoitj tomorrow.
... auiiiuau hucchki,
"AhiiiMno.N, Sept. 21.-llioent re
ports revived at republican hoadquar-
hi this Blty ploture billlhuit success
or. Ho ropubliuan party in Maryland
iri ! Ikft 811,1 KontucltV this Full. From
tii .i U'080 8Utft8 comua rnoen
. , Gn"Mane, as a class, aro not nr
ryeu nguinat republicanism, and take i
in etoek in tho fnleo cry of "imporialisni."
On tlio other hand, they art), as a rule,
firm buliovors m tlio policy of expansion,
oh advanced by the present administra
tion, and are pood sound-money men.
The demucratR uie straining every
nerve to malco "imperialism" the "para-
mount" iHsuu in Maryland, mid bio
banking much on the e fleet of Welling
ton's Hop, and tho following ho will take
with him into the demouiatic camp. It
is generally believed', however, that the
voters, who will follow Wellington will
bo but a very binall portion of Ihono who
voted tho lopublican ticket four years
ago. Republicans of that etato do not
fear anv disastrous elt'tcta from the
dumouratlc campaign on tho basis of
Ill IIVII All-ll I'll 11
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles as woll as women, and all feel
thu results in loss of appetite, poisons In
Uio blood, backache, nervousness, head
ache and tired, listless, run-down feel
inn. But there's no need to fool like
that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idavillo,
Ind. lie says: "Electric Hitters are
just tho thing for a man when ho is all
run down, and don't euro whother he
lives or dies. It did more to give me
now strength and good appetite titan
anything I could take. I can now eat
anything and have a new lease on life."
Only CO cents, at Ulakeley's drug Btoro.
livery bottle guaranteed. 3
UiilinliiuUoii of I'n'lly lloiiiuiu-r,
PiiiAii:u'iiiA, Sept. 21 (Special to
Thu Evening Telegram. V-Tho cnlinina
ofaprutty romanco whb reached Wed
noBday night, when tho Rev. Father Mc
Namara. of tho churoh of the Gesu, mar
ried MIbb Jeanett Elizabeth Hurly, of
tliis city and Dr. Claudo N. Pieice, of
Portland, Or. After being graduated
from Jeflerson Medical Oollego, Dr.
Pierce entered tho hospital,, and there
met Ml6s Hurly, who was employed hb a
nurse. An engauemeut followed before
Dr. Pierco left tor tho Pacltlo CoaBt,
where ho has acqulied a largo practice.
Miss Hurly. having heun graduated from
tlio Training School ol tho Woman's
Medical College, still pursued her chosen
vocation, always having in mind the
bright future which awaited her in tlio
newer field of the tar northwest.
Dr. and MrB. Poarco will tnako their
future reBideiico, In Sumpter, Or., for
which thoy will leave In a few days.
Olark A Falk'a drug stock la uew,
freah and complete,
An Ohio Scientist Will Make Explora
tions to Determine the Questions.
New Yoiik, Sept. 21. Dr. G. 6.
Gregor, editor of the Homiletic Review,
has just received a letter from the Rev.
Dr. George Frederick Wright, of Oberlin
college, Ohio, which discloses the object
of the trip the professor has started to
make through Siberia. He ia considered
an authority on the glacial period of the
earth's geological history and refuses to
accept the theory that the deluge merely
submerged the regions round-about
Palestine. He believes that when the
author of the Pentateuch said the waters
covered the face of the earth, ho meant
PiofeEBor Wright will go through the
mountains of Siberia far from where
men ordinarily go. There he will make
excavations. He will dig up the earth
until with the geologist's eye he diE
covtrd juBt that stiatum which should
have been deposited during the period
in which the deluge took place. Nest
he will explore theCaucaeuB range, pass
down to ancient Ararat, where tradition
sayB tho ark landed, and emerge from
his travels somewhere near Smyrna,
Asia Minor. If, in all tlc mountain re
gions lio explores, Dr. Wright finds the
remaiiiB of the sea for which he looks he
will roncludo that the deluge was a
historical fact.
Oiitarrli Cannot lie On rt-cl .
with local applications, as they cannot
reacli the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional diseaee, and
iu order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hali'a Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood aud mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is compoeed
of tho best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifier b, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of tho two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chuncv & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 7.rc.
Hall's Family Pills aio the best. 12
OimmiIhk ot Oolvlllt) lU'servalliin,
Tauoma, Sept. 21. IIundredB of land
Boekors are arriving at Ikewster, Okan
ogan ounty, to seiuiro locations in tho
Colviile Indian reservation, which will
bo opened for settlement on October
lOtli. They are chiefly from Minnesota,
Illinois, Iowa, tho Dakotas and Indiana.
Between republic nod the westorn
boundary of the reservation over 100
land agents are engaged in locating
settlers for from $10 to $30 each. On
October loth between 5000 and S000
settlers will swarm over the reserve to
secure possession and set their stakes.
A AllnlNtui'tt tlumt Wurk,
"I had a severe attack of bilious coli c,
got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cooler and Diarrlmu Remedy, took two
doses and was entirely cured," says Rev.
A. A. Power, of liuiporia, Kan. "My
neighbor across tlio street was sick for
over a week, had two or three bottles of
medicine from tho doctor. Ho used
them three or four days without relief,
then called in another doctor who treat
ed him for some days and gave him no
relief, ao discharged him. I went over
to eeo him (lie next morning. Hu said
Ifia bowels wore In a terrible fix, that
they had boon running oil' so long that
it was almost bloody flux. I asked him
if he had tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera aud Dlarrluoi Remedy and lul
said, 'No.' I went homo and brought
him my bottle and gavo him ouo dose;
told him to take another doso in fifteen
or twenty minutes if he did nbt find
relief, hut he took no more aud was en
tirely cured." For sale at Ulukeloy's
drug Btore.
That Chas, Stubllng is still doing a
retail business at his newj'place. lie
sella ii quantities to ault all cuBtomer,
from 'one bottle to a barrel, Family
orders delivered promptly.
Strikers Use Force.
Po'ttsvimj:, Pa., Sept. 21. West She
uandoah, Shenandoah, Indian Ridge,
Kohinoor and Turkey Run collieries, bo
longing to the Philadelphia & Reading
Coal and Iron company, and Keheley
Run, tho property of tho Thomas Coal
company, all in the Shenandoah districts,
are shut down tight today. The men at
the Kohinoor and Keheley Run works
were driven away by striking Llthunians
and Poles armed with clubs and stones.
They smashed windows and other mine
property. It was with difficulty that
Superintendent Baird and a posse of
men prevented strikers from entering
the slope at the Keheley Run. After the
workmen quit, the stiikera returned.
A trolley car was held up and eleven
men were roughly handled. Some of
them, who were on their way to work,
were thrown out of the door. Chief
Burgees Brow n, of Shenandoah, in rescu
'ng bis son from the hands of the strikers,
was himself .beaten.
The strikers policed every path and
road to the colliery, and by threats in
timated workmen, thus indncing them
to return to their homes. Much ex
citement esiBtB. Daniel Christian, chief
of tho Coal and Iron police, stated this
morning that his foice is unequal to the
task of guarding the collieries, and that
Sheriff Toole, of Schuylkill county, has
been appealed to for assistance.
"My baby was terribly sick witli the
diarrhoea," says J. H. Doak, Williams,
Oregon.. "We were unable to cure him
with the doctor's assistance, and as a
last resort we tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diairl.ou Remedy. I am
happy to say it gave immediate relief
and a complete cure." For Eale at
Blakeley's drug store.
Are you ready to buy your fall Ehoes?
We are sole agents for the celebrated
Hamilton Brown Shoe Co. 'a line of foot
wear. If you want tiie beet shoe for the
least money, call and see us. No trou
ble to show goods at the Isew York Cash
lieul JJslute fur Sale.
Twenty-three lots, located from Sev
enth street to-Twelfth, for eale at from
$50 up. Inquire at the Columbia
Hotel. aSO-tf
The largest aud most complete line of
fall and winter millinery ever displayed
in the city at the Campbell & Wilson
millinery parlors. The prices will sell
thegnode. . tStl
Clark & Falk aro never closed Sunday
Don't foraet this.
Thu Hallos Marln'ts.
Wheat No. 1, ol cents.
Bailey $1-1 a ton.
Oats $1.15 cental.
Wheat hay $8 loose; $9 to $10 baled.
Timothy $10 baled.
Alfalfa Loose $7.50; baled 8.50.
Potatoes 05 cents a sack.
Flour Diamond mills, $3.30 bbl ; Du
fur mills, $3.00
Ei?gs 25 cents a dozen.
Butter Creamery, (30 cents; 'dairy,
50 cents.
ChickenE $3.50 a dozen ; spring $2.50
to $3.
Apples Table, 50 cents; cooking, 40.
Opening of Colviile Ileservntlun,
Tacoma, Sept. 21. Hundreds of land
seekers aro arriving at Brewster, Okan
ogan county, to secure locations in the
Colviile Indian reservation, which will
be opened for settlement on October 10.
They are chiefly from Minnesota, Illinois,
Iowa, the Dakotas and Indiana. Be
tween republic and the western
boundary of the reservation over 100
land agents are engaged in locating
for from $10 to $50 each. On October
10 between 5000 and 8000 Eettlers will
swarm over the reserve to secure pos
session and set their stakes.
ltcd Hot From tlio Gun
Was the ball that hit G. B. Stead man
ot Newark, Mich., in the Civil War, It
caused horrible ulcers that no treat
ment helped for twenty years. Then
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cured him. It
cures cuts, bruises, burns boils, felons,
corns, skin eruptions. Best pile cure on
earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley, tho
druggist. 3
For Sal .
The two buildings owned by Mrs. E.
Julian, on Court street, l-tween Second
and Third, now occupied aa a lodging
house and dressmaking shop. The
buildings will be eold, furnished or un
furnished, cheap for c..:ii. Apply to
Mrs. E. Julian.
Mrs. Annie Luckey,
and Shampooing1
Facial Treatments and the MORMON
TREATMENT. Room 50, tl ird floor,
umatuia House. Hours from I) to 12 a.
m. and 1 to 5 p. m.
This Handsome
Ladies Silk Waist
is made ot a
splendid quality
of all-silk Black
Satin Duchessr,
lined throughout;
The design
shows the new
stylo notched and
square pointed
plait ii front,
with crochet
buttons on points
of plait and col
lar; handsomely
corded front and
back; Dress
sleeves. Hare
PEIOE, $5.00.
This Attractive
Ladies Silk Waist
is made ot
heavy Taffeta
Silk in black
and all the
colors lined
st-.ows Ihenew
3-pointed plait
in ftont, with
crochet buttons
on plait and
collar; front,
back, and
sleeves covered
with clusters
of tucks with
rows of stitching between ; Dress sleeves,
flare cuffs.
PRICE, $6.00.
0 '
Why pay $:1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James 15.
Patton'a sunproof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for. 5 years. Clark &
Falk, agenta. ml
llou't Kill) It In,
Just wet tho atl'ected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain ie gone. Sold by Clarke &
Mrs. Phillips is prepared to furnish
cut flowers and all kinda of floral de
signa n short notice. Phone number
307. s 10-1 m
The New York Cash Store ia the solo
agent for the Hamilton Brown Shoe
Co.'s line of footwear.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Falk.
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just recoived by Clarke & Falk.
Subscribe for The Chronicle,
We oiler for a limited period the
twice-a-week Ciihonh'i.k, price $1,50,
and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1,50,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
under this offer must be paid in ad
vance, tf
Not on the Midwav, but at tho
Gateway of the Great INLAND
-AT Tilt:-
Harit Cmnti ' Street Fi
October 9 to 13 inclusive.
This will he tho greatest event in tho history of tlio City of Wheat,
Wool and Fruit and an Open River to the Sea. The products of this pro
lific region will bo on exhibition, nud farmers, lloekunistere and all others
will witness an exhibit that will be both interesting and instructive.
Exeellent''entettainments day an J night. Fivo 'days of sight-seeing
and pleasure. ttsThero will be ample accommodations for all guests. Como
and Tho Dalles will entertain you.
Producers from all sections requested to make exhibits. No charge
for space iu the tair buildings. No entrance fee.
Reduced Rates on all Railroads and Steamboat Lines.
rroi. J as. diappell,
Will give instruction on either the Mandolin or Guitar,
and, if desired, will call at your home,
CLUB MEETING every Thursday Evening
Respectfully solicit your patronage and guarantee per.
feet satisfaction.
75c a Lesson or
8 Lessons for $5.00.
The Jacobson Book
& Music Company.
Advertise in The Chronicle