m l'KDt'LK COMINO II. C. Jitekson, clerk county, was in town tntlay ,VSI GOINO. of KliekittU Anions the visitors 10 the Sitlctn fnlrjFalk, is week are Mr. V. E. Siinotiton ami Why pny f 1.75 jier gallon for inferior paints when you can buy Jnnies E. Prttton's eun proof paints (or $1.50 per ptllnn, cnuriiiiteetl for 5 vi-ars. Chirk & agents. u this Mias Alma Schmidt, of this city. Mr. b nil Mrs. James Stewart, of Monk lnnil, have returned from their wedding trip and are. guests of the Umatilla limine. E. C. Miiler, shippinc clerk of the Oregon Lumber Co. at Vionto. was in town today dome btiaitiess at the U. S. land olhee. '""'"S, F. N. Sexton lifts returned Home ntter ependinc three months in the harveft fields of T'matilla county and tiie Pa louse cnuntrv. He expects to leave in the morning for Portland, where he will spnnd tno winter in tha rorunnu misi ness College DANGEROUS TO GET ANGRY. if7" f Tli I'nrosj-BiiiJi Have FruiniLMitly Result ed In Dentil r Mortal Injury. A study of anrjer from experiences in about 2.00i cast?---, collected from re liable observers, has been made by 0. Stanley Hall. The cmie were many and various, and often fceinsr trivinl. and the physical sensations ncconi innyinfT it differed prently with the iwMvidual. says. Stray Stories. Flushing waf- very genera!, although pallor was is characteristic in 27 per cunt, of .the eas. The heart beats were violent, several ca?es of tkath from rapture of this organ being re ported, nnri there were roroetiuies jie culiar sensations in mouth and throat, sometimes dizzini-fs or fatn?r.es. frp queniJy iters, and generally copious salivation, which might produce froth ing at the tncurb. Common murttls were animal-like' cries in children, and oaths nnd threat in adults, while in many cases the throat was paralyzed and rtiere was innbiliry to speak ahow a whim per, or without crykiir or treinblinsr. Hutting with the head, biting nnd scratching are noticeable in childish anger. iint.'t tail) It in, Ju wet tbo nflected pnrl freely with Mysterious IVin Cure, n Scotch ruinedy, and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. Mrs. Phillips is prepared to furnish I rni flrn-PH Mini ml l:inil nf rlnrnl (le- I sisns on short notice. Phone number - A - -slO lm lUr QJ.VJU M. VCCtt. The Weekly Oregonian and Twice-a-Week Chronicle i The New York Cash Store is thu sole j agent tor the Hamilton Hrown shot" Co.'s line of footwear. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured bv Clarke &. Falb. A full line of Enstmun films and sup- plies just received by Clarke & Fulk. I All subscribers to the Weekly Chron icle who pay one years' subscription In ndvanc, will be entitled to the above liberal offer. CHRONICLE PUB. CO., The D.ille?, Oregon. Subscribe for Tiie Chronicle. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Land Offict. at Tun Dalles, oit. September 1-', l'JOO. j Notice it hertbv alven that tiie following named etHfr h Med notice nf her Intention toinakl- rinal proof la support of he: claim, anil t that said prooi v.m oe mane cc ore tin- ictnsier niid rtniver nt The Dalles, Oregon, va Wcdue i!y, October 21, I'M, viz : I'.llza K. VlcUei, widow of ?:timiel J. Vleiors. defeased, of Mo oter, Oreffnn. II. K. No. fur the S',aV.'( ami MVJ4 te 13. Tp 2 X, It IS K. W. Jl. Fhe 'names the following witnees to prove her onttuiiou? reilrtauco upon nnd cultivation of said lam!, viz : (teorse Hence, of The Dulles, Orrp-i;; .lmes. Jl Icr. LeoKvans, Kiic (irunland. JIsler. Ot. spi5 JAY V. LIX'AS. It;i3ter. Bd'lres C'entervllle. Wash., who mrnlc o. kbj, lor the si. st'4 IriCE FOR PURLICAriON. ii ix& OrncE at Vaxcoiwei:. Wash. ) Au. 14, 1KJ. ( 1 Notice Is betcbv siven that the folloKins nnmul settler hi'- tilnl imtlcu of bl Intention to maiti tlnnl proof In supjort of hit- elln', nnd Hint aM protif will be uiaile before Y. H. l'resby. United iutes I'ommUsloner for District ol WaihlDKtoii, At liitoflire in (ioldcr.diile, Waoh tnston, on October 1, VXO, viz: Juliii ut son. I. (), homst(ad nnpllcatiou No. i Soe2!. Tt-3 N. K It K. W. M Who names the following witnaMOS to prove hit continuous residence upon and culiivatlot" of Mli! laud, viz.: Charles htraube, William Wllsinsoi., Jamc f. l)lv and Patrick liaggyrty, nil of Cci.t8:vIIlc P. O., Washington. uT-i W. It. DUNB.Ut, P.esiJtcr. OTICE FOR PU!!LICAT10. l-vNr Ornct at Tub Dalle?, dr., i fcepwmber 10, 1!0 ( Tl. !'!.! V... 5t.. ;i...n,.n Dnimlii 1 Notioc i beieb;.- siven lliat the loIlowlnR Tl8 KinU lOli H2V8 AIW3VS DOUSCnt namIttler has illtd notice o! bis Intention tn mat s .ia pruot win dm niue oeioie ine tiezincr House Painting... Tiie undersigned has taken jiossession of It. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to the Vogl opera house, nnd has pur chased thu tool? and ladders. lis has good mechanic? working lor him, mid will yntrantee all work to give enti;f.ic- tion. i S. K. KELLY.! OTOTC CO a iniL i am IT ill f 3 1 i 8 to m m m mm ki ijjt ni:i'AtiT j timk nciiKi.uLn, l ro,t I I iitiu D.u.i.r.n. m - - i - H - 3 Hi i i f The Dollcn, On. The Chitoniele, dob Printers. I rust Mail p. ta, Atliirltlc Cxprcim t'.':(Mi a. in. Via limit' ! lllRlOII. ilpoliiiliu Siiill Halt Ul;a, Donvpr. Vu i n, 1 Worth, Omaha, Knh ! "4ta-! Clilcapi mill Last. , (i i id Ilxpics U:2f p. lu 8 p. m. h p. tn. Kx.Siimlayi Hiunrdiiy lu . in. .IAkrK..,S!!Ti.rM r. mi. City, st hmli.li.tf V1 i ChlwiRo mid Kiwt. l,ft) I' s Wall ii Walla, Hpnlsnnc,! SmV.,. MitmemlU. Ht, Cm "W iluluth, Jlllwniiltee, V," Hi'iikaiiualtit lltiniiiiL', Inn; also all iMilntt in WttihliiKtimiiinl l.mt. iuu urci;ini. FllOJt 1'or.TLANn. Ocean Htuainsihli!i, I'or hall rhiiicl'.co Kvory five 1)kv. 3:lt.B. Cohimtilii llv. HtMncn. HiSc'S, To AhTonu iuu Way " I.uidintT on. ni. WiLLAKirrrs ItiVEK. hgig. . .n,il,v lln.. (!,.. . t... ''"P O. K .biiiidiiylOrcfiim Clt rtulcsn A. Way ijmil a. ' 1 For Infauts and Children. IA Bears the Simrilove it To DetlrKjut-nt Taxpayers. Tno Coan'y Court having authorized the immediate collection of delinquent taxes, I am compelled to comply with its request, and will therefore proceed at once to advertise" If you are deliiTjucnt you will save c:st and expenses by im mediate payment. All personal prop erty unpaid "wiii be attached at the cost and expense of the owner without fur ther notice. Romekt Ki:m.v, Sheriff of Wasco Co., Or. The Dalles Sept. 17, 1000. 17-29d-w Itrit Hut rrnii ttiB Gun Was the ball that "nit G. B. Steadman ot Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible ulcers that no treat ment helped for twenty years. Then Lucklon's ArnicA Salve cured him. It cures cute, bruises, btirnfe boils, felons, corns, skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley, the druggist. 3 "My baby was terribly sick wHi the dinrrhiei," says J. II. Doak, Williams, O.-cgon. "We were unable to cure him with the doctor's assistance, and as a last resort we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrl.iu Kemedy. Iam happy to hjv it gave immediate relief and n complete cure." For sale ct Blakeluy's Arm store. Hciimnilmr That Ohae. Stubling 18 still doing a retail business at his new; place. He selk in quantities to suit all customer?, from ono bottle to a barrel. Family orders delivered promptly. Pur Hale. The two bnildinas owned by Mrs. E. Julian, on Cjurt street, between Second and Third, now occupied aa a lodging hoiis and drts-making ehop. The buildings will be sold, furnlli;d or un furnished, cheap fur c.ish. Apply to Mrs. E. Julian. 6-lmd Are ycu ready to buy your full shoes?) We nr sole ngentB lor the celebrated Hamilton Brown Shoo Co.'s line of foot wear. If you want the beet shoe for the least money, call nnd see us. No trou ble to ehotv goods at tiie hew York Cash Store. , , Ileal fciUtt) for Hale, Twenty-threo iots, heated from Sev cuth street to Twelfth, for sale at from $50 up, Inquire at the Columbia Hotel. n29-lf Tho largest and most complete line of full and winter millinery ever displayed in tho city at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. The prices will sell the goods. '8tl Clark & Falk ar) never closeJ Sunday T)jn't. fontet title. and Receiver tit The lmtle-Oreyoii, on catur U.iy, Octobers), 1OTJ, viz: ArelliMif S. tfnx, of The Dalle?, Oregon, H. K. No. Slut, for the bf XIV qr and W hf sW qr, Sec U!, Tp 1 a, II 11 K, W. M. He name? the fiiliowln? witne-ei to prove his i o:ittmioui residence upon mid cultivation of said land, viz: I. C. Jiuliiev, C. II. Mntney, Charles Gosten and W. C. Clark", all of The nnile.s, Oregon. sepl5 JAY P. LUCAS, Itesriter. SALEM, OREGON. ,; September 17 to 22, 1900. jj s BIGGER AMD. BETTER THAN EVER r , BEFORE. .! Grounds ureatly ininroved, bnildiiius j; repaired and I renovated, nil stcck build-, int's thoroughly disinfected; i-verythinp in Mrsl-chtSK condition for the larueat ? and best Live Stock Snow nnd AyncnH- ,H ural Exposition ever held on the Coast, IK T n. ni, WiM.Atms aw Vau- 3:Xj a riuv.lliur.! iiilMUvl'bs. Sloii5vei mid cut. ' O'evmi ( and Wny-1 iiuiinx. Ha tun, &uii& I i.v Kimtlii italij- 1 3:'; j a. in. j SrMAV.it ItlVfi,. Klparln tn U'wiMim. UtTl juir O.Wa.n h ! iC rani!- ociliific in ' in llcpwtr n , jk iiiIk on Columbia, bonilnT i vu Iltt. tbtnll take Nn. 2. It'iivluj: 'Ih" Im'Ut at h.) Ma.' imiKlnu tflrvft cunrieilon at Ilupiuivr Jitctttoa ' mill tiluD, lle'.iirnliiK liui'.iiiKiltrn'tcri'iiiKUos fi, Mi IIUlHI(I( jUIIUtUJII HUM it IK l.lp Iittiro linilTilVn r. lriilll VV MMIWVV y MWhf nt 'Jlie Imllcmn p m REGULATOR LINE. l-teaniem of thb IttBiiUttur Line will run a per Ihe fol . iK schedule, the Compmiy ruierviiii? tho risht to uhai'.Bt- iinio wltiiuiit nutlet;. Knr full linrtlmilnir i ' ii'juitt Tliu Imllca. ! t '3i & S. ft.'l Itl.lIfUT, rtUiiJ,0r I Str. Regulator $20,000 ) premmiTiS purses ,'jVt!B Good racins everv afternoon. ig Tnefdav. . . Mtiiic nnd fun f.t nfpht. p.Thur!y .... k S.iinrd iy . Af.o.ticn aloof livestock will Ijc msdoa lesd- h- Arr. I'urUnnd ins feature. All 'ivc.'tock and other exhlbiti i G at l::J0 r. y hoeUil frtttover the southern Paolrie railroad. v.y. I.v. I'ortland h' T A. II. . ... il olid n) . . U'tli)ewi ... .Fiirtiy Arr. lUw nt5 l'. M. Ship youv Freight ; via Regulator Line. MUiiiioiilLuill I.v. IMIlftl nt ? ,. h. Monday . . WfilnuMlay . . Friday Arr. 1'ortluiid at I :a) i-. m. I.t litrlhiiif1 A lit 7:W) A M. ' '1 ui'ulay 'H i ... Tliiirday s5 . .. .r-atiirdny K . Air. Halle rf r.ednefd rusiCiiEcr rale ni nil rtiilroads. toiif.' premium li-tann oilier 'nionnauon Kiiurcsi V. II. wmniCNO, President. Hlllslmro, Or il. li. W1SUO.M, sve, Poilland, Or. ut 5 P. M. j NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION". Lanij Ornce at Tub Dauk, Onuoo.s-,) ( AuRust as, i Notice Is berebv siven that the following- , uatned tettlr h.is tiled notice of bls intention to inase final proof in support of bis cltiiiii. and that said prooi will be made before the livghttr and ltwetvcr at ine uauts, urcjfon.on entur day, L'ctobiru, I'.ui, vu lightens tho p loaJ t I'.oliort K. l'lillllps, of .Vloilor, dr., 1 & jffS H i:. No K-OfrrtheNEK NWJ.J.NWK NLH, ', W & Wi Ptc f.and b hKH. Sec 1, Tp. i; N., It. Li K., ! S WifcSt tSVm. W. M. He names tee following witnesea to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of s!d land, viz: laaw Lw!i. Dolly Jfnsler, l.vx Kvant, John illler, all of Mosler, Ungou. JAY V LUCAS, uajOa-l IteeMer. ehoitcna S the r. u C Travel by the KUnmerx nf the Itetjulatnr Line. The Cmninny will endeavor to give tin iit- .;. !! runs tho best ivrvici' ltuulble. Fur further liilorinatloii udilrinh k 'a e 1'ortl.iiid OBcc Oal: Street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Can. Afft. ,3 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby Rlvon that tho undersicricl , have been dulv nppointol by the honorable county court, of the tato of Oregon, for Wasco . countv. executors of the eiLitj of Horatio I'or- i fon. 'dec'Jicd. All permn bavins claimn against iaiil entatearehertby uolilled ! pr&ivut the same, properly verlfle.1, to the UHdcrsiuncd Charles K. Corron, at Waico, Sherman county, Oreitori.rirnt thcollicc of our nttorncys, Menc fee & Wilton, at The U-ille?, Utcxoii, wltiiin six months from ibo date of this notice. Ualed July 11, ItffJO. miAni.ES i:. coilson, WILLIAM K. COHsON, Kseculors of the estate of llor.ltlo Couon, do. cean-d. -JlyJl U NOTICE FOR PUI5L10ATION. LAKDOrncB at The Dam.ks, ur., A'JK, IK, IW. i Notice 1 hereby clvcn that the following narawl tettler has lllfl notice of bis intention Minake final proof In tupportof lib, claim, and that said proof will be tmuiu beforo the rexiier and receiver of the V. fi. land ollke at Tbo Wanes, Or , on fcaturday, Sept. '.'0, lyw, viz: 1 1 miry O. (lortllou, ofTlio I)allo, Or., II. E. No Kill, for the NJi SLJi fcec. C. Tp J N, It 13 K. W. Jl. He names the following wMr.oshts to prove his continuous residence upon and cultlvailou of said land, vU: Kriiet Jordan, Albert Jordan, John I'ashck and Jame.1 Thomas, all of The Dalies, Oregon, augil-l JAY 1". LUCAS, IltgUter. t,tlrc (lif ln. S."Vf". -.v ir nil!! FRENCH &; CO., BANKERS. TitA.'tSACT A UNGUAL 13 ANKINO IlUal.NIiH Loiters of Credit iesued itvailable in the Eastern States. Stent Exchanco and Telc'runhi4. Transfers sold on Nuw York, Cnicaw, i bt. J-ouie, ban i-rancisco, rortiand Urr Kon, Seattle Wash,, nnd various points In Oreo and VaRhinaton. Collections matte at all points on fa7 orable tnruj. CONTEST NOITCE. L 8, Land oncc,Tiin Dai.i.e-, Ob., I heptexnber 1, 10. i A nilhcK-nt contest nll'davit havluz been llltd lu Ilils 'nlllcf by Joti'ph IL Hherar, contestant, against hmnescoid entry No. 7 1.12. made June 3, 1W9. for S hf NW iir. See lis, and V. hf NI'. or fcee 29, 3 8 II 11 K, by WllllJin Oill tonlesu-e, mi which It is alleged that said William (Jill lias wholly abandoned raid tract and changed bin rcildeneo therefrom for rnoio than kix mouitis bincj making itald entry, and iii'.tt prior to dat' of contest: and that ho did not abandon the twet to cuter the military or naval service of I the I' n I toil htatee, said pintles ate hereby noti fied bi appear, respond and oll'er cvldenco toucb lng saiii allcgallou at 10 o'clock a in. on October aw, uetore iuu rcsitier nnu receiver at mo L'nllKlKtstcn laud nllico lu The Dalles, Oregon, Tho FaldcontesPint having, In n proper atll davit, lllesl Augimt 1I,MWJ, set forth facts which show that after due diligence iiersonal teivice of this notico can not w made, it Is hereby l: yyym V How pleasing to the ear. How easy in action. How grand and beautiful in appearance are the new 'Linciell," "United Makers" and "Kimball" Pianos at J Jacobsen Book & Music Co. 1 v lJt-Opi-10tOrS fftmwnn;J Cmnln tloftws uuuiiiici'uiai janipic lyuuuii. Yellowstone Park Line, Tin: iiini.no cut noriK i iiuju'outusd to Tin; i: A T. THE ONLV DIRECT LINK TO THE VEL10W HI ONE I'Al'.K ; Union Bsrai, Ftrtb and i sis huh No. '.. No. .wor.H. Xo.3. 7;00A.M. Of 9 Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of tho City. 173 Second Street. Phones: 51 Local, S5S Iinn Disiunce. ! I'a.it mull forTiieoiiii, s.-nttl.v (iiviniiln. i.rn Harbor iiurt Hoiitli t- nil 'iiointw, hpnkaiH.' llo I land, It. C.,, I'uUniaii, .Mosfow ljwhton. lui' 11: 1.j A. 11. fiilolluiiipmluIiiKCi.ini .try, Helena, Mimic urn lis, Ht. l'aill, Omaha, 1 Knnnii City, Ht. Iaiis, i(!lilea!o nnd al! i lnts No t. eat nnd Miuthea.st. I riiKot Soiiml i:xpn." 11;S0 1'. il.i for Taeoiim and bealtl'' (and liitoriiiedlate ioiiii- l'tlllliiftli flmt-olnxn and tourbt "UiWjJ MlniitapoIls.Ht. I'uulnud MlsMonn river iMVi without ohaiiKC. . Viatllmled train. Uulon depot conufCtw-i In all principal oltlo. . , llauKiico olafkcd to dostiuation ol ror1ianil.oniely lllii-.tiateldcs.'iiitlvf lUtw, tleketd, HlcepliiR car reservation-, ttc.eallonw write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (.eiienil l-assetiiwr Aui'iit. 'i''' JJ"1 ton Htieet, corner Third, I'orllaml, own. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Twins K-hvo Tho Dalles for 1'or'iaiiJ und J stntloiib at I:'Jj a. in. mid .1 ' C GO. Leavo I'ortland " Albany Arrive Aahlanil " Kaiimmoiito ,. . " Han IralK'tsoi) .W.aoam 10:l' .:! m IVJO'O r.:(Kiin,i H.,a?! , 7:L'l'i ii:liw NOTICE I-'Olt PUBLICATION, Land Office nt Tnr. I)am.f..i, OnK., August 31, 1900. ( Notice Is hereby siven that tho following named tettler has Med notice of his intention to .n.L'iilltu1 i.rrif In fcltt.tinrr flf 111 ffl.lltll. mill i.i.u .,..m. i'iw. i t ' . .. i I tt.ta ij.ittvu kail tilth ttiuitv, ti t. tti.ii:jj linn miu prooi win ijo iiihuv uviure mo hvhish.t oriieitii aim (Uiccteu that Mien notice t.e River I Advertise in the Chronicle i'- - - , and Itecelvtr at The D.ille-t, Oregon, on edneS' day, ucioixj jo, iveu, vu.: UiMirft' W. .IiiliiKloii, ut Tim l)llf, I, II. K. No.fllKi.for the NWK KKK and Nil If NW( ho IS. Tp 1 N, K II IJ, W. Jl. He names thu following ulthcncs to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation ol said Itnd, viz: V. I. Taylor, Wm. Sharp, J. W. Johnston nnd It. K. 'league, all ol The Dalles, Oregon. s.--i JAV I. I.UCA3, Itcglster. MJQdEFOR PUBLICATION. Iund Officf. at Thf. Dai.lks, On,, ( Hepttmber 13, llfJ. i Notloo Is hereby given that thu following named tettler has ilieJ notice of her Intention to make liiml proof lu mpixirt of her clalnit mid that said proo! will be nude beforo tho Iteglster and litxelver at '1 bo Dalleo, Ore-gon, on Wednes day, October 21, 1WJ0, viz; ilanut V. titewnrti ofllie Illt Or., II. E. No. 6241. for the YAi Slt SK ar NK nt fecu i Tp 1 N, It 12 K, and 6W qr NW r Heo i, Tp 1 K, R W i:, W Jl. , She iiainea the following witnesses to prove her coutliiuoiis resldtftice ujion and cultivation of said land, viz.: , , , D, D. Nelson, K. F. Sliar;;, Jpliu Fleming, Danlelfitewatt.ttUofTbellaljes. sepl5 JAV P. LUCAS, Ileglster. bv duo and nroner nubllcatlou. tepl3 JAV P. LUCAS, I'.ilster. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Lamp OFFif.'K at Tub Dallks, Ok., ) Heptember, 10, l'JOO, ( Notico Is hereby given that the following. namtd settler has lllol notice ol hit iuiciitlou to make lliuil proof in supiiori of his claim, and that said proof will be made beforo the register and receiver at Tho Dalles, Oregon, on Haturday, October '), 1W0, vU.i Ulinrles II. Mntunyi of Tbo Dalles, Oreiton, II. K. No. fS9, for theH bf NK or and W hf HK qr, Sec 12, Tp I H, It 11 Ho naiiics tho following wltnussea to prove bis continuous residence Uwm and cultivation of said land, viz.: A. H, Fox, P. :. Kagan. Charles Uotson and W. C. Clark, all of The Dalle, Oregon. beplft JAV P. LOCAH, hegliter. , r. xcoae. John oavim MOOKE .& GAVIN, ArrOItNEVS AT LAW itooms 33 aiiel 40, over U. S. Land O.llce i ? X L. Lane, UENEUAL IBil w I tv v r- Biacksmiin Horsesitoe ...AKD. t I. i. Wagon nnd Carriage Werk. C, Fiah Brothora' Wagon. I Tbird and Jeffcon. . Boue-'j ...Doalor In. Dtry Goods, Clothing, Hoots, Shoes. Hats, Cups, Notloni), Agt. for W, L. Douglas Bhoe. Telephone No, 88, 131 Swoud HI., The Dalles, Or, Atrlve.Ogdon " Denver " Kansas t.'liy. . " Ohleaipi 6: 15 am ; nam mil !:VR?; -.24 li "1 7:13 a in A rrlvo Uis AngoUw ... ..... 1 1' m ' Kl Paso Ol"" V h Fort Worth .. ::' " City of Jlexleo Uio. " Houston 1 " Now Orlwuis '"V". ' Wttshlugtou Mitt "i ' NuwYorlc 12:13 piu 7:25B 7,tuaM C:U0( :: l;00aw 12-p J11. K, Ki KHItOUMON, rhysician tind Surgeon, Ofllcc, Voist Illock (over Poatofllcc), 2Cupliuo dw TilK DALLKi OHKtiON. Piilliimu nnd Tourist cars on b th Chair car. Haoraincnto tu Ogduu '" 'i'Oi ami tourlat ears to Olileago, Ht Louis, n leans mid Wuslilngloii. Connecting at Hau Frmiolwo wltli mvwi Hteamshlp Hnta for llonolillu. J1' ' u" Phtllppliies, Cuitlrnl ami Houth AmetH"' Kee ugont nt The Dalles station, or mWM C. H. MARKHAM, acueral Pusscnger Agent, rb j-tt- uKiHENnoitrrKU rliysiciau and Silicon, BpuolrtlotteutlonBlvoutoiurgery. Itooma 21 uud 'ti, Tel. 8 oii W