Yoa VTay ave Heard Such expressions rts "The Coat seoms to be alright, only the collar doesn't seem to fit;" or 'I think the back wrinkles a little." There is whore the average clothier "falls' down;" he doesn't try to avoid the wrinkles in his clothing; ho is neglectful of details. Whon we sell you a suit of clothes we want your friends to hf able to say "Who's Yout Clothief?" Foil Stylos in Gents' Suits and Overcoats, Top-coats and Ul sters. Wo never havo shown a greater collection, akd from the im jiu'iise sales already wo know that our prices a little lower than else where. Many exclusive things here, loo. You'll get a better idea of this slock if 'ou look through. It costs nothing to look. Just Two Shoes. Children's Kangaroo Calf, but ton and lace. Children's Kid, button and lace. Heavy Soles plump stock. Sizes 6 to 8 $1.15 Sizes 8 1-2 to 11, - $1.35 Sizes 11 1-2 to 2, - $1.65 Excellent School Shoes, money's worth in every pair. Your Pease & Mays' Shoe Department. Fall Dress Goods.. PLAID BACK GOODS for rainy-day skirts in all tho latest cloths. NEW PEBBLE SERGES, in navy and black. VENETIAN CLOTHS for tailor suits. Suit and Skirt Department. In our Suit and Skirt Depart ment the stock is now complete, and we havo some startling bargains to offer. Havo you seen our RAINY DAY SUITS and SKIRTS? The correct thing for Fall wear. Give the department a call. All CooiIh Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS mays & Crowe ill) The Dalles Daily Chronicle, runny SEPT. 21. 1000 ( ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. New hIiol'h for full and winter jtiat re ceived ut tho Now York Cash Storo. J. 0. I.uckey bus accepted n position in tlu Lane blacksmith shop of thin city. Don't forgot tomorrow's sale of child's (Irenes ami bays' waists ut A. M. Williams A Cu'u. Keinetiiber that Hudson & Brownhill hive plenty of r.ionoy to loan ut reason able ratea of inturoat. Mrs. Harford, atnto president of the W. 0. T. U., will speak ut tho M. N. church tonight tit 7:30. Como out and hear the talented speaker. A marriage llcenso was issued today to Allan H. Fiijjp, f Kiht Mile, and J.146IU ,i. rarrie, 01 mis ctiy. Charley Dentou ia still bringing inl from liiH Mill creek ranch from ten to tweuty-llvo boxes of ripo strawberries (hilly. ' Tomorrow, Soptombot 22nil, tho r.u tuinlnal equinox occurs. Tho sun risia aii'l sets at 0 o'clock and autumn lu-lnu ollicially. II. Glenn & Co. 'a paint and oil huuoo will bu fully represented at the coming ctrnlval with as largo a Btand as there will he on tho ground. I'un't full to eee tho Macoy Comedy i the liiuuhablo furnn. "A Circuit Girl." Voyt on next Monday evening. at the 'tittmay the company will present "Quo VmiiBl' ' 1 There ia a bunch of twelvo flat keys 0I ring at this office that the owner cm have by calling? ior them uud paying for this notice. They were found about vear au.o. Arlington ia anld to have n genuine wee of smallpox. The victim is tho young son of Mre. Carter, and it io oup pond that he was exposal unite-disease during n recent ylnlt to Uoise City. So Hiecestjful hna been inoculation a?aiitHt cholera nuning coolies omployed "V tea planters in India that tho nattvoB ro now cagor for the slmplo operation. fhe planters have clauses in their con tracts calling for Inoculated coolies. H. llowore, manager of tbo Hotel Portland, accompanied by u numbor of Pfouilnent railroad men of Portland, WH1 arrive bore this evening on the 0:2o PsenBor. They will remain over till the next train and proceed to Pendleton t ' attend the carnival At that place. I'rofeBsor Sandvlif'a opening dunce of the season will be given at the Baldwin next Saturday night. Theie dances Proved very popular last season, and the professor will spare no efTort to have them conducted along the lines that have already met tbo approval of the public. I'Os-St Tbo night watch nun hot night ar rested u rancher from White Salmon for drunkenness. The man had considera ble money on hie person, which bis im prisonment probably kept him from squandering. Ae no chaige was booked against him, the recorder turned him l'tosc this morning. We have a long list of country and city properly for sale cheap. Ab an illustration we cut sell you a good five room house with two lots, 50x120; good barn and well of pure cold water; twelve bearing fruit trees, convenient to schools, for $051); easy term. Hudson & Brown hill, opposite U. S. laud ofllce. Tickets for tho Lark-Klein concert Monday night are selling at a very lively rate. It is quite certain there will be a f ill house and it is even suspected us probable that the Baldwin will not con tain all who may wish to attend. If you want to be sure of a seat you ought to lose no time in securing a ticket. It. T. Elton brought to morning the sculps of three catamounts which lie killed recently near his IioueOj on the north fork of Mill creek. Onu ofi them lie shot and the others trapped. The two trapped were big fellows that were canalile of doing a heap of mischief around a farm house or among a baudl it mi? of sheep. The time when tho balloting for queen of the carnival will close has not been dellttllely fixed, but it will bo in a day or two and the announcement duly made. The date will probably be Wednesday, October Ud, and the hour probably 0 o'clock p. in. This will give the queen six days, including Sunday, wherein to prepare her robes of ollicu. At 2 o'clock this afternoon Marshal Driver arrested a white man, a stranger lit the city, for Belling liquor to Indians. The man is eaid to havo furnished enough liquor to a lot of Indiana in the East End yesterday to have made them all drunk. One ol them, who la known aa Oharlio Tuinwator, was bo drunk thia afternoon that the marshal bad to half carry him to the lock-up, wheto ho now languishes. Thero is a practically unlimited de mand for all weighty mules of the best o'ass. In East St. Louis a pair that brought the scalo-boam up at 3,'JOO pounds changed hands at $17C, which ia tho host prico -reported paid in years on that market. A ful' carload of good, big, though not extra niulos recently b.'ought tflS5 around at tbo same point and the orders for that sort are very far 1 om being filled, Tun OiutoNici.i: baa it on good author ity that the diUiculties of the Paul Mohr portage will aoou be adjusted, and prob ably in litno to haudle a portion of this year's crop of grain. The company has oft'ors, from various sources, of all the money it will require to discharge exist lag obligations and start the plant .Into operation. They are now considering which otter It will be best to accept. When a determination is arrived at it will only reqniro two or three weeks to have the plant ready for huidling freight. Two Astoria men got to discussing politics, when one of them told the other that lie didn't have ns much Bense as a dog, whereupon the other pulled bis revolver and fired, but hit nothing but tho air. Albany Democrat. The real point in the incident referred to has been overlooked by the Democrat man, and is real'y funny. The facts as re potted are that one man told the other not to be too docmatic in bis political statements. Tho other, who was a poor linguist, imagined be bad been likened to a dog, and immediately went on the warpath, resulting in the shooting. He was evidently a disciple of Bryaniem. At least one ancient widower in town is reaping a harvest ,of fun from the balloting for the queen of the carnival. We met hiii)' this morning with liia pockets etitiled with tickets that he had just purchased from Charlie Stephens. He'explained that he had to - iHnj" tne tickets in Aeit-ueretiBe. binco town this the balloting began' all the pretty girls Unmounts, on the blurt' whereho lives, whenever he happened to meet' them, wauted to kiss him, and the thing lias got so tiresome that now whenever one of them puckers her lips hcjust hands her r. ticket and tells her to go and vote it for herself. That pleases the girl and paves his lips a good deal of unnecessary wear and tear. A few months ago a paragraph was going the rounds of tho press alleging that Mrs. Eddy,-the founder of Chris, tian Science, was sulfering from a can cer that was expected to soon end her life. Tun Ciiiioxici.u published the paragraph, huving no reason to suspect that it was a pure invention, which it now turns out to lie. For Mrs. Eddy, who ia very retired in her habits, Ia ely appeared in public at tho Concord state fuir and notwithstanding her age, which is said to be more than'three Ecoro and ten, it was lemarkcd that "alio ia youth ful in appearance and vigorous in every act and movement. Her bright, spark ling eye, her clear, fair complexion, her quick, vivacious movements, beepoko a strong body And a forceful Intellect." Whatever pooplo may think of Mrs. Eddy'a theories of healing, it ia veiy evident they lied about her who said she wtiB sud'uilng from a fatal disease. In addition to the sfl.COO.OOO worth of wotk done In tho paBt UpciiI year by the O. R, & N. Co., in straightening curves, replacing bridges, etc., on its line the Baker City Democrat says: A fow' days ago President A, L, Mohler let contracts for $500,000 worth of additional work, which w ill put tho road bed of this com pany into the boat possible condition and ranking with any transcontinental or trunk line road. A largo force of men was put to work this week between tunnel No, 3, just west of f ho Dalles and a point, twolve miles beyond, and in cluding tunnel No, 2, From a careful Inspection made-of this section of the Hue It cau be sajd with confidence that it is tho most important tfork yet ever undertaken by the company, and will absorb more than .300,000 of the new appropriation. This section of the line has been one of the most crooked on the road, following all of the curves of the river, and has been a bugbear to the transportation department for years. In a distance of eight miles, the im provements contracted tor will elimin ate 9u0 degrees of track curvation ; will reduce grades aud replace bridges with rock filling. In straightening out ttiie piece of track a new tunnel will be made just west of tunnel No. 2 and will be 600 feet in length. Nine miles of new work has also been.cotnmenced at Echo in the way of changing tho line, curves and grades. Special Meeting of tho Council. A special meeting of the council 'vas held Inst nigbt, at which F. Lempke, W. Shackelford, F. Gunning, J. L. Kelly aud H. Liebe were present, with Mayor Dufur in the chair. C. L. Phillips, representing tho street carnival, requested the council to pass an ordinance giving the fait- ntannge- ment the right to occupy so much of the public streets as may be deemed neces sary. Tho council proceeded to pass an ordinance giving the fair the right of exclusive use and occupation for the space of live days, from October 9th to October 11th inclusive, of all that part of Third street situated between Jeffer son and Washington, lying between the sidewalks on both sides of Third Gtret; also Lrtughlin street from the alley be tween Second and Third streets to fifty feet south of the south lino of Third streot. At the request of Mr. Phillips another ordinance was passed granting to the officers of the Street Fair and Carnival all moneys that may be collected for licenses, as provided by city ordinance, for any show, exhibition, game or privi lege that may operate or exhibit during the time of the fair, when such are con ducted in the fair or in connection there-with. If there is any chance to boom your town, boom it. Don't bo a clam. Dou't bu a kicker. Don't pull a long face and get sour in your stomach. Hope a bit. Get. a smile on you. Hold up your head. Get n hold with botlt hands; then pull. Bury your hatchet. Drop your tomahaw. Hide your llttlo ham mer. When o stronger comes hero jolly him. Tell him thia is tho best town on the coast. It is. Don't get mulish. Don't roast. Just jjlly, All men like to bo jillled, always. So jolly. Get popular. It's dead eacy. Help your self along. Push your friends with you, and soon you'll have a whule procession. No man ever helped himself by knock ing other people down. You cannot climb the ladder of fiino by stepping on other people's corns. They're their coniB, not yours. And they're tender. Keep off the corns. All men are not alike. Once in a while you may find one who Is very much alike; but some are different. You are not the only sblrit in the wash. If vou don't like their style, let 'em alone. Don't knock. Walk right in. And make yourself look pleasant. You'll get used to it. There's no end of fun in minding your own bu siness. It makes otber people like you better. Better have other people stuck on you than set stuck on yourself. No body gets stuck on a kicker. Don't bo one, nor two. The street fair is coming. It needs 5'our help. Put your shoulder to the wheel. Get a move on yourself. And when its all over you'll bo able to sav "We did it; . Votes for Oueeu or the Carnival , At 2 o'clock this afternoon tho vote for queen of the' carnival stood as fol lows : Annie Lang 124 Grace Scott 4U Cora Joles 28 Lizzie Bonn 17 Mvrtle Michell G Melissa II ihl 8 Minnie Goseer 0 Florence Hantpson 6 Itose Michell 5 May dishing 5 Georgia Sampson 4 Mrs George Blakeley 2 Delia Michelbacb 2 Louise Michelbach 2 Minnie Michell 1 Bertha Glenn 1 Bessie Eddon 1 Annie Haslam 1 Maude Clarke 1 Ilattie Cram 1 Emily CroBsen 1 Mary Mclrieruy , 1 Advertised I.eitem Following is the list of letters remain ing in tho postoflice at Tho Dallea un called for September 21, 1900. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised: A'lamsnn, Albort Peters, At Alltn, James Urakoy, H C Cadle, Alpha Harris, H Htiber, Joe Kelly, W II Longren, Aug Morgan. W C Miller, Miss E.ora Murphy. Will H McKarneg, Henry Simereon, Cltas Simmons, Birt Smith, J C Turner, Chas E Wbeber, W II Wolf. Clint Wenigren, Carl Beatvvell, Mrs Ellen Hiilvutlon A i my. Brigadier and Mrs. Marshall, divi sional officers, will conduct special meet ings for the salvation of bouIs Saturday, tho 22J, and all day Sunday, tho 2IJd, at tho Salvation Army hall. All are welcome. Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors Mrs H. L. Jones has opened ice cream and oyster parlors in Carey U tl lard's old eland. She carrier A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. The placo has been thoroughly ren ovated, aud a share of the public patron age is solicited. VOGT Tho only storo ft tin's city where the Oefluine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold. A little higher In price, but outlasts a dozen pieces of so called cheap cnatn eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has tho name Stran3ky -Steel Ware on each piece. Do not 6c deceived First prize txt 1C International Exhi bitions. Highest award at Worlds Columbian Exhlbi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by tho best cookingauthorities, certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it ia cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and Bold in this city ex clusively by us. jj It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is notaffectedbyncids in fruita oc vegetables, will boil, stew, roast and bake without imparting flavor of previously cooked food and will last for years. .o$o. We cau tion tita public ngair.Sk imitation Opera House F. J. CLARKE, Manager. TWO NIGHTS, Commencing Monday, Sept. 24. The Macoy. boniedy Oompany. WITH Special Flays. Special Scenery. Special Cars. Thitty Clever Artins. Baud and Oichcstru. Farce Comedy, Tho Up-to-D.Uo FIRST NIGHT The entitled "A Circus Girl.' SECOND NIG II T- I'lav, "Quo Vadis." Popular Prices. Seats on pale at Clarke fi Kalk's. to RCaiSTIRtO- CHOCOLATE BON BONS. FRESH TODAY. DIREOT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. It. K. 831 ITU, Osteopath. R001U8 10 and 11, Cunratiail Block, Tho Dalles, Oregon. fiV-t