Sit . W VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1900. NO. 343 2 S3 The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been, in uso for over 30 years, has borno the ftignatnro of and lias been made under his per- J1! 8oni1 supervision since its infancy. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and" are but; llviierimynts that trifle with and endanger the health of lulltuts nud Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A CnKlorifi is a harmless substitute for Cnstor OH, Pare prorie, Irojs and Soothing: Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ifc iion.iii.iM neitlier Opium, Morphine nor oilier Narcotic .substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. CENiUSNE C ASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNTAUn COMMNV, ft MUfWAV tlTltCKT, NEW YORK CITV. HARD BATTLE WITH REBELS (ii'iieral McAithur Tells of a Fiht in Which Uncle Sam's Hoys Were i.V Against Suo Filipinos 2. Americans Were Killed and 19 Wounded. Wahiiinoto.v, Sopt. 0. A- .dispatch lias been received iroin General MeAr tlmr which conllniiH thu report cabled to tho Associated Proaa from Mttuilit coiicerlng tho activity of tho insurgents. The dispatch is oa follows: "Manila, Sopt. 120. Adjutant-gonei-al, Washington. Thuro ia considerable uc tivity throughout Luzon. Fighting is reported in thu vicinity of Catig rind Ea tcllu Iaabuliu provinces. Inaurgotite, es timated at fiOO, probably lunch exngun rated, hut aulliclont in forcu to mnku trouble in a district heretofore quiet. In tin' Hue in provinces Haimu-I B. M. Young (brigndiar-geiieran roporta mi inuruuH Hiiiall ntluire, and lino c.Olod no 'iiiipliuticnlly for nioro forces Hint Kings nnry'M squadron, Tliiril cavalry mid Harden' battalion, Fifth infantry,., have ''eon aunt liiui, and another huttnllloii "III tin i von tho L'ltniu dcotiuiitiou, arrival. "Country north of Paste, including nil l Ihilacau, Ih very niueh diaturhed, and ininiiiroua contacts with small pin ties throughout Hint tllatrict, south of Fasig, Including Tayalms province (Luzon), where aamo eotiditiona obtain. Thia nc tivity lum i)e.0I, nmiciputod and reported upon in lettorH of August ii5 and cable Aumiat 3L "On S3ptombor 10, David D. Mitchell captain of Co. L, Fifteenth infantry, from Siloan, Lnguna province, with 00 n,0, attacked tho Insurgent Bonernl tallies, wlio liad 800 men In position at Mnvllno, eaiuo province. A desporato lht ensuod, which whs pushed from the front with great rertlnaoity by Mitchell nero3s n causeway and through water waist deep. "Tim attack was under George Cooke, cltiiln, company K, Fifteenth Infantry, with forty of his nieti and ten men of company ii, Thirtty-nlnth volunteer in iiwitry, cquIU not reach the enouij's po sition htcttuie of high water In tho arm of n Ink", which ould not bs crossed; entire country was nil iat in consequence of recent ruin p ; lliifi very much impeded ofluniiivo notion. After im hour nnd twenty niiiiutos' tllititiir, the command withdrew to Sliiiluan. Upon renewal of operation!) on the 18th fuund that the insurgents had escaped from Motilivlric the previous night, mosit of them no doubt i-ohii; Imck into coutigioue Uiir rioa to appear for the lime heiin:, or until called into tho field, no peaceful Aminos. "CueualtieB which occurred, all in Mitcholl'd eomniaiul, tonaieted of 1JS0 men and four oll'icere, were twenty-four killed and nineteen wounded, It vo .Aim i I' ii 11 Victims to Etomuch, liver and kidney troublea as well as women, and nil feel the loaulta in loss of appetite, poisons In ho blood, backache, nervouinese, head ache and tired, liathtss, run-down feel ing, Hut there's no need to feel like t lint. Listen to J. V. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. Ho eaye: "Iilt-ctric Hitters are juflt Hie thing for a man when ho is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or diou. It did more to give nio now atrengtli mid good nppetlto than anything I could take. I can now ent anything and have a new lease on life." Only 00 cuntu, at Blnkeley'a drug store. Kvery bottle cunrantoed. 8 Stulit till) Shui'ltl'H Aliiuilt. Itoaimuiiii, Sopt. 20. A sensation woe caiuod liere last niglit by tho discovery that Uert Dice, a prisoner at the county jtiil,iad escaped. Woe- was being held on thu ohargo o( Htenllng a horse from William Cliadwlck, of Kiddle, a few weeks Jngo. Tho discovery was made yestordny evening tliat Wee had gone, and search waa immediately instituted. Shrltr Parrott hurried to hie bam to get his horio and found that it had toen taken, also his saddle. The supposition ia that Wee, making hia escapo from the j.ul unnoticed, hastened to tho ehorlfl'H barn, saddled his horse and rode out of town without bolng recognized. HosKiiuno, Sept. '20. Wco was cap tured this morning at Myrtle creek by Sherlir Parrott. lie had turned the horse loose in the streets nnd jumped on tho blind baggage of the south-bound overland. lie stated that he was in hiding when the deputy went In to lock the prisoners In the cells last night, nnd slipping past him, got nwoy unteen. Clark k Falk'a drug stock Is new, (rosh uud complete, NOT "EXPEDIENT" TO ACCEPT If .the Troops Were Withdrawn from Pekin that City Would Again De Overrun by the Boxers. London, Sept. 20. It was explained today at the British foreign office that "it waa found inexpedient for tho pow ers to accept the Russian withdrawal proposal," as they had reliable infor mation that the lioxers wore ready to reoccupy Pekin ns Boon as the alliea re tired. Washington, Kept. 20. Tho war de partment has received the following cablegram from General Chaffee: "Taku (no date) Adjutant-General, Waehingtou. Pekin, Sept. 1G. To avoid further crowding of Pekin have had in mind a division of my force he tween Pekin, YnngTsun, Tien Tsin, at the latter place leaving one battalion only because tho ground ut Tien Tein is low, damp, and unsuitable. Other com manders have no instructions, but they assume at leaBt some of their troopa are to remain in Pekin during the winter. 1 state tins us indicating what is to be ascertained hero, not knowing of course, the action taken by the powers and the United States. Only one regiment, Russian troops, retired toward Tien Tain, lias yet moved. (Have trcops of other powers dono so?) "Condition of Chinese some better ; gnrdeners entering tho city freely, re lieving the distress prevailing some days ago. Slight resumption in trade, other conditions very fair, rendering tho situ ation quiet. Expedition today, Wilson commanding, to expel Boxers to the west ward, in order to free the country for coal supply mine, Pekin. Head quarters, one squadron of tho Sixtli cav alry goes to Tang Tsun to camp. Tele graphed you 30th. Railroad to bo re paired" Li Hung Chang left Shanghai 14th. Remey reports Rockhill expected at Taku 14th. Cii.utue." A portion of this diopntch is unintel ligible to the department otliciale, and they havo asked the telegraph company for u correction of it. Washington, Sept. 20. Tho Chiueso minister lias received n dispatch from the viceroys of southern China muking an appeal for tho opening of peace ne gotiations without further deluy. They report thnt a prolongation of tho present unsettled condition is a serious disad vantage to China and pnrtieB concerned Cntitrrli Cuuiiut 11c Cured. with local applications, as they eaunot reach tho sent of tho disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cjre it you must ta'ce inter nal remedies. Hali'a Catarrh Cure ia taken internally, and acts directly on tho blood nnd uiucoua purfacea. Hall's Catanh Cure ia not a quack medicine. It wao waa prescribed by onu of tho best physicians in this country for, and ia a regular piescription. Jt ia composed of the best touica known, combined with the best blood purltleip, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces audi wonderful results in curing Catanh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Ciiknkv & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills nro the best. 12 JSuorH tlu.troyvd Tlulr "bout; Tout." London, Sept. 20. Lord RobertB cables fioiu Neleprult, on the Pietoria- Delogoa Boy railroad, not far from Komatipoort, the frontier station, under date of Wednesday, September 10th, as follows : "Of the 3000 Bosrs who retreated from Komatipoort before the British advance from Macltadodorp, 700 have entered Portuguese territory; others have do sorted in various directions and the balance are reported to huve crossed the Komatl river And to be occupying spurs of the Lombobo mountains, south of the railway. "A eeneral tumult seems to have "be- etirred when they recognized the hope lessness of their cause. Their long Toms and Uold guns have been destroyed and nothing Is left of the Boer army but a few marching bands. Kelly Kenny Is TOMORROW'S GREAT SALE! Next Saturday will bo Children's Day at this store. Mothers of both boys and girls will be equally benefitted. Waists for the boys and dresses for the girls at extraordinary price-reductions. But do not be satisfied with merely reading of this sale make it your business to come and see the goods. You will then be the better able to appreciate our offerings. Washable Dresses Mill i "it I9s5s',fci Boys' Waists and Blouses. 4oa " SOj Unlaundered P.'umIo Waists GSc Laundered Percale Waists... 75c Laundered Percale Waists... Soc L'uin iered Percale Waists... 75c Whi'e Plaited Wi i-t- .40c . .45c . 49c ..59c . .40u Suitable for school or home wear for two months 10 come, at spec ially reduced prices. $1.00 W'lito Plaited Waists C9c 38u White Blouse Waists 25c 42c White Blouse Waists 27c 50c White and Colored Blouse Waists ,19c GSc White Blouse Waists . 45c 75c White Blouse Waists 50c SBc White Blouse Waists 59 $1.25 White Blouse Waists ,. 85c All White WaiEts from 50c up nre trimmed with rufllea of wide em broidery, and the ifi. 25 styles arc mads with ehield nnd collar of all-over embroidery. . These waists will be on display during the week, and may bo inspected J"1 at will but these prices will not go into effect until Saturday, Sept. 22d.".'--f The stylo and fitting qualities ot these dresses need not necessarily be dwelled upon here, as the majority of Dalles motheis know from experience that THESE GARMENTS ARE PERFECT. All 39c Dresses ages 2, 3 and 4 years 29c All 49c Dresses ages 2, 3 and 4 years 37c All 69c Dresses ages 2 to 14 years 48c All 85c Drssses ages 2 to 14 rears :. 59c All $1.00 Dresses ages 2 to 14 years 72c All 1.49 Dresses ages 2 to 14 years $1.09' All 2.15 Dresses ages 2 to 14 years lv43 All 2.50 Dresses ages 2 to 14 years 1.62 All 3.00 Dresses ages 2 to 14 years .' 2.10 These prices will not go into effect until Saturday, Sopt. 22d, 1900. a. m. wj.1mImIM.ims dealing with one of these, which occu pies a position at Doornberg." A Jlliilntoi's Giiod Work. "1 had a severe attack of bilious colic, got ti bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Choler and Dinrrhiua Remedy, took two doses and whs entirely cured," says Kev. A. A. Power, of Emporia, Kan. "My neighbor across the street was sick for over a week, had two or three bottles of medicine from tho doctor. He used them three or four days without relief, then culled in another doctor who treat ed him for eome days and gave him no relief, so discharged him. I went over to see iii tn tho next morning, lie said his bowels were in a terrible tlx, that they had been running off so long that it was ulmost bloody llux. 1 atked liim if lie had tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera und Diarrhmi Remedy and hd said, 'No.' I went home aud brought him my bottle and gave him one dose; told him to take another dose in fifteen or twenty miuutea if he did not find relief, hut he took no more and was en tirely cured." For eale at Blakeliy's drug store. Mrs. Annie Luckey, Hair-Dressing and Shampooing Facial Treatments and the MORMON TREATMENT. Room 69, third floor, Umatilla House. Hours from 9 to 12 a. in. and 1 to 5 p. m. MEET US! Not on tho Midwav, but at tho Gateway of tho Great INLAND KM PIKE TH E DALLES, AT TU! mil mim Ml ffir October 9 to 13 inclusive. This will ho tho greatest event in the history of the City of Wheat, Wool and Fruit and an Open River to the Sea. The products of this pio. liiic legion -will lie on exhibition, and farmers, flockmastora anil all otln ;s wiil witness an exhibit that will bo both interesting aud instructive. SPECIAL SOCIAL ATTRACTIONS! BAND CONCERTS EVERY DAY! A NOVEL STREET PARADE! Escellenfentertalnments day and night Five days of sight-seelng and nlcaeure. ;Thero will bo ample accommodations for all guests. Come and The Dalles will entertain you. Producers from all sections requested to make exhibits. No charge for space in the lair building!. No entrance fee. Reduced Rates on all Railroads and Steamboat Lines. COME TO THE DALLES.