I'KIIi'L,K COMINO AM OIMNO. I. D. Driver was in town today from Wnmir. I Rev. D. V. nml Mr;. Poliutf loft yes terday on n short visit to friends in Salem. Mr. 1). F. Jackson and sou, Howard, of Civile, Ohio, are visiting with Mrs. Hush" L?ean. Miss M.md Gerkmc, of Goldendale, is in tlip city recoivinc osteopathic treat ment for nervous prostration from Dr. 11. E. Smith. Jtune I.nckey, formerly agent nt tlie Warm Spring reservation, now of Port land, is in the city the jMie.-t of the Umatilla House. Mr. .1. G. Peters, of Biiltitnore. Md., arrival lieru yesterday with the inten tion of spending tlie" winter witli his uncle, Mr. J. T. Peters. Mrs. Winnie Boldwin, eldest daugh ter oi P.ev. r.nd Mrs. C. P. Bailey, of this city, arrived here on tlie morn ins train from D.iytnn, Wash., on a week's visit with lier parents. Mrs. Bnldman was ncrnnipauied by Miss Leia Biglow, nlso of Dayton. .-joldlcr HujV (liiulou of llnnultm. Our soldier boys, whom Ex-Consress-man Towne denounced tlie other night in Portland, and wishes for whose defeat in the Philippines were npplunded to the echo by Towne's Uryanite auditors, would, if we mistake not tiieir tempera ment, make short shrift of Towne and his boss if they had them over there for n little while. At any rate here is a little story that has a moral to it. Otho JSkasjjs, of Co. F, 34th U. S. Infantry, whose father, by the way, was once pastor of the Chiistian church of this city and who w also a veteran of the civil war, wrote a few days ago to his father from the Philippines and imons other racy things said : "Some time ago we took a vote of our regiment of betwesu 000 and 700 men and found they stood a little over 200 for Bryan and the rest for McKinley. A few days ago copies of Bryan's letter of acceptance were distributed among tlie boys. After they had carefully read the letter another vote was taken and it stood three for Bryan nnd the rest for McKinley, and as I write the boys are balloting to see which of us are going to form a detail ior shooting the three and I am hopinz that I shall get a black bean. Tell Mr, Bryan for us that before he turns these magnificent islands and nine-tenths of their poor, ignorant and derived inhabitants over" to a band of murderous Tagals or tlie rapacity of foreiyn invaders, he will have to whip into subjection Oo.fcCO of as brave and patriotic American soldier boys us ever fired a gun or drew a sword." A Tearlblc Irnsetty. TjU.mpteu, Sept. 19. A terrible tragedy took place uear here today, the particu lars of winch are blood-curdling. Fred Kane, who resided with his wife and stepdaughter, n child about 7 or S years of age, about si:: rni'es northwest of this place, at what is known as" McCulloch's Furk, in a fit of temporary insanity shot his wifa and daughter and burned the body of the lUte- by setting fire to their cabin home. He then attempted to commit suicide by shooting himself. Persons pa-sing on the road between this place and Granite found Kane and his wife in a dying condition a ehort (lis tance from their home, and brought them to Sumpter. Both are thought to be mortally wounded. Kanu shot himself through one lung, and his wife vras etruuh by a bullet, the ball entering the chest just below the heart. Both are in the hospital at Ba ker City. Tlie tragedy took place some time about 7 o'clock til ie morning. It is thought that Kane became of unsound mind, and his crime was that of a de mented man. The murderer is a son of Mrs. Dan Kane, a respected widow lady residing with other members of the fam ily near Auburn. He was married only a fvv months ago. His wife was form erly r Mrs. Toney, and is a daughter of Charles Nicholson, a pioneer of Baker county, engaged in farming on Muddy creek, in Powder river valley. Kano had always been jealous of his wife since their marriage, and this Is eupposed to have unbalanced his mind. He was her third husband, and eha married him within six mouths after the death of her previous husband. They are both well known in Sampler, and the tragedy took place in the cabin that was built on the mining property owned hv Kane. ' Nasal Cafarrh quickly yields to treat ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which ia agree ably aromatic. It is roceived through tho nostrils, cleansed and heals tho wholo fur faco over which it diffuses itself. Druggists sell tho COc. size; Trial fcizo by mail, 10 ceuts. Test it and you are suro to continue tho treatment. Announcement. To accoumiodato those who aro partial to tho ubo of atomizers iu applying liquids Into tho nasal passages for catarrhal trou ble, tho proprietors prepare Cream Balm Iu liquid form, which will bo known as Ely's liquid Cream Halm. Price including tho aprayinfr tubo is 75 ceuts. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form embodies tho med icinal properties of tho solid preparation, d Hubscribo for The Chronicle. THE REBELS I ARE WAITING Their Only Elope Is in the Success of Hrvnn. Washington-, Sept. 10 August 17, Secretary root cabled the Philippine commission for a report of its operations to d.ite. Following is the reply in jmrt: Manila, Anjnst 21, lf'00. Secretary of War, Washington : Replying to your dispatch, the commission reports: It has ior two months and a haif made dil ijient inquiries into the conditions pre wiling. The mass of people has apti tude for education, but is ignorant, superstitious and credulous in a remark able degree. Hostility nzninst Ameri cans was originally aroused by absurd falsehoods of unscrupulous leaders. The distribution of troops in 300 posts has by contact largely dispelled the hos tility and stendily improved the temper of tiie people. This improvme'nt, fur thered bv the abuses of tlie insurgents, aflirms that n large number of tlie people long for peace, and are willing to accept government under the United States. Insurgents not surrendering after defeat have divided into small bauds under general nrlicers or become ladrones. Nearly all the prominent generals and politicians of the insurrection, except Asuiinaldo have since been captured or surrendered and have taken the oath of allegiance. The policy of leniency culminating in amncsly has had a marked effect to induce surrenders until the defining of political issues in the United States, re ported heie in full, gave hope to insur gent officers in arms of a changed policy and stayed surrenders to await the re sult of the elections. Disturbances in parts of island, kept up and avowed by the insugent proclamation and orders to inlluence the election, do not show an unfriendly attitude of a majority of the people of the provinces where they occur. It is conceded by all but men in arms, and is implied in their proclamation, that if the election confirms thu present policy, the remnant ni the insurrection will disappear within sisty days by sur render of tlie leaders and fading out of the rank and file. A change of policy by turning the islands over to a coterie of Tagal poli ticians will blight their fair prospects of enormous improvement, drive out capi tal, make life and property secular and religious most insecure, banish, by fear of cruel prosecution, a considerable body of conservative Filipinos who have aided Americans in the well founded be lief that their people are not now lit for gelf-government and reintroduce thj Earne oppression and corruption which esisted in all the provinces under the Malolos insurgent government dur ing the eight month? of its control. The result will be factional strife be tween jealous leaders, chaos and an archy, and will require and justify the active intervention of our government or some other. The creation of a central government within eighteen months, like that ol Porto llico, under which substantially all rights described in thu bill of rights iu the federal constitution are to be secured to the people of the Philippines, will bring to them contentment, pros perity, education and political enlight enment. William H. Takt. Dkan C. Wouuksti:!'.. Luke E. Wiiioiit. He.nky C. Iijle. BbU.V.MIU MoflKH. Lazy Livers aro many tlmos the causo of various d'stfawis. Ninety per cent of tho American pooplu aro mid to bo trouMeil with livor nnil ntomach complaints Mich as coastliiation, illzzliicha. Intllaesllon, blhouoii, Mugb'Uli liver, em. Baldwins Health Tablets No. 25 overcomo and euro thoso Ills, Tbrse tabloti act m a gentlo laza tlvo. They raako tho liver ami Itoioach do their duty aa tliey (liould. llio moat olistloato caaos yield to tlicao llttlo Ublots. 'they coat Sio aud can be procuroil at Clarke & Falk, The Dalles, Oregon. CATARRH Cb'ItK FUU CATARRH t. Ely's Cream Balm Uwf r.ml plissant to ni t inl.iins no In jurious ttraj. It i rjalck'y ahwrlied. (Jivcj ltslicf ut or.c.-. Hftil ami I'roicctsi tho Membrane ltctorw tho S?ns of Tate ami Hm!l. I.irRo Srae, 60 cent at ! Dm -jUts or hv mil! ; Tr'a! Size, 10 cnt by mall. ELY UUOYllUllS, W Warrcu Strtct, New York. For 'lf. The two buildings owned by Mrs. E. Julian, on Court street, between Second and Third, now occupied as a lodging house and dressmaking shop. The buildings will be sold, furnished or un furnished, cheap for cash. Apply to Mrs. E.. Julian. i'.i-lmd Are ycu ready to buy your fall shoes0 We are sole agents for the celebrated Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.'s line of foot wear. If you want tho best shoe for the least money, call and see us. No trou ble to show goods nt the New York Cash Store. For the convenience of parties want ing ice in the alternoons, the Stadelman Ice Co. will carry a stock at their Etoro, corner Third nnd Washington etreets. Phone No. 107; long distance 1S3. "King 'em" up." ISm-tf llvuimiiliur That Chas. Stubling is still doing n retail business at his nevrl place. He sella in quantities to suit all customer, irom one bottle to a barrel. Family orders delivered promptly. Ileal l:stitc fur Siilo. Twenty-three lots, located from Sev unth street to Twelfth, for enle at from 3,50 up. Inquire at tile Columbia Hotel. a'-'O-tf Mrs. Phillips is prepared to furnish cut flowers and ail kinds of floral de signs on short notice. Phone number 307. e 10-1 m The Weekly Oregonian and Twice-a-Week Chronicle for $2.00 a year. All subscribers to tho Weekly Chron icle who pay one years' subscription in advanc , will be entitled to the above liberal offer. CHRONICLE PUB. CO., The Dalles, Oregon. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ri'.ANSACT A KNEUALUANKIKQ JlUe'INKS Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphi', Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points iii Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fnv orBbln tirniH. House Painting... The undersigned has taken possession of R. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to tho Vogt opera houeo, and has pur chased the tools und ladders. He has good mechanic? working for him, aud will guarantee all work to give satisfac- lion. S. K. KELLY. Mica lightens the load DhortcU3 'Axle Crease the rood. helps the team. Saves wocr nnd cxj)eti8e. tjolu cvcrywlievc. MAUE 11 V STANDARD OIL CO. , otlco Is hereby elven that tho tiiidcrilBiicd liavo llliit with tho (Jerk of thn county court of IhcBt'tloof Ort-Kon for NVico conn t v.tliel r final aciountiik executora of tho lajt will mid testa ment of Henry Jiurtiuin, decerned, mm that Muudav. tho ih day of November, lt00, nt tho hour of in o'clock a, in,, ban been flxeit by the County Court for nald comity aa the time, and tho county court room In Uallcx City uh tho place for hearlriK of objection to aald dual ac count und tho bettleweiit of tho time. J. W. KKKNC1I, V. V. 31AYH, kepis Ksccuton. Tiro CtKANSINO AND MKAMNG s-; 35 5 t T i 1 f as- a T ! st as :: 1 K I .r ifi IB r " "R fclutlillu, !. iitiiu witnoitt Str. Regulator Mi mm Ship your Freight via l. Dnllv Jit 7 .. SI. TueJ iy 1a I-k-CI ili'l II' 7 A. f. Mimil.i. TIiihmUv . lnt'flny arttunlay FrMiiy TDcn-i-i lo Arr. l'ortlaud Arr. Dallei u.uiui jixAAt,. Arr. 1 -.rt litticl 2, nt 1:30 r. u. at 5 r. t. FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by tlto 8tfiimcr ol thu Kraul.itnr I.lno. Tho (,'omtwnv will mlctivnr to ylvc lis tmt miis tho bckt n'ivle iMMilule. I'or (urthor inTurtuittlon mldreM U l'ortlund Olllce, Oak-atrcct Dock. fi yfLt. J J. E. FALT & CO., X L Proprietors n i V of 9 Purest Liquors for Family Use 5 ? Delivered to any part of tho City, 9 Phonos: 51 Locnl, 858 Loiik Uhtance. Advertise in the Chronicle I' IL. Lane, UKNKltAI. r ' Wagon and Garringo Werk. ! Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and JelTcrnn. Phone 159 1 BiacKsmnn A ND Horsesnoer 111 !!?S m to The Chronicle, The DolleH, On. . '51 Job Printers. ii ' 35 !'3C iff Id? . ar, ' 55 8 38 EE U I'U-tl-JiOil'J m ui'- -UJi' 'It JIll'itUt'.UllKt-JilttUilt IVL' umu fl lIllIITllITJlIIJlItlTIllIltrlIll'3xry,, tsmtr1?- 1 REGULATOR LINE. ;j DALLES, I'ORTLLM) k ASTORIA iAV. COMPANY Ktwrnorp ol the- Itcgulati-r Uiiu will run k i.or tin. ful ' j 1 the Cotnimiiy riaorvlng the rl!ht In ciiiiiigL' p iititice. Str. Dnllos City. DOWN ' l.V. Hllllo.1 at 7 A. i. 1 Monday 1 1i l.t . I'nrtlHtid Tll0ll:iy 'rf Tlinr'iliiy ,S ... .hull! nlnv i Arr. llnlii-H "I Wtiliitticliiy.. r-i. 7 1110 Krlilny nt 1 :a) i". m. at b v. ;t. Z V. C. ALLAWAY, Con. At. y How pleasing to the ear. How easy in action. How grand and beautiful in appearance arc tho now "Mndoll," "United Makers" and "Kimball" Pianos at Jacobsen BookS Music Co. uuiijiiici'uiai jqinpie tuunib. 173 Second Street. C. F. Stephens ..Doalor In. Dry CoodB, Clothing, I Hoots, Bliocn. HaU, flips, Notion. Act. forW.i,. DoiiBlas Hhoc. Telephone No, 88, The Dalles, Or, i.ii svciiiii nt JjH. K. K. fKlt(HJHIN, Phyaieiun und Surgeon, Olllce, Vent lllock (over t'oitolllce), aCuplino-Uw THE PAI.1.K1, OHKIIOK. OJRM DKl'ART rim tuck KcnnM'tn, FllOM IUI.LK8, Alt-.Tl TlMt Mit I li-'r p. m, Salt !,nkr. I)3nvor. ft. . Worth, iliimhn, Kn. i, m City, Kt. IjiuIi, i-m Atlulltll Kxiiri'M Hn.lt Iiko, Denver ft. Wurtli, Oiiuilui, I,,,,,, -"'a. jo City, M I,,,,,, Clilcui;ii mill Hunt. r.VWiti. m. Via Hunt i luston. .Mn It it ml i:x)iriyis I I U .Z't p. in MliiiivniotlB. si I'mii 'j.,,.'" itiilittii, .Mllv.mikre, c:tilrnco mill Km, via Hpoknuenkil lliin'lni; tun ; iilmi nil imii.t in WiiHlittik'tiin mill l.mt em Orccmi. 3:31 1. a 8 p. m. From Jor.Ti.A!;n. flcenli Htonm.i!iln, For 61111 l'niin!lci. Kvcry I'lve lhi S ii. in, Kx.Miiiulny ftitiitriity 10 p. m. Columuin I'.v. Ktt-tt:-.Tj! p.. La( To AhTUHIA ntiU Way ft II. 111. ' XVlLLtMCTrC UtVKK. 41)p n KT.hitiiili.yi0ro8(in City. NtoIic:;, Ki.SunJii ; .Snlom & Way l.t J t. In. tn, .WitLAMmi: . mi Yam 3:3)p.n. Turn.Thur. mix UtvKii- Mcii.,Ved mill nut. i ontiini City, Ha inn. nJFri i mul Wny-I-imiliiiK' SfiAiti: Uivsu. lEIfnrln ti !.'Wiion. l.v lllpiirlil .Why 3 : IS.', a. in. I.KW1H0S itslly 9.'.0.n SZf J'urliw (iMlsiiiB to co tn llcppnw or 1'iiiiiti. mi Cnltiiiilila riiulhcni h i 1!ikk, itiouW 'uLv .Nil 2, Iviivins Tlio Iialu nt U O p. n, niiktUK illniit ooimcotlnnii nt lli'iijiiicr Junction mul lllitf!" HotiiriilnK imiklnpili, I'tcoiiuautm h! !Ioiiiiiui tiiinttuli mi'i li'n;: v Mi No, l.ir rivi'iB nt llio luillesii" ' r v for lull i.irt:cui:rn iiK'lit Tlu Dulk'H, nt v A N. C0.I Mil T.T, tUnil, Cr, Yellowstone Park Line. Till: lltXINCi CAH KOCTt: I-If 1 I'OKTLISD to thi: kakt. tiik oxi.v uiitKtrT i.ixr. to tiu. vkllow- HI ON 15 I'AUU' s. 1 Union Depot, rmhaad ' sis .ouuvi. LK WW No. a. lfnt mall (or Tiic una, No. ,,mi;ii ,WA.M. yfiittle, Oiympiit urn -' Uiirhoriiml Koiitn Iivml points, bMil:niii'. Hi' Intnl. It, C, I'Dllin.iii Moicnw, l;viHlmi, II it 11:13 A. M. (uliilluiup 111I11I11K emm , try, llelenn, Jlliim'iii'u !ll, Ht. rmil, OiiiiiIm. ;KmiiiH City, Ht. li'W 'Chleiigo mid nil vcli.t Nil 1. leiiitituil Miiithciiit. 1 I'uitut Kouuil Kxpri". U;E0 1'. 31. for Thcoiiih mid fcviitll'1 ' mul iiitvrniiillate xiiut 111 II until tlrnt cliinH mal tniirl't l'i!i 31111111111.01111,81. l'uiil mul 3II3oiiri rlvcriJi:Hi without clmiiKC. ,,, V.wtlliiilcd triiliin. Uulim iK-pot conncttloai In nil principal cltluc. , , lliiKKiiiri! chii'kid tn destination nt ticket. Kor liatiilMiniuly llliitiiiUililcM;rlitlvcrawfi tli'liulH, Mltuidns cnr rt'sorvntliini, etc., call on wrlto A. D. CHARLTON, AxnIhIiiiiI (iuiifinil I'UAji'liuer ARunt J'0"1 Km Hlitot.tiiriiur Thinl, l'ortliiml, Orcjon. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Train leave Tlio Dalles fur I'urCaml nJ wr Htiiilous nt l.iiii, m, mid S i. m Umvc IVirtlaiid.., " Albany.... . fljsoam 7:Cfli .ia;3Uiim 10:M- Arrive Ahlaud " Kaorniiiento . .. " Kan l-rmiuUco ,l.'::tiiiin . rnwipm tW" . 7:W iii :liaW Arilvo OriIoii " Denver " Kiuifaiililty... " Uhlvairo 8-IS n in ll:Hm 7 ;w u m 7:l5um U:"111 Arrive l-o.s AtineleH ... " 151 r,io " Tort Worth " city of 3loxleo . " llouatoii " New OrleaiiH ... nvopin .. 0:W)pni ,, tip) a in ,,. t);Mn in ... I;wi a in ,,, fiA'nx in ,,, fi;i-'ii in ,l'J:i:i ) m 7,i0 a w r,:() p d J'JUIll (lOlllil fi:l!M,w la-Upia t WasliliiKton.,.. New York,, l'lillman nnd Timrlat cars on bolti w'JJ Chair enra Hmiriimeiito to Oki1o.ii '''ii-or-iiiiittomlatciirKtoClilcaKOi Ht iMUia, M- ul leaiiH and Wa.ihliiKtou. CoimentliiK at Han Kranclicoivlth kleaiuiihli iTiion for llonolulil, Jaiaii riilllliplnca, Central mid tioutli AiiieiUn Heo auont Ht Tho Dulles atntlon, or mlilrtw C. H. MARKHAM, General I'taaengcr AKOtit, r.irtlmul. Or ")H' UKtHKNDOItrFKK Physician aud Sureou, Hpcclnl attontlou glvon lo mnjery. ItoonuaUudW, Tol.lBS iVoulUlock " it ,1 ns 'fj .: iliiil 11 1 jjlllll .1