j i i " The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Retiring from Business. Closing out it Entire Stock Hegclzzs of Cost, Iry f-yi, C Atesz, BM r-i ks. f aai r.iM-.-.sSt i wrier!.. ""Ha f tCl la r J4-, tey S? rest j.i?t.Mr. ' Entire stock mtist be dosed out before 30 cajs. All ?; bt f-cHfcwrf rrf-t Ti at;c Oth bijrsiai. J. P. McINERNY, Corr.-r rv-.j and C-urt 5t- ?HFT. . JK1 Ut r vf-ri t?. TW tlsoaitwii r. .- - :rr irjwt l4f CWt Oi -ort Sd Hyuz oz Uic wp kJ sot itrtfcf . j m Seyr tbu vat taiptoved vcr J too t& ei vofV it isr rxjt ' t ' ' trtv foe ".. WILUAJ VJCKfLEY, or on. S i .00 per month. HntCj trti c lrj6f Jot?e ftut borne. lsi 4 at ilk. Yar ca- r.- iiioz itti t ke-px a icrr:. ct lor Yb rt-t lb tJMlrd Osnaits VTc iH ttttpi year o3T5trct far ticce oa riris? c thirty df wti: tec ootlcf, rAOIrlC STATI3 IZLIrHOSS COS. rvr v-rvi 7KEOQOP.Z ROOSEVEL 71 t Ivc Globft-Dfcjotrit tbents nbfc ffnUtl irbo Sacs btu.-- ' And Iiic'hi.i Ols-ey sil HZrtZ VF.ItE ELECTED. TCb.t xoekS b-prxa i swra-, fa.. tt $;br tl ere :Wti4 Brvi&' eft? 1.1 if if 1 ti iae e-.. iii. oil w. . - nn I U I'JlTli.l , i j II i I (nil Tri . ,p T J-UL. . I I w w - r o Kfurtrk, Miei... is tie CSrfi ."ir. It Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers.: for McTriaky'i trrc :o txitf t. IVbst ihfi lor ivuiy. year. TLts tiHAXki ptticjit tiHf'dfcstroi.'lKjrs o! hocUtni't Araic S?re csrrI bia;. Ii - - cossdew,iad coasdeocfc oow com , vrei., tore swat, stket, The Ideal Place for Your Boys years. Yiecutfay h& six. Siivziz gm Brn.o .sriuiT in: tavt hid bt-oa to Iwr yci 1 Ch:aoo, spt. A itdU lo -.t,l ,.-..w.r. fu.r. pnrr'.Hipf TriboM from GzJrstUa "s?: Cla :h. A Difficult Problem. rcaW t p.r&ivzut for co eater- . . ' , . .. . . r ' detv, wbo cits Jire to ditinbzM rf f priw .oaderttfcea or earned on ; ,ifc tnp;4U!jt tiJ4. s:nCfcfcri dor.a i-:'. 1 Jt n crating it row; cijcu p:oa Jeiai of r.tnrt', scieiic for id to reora ti;ert iu veritl rinei. J. E. Ad cor & Co., by Uirir cuwbiRfcUon, b.rt wer-. witbrmt rrmfifW. in tb ffllnrt. tnd ' -. - , v -..a u ?i, 4w wue tUH c.peaitr w a practiu. man- , - , . n.r J, E. AdcffX tn expert wstrt- tbert trotilil be no COrjCdeno; in tbc-,j by tbrt nor she v.i;i tzr for , water zad i good ca jeae'ry. optical bs i0a in 'A'nthitixUja todty. Sbe'wort fcne enpravinz, fUit Tbeo. H. t zeiiztk frora tbe field oair op;a tb iui- "fc' a ez'r.1 opucin fcac is pooc tufc! . . , ... . . oa rrzxch reaairjcc, i-.v.rfry work twl i enzriivia?. Their price i? a Jo' a.-, cou- futurt wjtb Krj'fcn ui prettden, Tben, too, r.hai v-obW be nmr. 01 tut renou 01 uBceruaa.;. r ( Sbe 5tncfca yt-sterduy at a cot- sje-ent jtb zand worfcajze-bip. Taty Ited Br3'aa f pledged call as extra ; jfcre&c Ju Ler ro-iia zt tht Treajaat bt- ere preparfd to do ell xorfc in b? tcioa of congr tairaedmteSy upon ; lib br tuff (.f nine ttared b.nt , . f-- tekluffaffice. AVouW tb&t dinainub " ; prom;Jt atteation. Sign, "Bi . ... . 1 1 ' ber work, asiL'arn? each tae:ab4;r ot her i v.'z'cb tbe ODCertaiuty or put n fcpot'dy end ( ' . , , . v 1 - i staff to the asrticsur part at the work . - to H? On the contrary, it would J tb. ..,. wsst d aggr&vat tad prolong it. II the; "33y baby v.a trrib)v itck with the boutfc of repreMoutives were poiKldiwrL!."' eaj J. H. Uotfc, William, erst'C and Hit stuute republic&n tb'- ffe . rja. "We were unable to core hi ra uncertainty would fc'.il! continue, for with tne dectar's ossietance,, aad as a business riit-n would not U- able U,,:,Mt rfcWt Rfe tried Cbaiaberlaia'e Colic, , , , , . . t Cholera fend iJiarrLWi lietafd-. I aui feel any confidence to the future so , . .. . . . ,. . J happy to hsv it pave laitnediate relief , long a ceagreea wa? wrangling over ! arj,j a cojnjte cure." Far sate it tbe fiuestion of a monetary standard. Jilakeley'e drnz store. JJobody would feel sure bow long' ... ......... .......1.1 ,.. 85on it wiybt consent to a com promise of bo me sort. In fact, a stiver majority in botb bouses of BUSINESS LOCALS. ! 1 Clarke & Fzlk have on sale a fall line ' of paint and artist's brushes. Jiay a raeal ticket at tbe Umatilla OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTMJWT And CAFE. J. B. Crossen & Co., Props. - 87 Second Street. oui: restaurant; 45.50 for h. el-tf ' . cjngrw.9 would end the uncertainty, j Yon will not nave boils if you take; and in tbat resneet would be leai Clarke & Talk's sure core for boils. I pcrmat-entlv harmful to busineu ! , ?'fl,at J'00r ho,a2(; w,t" ,,otf8 tfat"'e . ; . ... fully guaranteed to last. Clarke h Falfc tuteresta than conflicting majoriiiefcjj e t in the two bouses, with no certainty j c L Fa,fe rfcceVed a ae to when they might reach agree- tfj(i celebrated Jarne E. Patton ; ZDGnt. (strictly pure liquid paints Nothing Li ho paralyzing lo trade, worfcmtTjfiBht ar.u uuT industry, commerce and enterprise! The busiest and mightiest little ihini; j as doubt about the future, for all j that ever was made is Dr. Kind's 2;ew j these are based on credit, and credit ', UU: m- T''!HTV 1,U1 ' a sugar-coated ; die when confidence is destroyed, j K'f "lHiealth, that change weakness : ,, , . . , ' ln' itrength, IistlessnesH into ener'v, ) TbcKC arc the veriest truisms of busi j hrain.fa'4 into mental power. They're j ness life, and any man with even an wonilerlnl in building up the health, j . , , , , . , Only 2o cents per hoz. sold by IMakeley. elementary knovIedge of the laws of j the druggist. 3 j the finnncia! and business world Pvt.'fiTTni's viwxnv Kotle l h'.-rfcbj alven Unit the unilcriilL'tiecl have tca rluly ar)ioIritftcl by the honrrrnhle I knows that the immediate effect of liryun'e election would be the de struction of confidence and the advent of nil the evils that must in evitablj follow. U it reasonable to suppose tint the American people, in the midst of abounding prosperity, arc goirif" to commit ucb an act of folly us this, especially when tbcylr'i: have only to re-elect President Me Kinlcy to Imve absolute assurance tbut the present prosperity will con tlnuc undisturbed and undiminished t ..CflAS. BM- SubeheFs and Farmers 1 ..Eehange.. Krerfl on drauaht the f.e'.ebrated COLUMBIA liEKI'., aelitin:. fcixwj the tst tr In The Pallet, attnutxual price. CVjme In. try It anil i coavlncwl. Alio the KInfrt Jjreiuis oi Wlnia, Ll-junr and Clarz. S&rdrjuiehes u( ail KIiuU alwu7! on hand. county court, of Uk: ui(o ul Oaou, Utt V.'aico i county, cxtciitorx ol the tats ol llomtloCor- 1 ton, ciecenKO. An ironx nnvju KX&ua , -n. nyainst wild eiUitf: nre lierfcbj' iiotlfietl u prewiit IZ 7 liiOMtn';. proj-rly verllltol, to the imrlunUned i a C.hHtlw I.. (ron, lit Watco, fihcrninn tounty, " oiwiu, nrnt uwcicim i our Mtfirneyi, Mcne Ifcc WHioii, at Thfc DiiUtH. Viwan, vlthlu jlx rnonthi Ironi tt.e dote oi thw uotlcc. U-jlVA July 1 1, im .r4 Complete of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Wasco Warehouse Gompan) headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?u kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, a J Wads Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, iffSS, Headquarters fcr uByers' Best" Pendle ton Flmir Tli? ?; -ar t n..'actart : xvtt y for linllj UWJL w B. everr :k is iruaracttrtri to jrive sttiefactici. We e., onr cood lower than tny brmMs in the trade, and if you doc't tbmlo ' ttli aiiJ cet i.ar prices aad It c-.rnv.nced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley arid Oats PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this -well-kno-wn Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body -with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Just What You uuaot. Gunning, '.VII.I.IAJI K. COl'.SOS. Kxt-ctitoru of the eaaite ol Horatio Corson, lie- Jlj'JI II When CbarlcB A. Towne apoke Tuesday night at the Metropolitan Theater, J'oitland, It Is said, "there was much denunciation of the Amer ican policy in the Philippines und the speaker won liberal applause ns be pointed out the good qualities of tbe Filipino!) and denounced the American soldiers." For the honor of American citizenship we should be pleased to learn thnt this last clause is false. In Lincoln's time a speech that produced such applause the applause Itself was termed cop perhcadism und the perpetrators copperheads. What shall we call thorn now? Tilings have surely come to a pretty paswhen oven the rng tug nnd bob trill of what was once a great party expects to win Its way to power by denouncing our American soldiery and gloating over their defeat. Dryanitcs, true to their populist instinct, are banking largely on the big strike among the coal miners of NOT! OK FOP. PUBLICATION. J.1XD Omi.K ATTlIK ltAU.XH, Or., I AUK, U, WS). ( J,otlce l htrcby alven that the followlns; named etiler ha (Pea notice ol hl Intention toniakc llnrl woolt'i up)ort ol hU claim, mid thatiild proof will b; midu U-foro the ltxlo:r and receiver of the I". H. land olhce at The Oalie, Or., 01 Haturday, fiept. '), VJt), vl.: Iluury O. Oordlon, or The Ilalli, lr., II. K. l.o. 1011, for the HJ-'K Ktc. C. 1, 1 S, lie name the folloiyJriK wltnea to prove inn conunuow lesiucnce upon una riumvmioii of r.alil land, vl: lirntut Jordan, AHxiit Jotdnn, John I'ashck and Jitrnei 'I Jiomaif, all ol Tlio Il.ille, Oregon. nujSfiM JAV I', I.UOAH, ltIter. NOTIOK FOU PUI5UCATKJN. Lamp Omen ut Tub Uau-kh, Ohk.,1 AiiBtutai, iv, j Ji'ntlco In hereby alven that the follmvlrii.- named tettlcr him llk-rl notice of tils Intention to maKe anal prooi in support of hlx churn, and that said proof will be made before the itexluter aim uiceiver nt 'ine naiics, Oregon, on wednes day, Octotxir 1, IV, viz.! ftrK W. loliuston, of Tli Dallea, Or., If. 15. No. MOT, for the NWJ KE't mid tiV.H NWH Kec IS, 'I p 1 N, It 1 1 K, W. ii. lie names the following wltuercc to prove )i I.i oiiiinuoiis reeiucuce iijxjii, una ciuuvauonoi said Imid, vU- Y. I. Taylor, Wm. Hharp, J. W. Joliiuton and It. h. 'JtKue, all ol Tho fjallcs, OrtKou, M JAV 1'. I.IJOAH, Iteglster. NOIIOK FOH PUniJCATION, bAMii Orrics at Tub Daubs, o ; Heptcmljcr Vt, I1WJ. 1 Notice is hereby uiven Ihut llm fnlloivlnv. narnul settler has filed notice of her Intention to mul.'u final proof In mpportof her clnlm, and umi sum DKoi vni ou niaiiu ueioro ttio lieu isti-i and Ittetivur at The Dulles, Ori-Kou, on Wednes day, October 'it, VX1, viz. lanat If. HtBKttrt, orilm DulUs, Or., II. K. No. m, tot the I'M HI'M UK or NK nt Has Vi, 1 N, it 12 K, and HVV fjr N W ir Kto v, Tp I N, II 1.1 , W 31. nne uame.i inu louotviui; wiintw lo prove her continuous residence urxjii and cultivation of said land, vlz.l , D. 1). NCfon, K. V. Sharp, Joha riewlng, Daniel Stewart, all ol Tho Dalies. W-pl5 JAY I'. I.UOAH, HcuUter. Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Biacksmiiti Supplies, Cor Scb'ontl & LanaliliD, Tiione 157 riT (ST1 & . t0 0f w SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! Uo you know that John Prtshek. the tailor, is npeat f' ttie ur-eet mercliant tnilormt' houKes in America . Do you know thnt he will eell you n tuit, tuatlo to your order, as ch:ap ae the hand. iMi-riown, ready.iuude, you buy in the stores, and guarantee a fit or no sale? Do you know that he has already on hand for the coniinc fall and winter trade the liandeouiKtt and fitlent line of tamplce ever suowa in The Dallefe? JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agen -i5 BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE mm trace marks Designs CoivniQHTO iic. AnronnscnillnK n skelrli and description mai I Will uroiinu y unicnian o. tent frvo. Old Onlcslr ascertain our opinion free Invennori ts urotinhlv niilnlahlo. '. lions ttrlctlycontldeiillal. Handbook on I'atent ether a'. '.'oiiiniunlriv I'ntei. nttialnullct, Oldest aveiicr for securluir uulenn is taken throuvh Jlunn ft Co. recelro vAUt. without charuo. In tho Scientific Jhnerican A handtomelr illnitralM weekly. T.srveit tlr. filiation of any sclcnllBn lounial. Terms, t-'l a rmrt four months, h Sold byall newsdealer. MUNN&Co.'. New York Uraucli Offlce. (35 V HU Vahluirtun. V. V ONE FOR A OOII. ufffmof VlmvUt. PrsTtat A uarsusat of lbs Iwwsb Tul fyrliisltli. Tli.7nltbrli?S flOM7UU,W: .MoWbdniMlsU. PILLS New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as wo are showing never be fore Braced a ningle Btork. Jtcal imita tion cretnn eflecte at ordinarv nrlnna. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant duaicnB, taatoful colorings, yours mr a suiaii price, at our store on Third i street. Also a full lino of house paint", j D. W. VATJSE, Third St ' Tne GolumDia PackinpGo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANCKACTUKKUB OK Fine Lard and Sausages Gurers of BRAND HAMS & BACON iIUFJ 1JEKF, I:TC. J, B, HCIfKNCK, fresiuent. II. M. IlBALI., Cashier Iliuall sasip ifro,ur II I box for First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREQON A General Banking Busiuess transacted ireposiiB received, subject to Hislit Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Blunt and Telegraphic Exchange sold oa New York, Han Franoiseo and Portland. DIMBOTOMfl, 0. P. Thompiok. Jno. B. Botunob, Ed, M. Willumm, Gio. A, Lmi, H. M. Bhall. THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUfUBlA BREWERY.... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health Reports for June US. 10d0, buys: "A more suneiior brew never entered the lubrutory of tho United States Health ruports. It is aheoiutely devoid of the Hiitihtest truce of adulteration, hut on tho Other hand is coir posed of tho best of mnlt and choicest of hope. Its tonic qualities nra of the high est and it can he used with the Rreatust bonullt and satisfaction by old ntid yoiina. Its tifit! can uonsoiuntiouHly he prescribed bv the phvsluhuis with tho cerealnty that a bettor, purer or more wholesome bevi-niKO could not possibly he found." TildRt. Rnnnnfl Sfi-nof PUT7i Tv A T T Tncs -Ttrinr'M www, , . f a, i., i XAVM w. V ' - 0 Grandall & Barget s DEALEHS1N ' fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes Funepal Supplies embalmers Ete. Tho Dalles, Or. State I'lot-i-nal School, MONMOUTH, - . OREGON. Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. grainmu Btat- Certificate Immediately on (iraduate, readily securo Rood pMUIout. I:,ho of ycur from 1180 to M. , .... Kor cutaloguc coiitaliilug full announcement address I'. U OAMI'llEl.b, rrwldoiit. or W A. WANK, aooroUry of Facut J pjLijjrjsjaX