The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 20, 1900, Image 1

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    1) c D n 11 co
1i S MJL. X3T:'
NO. 342
Itliililt li UinltnlHW ilminni'lii
AM'tfdtible IVcpnrationrot As
similating lucFoodandRcguIa
ling itic Stouutchs andBowcls of
Prormilas Digcstion-Checrfu!-iuiss
and Ilcst.Conlains nelllier
Opnim.Morpliine norIiiu:raL
ISmifJmt Seed'"
11 full Sails -Aiw
JhfiflMWIl -
Claifud Sugar
lli.ilrynrrn rttver.
Apcrfcicl Remedy rorConslipa
non , Sour Slonmch.Diarrlioca.
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ncss mul Loss of Sleep.
lV Sitnito Si'gnnlurc of
v . dJ
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
thhtgovo ninent, withdraw from Chinii,
giving notice to tins allied powers there
j of the arrangement in order that tlio ar
' rangement should bo in full force ti n-
aU'ected by any pettletncnt that the sil
lies may tnaku thereafter r.fl to Chain.
German 'ute Brings the Chinese Situa
liiut lu an Acute Crisis Caused
Activity at Washington.
Wvhiiinuton, Sept. 19. The general
iinprcsion hero is Hint the Gurmun note
of yesterday, demanding the punish
ment of Chinese responsible for the out
mites upon the foreigners as a eonditiou
precedent to pence negotiation!!, Iuih
hronglit thu Uhineso trouble to iui acute
crisis as far as the United Stntefl is con
cerned. '1 bis conehihion is bused upon
the belief in olllclnl circles Unit the Olu
nwo uovornmont cannot uccopt thu Gur
mun proposition, so Hint it in now for
Hid Pulled Slates government either to
withdraw ilu forces from China initno
di.itely or to join Germany and England
and perhaps eoiiiu othor of the r.llied
I'owetB in a prolonged war with China.
li.iron von Sternberg, tho German
charge d'nll'airs, just retuuied 10 Wath
iiiKtoii, called at the statu department
today to talk with Mr. Adio, the iccond
assistant muretnry of state, in explana
tion of the points of tlio Get man note.
Mr. Wu, the Chinese minister, had
preceded Iiim, showing visible signs of
I'TvoiiHiiuBH nnd disquiet over this Inst
Move, Mr. Adeo iniuhuiu nppolntinont
'or hit,. th Dr. Hill, who, huvltig re
cjveied from liia lndlspoBition, In again
acting secretary ol Btate. Then Mr Adeo
repaired to tho White House to com
nmnicato to the president the substance
' the eonversatious ho had had with
tho two diplomats and to assist in the
consideration, of the German note. He
"'fused to diescuss tho latter publicly in
ny Phase.
Attention was directed in iomo quar
ters to tho fact that In thu very begin.
in tho note July 3, Secretary Hay
had iiotillod tho Chini'so government
that ho expected tlio guilty parties in
connection with the outrages would bo
Punished. However, this demand was
"t made a condition p-i cedent to negotiations.
that if the United Status government is
forced to a speudy decision ub to tho Ger
man proposition, it umv resort to direct
negotiation with tho Ohl neso govern
""it ,aud, having settled Its scores with
A .'MIiiIhIih ' Good U'nilt,
"I had a seveie attack of bilious colic,
got a lioltle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Choler and Diarrl.iua Remedy, took two
doses and was entirely cured," says Rev.
A. A. Power, of Emporia, Kan. "My
neighbor across tho street was tick for
over a week, laid two or thrfe bottles of
medicine from tho doctor. IIo need
them tl.reo or fou'r days without relief,
then called in another doctor who treat
ed him for some days and gave him no
relief, so discharged him. 1 went over
to nee him thu next morning. He said
his bowels were in a terrible fix, that
they had been running oh" so long that
it wae almost bloody IhiK. 1 asked him
if ho had tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and DiarrluM Remedy and lid
said, 'No.' I went home and brought
him my bottle and gave him one dose;
told him to take another dose in fifteen
or twenty minutes if he did not find
relief, but ho took no more and was en
tirely cured." For snlo at Blakely's
drug store.
How Cliluu W 111 Ilu Divided.
Vancovveh, H. C, Sept. 19. In tho
North China Daily News LI Hung
Cluing is reported its having paid that us
China could not possibly pay indiuonlty
which would be demanded from her,
there wil ba no altornativo but to give
territory instead of money, in which
case Japan would get Shin King, Russia
would be glved Shin Klang, and Thibet
would go to EtifcUnd.
MllliullH tllveu Awuy.
Jt Is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of ono concern in tho laud who
urn not nfraid to bo uenorous to the
needy and eullerlng, The proprietors
r.f Kinu'rt New Dlscovorv for con
sumption, coughs nnd colds, have given
away over ten million trial iiottieB oi tins
medicine: and have the satisfac
tion of knowing it has absolutely cured
thousands of.' hopeless cases. Asthma,
limnebltls. hoarseness and all diseases
of tho throat, chest and lungs are surely
cuied by it. Call on Hlnkeloy, me
Druggist, and got a free trial uoine.
Uoimlar size 50c. and 1. livery battle
guaranteed, or price refunded. 8
Clark & Fulk's drug stock Is new,
fresh and complote.
Contend that His Proclamation is a
Misrepresentation Keuger's Act
tion Defended.
Nnw Yoiik-, Sept. 19. Charles D
Pierce, consul general of the Orango
Free State and trustee and treasurer of
the Boer relief fund, has received the
following cable from the Boer envoys
who are now at Dordrecht, Holland:
"We have been informed that a proc
lamation issued by Lord Roberts, com
mander-in-chief of the British troons in
South Africa, contains a statement to tho
eflect that President Kruger has crossed
the borders ot the republic and coiiEe
quently ebould have formally resigned
as president, and that bis forsaking the
cause of the Boers ought to convince the
burghers how useless it will be to con
tinue fighting.
"1 feel obliged to protest against this
new insinuation, desiring to say that if
the stato president of the South African
Republic ebould have crossed tho
holders of bis country, he must have
done eo by order of tho 'Uitvorende
Rand' (executive council), which body,
by virtue of a special warrant of the
'Volknraad,' in its seeeion of 1899, is
fully entitled to to authorize the presl
dent to go abroad for some purpoeo or
other; according to tho constitution, the
vice-president in Euch a case immedi
ately enters upon tho duties of the state
president and tho government is carried
on as before.
"So, as there is no question about ab
dicating as president, or of forsaking the
cause of tho Boers, the proclamation
thus can havo no other purpose than by
a false representation of facts banning
the enemy, who cannot be brought into
submission even by tne application ol
measures contrary to law and justice."
C'ntHiTli (y'uuuut Ho Curnt.
with local applications, ae they cannot
reach the seat of the diseiuo. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
rial remedies. Hali's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood nnd mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular piescription. It is composed
of tho best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifieie, acting directly
on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo 0.
Sold by drruggists. price 7fic.
Hall's Fnmily Pills are the best. 12
Want I'lirlNtinim to l'ri-Htut Claims.
Nkw Yom;, Sept. 19 A dispatch to
the Herald from Hong Kong says: The
mandrains of the Namon district have
miucsted the native Christians to wend
an account of their losses for compensa
tion, and tho names of the "rowdies"
who committed the outrages. Tvro ring,
leaders have been decapitated and their
heads exhibited in a mission church.
Uver-iucreaeinc bodies of rowdies on
the North river are plundering villages.
A hiHMis nroelamation circulated in
Canton describes the allies as defeated
and appealing to tho Empress Dowager
lor peace.
liruvx AI!U 1'ull
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles as well as women, and all feel
the results in loss of appetite, poisons in
the blood, backache, nervousness, head
ache and tired, listless, run-down feel
lug. But there's no need to feel like
that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idavllle,
Ind. He says: "Electric Bitters are
just tho thing for a man when he is all
ruu down, and don't care whether ho
lives or dies, It did more to give mo
new Btrcngtli and good appetite than
nnvthlmr I could take. I can now cat
anything and have a new lease on life."
Only 50 cents, at Blakeley's drug store.
Every bottle guaranteed. 3
llou't Hub It Iu,
Just wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
aud the pain is gone, Sold by Clarke &
Next Saturday will bo Children's Day at this store. Mothers of both boys
and girls will be equally benefitted. Waists for the boys and dresses for the girls
at extraordinary price-reductions. But do not bo satisfied with merely reading of
this sale make it your business to come and see the goods. You will then be tho
better able to appreciate our offerings.
Boys' Waists and Blouses.
Suitable for school or home wear
for two months to come, at spec
ially reduced prices.
50c Unlaundered PimimIo Waists 40c
GSa Laundered Peicile Waists '. 45c
75c Laundered Peicalc Waists 49c
85c Liundered.Percale Waists 59c
7oc Whito Plaited WnUte 49c
$1.00 Wl.'te Plaited Wuists G0c
S8a White Blouse Waists 25c
42c White Blonee Waists 27c
50c White and Colored Blouse Waists 39c
OSc White Blouse Waists 45c
75c White Blouse Waists 50c
88c White Blouse Waists 59c
$1.25 White Blouse Waists 85c
All White Waists from 50c up are trimmed with ruflles of wide em
broidery, and tho $1.23 styles are made with shield and collar of all-over
These waists will be on display during the week, and may be inspected
at will but these prices will not go into effect until Saturday, Sept. 22d.
The style and fitting qualities ot these dresses need not necessarily be dwelled upon here, as the majoiity of
Dalles mothets know from experience that
All 39c Dresses ages 2, 3 and 4 years 29c
All 49c Dresses ages 2, 3 and 4 years 37c
All 69c Dresses ages 2 to 14 years 48c
All 85c Drssses ages 2 to 14 years 59c
All 1.00 Dresses ages 2 to 14 years 72c
All 1.49 Dresses ages 2 to 14 years $1.09
All 2.15 Dresses ages 2 to 14 years 1.48
All 2.50 Dresses ages 2 to 14 years 1.62
All 3.00 Dresses ages 2 to 14 years 2.10
These prices will not go into effect until Saturda', Sept. 22d, 1900.
Will Demand A haul ti to Independent-?.
Havana, Sept. 19. Matters connected
with the coming constitutional conven
tion are being freely discussed by the
Havana delegates nnd other prominent
Cubans. The conclusion reached io that
tho convention will bo controlled by the
revolutionary element.
In the main the delegates are capable
men. Most oi tuem u is saiu are in
favor of immediate and absolute inde
pendence without the intervention of a
The defeated republicans and ftiEion-
ists here have raised a cry of fraud and
havo already held a mass meeting to
protest against illegal practices.
Through tho months of June and July
our baby was teething nnd took a run
ning oil" of the bowels and sickness of
the stomach," says O. P. M. Hollidav,
of Doming, Ind. "His bowels would
move from live to eight times a day. I
had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrluui Remedy in the
house and gave him four drops in a tea-
spoonful of water and ho got better at
once. Sold at Blakeley's drugstore.
Not on the Midway, but ut tho
Gateway of the Great INLAND
Mrs. Annie Luckey,
and Shampooing
Facial Treatments nnd tho MORMON
TREATMENT. Room 59, tl ird floor,
Umatilla House, Hours from 9 to 12 a,
iu. aud 1 to 5 p. in.
and CaruiTH
October 9 to 13 inclusive.
This will bo the greatest event in tho history of the City of Wheat,
Wool and Fruit and an Open River to tho Sea. The products of this pro
lific rclou will be on exhibition, and farmers, tlockmasters and all others
will witness an exhibit that will be both interesting and instructive.
Excellent entertainments day anil night. Five'days of sight-seeing
ami pleasure. There will be ample accommodations for all guests. Come
and Tho Dalles will entertain you.
Producers from all sections requested to make exhibits, No charge
for space iu the lair building). No entrance fee,
Reduced Bates on all Railroads and Steamboat Lines.