-A , rou j luoit luu.wi, I Tnit "The Olrcn Girl. Tnr. CI.UANSING ANI HUALINO cn: jpok Is Below is what the Portland Orecnian lms to s-ny bbont the McCoy Comedy Company, which open; in this city, m the Vogt opra hotiie, for a two-t-hhte - -I l 1.... C 1 encasement coiiiuienciuK .muou.j, ... . p , 24th. presenting the first night the 0 biUalll Udllll comedy draiuu, "A Circus Girl." The Fccnml nicht they will have on the honrils the latest ilnuiiKtizition and fail of the day, "Quo Vadis." l'opn'ar prices. Tickets will be ou sale, com- CATARRH NOVICE rUM.ICATlON. COLD HEAD . t I)uAMa tKn Iiinncitlg Saturday lliorilin?, nt Clarke ... , en?s of Tate and Smell. I.ar?e Sra, SO cent at Vn1L-a .lriir ston Dntr.'iits or ly mat: : Tr'n! Size, 10 cents by null. talk h tirtijr store. ... .. ,,1imi,EIis. M w msnstntt. Km York. Kisy ac t p aiant to tt Conla.as no In. jarlnus d jr. ! Hi.air . yabfortied. ti ves He..- f at on e. It Opens and (. Icmscs ine ia5ai j-asiase. A'.Htr Tnll.-iniir..it:nn. Ileal and I'ratcct. tho Slembrirao. Iicstorw tlio Lesn Office at Tub Ihmks. im. i 1 KeptemU-r U, 10. I Notice Is hereby rrlven Hint the followlnc named settler Ims filed utiilre of her Intention to make Hunt pnwif In Mtprnirt of livr rlnlm, and Hint vild ptool will lie made before the Heel-tor unit Itecciver nt The Dalle, Oregon, on Wcdlie d.ty, October 2). lfW, vl7 Jnni-t f. Mi'rt. nfHio IIbIIpn Or, j II K. No f.?il. for the K' SK, SK ijr NK .T -rc Ti. t N. It Vi K, and nW or .NV iir ire .J), Tl I , N,Ui:ir., M. Fhe iinmts the following wltteos prove her continuous residence umn and cultivation , of ild land, ... I I). 1). NeKon, K. F. Sharp, John Hemlnp. ItHiiifl Stewart, nil ni The tillc. , scpl-i JAY l. MUMP. UcsNter. I NOTICE FOR rUHLlCATlON. "McCoy Comedy Company, in 'The j Circus Girl,' met with a genuine ovation from a packed house Inst nilit at the . "l ... .....nl!in n ,l..wit.- in tliu nmai.ritft. ! .ucuiiiiumj niunt"! h" (corner tion of the opening attraction oi tne pe,?on. A contiouou? round of laughter greeted each em-ceding ludicrous itna lion, with v.hieh the play abound?, and from the way 'The Circus Girl' caught on lat night there is n safe p-odiclion of b 'big house' engagement. "To follow the intricacies of the play wonid require a brain overendoved with gray matter. Domestic and mari tal relation are portrayed in coniplie.it itic situationi, n? would result fruni jut euch infringements as Arthur Humming top and the circus girl were indulging in. H. A. Graham, as Arthur Hn.ti mingtop, proved iiimself him-eif to be n thorough comedian of the Dixon tvpe, self possessed and isact. His efforts met witli the hearty apnrov.il of the large audience. Maude Sutton, in the title ro'e, was :hic and pretty, her f cet'.e with Joshua, in the latter part of the second act, leing particularly clever. '"During the course of tiie play Maude Stanton sing a catchy rag-timer, and little F.itinie and Flossie Keeler do on artistic cakewalk. " 'The Circus Girl' will be the attrac- Iit. UUPTULIib.SOarrsnfctrcutcw loiK. , . ... office AT TlIK mu.e. Omi(ioS,( For the conven'once of parties want-, , , , t i , ,, , ' . . , .i e. i i . Knllee Is bercbv Riven Hint the fiilliwii.p-1 ing ice in the nlternoons, the Maiielman tlnmr,i 0uier h.n tiled notice uf h! intention n 1 tion nil week matin-e." with the uoa; Saturday Buttle of Kjin:itliiuirt. Loucenxo Mahqces, Sept. IS Fight ing is proceeding at Koniatipoort. Al' the available men have been sent to the frontier. It is expected that the Ko tnatiiiiort bridge wili be destroyed. There is great uneasiness here. Koniatipoort is a town on tl.e frontier of the Transvaal, and the railroad lead im from Pretoria to Portuguese territory. It is situated about fifty miles from Lou renci Marques. With the occupation of Komatlpuort, the British would be able to cut off all supplies reaching the Beers by ruslioad from Portuguese territory. Through the months of June and July oar baby wai teething and tcok a run ning off ot the bowels and fcicknese of the Htomach," says 0. P. M. Holliday, of Dem'mg, Ind. "His bowels would move from five to eight times a day. I had a bottle os Chamberlain's Colic, Clmlera mid Diarit.oei P.emedy in the house nnd gave htm four dropu in a lea Spfonful of watet nnd he got better at oi.ee. S'jlu at Plakelev 's drugstore. Turiinr Deolrrs Caniinlgu I'llllds. Washington, Sept. IS. Senator Tur ner, of Washington, has been chasing Chairman Jones, of the national demo cratic committee, nil over the country. He wants to induce Junes to put a large part ot the campaign fund into Washing ton stale, in ortler to carry it. Turner said to some of his friends that lie be lieved there win n chance of winning asliiugton state, and iie hopes to pull liuuete through, wjmse nomination he forced at the recent fusion gathering. ltnl 11 1) t From tli Gun Wuu the ball that iiit G. 13. Steadmnu -of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible ulcere that no treat ment helped for twenty years. Thin IJucUlon'e Arnica Salve cured him. It cures cuts, bruise?, btirna boils, felons, corns, skin eruptions. Be;t pile euro on earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Ulokeley, the druggist. 3 nw York' Hul)ii:rliitlDin. Nkw VoitK, Kept. 18. Subfcriptiotia received to dale in this city for the, suf ferers in G.tlveMon amount to?210,01C. The police force gave $77118. "My baby was terribly Kick with the diarrhoM," says J. II. Doak, Williams, Oregon. "Wo were unable to cure him with the doctor's assiftance, and as a last retort we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholora nnd Diairl :ha Kemedy. I am happy io nay it gave iminfdiato relief nnd a complete cute." For sale at Uliikeloy'ii drug store. 1 Nasal G'niarrh quickly yields to treat ment by Ely's Croam JJaltn, which i oreo ubly nromafic. It is received through tho nostrils, cleanses and heals tho whole sur face over which it diffuses Itsolf. Drujmislf uoll tho 50c. sizo ; Trial hizo by mail, 10 cout3. Test it and you nru suro to coniinuo tho treatment. Announcement. To nccoinniodato tiioso v;ho aro partial to tho vko of utomuera in applying liquids into tho nasal pasbftges for catarrhal Iruiu bles, tho nroprietora prepare Creamllalni iu liipiid form, which will bo known uh Ely's Jjiquiil Cream Jlalin. i'rlco iuclutling tho uprnyluK tubo is 7C cents. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form ombodicu tho med icinal propertiea ot mo Bonn jircpariuiou. Ice Co. will carry a stock nt their store, Third and Washington streets. Phone No. 107; long distance '.S3. "Iting'em up." ISni-tf Itt-iiictiilit'r That Cha?. Stublinj is still doing a retail business at his new place. He sells in quantities to suit all customers, irom one bottle to a barrel. Family orders delivered promptly. Ilfl KhiiUp for nl-. Twenty-three lots, located from Sev eniii street to Twelfth, for Er.le at from 450 up. Inquire at the Columbia Hotel. rLII tf Mr'. Phillips is prepared to furnish cut flowers and ail kinds of floral de signs on ehort notice. Phone number 307. slOlm Clark & Faik'c drug tocfe is new, fresh and complete. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice l hereby given that the undcrslsnied Drive lufori rttily npjiolnted by the honorable county court, of the ttitte of Oreirou. for Wasco countv, executors of the tstnti of Horatio t'or miu. dtfCH.uJ. All irotij hnviiiK claim- HKalnst taid estate are hereby notltled ti jiresent the same, irnM!rly veritieti, to the undersicned Charles 11. Corson, nt Waico, .-jhcrmun county, Orejron, or at the otllce of our nttorneys, ileiie fee & WlUoii, nt The Wallei, OiecJu, within rlx mouth? from the date of tbU notice. Dated July 11, 1K0. CIIAKI.K K. COIiSON, WILLIAM IC. COKiON. Executors of the estate of Horatio Corson, de ceased. JlyJt II NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IiND OrncE at Tin: Dalle., Or., AUK. Ih, l'MO. t Notice is hereby civen that tin- following named seiUer lias tile I notiru of his Intention lomike liual rirwflti up)rtof hit claim, mid thrtt said pro)f will U: made before the register cud rtcelver of the ir. S. land ofllce at The Dalles, Or , on Saturday, Sept. 29, IKfl, viz: llHiiry C. Gurilliili, ofTliti Duller, Or., U.K. No Wll.fortheNijEl, hccTC. Tp 1 N, it 13 E, W. M. He names the followliii; wltnewes to prove hii continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Ktnest Jordan, Albeit Jordan, John I'ashek and James Tboeias, all of The Dalles, Oregon. nilff-'i l JAY 1'. LL'CAK, lteglster. NOTICE FOit PUI5LICATION. Land CrFtcn at Thk Dalles, Oan., August 31, 1'JOO. ( Notice Is hereby given that the folhuvinj,' named jcttler ha tiled notice of hi-, intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that snld proof will be made before the lii-'ister and Heceiver at The Dalles, Oregon, ou Wednes day, Octobe-10, WOO, viz.: Gi'iirso W. .Iiilinstnii, of TIio llhllci, Or. , II. E. No. dWJ, for the JSW'H UUli and NK'-f NWU see i 'lp 1 N, It II 1'., V. JI. He !iam the folIuwhiK wltne-sc-j to prove hi? cotit'nuous residence upon, and cultivatioa of taid 1 ind, viz: F. l Taylor, Wm. Siarp, J. W. Johnston nnd P.. E. Tiaguc, all of The Dalles, Oregon. so-l JAV 1-. 1.1'CAS, Heslster. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rilANSAOT A KNEKAL BANKING UUfclNKS Ivettere of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight EjkOhnnKe and Tolegrnphi'. Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louiti, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, fceattla Wasu,. and various points in Uregon ana Wahinjjton. Collections madu at till points on fa trablfv trrj. The "Weekly Oregonian and Twice-a-Week Chronicle for $2.00 a year. Ail subscribers to the Weekly Chron Icle who pay one years' subscription In advanc , will be entitled to tho above liberal ofler. OHRONICLE VUU. CO., The Dalle?, Oregon. m.ilci- final motif In Qiii)rt of lilt elxitil, nltu that Mid proof will be made before the ltcsbter nnd Itecelver nt The Dalles, Orej;on,on attlr day, October 0, HO), viz: Hubert K. flillllpo, of llo'li r, dr.. II INo-oteOforthcNHW NWJ4, NW!; NK4, y.nud SJ HEM, Seel, Tp. ".' N.. U- lit.., lie 'names tne following witncjcs tn ptnvebls contluuou. tesidence upon uud eultlvation of Irt land, viz: lainc Iw1h. Dolly :.Iolor, Lea Evsns, John Jlllcr, all ot Jloslcr, Oregon. JAY V HI OAS, aue29 1 Itceiitcr. NOTICE FOR Iuno Offjcb PUBLICATION. at Tin: Dallf-.s. Or.., i-cntemljer. 10. 1;0. I Notice Is hcrtbv eiveu thai the followii g n.uiicd cttler has tiled notice oi Iil inteulion to tOHkc liual urool in support of his claim, and that said tiroof will lie made before the register aud receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, ou siatutday, October 3), 1M.W, vl:.: ClinrlrK II . liitm-y, of The Dalu, Orcann. It. K No. MM), for the S hf Ni: or uud W lif tat iir, See 11, Tp 1 ri, It 11 E. W. SI. He names the following wltucvei to prove his continuous iciidcnce ujion nnd cultivation of said land, viz.: A. S, Fox, 1. il. I'acan, Charles (ioson and W. C. Clark, ull of The D.illei, Oregon. scplS JAY 1'. LUCAS, UcglHter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lash OrncE at Tun luu.ss, Or., I : September 10, lfO) , Notice Is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice oi his, li.teutton to ' make final proof In support of his claim, and that s.-iid proof will bo made lieforu the Keslstu and lieceivcr at The Dulles, Oregon, ou Sitlttr day, October?, 19W, viz: : A rel Inns M. fox, of The Dalles,- Oregon, II. l;. So. 51." I, for the hf NW or aud W hf SW or, hce LI, Tp 1 H, It 11 E, W. SI. Iltj names the following witnesses to prove hlB rontiuuous resilience upon uud cultivation of said 1. ind, viz. I. O. ilutnev, (J. II. Slutney, t'hurles Oossen anil W. C. Clark, all of The Dalles, Oregon. , tcplj JAY 1'. LUCAS ItCBNter. t t IS l 3l ' si 1: 5 ? t .JJ U14' 1 til - UOi 1 ciixTYTiiixiiif TrrTitrTiYxiiixnicnxiitfrr 1 The Dullos, On. The Ghronielc, Job Printers. I! .:ittj .at I3G; as: a: il ',f'!?i :JSi ! Wl !3S St ? i .;u. ' 3. I a? if ; 32! & ; ac rfox Tnit Mull 12:2A p. Hiilt I.nki, Denver, ft. r... Worth, Oinahu. kori- .V. m. r-HK Oltv. Kt i,.,.i. . f-i.in ..... , ....... l Atlantic Explain l':.'.n ii. in, Vln Hunt. ltlSlou, awikiMie Slilll unit Exprent V.Z p. m K p. m. Hull Uiko, Denver. Pi Worth, Omaha, km,. sun City, fit. Urn, Chiuiigo tn 1. 1 Knst, Kuti- " Wallii WiiIIh, fiimkatie, Stliiueiipolli. st I'riii,, jltlluth, Mltwiuit.ee' ClilniL'o and K'.hl , via ftrokniio niiii Hiilttiin-.i ton; iiUonl. TH.it tiu Winihlugtoti and l.mt orn Oregon. Kl'.OU I'Ol-.TLAM). Octiin HteniiiHlilpn. I'or fiun Kriiiteliii'ii Evury five Da. 8ika Mil: unj trrai ft n. m. E..siiiiidiy(Coliiiiihlu Uv. HtcaLiern. Elscm. ITn U.nui l it- 1U p. IU. fin. m. Wi:. I.AMKTTU IttVIiK. 4ln n Lj.sjuiidayiOrefton c'.tv. Ni-Hln.rs, ExtuVut . Puloin A Vn. Ijind s. -'SS9 -siUJltluJiJlllJ ejmiiiijaiviut'imtLLftjiiutttwt'iJitiuiit ftnuw T a. ai, ( WtLLAittrTTE ami Ya Tii",1liur. itn.i, Ittvi-.iix. nurt Mit. I O.'itoii City, Dn'toii. I and Wuy-I-;iudlngs Lv t:iairl linDy n - u. III. .H.VAKK ItlVKU. Kipurlii to Unburn, 3Ji.B. Mi)ti.,Wrt a4Fri. l.UTt LEtrlIT0.1 dally 9:(0i.n I r, -a rj rr a "A'-A-r-j?-rjrrA a-ta-jc -at a. A-pi ta-: atata-- A-,A-j-ATA-rA-rATjr"-ji.-TA' A-A-ra-t jiia j i 11 REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, FOllTLANI) k ASTORIA NAY. WANY-j Ktenmem of Hit, l:ei;ulutnr Line will run a tier the In! ow,:ig sehtdiile, the Cotrtiwny reserving the right to chur.ge si :.cimle wltnout notice. S13F 1'arlien de'lritiif to gu to Ilcppner or pniiiis no Culuinbla hiiiitlii'rii via Illw, naouU take No. a, liMivlrin 'I he Dnlh nt 12:0 v. ti, ni.it:tng direct wmpeotlnt's nt Ifrjijincr Juisrtlea pud lli.'f,'i. Iti'ttiriilug miiVliiKdinvtcimtitcta ui He;-in'r 'iitifltlon mid It'egs uttli No, l.tt at The DnlleH i lull imrtlnnlnr tigulit The DullcH. or , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oitick at Tiif. Dau-hs, Oi:k.,J Jtiiy-1, nw. i Notice ts hereby given that tho following named yettler has, tiled notice of her Intention to commute nnd make fltiul proof in support of her cl dm, and that said proof will to made be fore the ttslttur and receiver nt The Dalle, Oregon, on Thursday, Eeptember SJ, VXO, viz: Lull. A, lliillll, of The lullu, Or., II. E. Nu. OifJ, for the NW! SV.' E! '. HW'i, and SWM SWK. Sec. :i T. 1 n., It. 11 I'.., V . SI. She names tiie folloivingwltne-svs to prove her continuous icsidenee upon, uud cultivation ot Mid bind vl.: l'eter Kugun. G. Wetniore, Charlesj Slatney, V. I'o:;, nil of The Dalles, Or. JAY I'. 1,1' CAS, 1-1 He isier NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I Land Office at Tnr. Dalles, Oi: September IS, l'.M. i Notice Io herpby given that the folloving named settler bus llltd notice oi her Intention toiuake liual proof In support of her claim, aud Unit said proof will tie made l o'ore the rcgiitcr and ri reiver at The Dulles, Ortgou. nil Wednes day, October ai, IWO.vU- KIIxh K. Vlulmm, widow of Samuel J. Vickers. dceu-cd, of Mo sier, Oregon, II. E. No. .VSM. for the N'.HW'f and S'2 SW,i see lj. Tp 2 N, H !i L, W. SI. Hhe mimes the following uitnessc." to prove her i ontinnoiis residence upon uml cu'tivntlnu of said land, vl..; Otorge itertoe, of The Dalles, Oregon; .Dimes Sl.lcr. lo Evuiia, Eric (iruuland, Siosier, Or. spb'j JAY I'. I.ULAb. Heglster. Str. nosulator or. Lv. l'ortl.iml in T A. M. . Momlaj . Wvilnesony . . . .Friday Arr. Dulles, at 5 i: M. Ship yoxiv Freight via Regulator Lino. Str. Dnlloo City. IinwK Lv. Dalles ut 7 a. i. .Monday . ., . WMlnciduy . . Frill uv Arr. l'ortlund it !:. v, it. re, l. . l'ortlarul iit7:I( A )!. M . . '1 ueidiiy .. Tlmrsdnj ,5 siaiiitiluy V Arr Imlli-ss nt ii l'. H 5 now:; 3 lA . DilliCH U at 7 a. St. ; Tllesdav J, Tlnwday .... ( Kntiinbiy. C Arr. I'ortlmid 5,itt-i:0r. m. H FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Hteamem o' tho Itegitlator Line. The fompiiuv will endeavor to give Its put jjy runs tin-best seivlenpoisible. For further Information milieu fj. lorlbind01hce,0.ik-8trcctDuck. W. C. ALUWAY, Gon. Ajrt. h I riwti;; li 3 i- m o. A X. ( c. i M.IU'UT, Ttland.fcr. mm mil ll :i S xrZxjr i.r.i.raa.'.i.'rij Crease 1 helps the team. Savca wear and I cviiciibc. Sold every where M KAL1K lL STANDARD OIL OO. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LHIJ OITICK AT VAXCOL'Vr.lt, WASH.) Aug. 10, lt-10. 1 Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler bus filed notice of his intet'tlon to make final proof In tuppurt of his claim, uud that said proo: will be imide before W. il. I'resby, United htutcs Commissioner for District ol Washington, at his olllee iu (ioldeiidHle, Wunh irigton, on October 1, I'jOO, viz: JiiIiii WntMin, 1'. O. nddrei. Ccntervllle, Wuli wlio made honifstead application No. VT2, for the SJ. HVM oco2a,Tp:;N,i'.iiE,w.si. Who nanies the following wilnesoi to prove his continuous residence upon uud euHlvatluii of Mid land, viz.: Chnilex Htrault-, William Wilkinson, Jame C. Daly nod Patrick Heggerty, all of Center Hie I'. O., Washington. uli)-l W. I. DL'NHAPi, Ue-gister. GROCERIES., A riNi: LINK OF Stable Ban Fancy Grooeries Phone No. i. Third at., near Court. DUNCAN'S CORD WOOD.... Onod i'llio and Fir Wood delivered to imv nart oi the city nt wu.r.o pui- curd. I'ho No.1.0. TTT.Tr A IVTIn Thlr KL, near Court. UUWiJAlVO auKG-lino I tfU How pleasing to the ear. How easy in action. How grand and beautifui in sippuunmco arc the now "Lindoll," "Unilod Makors" and "Kiniball" J'ianos at J Jacobsen Book & Music Co. J. E- FALT & CO. oPfropriotors Commereial Sample tjooms. 9 Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAR HOt'lE FItOSI 1'OIITUSD TO THE KAt-T. TIIE ONLY 1)1 ItEOT LINE TO TIIE YKUJJiV- KIOSK 1'AllK LCivc. Union Eauot, nntiand I sis ariv. No. So. i Fust mull for Tiieoina. (Heattle, Olymtihi. O'liy s Hntbor nnd Mouth l: '.id , ' points, hpokiini', ltoss - land, 11. C, l'lllliniiii. ' .Moscow, !: ImIoii, Hut 11:15 A. SI.' fuloll limn lultilug conn , try, Helenn, Sllnneiupo IU, .St. l'uill, Omiihn, ' ICnnsai illly. Kt. Louis. Chleugo and ull points cast and southeast. I I'tnret hound i:.tpris 'for Tiieiiino uml Keattle 7,00 A.M. ! ami liiteniiullute Hiints No. I. II ;U) I'. M j.Ml'.JI. :,'o.i Purest Liquors.for Family Use Dolivorod to any pari of tho City. 3 Phones: ol Local, 85S Linn DiSftatice. 173 Second Street. J Advertise in the Chronicle House Painting... Tde'unileralgiied hafl Liken posseealun o( it, A. Kpivoy puint whop, next door to tho Voyt opera lioutio, and hits imr- ohuned tho toola and ladders. lie lint) Ifood inechitnica working for him, nnd will fjturniiteu all work to e-lvo eatlefac- Hon. S. K. KELLY. L. Lane. OKNKliAL BHsmilii AND. Horsesi r Wgon and Currlago Work. Fish Brothors' Wugon. Tiiird and JcITcrm Plionel59 C. F. Stephens ...Doalur In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. J Hoots, HIiooh. Huts, Cnh, Notion, for . L. UoiikIu Hhoe. Afit. Teleidioiio So, m. miin TlnlL.. n.. 1 j UZ!! 1 ' 1 rKKHUKIIN, t Pliysicimi ami iSurgeou Olllcc, Void Jllock (over riiilolllct), ,li,io dw THK DALI.K1, 0HK0ON I'lillnton llrnt.elasK and timrht Utr W Slliinenpollii.rit. I'nuliuul Sllssouil river loUtu without chunjte. Viiitlbuled lruln.1. I'nlou depot eonticctwa In all principal ettlec. . , , . Iluggiige nheeked to destination of tickets. for huiiilsomely niuntinti-dilescflpliveniatw, ticket, Hleei!iiK ear reservations, Hc.,ealHw write A. D. CHARLTON, Asilhtiiut fienerul Pun'eiiger Agent. "' urn Htuet.eornerThlid, I'oril.iud, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trillin, leave The Dalles for I'ortliind uml "'I station ut 1 :'.'.) u. in. uud p. in. VQnulhDrn Hmmm m wuwiuvau m w - - " .1 V Lenvo rortlaiid siaiiim " Albany liiiSOiim Arrive Aahliiud " Kaernuieiilii . . . " Hun Friiueisco 12::tt n in fi:eopm 7:1) p ni Arrive Ogdon " Denver " KiuisiisClty. " ChlciKO fi:IS H ni . li;( u in 7:W u m , 7; 15 in Arrive Un Augele ... " Kl I'mo ........ " rdrt Worth " City of Slexleo , " Hotiilnn " Now Orleuu .. " WiishhiKlou.... " New York 1 :vn p nt lillKlpl" ii:iu in ti.-.Vi u in 1:00 a in i!:v'.) n in iitWn ni 'jiljpin 7:01 jiw io:p IHSObB ILIUM iiitiuia ;:'iiu 7;COpl G;(iOiW CiUluf' o:.i'i 1 :0U (WipW (il!f I'ullmun and Tourlnt eur on I'"'1',,. (Jliulrenr Kueriimeuto to 0(t'lu ot ninl lomlateurN to ChleaKo, Ht Iiulit wv leans nun winuilUKIoil, fVituirfilhii. ni Unit Vnirtrd.'ieo With Ijlsteamshlp Hue for JlnimlillUi Jl"0i. riiiiippiue, ueiiinu huh ouniii "'" CllIWi fiee iiKunt at Tho Dullea liitlon, ov mldrfW C. H. MARKHAM, Oonuuil I'HHUtfiiBur Agent, l'otI.i"li 0r Y)H' OifKNUOltrKKK PJiyaiciau aud Surgeon, Hpeclnl nttuntion Blvou Io tumorr. Uooins 21 mid Tol. Ms .V"t'1 aWt