Yoa May f4ave HeaM Such expressions ns "The Coat seoms to be alright, only the collar doesn't seem tb fit;" or 'I think the back wrinkles a little." Thcro is where the average clothier "falls down;" lie doesn't try to avoid the wrinkles in his clothing; ho is neglectful of details- When we sell you a suit of clothes we want your friends to be able to say "Who's Yoap Clothier?" Foil Styles in Gents' Suits and Overcoats, Top-coats and Ul ster. We never have shown a greater collection, and from the im mense f-'alos already wo know' that our prices a little lower than else where. Many exclusive things hero, too. You'll get a. better idea of this stock if yon look through. It costs nothing to look. Just Two Shoes. Children's Kangaroo Oalf, but ton and lace. Children's Kid, button and lace. Heavy Soles plump stock. Sizes 6 to 8 $1.15 Sizes 8 1-2 to 11, - $1.35 Sizes 11 1-2 to 2, - $1.65 Excellent School Shoes. Your money's worth in every pair. Pease & Mays' Shoe Department. Fall Dress Goods.. PLAID BACK GOODS for rainy-day skirts in all the latest cloths. NEW PEBBLE SERG-ES in navy and black. VENETIAN CLOTHS for tailor suits. Suit and Skirt Department. In our Suit and Skirt Depart ment the stock is now complete, and we have some startling bargains to offer. Have you seen our RAINY DAY SUITS and SKIRTS? The correct thing for Fall wear. Give the department a call. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WT.DNKSDAV - - S I51T.10, JOOO ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Hendrlx, who is something of a gold bug himself, cnlla them by Unit name. Tho samples brought here were grown on tho Houdrix ranch, about five miles beyond Dufur, and are from a field of three acres. It io hardly necessary to Buy they were grown without inigation. Abu Stogsdill came to town toe from Juniper Flat with 11 load of wheat, lie says threshing is about completed on the flat, and that the crop is the pposed to Bryan and the 10 to 1 idiocy ethey were four yoare ago, and a little nore bo." In a public speech to the republicans at Wilbur, Wash., on the ovening of eptember 14th Congressman Francis ushnian was interrupted in the course .of his remarks by n miner recently from Vardner, Idaho.. While Cushman waB allcing on the labor question tbie man walked up the center of the aiele and, liirceet ever harvested there. Ho esti- l"oiumg a paper aion over uis neau, ex- mates that fall whont yielded close to teamed: "I'll tell you what this re- thirty bushels to the acre. f1,U0llcan auniinieirauon uiu io me. mis New bIioi'h for full nnd winter just re ceived at tho New York Caeh Store. Mrs. A. J. Dufur and daughter ar rived here today from Portland nnd left immediately for Dufur. A marriage license was issued this morning to Jackson F. Itidetiour uud Sural. Henry, of Cascade Locks. Tickets for tho Ellu Lark-Klein con cert next Monday night are on side ut Wukeley's drug store. Reserved seats can lit; obtained without extra charge. Judge V. W. Morrow, of tho U. S. circuit court, San Frnncispo, was in town toJuy accompanied by his wife. Judge Morrow litis been up north trying some cisea in Suuttlu. - Hev. A. D. Skaggs, former pastor of Hio Christian church in The Dalles, willj prencli in the Christian church at 7 :30 '""gin ' Wednesday). All cordially in-l vited to attend. 'V-P, Tlio sheriir and deputy arc kept busy llieao days muking oul, tax receipt?, ami about $10,000 hnvo been received eiiifo the liret of the month, about 1500 of which belongs to the school fund and alnut $1000 to Dalles City. Next Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at tliu Congregational church, Mrs. Helen Hnrford, state president of the W. C. T. U., will meet with tho union. A most cordml invitation in extended to the public to attond this meeting. Hurrah for tho carnival queen ! Dur the voting contest Pease & Mays will give one blank vote with ovory cash imrclmse of one dollar, two votes with tiortolur purchaaus, etc. Full partic ulars later. Watch Pease & Mays' ud. Are yuu ready to buy your fall ahoo9? We nru eolu ngents for the celebrated Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.'h line of foot wear. If you want the best shoo for the least in jney, call and sen U3. No trou "l to Bhow goods at the New York Cash store. J. A. Kherlo has received, n lino line ' fall and winter eultliign, pantinga and veicoatlugH, which are displayed in "Is establishment. Ono hundred differ ent lines to select from. Suits, $20 up. '-all and examino his goods beforo going fcUowlifre. , us they came out of h ground, without any uttetnpt to "wet the largest, that tipped the 6clu at olxteou pounds, T hoy are of a "v vnrlety.iutrouaced In the Tygh Some time ago tiie court house ofli cials neked bids for 20 cords of fir wood, with the result that the lowest offer was ifU '15 a cord, delivered. The matter was turned over to Jailor Fitzgerald, and by some means, known only to himself, he succeeded in obtaining tho icjuired amount at the rale of fli.'JO. Governor Jloosevelt, hnd he said the word, could have hud a rousing recep tion along the .route of his special train m Montana Sunday. HiB regard for the sacred observance of tho day has won huu the respect ol not only tho church going population, but llie cowboys, who claim htm as one of their own. Globe Democrat, Carl Zsrkn, n lad of 10 years, while playing "pull-n-way" ut the brick school housu this morning with a number of his companions, was thrown to the Bide walk und had his left, arm bo severely sprained that he was for a time rendered uneoneeiouB. He mas taken hoir.6 and had his injuries attended to by Dr. Geieendorffer. Work was commenced this morning on the foundation of tlio hospital to bo erected by Drs. Ferguson on tho lawn adjoining their residence on the bluff. Tho building will bo erected under tho superintendoncy of Architect C. J. Crun dull, and will be au nrnamont to the town. It will have a capacity for about a score of patients. The Boise Statesman says: "Follow ing tho present political status of the six delegates from Idaho who walked out of tho republican national conven tion at St. Louis in 1800: Lyttleton Price, for McKinloy; Alex. Koberteon, far McKinley; lion E, Kich, for Mo Kluley: A. B. Campbell, for McKinloy; Wlllio Sweet, for McKinloy ; Fred T. Dubolu for Bryan. 1-rod Is flocking all by himself. "I caBt my first ballot for Abraham Linoolu, " mild II. Horn, en honest and respected German-American of Thomp son's Addition, to tho CmtONin.i: man this .morning, "and no ono has beou able to convince mo that I should not vole this year for McKinley, us 1 did four years ugo, Somo people have very ehott memories. They forget the four is one cf those permits issued to miners in Wardner. They made me hold up my hand and take an oath before they would permit mo to go to work!" Quick as a flaeh Cushman replied : "Yes, my friend, that is exactly what that eame republican administration did to me, (-Nl3efore they would let me go to work as a congressman iney nmue me noiu up my baud and take an oath to support the constitution of tho United States and the laws of my country!" At thin point tho applause was so great that the miner fled from the hall. Tins Cmiorcicus is indebted to the courtesy of the editor of the Goldendale Agriculturist for an advanco proof sheet of the platform adopted last Saturday by the resurrected Klickitat democracy. But it Is not worth publishing. Only two plunks dual with national affairs, and one of these fs an absolute indorse ment of all tho tomfooleries of Bryan lam, past, present and to come. Tho other denounces the present adminis tration for not going to war with Great Britain on behalf of the Boers. All the rest relates to local matters and is con demnatory of the acto of republican commUstoneis for icecuing the county from a condition that was brought about by a populist, board, during whose rolgn the credit of the county was reduced so low that this writer waa often compelled to sell county warrants at 50 and 55 cents on tho dollar. In less than six months after the Kliukltaters had llred tho populists from oflko tho republicans had tlio county on a caeh basis, and it has remained in that condition ever since. Willis Hendrlir hrmmlit in U.Ih offlco Learn reign of poverty and Idleness and '"I" inorniticf eluht tiniainn taken, lie free soup. 1 dou't. The lust lour years - --. r " I. - ., . ,.. ,,, iavo been tlio most prosperous in the ilBtory of America. Im going to vote Jo let well enough alone. The Times- Mountalnoer says tho Germane are oil Uino to vote for Bryan this year, 'lell ""'go country by James Kelly from a 4he Mountaineer man tho Germans are Potato obtained from the East. Mr. hot tools, and that they are just as much To Dellmjiieu t Taxyay era. Tno County Court having authofized the immediate collection of delinquent taxes, I am compelled to comply with its request, and will therefore proceed at once to advertise. If you Hro delinquent you will savo cost and expenses by Im mediate payment. All personal prop erty unpaid will be attached nt the cost and expeiiBo of tho owner without fin titer notice. Houkht Kki.i.y, Sheriff of Wasco Co., Or. Iho Dalles Sept. 17, 1000. 17.29d-w CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Thii Kind You Havi Always Bought Bears tho giguature The Oallea Fair ProRret hIuk The executive committee of The Dalles Street Fair met laar night in the club rooms and electedit. B. Sinnott presi dent, H. J. Male secretary and treas urer, and C. LPhillips superintendent. It was decideif the fair should be desig nated The Dalles Harvest Carnival and Street Fair ChaB. F. Stephens was ap pointed t superintend the election of the queoii of the carnival. R. B. Sin nott wa4 appointed a committee of one to go to Portland and make arrange ments for amusements and reduced rail road rates and he left for that place on the morning train. Tho election of queen will commence this evening, when five ballot boxe9 will bo distributed in the following business botiees : One at Grant's cigar store j one at the store of C. F. Stephens ; one at Blakeley's drug store; one at Pease & Mays' store, and on at the store of A. M. Williams & Co. There will bo no nominations for queen. Each voter will cast bis ballot for his favorite at a cost of five cents a vote. The progress of tho vote will be announced every afternoon. The time when the ballots will close will be announced, possibly, tomorrow. This morning seven more persons and firms promised the committee to make exhibits. These were Prins: & Nitschke, M. Z. Donnell, I. C. Nlckelsen, H. Her bring, C. F. Stephens, Andrew Keller, Ben Ulrich. These make twenty in all, and it is reasonably certain that half a dozen or more who hove not been seen ae yet, will also make exhibits. It may be mentioned that the queen's robes will be furnibhed at tho expense of the fair committe ; but they will bo the property of her majesty after the fair doses. An Important Decision. An important land-grazing caso has been decided by Judge Hanford. It affects the stockmen und shcepowneis of Yakima and Klickitat counties di rectly, and those using tho railroad lauds in every tectiou of the Northwest. Tho Northern Pacific Railway Com pany brought fuit against James Cun ningham, a sheepman, and afeked for n perpetual order restraining liini from herding sheep on tho unfenced lauds of tho company. Ho tot up a defeuso that bo had no way of ascertaining whether ho was on government or railroad lauds, The court ruled that he must not usn the nillway company lauds nnd that ho was responsible for not securing tho in formation ad to ownership, The caee Is regarded as a test of the rights of gruzing-uion on the open lauds of tho deeerts and mountains'. The sheepmen naturally feel much aggrieved over the situation, and some of them say their business is ruined, Those of the thinking men have expected this ruling und the closing of the forest re serves, ns thoy know the general gov ornmcnt Is not so paternal as to furnish them free range when the farmers must purchase und fence their farms. Some will buy lauds und sow to alfalfa and grasses and pasture their sheep on their own farms. This is the legitimate re sult of the country being settled and will be the cause of enhancing the value 'of lands, making better stock and more comfortably-situated farmers. . Mrs. Helen D. Harford, state presi dent of the W. C, T. U., will address a public temperance meeting In the M. E. church on Friday eveningat 7 :30 o'clock. Mrs. Harford is a very logical thinker, a clear reasoner, and a very pleasant und winning'speaker. The local union be speaks for the lady a large audience. Annual fall and winter opening ot illinery will take place at the Camp bell & WilBon millinery parhrB Tues day and Wednesday, Sept. 18th and 19th. Everyono cordially invited to call and inspect au elegant dispiny of pattern huts, ladies' nnd children's trimmed hate, street bats and turn o' shunters. 12a-18 For Salt-. The two buildings owned by Mrs. E. Julian, cm Court street, between Second uud Third, now occupied us a lodging lioiiBC and dressmaking shop, The buildings will bo sold, furnished or tin-furni-hed, cheap for cash. Apply 'to Mrs. K. Julian. to-lmd Tho New York Cash Store is the sole agent for tho Hamilton Brown Shoo Co. 'a line of footwear. BlCUf tKtO. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. FRESH TODAY. DIRECT from tho FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors Mrs H. L, Jones has opened Ice cream nnd oyster parlors in Carey Hal lard's old stand. She curries A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. The placo.hus boon thoroughly ren ovated, and a (hare of the public patron, age is solicited. Wanted. Four or five Iiovb, going lo school during winter, to board. $12 a month with room and plain washing. Across streot from High eobool. Apply nt CiikonicijB ofliue. d.twlin l.tlxtirlM. Healthful drinks nre not luxuries, they nie necessities. A full lino of cool nnd refreshing porter, ale, mineral water and beers kept on ico. Take a bottle home for lunch. C. J. Stiibling. Phone 234. Hustling young man can make ?00 per month and expenses. Permanent posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars. Clark A Co., Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel phia, Pa, f.8 tf Tho largest and most complete line of fall and winter millinery ever displayed in the city at the Campbell & Wileon millinery parlors. The prices will sell the goods. s8tf Why pay $1. 75 per gallon for Inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton'a sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & balk, agents. ml Floral lotion will cure wind chapping nnd sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Fulk. mays & 6 we The only store ii this city where the Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold. A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen piecesof so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARES Other wares look like it.but thegenu ine has the name Stransky - Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at 1C International Exhi bitions. Highest award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion, Chicago Pre ferred by tho best cookingauthorities, certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. V''3' VOGT Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is notallectedbyncids in fruits oc vegetables, will boil, fctew, roast and bake v i t h o u t imparting flavor of previously oookod food and vlll last iov years. We cau tion t ha public rwainst imitation Opera House F. J. CLARKE, Manager. TWO NIGHTS, Commencing Monday, Sept. 24. The Macoy. Comedy Company. WITH Special Plays. Special Scenery. Special Cars. Thlity Clever Artists, liuiul and Orchestra. FIHST NIGHT Tim Farce Comedy, entitled "A Circus Girl." SECOND NIGH 1' Tho Up-ta-Rito riay, "Quo Viulia," Popular Prices. Seats on eule at Clarke & Fulk's.