She JMles JL VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1900. NO. 341 PfiAQTflDIA lunuiumn AYctfdable Preparalionror As similating IlicFoodandRcgula tuig iltcSloinaclts nndBowcls of Promotes Digc9tion,Cheerfur ness and Rcst.Contalns ncJtlier Oimim.Morphine nor'Miucral. IOT 7lAIiC OTIC . 'Arir urot(J)r&iMUH.PtTCHER ImtfJun Seal sILx.Stiuut tM.UtltSrlu sfitLTifml ' Jhwmi'ht -, Cimtfin'. Susnr A perfect Remedy forConslipa iion, Sour S to nuicli, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ntss iuul Loss of Sleep. VacSunile Signnlurc or new Yomc. copy or wrapper. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Xf ( .ft In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CCNTAUn COMPANY, NEW YORK GITV. LIST OF DEAD . STILL GROWS It Is Xow ThoujL'ht the Total May Be Over 7000. UAM-Khros, Tex., Sept. 18. "The situation oontlnuiH to improvu" is what one in loltl now when ae applies nt imy of tin- various headquarters fur informa tion. Thin statement In being made with gralilying monotony nil over the city. Tlio work line been brought down to n buelnesH Imnie us fur nn posf-iblu and tlio system and order displayed in tlio various (lupnrtiiiciit would eurpt'iHu any one who illicit return to Galveston alter n absence of throe or four thivB. Onufcatuio thut Iiiih cauued a better fooling and n more pronounced willing "ass to woik In nflbrdod l.y the fact thut tliu time of nil the laborers employed is ouing kept nt headquartero. Tim mm, Mr," ntMuri'd of compensation for their labor, naturally go about their unpleas ant tiinliH with u inunh hettur grace than tieri'tofiim, A thorough inpsectlon re veals tliu fact that every dittaohmi at is an well organized a ib possible under tlio 1'ircumHtanr.oB and thut nil aro woik ng liuimoniouBly. SupjiHfH ami money aro now pouring i" from all over the country. It is Hated that at least eevnu fliiiirf are needed to express the amount of cash thug fur received. Thin 1h being ubdiI Judiciously and tho efleotBof I ho presuiioo f fliioh a largu roliof aro already a'p Wiruiit. Thu death Hat will reach tho total of M, wltli tho additions Bent out today. 0l'ly u comparatively small number of he nugroce who periflhod have been ro ported. After considering nil the facte onu can hardly do anything else lint wncliulo that the total lo be finally "nuliuil will he above (iOOO. .Iiultr" M stated today thut in Ida opinion tlio, list woti'dgo oh high nB 7000. The exact niimhurofcounio'wlll never bo deflnitclv known, There aro no divtlopmentfl which would lead to tho belief Mint the ontimtUo "n I'ropurty lose of 22,600,0001b too 'el'. While one ccctelounlly flnda n husliiuas uiiin whoau piopeity Iibb not ooll'm-d treatlyplt umet bo 6tatt;d that tho i'hiB3 h hopuleottly in tho minority and that lnrt'e loasi'B are tho rule. Tim puoplo aro becoming more cheei- f ixl every day, and it io more than ie t uiarliahlo to obnervo the composure ex j hibiti'd by toiiiu of them under tho terri- hlu circuinfitiinct'fl amonii the individuals! who have been lost in the community's U;iief, and on every hand may be seen I people who have lost their all doini: everything in their power to comfort a neighbor who pet Imps has not been to unfortunate. Everybody eeomB to be dointf all thcro ib to do towards ultimate rehabilitation, and the determination to build a city which will bo bigger nud brnader in every way than tlio one which liaB been det-troyeU appeal 6 to bo genera1. Tho people aro eti'l lenvinu tho city in considerable number?, but the relief work local! v hao now been gotten down lo tmch a lino point thut is is likely that there will he marked diminution of the e.xoJuu duilng tho next two or three dayu. t'ho ft: art) of an epidemic have been allayed by tho pieaonco and tho distribution of medicinee nnd dieinfect ante, nnd therefore a feature which would undoubtedly have had tho ellVct of caueinf! many to t-eek suect-BS else where has been eliminated from the Bltuation. j A MImImKii'h (Smut Work, "I had a i-cveie attack of bilious colic, not a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholur and DiurrluiM Uouiody, took two doees and wan entirely cured," says Kov. A. A. Power, of Uutporla, K-tn. "My nelphbor across tho etreet was t-ick for over a week, had two or Ihrfo bottleB of incdicino fiom tho doctor. Jfo tued them tl.reo or four days without relief, then called in another doctor who treat ed him for foiuo days and iavo him no relief, so dhoharged him. I- went over to boo him tho next morninf?. He eaid hia bowelB wore In a tcrriblo fix, thut they had beeu runni:iK oil' ho long that it was almost bloody tlnx. I aekeil him tf he had tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and J)iarrhun Itomedy and hd wdd, 'No,' I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one iiobe; told hlut to tnko another doee iti tltteeu or twenty minutcB If he did not find relief, but he took no more and was en tirely cured." For sulo at Blakeloy'H drui: More, rtinniipi'liHitiii iy flioxloo. Cuv or Mkxh-'o, Sept. IS. A bill has been intioduetd In tho Mexican coiitfreia providing for an appropriation of $10,000 for thu Galveston BullVterB Sub.U'rlbo for The Chronicle. Trouble I lirewluir. HAimiHiiuiiG, Pa., Sept. 18. Trouble ia brewioc toniuht in tho Lykens valley region between the union and nonunion anthracite minere over tho refusal ot the men at Willinmstown to join the strike. Tho strikers in tho neighboring towns of Lykens and Wuconlsco threaten to com pel the Williamstown men to quit work. A meeting of tlio Williamstown men was held tonight, at which it was decided to stand firm against any attempt on the part of the strikers to torce them to join the Btrike. Sheriff Hfi'nT today swore in 150 depu tiep, who will act in conjunction with a double force of watchmen on duty at WilliainBtown colliery. The Williams town colliery waa in operation today with a full complement of 1100 men nnd boys. Ilev. Father LoRue, rector of tho Catholic church at Williamstown, is working among the mine employes there to induce them to stay at work. Some of tho strikers ut Lykens and Wuconieco threaten to drive out tho men at Wil liamstown before Saturday, and serious trouble may be expected at any tune There tias been bad blood between the Lykens and Wuconisco miners and the men at Williamstown ever since the ro fueal of the former, in JS84, to join tho latter in their strike against n reduction of wages. . OutHrili I'aunut Ho Cured. with local applications, ns they cannot reach tho scat of the disease. Catarrh in a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must lake inter nal remedies. Ilali'a Catarrh Cure is taken internally, ttnd acta directly on tho blood nnd mucous surface?. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not n quack medicine. It waa waB prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for yecrs, and is a regular picscription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifieie, acting directly on tho mucous nurfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Ciienuy & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drrugglats, price 7.ric. Hall's Family Pills aro the best. 12 JUluurN am y Hlu Quickly. Pim.ADKLi'Ui.v, Sept. 18. If, as Presi dent Mitchell, of the United Kine Work- eis, claimed last night, 112,000 of the M1.000 mineworkera on tho Pennsyl vania anthracite coal fields were idle yesterday, it is certain that this number has been considerably augmented today. Reports from the four big districts em bracing tho hard coal region aro to tho ellVct that fowfr men aie at woik today than were working yepterday and that Iho collieia that worked full handed or nearlv fo yesterday are either badly ciinided or shut down today. Tho weather has grown much colder than yesterday and this chango is greeted with enthusiasm by the workers, who ar gue that the increased demand for coal will hasten tho adjustment of thu ditti cultieH bet wee:) them and their employes. llruvK Moll I'll 11 Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel tho rosults in loss of appetite, poisons in Uio blood, backache, neivoutneps, head achu and tired, listless, run-down feel lug. But there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idavillo, Ind. Ho says: "Electric Hitters are just tho thing for a man when he is all run down, aud don't euro whether he lives or dies. It did more to give mo new strength and good Bppetite than anything I could take. I can uow eat anything and have- a new lease on life." Onlv 00 cents, at Itlakeley'a drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. 3 t-'oloroil Cubans uu 'lop. Santiauo Dk Cuua, Sept. 18. The elections for delegates to the constitu tional convention have resulted in favor of the black party throughout this en tire province, and the whites now open ly declare thomeolveB to bo annexation ists. Ton thousand colored men, who had worked themselves up almost to a froussy and aro wearing badges contain ing a Nkull and croES-bones, signifying death to tho republican paity, paraded through tho priucipal streets of the city last night carrying tallow candles and torches. A mock funeral of tho ropub lican paity was held today and waa at tended by about 1000 colored persons. Tho white people aro uautlouB and aro r.voldlug conflicts, SATURDAY'S SPECIALS. Next Saturday will bo Children's Day at this store. Mothers of both boys and girls will be equally benefitted. Waists for the boys and dresses for the girls at extraordinary price-reductions. But do not be satisfied witli merely reading of this sale make it your business to come and see tho goods. You will then bo tho better able to appreciate our offerings. Washable Dresses MMk Boys' Waists and Blouses. Suitable for echool or homo wear for two montliB to come, at spec ially reduced prices. ' 50c Unlaundered Peicale Waists -10a OSc Laundered Prch Waists 43c 75c Laundered Peicale Waists 40c 85c Laundered Pen-ale Waista. . . . ." 59c 75c White Plaited VVnUts 4'Jc $1.00 Wfiite Plaited U' ustg 09c 38s Wh te Blouse Waists 25c 42c White Blouse Waist" 27c 50c White and Colored Blouse Waists 39c 08c White Blouse Waists 45b 75c White Blouse Waists 50c 88c White Blouso Waists 59c $1.25 White Blouse Waista 85c All White Waists from 50c up aro trimmed with ruflles of wide em broidery, and tho $1.25 styles are made with shield and collar of all-over embroidery. These waists will be on display during the week, and may be inspected at will but those prices will not go into effect until Satutday, Sept. 22d. The style aud fitting qualities ot these dresses need not necessarily be dwelled upon here, as the majority of Dalles motheis know from experience that THESE GARMENTS ARE PERFECT. 39c Dresses ages 2, 3 and 4 years 29c ages 2, 6 and 4 years 37c ages 2 to 34 years 48c ages 2 to 14 years '. 59c ages 2 to 14 years 72c ages 2 to 14 years $1.09 ages 2 to 34 years 1.43 2.50 Dresses ages 2 to 14 years 1.62 3.00 Dresses ages 2 lo 14 years 2.10 All All 49c Dresses All G9c Dresses All 85c Dresses All $1.00 Dresses All 1.49 Dresses All 2.15 Dresses- All All These prices will not go into effect until Saturday, Sept. 22d, 1900. iL. Wl. WXifefeXAItfXS COMPANY. Not lteaily to Open NVkoUbUuiis. Ukklin, Sept. 18. Tho foreign office has cent a circular note to all the powers announcing that tho Germnn government considers that an indispeuslblo pre liminary to tho beginning of peace negotiations with China is tho delivering up of those who were responsible for the outrages. Hong Koncs, Sept. 18. It Is reported in the West River district that Chinese troops aro visible in every town and they aro actively drilling. A Chinese gunboat is again patrolling the river and it is expected that some action is con templated. Tho Sandpiper, which has beeu patrolling the delta, has proceeded to Canton. iMIIlluiin tilveu Away. Jt ia certainly gratifying to tho public to know of one concern in the land who aro not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering, The proprietors of Br. Kind's Now Discovery ,for con sumption, coughs and colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great mediclr-e; and have the satisfac tion of knowing it haa absolutely cured thousands of; hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness aud all diseases of tlio throat, chest ana lungs aro surely cuied by It. Call on Blakoley, the Diuggist, and got a free trial bottle. Regular bIzo 50c. and if). Every battle guaranteed, or price refunded. 3 Krugui' 1)1(1 Not Hull. LouitK.sco Mahwukb, rJept, 18,Preti dent Kruger has not tailed on the steam er Her.og, ae he Intended. iufiii:i'ii ut IJeluicoii iiuy, Louuksco Mauques, Sept. 18. Fivo hundred Boer refugees urrlved here this evening, Twenty aro wounded. MEET US! Not on the Midway, but at thu Gateway of tho Great INLAND EMPIRIC TH E DALLES, -AT TIIU- Carniva Street Fail" October 9 to 13 inclusive. Thia will he the greatest event in tho history of tho City of Wheat, Wool and Fruit and an Open River to the Sea. The products of thia pro lific region will bo on exhibition, and farmers, llockmasitera and all others will witness an exhibit that will ho both interesting ami instructive. SPECIAL SOCIAL ATTRACTIONS! BAND CONCERTS EVERY DAY! A NOVEL STREET PARADE! Excellent entertainmoiita day an.l night. Five dayd of slght'seuing and pleasure. There will he ample accommodations for all guests, Come and Tho Dalles will entertain you. Producers from all Bcctions requested to make exhibits. No charge for space in the lair bulldiiigi.&No entrance fee. " Reduced Rates on all Railroads and Steamboat Lines. COME TO THE DALLES.