DEATH OF "MAN OF THE IRON MASK" Remarkable Storv of Thomas Colt, tbe Subject the First Sabine Operation -Suraeons Made a New Face for Him. New Yor.K, Sept. 17. The Bilevue j Hospital patient, known as the "Man j With the Iron .Maik," is dead. Thomas Oliver Colt was his name, tie wss re - lated to the family of (.'Unuiakers of that name, and was born in Conin client. At the ace of In, whi'e plsvinc bail, be was etrnck in the fcr by a bhi!, his cheek bones beinp fractured and his nose- broken. Erysipelas followed and the ' A t0,Vering elm tree which used to nose was lost, as whs a portion of bis J stand in St. Paul's churchyard. New face. He was broupht to Bellevne ' York, and which wa said to be JffD Hospital by ids parents, the head of the ' years old. ha been cut down. The tree eurgici! division of that institution beinc ' used t0 stalld on a 5itu' wit1' Washing 1'rofessor Thomas C. Sabine, who beard : t0,lV "ew' nnd was 01u' of tm' Vtm the story and said he would make the! gM"e '"nnart-Kof luwe, Broadway, boy a nose. The result was the first I iuii nt From the- c.un S-ibtne operation as it is now known. j vas the ball that hit G. B. Steadiimn Colt's leit hand was placed on his face , of eWl,.k, Mich., in the Civil War. It and the third tiiiuer relieved of the nail . caHfeti horrible ulcers that no trent and placed on the bridge of the nose. Tt ''uicnt helped for twenty years. Then took two month's to grow there, while 1 iucUlen's Arnica Salve "cured him. It it was held in position by a plaster cast, curC5 rtSi Vm,;,,. burns boils, feloiiF, and ttien it was cut from the hand at . rornSi Hkin eruptions. Best pile cure on the second joint. Thirty-two operations ! earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure and two years in the hospital gavea ne Guaranteed. Sold by Blakeluy, the face to Colt. jdruycist. ' 3 In lslio lie married .Miss l .ue, ot O.aiu.-. X. J. She said she reciprocated i . -it -. . i 1 . T November, 18P6, he shot her in New Jer-ev, and then shot himself. Both lived, and he was tried for murder. He wa- convicted and sentenced to fifteen years in the penitentiary. After serving two years he was pardoned. Ele took every means of concealing his features when in public. In Auutist he was admitted to Bellevne Hospital, suf ferine from Bright's Disease He was fearful that other patients would see his fac, so he kept it muflkd and became known to the other patients as the "Man With the Iron .Mask." Catarrh Uaoaut ISe Cured. with local applications, as they cannot reach the- seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and nn order to cure it vou must take inter nal remedies. Halt's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physieiane in tLis country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purificie, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect ; combination of the two ingredients ie , what produces such wonderful resulte in j curing Catarrh, .end for testimonials, ' free. F. J. CnEScv it Co., Props., Toledo O. i en i... '-r. I cum uy urruitKii'is. iiricu nc. JHall'e Family Pills are the Dept. 12 Cnrmauy anil Kugluiut. "New Yokk, Sept. 17. A dispatch to the Times from Paris says: An impor portant functionary of the German foreign office now in Pafis says that it wi!i soon by generally recognized that Germany, Great Britain and Japan are in accord as to the policy to be followed in China, and that opposition to their pmn- comes principally from Russia, with whom of course is France. L'ttlH doubt is entertained that Ger- ninnv u sinopri in Iur ilt-chirntioii that . . . . . j tn uinintniin ibp nrmpinl nf th "ntipn to maintain tne principle oi tne open ( door" and to obtain proper indemnitv i , . . ., , for tlieontragerf her representatives liava uudervone. There is a belief in well- informed diplomatic circles that the J German empt-ror'a policy ie gtaduallyl veerlut! round iu a seme favorable to 1 Great Britain, and that for a long time .he las done what he ould to bring about better undereUudinir between 'his own country and Great Britaiu, 1 nt has been greatly hindered by ( opular ill will on both sides. Prince Henry's vhit to London is re garded a& of great political importance, ai indeed the commencement of the rap proclimeiit between Germany and Great Britain seems deeired by the Kaiser. The Fnnce will maintain the principle of the ' "open door," and aide with Great Brit ain agaiuit Ruisii. His mission is to smooth matters over with the former country. "tly laby was tctribly g;ck with the diarrhwA," i-a6 .). H. Doak, Williams, Oreon. "We were unable to cure him with he doctor's 8B5istar.ce, and an a last reeort we tried Otiarobt-rlaiu'e Colic, Cholen and Diarrt,;iia Remedy. I am happy to say it gave imme liate relief an) a complete cure." For eale at jBlakeley's drutt Htore. Taint your house with palnU (hat are (fully guaranteed to laat. Clarke k Falk have them. I A llnititrnilil- Chi'ckltiK Clurl. An npnaratus that hns at least thr merit ol novrlty is om exhibition in London. IJ is designed ns a plvokitii' clock to record tin- hour of the arrival . . . i i t I K'voiiiiuiiivniiu iuiikv limn imibpi 111 -i,,-,-.'.. of emnlnvr-s nt tlieir plnces of work, j her cMm, nnd ttiRt said proof will made tn Tin. t.ovnltv rnnslsts. in n sensitized ', t"'c the irctrter. ami receiver nt The Dlle, photographic rililton attnrhed'tocloel; work. Each rmplo.vt . as lie, or she ar rives, nres-si. the button of the inn- ( chine and immuriintrh his or her ' Poloprnih, tof ether with a photo- I merit of arrival, is impressed on the movable ribbon. It is said that the photographs can be made at the rate of 40 a minute. Youth's Companion. The I'li-to-Ilntc Mulilrn. 7r v;il von ,,lnni wlrli mn If 1 will He ill J on elope w itn nu II i w ill bring an automobile around nt 11 . o'clock to-niirlit? i She Yes. but it must be an elect rie automobile not one of those horrid- . smelUn? gasoline affairs, , Journal. Fomervillc . . v.,-i- t. STRAYCD . f , R ad ( d ard ong sain5, I - blue mare, branded something like a man's head on left shoulder. Liberal reward for her recovery or information leading to her lecovery. When last seen had a short rope around her neck. T. J. DnifS, a27-2tw The Dalles, Or For the convenience of parties want ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadelmnn f Ice Co. will carry a etock at their store, j corner Third and Washington streets. Phone No. 107; long distance 1S3. 'Rinc 'em up." ISni-tf Itenieniher That Chas. Stubling is still doin a retail business ot his new place. He sells in quantities to suit nil customers, irom one bottle to a barrel. Family orderE delivered promptlv. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke & Falk have on sate a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Buy a meal ticket at the Umatilla Houe restaurant; ?5.o0 for $5. el-tf Ynn will nnl 'n-ivf hnila if vnn ipl-f, 1011 will not luvt DOllS It 0U tact iarke & Falk's sure cure for boiie. A full line of Eastman films and sup- j plies just received by Clarke & Falk. EXECCTOirS NOTICE. .;reu-Kiven xnai iiie unners:znefi hnvA Fa!1 Hiilr ot.Tilnfofi hv fhr Itrmnr-iM. coimty county nity court, of the state of Oregon, for Waiseo unty. executors of the tntt- of Horalio Cor- D. deoe;id. All penons having claims ion. aeoe;id. All teri j agains: saw esmte are nereoy uotiiieu to p-eii: t the same, properly verified, to the undersigned uregon.ora; tneonice 01 our attorneys, jiene- 1 . ., ,..; , : fee A Wilson, nt The Dalles Oieuon, within six August lxv. 1 months from the date of this notice. Notice is hereby given that the following. Dated Julv II, lfOO. I named settler has Hied notice of his inteiition to CHAKI.ES E. COP.hON, 1 mate final proof in supixirt of his claim, and WIM.I.Ul K. COUPON, i that said proof ulll be made U'fore the lieglstvr Executors o tbe estate of Horatio Cursor,, de-1 and P.ecelver at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, on tatur Censed. llrJI ii 1 day, October C, JSW, viz: NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. La:;d Office at The Dalles, Or.,i Aug, la, 1!a0. 1 Notice is hereby given that the following named tettler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, und that said proof will be made before theregiiler and receiver of the l". H. land oflice ait The Dalles, Or , on Saturday, Kept. !, U, viz: Henry C. (Siirdion, of The Dulles, Or., H. E. Ni -IHI, for the N'i SEU fcec. C, Tp 1 N, ,,e names the following witnesses to prove hUcontinli0lls resldcncel)pon aaa cuixu!u(lm of land, viz- ...... hme Jonlaii, Albert Jordan, John I'asliek and James Thoma, all of The Daliea, Oregon. JAY P. I.UC'AB, ileglstcr. I, I --s,..op X -L J X O O Pain tins:... The undersigned has taken possession of R, A. Spivey paint ahop, next door to the Yogt opera house, nnd has pur chased 1)10 tools and ladders. He has good mechanics working for him, and will guarantee all work to give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. Mica lightens the load sbortcoa 'Axle Crease the toad. helps the team. Saves wear nd expeusc. bold every wiiere. Miui r TANOAIIS OIL OO. NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION. l.A.ND OrrtcE ATTlIK DaLI.K", 01tK.,( July js, two. I Notice I hcrcbv plvcti that the Inllowlm; named cttlcr hat filed notice of lier Intvntlmi ... .......... n....i .......r i ini.i..nt il ) I.iiIh A, llnlin, of The Unlit", "r., U.K. NafdiW, for tlic NV(4 SKU, I". SW'M, mm SV',4 s-W4, sec. U T. 1 It. 1J K . M. She names tne following wltue'es to prove her contliiumi residence upon, ntnl cultivation of silil lnnil viz ivter K:ib:iii. G. Wetmore, CharleJ .Matney, V. Fox, hII ol The Dalles, Or. jay p. i.rcAS M lie i?ur NOTICE FOl! PUBLICATION. 1-iMi Office at Tiir. Dalles, 01:. j soNtcmber 12. ISO. i Notice N hcrcbv civen that tlic followlna- tunned fctllt-r has fllctl rotlceof her Intention tonlnkl, llnal ,,n(0t , M1ipott o( IU!I ,.iaim, nmi Ihnt llillrlM)f will he iimilp Le ore llic icrilstcr . and rtcclvcr nt The Dalles, OrcRon, on Weiliies-1 ily, Oc:otr il, I'M, vU: EHxji K. Vlcker', widow of Samuel J. Vickers. dee c;ieil. of Mo- ! sler, Oreson, It. K. No. 5C. for the N'.tY' nmi si- " '.i rec L. i ji r, li i t, . ji. She names the followlui? witnesses to prove her oiitlniions resilience ujoii unit culilvathm of sniil laml. viz.: tieorve Iteiioe. of The Dalies, Orccon: .Iw.'s Mil:r. lJtc Kvaui-, Erie (irunlauil, itoilcr, Or. solo JAY I'. I.Ut AS. Hclster. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. LND OFFICE AT VaNCOCVKU, W Sll. 1 AUK. 10, lfO. Notice Is hcrcbv Riven that the following nanml settler has tiled notice of his Intci:tlon to uinSe limit irif in support of his claim, nnd that said prooi will be made before W. 11. l'rcby. 1'nlted ritatts Commlsjloner for lllstrlct ot WnshlrRton, At hlsofliei-In Ooldendale, Wnsh inston, on October 1, l'AO, viz- .lolui AVatxiin, P. O. adilrets t'cntcrvllle. Wash., who nude hoiufsUad npiilicntlon No. wta, for the t-'-s bK'4 Sec IS, Tp " N, It 1 1 K, W. M. Who nnutcs the followliiB wltnesc to prove his continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of sidd laud, viz.: Charles titrnube, William WllMnsoi., Jnmr. r. Dalv nnd Patriot Hnggerty, ull of feutervlllc P. O., Washington. uls-1 W. P.. DI NBAlt, Itcslstcr, NOTICE FOPw PUBLICATION. 1-and OrncE at The Dalles, or., I September, 10, UOJ. i Notice is hereby aivea that the followirc nnratd settler h fllttl notice ol his Intention to make final print! in support of hb claim, nnd that said proof will be made before the register I nnd receiver nt The Iialte, Orecon, on Saturday, uetooer-J, i.w, vu ; Cliarle' ll.aiatney. of The Dalies. Oreson. H. E. No. Mfi, for the S i hf Nt or and W lit St. qr, sec 1-', Tpl S, K II E. W. 31. He names the following wltncso?'. to prove his continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of said land, viz. : A. S, Fox. I', ;. Fitsan, Charles Goisou and . C. Clark, nli of The Dalles, Orison. teplo JAY P. MICAS, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Iasij Office at Tim Dalle. Or., i September 10, IEO) i Notice is hereby Riven that the following named settler has Ilkd notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, nnd that .slid proof will b' made before the Hesistcr and Heceivcr at The Halle-, Oregon, on Satur day, October '.'J, 1S0J, viz Arrliiiui P. Fox, of The D.illes, Oregon. If. K. No. 51.11, for the S hf N W or and W hf SV ir, oec VJ, Tp 1 S, U 11 E, W. 31. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of said land, viz: I. C. 3Intney, C. H. 3Iatncy, Charles Gossen and W. c. Clark, all of The Dalles, Oregon. sepl.j JAY P. M'CAb, Uesiiter. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Lamd Office at The Dalles. Or., i September li.iyCO. l Notice is hereby Kiven the following- i named settler has filed notice of her intention ,(, Iuaj!C .,, ..rooflnmp o.-t of her claim, nnd I that said proof will be nude before the Ueglster ntsrl Tlr rivr nt Tim IIhIIp. I irtxrini. nn Witlni'H j day. October ill, ltoo, viz Iiinet I . ritouurt, nfTlic Dallns, Or , II. K. No. 5?sl, for the F.l, SKJ.J SE or NI. or Sec i I 25, Tp 1 N, It 1'J K, and SW qr NW (r btc .u. Tp 1 , Vhe WHr, to prove j i " : ,m " j . 'IIUl iaiMI. IZ. . JltT VUnHUUUllt I'.'SIUVIl'.C U'MJU uuu uuiuvttijau i,;nIeiV.ea,t' Daniel htewart, nil o. Tht l ! l'15 JA l uui!' Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Itoliert K. l'llllllp, of .Hosier, Or., H E. No. -Vvi) for the NKJ4 NWK, NV4 NE', Htatl.und sli HE(, ict:J, Tp. N K. Ut, He names tne following witnesses to prove his continuous residence ujoii and cultivation of fcnid laud, viz: lames 1iwls. Dolly 3Iosier, Lea Evans, John 3l!ler, ull of 3Iosier, Oregon. JAY P LL'CAE, nur-"J-l Kegister. GROCERIES.... A FINE LINE OF Staple M Fancy Groceries Phone No. V). Third ht., near Court. DUNCAN'S CORD WOOD.... (iood Pine mid Fir Wood delivered to any part Of the city ut vn.KII per cord. 0r Court. DUNCAN'S auC-Imo FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TltANBACT A KNEHALBA.NKINO BUfc'INKti Lettere of Credit ififlned available in the Eastern State. Sight Exchange and Toleifraplm Tranafere sold 011 New York, Chicago, St. Louie, San Francieco, Portland Ore- f:on, Seattle Waah,, and various points n Oregon and Washington. Collections made at ull points on fav orable termi. Ileal KaUle fqr Mule. Twenty-three lots, located from Sev enth street to Twelfth, for sale at from 50 up, Inquire at the Columbia Hotel. a29.t' 'A Ik i i 4 .3E il a: f 3r sienmer ojv.n? schtdule, schetiule without Str. Roeulator Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. C W)'S (J. I.v Dalles K atT.v I. h Tuesday fl TJiuisday .. .Saturday. 5" Arr. Portland p. nt t:S0 r. M. 5 IK I.v a'T.i . Monday . WediipslaS" . . .. Frldnv Arr. Dulles at 5 l'. i:. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, - Travel by the Steamers of the Peculator I.lnc M rous the best sciviei i"''lble. f, Portland Ollice, Oak-Street Docfc. P . J (. 'VSl. J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors Commepcjal SampIe tym Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of the City. 9 9 l'honoe: rI Local, 85S Loup Dis lance. L. Lane, OENKP.AL Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish rathora' Wagan. Tbirt and Mcrm Piione 159 r lustirTuT till III Advertise in the Chronicle Blacksmith ihANDim Horsesnoer I TS' 'ii : as i i to AW a' is:. to I 'US; n I 3 he Dnllcn, Of. The Chronicle, dob Printer.;. , 'as! I3t? I3-S! li IS 3S 5S uS la I i Ll I r"mrrjcxr2.-ri r--AiiA-rxA-r aatjit jtt xrA'ji--t-r.r- , J' iteMrmB to ire to Ilcppuer or limits on Columbia Southcrr In Hlitm.itioaW 'i take Nn. 2, leaviui; The lljtiici nt u 40 p. o. nTiri TTT A "T""D T T"NT"C ') inn,.liij direct wun'wutunnut HetipnerjuactkQ rt.PilT'l'J 'V'V JuJLXN J2j. ? 11 "d Hlirit ItetiirnliiKnirAliiKdirccteoiiutctlni - at Heppncr Juiictlon and IKutr-t w. 1th No. I.u DALLES, PORTLAND k ASIOHIA KAY. COMPANY 01 me neguintnr Line nin run ns per tne tnl y the Corupuny reservinc the right to change j notice. "3 Str. Dalles City. imwy I.v. Dalles ni; a. v. .Moiidny Wtdncsduy . . Friday Arr. Portland nt :3) f. M. l. . Portland ,5 nt T 10 a. x. Tuedy '2 ... Thursday ,3 Hnturday K Arr. Dalles 'H nt.') r. n. , The ComiMtny will endeavor to give lt tU ,5 For further Information address S W. C. ALLAWAY, Com. Agt. How pleasing to the ear. How easy in action. How grand and beautiful in appoarance arc the new "Lindell," "United Makers' and "Kimball" Pianos at Jacobsen Books Music Co. 1 173 Second Street. lrV-W C. F. Stephens ...Doalor In.,. tty Goods, Clothing, Cents' Farnishings. IlooU, Bhoes. HnU, Cnp. NoIIoiin. Act. lor W. U DoiikIiih Hhue. Telephone No. t&, 131 Second Ht Tbe Dalles, Or, Pliysiciau aud Surgeon, Office, Vogt Ulook (over PoitoBoe), iOplinodwr the PAUJJS, 0tEUON. EES I liltrAKT run TIKK CCItf.l.lLr. Know Uauk. Fast i ' 31 all Halt Ijikc, ltciiver, Ft., lj 'ii p. in. City. w. t.(J"' ChlCttRti und Fast. f a Atlnlttir, KxiirvKs 12:50 n. in, Via Hunt ItiXtnit. Halt IjiWs, Deuvir vt, t i. Worth. OmaliH, knn 'KtL n uity, Mt um, Chicago mid Last SliokHtie j WiiIIe Wi.IIh, Sjoiaue, SwiV,,. J MlntiMiiKjlls. st bTO i 3lnll mid Kxpiwis u in i ii, sinnaiiktv, ChlMKO and Kbj. via Kirn.. Spi.knnenkd lliiiitnn;. r" ton: hIw nt. pm ti m irn Orenon. K& P S p. ni TnOM I'OKTLAKII Ocean Steamilni -i, For Kan Fraiicl'ctt Kvery Five a j. m. , 4n. Fx.tjUUdayiCotumhln P.v. Bteawri. Ex imt, (TO Aktokia and Wny Saturday Uiudtngs. in p. m. fin. m. . Willamette Hiver, 4:Md q. Ex.sundnyiOrwm (:itv, Newh-n:, Ex.hunHj ! tulcui k AVay Kuid . I T. in, WtLLAJITTTE AND VAM S.3ti.c itifK.Tliur.i mu. K:vep Jlon.,Wcil aud J-'mL lOrtTon City, Iatou, aadfrL i and Way-I sndJiiRH. Skakk lttvr.i;. Klpurie to Iwistou. Lxirt Lxwirrox ilillj 9.C0-n I.v Itlpiirln rtaliy J 'X- u. in. ; Sjisilssas'r. nvmc ot ine j)mie u' p m " a N. ro. i 5 KC 3: bll'I'.T -ttaiiJ.Or. p i. itefl Pa Yellowstone Park Line. a THE DINING CAR ItOl'l E FIK'M I'OKTUSP TO THE KAHT THE ONLY D I It KIT UXB TO Tilt YELLOW- STONE l'AUK Union Depot, Filto and! sis akwk. i.tiVi:. No. ! Fnt mail for Taituna No. i-eattle, 01mpla. ' mv ' Harbor and South lir-.u points, hp.ikum- It'1--, .land, II. ("., Putlmiii.. 3Ioncow, Istnu. llii! ll:l& A. 31. fuloIluiiiPinlulugC' ' . Wl'.JI. try, Helen a, .Mlnm-ai 1 II11, St. Paul, Omaha Kninns City, St I.'HIH .ChlcaRO nnd nil inai.ts No. t. . eail mid southeast. No.- l'liset hound Fxpn -s 11:40 P. 31. for Tiicomn and -,0JA.-.nnd Interuiedlatu hi1i1P Pullman IImI-kImk! und touri t .tvirJ M 3:iniieapolI, Ht. l'ul and Jllsuur. r.vcri-owu without rhanae. ,. . ViMitihuled trains. Union depot c .jincctioi in all principal ultlcf. llit,'a(!e checked to de.itlnatlou of tickv'ts. For handsomely lllllittinteddeirrlp'.v- mitln. tleketn, kltepliit; tar reervatIoni, etc call uno' write A. D. CHARLTON, AMlntnnt Ueneial PawiiKer Arc;' i Mnrrl on BlreL-t,euriK-r Thlid, Portland Omtuii. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Train leave! ho Dalkn for Portland mid wJI Ktalluob ut l ii u. 111. mid 3 p, in. U-ave Portland fiiSOiim ":??P? " Athany 1-jjUOiim H):1!"11 Arrive Ashland " Hucrameiito " Han Francisco .... .v.uii.m i;-m ,. l:0 pin Anlvo ORdon " Denver " KansattUty. " C'lileaifo .., . 6-ISo m 11 .V. UiWain fiW;" Arrive U aiikcIck 1 tifO p m ' F.l Paoo 0:Ul p m " Fort Worth CSO " " t;ity of Mexico , PiMum " Hoimton liWu in " New Orleans TiivS" in " WaiihlnKtoii Oil.'am " New York l'.'sUpm r.lflani r,:( I1 w fijlaia ySUin l;Waw frill'"1 ii IJdi" l'UI'O PulliiiHa nnd Tourlut cum on IwyU'rJ, Chair cam Haerumento to OEdeii mi'l Iaq,'. and tourist earn to Chicago, at Ixiul. IcHiiB nnd Washington. ConuectliiK ut Kan KrHiiclico with wvcrjl Htoinmlilp llnuJi for Honolulu, Japaiii 1'lilllppliie.i, Central uud South America, Bvo agent at Tho Dllc3 nUtloii, or mltlttw C. H. MARKHAM, Oeucrul Ptiiger Agent, iMrt.uiid. Or JK OKISBMDOKrrt-B Physician aud Surejeou, BpocUl uttenUon gtvou to turnery. Hoomi at and , Tel. m Vt II Soumern Pacilio Co.