The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 18, 1900, Image 3

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    Voa May
J4ave Hafd
tkicli expressions as "The Coat seoms to Tdg alright, only
the collar doesn't seem to fit;" or ' I think the back wrinkles
a little." There is where the average clothier "falls down;" ho
doesn't try to avoid tho wrinkles in his clothing; ho is neglectful of
details. When we sell you a suit of clothes we want your friends to
he able to say
6 t
Who's Voup Clothier?"
Foil Sjylcs in Gents' Suits and Overcoats, Top-coats and Ul-
sters. We never nave snown a greater collection, anu irom tne lm-
' nicnse sales already we know that our prices a little lower than else
where. Many exclusive things hero, too. You'll get a better idea
of this stock if you look through. It costs nothing to look-.
Children's Kangaroo Calf, but
ton and lace.
Children's Kid, button and lace.
Heavy Soles plump stock.
Sizes 6 to 8 $1.15
Sizes 8 1-2 to 11, - $1.35
Sizes 11 1-2 to 2, - $1.65
Excellent School Shoes. Your
money's worth in every pair.
Pease & Mays'
Shoe Department.
Dress Goods..
rainy-day skirts in all tho latest
navy and black.
tailor .suits.
Suit and Skirt
In our Suit and Skirt Depart
ment the stock is now complete, and
we have some startling bargains to
Have you seen our RAINY
correct thing for Fall wear.
C4ive the department a call.
All CoodB Marked
In Pluln Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
TL'KSDAV - - - "WptTiB.ToOO
At Andrew Keller's.
Girl wanted to do general housewoik
inn family of two; no children. Muy
attend tehcol or otherwise, sll-lw
Thu ludiuB of St. l'uul'ri Guild will
meat with MrH. J. K. Moore tomorrow
aftvrnoou. A full attendance Is desired.
A imtrriago license wua issued yepter
day to Stanley McMunony and Molllo
Knioteur, hoth of tho Dufur neighbor
hood. Tin: Ciiiionku.i: regrets to loam that
the infant son of James Ilenson, Jr., of
Fivo Mile, died nt tho fiimily residence
this morning of BpinnI meningitis.
llev. A. D, SksffS, former pastor of
the Cln ibtitvn church in Thu Dulles, will
preach in tho Christian church nt 7:110
Wednesday evening. All cordially In
vited to attend.
Kii3.ui 11. Anthony, thu woman sull'ra
yiet, is ill ut hor home in Uoehestur, N.
V., having suffered from n collapse.
Meuitiors of hor family nay hor condition
ia not alarming. Shi) in 80 years old.
Tho Seventh U. R. Infantry band
pawed thruuuh town from Vancouver
visti-rduy on tho way to Pendleton to
fill a week's engagement to play for tho
ftni't dur that commenced thorn thin
inuriiiiiK. """"
A yojiiy hotninn pigeo.i belonging to
Sam Wilkinson who taken up tho road
ami eut frcu Saturday morning nt a point
near I,u Grande, 87 miloa from hero.
The bird got back hero at 10 o'clock thin
The ladles' Good Intunt Society will
"lent at tho residence of MrH. Smith
French tomorrow i Wednesday) t 2
"'clock. Thu president des'iiee all who
possibly can to come, aa there in buei
nues of importance.
Out) of tho largest feoa ever paid a gen
ral practitioner for services in a einglo
case will bo received by Dr. J. N. Mc
Connack, of Howling G rcen, for litfl at
lendanco upon William Goebol after he
was Phot at Frankfort, Ky. Tho fee
palil id $10,000.
Next Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at
Hie Congregational church, Mm. Helen
Haiford, state preBidout of the W. O. T.
u. will meet with tho union. A most
cordial Invitation in extended to thu
public to attend this mooting
Joaquin Miller, the poet, who ia in
China, credlte LI Hung Chant' with pay
lnK that if it had boon known that there
was not much loot in Pokin. tho allied
forces would not have been In such a
Imrry to get there, Mlllor met tho old
statesman tit Canton, nnd had a long I
interview with him.
travel train was wrecked this fore
noon ut u point tliie tiidu Celilo and
fourteen care thrown off the track. It
occurred iust In time to obstruct Ko, 2,
that arrives here at 12:15. Transfer
was mudo with Ko. 1 west-bound, and
tho substitute for No. 1 passed through
here west-uounu at i:.SU p. in.
Whinnle Bros. & Douidas, of tho Des
chutes nrecinct. have iuM finished
threshing a crojrof 7000 bushels of wheat
and barlev from a IMO-aoro field, sixty
acrea of which they cut lor nay, wlille
fifty acrea of thu wheat, as well as the
barley, were spring sowing. The boys
have 400 acres of summer fallow ready
for seeding.
Mrs. Helen D. Harford, stale presi
dent of the W. G. T. U., will addresB a
public temperauco meeting in tho M. E.
church on Friday evening at 7 :30 o'clock.
Mrp. Haiford ie a very logical thinker,
a clear reasoner, and a very pleasant and
winning speaker. The Ioc.ii union bo
epeaks for thu lady a largo audience.
Labor ia so hcarco that tho hop-growers
at Puyallup wait at the tiains and
quarrel over who shall have any men in
search of woik. That goes to show that
if Mr. Bryan depends upon thu army of
niL'in ployed for ids uupport in Wash
ington, his voto ie likely to he as numer
ous as tho proverbial corporal's guard
Walt and Charley Douglas, of the Des
chutes precinct, have just closed n
threshing run of thirty-two daya with a
J. I, Case 312-Inch thresher, during which
thttv nvernired over 2000 bushels a day,
or a total of 03,000 bushels. The latest
run wiih 1525 sacks of wheat in one day.
They would like to hear of any machine
of tho same bIkb that has beaten thla
Theru are ninety-one veterans of the
different warH in the Oregon Soldiers'
Home, classified as follows: Nine Mex
ican, twenty-five Indian, fifty-six Civil
and one Spanish war votciiui. Of these
twenty-one are hospital patients, most
of them permanently such. There are
but two empty nous in tne nospiuu, n
number inadequate to meet emeigencies
which may arise any day.
Uncle Johnnv Graham, who returned
vi.ftrdiiv from a visit to Sherman
county, Bays all the farmers over that
way say they aro coming to ino mines
fair, sure, He says, what is quite .true,
that hardly any of tho farmers attended
, Portland fair. They weie too busy;
but moat of them will bo froo to take a
two or three days' lay oil" by the time
tho Dalles fair opens, and they arc going
to do it.
w. II. Vnn Dibbor has abandoned the
dairy business and sold the younger por-
Hon of hie mlloh cows to u. t. uoiiiue.
Tho older cows he will fatten and dis
pose of for beef. Mr. Van Bibber has
been In the dairy business for thirty-live
years. Every morning of these long
years, with ono exception, if memory
serves us, at a little after midnight Mr.
Vun Bibber oovorod tho threo miles be
tween here and hlu ranch and delivered
to his customers the two mllklngs of the
previous twenty-four hours. He has
grown rich and prosperous and might,
years ago, have retired from business
on an ample competence bad not old
habits kept him in the harness.
On his last visit to England Bishop
Potter, of New York, was addressed aa
"your grace" until the phrase became a
nightmare. When he arrived home
again it happened that the first person
to address him as he walked down the
uansrniank was a longshoreman who
knew him. "Hullo, bish, how are you .'
Baid the man, nnd the bishop fell to
thinking which of tho two styles he pre
Dr. II. E Smith, of the Oregon In
firmarv of Osteopathy of Portland, and
graduate of the American school of oste
opathy of Kirkavillo, Mo., under the
founder. Dr. A.T. Still, will open an
ollice in The D.iiles Tuesday, Sept. 18th,
where lie will be prepared to treat all
(lirnniR and ncuto diseases. OillCO
ro-juis 11 and 12, Chapman block.
hours 9 a. m. to 12 in.; 1 :30 to 4 p. m.
every day except Sunday.
Thero seems to be no money in the
cayuso-canning business and consequent
ly the abattoir at Linnton will sliut
down within a short time. The expor
tation of canned horee-meat to European
countries '.has been discouraged by re
strictive legislation, and by the acts of
foreign countries in every way. This
being the case, the peaceful career of
the herds of horses on thu hillsides of
Eastern Oregon will no longer be inter
rupted. J. It. Burton, a prominent lawyer of
Abilene, Kan, made a republican
White river route and expect to com
mence operations this fall. It will take
nine miles of flume to bring the water
on the flat, at an eatiinated cost of $0000,
or Eome $50 for each quarter section lo
be benefited. It is calculated to build a
V flume, with three foot sides and a ca
pacity of 1100 miners' inches. The
flume will have a grade of a little less
than an inch to the rod, which will give
a flow of four and a half miles an hour.
These estimates will give each quarter
section to bo benefited fivo miners'
inches of water. The ranchers will erect
a saw mill of their own for the purpose
of getting the lumber needed for the
flume. They expect in a short time to
have their organization perfected so that
they can accomplish a3 much work as
possible before winter i;ets in.
Chris Dethman, a prosperous Hood
River fruitman, was in town last night.
Office I Mre- C. W. Taylor, of Walla Walla,
nrriveu ueru oamruijy uh vicn iu
her mother, Mrs. E. M. Wileon.
Representative M. A. Moody and M.
T. Nolan went, to Portland this afternoon
on tho delayed train in order to hear the
speech of Senator Fairbanks tonight.
Mr. F. II. Hurlhurt, cashier of thu
Shanlko bank, and Mr. Hammond, an
official of the Columbia Southern, were
in town today and left for Shanlko on
tho noon train.
Mrs. G. W. Eeelv, of Watsonvillo,
Calif., and Mrs. D. L. Mann, of Oik
land, Calif., accompanied by Mrs.
Mann's daughter, Mrs. Leonora Martin,
of San Francisco, aro visiting relatives
and friends at The Dalles anil Boyd.
Mrs. Maun and her daughter were resi
dents of The Dalles twenty years ago
first visit heiu tnico
. . . ... I ftUU IUIB IH lUUlf
eueech at Sedalia, iMo a snort time ago t ,L t tim0
. . .i ;
to an immense auuience biiu iwuivru
llmvo .lien Fall
Victims to stomach, liver aud kidney
troubles aa well aa women, and all feel
the results in loss of appetite, poisons in
lite blood, backache, nervousness, head
ache and tired listless, run-down feel
ing. But there's no need to feel like
that. Listen to .f. W. Gardner, Idaville,
Ind. He says: "Electric Bitters are
just the thing for a man when he is all
run down, uud don't caro whether he
lives or dies. It did more to give mo
new strength and good appetite than
anything I could take. I can now eat
anything and have a new lease on life."
Only 50 cents, at Blakeley's drug Btore.
Every bottle guaranteed. 3
Mrs. E. Julian has bought tho Cates
wood saw. Partiee wanting wood sawed
will please leavo ordeie at the Julian
lodging house, or communlcato with
'phone 201. slO-lw
Mrs. Phillips is prepared to furnish
cut flowers and all kinds of floral de
signs an short notice. Phone number
.'J97. slO-lm
JTur Sulu.
Ilubber-tii'o buggy, at Porter's stable;
nrly now; good condition. sepGlw
Clark & Fulk are never closed Sunday
Don't foraei this.
Clark A Falk's drug
fresh and complete.
slock iu new,
Working Might nnd lift
The busiest and mightiest little thin
that ever was made ia Dr. King's Now
Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated
globule of health, that changes weakness
into strength, listleesnesa into energy,
brain-fag into mental power. They're
wonderful in building mi tho health.
Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley,
the druggist. 3
For Male.
Tho two buildings owned by Mrs. E.
Julian, on Court street, between Second
and Third, now occupied as n lodging
hoiiee and dressmaking shop. Tho
buildings will be sold, furnished or un
furnished, cheap for c.ifih. Apply to
Mrs. E. Julian. (3-lmd
Four or fivo hove. Koinir to school'
during winter, to board. $12 a month
with room nnd plain wnshinir. Across
street from High school. Apply at
Chronicle office. d.iwlm
Healthful drinks are not luxuries, they
are necessities. A full line of cool nnd
refreshing porter, ale, mineral water and
beers kept on ice. Take a bottle hotne
for lunch. C. J. Stubling. Phone 234. .
Hustling young man can make $60 per
month and expenses. Permanent posi
tion. Experience unnecessary. Write
quick for particulars. Clark & Co.,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel
phia, Pa, s8tf
Tho largest and most complete line of
fall and winter millinery ever displayed
in tho city at the Campbell & Wilson
millinery parlors. The prices will sell
the goods. t8tf
Why pay !f 1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Falk, agents. ml
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarko
& Falk.
Drying preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh; they dry up tho secretions,
which adhero to tho menibrano and decom
pose, causing a far more serious trouble thau
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalnuts, fumes, smokes and enuffa
nnd use that which cleanses, soothes aud
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
easily cad pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho
50c. sizo. Ely Brothers, 50 Warren St., N.Y.
Tho Balm curc3 without pain, does not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surfaco, reliev
ing immediately tho painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm you nro armed
against Nnsal Catarrh aud Hay Fever.
plays & Giowe
the ch)6est attention. Only once was he
interrupted when a Bryanito on a front
seat called out in stentorian tones:;
"The republicans have nominated two
kings." Burton stopped and in tho
most Htiivo manner said : "My friend,
don't you know that two kings always
Doat two jacks?"
"If 1 were to givo you an orange,"
said n learned judge, "1 would simply
oay, 'I give you tho orange, ' but should
thu transaction be intrusted to a lawyer
to put in writing he would udopt this
form: "I horoby grant, give and con
vey to you all my intereet, right, title
and advantage of and in eald orange, to
gether with its rind, skin, juice, pulp
and pits, and all rights and advantage
therein, with full power to bite, euck, or
otlierwiso eat the eame, or give away
with or without tho rind, skin, juice,
pulp or pits, anything herolnbeforo or in
any other deeds or deeds, instruments
of any nature or kind whatsoever to the
contrary in any wise notwithstanding."
County survoyor J. B. Goit has re
turned from Juniper Flat, where he
made two surveys, ono fiom Clear creek
aud tho other from White river, for thu
purpose of determining which lo the
more practicable way to get water for
irrigating and domestic purposes on the
Flat. The ranchers, who have made up
their minds to do the work without ask
ing outside help, finally decided on the
To Dolluijiif nt Tuxiuiyerx.
Tho County Court having authorized
tho immediate collection of delinquent
taxes, I am compelled to comply with
its request, and will therefore proceed at
once to advertise. If you aro delinquent
yon will save cost und expenses by im
mediate payment. All personal prop
erty unpaid will bo attached at tho cost
and expense of the owner without fur
ther notice. RoiiKitr Km.i.Y,
Sheriff of Wasco Co., Or.
1 he Dalles Sept. 17, 1900. 17-28d-w
Annual fall and winter opening ot
millinery will tako place at thu Camp
bell & Wilson millinery parhis Tues
day and Wednepday, Sept. 18th and
10th. Everyone cordially invited to
call nnd inspect un elegant display of
patturu hats, ladies' and children's
trimmed hats, stieet hats and tain '
chanters. ... 12-18
For Infauts and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought of
ass- mmm
:S -v
fcJ RE GUT i
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist.
Ice Cream and
Oyster Parlors
Don't forgot thu vltascopo exhibition
at the Baldwin tonight at S :30 o'clock.
Mrs H. L. Jones has opened ice
cream and oyster p uiors in Uarey nai
lard's old stand. 6he ciri loa
A full line of Candies,
Nuts and Cigars.
The place has been thoroughly ren
ovated, and a share of the public patron
age is solicited.
Tho only store it
this city whero the
Genuine Imported
Ware ia sold.
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
u dozen piecesof so
called cheap euani
cled ware.
Other waves look
lias tho name
St mucky - Steel
Waro on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prizo nt 1C
International Kxiii
bitions, Highest
award nt World t
Columbian Exlubi
Hon, Chicago Pre
f erred by tho best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity und
durability it is
cheapest because
Reraombor this
celebrated enam
eled wave ia special
ly imported for and
Fold in this city ex
clusively by us,
It does not nisd
nor absorb grease,
does not discolor
nor catch Inside, is
in fruits or
will boil,
etow, roast
nnd buko
with on t
flavor of
nook o d
food mid
will Inst
for yenra.
Vo can.
tion tlu
pi i bl w