The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY - SEPT. 18, 1900 For President WILLIAM M'KINLEY, Of Ohin. Fqr Vlcr-l'renlrtent THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of New York. BRYAN ON LINCOLN. territory it ever owned with the liberality nnd generosity it has shown to Forto Hico. Let us mention one pnrticulnr in proof of this allegation: During the year 1899 thero was col lected nuil paid into the United States treasury from the territories of Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Alaska the sum of $2,134,00-1. i Of this sum there was returned to j these territories, for the wages of federal officials nnd for other federal like Mr. expenditures, the sum of 4 16,330, has been leaving a net balance of profit to the from treasury of $1,737,65-1.1 S. The profit Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boot nnd Shoes, at much lees thnn wholesale prices. Will eell in hulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All poods will be sacrificed except Thompson's filovo-fittiric Corsets ami Hutterick Patterns. Your prices will he mine. Call early and secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. The Globe-Democrat, Bell in the Oreconian, studying Aryan's quotations i rnanifc Hmr nro nnt from Alaska, nlnne. amounted to I strictly complimentary to either $927,132.80. That is to say, vre.MT. ANGELl COIjljECxili, Bryan or his running mate. The ! took from Alaska, in the form of im- - " 1,. Globe-Democrat says: port taxes and internal revenue,' COIldUCted by tile BeneCllCtllie F &tlierS. Brvau in his speeches frequently j nearly a million dollars more thau ' quote's Lincoln. He did this in hi's we paid back in the form of federal . Tlie Ideal Place IOr YOUl' BOyS. address in Ohicago on Labor da-, j expenditure. Thus out of every 5 - 'Monarchy itself is sometimes hinted i collected in the four territories less j W ill ReOpeil Oil Sept. 5 til, 1900. possible refuge from the than 1 goes back to be expended! " Lincoln in these territories. In other words at us a power of the people," said in a message which Bryan refers to. ; over 80 per cent of the money col- !A Difficult Problem. $ i .oo per month. Strictly 11 rut chips local nn.l long diBlnncn telephone ftivico within your home. l.hicfl do not crnstnlk. Ynur con viTBrttion will he kept h accrot. No cobi for installing. You trot the etnndurd Ilunning Lone Distiuit Instrument. Continuous c)rv and night service. Wu will accept your contrnct for ten yeurp and allow you to cancel BHtno on (giving ub thirty days writ ten notice. PAOiriC STATES TBLEPH0HE COS. "In mv present position I could lected by the United Stales, is - it js auionp the most difficnlt prob scarcely be justified were I to omit j expeuded for the general purposes of ;J,esm'' 'l'TSA raising n warning voice against tins approach' of returning despotism." When Lincoln said this he, of course, had Bryan's party friends in Jeffer son Davis' government .in view. A few sentences earlier than those the union and is so much clear profit , Co., by their combination, hrm over- nnt nf tl.ncn i.rritnring XV.iv lnr nc COllIC till? difficulty in B practical lliail- see how we have treated Porlo Rico, j Under the law that has been so bitter- ner. J. E. Adcos is nn expert watch-) maker and is pood on jewelry, optical ' work and encravinc. while Theo. U. ! I.imIim io nn pvnnrl nntirinn uritl in innd ly and let us charitably hope, in on watch repairing, jewelry work and j mauy cases isuorantly denounced ' enpravine. Their price is ne low at con- " airfunf trilli rrri w nrtrmonulitn I lint' quoted by Bryan, Lincoln said that by the Bryanites, not a single dollar i rtre prepared to do all work in their j . . ... .,.. i uo -i . .:., Ur.l- (t:i n nn nnlnrt frnm Min t'nrt n I'monc rtnnc srvciai mice, uu auui i nuiiuu, " " ' I. , . , leent bv insurrection is largely, if not ex-j into the (Lnited Mates treasury. ; prompt clusively, a war upon the Tirst prin- j Every dollar so collected, whether in j Watch.' rishts of the people." ! Porto Rico, goes into a separate fund j The Confederacy, according to 'and is spent on the islanders. The j Lincoln nnd every other friend of : people of a territory pay taxes for; the Union, made "war upon the first j the support of the general govern-: principle of popular government , ment, precisely the same as do the( mail or exoress will receive i attention. 'Sipn, "1 Red J If a resident of New Mexico makes cigars he paysj the same internal revenue taxes as are paid by a resident of Oregon.' In both cases the money collected j goes into the United States treasuiy. In neither case does a dollar of it , ever go back to the state or territory for the building of roads, making sanitary improvement, caring for the poor and unfortunate or supporting schools. But every dollar collected on Porto Rican imports and exports i is expended on the Porto Ricans themselves, and the most of it is ex pended on purely local affairs, such as arc invariably supported from direct taxation in the states and ter ritories. The only exception, there fore, that we are making in the case of Porto Rico is in treating her bet ter than we have ever before treated any territory of the United States. A full line of hoys' New York Cash Store. the rights of the people." Some of people of the states. liryan s relatives, however, in lsul C5 were in sympathy with the Con federates' war, and Br an, of course, would have been if he had been old enough at the time. They were copperheads, and did all they could to obstruct and defeat the Union cause. If Bryan had been twenty or twenty-five years of age during the war of secession there is a strong probability that he would have been a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle, like his running mate Stevenson. He would have made speeches for Yallandigham in 18G0 in Ohio, have aided the tlrafl rioters in New York in the same 3'ear, and have got himself into Fort Lafayette, Fort "Warren or some other place vhere rebel sympathizers in the North were locked up. "When Bryan made this quotation from Lincoln he ought to have told his audience the conditions under which Lincoln spoke. The persons who were trying to establish "mon archy" werC.Jefferson Davis and his friends, whom Bryan would have been aiding at the time if he had been old enough to nttract any at tention. Yallandigham, "stcvenson, Jesse D. Bright, Milligan nnd thous ands of other Bryanites who were then well known or who became so afterward, were doing their little and level best to brace Jefferson Davis up and to extend the mon nrchy oil over the country. The men whom Bryan, for selfish pur poses, now lands, would have been denounced and obstructed by Bryan if Bryan had been on the stump in the war of secession days. Bryau would have hated Lincoln as much as any one did who was ever locked up in a northern militarj' prison. He is preaching the same fort of flag! lurling now which he would have advocated in 18G4, and he will have just as little influence on events to day as his fellow-copperheads had then. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAURAJlT And CAFE. J. B. Crossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street. clothing at the ! 9 Butehefs and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keorm on draupht llio celebrated COl.rMlllA UKEK, nclcnmv: edged the tvst beer In The Dulles, Ht the uniiiil ptice. Come In, try It nnd bt convinced. Aim the Finest brauda oi Winch, Urjnor mid Cigars. Saodtaiehes of all Kind!) nhvejrs on band. Complete of Drills at M.Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ol v 11 kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, X?uKd Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour Thia Hour ip manufactured exjirenDly for faralh ubu: cverv nack I irur.ranteed to dve Haiwhrtini.'. Wa eull our poods lower than any bouse in the trude, aud if you don't think so ' call and got eur prices and be eouvinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whaat. Barley and Oats istress after eating U ctosed from tho stomach not BWnalsK Its work iramedtaUly. untu it irets to work you feel dit. the food Urn In your atom- tre&Md- ch Ukn u weight EXCEPTION A L THE A THE NT POUTO 1UCANS. OF "The generous treatment of the Porto Ricans accords with the most liberal thought of our own country and encourages the beat aspirations of the people of the island," says the president in his letter of acceptance. And that sums up the Porto Rican question in one sentence. For the United SieJea has sever treated any To start dbetian in mil. Btoauoh do its work you mut asswt It II your stomach Is weak or eiowr f to work. Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 proper manner. To get tho lxrt rwults uso Baldwin's Health Tr.blota Ivo. S5 with tho Dyspopda Tablet. The Dyspepsia Tablets coat Oo and can be hid at Cbrko & Falk, Tho Dalles, Ortgon. F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & Lailn. Tiioiic 157 Just What You uaant. i ?Q jT?) IK fll v . I 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Nasal CATARRH In all It ttaxe there should be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Bala clean K,ioothej and heal the dlwatd cicmbrsn. It cures catarrh and drires away a cold in the head quickly. Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils, spreads orer the membrane and is absorbed. Bellsfis Im mediate and a care follows. It is not drying does not produce sneezing. Large Sue, CO cents at Drug. ghiU or by null ; Trial Sue, 10 cents by mall. W5V JXKTIIKI18, K Warren Street, New York. trade marks Designs COPVRIGHTO &C. ' PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. irTV SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! as &&&&&& Do you know tlmt John 1'iiHhck. tins tiiilor, ia ngetit for to of the target uiurclmut tnilorini: lioii6i'H in AinuncnV Do you know tlmt lie will hull yon n suit, mndu to vour order, ns elii-Hp uh the hiin(.it,t)-lown, rendv-tnude, vou buy in life utoree, and HUiiruuttH! t fit or no euIu? V Do you know tlmt lie line nlrcmlv on hand for the coming fH X and wiulur trndu tliu liandtiOuitiHt nnd finest lino of bUinnloH in Tliu Dalles? ji JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent, f BgH3B bSb5h New ideas in U'nll Pa pur hero. Such wide variety ns wo are allowing novor be fore urnced a Dintjlo stonk. Real imita tion croton etfeute ut ordinary pricee. Good papers ut cheap paper priceB. iiit'Baiu ueaigns, tuatelul coloriiiKs, yours i f " oihuii juiuu-, uv our more on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Te GQluinDm PacRifig Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF THE CELEBRATED AnronoK'ndlnn n ftVctcl, nnd rtencilnllon ma- llmittrlctJrcoiirjil;iitfal. Handbook on I'atunK oil cklr uaccrl.lln unr UDliilun freo wlirthor n' iiiTennon is pnn.nDiy piiicnianic. torniiiimlc. tent froo. Olileit Bdonoy for eecurmi; uatciiu I'dlm.ta taken thrmik'ti Jlutiii ft Co. rcccWu tratalnltist, rlthout ch.iruo, Initio Scientific American, A h.indiomcl illuatralei weekly. IJirueit rlr. liiUtliiit ut anr tclentlUo lnurtiul, 'J'ertus. 13 a your: four rnontba, tl. Sola nyall nontdealeio. MllNN&Co.30,BNewVqrk branch OMea, c31 V fit, Waiuimitoii, V. 7 fMl!MftS. ONE FOR A DOtl. P.'"?? ?". Purlfrtb Blood, Vur uvadaebe and UraiMMU, DLLS tu day U Bx-eMirr MAHOKACTUBERB OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JIUF.D BEEF. ETC. .. .COIiUIWBlA BREWERY.... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Oi the product of this well-known brewery tho United States Health Imports for Juno 28. 1009, aye: "A mon) aupeilor brew never entered the htbriitory of the United States Health reports. It is ubnolutely duvoiu of the alishteat trace of adulteratiuii, but on thu-olher hand is composed of tliu best of ma t and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the life"; est and it can ho used with the ureatoot benefit nnd satisfaction hv old d voiiuc. Its use can couecientiouhly he prescribed hv tho physicians itl' tho ccrenlnty that a hottur, purer or iiioro wholeaoniu bovernuo couM no' possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. J.H.HCHENCI, i'ruildent. U. JI.lllUI.L, C'UHlltCT first national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Buainese transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds prompt remitted on day of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, Han Francisco and port- land. DIKKOTOMa D. P. TliOMraox. Jno. 8. Soiinmi. Ed. M. Williams, Gio. A, Lusa. tl. M. HBALL, Gyandall & Barget DEALEHS IN fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes Funeral Supplies r) embalmers Etc. ir s? The Dalles, Or. State fiotmal School, MONMOUTH, - . OREGON. Pall Term Opens September 18, 1900.,,;nt', ' ,Nor"!',1 k1 f,rc mA to take tlio Btnto Cortlflcato ImmeUlsWlT wrT TJ',llr ""T0 K,m ,03ttll"", Kaiwiiio of year mm IW to 1150. ,..,, Welt ttXtt A (Jour,us- 1c'r"'rc 1,1 MHm"" " Kor cataloKue containing lull aiiiiouncoinonta na.lreHH , ,,, 1'. U CAMi'llKM,, I'rwWuut. or W A. WANK, QesreUry oi cu'