It m i-cnrLC COMING asp going. E B. Wood and W. KiuU were in town today from Moier. T. Tralher. of Hood Kiver, was in town today. Mrs. Eshelroan went to Wasco today on a vith to Mre. W . " tiess. Hon. Charles Hilton is resistercl at ,. thu Umatiila Hon?e from I'orland. Superintendent C. 1. Gill ert came up from Hood River on tne noon train. j fhnri IeA.lhc'er i registered at ' the Una luU HouYromGTenod. j w,e , , . Mrs. L. V. Wood, of Mower, has pane , to-San Francisco to spend the winter. Ju'ticeTimothv Brownlill has cone on a business trip to Sherman connty. j . ... . I O J. VanPuvn find wife, ol iygii, in mn totav on their way home f rem Portland. I - i .... ulav (mm Mn-r whe'ie he i lurninc his ftnit' periment ttmiou ftt this p'ace DABE XOT EAT BEEF Katives of India Starve with Mil lions of Cattle. lleHRloin Observances Prevent Them from firatlfIiiff the Crnvlnis of Jntiire- l'nmlne iu Venro. of Plenty. la isrn bim u-6 drier niaht anrJ dsy anu, u js paiu, o:uc mtncaie sys.em t.nt. -. . . " -. vir a-factorv work. I which is made still more complicated r.wirce llcneo, of The Pailes, Orfcmr, Jm'.s r-f Wk,rt:v...fthesatea,ricnltur iby the frequent chants in designs hui Kvan. -'t5.. n Lil .i I WH-h.ntton. i in the citv Ami there stands ihe constant object -"Di . U'lTZ of e,tab hhinc an ex- lesson of the U-.nk of Emrland notes. v0TICE FOR PUBLICATION. million-i of cattle couid not ne soic. ror mediate and a cure follows, it is noi uryic-; uuts , 54; cents a head. The country, yellow E0; produce !ceeU:-:. LarscS-ae.SOccatjatDrus- I id parched, ha, been turned into a - desert by the failure of the Monsun OTUVa-en .cwTo.l, rains. There are grass lands and fod- , wrs (b,v whh t;,e der in other parts of India, but the - - , .Vi,TS,. poor animals are too weak to be driven dtarrhoii, eays J. U. I'oak, i...atns , to them, even if there were, cattle buy- ; Ofecon. "We were unable to cure him j r to take tbem awav; so they die! with the doctor's assistance, and as fc ' like Hies, succumbing to starvation far ', iat resort e tried Chamberlain's Colic, more quickly than their owners. The;Qj,0era an(j Diarrtati Kemedy. 1 am , tbou?ht has never occurred, to tne -wih tiWjOiMUniHan peasantrj now MiiTVnne ! from hunger that the cattle wn.ud B, have been a food resource to title them over the months of crop failure. They J have plenty of cattle. Anion? all the , unimaU of India the various breeds ot T,nrr, nntl lmmned cattle hnlii the firs; place. Thev are the draft nm-.uay nnu "cuUa,, mals in the little field of the poorest . 19tb. Everyone cordially invited to p-asant. AH the transportation of the J call and inspect au elegaut display of inland roads depend upon them. The pattern hats, ladies' and children's household that has not its cow is in the , trimmed hats, street hats and tarn o' direst poverty. ehaater5. 12-1S Suppose these natives, when the i riims pointed unmistakably to a sea- Fr the convenience of parties want , r.f ..-on f!.;nrf. bad cured under I inp ire in the afternoons, the Stadelman . . - Omiunml 1nnc f'f meir not .uu man . beef by sun-dryintr. as jerked beef U prepared in South America. indrscrib-jphone able EUflennsr anu mousnnu oi u , Tvniiltl have been sated; but the very idea of makinjr such provision as this ! nsainst the horrors cf famine would. . , rit-. . A, n V... T.O - 1 ce inexpre.uo -h TOO.QiK. lHple oi Jna, v no nase ne.r religious beliets upon ine t tf.ns. inti ,...,,, pr rparn ! such a nrofcr.a- . oulC neer aream 01 such .1 .ru....u tion of the teachimrs of Brahaiinism. They wcu'.d rather f wallow dirt and cnaw roott than eat Dee:, ana yet tney are not strict vegetarians, for all eat butter and milk, and also fish nnd mut- ion when they can procure them. I The Hindus nnd those who &hare with them their reliirious beliefs are! just what history tells u.- their fathers ; Mere, three and twenty centnriei- .-.go. The hi'-hMt law that concerns the Hin-! du is to eat correctly, and beef is one ; of the proscribed foods; so with this food resource in every fasmyard, prized , hiffbly. as it is, by most of the wcrld, ;he Hindu dies of hunger rather than j partake of it. These facts are perhaps ' as impressive an illustration as can be jriveu of the profound influence which relisrious injunction and cuttom have upon the habits, tastes and prejudices and consequently upon the commerce ,f whole nations. j The value of East Indian cattle for ' ioou nas ueen uiinuj ucmuiiMfuicu. r-r-vi.r. living in India have 'no qualms or scruples about beef eatinp. Some years ngo we read almost daily for n time of bloodshed between the Mahometans and Hindus of northwen India. Ileef was the cfiiise of the incipient warfare. The Hindu neighbors of the Moslems de- cided that their feeling had been out-' raged too lonp by the repugnant spec-( tnele of cattle shambles and beef cat-J in". I hex reoteti to put an enu to mem. nut tne unoeriaKiiiK v. as too large for the comparatively Mnull num- oer 01 eaiois no infeuteu in u. In this vast region, so densely peo- ntf-rl tlmf the unfoiiT of fnrriiiii. is nnr pitd that tne hpecttr 01 iamiiit is not far away even in years of plenty, no mciiis sire imrnried evceiit for I'uro- incuts are impaneu tcepi tor uuro peun consumption. If there is a par - 1 lal failure of rice, wheat, maize, barley or the indigenous grains on which the :aborer lives, starvation begins at once; r.nd so while India sells to the world cvery year from ?250,O0O,00O to $350,- KCO.00O worth of products, and buys j about three-fourths as much ns she II.. V . mtm. . , 1 4 ,1,A1I.. "- i'ui wiiuai-o uic uiinuni nuu textiles, machinery, railroad material nnd coal, even when hunger stalks abroad; nnd the muin reason why the yreat evil of famine is not averted or mitigated by food imports is because 'the religious tenets of most of the people confine them to the few cereals they raise themselves as the mainstay vjf life. Tn cue respect, liowcvtr, re- litrious prejudice 5s a blessing to the" countn. It is to the lasting shame of some motiern nations mai ir, vi- strov thousands of barbarous or semi fiviHyiMl men and women by selling1 ; Ersl Indians, because Islam throughout the world is a vast teetotal f 0ciet' , and anions: the Hindus to touch .iquor is a sign ox tne iot-ss. ' : .Thus certain religions which we do not include among the highest forms have happilv reared un insurmountable J of t,,e worst. cvils civ:li2at;oar ConnU.Prcitcj- Tcnchimr Lcon. . 1. .!..!... . 1. r. Tiie. counterieuers are uut. neonle to solve the problem o: sate aim convenient mone them poison in tne torm oi me pn;. jt,rc tn? tccmcr ami ""y qualit L of nicotic liquors; but they ,0tKa,nnm.wrn&iW &d no market for their fiery pin nd , &m& W. , nmnn the hundreds, of miK , "h:H&l' f2L" x V s! ii K. V . l - t 1 1. .. .1 f I mey. They are demon- , wUlp,v p samntl J. Vicker. dcre"e.l. of M impossibility to all but j Jrgam ... fj itralinr the professionals of keeping track of our j the simplest in the world, yet neer ! counterfeited successfully . Philadcl- pw: Nasal OATAHHH In all Its starts t.tre ' sliou.d be cieanjew-s. ZIt's Cream Balm clean eJ. otite-? and hea!5 llie diiti-'td nicnstfrasc. J X care i ca:snh in u dr";vci away a coid ia llxo htad Cre:un Balm is pheed Into the noKrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Belief i im 0Ter ue meraoraae aau mediate and a cure follows. It is cot dr-fin; doe s ;o sav it cave immediate reliei , d ' C3mpiete "care." For Eale at . , , J ore Annual fall and winter opening ot millinerv will take place at the Cam p- i . .. . . in- - -- ' ' . . T " Ml . . . .nnl. r. t r cfnrA I ( ice uo. ni tdii ciuli. i j C3rer Third and Wushiupton Etreete. Xq l0-. lonj, di8tanca 1S3. ISni-tf lleuicaiber That Chas. ... .... , . MUUling IS Still doing a retail busine at his new place Hei CnFtomer,. i - from oue bottle to a barrel. Family - orders delivered promptly. Twenty-three lots, iocatea irom tev - enth street to Twelfth, for sale at from J50 up. Inquire at the Columbia Hotel. a- tf BUSINESS LOCALS. , Clark & Fulk'e drug Ftock is new, fresh and complete. A fujj lilie o )0V(.. ciotbinc at the y k CaBh glor'e Clarke & Fait nave on eale a full line of paint and artiet'e brushes, Buv a meai ticket at the Umatilla Hou;e reataurant . ?5,50 for 5. el-tf on will not have boils if vou take Clarke & Folk's eure cure for boils. a full line of Eastman films and sup- plleg jnel recejved by Clarke & Falk. , ( Clarke & Fulk's fiavnrinc extracts are! the best. Ask your crocer for them, Paint your house with paints that are ! jujv gUaratlteed to last. Clarke & Falk : j)ftve tj,en- j .,', , , , i Clarke & Falk baye received a carload of the celebrated Jarue E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. t .... .. . .. 1 t 1 1 ,JBYe"tn oW uprlnted by the honorable ' county court, 01 the state of Oregon, for Waseo ' tnti, defeased. All i-enon having claim against ald estate arc heteby notified to preeiit the same, utoperlr verified, to the undenilciitd CnBrI(M( tcorMiu. at Whco, Sherman county, ormi, or at theuince of our attorney", Mene- ' fee & Wilton, ut The Da!le, Oregon, v.lttilu ix , iaoalhi (rm'ti,edateoi this notice. . puted July 11. 1'joO. waLuif K." (ioitlos. ' Executor of the eatnte of Horatio Cononide- ued. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. I.AND Orncc at Tuts Dalles, Or,, I Aur. lo.l&cu. I I Notice ! hrcby Kivcn that the fcillawinc 1. ....... t,..u ,.l 1,1a fntnnt n i HIHl.U ai'lUCI lta III., iiuiit-v w. ...WM..w.. itoioake final profit in hupponoi nit ciaun, una that id urimf will be made liefore the ieelcer and receiver of tbo V. 8. land oflico ut The Dalles, Or , on Saturday, Sept. ), I'M, viz; Hanrjr C. Clordlon, of The IIUi. Or., ll.. No. H,lortheNH6Eki liec. C. Tp 1 N, it 13 E, W. M. He namw the lollowlnf witneites to prove hit contlnuouK residence upon and cultivation of wld Und, viz: Eniett Jordan, Albert Jordan. John Pwhek and Jamet Thomw, ail of Tbe Pallet, Oregon. auir l JAY Y. LUCAS, Iterftter. M NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lsn Orncs at TiikJtVk5u "'! hat "tllO ItillOWltlE named settler has Med notice of her intention ! to commute and moke nnal irvif in support "t her cUim, nnd teat said prooi win rlll"u,,-" L. ... 7T. .tJ.'. r.oiV..ri., u ltnisn. tn lirovc her continnou residence upon, ar.d culUaUon oi "lVto Fucmi. G. Wetmorc. Charles Matiiey. V. Fox, all ol The Pallc. Or.. j VcA?i 1-1 Ke-ister ! NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. , Ijl-d OrncE at Tlir. DAttrs, On. ) ' jieptembor IS, i 1 Notice is hcrcbr piven that the lollnwlng rL i.i ir i,nHrir.t ill olitt.m STSSe 0M ,rt Vn r ,,V of her claim, .nd ' that cald i.tooI will t made to ore ihr icstner ! and receiver ut Tt Iallc-, Orrpou, un W educt uiv,Oetobcr2t,lW),viz: E,,rJk K. vicker. 5he -;mw the ioltoluc wltnesjcMo ,-t. c L;.rjOrncE at VANCorvrr.. Wash.' Alip. II), 1S"J. I i Voticc it hetebv civen that the followltij: : named settler has 'Bled notice of his Intention - to make final ijool in supvort id hN rUlm. and that said irot: will tc made bclnie W . It. Probj. , 'i-rited State rommUsioner for IHstriet oi a-hlrcton. At his office in Goldcndalc, V ash'.r.. -n !.ibcr 1. 1K0, viz: j John Wton, ' O. nddrek CentervlHe. Vsb.. who made , hocifstf ad npplientlon No. 'JST, for the ts sh'4 i -ce .2. TpaX. K 14 E. W. M. i Who names the foliowlnp witnejscs to prove , hl eontiuuous leaidence upon and cultivation j Chaile?I:rVuU-, William WUMiwm.. ! i . lialv nnd i'atrick Uagcerty, ail of Cot-text tile . 1'. o.. Wu-ihinp'.ou. i jk-i W. R. nVKHAK. Kcelstcr. NOTICE" FOR PUBLICATION. t lVI, OrricK at Tnt UAlirs. On., tcntember, to. UiD. Notlcc 5i. i-ertb? civen that the followli k trwiU lL: charie H. Mntni-y, n Na h jtE qT ,iIld v hf aE qr. Sec 12, Tp 1 a. K n E,jjJ.-names tne followinc witnesse tc prove hleontlnuou.jeIdeucc u-on and cultivation 0 . ,k0x,1'. c. Facan. Charles Gojsou nnd .. ""TivV rrX: i-ut LurA-. Resist NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION Land Orncc atTue Dau.cs. Or., i sentembcr 1, Notice is hetebv civen that the foilowlnc nami cettler has 'filed notice ot hi intention t- 4 nuts final nrool in suptton oi ni ciaim. uuu that tstd l.rool will d.- maoe oeiore iiic iwj and Kcceivcr at The Dalle-, Oregon, on sutnr Arrlimik S. Kox. ! of The Dalles. (irej:on, II. E. No. .MM, for the S, TnntMlar .... W N: 1' -nl1 h! W a J- T" 1 K 11 i t AVrU&nd r., . ji. J at J alp w He names the following witne-e to prove 5' -his iontinuou residence upon and cultivation j ? , of r-uid Innc, viz: I c. Matney, C. H. Matnev, -hrle OOkcu and W. C. Clark, all of The Dalles, Oregon. fepl5 JY I. LCCAt, I'.eciiter. NOflCE FOR PUBLICATION". L.vsn Orncs at The Dalles. fi: . i I aeiitemoer r, iu i I Notice i hereby Riven timt the followin? named n:ltlcr hi filed notice of her intention ' t' mate nna! pnxif iu rupitort of her claim, and ' that said proof will bt made before the ileclster ' una riecener ni ine iiBiie, urvnuu, uu tuu- j a.!y, October 1M, HUH. viz .iBDBt f. tvi urt, of! hi-Dallefc, Or . H. Y- 'M,J the ,E, SF... SF. ,r NK .r bee I 2&,ipi n 1. r.. Him ijr .-"(' l" i .s, k 13 K, w ii. , , fu;i0WiIIC witnesses 'n nrove I j,or continuous rtsdaenee upon and enltivaiion 1 T"K E. F. ShrT.. John Fleming, Duniel Stewart, nil o: The neiic-s. , m.-pi JAY P. U'C AS. KeKlster. .NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION. Lak Orncc .11 The Dalles, Ouki.os.i August .'", l'.0. I Notice Is btrebr Riven that the following named (.ettler has Hied notice of hl intention to mate linal prrnd in dupirt of his claim, und that said prmjf will be made before the Kifclaur and Receiver ut The Dullcfe, Oregon, on cuttir day. Uewber C, 1WJ, viz: ltolirrt E. lMillllps, "f Alnler, Or., . H E. No. BWIfortbe NK4 NWi-4, NE'4, st 0, and oE!n ul, Tp. 2 S., It- t! 1, W. M. He toe followimr witiie!ses to prove lilt, continuouii residence uin nnd eulthatlon of sold land, viz- . . . laines Lewi, Dolly Mcsit-r, Leu, John Jliler, all of Jlo-der, Onvon. JAY V LICAS, auciii-l lteKliter. GROCERIES.... A FI.SK USE OF Staple m Fancy fiioceiies Phone So, CO. Thlid nt, near Court. DUNCAN'S CORD WOOD.... Good Pine and Fir Wood delivend to uny part of the city at U.r() per curd. -AT- ; ,.no Ka (ja. .ri,lr (,t near court, DUNCAN'S migC-lmo FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. XUANbACT A KNEHALbANKISU BUfclSES Lettere of Credit issued available In the Eastern States. Sight Eich&nge nnd Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louia, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore- fon, Seattle Wash,, and varioue point n Oregoo and Washington. Collections made at ull points on f&T oroble termn. JJK. K. K. KBUOU8UN, Fiiysician and Surgeon, OBoe, Vogt Block (over J'ottoBce), aCplmo-dw TUE DAUUJ3, OSEUOM. J? JJL ".JrtTITlHlltlTTtTTm stcumern cK-.ns schedule, M-ht'OUle witnout Sir. Regulator Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. rr. l.v Dalle? nt T A . Lv l'ortl.ind at Tax. Monday .. Vwlneay . . Friday Arr. Dalle), ut 5 r. K. ; Tuesday FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 'J 5 Travel by the Steamcri- of the Ileirulator Une. rons the bttt service Kilble. t, Portland OHicc, Oak Street Duct. W. t'f. ti xlxi xitlxl -rlxlxl xIxIkLtj Advertise in the Chronicle S t WVtAAVlAtf .Dealer In... Dry Goods, Clothing, j Gents' Furnishings. Soot1i Shoes. Hats. Cupii. Notlonc. for W. L. Douk'iib Shoe. AKt. Telephone No. '5. Tab Dalles, Or, nil N.-ciiuu nt., House Painting... The undersigned has taken possession ol It. A. Spivey paint nhop, next door to the Vok'- opera house, und has pur chased the tools and ladders. He has Kond mechanics workin;; for him, and j will guarantee all work to give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. Mica lightens the 'Axle load ebortens Orease the toad. helps the team. Saves wear and expense. &oia every wxicre. KAliK BV TANOARB OIL OO. STRAYED From the East End feed yard, one small blue mare, branded iometblng like a man's bead on left shoulder. Liberal reward for her recovery or information leading to her recovery. When last seen bad a abort rope around her neck. T. J. Dbips, a27-2tw Tbe Dalles, Or, 2 I 136 3 Th Dalles, Of. The Chronicle, ' lain 5c: dob Printer's :1m 3' a1 US i j; 1 'a: :i I -to '-2 i 3" a: .12 REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY'S 4 oi tne i;cKumior tunc win run ureiur the Company ruervlti: the right to chuugo ' notice. 'i 'A Str. Dalles City. 1H1WJI l.v. Dalle at 7A. i. Moiulay Wfdnesday Friday Arr. Portland nt 1 :Xi r. v. nr. 1a . Portland ,9 ut 7-00 a.m. j , . Tuckdny ' . . . Tliurwiay ,2 . .Saturday Arr. Dalle fl ut 5 r. It The Comiainy will endeavor ti give ill put- ?j For further Information address h C. ALLAWAY, Con. Act. !j rlxixtlslxixlxixhtlxlwlxi tijrij 'Meet us on the Midway" Event of the Times The Great Street Fair and Carnival! Occupying many solid block, Inking iu an entire Blro'jt, frotr curb to curb : : : : Sept. 4-15 Ore&oii.... Under the nuhplcea of the Port, land Elk, MitpumltiK In iiingui. tudc and Krumlour nnytbliigof the kind ever attempted 011 the i'lieitle Coukt. 1 lie Ktruott ol Cairo I The Oriental Theatre 1 Hiti Unriunn VlUace I The UancliiK r.lrla I An Arabiau l'Hgi'Biitl UrowuInK the yimeu'. Itex, Klnr of tlie Curniral, At leuueu ny un Mngiiiu ocut Court. The Oreut i'ialcof the J : 1 1c n and other orden, iiiDiiaiiaii rarx unii rouuuin. The Jliipnlll ceulTflunipliul Aich und Urund Midway tilled wun wonuenui nitruciiiiini, .Mining, Mi tilo. Agricultural, ilortlenlliiro hihI nth duatrUl cxhlblU. The Woman's i'avlltlon, uo KlKtiwt by women, built by women und deeo. rated by women for the exhibit of womuu'i iudualrlul work. The Uralu Palace, built uitvuu anu o mmiit'ion Ktaiut uuu gruakoi. MUHIC, YVH ANU OAVKTV. NIUHT TVItMBO INTO UAV. . fe lowet rail and water rotes over given In'orf liinrt Imm nil mav.k tt lha u.nllln, . HH,HHII.WHII nHW V. MV . W.WIIU .Uf U' Q.R.&H I ii:rAtii ton 1'ni.t Mnll 12. 2i p. m Halt liki', Ivcnver. FL Worth, Ornnhn, Kan vi.ii rn City, Ft. U.uij, m?" Chicago and KaH. M a Atlnutle iSalt l4ila, Denver. Ft I:lja.a. Express worm, Uinalin, Kuii cbh City, 8t. liiu.) Chleneo nnd Eait, 13:50 a. in. VU Millit liiSton. SliiVwus Slail nnd J'.xpte.Mt Walla WallR, Urakune, Btxiku,. Mlu..llu t'( ...l' al.."H' l.iiiuv.p.ini . . ll, ilill iluluth, Mllunusw, md Chlrniro and Kk' via Eiwm rircknneiikd IIiintliiK 1 ton; nlKO nil pnintu in WiiKhltiRtoti and l.ut 3:u m e.rn Oiecou. U .'i'. p. m 8 p. m. FKOX I'OKTMXh. Ocean Stuimfhiipi. For ban l'mnelnriv Every 1'ivc 1)mv, 8 p. m. Kx.uuday Sniurdnjr 10 p. m. Ij.b Columtila Uv. Steurars. Ez.hb( TO AdToaiA and V.ny I.tildlliKi, Cia. m. i Willamette P.!r.r i:a)p.a. ELbuiulfyiOrerton City. .NcwlTg, Ex.bunili ' Hnlem i Way land n. i a. m. WiLLAMrrrr asiiYam- S.ajn.a, ! Tut-f.Tuur.l Ilttt I.IVJ.KS lnnwt! I and tat. ! Orcroti City, liavtun aaa IU and cy-l audiUh. 1 I : ! l.v P.ltmrla' i daliy 3 S-'j a. m . J fi.NAKK IttVEK. Klpariu to l-evrltoK UlTI l-tWHTM dllj D:U0i.n i S'nruii rtcklrtn!; to co to Jleppiw S i)int cm I'oluniMa southern via ItlirsJ.tBOiia I 3 iito .No -, leavlus The Dnllin nt 12 to p. n. 1 5 i inatini: direct eonnrrtloii at Hrpimer Janctta ,1 p I fill. IMfe." ill."".' ....... ..n r at Ji'ipoer UinrUon nd H'cc lth o. ! rivliiK nt 7he Dalles at w p. m l, & X. Co. i (Kent The Dalles. tr iiuiniT, tUwt,0t. lilEl'l Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAK UOWIE KKGM TOKTUND TO THE EAST THE ONLY DIKECT LINE TO THE YELIOW. 3 KIONE I'AUK lUniOB Depot, nrtliaiid' Sis l.r.iVK. No. U. rant mull for Tne ira, reatile, Olyuipln,ora Hatlior und oouth lieuJ tKiinth, Ppokane It".1. (and, it. . .. I'uilo ' MoMKIW. IjCW IktOlt l'-f No. 11:15 A. M. falolhunpiulnitise ',5or.M. try, noiena, .miiiik''' r lit), bt. I'aul, Onuta, Kulia City. Ht. I- .CliieiiKO end ull l.. t ''iikt and aoutlicilKt. No. 4. No.1 11;S0 V. M. for Taeomtt and heat'le ,tA.. 1 und intermedluto Kiiu liillmin tlrat-elaaa and toliri Mteiwri 1 .VIuneapollK.Ht. l'uulund Ml.v.ii - tiurii." wltliuut ehaiiRe. ,w.ilnci Vi.Kiil.uled train.. Union dei' t cinncttlotl in all prlucltHit eltie. . Kor tiandKomely itlllitttuted dweripuremtw. ticketc, uleeiilnB ear retiervatloui', vie write A. D. CHARLTON, Aml.taut General PuKsenKer A K 1 ' '?J' win Btteet, corner Tliim, ronum , SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Tralm leave The Dalle for Portland and f atulioiib aHfAi a. ra. und S p. in. Leave I'ortlaud .l'.'.SOuin 10.WP0' " Albany Arrive Ashland " Kacrainento . . . " Han Krauchco . U.Xta m . . 6:Wi p i .... 7:lip t ll:30tn Arrive Ondon " Deliver " KuiiMiL'ity.. " Chlvago 5:I'jO in 0;00 a m 7 Jin tn 7: 15 1 ,115. giOOtO Jiajl 7.C0HB 6:00 10 j:H W C:2l'2 CM P Arrive bo Angeles 1 7 ' ,a ' Kort Worth C:" " City of Mexico " Houttou..., J ' New Orlcom ... S:r5. , , " WathiiiBton... 6:U' .'' New York l2:Wpm . ... 1'iillnma and TourUt cart on "i"E j-tift and tgurliit cum to Chicago, bt Loult. leaim and Washington. CoiilieclliiK ut Sun KraneUco wn (;ulBl, itcuuibhip lTiica for Jlonolulii. i J'1'! Vhlllppluot, Central and Houth Ani-rc. Bcc agent at Tho Dulles station, or mldttu C. H. MARKHAM, Geucrul rawenger Agent, lortlnd,W of Physician and SunjeM BpooUlattenUonglvouloHurery. Void BK Koomi!Uauli( Tel. Mb 0' From tiAUfcH. , FiJjT II 1 Ldillll SQutnera yu ".lir,! fllmsi i