Boys' School Suits. When you start in to bu' your boy's Scbool Clothing, you Avant to got all for your money that it will bring. You know that prices everywhere aro not alike. There's an opportunity to do double justice to your self and boy. Boys' all-wool bluo, black and gray Cheviot Suits always neat ami serviceable, strongly and neatly made, reinforced through out in fact everything double about these suits except price $2.35. DOUBLE SEAT. DOUBLE KNEES. DOUBLE ELBOWS. Koin forced throughout. With patent elastic waistband. War ranted hold-fast buttons. N. B. Wo carrv the largest and best selected stock of Youths' and 1 Joys' Clothing in Eastern Oregon. WINDOWS. Just Two Shoes. Children's Kangaroo Calf, but ton and lace. Children's Kid, button and lace. Heavy Soles plump stock. Sizes 6 to 8 , $1.15 Sizes 8 1-2 to 11, - $1.35 Sizes 11 1-2 to 2, - $1.65 Excellent School Shoes. Your money's worth in every pair. Pease & Mays' Shoe Department. Fall Dress Goods.. PLAID BACK GOODS for rainy-da' skirts in all tho latest cloths. NEW PEBBLE SERGES in navy and black. VENETIAN" CLOTHS for tailor suits. Siiit and Skirt Department. In our Suit and Skirt Depart ment the stock is now complete, and we have some startling bargains to offer. Have you seen our RAINY DAY SUITS and SKIRTS? The correct thing for Fall wear. Give the department a call. ' FREE ! AoodBapobnll and Bat or a 1900 Daisy Air i "TJiiln wil.1i :inv hnv's suit, nr nvnivnnf ------ J J " -' www..v. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE &, MAYS he Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY SKIT. 17, 1900 ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Kollor's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. YitFEcopo (xhibitlon At t tits Uuldwin tonight. The county court of Wusco county will meet in adjourned session toman jv. The vitiiBcopu exhibition nt tho Bald win tonight will present new pictures never shown hero before. Girl wanted to do general housuwoik in a family of two; no children. May attend ficlnol or othervtife. tll-lw Kev. G. M. Irwin, ex-stato superin tendent of public iiiHtruction, Is now lo cated m Juneau, Alaska, where ho ie pJftorof iho First Methodiat church. Hon. H. W. Craven, a prominent Sj.Utle attorney, opened the rppubl'ean campaign in Klickitat county by a ep.'edi at Goldendalo, Saturday night. Thomas Ilrown, who livei on the old KufTiicr place on the Moaier rod wcBt of town, left at this oflico this morning tffj Gloria Mundi apples tiint weight d -'0 outlet's each, One measured 14 InclieH m circumference. They were both wind folic, having been blown of!' the tree? in tlie atjrin of a week ago, and were im mature. A company of Goldendnle ptoepectora who om u eoveral iniulajj claims on the bUlle Klickitat, about nine miles down atrt-ntii from Goldendale, have bonded their ululms for $35,000. Work oiv the claims will bo prosecuted vigorously in "ie near future. Careful teats have eliowu that tho mines will pay hand Homely, The Indies of fit. Paul 'n Guild have ilfcliled on the date for tho concert to be i veil by KUn sr Kluin for tho benefit of Hie building fund of tho church, and d Monday uoxt, September 24th. "III La given in tho Ihildwin opera I'ouau am) Mra. Klein will be naslMed by Mr. William Uirgwld and oilier local talont. "When Ilr'gham IJ. Koberts of Utah was puealiig througli tho Gnrdon of etlmmnane, so to apeak, hint winter." ,a' Clias. fi. Vorhees lu ft speech made a Spokane the other night, "a lady was "wilattheimtional.upitiil If she be- ,vcd hil Bnilty oriilgamy. 'Guilty of "'Wiiiy.' she naked, 'gulltv of bigamy 1' hy he la guilty of trigonometry. " Tin democrats of Klickitat county last o'lurdoy nominated tho following "t: Representative, I. O. Darland ; "rlll, John Nimolo; treasurer, Thomas jnrnw. clerk, John Smith; auditor, nn H. Ilratton; attorney, II. Dustlnj wnor, Win. K. Cal.lll; school super nicuUent, Mies Beulah N'jrris; surveyor, A. II. Collins; commissioner second district, Elmer Hinshow; commietioner tliird district, L. Coleman. Representative Mv A. Moody line re C ived u personal invitation to attend the celebration of the opening of the locks on the Yamhill river, near Mc Minnville, on tho L'8fh and 29th inat. The secretary of the executive com mittee expresses tht wish that an ex cursion be arranged from The Dallee to McMinnville, and that good-tized del egation go from tiiis place. At the request of the secretary Mr. Moody will bring the matter beforo the Commercial club. Mrs. Ada Taylor waa examined yes terday at Hood River by Or. M. F: Shaw and adjudged insane. From the commitment papers wo learn that die ia a nutivo of Missouri nged 21 yeat-s; that she hna been subject to attacks of insanity since she was 10 years old ; and that her firet attack tlutea from the birth of a baby tbiee ;yeara ago. She talks umeasonably about her dead child and about imaginary enemies, and is at times violent and destructive. Kho was taken to fjalcui today. A very pleasant surprise party woe Ktven !aiit Wednesday afternoon by Miss KraiifB in honor of her mother, Mrs. George Kruuse. The porch, parlor and dining room were beautifully decorated by tho choicest of flowers, m.d a delight ful afternoon was spent in varied amuse ments and brought to a close by an elo gnnt refection. Thoen present were: Mra. P. Hopkins, Mra. George Uunn, Mrs. George Graham, Mrs. tichwabu, Mra. J. Frederickeon, Mrs. L. A. Tur ner, Mrs. H. II. Campbell, Mrs. George Krausa, Mies II. Schwabe, Miss H. Uunn, Mies h. Turner, Mies 1J. Camp bell, Misses M. and F. Uunn, Mies H. Krausa, Mr. D. SimonEon and Mr. H. Campbell. Judge Blakeley anil Commissioner Harrimnn went to Hood River yester day where they met Commissioner Kvbiib and, in response to complaints, viewed a piece of county road that had been changed by the O. R. & N. Co. in their work of improving their road bed. The court concluded that no damage had been done to tho public through tho chnnge. They also inspected what is known aa tho Hand-Coburg road, where Mr. Rand wants that part of the road that goes through hia place closed, and the part that goeo through tho Coburg place left open, and Mr. Coburg wants the changes in exoctly opposite dlreo lions. Tho court concluded that the brethren would have to settle tho diffi culty between themselves beforo It felt justified in taking any action. A lire recurred In the ru9t show win dow of C. F, .Stephens' dry gooda store about 0 o'clock Saturday night that, happily, was soon extinguished, It caught from on electric lamp that ac cidentnlly came In contact with a cur tain in tho back part of tho window. It was first seen by a boy on the outBide who gave the alarm ani Mr. Stephens In a few minutes had it uuder coutrol. The window waa dressed with ladles' cloaks and fur collarettes, whidi were damaged to the amount of about $125. Tho property was fully insured. The super-henting of the lamp that caused the fire, by tho flames outside, softened the glass and the vacuum ineide drew in the glass till a dent was formed larpe enough to lay one's thumb in. Thej lamp waa otherwise uninjured and is doing service in Mr The Dallea Btreet THE WASCO COUNTY EXHIBIT. Cheapest nml Most Effective Advertise ment Wngcu County Ever Had. The Portland carnival ia over and the i net results to that city are acknowledged ! on all hands to have far exceeded the cost and trouble. It is reckoned that not lees than oO.COO peraonB from out side the city visited tiio fair, and it ia no Whealdon'a officeJ ' ;.. ?1 iair Lumuimcs isi extravaeant eunnosition that as ni'ikine satisfactory progress in arraiig-, ' mnrn ,, -tiV. on nnn inimhit. Of the , f a t ur n f. n t atrumlanon ma ii vtu uiiuu j i ut ii t- i it uwviiuiikvvi i ii r 1rf (ha fnit Tu-n mnmlmro committee in a little while this forenoon ( onnnrml nrnmluna nf nvliUtito frmrt flifr 1 v-Wi vvi piuiiiii.g vvvw ..... teen of the business houees of the city. Tho committee's reception was sncti that they feel justified in believing that thie number will be nearly doubled, and in any event it. will greatly exceed any thing of the kind The Uailea baa ever had. It is practically settled that the fair will be hold on the two blocks on Tliird street lying between Washington and Lauglilin and including the block between Second and Third etreeta on Federal street. Tho thirteen exhibitors already obtained aro A. M. Williams and Co., Pease & Mays, Jacobsen it Co., Chuk & Faulk, C. J. Stubling, F. S. Gunning, Farley & Frank, D. P. & A. K. Co.! Dalles Soda Works, Victor Marden, Great Northern Furniture Store, Maier & Ronton und J. Iiomi. Handlers on Hie Warpath. The Condon Times says: "On Au gust 28th the camp of Wilson & Rurton, shcenmcn. of Rock creek, wea wet on fire ly somo ranchers and completely i Vle&troyed, only the coat aud vest of tho herder escaping the flumes. The incen diaries had set these garments out of ' t. f . I... II ........ .,.! !,,.,.. .. itl. i fieilv.ll Ul IHU unujur, tum ujcj1 , t.iisiiu n .111 i 'the ashes, were all that remained to show the herder where hia camp had stood. "Oh August oOth Wilbur Curl's camp was sol on flro and demolished, every thing being lost "On September 3.h Frank Curl, who is herding for Joshua Hnrdlo, was awak ened from liia slumber by it fusilado of rillo shots in chiae proximity to camp, and on examination in tho morning he found eighteen head of sheep killed, Mr. Hardle waa sent for, and aa he has the run go ho waa herding on rented, he decided to stay. The desperadoes re turned on tho night of tho 7th, but tills tinio their volley waa returned und they were put. to flight. The defenders wero able to rccognl.o the forma of three men, two handling tho guns und tho other holding three horees at a safe dis tance, but could not identify them," CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tbs Kind You Have Always 6ouht Bears tho Signature of Don't forget the vltascope exhibition at the Ruldwlu tonight at 8:30 o'clock. These figures naturally suggest the value of Waeco county's exhibit aa a mefins of advertising the resources and capacities of this dietrict, To havo been seen by a hundred thousand persons, few, if any, of whom paaed it with in difference, aud many of whom gazed on it in wonder and astouieiiment, is enough to prove that the exhibit line been u most effective piece of ad vertis ing. Nor did it loose any of its effect iveness in this regard by the fact that it was practically tho only exhibit of the kind on the grounds. Hood River, as usual, deserves the credit for the finest display of npples. It waa magnificent, and we aay this without n grudgo. Not that we are will ing to concede that Hood River beat the country around The Dalles; but the Hood River people know how to show oir their fruit to better advantage than wo tlo. They had their apples all, or nearly all, handeomely packed in ordi nary apple boxes, aa if ready for market, and each particular apple waa polished till it shnuo like n burnished mirror. The apples from thia dieMct, on the contrary, wero only four or five of a kind and wero placed on plate1?. There was variety enough, and tho fruit was fairly up to thu standard, but tho dis play, aa it seemed to us, was not nearly so effective as the shining, uniform rows in tho Hood River boxee. In poaches and grupee The Dalle? hud it all to her self. Mr. Merrill assured the writer that he was often asked if tho grapes and peaches wero real or only wax Imi tations. And yet, flno as they were, they fell far short, in our opinion, nf hundreds of boxes that havo been Bold lu this market during thn past two or three week.'. And a similar remark might bu made as to tho water melons, punipkiiiF, Hjuasheo aud roots. A plato of nearly ripa figs and brunches of tlus if tree containing llga In various Btaca of growth excited great interest. These wore from tho garden of Mr, Eniile Sehanno, of this city, F. II. D.ewa sup plied some etalka of com from his gar den on the bluff, ono of which measured twelve feet anil ten inches. They wero of the Cuban variety, und thu oira would huvo done credit to tm lllinola com patch Hood River had n fi-.e plate of silver prunes, und u brunch twenty-nine inches long from u silver prune tree thut con tained 110 well. developed prune, This latter wa9 from the orchard of W. P, Watson and was preserved in a gluaa jar in the Bureau of IinmigrM'.ou exhibit, In this exhibit, by the way, was one solitary apple from a Clackamas orchard that measured 15)o inches in circumfer ence and weighed 23Jsj ouncea. It was of the Wolf River variety. It wa3 the largest apple at the fair.' In The Dallea exhibit there waa a aarmple of little club wheat, growii by F. M. Warner, of Tygh Ridge, from a field that went 45 bushels to the ucrj; an other by Alex. Strachan, of Dufur, from a field that went 43 bushels; another by G. D. Ried, of Tho Dalles, from a field that went 35 bushels; another by Mike Callughau, oi Dufur, from a field that went 40 bushels; another by Mrs. Julia Obarr-Smith, of The Dalles, from a field that went 35 bushels; and other sam ples by Hon. M. A. Moody, A. T. Hill gen and O. Jonee from fields that went 50 bushels to the acre. On tho top of big bales of snow-white wool from Tho Dalles scouring mill, which formed an important part of the exhibit, was George A. Young's eight legged lamb, with ono head and three bodies attached at the shoulders. Thia freak of nature line been on exhibition in Rlukeh'y'a drug store in thia city for some months. It was dropped, or rattier tikeii from its mother, lust lambing sen son aud Mr. Young had it mounted. Tho tun heads of a double-headed lamb, also belonging to Mr. Young-, were sus pended from a poet In ttie background. A canopy of wool covered tho exhibit. It vtus handsomely arranged lit alternate stripes of scoured wool and the wool as It comes from tho sheep's back. Wasco county owes u debt uf grati tude to tho local lodge of Elks for giving her thu opportunity, free of charge, of making a display of her products, in such a way as wo believe will prove the most effective udvertifeuiont tho county has ever hud. To Delinquent Tuxiniyorii. The County Court having authorized the immediate collection of delinquent taxes,il am compelled to comply with its request, and will therefore proceed at once to advertise. If yon are delinquent you will save cot and expanses by im mediate payment. All personal prop erty unpaid will bo attached at tho cost and expeuao of the owner without fur ther notice. Roni:i;r Kni.i v, Sheriff of Wasco Co., Or. 'I ho Dulles Sept. 17, 1000, 17-20J-W For Sitlu. Rubbor-tiro buggy, ut Porter's stable; nearly now; good condition. eoplllw Clark & Fulk art) never closed Sunday Don't fnruoi thie. Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors Mra II. lu Junea hue opened Ice creitm and oystor parlors in Uuiey lint bird's old stand. She carries A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. Tho place has been thoroughly ren ovated, aud a chaieof the public patron ago is solicited. Working Night find lis The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's Now Life Pilla. Every pill ia a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, listleesnees into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building tin the health. Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley, the druggist. ' 3 For Hole. The two buildings owned by Mrs. E. Julian, on Court Btreet, between Second and Third, now occupied us a lodging houso and drespmaking shop. Tho buildings will bo sold, furnished or un furnished, cheap for Apply to Mra. E. Julian. fU-ltnd Wonted. y Four or fivo hoys, going to school during winter, to board. $12 a month with room and plain washing. Across Btreet from High school. Apply at Ciikonici.u office. dAwlm Luxuries. Healthful drinks aro not luxuries, they aro necessities. A full line of cool and refreshing porter, ale, mineral water and beers kept, on ice. Take a bottle home for lunch. C. J. Stubiiug. Phone 234. . Hustling young man can make $60 per month and expenses. Permanent posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars. Clark & Co., Fourth und Locuet Streets, Philadel phia, Pa, t8 tf Tha largest and moet complete line of fall and winter millinery ever displayed in the city at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. The prices will sell the goods. 68. f Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & ba.k, agents. ml Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Drying preparations Biniply devel op dry catarrh ; thoy dry up tho secretions, which adhere to tho membrane and decom pose, causing a far more serious trouble than tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho 50c. sizo. Ely Brothers, 5(5 Warren St., N.Y. Tho Halm cures witnout pam, aoes not irritate or causo Bueczincr. It spreads itself over an irritated and r.ngry surfaco, reliev ing immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream liului you nro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fover. mays & mm The only store It this city where tin Genuine Imported Stransky-Stecl Ware is sold, A little higher in price, but outlasts n dozen piecesof so called cheap enam eled wnre. BEWARE! Other wares look has tho name Stransky Steel Wnro on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize nt 10 International Exlii bitiona IliKhoBt award nt Worlds Columbian Exlubi tion. Chicago Pre ferreti by tho best cookinganthontiea, certified to by the mot't famous chem ibts for purity nnd durability it is cheapest becauso BEST, Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for und sold in thin city ex clusively by us. It does not rusl nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor cntch inside; ia notuffectedbyiicids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, stew, roust nnd bake w i t li o u t imparting flavor of previously onnkoil food nnd will last for years. o$o. Wo cnu. tion the public against iailtutloa