The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 17, 1900, Image 1

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    I) e Shritas
NO. 339
JCl.Hlll IUI '.ll I
T, 'IT H rilinmilKili mTfmiifrirj
AH'cf able Pr cparalionrorAs -slmilaling
tiu4 ittcStoinachs andBowels of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Promotes DigcslionChecrfuI
ni'ssniuincst.Contalns nelllicr
Opuiin.Morpltine norWjncraL
Aeiie afOMJirSAKUELmClWf
Mx.Smna mm
J mini
III CitrtvrtalrJbila
hlntnyntin Flanr.
A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ncss iuul Loss of Sleep.
I'nc Simile SignnUirc of
new vonic.
Bears the t
Signature xr
( a Use
For Over
Thirty Years
t'liiplojefs Admit That There Is Utile
Hope of Gt)in to Work in I lit Col
liers This Mortiin".
I'iiii m)ki,i-iii., Kept. 10 That the
strike of thu mineworker m the antbra
cleou! legions of Penri(-ylv,inlr which
1'reM lent Mitchell, of thu Uhittd mine
workers of Americi, has officially de
clared to begin tomorrow inorniig will
be out' of considerable magnitude seems
certain tonight from reports received
'rum the renioiiB affected. It ecciiib
tquully certain tht u number of oper
ators will miike mi ofluit to run their
collieries even though they miiy be
khort-liuudtd, but whether they will be
successful can be determined only when
thu breaker whistles sound the call to
Krk. The operHtorH generally will
lmvu their collierti hi condition to begin
operations, und the whistles mil blow
oe usual, but a large nuiuber of the em
ploye nd,,,t that there is little hope of
heing able to atart.
Today was one of oulet throughout the
entire coal district. The mlneworkers
were orderly, ami tliuir leaders were
busy addressing meetings to encourage
thu members of the union und to vtiu
over mth nonoiiion men as the could.
Maiij of tbuHo lattor, although n H favor
"B strike, will, It Is the gonoral opin
Jon. remain away from the mines rather
t 'ftu hear the criticism und reproach of
their fullow-workuien,
An tiiort Is beiug made tonight to
have ArchLlshop ltyan, of Philadelphia,
t as arbitrator. Father Phillips, of
ifa.Hltoii, who has been laboring hard
jo eiitci puacogblo eelthiuent of the
hor troubles, was in con'ertnee at a
We hour witli President Mitohell, of the
united mlneworkers, urging him to de
y the strike until Archbishop Rvau
"laI1 '"we exhausted his efforts,
"oxer. Arc Actlvn.
I'kkik, Sept. 12, via KhaogUil, Sept.
m iA fqUHdrou uf the Sixth cavalry
wtl leave here tomorrow to relieve a
native Ohrlfltian village, which was at
wckeU by Boxers 45 utiles southeast of
'"klii. Several email partita have been
"Hacked between Tuo Chow und Hoekl-
jawnn, where British and American
troops are stationed. Civilians going to
Tien Trin are warned not to travel with
out a military escort.
The Bosnians have", k reived word of
reverses in Manchuria, wheie 200 miles
of railroad have been destroyed and u
number of stations hnvo been burned.
There lias been much fighting and many
Russians have bum killed. Three regi
merit 8 have left Pekin on their long
overland march to Manchuria.
A gradual reduction of the Ruesian
forcce in IVkin lias begun.
A Mlulntut'ii flood Work,
"I had a severe attack of bilious colic,
got it battle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Choler mid Itemed), took two
doses and was entirely cured," says Rev.
A. A. Power, of Emporia, Kan. "My
neighbor across the sheet was sick for
overa week, had two or ihiro bottles of
medicine from the doctor. He need
them three or four days without relief,
then called in another doctor who treat
ed him for some days and gave him no
relief, eo discharged him. I went over
to see him the next morning. He said
his bowels were In a terrible fix, that
they had been running oh" so long that
It was almost bloody flux. I asked him
if he had tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Dlarrhn.u Itemed) and hd
said, 'No.' I went home and brought
him my bottle and gave him one dose;
told him to take another dose in fifteen
or twenty minutes if he did not find
iullif Imi Iih innic iki more and was en
tirely cured." Fur sale at lllakeley's
drug" store.
I'ri'nltlrul )h Not III.
Gaston, O., Sept. 15. President Mc
Ktuley passed today in state of rest.
Ho received few callers, although lay
usual number piesented themselves on
the front porch. The president was not
ill, but he was tired from his long siege
of hard work. The s no apprehension
that tho president is on the verge of ill
nes, but It deemed expedient that lie
should be keep quiet (or n day or two
and secure as much sleep as possible.
It is thought that by Monday he will be
able to resume his old habits, und give
the cordial greetings to his frieuds just
as he has been doing during his va-
citlon lu Canton
lunt-otf From HUuil f uniloii.
Wahiiinqtox, Sept. 15. In view of
the fact that the state hoard of horticul
ture of the state of California has re to the nostofllce department that
dangerous Insect pests oxlst in Hawaii
and Philippine Islands, which are not
known In any part, of North Ameri'
and which, if introduced in the etat'i
would do great dnmwre to our fruit and
plants and this statement having been
confirmed by tho secretary ot agricul
ture, the poBtmaster-generai lias issued
the following order:
"All postmasters at ports of entry on
the Pacific coast shall intercept nnd for
ward, under cover of penalty, envelopes,
in the stato of California, to the post
master at Sacramento; in tiio state of
Oregon, to the postmaster at Salem;
and in the state of Washington, to the
postmaster at Olyrapia, all mail matter
containing fruit or plants emanating
from the territory of Hawaii or the Piiil
ippine Islands.
"The postmasters at Sacramento,
Cal.j Selem, Or., Bnd Olympia, Wash.,
will submit all such matter received by
them to their respective Btate boards of
horticulture, to-wit : The state board
of horticulture, Sacramento, Cal. ; the
state board of horticulture, of Salem,
Or., and the commissioner of hoiticul
ture, OlympiH, WaBh., for the inspection
of such board or commissioner before
the some is forwarded to tho addresee,
in order to ascertain whether the fruit
or plants therein contain any dangerous
Catarrh Cannot He Cured,
with local applications, ae they cannot
reach the scat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hali's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Ciiknkv & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggiets, price 7.rc.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
linen,' Lust Appeal.
Tin: Uagui:, Sept. 15. The Boera del
egates, Meseeis. Fiecher, Wolmarans
and Weseels, have addressed an appeal
to all nations for intervention in South
Africa. After expressing the conviction
that the annexation of the Transvaal
was only proclaimed with tho object of
enabling Cheat Britain to prosecute the
war in an inhuman mat ner contrary to
international law and mercilessly pur
sue as rebels exhausted combatants
hitherto recognized as belligerants, the
appellants declared that with God's
help, this will never bo attained. They
assert the South African Republics have
shown themselves to be worthy of liber
ty, and that they will continue to
struggle to tho last breath against Great
Baitain's at empt to annihilate their
existance as a free people. The appeals
concludes as follows:
"In the namo of justice and human
ity, we appeal to all peoples to come to
our aid In this supreme moment and
saveourcountry. We commit ourselves
to God trusting that our prayers will be
Ilravu Men Fall
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles as well as women, and all feel
tho results in loss of appetite, poisons In
the blood, backache, nervoutness, head
ache and tired, listless, run-down feel
ing. But there's no need to feel like
that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville,
Ind. He eays: "Electric Bitters are
just-thu thing for a man when he is all
run down, and don't caro whether lie
lives or dieB. It did more to give me
new strength and good appetite than
anything I could take. I can now eat
anything and have a new lease on life."
Only 50 cents, at Blakeley's drug store.
Kvery bottle guaranteed. 3
May Kxteiul Kutlrouil,
Lakkview, Sept. 10. Railroad ru
mors are again rife since the arrival at
Terino of Moran Bros, from New York,
owners of the Nevada, California & Oie
gon Railway. Termo is tho northern
terminus of the road, and is 120 miles
south oi Lakeview. A, Bieber, a l.ake
vlew merchant, traveled with these gen
tlemen Irora Reno north, and from what
he could learn from their conversation
he thinks the road will be extended rout
Termo to Likely, a distance of about
twenty-fivo miles farther north. It is
said that tho company has become
alarmed at the movement of The Dalles
Southern railioad, which is projected to
Millions (liven Away.
It is certainly gratifying to tho public
t) know of one concern in tho land who
arc not afraid to ho generous to the
needy and sulTering, Tho proprietors
of Dr. King's New Discovery for con
sumption, coughs and colds, have given
away over ten million trial bottles of this
great medicine ; and have the satisfac
tion of knowing it has absolutely cured
thousands ofj hopeless cases. Asthma,
bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseis
of tho threat, chP3t and lungs are sure'y
cured by it. Call on Blakeley, the
Druggist, and get a free trial botUe.
Regular size 50c. and $1. Every battle
guaranteed, or price refunded. 3
ltoyalty On Alaska Quid.
Vaxcouvek, B. O., Sept. 15. W. A.
Bauer, a mining engineer of this city,
who has just returned from Dawson,
says that according to the latest in
formation In the possession 'of the gold
commissioner's office at Dawson, royalty
will bo paid this season on $16,000,000.
The actual clean-up will be $9,000,000
more. Just before Bauer left Dawson,
encouraging reports had come from the
Stewart River placers, 200 miles distant,
and another exodus to that river had
taken place. Good reports had also
come from Little Salmon, from which
great results are confidently anticipated.
Ited Hut If ruin the Gun
Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman
of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It
caused horrible ulcers that no treat
ment helped for twenty years. Then
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. It
cures cuts, bruises, burns boils, felons,
corns, skin eruptions. Best pile cure on
earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley, the
drujgist. 3
Kruger Going to Europe,
London, Sept. 15, (Saturday). The
Portugese government lias telegraphed
to the Governor of Mozambique au
thorizing the departure of Mr. Krugei
for Europe. The governor, however,
must satisfy himself that Mr. Ki tiger i?
reaify going to Europe. He is instruct
ed to take all precautions to insure tl o
safety of Mr. Kruger.
Tho newspapers here say that Mr.
Kruger will take the German steamer
Herzog at Lourenco Marques, his des
tination being Holland, by way of Mar
seilles. Through the mouths of June and July
our baby was teething and took a run
ning oil' ot the bowels and sickness of
the stomach," Eays O. P. M. Holliday,
of Deming, Ind. "His boweis would
movo from five to eight times a day. I
had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrl.iui Remedy in the
house and gave him four drops in a tea
spoonful of water and he got better at
once. Sold at Blakeley's drugstore.
Holland Olt'cr tVuililp,
Tim Haguk, S.ipt. 10. Tho govern
ment of the Netherlands has telegraphed
to Lourenco Marques ottering a Dutch
warship to bring Mr. Kroner to Holland.
K nicer at Lourcnen Marques.
London, Sept. 17. Mr. Kruger, ac
cording to a dispatch to the Dally Ex
press, hna arrived In Lourenco Mvrques.
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist.
Wo extend a cordial invitation
to our lady friends
to visit our
QoalSuit Department
Our fall stock, of
Furs and Cloth Garments
is quite complete, and
the variety is
most interesting. Come!
How pleasing to the ear.
How easy in action.
How grand and beautiful
in appearance are the new
"LindeH," "United Makers" and
"Kimball" Pianos at
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
J. E. FALT & CO.,
Commercial Sample fyooms.
5 Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to anj' part of tho City
Phones: 51 Local,
S5S Long Distance.
173 Second Street.
rroi. J as. diappell, maQdoiidquitar
Will givo instruction on either the Mandolin or Guitar,
nnu, It tlesireit, will call at your home.
ti Cl MR MFPTIMfl Aunru Thin-aHnu Fvonincr
: '
Respectfully solicit your patronage aud guarantee per
fect satisfaction.
75c a Lesson or
8 Lessons for $5.00.
The Jacobson Book
& Music Company.
The Weekly
for $2.00 a year.
All subscribers to the Weekly Chron
icle who pay one years' subscription In
advanc , will bo entitled to the above
liberal offer,
The Dalles, Oregon.
September 17 to 22, 1900.
Grounds greatly improved, buildings
repaired ami renovated, all stock build
ings thoroughly disinfected everything
in firal-clasg condition for tho largest
and host Livu Stock Show and Agricult
ural Exposition ever held on the Coast.
$20,000 it? premium purses
Good racing every afternoon,
Musio nnd fun ut night.
Aunllnii villa of livestock will uu lamlu a lead
liih' (tut ii in. All livestock ami other exhibit
hauled fuotivcr thu Southern I'aullio railroad,
Hcdnml oasbeiiKcr rules on all rullrnmU. For
iirviiilani Hut mill other Information mldrcM
W. 11. YYKIIIUINll, t'reaulent, lllllsborii, Or.
M. 1). WISDOM, tied., Portland, Or.
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