lEOI'LE COMING AM) OUING. Hon. Rilit. May i?ul Jo Port'aitl cn this Kfternoon's traits. Dr. Ry Lwn i down irotn biikoJ onavi-itto his father ar.d friend in. The Dalle?. I I AMULETS IN GREAT DEMAND. BUSINESS LOCALS. A Fnil Tlint I Grow-lns In Poiiulnrlt Auiuuc Wiimtn, Hut Ilenll le tnnnd Cnrrful Slinl. Miss One H;!l vrtli Jeave early ntxt f Amulets and lucky stones of. one week for .Moamotuh. where she will enter the normal school. Mrs. J. C. Meins and daughter, Mrs. II. Z epler, returned at noon irotn visit in e the Portland carnival. A. MacAdatn ii in from Snsniko eelftinc the fall stock of good; for Pease ft Mays' store at that place. Mrs. Mary Broth, who has 5rnnt the past three week? with her danshters in and near The Dalies, returned to Port land hy bat today. M'tis Mazgie Kelly will beatutnj thoie who take the norma1, course at the Mon mooth'fohoo! this year, having left for that place this morning. le:Se and Lacy Djhrrty. of Shaniko, nepbew and niece of A. M. Kelsay, left this moriiin; lor University Park a here they will Attend school. Mr?. F. C. ex!on, who left here dnr inc the early part ol the weok, is now in Centra! Kansas, vi-itine her old home and tetitives whom she rias no: seen for j tnanv year; i Mrt and nnother lire becoming more Clark A Fidk'" drug Mock is new, fresh and complete. Clarke A Fu'.k have on sale a fnil I.ne of paint nnd artist's brushes. Yon will not have boils if von tf ke and more popular with women, and dirk it F.ilk's nr cure for boiis. the bangle of detested memory is re-' fnil line of Eastman films and sop- j vlved in a more romantic and inter- .,jJeg :ast rt.ceived bv Clarke A Faik. .. . . .'. , !1 ;.. .1.. cs-unc iorm. ine rawioru irin i ue-, cldedly up in fetishism and though Clarke A Falk's flavoring extract? are some "frivolous, fair ones wear jew- best. Ask your crocer for them. , eled cow and pics and lizards and Paint yoor house with paints that are shamrocks- and hells and boots in- folly guaranteed to Inst. Clarke A Fu'k discriminated and impartially, the jjBve tjiero ri-nllv tiiv-tn-dnte vounsr woman choose.- her talismans fastidiously and NdSdl t learned in talismanic lore, says the f a w Q Ii New York Sun. R flTA K K H la &j1 lu etaes tUcrc Francis Sexton, who after b-inc grd natd from ocr hizh sehi in this car's c!a. lelt for Umatilla cooatv, where tie ha?: since beu etnpiovfsi, return-d horn this morninvr, and will prohahly enter school ag.itn, taktnc np the course which I lias been added this year. s Dislrict-Alty. Menefee, Jndje B-ad ! ehaw, Jcdije Bennett. Attorney Hnr.t- ington and F. V. Wilson, and P. S. J Dnfnr will leave Ionian: to attend court I which open-- a: Ciuiijn Monday, when ) the Uollins uinrtirr case cuuies np lut trial, Judre Bennett appearine fr De fendant Co-ik. W. C. Wei?el. who left The Dalles about ten year; ao and has simw been employed ny the Union Pacific in the office of the sniitmitendeni o: motive power and machinery, at Omaha, ar rived in the civ ihir rViormng and will remain antii ttie last of the month vict im: hi- parents and brothers. Uis last vi-it was made three years na. Dr. Geo. Wilson, one of Portland's leading physicians, came uj on last night'r train for the purpose of cjnn't icL' with Dr. GWiendorfTir regarding A. 3. Curti's. Kis diagnosis ol the case thoroughly ojreed with that of the attendiap physician, who, v. bile givinc no hope of a permanent recovery from the accident, is of the opinion that the patient will improve ufliciontl.v to lie .abunt in the course of a few weeks. To be resllv wie nud occult one must tro in for astrology and choose sh0u:a fc dcanuncj. one's, talismms m accordance with jvs Cream Balm the symbols of the planet under whose e..yjcehoaU influence one was born; but it is ask- tbe d:icicJ membrane, ini: too much of the modern society itcnrejcat.irrhaaddr girl to insist upon her adding astrol- nar a coi u the head X . ,ion-!c;.,T i-ou. quick T. . " ?Y . "'- "" -i cream r.lm is ptfl Into the BMlril!, spreads toire. still it doesnt requ...- much . lhc nKmhr3a5'cnd ataorbed. neiefMaa. research to find out whether Capri- mtC2Me and a caie foumrf. 1: is not drjtr-duM corn or Cancer or some Other Zodi- B0. j)roJace nln;. I-arire Size, 50 cents 61 Dr-i-- j. ncal sichis most appropriate foroue's piit.irlyraail; Trial Sbc, to cents by rail. U lucky piece. ! IXtY L'.JTUERS. U Warrcc iHreci, Zew Yo.-k. For general mascot purposes n, Annual fall and winter opening OJ white elephant is about as satisfac- miiiaery will take place at the Camp- mm sis uiie uuuiu cuwust, There is nothing exclusive about him. Like the rain, he patronizes both the just and the unjust, and he is a ter- i:ii:.. Ic Grass YaHv. Oregon, V.'ednesdnv evHi.int-. sept. 12.h, l'JM, to Mr. anil .Mr. J. Y. O'Loarv. a sou. OUR CHURCHES b il A Wilson millinery parhrs Tue- day and Wednesday, Sept. IS'.h and ' 19th. Everyone cordially invited to ror to evil spirits Of OH sorts ami can niiu mt.ieci u eiegaui. uitpuj ui arieth. In the far east he is worn pattern hats, ladies' and chiidrtn's, in all sizes and materials, and the trimmed hats, street hats and tarn o ! more white elephants one can intro-' shauters. ISs-l1" dure into household decorations the Keal fc-taie r..r f,lr surer one is of domestic felicitv. The , , , , , ir!-a nu-ht to be adopted bv western' Twenty-three lots, located from ?ev deromtors. If a frieze of white cle-!e"tl street to Twelfth, for sale Bt froir. phnnts could foil the divorce courts $50 np. Inquire at the Columbia ! it would be worth having. : Hotel. n29 tf The pit:, too, is a fair success as liuy a Ineal lickt!t at lhe irinAl;Vl, "u , rM""-1 " 0:,t s,fi, l"an BBei House leitanrant; $5.50 for 5. El tf t lizard IS n hoodoo of the most fatal a fnil line of Ua-' plothine ut the 5 i ; ? r 5 i i i AS i The Dollos, Or. The Ghronielc, Job Printers 31! if I I; ' '5 a: 3S '3-' J a ITttICTXJTJtrrTtTTTrrTIIIJTTTIialTITlJIXIltTITIJTlItrlTIIlItTTf i trti.B UKfAItT roR tmr. cur.&t'LK I'lioK Uaiir. .'... llinilH. Kill! ti i 12.ii ik m. nak CMtv. Si l . .U city, ft. u,u, i'r Chlcngo and Kail. , 05II I Allanllc 'Suit lJikf, Drnvrr Ft 4 is. : Kxpan. J Worth. Onmtm, Kim" t-0- U:r.n. m.I m Cltr, 8t. lium VI Hunt-! CIiIchro fitiU Cnvt j Insioti. i t-tWaliu '.W'atla iiKAnnt. i.,. SlUll Mlnt!0K.llK. St. 1M, SW E ton: nl!onlli!'-t.n t:xiir r. p. m' ! nniJ i)n I nth, MlUankw. ."i1 rM ! Chtracn mid KnU. via vZ I fcrotniionkd Hunilnc WMhlni;t(i:i mid Latt etn Oregoii. Via EiniM. !I.1S 8 . in. FngM ror.Ti.Ayn. Ocean Stramihl, 1 For San Frnncli.- -; Kvcry 1'ivo !)v. ... n. m. , . . .. l Kx.ttuailnr'Coluir.blB Kv.Etcamcr- KxiiS. .-.M.ur'mj- J-ilnlliiir. ii p. in. fin. ra. I Whaaskite rttvriL i.w. ! Kz.uniS.Oreeoii Cltr. NcwU-'jr. EisniSt salein A Wajr ljind . i i n. m, witLAMrTTK ani Yak i.sit, a. luo.,'lhiir.! iuu.Kivr.iu Moa.Wrt . mill ant. jorccon City, Ii)t.jn. tuira. I I unit Wry-Landlnsk, t v i;iiarin. rtnlijr S X. u in. S:UKr. Rivek, l:i;mrl u l.-ri!.ion Inn Lrwi.tto dillj 9.18 itTarri'i jl j a'ata "-a.- txt atat a. xjrrA,TTA'rjrrM-yj.i TifTA-r atjita. f son, ano me amnuui oi norm oeincr jew York Cash Store done by jeweled uartls is beyond alculation Hoot nnd shoe orna- S'OTICE FOR PUBLICATION, ments. which have become so popu- Und 0mcE AT TjtE AltES. OR.t . lar, are also inimical to happiness, and September, 10, vm for tinv liflls woll onlv n hrnrn Notice Is liereby Riven ths: the follown c as ior unj oeus wcji, only a brave namal lcMaT nBk filed notice ol his lutcattnu and dauntless sou! can wear them u mufce final i.rool In tiipport of his claim, nnd nml pnme our 'villi lifo -nil -imrik in. th nl'l lironf will be made belore the rreitcr ami come oik auii me ..nu morals m- nl,a teotvcr at The Dalles. Oregon, on aatuida. taot. Their tinklinc-, as is well un- October Sj, 1-a.O, mm derstood by overv suidcnt of the ciiarie h. atntm-y. Str. Regulator REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASI0II1A NAY. C0MPAXV-3;!sk?,& TJ . tnr I'nrno dclrinK to ro t llerwr or liiiitMin I'olumhlii -ioutlierti vl.. Hlw. sturaM 5 mntit.n direct connrcilons lit Ilrpiinvr jnnction t; nnd itlsas. lii'turnlnk' ml.iiic:ir'tcoiiK!t.it lit Hcii.n.T 'iinrtliiti mid 11! kit iih So. l.u- . ' rill'k nt TI,.. Hull... nt . n 4 4: rimiiicrs 01 me jiCKUiaiur unr h hi run un jier tnu 101- i w.nj hclitduic. the Comjmuy icscrvliiR tho rlcht to cha'.Ro J ti-.t-fluie witanat notice. ooenlt. rails up all evil spirits within 'T.e Dalles, preson. H. n No .&. for th- - r. .s i 1., , , hf NKiir and W hi sK,r, sec 12, Tp 1 s, t. Jl J 1 v.i.li. hearing, and the wearer of a bell k, W. ii. '5 at t a m. hancle lives in a Walnurris Nacht : i,e noine the followlns ritne?s tojirovc 1 5. Tniilay. ' . , 1 hit continuous tetldent-e upon and cultivation f Thnisrtav or ald land. viz. : d -aturdar . lid violent death of A. S, Fox. K i Fosaii. Chcrle Gomou aad W. I r Arr. I'urtlaud p, at 1:39 f. it. Calvary Baptist church P.ev. W. B. Giifton, pastor. Regular services at 11 a. m. and 5 p. m, in the frame scho-il building on Court street. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Methodist E.-iicipai chnrci. Corner Fifth nd Washington, Rev. fj. F. Hawk pastor. AIo'n?n2 worship at 11 ; Sinday rdm! &; 10 a. uj. : c'u?3 meet- me at 12:15; Ejjwnrth Lagne at 0:30;! evening service a: 7 :39. Zioit LuU.e:n cherub, Ssventh and Union 5tre 13 Services at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. ra; Lutheran League meeting C:S0. Catechistical c'.as- will meet on next Wednesday evr.ins at 7 o'clock in the church. Il-y. W. lirenner pastor. C mrejiati'TOai cimrch corner Fifth and Court tftruets. Rev. f'olint:, pastor. Morning worehip t 11; Suadny fchuol at 12:16; Young People's Society 6:30 p. in.; eveninsr ervie at 7:30. Mvrnia? theme "The Chridtian Church and the Kation." In addition to the mnslc of the choir, Mrs. Prr will in the of fertory r; thiji t?rviee. In the evening the suhjct ff the pa-torV u!k will l.e "Dnini; Coirj iiion Thine- in an Un coiiimou Way" .pciai nmsic hy the choir at thfp serv.ne alno. T-l. .1 . lie.. 1 jii; hiiuri iiie uiiu viuiem ueaiii 01 .iSi ..' 7" the average love affair is intelhc.ble jay I. LVCAH, Hegiitcr when one realizes that bv all the laws of fetichism the exchanging he-! tween lovers of hair or anv orna-, ment in shape of a heart is a cure VI'. I.v I'ortlmd ' 7 A. M. . Monday . .Wedne-. . . Friday Arr. Ijlle at 5 1: K. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. ml 'i mm k ' I xiui 1.11'T.T. -'land.Or, NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. Lisi) OrncE at The Dalles, Or., September 10, . .... ..... .iuiiuv in iiu'cu tittru lun. mc lining iur lOKen or disaster, borne rmilanihro- hkiuhI wttir h.u cm tuitin. i hi. M..niinn m pist should have made a e-uade lnakt; final i,r"' ln uj'lrt of hla ulaim, and ' Portland Office, Oak -street Doc L 1. .i f i . 1 '. i that said proof will b ninde before tnc llejitcr j K - nu.i; sua i;eceiver nt me ime, urcgon, on :omr- tuiiij - v, r-r t-r explained the evil occult influence of a"T uciowsriw, nw.', viz: hair and hearts, in emotional mat- AreliouhS. i"x, tprs- hut -11 --nil m-ilK l-ir. 1i..mt, n! Tfae Ul,IIe, ("esoa. H. E. 'o. iVt. for the rers. out ..Kii .nu maids l.ave Deen hf NV qr and niStt' ir, Sec fci.Tp I b, K 11 allowed to rush on their fate un- E, W. JS. warned- l. i iiriiuiui .4 ut 7 IK) A M. f Ttie-dnr 'i . Thursday ,3 hatutday f Arr Dnllr t& r. v..; - 3 i 2 Travel by the Steamers of the Kesulatnr I.lnc. The- .omiany will endeavor tr clvt t; t.at- t itmt tiie bt setviee slljle. Fur further iiif.iroititiuti addru-s '2 I r. now:; I.v. Dalles nt 7 a. i. .Munday . Friday.. Arr. Dnrtlalid nt I :m r. u. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, W. C. ALL A WAY, Gen. Agt. . i j He namet the following wlta&je; to jirnve ' J lie Iour-leaeu clover loee all its of eald land, vlir: j efiicnev as a pood omen when it leaves Matncy. C. If. Matncy. fliorlen ;o-en I the hand that gathered it: and in-' n,": L' Ciflrfc'"U 0,V,e"f l'Tu-. ! ti..v wvi .jiui 411 till Iji LUiUI Q1IUU1U be worn, as it is more than likely' to brine- a misfortune in its wake.' The left hind foot of a irravevardi ! Advertise in the Chronicle .NOIICE FOP. PUBLICATION. I-no Orncz at The Ham.es. ie . euiitvmber lv, 1KO. I i-nliliit tt-, 1.-..C, r.ot.r.T.1- :., .1... i:i.. ! J.oticc lis hertliy Riven tbut the fulli-.ine- V", " -f"-": named mtllw hntfUediiotlee of her intuition of the miion has ltb virtties, but no toiuaLclitml nrfKjf In mjiiwrt of her claim, nnd other rabbit's foot is worth pocket W proof will tie made before the ly.vMar , , . kn,-'- and Keceiver nt The Iiallei., Oregon, on ednes- room, ami even the powerful piece dir. October Jt, Ho, ti. of a rope by which a man has handed ' "".Jaunt v. stHirurt, nf Tim nuiie. Or , himself will bring not hint? but ill H. K. Ko. I2sl. for the K'? Sl'M sK qr NK jr -te luck to the possessor if the miieide . f g $ E,iU fcV 'iT -sw "r I'.BIIJHIIlMir That Chai. .Stuhling is still doiny a retail biHliiej nt his new iilace. He nel!s in quantities to Euit all cnstomerii, ' from one bottle to a barrel. Family orde-B delivf red promptlv. harmened to be born under the in. She iiiirnt the followliiL' wltneswi to nrnve flnniiPi. nf ?-iirn f,er eou'.iniroui. residence upon and cultivation nueiice 01 b...urn. j of -id land, iu . Altof'tliT, the intricacies of the I'- l Nlon, E. F. KUarp, John Fleming, mascot question are many and devl-; IJfitcw'",' uli V'lucas. Itesuter. ous, and no one should jo in for ! - - charms recklessly. The tw..nti..tti ' century K so bay the prophets, to be GROCERIES.... especially noted for it fatal acci dent!.; and that b-intr the ease, mas- A '"E MXE OF cots Khould be in preat demar.'!, but unle-K one has time to studv lire hid den mysteries of occult lore it would perhaps be f,afer to utick to the be nipn nnd ever amiable white ele-: AT phant. Phone Ko. CO. C. F. Stephens Hi "Meet .Dealer in. ( Dry Goods, Clothing, i wsiika 4 ui' uio 1 iiuy a , IlofiU, Sho Hat. I Rpf .V'.tioiis. fur W. I, Umnc.iih tU x-. v, SiaDie ana Fancy erocefies I NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. 1 Third St., near Court, DUNCAN'S CORD WOOD.... CHOCOLATE BON BON5. FRESH TODAY. DIRECT from the FACTORY -AT EASTERN PRICES. ! Lasi) OrriCE at The Dalles, on. i fceiitetaber 12, IM. I I Notice I hcrebv elven that the fullnwlno ' named tettler haa Tiled notice of hor Inicntlon ! I toinate Mial jiroof In fcupjiort of her flnim, and Good I'Ine and Fir Wl delivered to cny tart tbnt i.ild nroof will be rnede be'ore the rcKiMer of theclty at a..-iO iier coril. end rtceiver at The Dulles, Oregon, on Wednes day, October 21, liuO, viz at widow cf Samuel J. Vickcra. deream-d. of Slo- 'T'n''r H',fer court . DUNCAN'S Her, Orevon, II. E. .No. MSU. fur the il'i SW lnu l" "tnr Loun- , , " nnd , .N V, 4 -w li. Tt. 2 .N, ft 12 E, W. il. i aujC-lmo .She unmet the folloivlni; wltnetie to jir ive ' lior xmUnnoiix rcnldmcc umii enl cultivation . , . . . u .-.-1 of .aid land, -u TTRTiyNmTT Rr CiO '.eorst KeiiOH, of The Dalles, Orcjrnn, Joineii , -VVJLIX CX; KJf.. ' Jl Icr U'U Evan, Erie (iriiiilaiid, Moxler, Or. . . . . JAY 1'. UXAH. lieglatcr. 1 BANKERS. NO ' ICE FOR PUBLICATION. 'tkassaota k.nebai.banking buhi.nku Ih.vu Ornt-E at Vancouver. Wahi.i , Aus. 1G. vjj. ( I .Notice Ik hereby given that the -followinif- ' w" KVtarn KAr iiaini-d neitlcr haii filwt notice of hi intention , , taHiern Diatea. to make iinul iirixif in utiirt of hi claiir, and bltfbt Eichanye nnd Teleirraphi', that ld proof will tie made before W. Jl. I'resby, Tranefers sold on Now York Cliluiuri I niled fetatea ConunU.loi.er for UUIrlcl of , r, , JZl c vililijL pjfi.' i n.?' , WBhl!iKioii,Athiomeein (ioidendale. Wash. 1 st( lnla, han rancwco, Portland Oro 1 Ington, on October I, w),i.. 'uon, Seattle Waeh,. and varioue points I John wauon, . in Oregon and Washington. 1 r. 0. ndilretn Ceutcrvlile, WaHii., who mi.de Collectiona made at all poinU on far j i't"'iI1an:PKt'IKv", 'or tlie HI HKi 1 otM riu. I Who iiainiK the following wltnee to prove ' - nu eonunuuua reniuencc iijmn aim uuinvuiion llklt. K. K. VBIIGUMON, Tcleptrme Sn yi. in beenna at.. TUB Dalles, Or. House Painting... The undersicned lias taken possesion j of II. A. fepivey paiut nhop, next door to! the Vogt opera house, and has pnr- j chased the lut'e and ladders. He has j ood inechanius working for him, and , will guarantee all work to give satin.'iic- S. K. KELLY. us on the Midway" Event of the Times The Great Street Fair and Carnival! rr r, Eimiii sSnn IJ Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAIl KOflE FIloM l'OKTLAXtl TO TIIE EAi!T. TIIE O.NI.V IIIK(rr I.1.NE TOTHKYEUOT. HONK I'AllK leave. DniDD Depoi, nntanfi ; s:s No. 2. I'Kt ranil for Tucuija, fcjitUe, Olj-injiln. ItiitiKir nid Small . J lMjtut.H, bpiikan''. K 1 -land, ft. C, l'u.i' Mosuiw, lnUt'tn. !r tl:l.' A. M. faloiluntp mining I1"'. try, Helena. Minn..' Ill, HI. l'nut. OiuhIi Kani-a. city, t 1 ' No 1. litileagn and ull j ln-ai-t. eai.t and south' J'HRet Eotind -.!t!.r, I1;.'W V. M for Tacoina and hi-alln nnd liitermediiilv jKiu.t AEIltt. .Vo. ...SJl'.JI. No.J. 7.00AJI I'llllmnn tlmt clawi and lou'i t uleen'ts 0 .Vlnneiipollit.Mt. i'auluiid -Mlseou river point without change. Vuitlbulert trains. Eulon lcpo cuam-cttei in oil prlni:lpal cltlof. UagKugv ohtrketl to dcstllintlMii tickets. I'or himdhomely llhiKtiitttilil' -r iptlvcmitWi tlcfcet, fcleejilng car loervHtWim, ft ..caUetior write A. D. CHARLTON, AkJ.li.tunt (ii'iieinl I'aMienser Agi ' - J'0"1 M.n Hta-et, corner Third, l'ortlan'l On?oc. SOUTH and EAST via Occupying many solid hlocke, taking m an entire Btmit, froix curh to curb : : tion. om.' Ssjt. 4"1S Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. Charleh htruulie. William WHkiiiMir.. Jamc C. Daly and J'utrlck Hagxcrty, all of (.'eulervllle f. O., Wublntoii. W. K. DL'NHAIi. Healster. alvl J, r. KCOKE JOHN UAVIH M00EE & GAVIN, ATTOR.NEVB AT LAW ltoom 39 and 40, over V. S. Land OAlcw D1 PJiysiciau and Surgeon, Ofllce, Vogt Block (over f tutoBce), 'Aapluo-dMr THE UAI.IJJfJ, OHKUO.N. Mica 'Axle Crease helps the team. Saves wear and cxpeuse. txld every where. STANDARD OIL CO. lightens the load shortens the rood. I'nder the wispier of the I'ort. land Klka, nurpuknliiK in innRiil. tude and grandeur arythliiK of the kind ever iittempKdon the J'uclllc Count. Hi" Klrrt-t 01 Culro! Tlir Orh-ntitl 'fhitutri! 'Jim Cii rinun VI1Ihi; I Xlic IIhiicIiik tilrls I An Arolilun ragitjiut I CriMfUliiK the (lunrii : Itez,KliiK of llm Cuniliiil, At. txuilvd ly llli, JIiikiiJH. cent Uuurl. v. t, 1 ... urn ; r fc. I? ATORNEx-AT law, THE UALIJ-.8, OUEUOM STRAYED From the Enet End feed yard, one email bine maro, branded eomcihlng like a inan'o head on left slionlder. Liberal reward for her recovery or information leading to her iccovery. When lust seen had a short roue around her neck. T. J. Daii-B, a27-2lw The Dallee, Or. nf,1' . V.'i'"1 .V"'?,lc"i t,,c "thcr orders 1 ho llallaii I'nric nnd Fountain. The Mat in te. t'Jrliimplml Aroh nnd Orand .M iw ,y ffl w th wonderful iiltraetloin,. .Minli k. Sh- ii iw tile, AKilcul uriil, Horticulture d u her diutrlaU-xhllilU.' 'jl,e Won ii "VU I in de lK iid by women, built by women 'ml ''." t'y, women for the eihlhlt I "v nen'a InduHtrliil work. The (Jtnlii l'alaet 1. ii ,S Oregon and WanhlnKtoi. grain.. and Sr'Jiei.'' MUSIC, FUN AMI OAYKTV, NIUHT TUItNKU INTO UAY, i,i Ll.w,,'!" tu'l water rated ever given west! ' "' " 1 P'U 01 ,Ue 'lle NoMl" Souinern Paci tic Co ; Shasta Route Trains leave The IJullci for I'or'lHiiil uni1 htutloiik at l;'J it. 1.1. nnd S . m. Leave I'ortland 8.aniii 7:?? ''S " Albany 12.aiu m 10:SuPB Arrive AMilund liiKinm 1 " Kuorami'dto 5 W p m ;.'!: " ban FrnncUco ".Upm i'J,B AtrivoOKdoii , " l'enver " Kiuinus C.'ll)'. " Chluiigo .... Arrive 1-os Angeles ... " Kl l'ntu " Kurt Worth " :ity of Mexico . " lloimton ' New OrleanH .. " Wuntilnitton ... " New York o.It.i m ):W a in 7 11 w , 7. I'm in . l -vopm C;u) p in i C:: a 111 , I ;W 11 in . n -'3 11 m 6, fin in .I'.'.m p m 6:00 pB jjiWaB oiasp (Ptitf I'llllllllin linrl Tnnrl.l . !.r on lllltll R'0!' Chair earn Bacrauioulo to OkiIuii and MJ! igo, bl 1II "v" mid lourlnt nam to Chicago iviuiii iiuu v lujuuiKtoii. CoimeetluL' nt Him Francisco Willi ?.r,". teaiiuhlp linca for Honolulu, Jul""'- tU1 'hllli.pl.ivji, Cuiitrat nud Houth Aniem" b'cu uncut at The Dallcn Hlntlan, or uddrc" C. H. MARKHAM, Ocuerul I'tuti-nger Ajiont, Vor QB- UKIHBMOOkrrKU Physician and Surireou, Bptclal attention given lo suts'f' Koomi2lnd, Tel. IMS VugtW