I .... , The Dalles My Chronicle. SATURDAY Tor Treildent WILLIAM M'KINLEY, Of Ohio. For Vlcc-rretdnt THEODORE ROOSEVELT, or w York. SEPT. 15, 1900 the oceans. The broken and bruised - ! hearts sbe cannot heal, but nil that can be done to make life tolerable if not comfortable for the sufferers, and to supply all their physical needs, will be done by the great, sympathizing American people. Telegram. Distress after eating it Closed from the stomach not bogicaing lti work immediately. Until it (rets to work you dis tressed the food lavs in your stom ach like h weight. To start dictation to mate the stomach do ita vrori 70a must assist It If your stomach is weak or slow to work. Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 tatec niter meal supplies tho stom ach with uec"ary acids and jnicus which digest the food qmrklv in a proper manner. To cut the best results etc Baldwin's HealtL Tablets Xo. 25 with the DvsiwjHia Tablets. The Dyspepsia Tablets, cost lite and can be bad at Clarse & Falk, The Dalles, Oregon. i JMT. ANGEL COLLEGE, j Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. 'The Ideal Place for Your Boys. I Will Reopen on Sept. 5th, 1900. i '. -..I -7 , - v.". " 'A Difficult Problem. ; ' It is auionp the most diiiicjr.lt prob ' lerns of nwturul pcience for one to become ' expert in several lines. J. E. Adeox tfc Co., by their combination, hnve over-j coiue ibis difficulty in a practical man- , '. ner. J. E. Aileos is an expert watch-1' maker and is pood on jewelry, optical' 1 work and enpravinc, while Theo. II. ; Liehe is an expert optician and is pood . on watch repairing, jewelry work and' J encravinp. Their price id us low us con- sistent with gond workmanship. They ; are prepared to do all work in thoir '. I several lines, on Ehort notice. Work prompt Watch.' attention. Sipn, "Big lied , OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. GOING EAST- j If yon intend to take a trip East, ask j your ticket apent to route yon via The 1 Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date railroad in evpry particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, 0mah2 or 3t. Louis to New York ; and New England points. All trains ' run via Niagara Falls and every through , train has free reclining chair cars, Bleep- ! ing and dining cars. j aw stop over allowed on all ticKets at .M- 0 agara Falls. Ross C. Cl:.ve, : Pacific Coast Pass. Agt ! Los Aneeles, Calif, j C. S. Crane. O. P. A.. St. Louis. Mo. ' LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN, j From J. Ktiebel'd pasture, three miles j south of town, two mares. One Is a ! dark bay, branded H on left shoulder, ! left hind foot white, weight about 1150 , pounds. The other is brown, big D on j left shoulder, weight about S00 pounds, j A liberal reward vail he paid fur their; return to J. Kuebel, or for such ieforraa- tion as will lead to their recovery. b4 ' Mrs. E. Jalian haE bought the Cates I wood saw. Parties wanting wood sawed ! will please leave ordeis at the Julian ; lodging house, or comninnicite uitbj phone 20L flO lw ; Mrs. Phillips is prepared to fnrnish cut flowers and v. ", kinds of floral de-! signs on short notic-. Phone number ' 307. (10 1m , The CLARENDON RESTAURANT WORSE TEAS VAR TAXES. Carl Schurz advises the American ! people to say to the republican party : Some of the Bryan organs are in a J You are discharged with a rFpri stKte of mind on acconnl of the war . maud. But before jou so be sure taxes and complain that the citizen to pass the laws necessary to prevent is "6ned' by the government: j Bryan from wrecking the country When be sends a telegram. "VVben.be draws a check. "When be becomes a member of a corporation. When be transfers his stock. "When be insures bis bouse or his j life. When be assigns bis assurance. "When he makes a note to raise money for the payment of other taxes. "When be buys n money order. "When be executes a lease. "When be setds a paid telephone message. j When an indemnitv bond is eiven. ! I "When a bill of exchange is drawn. . "When a citizen executes an instru- j ment necessary in the sale of mer chandise on 'change. When he ships goods by freight or j express. "When he clears a vessel and Gles a manifest. ! "When be executes a power of at- , tome'. ' When be buys proprietary medi-- cines. When he chevs gum. When be uses any perfumes or bis wife indulges m cosmetics. When a note is protested. When n warehouse receipt is given. When merchandise is insured in a custom house. Well, there was a blissful time when this country was not paying war taxes. It was from 1S93 to 189C: When business men were failing. When banks were suspended. When manufacturers were closing their shops. When the wheels of machinery were silent. When factory cuimne'3 were smokeless. When wage-earners were out of job3. When idle men walked the streets in despair. When women and children went ragged and hungry. When thousands of families, ac customed to prosperity and too proud to beg, suffered in silence. When the cry for bread was beard iu the land. When free soup bouses kept many people from starving. When many enterprises were at a standstill. When the grim specter of want was a familiar sight. This was when the party of "tariff reform" and "free silvpr" whs ,tpL. ' " I TVtf 1nt I h'Mnn (c tilnnn til &( tnntrl nonF ' tin in its deadly work. It was the Columbia on the iine'pi the o. k.&'s.co., I Pop Sfiiinilfl ft l.finffrilill 'PflMlP 117 Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Good, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at much less than wholesale prices. Will sell iu bulk or in lot?, or any way to enit purchasers. Entire stock must "be closed out "before 30 days. All goods will he sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-Gttinc Cowts and Butterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and scrim bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sis. $1.00 per month. Ftrictly lirit c!a?s local cnl long distance telephone seivieu within your home. ' Lines do not crosMnlk. Your con versation will he kept a secret. No cost fur Installing. You get the standard Hunuiug Long Distant Instrument. Contitiunus day ami night service. Wo will accept your contract for ten years and allow yon to cancel tmm'e on giving us thirty dayn writ ten notice. PA0IFIC STATES TELEPHONE 008. And CAFE. J. B. Orossen & Co., Props. S7 Second Street. ..chas. m- Butchers and Farmers Complete .of Druds at M.Z. DONNELL, TH DRUGGIST. Wasco WarehouseGompany Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Boiled Grain, an kinds ; Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, om'lfeId Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- to! TlmiY Thisriiur is manufactured expressly for family 1 KjkJJ. J. J U.J. UHl. . evt,rv p,lci; i8 guaranteed to give entipfuctioE, We eei! our troode lowor than any buiee in the trade, aud If you don't think 53 j call and get our pntes and be convinced. j Highest Prices Paid for Wh'Dat, Barley and Oats Just What You uuant. . .Exchange.. Keep3 on drsucht tho celebrated COLUMBIA BKEU, Mcktiiw; edped ti;e best br in Tnc Dalles, at !tie usual price. Come in, try it ond be convinced. Alo the Finest brands oi Wines, Liquor hndClKhra. Sanduiiehes n all ICinda nluiy on lip.nd. St. niaru s C3H61 Under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, THE DALLES, - OREGON. ! Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. if M PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Fioneer Grocer. gs-if r if33T?B & fy&Q MC& vC; da x ! ijena me Your iijar! $ & $ &&&& -cs irjj e-- sH-$ Do you know that John Pahek. tho tailor, is agent for 4wo of the lamest mercbnnt taiiorine houees iu America? Do you know that he will well you a suit, mndo to your order, ns & cheap ae the huud-u.u down, ready-made, you buy in tho Htores, mid (.uarantee a fit or no tale? Do you know that he has already on hand for the coming fall V and winter trade the liRiidsoineet and fin cut Hue of fcBinules ever ehown in The Dalleb? JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent. 0 4 thf.p f i . fnvv nf untn for nil thnw ivliri eirc to secure a comfortable borne ond vrocres-1 " Mve n.-iii ni learning lor tneir uniiKrucu or . -ward!). The location nf the Academy lx one of 1 tbe raoit healthy on the PaclUc Ioje, iUlu jtor-1 tion of Oregon being iirorerblnl for iU ;iure ' water, braciEK air, nnd nlcttuftiijue tcencty. 1 i ne Acaueray la ineorjiomiea mm uuuioriz'ro uy tbe aute to confer Academic honor. Hoard and tuition i-r scholastic year, Utudies will be resumed Tnexday, eentember, 1th 'or detailed information npply 10 the Hitter nunor. augMm harder for working people to buy n loaf of bread then than it is to buy a roast beet now. It took longer to cam a suit of clothes then. In short, all the people are more prosperous and comfortnble in this time of "war taxes" than they were in that time of depression and idleness. Everybody 1 &cPVl?KPBrKWc? lT knows that this is so, nnd yet the'l' party of calamity is emitting hypo-k I F qyip critical groans and insincere flap-1 1' mdw lCj iloodle in an effort to create dis- j j content and advance its political j j' fortuoe3. We don't think it will ; (, lool many people, because memory J ; is not a lost human faculty, and ex. 1 '( TWrlfnr!l t n fnitlifnl fniinlinr ' (' Itocbester Democrat. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tbe great disaster at Galveston is not without its aftermath of consola--ry and admirable rceulu. Toward tbt stricken city sweet and bleesed Charity is speeding as fast as steam and electricity can carry bor, from "1; CJE.NKKAL TRACE WIAFW COfVBIGHTO AC. Anonecnrtlnir r. uLetrb and dcswlnllnn ma New ideas in Wall Tuner here, finnli . wide variety as we are ehowing never be- lute Kiuv.cu u ruiiu block. xeai imita tion creton effecta at ordinary riceB. Good papers at cheau naner nrir-e. Elegant deBipng, tasteful colorince, yourw for a email price, at our Btore on Third ' street. Alco a full line of house paints. D. .W. VAUSE, Third St. THe coiumDia PacRiog Co.. PACKERS OF ! PORKandBEEF't THE CELEBRATED .. .GOMJIKBIA BREWERY.... AUGUST EUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health Reports for June 2$. 1000, says: "A more eupei ior brew never entered the luhratury of tho United States Health reports. It ir aht-olutuly devoid ot the elltihtest trace of adulterutlon, hut on thu other hand is coiupoeed of the befit of mult and choicest of liopa. Itn tonic qualities are of the hitfli est and it can b'j used with the ureutest honotlt and satisfaction bv old nnd younu. Ite use can conscieutlouely be prescribed bv tho phynicIuiiH with the cerealnty that a better, purer or inoro wholesome beverage could not possibly he found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. tlinr a' Biacksroiifi Hulcklr oacerinii: our opinion (reo w nircniion 13 inoiinuir imieiuauie. ujnununic llont ntrlctlTwinndoiitfal. llandbookon I'alcn lent free. Oiliest uuener for ecairliiifpotenu. 1'iUoi.ta taken itirouuli llunn It Cu. itceli tlxtUil notice, without cuarxc, In tbe Horsesnoer Scientific flmencam A handaomelr l!lnlrattd t7eeklr. TjrHCt elr tulallon tit any clcotld" lonmal. Terms. tJ a ronr: (unr nioiitha, b How byall nowndeuier. MUNH&Co.30JD'08 New York Braocii UtAce. (23 V ft-. 'Wiijhiuulon. D. (' r f, Wagon and Carriaga Wark. Fiah Irathara' Wagon. ; TMrt ani JeHra. Flione 159 nM n in i Ida UHfaURJRJ ems wnaa7laiwInr ONE FOR A OOtC. RoTe Plnplta. Vtntat Cur ilMdaeba auil ljripoia. ""W L' HVc UK. CO. PhjS? P(l MAHUKACT0KEK8 OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JHIFJ) BEEF, ETC. J,H. HCIIBXCK, Freildent. U. M. ilEALL, Caahlei pirst National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREQON A General Banking Business transacted Depoeita received, subject to Sight Dralt.or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collectioa. Bight and Telegraphic Exenaage sold oa New York, Ban Vraaoiaso and Port land. DIKEOTOMI. D. P. THOMraoM. Jmo. H. Bcumuvk. Ev, M. WiLtuMs, Uao. A. Limb. H. M. BALL. Grandall&Barget s DEALERS IN fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. . State flotmal School, MONMOUTH, - . OREGON. Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. grttdHonldCnU State Certificate ImnmllsU'lV M OrttduatciredllyMoureKO()dpolUoai. Kxpouwof year from 1 to I1W. , .. wcifijviteKsirtr1 cour0"- ,,c'"ure i mm 'ir"' for catalogue contalnliiK full uiiiiouiicuinoiita ad(lie.in 1'. 1 1. OAMfilKM., rretldeiit. or W A, WANK, Sicretary of Facul'y-