futicura V SOAP Fot the Complexion J For Red Rough Hands To Trzriiv X'i-zx."''. i li azA SvJLS tbeLaadi, 03rr;tnr, iasror.ff, blotches. raarhne. yt -. nsocbv ti.r. tMITQ.' L i S : ?" w H. OO Oi lit P.JEE3. :t,er raent to iOKT. WCi 1.0 o;l.r? soap cum, v;r. jisnud ccz. For Hair and Scalp iia vrarm a f-r, dry and apply a TT b:is: ersinc of cf emollients, eeatjy ri.e-i into bo: lit..-T of I'ln- c ti Soap. Tbacon.chiy drr. asd anoint ...... T ri;"-lf'1t te Tai sits cere and purest oi emol lients. "Weir caring the tiht old, loose fi- i mfw kid rloves. For rtsJ. roazh. chapped It ' ,a nwii v.a CmcTEA hands, Cry, Sssased.itchtapra41eTi3h i.d L;l.fr soap r-ahw tit pains, shapslejs nails c-Sth piinful fineer eaos, tors oae mgLl treauatn: js rircpiy pxoderiaL For 8anative Uses Ira remarkable emollient, cleansior. parifyu, properties oc rived" from CcTicrnA, tho rrreat si in cere, warrant the ess of Cctk cka Soat in the Jam oi baths lor asnpriac irritations, in flanraations, and cbanps, far too free or oiler; si vo perspiration, and aio in the forra of in ternal Trashes and fo'.stio-s for ulcerative weaknesses, and lor many sanative anti- tatird and itchir.s Eerficc, stimulate the septic purposes -which iaa jy sees st hair fo!lics. c'.-.-ar the scalp and hair of . themselves to women, and especially to crtists, seals, zz.i dandraff, Etsppry the mothers. Thetisof CrrjrntA Oictmcnt roots vith eerjy and nourishment, aad ; -with Ctmrrp.A Soir vrill also be of taate the Lazr ztjtt, -c-hes all rie fails. I adraatare in the sere-pr c.v. CcmpietD External and internal Treatment of Every Humor. JT" . t jaaa;ii tir tzZ tertcrxi Booititi .S.c s U nf aC tie freed. iL5iT . 3 a en cas-.ttoc las irTt.Tt: tatnor ira-s itut JiUi. flrtml) o Ajn CEts-Cou. toitrr5,itlai. -to Cun Enrj H:r. tr- Eive treairaect vrQl fo''ths irr- i If 5"'J tie sealt. This I (i kK EUS1NESS LOCALS. CSart A FiV:i dm: :ock 5s af. frt-ih and cc.MV?t-. f rat Usui arti' bnbpf. ' Yon . tH nt hare boiis if - J C arfce Flfc. cof for A fall ".nr jEiu;is film n4 wp-J .k" just rewivwi ty C:rke & FH:. f . Crke A Frit' fturarsK wmM r ; i'ebftit. A?k Tocr rttvt Sor llB3. I'jiitst yoo- btmns nuii paist Ut rr ( j ttiJy poarsaie!! ta tos:. C3l.lir A F!t e have tfaero. ClarLe & Falk iixie taotivai s okd ' of tbe efcbratd Ja E. Ptttai . . lrtL'.i.T pcre h(n? p!tt "Meet us on the Midway' Event of the Times The Great Street Fair and Carnival! Ojcapjlu xiianv t-ilxi biockf, lalcinc in on entire street, frorr curb to carb ; : : ri 7 i 4 I isl is he Delias, Or. The Ghronicle. Job Printers. - ad i -I ri-ssrcrsriirjrra t K.'X I AU.1 lust !Hll Ijikr, Ivn. i; i Chios Kiui AUnnrtc lt lt:r. H, : lilf Wotlh. IHnshu I Ir.Wa. m. CltT. ,-t M llBHt- CWftw aud i.s' IntSi-n. J Zvntrom (Ytt Wnlla, p. v IJntt a. MtusinjwUs -t Kx-pntt Sp. a, ! Ct.li-i-.t" end i ion. ain r UUit!it(n m. inn 0:so- l'cov 1'oi;ti.a I Occsa Ften.-: ;rtit San f rm iv ! Kreryiuci'. 'tea. MSl MM.l r.r.cuaoHj-iUMiam i;v. St' i- -i Zxck? 'It) lltlj v i ' S.ariliyr- 7 . in, .VjtiAxrrxc tsz hx Tu,Thnr.! nu Kivcrj urni ttt. UriTWJ CUv, l. a , and Way-Ijad -ij;. .t -i- s- m. iU.a:lr to !wjt. 5 30.11. and Fa LxX.!s del; - (X . ta TwenS Mtlnw or Dealt. Horsro -. T-s . s"j.'. "- Mr. John J. ilootiy, ai?iti?er ui ih" cnsmittee Gn Pipe LiitPH to nittrlliim- I'niicr. The afeati'ju-e eU-ctrica! t-r.jrint'frv has b-en aitractt-d lo t lit- firc-p?-ir. use of th rrr-v enriae on a vaM .t'-'.- relief statior: : Tt Cstr, r?Jor:e as . t Georpe ,.. JoHowr : ! jir, ;j,a 6 irrfa: savinr cf rxpf hm- ai- . T tbr Mjror Sir: Oa airirtn nt cotnpurcd with prti-a't n;tnote woiilt' ; .Poitiani, OreioiL... TnJ-r the aas;ncts . tht i land Eit. knrjuu-'tr x. ii.-ui. . t'Ut- and jrran!o..r RrvtL:p thf kiinl tier attirt V1 vi. iJa llic Con.'t. that the larJt nsmbvr of bodif i were "aloDj: the ra:t of Tesa; City. Fif?y fix xctnv bcried yesti-rdsy and today vritbln le-E than tworjriiei eitecdtng op posite ttus piece sac towrerd Virginia Point. It i ret -is intles farther to hy trraa- of jbs 2nerati; at centra! lnir:Tv ami ccnvpjIia pipes olcmr the Tlie street ot Culrn! 'J'l.f Oriental Tlif atre S Tlip Grriuaii Vlllacr 1 The Ilnnclnc r.lrli : .Mi AraljlKii i'aceaut ! Cron-iiliic 11"" Qii'fii! Iirx, Kins 'f t ltf CirnH l. teuttcil 13- Hi laeitili ccut Court. mi ... - 'S REGULATOR LINE. IULLES. IWLAMI k ASI0H1A XAV. COMPANY 1 1 hVUH'r of Uifr ll'.-F''1"' iae run a 'K-rtbi I5 ' t x. g oht-duir. tte tor&pai.v rewrvlng tU- risht to tbtt.c ! - . -ie witiHHit r.ctjf. Gb l'arat dt:irts c t Hw of ui :lum!.ia goutberr I..ss.hoa!5 ki-o. 1, Ifavtnc The Dal!'- nt !J n f. B maKitiK airvet onotJWJUon at Hiii.rn-r;nui,ai. hij HtgRii lleturului; aatliic !.' tmnwU'ic -t JIii)hhi 'ifttctlim l;e uiru niia at Tbc llclli-s u If;. Fur lull pnrtleulro i . fCStit Tbc UkIIih. or a-- v. K r i r kt '.5 At- ;;r.s of ratlwav for the oneraiion of feturcests th- inst&TSatioTt of uch a y tem in cfiaiiekB with the t!ee;rieal cqaipaipnt cf rait'ay-. ewtciaUi Virrioi City, ad the bodie are thicker j mti r-;pc!:taD atxl sabirrlwu Uoet.; an! wiiert- we are mr than here they Jve alio the use of fuel gas aal "ait eagine been barML. . citiz-n iR5Wjciin in the ; supply light and power . for the oprfau irtctJon report: d-ad Lodier ' v'hole of Manhattan island. Youth' tbick ior tnotT tauer. I Copaa.onj "Trie rfstdeai6 m plaes hevs iot al! no: a habitable buildio? left nd tfiMr (nnhner !inoin of Ih. - ' i . . .-. . . . . n. i . . . . : .a.m. fc ...man n. t.ia .rniMT i .1 wninmi . , ui u iw ir. ruiiui ani.;. , lliaoMnai ware. ine ttia.ii J'UUH. mui vj. eai ultk-u, a iiioie.-n a:iu uo-iu-ua.e otecoc and waains;Ua gmicif ua stwes. t Str. Regulator M t T a. x. ft TneNtay I J Tturdar 4 dturdaj' . J; Arr. tVrrtiaud f, at i X r. M. Ship your Freight via Str. Dalles City. V .rtUnd a T A 1! Monda: Wwincoar Arr ihIuU Regulator Line. at 5 r. x. Lr. LWtlci at A. )t. MaiKlar WMincadar Friday. Arr. I'orilntK! a! i : r. . IT 1.x l'n!ni.i nt 7 M a M. Tui-'tay Tbuxdnv ratiiMtoy Air. Ilalie at i r TbeCretit Paiade'i' tht-Ktks and other orders Tws iMliaii Park aim Fountain. eant Trlnrnii tile. Acricultaral, IlorticBltuiB and oshr la- r Travel by lbs. !.tenmiT ci tbe lUTruintor Lint Th- ComjjiDv will en Icavor it gis t it jt- dutrial eSblUU. i n Woman s ravuilou, flu I J i m ik mtio- niMt rur urin--T liiiornmuou accreo GOING EAST- i, on intent, .o .hce a trip .ast, &;e ijipows j women, bult:-br omei) .:do- ?ikA?Eai,nd &VSLt FOR 0OMPOST ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, rial "tttracltua. Mininz. ileruxu ' railroad in everr particnisr. Throcch traina from Cbica-ja, llaiisag IC, I'l'S ,is G.r.LTy. NIGHT Ttfj:XKI INTO t.Y. The (ira.n J-ubw. built oi ; Tnre who btve a:iy;l.inr left are tdviup it lo tb- "ti.eir, arid yet there i rea't eufiVfii;1r. I have riven avtav ner.riv ah 3:u . , T . , . .-,.,. .. ,;City. Omaha or St. Louie to 2ve.tr 1 erk the b'e'-'t i ferongM ior iny onu Cse U ' . , . ... "a '..o..,.-..:hf!f won:en and via Nla-ar Fa-i and every through ; r9-imuaiut r fhL Lt;'i'-t cli!.dfi- tr?!ruJed herefrotti . t! -r i stop over allowed on all ticket!: at Isi-, no: a bit to eat. Tomorrow others a:e ' . i ,,.., 1 - r ayara ls.i. Iioss C. Cuke, ex j-c- from the eaor.e piece, ivrery " twfi cwt !.. A t.r' I Los A racier, Calif, i C. . Cbaxe. fi. ?. A., St. LoBir, Mo. I Portland OCke. Oak. strict U.t. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. At. 5 T.rjr TA.T-A ttSU J train has free reclining chair cars, sleep- ' to ivrtlniiU from ail part of tbe Pads-.- North intr and dinir; cars. tei. i-t --nst the wrxfc-iioeiJ caawl ttlis of tiie aff of vairttitHiiM ; nut a trnsk, vali-r ur -oi di"st ha? e'isaptd rifl.ns. W i.i- a sreman this afternoon bo bur it- mari;- of rtctnth- rin-. NOTICE FOI. PUBLICATION. j . ..... 1 . . 1 . . .... r . . CiTeu tbl the fullowius by CIT6I1 :io:!te of hit internum to U'ulttrit. Four Notice t hfcieb tcttbir has : mate Cnni pttxi! in upport . bl ulnim. and mat sio prooi v. ranav M'Kire tne iteuur ni-re. or five Imve. 3iinr to school a:wl Iteoaiver at Tht Dalit?, Orecun, 011 sutur remov.d ;,,.,.... .,,... ito ,,,. tJar. October a, jaw), viz: Othfr detail-arn too Ion-to e"!!.- " lt-brt K. I'l.ttll,... or M o'lfr, Or.. Fur it. The 'o haililititrs otrned by Mr. E Jnawr-, Court rtreet, bjt ten ?ecrnl an-i liiii-t, now occupied Bt a lodini: bof"- an't dresjiuufcint: thop. Tiie lirtihiii f-ill'. h ml5, .'oriilrhc'J or un tiiriti-i i. ciicaf f-,r c.ari. Apply to Mr K joiiit.. fS.l'iid j street from liiitti t Cflitovitxi; office. .siihool. Acrois Apply diwlni t in:c. U, and HJa sKVJ, sec i, T it. u ; U'orktuc "ist:t anil Ha Th- l.ii-ifiit and niightiect Hltle thin,; tii!-t ever a; made i- Dr. King's Kew Life I'iIii-. Every pill ie a fugar-coated (!lohiile of health, that chances weatneif' int.. fcMeugth, ;irtl&fsne;s into energy, braiii-f 'ntft uterital power. They're won. 1-hit in butltlin up the health. On;y 'Jb eente per Irar. Sold by B!ate!ey, the "fMlv-yst. 3 STRAYED Fm Eaft End feed ynrd, one small bine m branded romething like a mariV h-.tti on !e(t thoulder. Liberal reuwrd (or her recovery or iritonnfttii ri leurtiotr i her tecoverv. When deeit ii-il a hiirt rope around her T. J. Di:ir- i.7 -' The Dal.-ec, Or. Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors... opsn?d in Carey I3al-ie A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. The place haa been thoroughly ren ovated, and a nhareof the public patron fcge if Mil idled. He names toe foliowinc ltnf tiirove bi ; coMiimotu loiiduiict ujiou and cultiMttiou of l.uxurlp. I atd land, vt: j lames twirls, Do)y Mlcr, Ita J:vsri, John H--alt)'iul driche are not Icsttrlee, tbev ! Mller, alt of Moaler, Oregon. , . , 11 i- 1 , f JAY P LUCAii, are neces-itie?. A fall line of cool and 1 aueSB-l Kn-i-tur. refreshinj: porter, ale, nnnera! water and ! bt-eri; t-pt on ice. Take a bctt'e home ' far lunch. C. J. Stubtin?. Phone KM. ' NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Lamj Oitke at The Dau.j, Okk.. 1 Julri. IttO. 1 1 Sotifto 18 hereby rriven tbHt the following- 1 ... ...... t named .'ottlur liaa iilJ nritlce of her intention , lv.entr-inree lot', leca'ea irom stt- to commute und make final proof In nunfort of Itrul J.-tale fur ir. A,?-fAYA-tA-1A-.tA..-tAtAtAf-AA:...a "A. A OJ.-'i --A-y ...Geo. C. Blakeley... SncceszDr to Blake1 -,y 4 Houh'.oi. i. Wholesale : and : detail : Druggist Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists Sundries in Eastern Oregon I' Country - and - JVIail - Orders ' a. WUl Keceive PROMPT ATTENTION. 175 Second St. Phono 300. THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. liiii P'si Yellowstone Park Line. THt UlNINU CAU ItOl U. 1.. : I UTLANH TO Till. i.AvT Till: ONLV WKKfTUNt T .if IUX)V ONK PA:., r.K4vr. GElOt Ddf-Gl, Fltlt I: Atuvt. ;:.:. KBtniKil('rTui . Xo. renttle. Olyinpii , Harbor wl sut: ;. iwllitK riwU'if 1. lad, I). C. p.. . UnWdW, IvCVkikt 1. tl 15 A. M. (hlolluiufiu.i..-f J' k try, Hehna. VI'.- llf, Bt. Paul, On ' Kanu t'ily. I t'blcjipu and fcl1 : Nu I. oa.t mid wiutuiiiM , I'UKtl bousmS 1 ' tI;W) P. M. Tor Tnconia and - ' " A Ji and intermediate p . it kt'!. . i l nwth. Mi unor 1 . I 1'utlriuiti tut elaf nnd t.--.- ' ..fen yiiiia-HKiU, at. 1'aulnud Mi- - rii-a. ' without chanjre. , ! Vu.tibul'.Hl trniifu Ucluii !; .avctiwa . In ail prlndpHl clti'.i. ; llj:--HKe chirked to dcstliiu'i 1 tr hwndMiuiuly illui.utt-l 1- tickvU, f!i!ep!nc-rur rervaui!i write ! A. D. CHARLTON, j Atlstuiit 'ji'iic:l Pnnsir s ' - 5'0t;' n strttt, corner TUttJ. 1' " ' W' SOUTH and EAST via t SoulHen) Pacific I. n 1 1 f-nth f.teet o Twelfth for tac- at Irom ' cNini, and tbat said proof wtlt b made be- , . . e.t.n fet.eet .0 iftemn, ior eaie at irom ore :h BCd wtKer nt Thc DalCT a j j. z -u -1 up. Inqnire at the Columbia Oregon. on Ifauiiday. September iwo, viz JtxUVcI lilOC 111 TiHG OlirOIllCi6 Hotel. Kl-O-tf J:iin-iiitjt-r Lul A. Itolui. 11 r Tht- Iulln., I'r.. II K. No. f.!W. for the KWU SEJi. Y., mil. Shasta Route ! end r-Wi tii. hue. 2 T. 1 .. K. 11 K ti . -m. i...v.t:. . -;tt a.: fahe names tac following witne-se to prove ber That Cha. Stubltrig IB Etlil doing a continucm roidtiice unon. and cultivation of retail bushier at his new place. He ' "i!LI.a,Dd.. r . t - . . ! I Peter rHgun. 0. nctmorc, Cbarlex Matuey, sells in quantities to euit all customers, 1 V. Pox, nil of The Jiaile, or. irom one bottle to n barrel. Family ' u JA l'- 'il.f.t'r j orders delivered promptly. ! . J EXECUTOK'S NOTICE. 1 Notice I hereby given tbat the undersigned I have been duly appointed by the honorable ' i county court, of the unite of Oregon, fur We- o , county, executot of the wtatJ of llorctlo Cor 1 1011. deci-Hcil. All i-cjiemo having clulmif, acaiimt taid WmV: are Lcrebv notitled t nreieiit thciniai-, proierIy verified, to the uiidemigned 1 f'barlwi L. Coron, at Wusco, Bhormaii county,. Oregon, orat theottice of our altomein. Mt-uc-1 fee i Wilton, at The Pulle. Oinftiu, within tlx 1 mnt.tlm from the dute of tbii notice, 1 ' hated July 11, lioo. OHAHI-i:-! K. COIiFON, GROCERIES.... A rjS! I.-'VL 01 : Si3jie ana Fancy Grooeiies Mica 'Axle Grease lightens the C. F. Stephens Wll WWI .Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. helps the team. Savtrs wear ana cxtjcaht. bold everywhere. uaos ar STANDARD OH. CO. llW'tn. 6li(. Hut, ( npk, N-,t0ii. fur V. t.. Doiij;in bhoe. Telcptirine No. tsS, 131 bicond bt Aft. The Dalles, Or, , Phon No. i.j. j Tlilrd ht , l.cnr I l't. XJUJNUAiN b Kxecutora of the estate of Horatio Corson. (If . cel. JlyJl II , CORD WOOD.... ! Train leave The- UaUlu for P fctullouk ht a, in. and 2 p, ta .a .land v"J luve Portland " Albuuy .... ... Arrive Abblund " liacrami-uto .. ' ball KrallcUco f, : a .IfSUH Ml SopB ll ;. :, in i . 7.1' i !t.50B t;fcaf- Arrive Ogdoti ' lieuver " KuiiMisCity..,. " Chicago fi-,i. m 11 IS'10 NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION. Mr II. L cream and oyler par'.or lardV old itand. .She carriei FRESC co- House BANKERS. ir . . tbt City nt -...n per com. to make fiunl pioof In support of lila elaln, mid ' . ,. , . i A " A A 1 fS Li.NbOrruc AT Va.ncocvkk, Waxii.I Auk. 1G. VMl. ( Nolleo Is hereby given that the following- -AT I Pbo Tblr h'o. Cf. h'., near Court aujC-lmo that said proo.' will ! made Uhue v. it. Prinby. Lottere of Crc-dit leaned available In the 1 mien hiatei i.-ouiiiimsKiner ior niiirici 01 Kutitcrn StatC-P n. TyUNOAWZVTik1 W""h'' SWjt Ekchanue, and'' TeWraph,, 1 "iK.iHl hae taken po.eeB.ion John H'slmin, ' s-ruunicro noiu on iw I lirK, unttnO, , rf I'mni unop, next Uoor to Physician and Surgeon, Office, Vogt Klock (oyer rostoSce), JCaplmo-dtr THE UAl.LE'-j, OSECOM, ! ( ,.rt,!r ti.,,lMvlll. . url.n ri.n.O. I Ol. AAlttlE , 1380 t I MlClhCO. fOrU&UO UlCr HIB 0l 01)010 llOIIHl llnil I... iinmi.at.-ii!! uiiiiHr-utlriii N'n 'ifttJ. inr thn Hii ttVJ.t t iron. Keatthl WhrIi.. null VArimm rinlnla ' .l...,.l il .1. .... ' I X? kf. Tp a 7st. it 11 K, w. afT V f Oregon and Wot. inuton" . . H"U 1,ltU,L'r8' ,le lms L,fi.'f!!! ""f.'V.';" OollwtloM .oIde kt KnDV1l1.tf on fa-,. tn' worklnK for 1,1m. and ofsnidiund.vlz.: i orahla terinR. Ktiarantee all work to u vu untUfm. i i , . , . Cliarku htruuU-. William Wllklnsoi.. Jatno C, Dnly mid Patrick Ilngxcrty, all of Ceutt-rvtlle P, 0., wiubliigtou. nl&-l W. B. HUNUAlt, Beglstcr, . TTIKED. W. WII.0N. r ATa.1NBV.AT LAW. THE VU,Ki, OP.KUO.s lion. S. K. KELLY. Arrive 1-on A.iKeU'4 ... " i:i Pno " Port Wntlb " city of Mexico. " Houston ." New Orleans " Wiislilngton ... " New York , I . ! C 00 i u C ' n i y ii i i W ll c : c I- I- : to i; Wpm j use 9 Us m l:w)w f,aP PiillmiiH mid Tourist curs on tiotls Jra! Chnlrcurs brtetaiiumto to Otfth'i f'oi- und tourist cvs to Chicago, bt J leans und VViishltigton. Councctlne at Hun Kriuieln" "t'iZi, steninshlp line for Honolulu, 111 Philippines, Celltntl nud Houth A Sec agent at Tho Dulles slatloi.. ' " C. H. MARKHAM, Cencwl Panscngir AKi'iit, I' 0r J)lf OKlHKNDtlKKKKK Physiciau and Surueou, Bjiochil attention given l un;cr5' Itooms 21 and sa, Tel. VJ Vus' "'