t ii h 'i au-..:U of the ancient city, nnd may exceed The Dalles Daily Chronicle. it( slnce tbc Unl-Cd Slatc; quar,cr. fiuday For l'teoldent WILLIAM M'KINLEY, Of Ohio. Tor Vlcp-I'rf'lilent THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Offit York. SEPT. 14, 1W0 master there fears that the city 1ms cen u(C5jr0VP beyond its ability . to recover." This will certainly be j j the case if later invcstincalion thall . 'ihotrtha: the ilecp-water channels' i into the haibor have been filled with i Retiring from Business. Closing out iny Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Drv Good?, Clothinc, Bsots ftad Shoes, a' mach Ie. than wholesale p:iws." Will ?ell in bn.k or t:i lots, or any way to roil imrciiMors. Entire stock must he closed out before 30 days. All pool whU be s.icriCcJK x.-ept Thn:poa - ttcve-Sttioc Corsets spd Bnttcricb Patterns. Your prices wi.. bs u -.ce. Ca:. ear t .nd secure barest nK J. P. McINERNY, Corner ov:ul anl Court ts. ;5and, as the government voubl b&ril, venture another appropriation 01 GEUSFKOU X'KTSLETS LETTEZ. Gm'0m)' ,jr j ' In point of loss of lire the Gakes-; For labor a sbort day is better than ton disaster surpasses the 1'ompeiinn a short dollar. 'tragedy, even if the lower estimates The (the trusts') are oancerons be accepted. The fatal shower of. conspiracies against the.pnblic good x volc&uic a?bes, sand, pebbles, and" and should be made the subject of scoriae was not so suddenly over- MT. ANGEL COLLEGE. prohibitory or penal legation. , whelming at Pompeii as to preclude - j They (the inhabitants of Torto flight, and nearly al! except the sick. Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. Rico) have a much larger measure 1 prisoners, sentinels and a few who' of self government than the tnbab- ' returned to secure some treasures The Ideal PlStCS fCT YOUl' BoyS. itants of Louisiana under Jefferson. ' saved their lives in that wa Every effort has been directed to. , W lli .KeOpeil On fcept. Dill, lyUU. their (the natives of the .Philippine?) peace and prosperity, tbeir advance Bnv a meal ticket at the Umaliila ' Houe restaurant ; $5.50 for fj. sl-tf : $1.00 per month. Strictly fift cJns locixl en 1 long dUtiutci tflephonu !t'tv!fi within your homo. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con- vcrsation will be kfpt a pecret. No cot f.r installing. Ymi ei't the ttandurd Hunning Lonp Diytnnt Instrnuient. Continum day npd nlcht service. Wo will accept your contract for ten years' and allow yen to cancel same on giving tie thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE 008. ment and well being, not for aggran dizement, not for pride of might, not for trade or commerce, not for ex ploitation, but for humanity and civ ilization and for the protection of toe vast majority of the population, who welcome our sovereignty against the designing minority whose first demand, after the surrender of Ma nila by the Spanish arm Snbcribf for The Chronic';. A Difficult Problem. It is amour tt.e most ditScalt prob lems of natural science for one to become expert in several lines. J. E. Adcos & Co., by their combination, have over come this ditTicnhy.iu a practical man- : ner. J. E. Adcx is an expert watch maker ami is pood on jenvlry. optical ' worfe and enpravinc, while Ilieo. 11.' Sisters Of the Holy Names Of Liehe is an expert optician and is goad. Jesus and Mary. , on watch repairing, jewelry work and t encravinp. Their price is as low as con-, S, was to en- THE DaUIjH, - OKJibOiN. are t.renared to do all work in their St. piarij's Scatty Undnr the direction of the ter the city that they might loot it nnrl rlpctrnv f hnsA nr.t in crmnitlir t . the ('ntcmbia or. tht line if the - K. X. C WltD tlifcir SeltlSU ana treaclierOUS st?e to eeure a con-.iortabie home and iir-vsre . . sive swasf of lesniinsr for their duusfcters or designs. : vsr&rils. The location nl the Acatiesy i ue ol , , . ... .... . th most hesittn u the ?cific slot--!, t'oi p'r- Ob003" WUO Will avail Utmsei: Of tlon of Orcsoa'lwinc proverbial (or its jue , . " . , . , . v ... water, braeii c Mr. una ti c:o:e'que seeuarr. the tacts (Wilicn are given) Will The Academy is tucirporatalarid authi.ra by 1 1 1 1 it. .t it- ! the State to confer Aeaderoie honii. looser DOKi that there was any alii- : rt:l end tuition jer tchjlastlc year, uuce utwceii uui suiuicj? anu iuc, ordetauctS lat.innatloa oiiply o the ! sever..! hnes, on short notice. Work Thi-s lnU:ction i ileHant!v iitnated nnr sent by mail or esuress w'll reveive prompt Watch. attention. Sicn. "B'il; Kcd Suniior. iswr Sals of Real Property. insurgents, or that any promise of independence was made to them. It is our purpose to established in '. the PhP.inninps - onvf-'inrnt etiit-' Sotlce is hereby eJven that uatfer anil by rlr tue i-OI.ippines - government suit- ( tne oi an OI(Jer lnlT made and entered In the ililp n tht wr-Tile --nfl pnnriltinns nf , f ouuty Court of V.'asco Couuiy. Orcson, on tha aOIC tO tDe WLUIS nCI COnCllllOns OI ..,.,, 6aJ Ql Aau5ti i3),,jijt undersigned, ad- Oip JnVinhitantc nnd tn n-pnarp ,j.pm i miiibstrator with the will uunexed. of the estate iue innanitanis ana to p.epare iuemio( Jona:ban jactsnn. deceased, w m. from and fnr isplf imvprnmrnt nr.fl -r aivp them : ,er tbe liX &f vi October, 1UM. set! at f'tvate ior sen go- crnment ana -o gn e mem Sfllv !n lhe Qamier pr0vided by law for the sale coif vo-nmnrt .rl.n ihov nrc oi real proir:y Dy csecmor- ana aamtnistra- ... vM.iig tors, ll the richt, title and lut ready for it. The American will luterest of the said Jonathan Jackson in and totbefollowiacde- ; 1 cribcd real )roirty. being tn Vaco County, ' urezou, lo-wu: OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON HESTJUIWT And CAFE. J. B. Crossen & Co., Props. S7 Second Street. Complete Cine of Drus SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! Do you know that J n I'.ishek. the tailor, is the largest merchant U'.lortni: hoases 111 America? . A. yt vftt tAr Kf -J, -A mm 0 agent for tworf Do yon know that he will tell ynn a suit, made to yonr order, m A cheap as th-han'i :i. df-ii, u'udy-made, yon boy in the htores, d trnaractee a tit or no fsie? v D.i yn know ttiat he hn already on hand for the cortiinp full and r. iitter trade the handsomest atid tint-fl line, of samnlee ever tiiawn & tnTheDall-s? JOHN PASHEK. Merchant Tailor, Agent. & v SrA:.i.-A AjSunsj& Twfiti3t. ,?C!jb ??4jfK.t?4c"hi5 k&& " -v -v -i1 -v- -v 'a' '-r -V 'if ir 11 pt-uiJic mi. i.ut; -rtie NWi of the SE of fection fifteen fi: makp thp mn-flprc nf nr.r tnlrtiprs thp tbe of tne 'lE'- anlthes'-of the sW4 of make ine mu.uers 01 our soiuiers me fiC.iou tWCnty-wo (2,: theSEofthe eEu napnts nf tliP rpnnhlio j of section nfteeii (IS,, tht KU of theE'and' agents OI iue repaoilt. j theNE' of the SEuo! section twentv-tivu -22),. As n nrntPPtn-tP nrntr-r wp rn-tlrl ! tbeEoi the Si.H and the SW of the NE", as a proiecio.ate power we cojki , Rni .oe SEH 0 ,be flW,,4 cf smxlnu tvre:ity- nnt inttinlo nf?inn lmf vnrld i,p J even (iT). r.U in tovr.ihip fnur t south, ranee I DDI initiate action, UUI WOUICI oe J jon-feen U eart . V . JI .: said -ale to be for compelled to follow and uphold a ; g; fUTctl' people with no capacity yet to go j ecutor' A admlnSrlALTMAasHE. ! ttlfUv t (Vifrttr nf JnnHihAn Iwl?vf?T. rtpyv?if1 crml.il r If we cannot establish anv govern ment of cur own without the consent of the governed then We I could not establish a stable sovcrn- NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Lyt GrncE at The I)Aixr.s,Or.E.,( Auati 21, KM. i Xolire Is hereby eiven that the followinc- 1 named jettler fca r:tC notice of his intention to , make nual proof In sut.jiort of his rlaim, and ment or make OUrs a protectorate ; that id woof will be made before the IlrgHter .. .. j sud Ileceiver at The Uailef, Oregon, on Wedneii- Kiiuuui iiivc uuuseuu ; aay, uetoii ju, iw.1, nr.. Imperialism has no creed or conduct. Freed rock unon which the rpnnblienii ! continuous reaidence upon, and cultivatiun ol . j said land, viz: party was budded and and rests. no lilsep ir. its ' Geor', Jintiin. f The I)aI!V, nr., ' nu piat. ir. U-,H E No.5iai.for the S'XU XEJ4 and Xf, Freedom is the sk 1 s. n u e. w. u j He naciea the fotluvring witnetses to prove hu ..CHAS. F-W-. 1 Butchers and Fapmers nrtw r. lorior, m. riBrp. J. . Jon;iston end "u JR. E. Teasue, all of The I;ullc?, Oreyun. t.) i JAY I. Ll CAS, Itesister. 1. ..Exchange.. Keeps on draucht the celebrated COLUMBIA BEEK, nclcnovr;. eded the heat b-er In The )a:ies, at the usual price. Coine in. try it end be cobMneed. Also the Flnt brands of Wiae, Liiuor and Cisais. Sacdcaiehes o! h'.i Kinds ahvays on hand. at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUCCIST. PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCK, Pioneer Grocer. Just What You mant. EXE JITOR'S -NOriCE. Malice is hereby Riven tba: the undersigned t has been duly appe aled by the honorable court I j of the state of Orw,'an, for Wnco county, ti- T VrVl 1ff I ecuior of the estate of Aucut Enchman, do-. 1J- A I J I J 8 I f 11 . j eeaed. All leiMmit having claims agalnt said I tWj Empire has been expelled from the Philippines by American free men. The republican part' does not have to assert its devotion to the Declaration of Independence. If our opponents would only prac- :,. ii .1. .t... j Dated this 1Kb day of July. 190). uue cs ncii a; Jicuuu luu iiuuiriuua ' OEOKGE I). REED, of Abraham Lincoln there wouid be no fear for the sifety of our institu tions at home or the rightful in any territon- over which our flag floats. p. S. estate are hereby notified to preiesit the eanie, properlJ verlhw, to tht undersigned Ceonte D. Ked. at The Dalles. Wasco coumr. Oregon, or at the office of hi. aUorn-ys, Mcnefee i Wilson, ' at The Dalles, Oregon, within six icouths irorn the date of this notice. t i Executor of the estate of August Bachman. deceased. ilyil-f j mm Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi?n kin ( Headquarters for Kolled Grain, aiikind: j Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, lfmltL j Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- j ton FlOTir Thie I'tjur is manufactured pxprceely for faaiilj t ... nte; everr oack e j:narante'cl to givo eiittafacttoc. i Vi a eell onr pootlB lower than auv honeo in the tradu, and if you don't think j call and get -ar prices and he convinced. i Highest Prices Paid for Whsat, Barley and Oats m NOTICE POP. PUBLICATION. j Ljlxj Ornce at The Dam.ce, Or.,i , Mir. is. li-0. i I -unw j ii-ruuj Kiveii mai uv jouowini; t Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Nations which go to war must be i ttffi&t$MJll 1 HfiP Sfinmifl LamrHin 'PhnnP in prepared to accept its resultant obli- j : cation, and when they make treaties ! VMa" 0r on catutt?, hp , iwa. riz- ' ' TUnrv f' r?r.ft . t.9 -Tl. Italic, (t. must keep them. j h. k. no. 4an, for the i; sec. c. Tp j x lUitl tCtUIIk ''ill UC ITJl duty and against desertion, :tew ideas m Wall Paper here. Such wide variety aa we are showing never bo-1 fore graced a tingle etoi-k. ileal junta-1 tion creton elTeete at ordinary nricee. ' Dlontomltd lr.?a Pa,DeF8 ttt cbW I?""" pricet. i UiauiXOl 1 1 1 II I , ! egam uesiKjie, taeteiui cotorinire, youre f I m,. Jii oujuii jji itc, ui uur mure on linru WSROn OrlOD i6trei!t- Aleo 8 'u ol honee paintH. . . O T ' iTl XXT TT A TTCTTI ml. J n. r . v xi.ua Ji, XJJ.lJ.UOt. if THE CELEBRATED .GOIiUjffBlA BREWERY.... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the prod lift of th'i well-kno n brewery the United Stutue Health Kftporta for June iS. 1000, fcuyn: "A more an potior brew never entered the labratory of the United States Health reports. It 18 abeoltitely devoid ot the fcllBjiteet trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is con.poK'd of GAL VESTOX AST l'OMl'EJI. i ' For centuries history and romance , rx-.jrATTATTOrp vi have dwelt upon the destruction ot . ' 4 Pompeii as one of the world's most1 5' T " 0 vxrs I stupendous tragedies. But that ca-'$ lamtty has been exceeded 'in the", Galveston eatastrntihe in tlin nnininn , . of the Spakesman-Review. 'fhc population of Pompeii at the time of . its destruction has been estimated all : the way from 12,000 to 50,000, with Yt the weight of authority inclining g toward the smaller estimate. Jn all? probability the city was less lhan ' uan as targe as uaivesion, ana since il sll rcport6 agree that half the prop erty values of the Texas city have been obliterated, the material loss there will equal to the material loss lie names the fullovrintr tvitceuea to nrm-p bis cimtlniHju R-Mlen:c iio:i and cultivation o ald land, viz Enient Jordan, Albeit Jordan. John Puihefc and Janes Thotntu. all of The pallet, Oregon aug-i'-l JAV V. LUCAS, J'.egister. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Be eo'uiia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEFlJ, the beet of malt and choiont of hop.). Itn tonic uualltien are of the hit-'h- itu.i ji can ne tifit-U with the Kfeatuet benefit and sails ofarilnn hv old anil yoiing. Its w. can iwnecientiously ho proscribed by the physician with ... uin uii n,m 11 uonur, purer or Miioro wholesome beverage U0U1U "u poeaibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. GE.VEKAL BlactiltH ...AND... Hofsesnoer Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. TMri and Mcron. Phone 159 i race marks Designs Copvrichts ic. Anrona nendlr.g a eletrli nnd dwcrlntion ins inicklr Mmrtam onr opinion tr(:u whitli.rr a' invention d probablr rmtentctjle. Coinmanlc Ion utrtctlrcontKlentUI. IlandUioton l'atenu lent iftro. 0ilt ueeiirr fircccrtnir paienu. 1'nici.tn taltca throueh .Mynn k. Co. rccelrv tptrial ruiitu, nlth'iUt choree, In the Scientific flracricait 1 A JianiUomelr lltnitnt'id weekly. I.nreMt clr if tninllon ( nnr eientlUe Vinrrml. 'J'urirn, t."i it ) ronr: lour niontlu, tL fcolU by all newtdeaien. J MUNN & Co.GtBro.fiew York j) Branch Ufttc, c3 J' lit, WiuhiDtfton. IJ. f 1 Pb.GUNN'S ' MAKCr-ACTEHEEH 0 Pine Lard and Sausages : j Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD BEUF, KTO. J.B. SciirscK, I'rtnldetit. fan b let OME FOR A DOSE. filio!ai. I'urify ho h:o,.i. ill pills 4 I A muycmnal ..t n,. i.,.V. . I. First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, anhject to Sijfht Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds prompt 1 remitted on dav of collection. BiKht and Telegraphic Exchange sold o Kew Yerk, Han Francisco and porl land. DIHKOTOKB D. P. TflOMFBOX, J.10. 8. ScasKcr, u. M. Willuvc, Gi:o. A. Libuk. H. M. Btitu DEALKItS. IX Jill kinds of Funeral Supplies Gf afidaM Bawjet UNDERTAKERS rP EMBALMERS The Dallos, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. State fiotmal School, MONMOUTH, - OREGON. Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. Brad tlon?nta 1,10 ("u'Ml ricUiKl au: o tiiku the rftnto CerUOroM ImmwH'" 00 fii.-T.' Tm!T "T" K001 l'M,to"' BxiHinw of year from IliO to 150. ..... VVclleWa, Com iHl-rtuwIn M.nu.l Trlnl for caUIoguc contilntue tull nnnouiicvmonu iiddrcwi f. t CAMi'UKI.t,, rtoildent. or W ,. W ANN, Sjsrftury of