pis 4. Pi it! it I SPRING HUMORS Complete External and Internal Treatment $1.25 LOCALS. aaaiBSBBBBBBBBwKfPsBBaslBaBBBBBBV Consisting of CLTICURA SOAP 25c , to cleanse the firtn ot crusts and scales and soften the thickened cu ti de, CVmCURA OI.VT.1ENT 50c- , to instantly allay rtching. Irritation, and Inflammation, and soothe and beal, and CLTICURA RESOLVENT 50c , to cool and cleanse the blood. A single set is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood humors, rashes, itchlngs, and irritations, with loss of hair, when the best physicians and all other remedies tail. Sold throughout the world. POTTER DRL'Q AND CHEM. CORP., Sole Prop., Boston. "Mow to Curt Baby Humor," free. V x s B Clark A Falk's drug tcck is new,1 fresh ntid complete. Clarke A Falk have on stiie a fail tine , of paint and artist's brasher. f Yon wii! not have boils if von take Clarke & Falk's snre enre lor boils. , A full line of Eastman films and sup-1 plies just received ly Clarke A Falk. ; . Clarke & Fa'.k's Snvorinp retracts are ; the best. Ask your crncer for thcta. Paint your house with paints that are j fu!iy guaranteed to last. Ciarke & F.tlk ' have them. I Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Jarne E. Fatten strictly pure liquid paints "Meet us on the Midway" Event of the Times The Great Street Fair lid Carnival! Orcnpyinc many so!i 1 b ocks, tttbinc in an entire s'ree', iron curb to curb . . . . S3 S I i 1 as lit X. i!S. :!5 aS" 1 ! Sl ! -s 3 i 3 I The Dollcs, Or. 5H h i t i It The Chronicle, dob Printers. VI x r t rr tt rt 1 1 t t tt iiYi r t i t 1 1 xx t i V j x"i it ittTi r i ti r r 't "x'i fixixiri x'i i x rV7u ' tTfftVt . n gi , j.J J5 3 lis 0.R.&I r.:riT I tisik scHcsiu. I ." , mi! I I'llOU I'iUM, fi'-'t Van Malt 12 Z p. Oi noun, umtna, Ksft.' wi City, m Lr.ui. I.,? Chicago and Last. ,:' Atlantic 'Salt ljk. pern r;xprcs 12;. n. m. Via Hunt- Inston. Ft .... . World, omnlic. k ,u,-a. ani City. f.t, ij,a, Chicago mid t.t. I Swikanu Mull lUKl j ! 24 p. rn Walln Vr.lltt rkatit Ssnl, UU tilth, Mt'uauW,, raw,, j!,?- 1M trnkanratJIInt.n,.... "I1""-! S p. m. tun; sbonl. uttln niniiiKlor. ana Kat C4!i Orcgou. Fnox I'o&TLivn, OfCBti Stt'umiihlju. For (miii KranrUc Ever rive iu,-k ?5Jta" uaday.fcolnciaia Uv ?ttmers. ExjaSi, i To Astoria anJ Way ' ! .-.ur5ay 10 p. m. Cr, m. ! '.VfijjMtTTE Ilirrt - r y..-uu.1i.-Orrson ty. NewU-rs. Exjaci,'! . Eaieai A v aj litsl'j. ' 1 T.3). WlLt-vyCTTK A'T AK !'uc.Itur.: inu liirc.' tl ;t. JOrnrtm C:ly. j 'tin .tad VVny I jn !.r (tl)utrlB alty i 4 "ft. JI). Klparla t" Ia-wjuSo" LXil dUy MOta CURIOUS BILL FOR REPAIRS. Belgian Mi-chnnle Had a SlnKularly JVorilrd Claim Aj;alnt b Church. The authoriti of an old church in Beterinm recently decided to make soaif repairs to it interior furnish-' inrs and emjilcyetl an artist to touch tip a very iarre painting, reports a foreicrn exchange. When the arrUt t pret--nted hi bill the committee in ( charge refused to pay i; unle ihe de-' tails were pfci3ed. The nest day the . hill was handed in itemized as fol- F. C. To correcting the ten command ments. castK-niahin? Pontlu- Pilate and putsljvs nw ribbonm on hi: bonnet Putting tall on roo-uer of Ht Pete: and racrtdlnr hit comb 4 03 Reulumir:; asl frl'.dins left wing ol the truanllan anel G 23 "W;-jhtn? the crvnt of the hltrh priest ana putting carmin on his GOING EAST- If you is'enJ to ;tke a tr.p E-iSt, hrk vonr tii-ktt arent to rou.e oa via Tte Grat "VVabash, a modern and up to-dte , railroad in every particu e.r. j Through trains from Chicago, KansaE j C:v. Oat aha or St. Louis to Mew Ycrk j and 2Tevr England points. All trains j run via .Niagara Falls and every through j train has free recliniii',; chair cars, sleep- ' ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on ail tickets at J aijara Fiills. P.OsS C. Ct-INE, Pacific Coast Pass. Act.. 1 Los Arcele?, Calif. ! C. S. Cease, i-i. P. A.. St Louis, Mo. Feitlanfl. OrenoL.. Sept. 4-15 1 I'niler the auspices of the I'ort lar.d Eiis. surpassinsr iu inner.. tude and ciandeur arythlupof the kind ever attempted oa the i'uciOc Coatt. Nasal CATARRH cheeks 5 CO "Renewinc Heaven, adjusting the stars and cltaatn bp the moon 7 CO Touching up nurgatory and restor ing lost souIh S 75 Er!shtenirr up the fiam'V of hell. Pttin new tail on the devil, mindinr hi hoof and doing sev ere'. Mid jbs for the dania.-U . ... 12 I'i Htbrtri' -Sn; h- rubes of Herod and adjastina; t:l wig 5 Co Taking the spot off the son of To bias , 1 30 Cleaning Ualaam's aw and putting one shoe on him 1 78 Puttie ear-ineiB in Sarah'g eur.s 1 u PotUns' a new tonr tr. David-? siins. en'.arpln :h" head of Goliath and extending; Saul's Ieg3 6 V) Deeorattns Njah's ark and iartiatly dr?cin& Ham 4 Co JJendin? th- skirt of the prodigal on and cleaning hli left ear 3 CO In ill its sti;s tnerc ihau.d be clear...2s. Ely's Cream Balm ' c!esn3es,soat!:ci!sndhca!s the iii5i5ed membrane. lucres catarrh aad drives ' avraj z. co.d m the head qaictiy. I Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils, spreads ' orer the membrane tnd is absorbed. Eellef U Ira- mcdhte and a csre follows. It la not drying does no: prodace aneezinj. Lsrje Size, 50 cents at Drug gisu jr by mail; Trial S j;c, 10 cents by mai EttV If. jOTUEas, Si Warren S.reet, 'er Tork. He Streets t Cairo ! The Oriental Theatre '. The German Vlllacu! The Uancluc Olrla! An Arabian Pageaiit Crowning the Oueen t ltei, K te cent Court. 5 I! i REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASI0H1A NAY. COMPANY J . steamer of tht I'.tTUlntor Une 111 run per the fol- '2 i i w,:ig eb!ule, the l'omiauy reserving the rljht to cha-jKu c:i- c.ulc vvitnout notice. fy Tarues uolrtnc to gr tj llrfpna tr ;.mt tin tkilumblu Southern tu niin.itmil tale No -', IcnVllig 1 he Palles at 12:43 p. a. ninnlni; itlrect roiiteetlmi at llfpvticr jBMtios nifl Hlgg lie'.iirulnc tnaklt!g(l.rw;tcnnDtiin lit llepptier .'uiivtlnn hIiI IHezi with No. I.K-nv.-itf at The Dutlen u 1- f V in i or hill partlculatn rn agct.t 'the latle. or n- i ' . Kunrp.T. l'ortlM.t7. Str. Regulator J. I.v. Dalles 1 at 7 A. X. iU,C of the Carnival. At- ! f' Thml'iL Sndrd by Macoifl- I jf- JS. I Jj Arr Portland i !, ut4:3) r. k. IT. Lr. Portland at 7 a M. Monday . t'edneiCy Friday Arr. Dalles at 5 r. X. Ship yonr Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. now:: Lv. Dalles nt T A. X. Monday Wednesday Fridy Arr. Portland ut l .0 r. m. 1a ut vr Portland it. Tuenday r) 1 hurnduy .5 satunlay Mr. Duties f nt r. a. 'a liNoniiern Pit The Cireat Paiadeof the Elks and other orders. The Italian Part and Fountain. Tte Muculti cent Triumphal Aicb and Grand Midway tilled with wunderiul attractions. Mining, Mercan tile. Acricultnral, Ilortfcalture and other in dustrial exhibits. The Woman's I'arlHiou. de- hi"timi ni u 11 m .'it. imiiL wiinit.il hiiu ii"ti- ' j rated by women for the esbiblt of women ; f, Portland Office, Oak street Dock, industrial work. Tne Grain 1'alace, built of f flr.n. iinil U'htn..trm fTnin end em. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, J Travel by the steamers of the Itcgulator I.luc. The Company will endearnr to give its jt . run the best rervice Kauiible. For further inlormution addrem 3IL.SIC, rVS AND CAYKTY. NIGHT TUKNED INTO WAY. W. C. ALLAWAY, Cen. "T'Mt: TirUt:YITIT.lT;lITl.;TT. Asrt. riiviwi.T, Total f.i C6 , Top-Heavy Jutlce. An Indiana fence i hardly an ideal place from which to di.-p?nse justice, according to the Levviston Journal, which repeat the fctory on the author ity of an eminent occupant of a judi cial bench: A justice ot the peace in a country district tvas oppressively im liued with an idea of hih own reKjons-i-bility in ffi-ein? that the peace wat, kept sr. the note of Indiana, lie never lost an opportunrt.v of s-hotrinr,' hi.v au thority. He wnsa farmer, and hh farm bordered on the tate of Ohio, indeed, one of his fence wnv on the ttate iine. One day hi son and the hired mau zot to fighting near this line fence. The justice, quick to see the .situation, jumped to the fence, as- a better "bench of justice," and assailed the fighterc demanding "peace in the name ot the Btate of Indiana." I5ut the farmer jus tice's defense of the peace was. not based on good premise. He ha no sooner asserted hit-uuthorit.v than the fencehe was- on gave wa, curri iui? him over backward into 'he j-tate of Ohio. 1 STRAYED From the East Eud feed yard, one small blue time, branded something like a man's head on left shoslder. Liberal rfward for her recovery or information leading to her lecovery. When lat seen had a ehcrt rope around her neck. T. J. Deu-s to wea lowest rail and water rate? ever given ' rorcui irtland from all parts of the Pacific rth- NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION". nic'Jtw The Dalles, Or. For the convenience of parties want ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman Ice Co. will carry a Btack at their store, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone Xn. 107; long distance 153. "King 'em up." ISm-tf Wanted. Four or five boye, going to school during winter, to lioard. 12 a month with room and plain washine. Across street from High school. Apply at CiiEOXiCLt office. ddwlm .Luxuries. Healthful drinks are not luxuries, they ore necessities. A full line of cool and refreshing porter, ale, mineral water and beers kept on ice. Take a bottle home for lunch-. C. J. Stubling. Phone 234. LaJfn OrriCE at Tur Dalles. Or.soorc.t August S, V.:v. 1 I-otiee is hereby given that the following-, named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make rinul proof in support of bis claim, nnd that aid proof will be made before the Keglnter and Ileceiver at The Dalle, Oregon, on Satur day, October C, JSM), viz: llnbert K. I'll 1 1 1 1 1. of .MoMer, Or., 1 H E..K0 iOfnrthe.N'F:;i NVVJi, NW'4 XEl4. S:a, and EM. seel, Tp. 2 .S'., It. 12 K., iie names trie following witnesses to prove his 1 continuous residence upon and cultivation of i Sato land, viz: lam&c Lewis, Dolly Mo-ier, Lea Evans John Mllcr, all of Hosier, Oregon. JAY V LUCAS, aug23-l Keglster. NOTICE FOIi PUBLICATION". La.no Ornci: at The Dalles, Oe!.,( July 'i, vaxi. Jiotlce Is hereby given that the follnwing named settler has tiled uotlce ut her intention to commute and make final proof in aupiiort of r.ercMim, ana nui sain prooi win ne muae te- Hire me register ana receiver at jne vuWi Oregon, on Thursday, September 1W.O, viz Lulu A, Helm, of The Dalle, Or., II . E. So. fi!5f, for the SWA HEJf, EU SUU, nnd bW'A bW4, fcec. 3 T. I e It. UK. rV. M ihe names tne following wltne-nes to prove her continuous roidence upou, and cultivation of said land viz: Peter Pagan. G. Wetmore, Cliarles Jlatney, ' .roz,anoi ine uaues. vr. JAY I'. Lf( A3, M Keister J"t7'A.'A. ' A-r- A-A AATA4ATATAIAA IAI li-i'tatATAATa ATAtA'ATAW ...Geo. C. Blakeley... EncceBsor to Blakelej k Houghton. Wholesale : and : Retail : Druggist 1 Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries in Eastern Oregon Country - and - JWail - Orders Will Receive PROMPT ATTENTION. 175 Second St. Phono 300. THE DALLES, - - - OREGON Yellowstone Park Line. THE DlNLNG CAlt P.Of TE KI'.OM TOBTUXII TO THE EAST THE ONLY DIUEtrr LINE To THE VEOOW- 81 ONE l'AKK leave. OcIqh Depot, nntiacd . sts No, a urn. No. Knst mall forTai-nnia, Penttle. Olympla. Gray llartKir nna boutu ueuu potntk, cp.iknix, lion land, Jl. C, PuiU'.an Mimcovv, Ll' litnii, Uuf 11 15 A. 1! falniluiiii.iiiliitncc try, Helena, Mlntieainh Us, at. Paul, Omilia, Kansas City. St. 1mls, Cblcucu and all IKli.tt i-i:t and kOillhtHat. Puitet tauuiid Express u lor Tm-oma and heattie mid interinedlute ptinus No t. 11.30 P. M 5.50 1'H. 'o.t Pullnmn tlrst elasa nnd touriit ulcepcn Minneatiollh, bt. Paul and Missouri rlwp"1 without clmtiRc Vwtlbnled trains. 1'uion deint connects hi all prlnclinl cities. , . , ltngcuKe checked to destination of tlckeu. for hnndsomely Illustrate liTcritlvmsfi; tlrkcts, aleepliigcnr rescrvutloini, etc., csllonot write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General PasseiiKf r Agent. WMoni son btrect, corner Thltd, Portland, Otcjon- Keinrnitier That Chas. Stabling is still doing a i EXECUTOR'S -NOTICE Notice I hereby given that the undersigned' hvc 1-n rlt.lr r.m.ntii.1 I.v tin. hrtrir,,MVi1 i As sc Wt hlm.H'f W n.. d .i.,.,i .. retail uusiuestt bi uis new pisce. ne i county court, 01 me state ot uregon, tor n aaco . hia aon: "Give him the mischief. Jim! I've lost my juriliciion!" (from one bottle to a barrel. ' ' , j orders delivered promptly. Fur Kale. ' Tho to buildings owned by Mrs. E ' Julian, on Court etreet, between Second j GrROCERIES.... and Third, now occupied as a lodging' "" hooee and dreef making ehon. Thei a FINE LINE or ttntlrllnna irlll Ka A.IH f II pntal..l ti furnished, cheap for cjah. Apply to, .Mrs. E. Julian. tiMmd ' oilU i nnc.fWiuii tr, chi oil mlim, couniv, exwruvors oi me esiais 01 iiorauoior l soils in quautttiee to uit nil customer.', , ,on, deceased. All penons havliur claims Kami! v ' against said estate arc hereby notified to present staple ana Fancy Groceries the same, tiroperlr verified, lo the undersigned Charles E. Corson, at Wasco, Sherman county, Orexon. or at the office of our attorneys, Mene-! i fee & Wilson, at The Dalles, Orttfoii, within six r months iroin the ante oi tnis nonce. Dated July II, 1M, CHARLES K. CORSON, H11.1.1AJ1 t.. cuitau. Executors of the eatate of Horatio Corson, de ceased. JlyJI II lAavertise m tne Chronicle Avt e J-:. 1 : ln'" i IDF A CP Z. I it I helps the team. Saves wear and B j N cxpen&e. Sold crvcry where. IbS HADE ST aaaaw lit jL 8TANOAHO OIL CO. i iri , r Dtry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. IKxits, Shoes. Hats. Car. Notions. Act. for W. L Douglas Shoe. The Dalies, Or, Telephone No. iS, VH Second St., SOUTH and EAST via Souinern Pacific 5o. Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland sui stations at l:ii 11. ui. nud S p. in. Leave I'nrtlamt fc:M)am " Albany p.'. 30 am Arrive Ashland 12:SI m " faacramelito 0:(ipm " Han rrunclnco 7.KI"'1 Arrive ORrton " Denver " Kansas City. " Chicago . . 6:15 a m . :W u in . 7 '.3 it m ., 7. 15 m Working Night and Ua The busiest and mightiest little thin' Phone No. co. that ever was made is Dr. King's New TUUa hl" ,lear Conrt Life Pills. Every pill is a nugarcoated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, Iistlessnets into energy, train-fag into menial power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley, be druggist. 3 -AT FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. List Office at Va.mcocvbr, Wash.) auk. 1C. lttsj. ( j Notice Is hereby given that the following. ! named settler has filed notice of his intention . . I let make final tironf In stllifwirt of his elnlrr.. mid D U Pi U AN O that said proof will be made before w. ii. presby, i Letters of Credit issued available is the Jiaatern Btatee. TUANHACTA KNEKALBANKINQ BUHINEo Jadtertite In Thk Cubomci.e, CORD WOOD.... Good Hue and I'lr Wood deliverid to any part of the city at 3.50 p. cord. AT- Pho Tblr No, CO. ht., near Court. uf6-lmo DUNCAN'S I C nlteU h tales Cotnmlsaloner for District of . Washington, at his ofllcc In Uoldendale, Wash . ington, on October 1, l'Xt, viz. I aTettp Watson, P. O. address Centervlllc, Wash., who made homtstead application No. VXS1, for the H'A bt'A becia, Tp3N,KllE. W. M. Who names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: Charles Htraube, William Wilkinson, Jame C. Daly and Patrick Uaggerty, all oi Ceutervllle P. 0 Washington. alS-l W. B. DUNBAB, BsgUter. Sight Exchange and Telegraphs Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points la Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable term.. F BID. W. WILbOM, ATOttNEi-AT LAW, THE DAUi'.a, OBKUOM House Painting... " The undersigned has taken possession of R, A. Spivey paint shop, next door to the Vogt opera house, and has pur. chased tho tools and ladders, lie lias good mechanics workiog lor him, and will guarantee all work to give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. Arrive Us Angeles J :V0 P rn Eli'aso 0:00Hii " Fort Worth C;aoum " City of Mexico l:Mam " Houston 4;W)um " New Orleans r.:J5am WashliiKlun CMJn in " New York lJ;Upw 7:00 p 10:50 1 ll:Ss 4;J5so b:15sO 1 1 : 13 ra 7B V:a)sd 7.rj08W C;iOpW j;J5in 4:0Osn: 6:'.l'W 6.U's 12'MpO 1'ullman and Tourist cars on both Clialr cars Hacraineuto to Ogden and f ' ' nr. and tourist cars to Chicago, tit Loul'i I,cw leans aud Washlugtou. Conne!tlng at Han Francisco with gjj atciunshlp lines (or Honolulu, Ju"- w" I'hlllppluea, Central aud South America. Bee agent at Tho Dalle station, or address C. H. MARKHAM. Geueral Passenger Agent, Porllsi"1'0' jyU- UKIHBMOOKrrCK Pliysicku and Surgeon, Special attention given to surgery. Booms 21 and a, , Tel. VoftBW