The Dalles Daily Chronicle. .XopEO,co dowa fa 0cd.o! THURSDAY SEPT- li. ISM maie aa attack oa the way wotae ' aaed to drw. iaeir hair k dj7v the qaotatico was perieotl y ccrrecs." i bai hi caroled a taxi tlu; :iy. 'Let hie that ii oa lh-i hide tap ncc cose doro to- ta5re anythi-C cat ' ot his Locae," hfeh bis to core , reluioa to :go 5rseti thart Bcyus" ' rarbfed extract bad to hb tkaraxchiic edfoct to create itrife fceiwaea capital S. 31. Chz'x, cc of tiie bcizfc'es: acf hboc. riad bu ever es2acd ia jocrnKst died a fe-w we aso' Ao exchange decu ttas -Mc,, WrUJAM MXl.NLEY. THEGCOP.E ROOSEVELT, Of TT Tut. Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. DCTGcc.fc.Ctaehia.Ru Shoes. At bbA !j traa j ric Win red ia ba. r cr so loti, or tny wit so sc:t Entire stock must be closed out brfore 30 days. An reodi 3I be vurSil erss Teotspaci f.0T-d:tmi Cotwti tad Batterrck Pxttarai. Year pcices fee tatae. Uu ex.-.y aa- !". tiTT-taJ. J. P. McINERNY, Comer Second and C-urt j'ts. WI. ANGEL COLLEGE, ... ... k.s t.. i ... j t. .,.. of fck r"rt ai Ltscotc. &., to iair.v re:vr ce caa uieu uwvci Tatae editocai ciair of the Daily Scaia or r raac. The Uad wac- - - , Gau air xa.i tefarai bv an qeit.! tr i&e Uciwd ithoc: Conducted by the Benedictine Ftners. wtoae"tefcbiscaaIfcSc5et 4aa: of the gorerad' hvr - - eith-r br Psci istwce oc: descend Ttoaw je(ssoa. The Ideal Place for Your Boys. Jiroc-a aiciiion of Ms d vilr Ho Mr. Brya cao cocaecs to live - itia-zi. Oui xu oc of ' raiia, io tti cira:ias Will ReOpeil Oil Sept. 5th, 1900. c. r loc ft can te i-iki with ' & cocitdwed. a csqplusabta." HIZZZ.!" " I Mncci ncaajag tie worta " g.-T A t:cii; i: t fcrij better bv hi biriag Jived ia- Ec raaist f5-- fit xz adhere $1.00 per month. StHctly dfit cJa? local rJ tonj Jrt4cw telpl!n vie within year home. Lin do not cro--tlk. Yoar coa- Terjatioa xill be kept a Jtcret. Xo coit for lostalltni. Yog ft the ;tiaiJrJ Ilaaaicj Long Distant Initraajeat. Coat!t;a-jCi i i? ad nfht fetvic. We wilt accept yoar ccntrtct or ten years sd alio r to cancel tiAei on sivioi oi thirty dsxi writ ' tea notfc. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. A Difficult Problem. 81. Plaiy's gcaiieig Mr. Qui ai a-o-t aa aaherent of any chcrch ; sa fait he iao a to hive decided jccittioc to the focaii of Cariitiic. reJi-zicc. aad aa ria era!!j kaoa a ac 3 sacs tic. act hi real heart-feeHasi reliUre to the , t -j n -n . ,4 Sisters of the Holy Names of eteraa! aide of fife are eH iHcitnted . ,, , w Jesu waxy. oj aa ctiitoml aici5 ae xrcrte ate yeara iro aad xbicb baa heea re privicced by the Gte Citr. A ccrrsicocii-t xroie to Mr. dirk, I: ti lasoar ta a'. prob iec:j cf a:artli-aca dc oasto teciso: espen ia a-rti-iL lines. J. Adcar A Co., by easabicaao, cv-tr-xca this cuScshy la x pciiral au.a--ir. J. E.Adeox M ia expert Kii s peed ea jeeirr opuca! -cri JL'i ea-frxiaz. aui Th5. H. Lieli sj xa ex;eri optieita iad i r-,:'-as. vxieh rtpurtaz, jexrirj xori xcd ajrTiar. Their eric i !o x coa- iiitect iih wimxriiip. They -r-- t T 1 TT TTl I oil 1 1 Jueua jue xour xjuti iiii UAiibJLCs, - UiiwtrUn. jre p.t5arsd w do xll wort ta their , iererxt lire, ca toc; ae:. o:t tastctasi a h.wiJt sfcrairi ar:ient bT xil or txietis wiT! reew . it ta-t .j. s. a. 5 ok prccart xiteatlar ajkiaf aira to ase bu ra to u.cih ltt i r.?f rtiji3te unt i pr-.-e-; Ch:J4ii:ity"T lad tb :i hi editorial .-Iri. voiaj-.c r r.u-.n.v.r i 20 tae raaa aai IDs ocr rsave ti jtAtr i3jr.aust uai arcmfi tr atA L ttv ; 3.ii sjsSac w iciAusir Xiu'. .e ccateat to so it xy with r.rc?t.uii isiirjrivs. ;f.j sa -wtr Sale of Real Prouerty. coaie at i. rscs hnrabier raitter. It was aot raade for so great a pt:t ia the wcrJd a tflKas OhriKiaaity. Ard thea . we have got ioate ridiccloe iisper-'. tfi- Jti iM'Jioz that we diag to. Of cocrie ZVTTl it u very cowardly and abject ia a. &Zi& ftSSI ' ot;. we are o. greaw aaa ue aaa ia -- Vrmt. t iir t rafci so ocr inali, footiib wiy. Bat , 5'- riieti sret rf zi OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAUKflflT And CAFE. J. B. Cross-en & Co., Props- 87 Second Street. "J. a aether loriag into the face of l -TvtS .: rx . --to-. her dead tbild in its white ihrotid. 'VrTrt tSVlJ wjuj its " titic iuju; lOiueu, j.j.w tai. j4 MstswJ :-t-i. ea,. I we tre glad there u a Tce Kjcnding , Zsk&siZ UdfyvZci rS-i Jtn.-tiffii If taut "... K , uii ijt v, i Jc ceatories ; Coffer little cbSdres to , gjg SISrrTE'S f c-Offie nato Me aad forbid tbea toU :itrit.rvuaiHE, ! lor of sacb u tae fcingdora of aetven. ! tate jtttx ; to the ear tbrcnih aH these aiaeteen IfZi, 'r ST if And wbea the wife rnoaa beside her dead baiba&d it does seera sometistes ; worth while K3iebody ha- said, ia a ' soncz ion publication". ZjlTu it Thz liiaw. O ee. . i Azzxl Si, IiCi. Stron? iaaiterlv wav; -J am the ijiierfciiisotfeofiUizie:&ia' " ", ... . . tittre LuC izyyjn tA (title;, tiai , resarrectioa ana the life. And i5t T-rorf Trtn xsxi tiore tie Er!jr l when the father or motker dies who iir, oc--r-3&, wa, o. j baa lived a hfe 10 good and pure, H 2Ki:(. rK, for SRJ '5 that it sweeten' even the hff- of the ! 5cis.Tp t s, e it E, k. jr. iie one like ij wnUc&.'K! rw-Wtice tzbc, atf cr la rioi of , ..GHAS. F-WK- Butehers and Farmers cen-onoa into p; think that worrvinf noo nnvpn K P. Tajtoi, Wb. Hin. J. Johatton eai ' ininic mai worrjing, poo., nneven K. x. Tearner. aii o Tbe tli .Ortr. life ii nof at all j bat that really they j i jay p U'ca, p?ut. , - - - - have entered into a great rest, and 1 EXECUTOR'S '0nCE. 1 p S the shelter of a mtwhtT frienrlfhi ..Exchange.. 0 dnsrbt tit Wrt-rt!ir1 COlTJtBU SEEK. Ktior.. ecjJ St Wt Vr ia Tie Dili, at ta sisxl price. Coce ia, try it and t CTiasl. the Ttat trtadi d! Wlats, U5110T tadCizxra. Sacdmiehes of til Eiadi iJstji era Lcaa. Complete of Drus . at M. Z. DONNELL, TH DRUCCIST. Do jjc is-w -.ha: John Pxhk. the tailor, is ajent ' r tuoei th- jrfe-st raerctunt uiionr.i hoote in Atnertcx? Do tea ia-vir thai he will elt yon a mil, made to yoar order, c'.eip i the h-in i-.i-e Jon, rdy-iade, yoa boy in the t5f,itd rixrictte as er no ja!e? he hu xlready cn hand for the cctale? (til ar,J wiAter irae the ax3'lorasit nd nneit line of jnio!e Ter boa ia The Djllrf" JOHN PASHEK. Merchant Tailor, Agent, J PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-kno'wn Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Just What Yoa uiant. Kttise I hertar (Tiea taet the urideriSfatd rbith says: -PaitfafDl over a few of tbe itt ot oreroa, fw w'aco crsstr. ,- , 7 , .1 , , .!,. i ocuun cr Hit estate ut A.crat iacaiaaa. a-, """r1) -ucc juicj utei ujuujr ; ceeeL All izozi amrlce clelmi 2iliwtal0 "- j-j "Jin. ! jrfjri7 TCTiaiba. 10 Hit BDoeitiHia uerjtge u. 1, t.. , .1.., , ! ifni, attbe billti, Wacor con:r. 0;'n, or And dO you .nOW thai we have a i attheottrert attora-r. ilenefi Wllm. .tr.v. -r.!,-. ,..s,... utTheUat-,OrfcX(m.wltlilnlx raoatcs ftoia j notice. k. .1 , 7 ,.,!. .1,,,. Ijatea ttU Htb day of Jclr, iy that the Lord s prayer and the ser- oeokoe r. keeo, , , , 1 EreroUr of the estate of Augukt Iiaehman, mon on the mount have not been 1 ceeeatrf. Jr'-'M failures. And that the history of) the crucifixion hus not been bad for. the world. That do nnto othfeH & . . ..A?K'.ls K0T1CE FOB PUBLICATION. LijftOrnct xt The Viu.. Or., rea that tbe follow-In? Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. i'W --Or t Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ? kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail wndt nnQ tiQ-rM? ftrxra "Dnort CVirrf0 and all U&UUU UCU UCIO a j 1 n.11 UUU1U3. if MILL FtW Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- rr-n hmaiiw ints rioar ii manmacinrea eanreisiT " r LU1X -XT 1UUI . . . . . 1 - as : evert ucx te jrosranted 10 give f We eJt onr goodg lower than any home in the trade, nd it yoo don't taaiw can ana get car pncee ana t connect. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats t- ita- ' 1 New idea is Wall Paoer here. wide variety as we are ehowing never I fore eraced a tingle etork. Ktal itnit tion cretun effects at ordinary nrices. j Good papers at cheap paper prices. ' Elegant deiiime. tasteful colorincs. vonr . : for a email price, at onr etore on Third d j etreet. Alto a fall line of hoase p&inte. ' V. w. VATJSE, Third St. ,0 1 THE CELEBRATED 0 .. .G0MJIKBIA BREWEHV.... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the prodoctol this well-known brewery the United Slates Health Keporu for Jnne 1M0, says: "A more eapeilor brew never enters of the eliabtest trace of adulteration, buton the other hand 1 co'X!poed jl yon wonld that they .hoald do oBto.iPnp SPPfinrJ I taWill. ''VMP. HI V&n. ii reallr s. vc,Afin rnf. thst ! ttataaMwoaf wlU biaae before tneiexitr " ' j o 1 aaa ieS7er oz in t . t. lana onice at Jiie ! i tome way, the song o Bethlehem !i"J.r , oai:o!ay,. isoo, viz: eoundingon throagh these centaries j h. e. s mi.imueWi-rX.i atc.r,, tj. j k, has done something to bring peacfaj n'e Kain3i'tbe wwinz wftr.t-ie to v've . ,i r.,,i . ; tU atiaaoa real'ieac aiion aud eultiristlon ana good will among men. A of aaMiaad, viz. I Christian maj he a pOOr Creature! and Jamea Taomaa, all ot TJu: Uaile, Orwron enoagh, but we wouldn't nwap him j . lias so far produced." Salem States- j r '1 SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE nan. : r I r A Bryanite exchange ajiologizes , for Bryan's garbling of the quotation f from Lincoln's inaugural address, in ' Bryan's Bpeecb on Labor dyj - by ? , baying thai "the fjuotation wm per-j ' fectly correct but of course Bryan j '( did not give the whole message." i Of course not. But the charge proven against Bryan without kadow of perad venture, is not that be did sot quote the whole mesMge, but that he dishonestly refrained from quoting enough of the context to show what Lincoln meant. When MY 1. 1.1'CAri. Ittglfter. L. Lane, GE.SEP.AL mm tiudc mark Dcsisn copvrickts ac. Anrone .enrtlnr a akaleh and deacriDti'm ma Ooltr ucertaln onr opuimn frae vfiatber a. invention i vrunmuij pniemaoie. oiRmunira ttrjrifttrtctlr COQDdeidLaL Handbook (in Vuttmim IIIKlSIDlll ID! tUlUil Mlfltt PACKERS OF PORKand BEEFU the beet of malt and choicest of hops. Ite tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be nsed with the greatest benefit and eatiefaclion bv old mi YOaaz. Ite ae ran fnri.fipnlirmnl v I Kri k t,u nin-eli-iaoi tritu the cereainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage coolu nci possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. mi ft . Old l'nii.U taxen tlirouiili Wunn X C , in tae I tpteUU natUt, without charge. . receive I' Scientific Attrkatt ...AN A handornerr IUnwtrnt4 veektf, lvct dr- rtilatujn of anr aftinlinc fmm&l. Terms. 12 i Tfear: tour ntomtu, L bold bjfttt newseaioni. r r HtMsesfioe r Wagn ami Carriage Wark. r Flah rathara Wagsn. fluri aii JfiHcrm ftmW orr?eB y tsu Waaii'KSof il MANOFACTDliEES 0J Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON x)K!KD BEEF, ETC. J.8, 8CHSKCK, freaident. U. M. BlLL. Caabier First National Bank. THE DALLES, - - - OREGON A General Basking BatinenB transacted Deposit! received, subject to Sight Draft er Gkeck. Collection made sad proeeedi promptly reodtted en. Uv of collection, Eight ssd Telegrephlc Exefaaage sold oi Few York, Baa Fraaeiaeo aad ort IarmI DIRCOTOKI. D. F. Thommwjt. Jo. 8. Bchkho. Eo. M. WiixiAKa, Gso. A. Ljbm. U.H. BULL. . , J i J-L JU.i-JH-J.l-i Crandall&Biii'get - DEALEKS IS 0beS, All kinds of TOuggjg Burial Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Ete. Tho Dalles, Or. m a - State flownal School, MONMOUTH, - . OREGON. Fall Term Opens Sentember 18. 1900. M?tus-n'ff the .Norwal.richCK,! ar i.tetrei u. take . stub, nartlficutc linww,ul ecwjuRtimi " - Graduatei readily aeeure good iltlom. KxinM ol year from ll to S1W. Well ur,.id TMlnlng fepirtSmii. 0,,e,!1,', ,JC,"U"! ror catalogue containing full aunouncetnenla addreaa c ,UM. I. U CAMPliKLh, 1'retidcnt. or W A. WAN.N, Bjetetary o' 'c